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报道了围栏封育后羊草草原和大针茅草原蝗虫丰富度的变化,比较了蝗虫在羊 草草原和大针茅草原的发生特点.结果表明,以毛足棒角蝗为主导种的大针茅草原蝗虫生 物量是以小翅雏蝗为主导种的羊草草原蝗虫生物量的4~5倍;围栏封育后,羊草草原蝗 虫的生物量增加 24%,而大针茅蝗虫的生物量略有减少;围栏措施改变蝗虫的结构组成, 使毛足棒角蝗、鼓翅皱膝蝗、宽须蚁蝗、亚洲小车蝗等旱生和中旱生的地栖或兼栖偏地栖 种类的发生减少,条纹鸣蝗、小翅雏蝗、红腹牧草蝗等中生的植栖或兼栖偏植栖种类增加, 短星翅蝗及狭翅雏蝗的生物量在大针茅草原增加而在羊草草原减少.  相似文献   

光周期对棉铃虫羽化、生殖和飞行的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)是世界上重要的农业害虫,探讨光周期变化对其羽化节律、生殖和飞行能力的影响,可为准确预测该虫种群动态的季节性变化提供理论依据。本文报道了,在温度为22℃±1℃,相对湿度为75%±5%的条件下,不同光周期(L∶D=24∶0、L∶D=16∶8、L∶D=12∶12、D∶L=12∶12、L∶D=8∶16和L∶D=0∶24)对棉铃虫羽化节律、成虫生殖力和飞行能力的影响。结果表明:棉铃虫的羽化活动具有节律性,不同光周期条件下棉铃虫的羽化高峰均集中在暗期,羽化活动均随光周期的光暗交替而变化。蛹期感受不同长短的暗期也会影响棉铃虫的羽化节律,暗期缩短,羽化有提前的趋势。光周期对棉铃虫产卵前期、卵孵化率和交配次数也有显著影响,但对单雌产卵量、产卵历期和交配率均无显著影响。另外,光周期对棉铃虫成虫的飞行距离和飞行时间也有显著影响,而对平均飞行速率影响不显著。上述结果表明光周期是影响棉铃虫羽化、生殖和飞行的重要环境因子。  相似文献   

【目的】探明光周期对小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)生长发育及繁殖的影响。【方法】在实验条件下观察了5个光周期(0L︰24D,8L︰16D,12L︰12D,16L︰8D和24L︰0D)下小地老虎的生长发育和繁殖情况。【结果】随着光照时间增加,小地老虎生长速度加快,发育历期缩短,孵化率、存活率、羽化率、产卵量先增大后降低。其卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的最适光周期分别为12L︰12D或16L︰8D、16L︰8D、0L︰24D以及12L︰12D。综合来说,光周期16L︰8D最适合小地老虎的生长发育。【结论】研究结果初步揭示了不同光周期对小地老虎生长发育及繁殖状况存在显著的影响,并且不同虫态对光周期变化也呈现不同的变化规律。  相似文献   

【目的】为了探索光周期对高粱蚜Melanaphis sacchari生长发育的影响,构建不同光周期条件下高粱蚜的种群生命表。【方法】利用培养皿离体叶片法,在不同的光周期条件(2L∶22D,6L∶18D,8L∶16D,12L∶12D,14L∶10D,18L∶6D和20L∶4D)下饲养高梁蚜,测定其体重及各项生命表参数。【结果】在12L∶12D光周期时,高粱蚜的体重差(成蚜体重减去刚出生12 h内时的体重)和下代新生蚜体重最高(分别为0.485和0.043 mg);在18L∶6D光周期时体重差和下代新生蚜体重值最低(分别为0.242和0.018 mg)。在14L∶10D,12L∶12D,8L∶16D和6L∶18D光周期时高粱蚜的若虫存活率和成虫生殖力显著高于18L∶6D和2L∶22D时;在不同光周期条件下的净增殖率(R0)为25.90~88.14头/雌,在12L∶12D光周期时的净增殖率最大,在2L∶22D光周期时的净增殖率最小。在不同光周期条件下高粱蚜的内禀增长率(rm)为0.325~0.407;生命表参数与光周期的拟合方程预测出高粱蚜的最适光照时数为9~11 h。【结论】光周期对高梁蚜种群参数有显著的影响,光周期9~11L∶13~15D最适合高粱蚜的生长发育和繁殖,光照过长或过短均会影响高粱蚜种群的发展。  相似文献   

光周期和LED光源对茄二十八星瓢虫成虫行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探明光周期和LED光源对茄二十八星瓢虫Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata成虫取食、移动、交配和产卵等行为的影响,为该害虫的预测预报和综合治理提供科学依据和技术指导。【方法】在光期光源为白色日光灯,光照强度约为500 lx, RH 75%±2%条件下观察并记录了30℃时6个不同光周期(16L∶8D, 15L∶9D, 14L∶10D, 13L∶11D, 12L∶12D和11L∶13D)下茄二十八星瓢虫成虫取食、移动、交配和产卵行为;26℃时暗期以不使用光照(12L∶12D)为对照,使用红、黄、蓝、绿和白光5个不同LED光照(分别记为12L∶12R, 12L∶12Y, 12L∶12B, 12L∶12G和12L∶12W)下茄二十八星瓢虫成虫取食、移动、交配和产卵行为。【结果】当光照时长从13 h延长至16 h时,茄二十八星瓢虫成虫取食频次有增加的趋势;当光照时长从12 h延长至15 h时,产卵量有增加的趋势。光周期为14L∶10D和13L∶11D时,成虫取食频次(分别为45.25和25.00次/5对)显著低于其他光周期下,光周期11L∶13D下产卵量(仅有7.25粒/5♀)显著低于其他光周期下。蓝光处理组取食频次(112.50次/5对)显著高于黄光和绿光处理组(分别为77.0和66.25次/5对);黄光和绿光处理组产卵量(分别为261.50和285.50粒/5♀)显著高于对照组。【结论】延长光照时间,茄二十八星瓢虫成虫取食频次和产卵量均有增加趋势;暗期使用蓝光时成虫取食频次增加,而使用黄光和绿光时则产卵量增加。光周期和LED光源对其移动和交配行为影响不显著。  相似文献   

本文对主要蝗虫及其食料植物的无机化学成分的特征进行了讨论。所用蝗虫及有关植物均采自中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位站及其邻近地区。这些蝗虫包括:短星翅蝗、宽翅曲背蝗、宽须蚁蝗、毛足棒角蝗、狭翅雏蝗、小翅雏蝗、红翅皱膝蝗、鼓翅皱膝蝗。比较并讨论了其无机化学成分的差异及含量关系的特征(表1、2)。对上述蝗虫及其食料植物间无机化学成分的差异做了图解(图1—8)。  相似文献   

为弄清湖南株洲丽斗蟋若虫的季节适应策略,研究了恒定及变化光周期对其若虫发育的调控。结果表明,丽斗蟋若虫发育明显受变化光周期的影响。25℃温度条件下,3个光周期条件下的若虫发育都较慢,羽化也极不整齐,长日条件(LD 16∶8h)、中间日照条件(LD 14∶10h)和短日条件(LD 12∶12h)的若虫发育历期(mean ± SD)分别为(206.2± 44.0)d、(236.6±93.3)d和(230.3±47.4)d,若虫从开始羽化到供试个体全部完成羽化所需时间分别为216、301和156d,经历短日条件的若虫转移至长日条件后能够促进其快速发育,羽化也很整齐,反方向转移则会抑制若虫发育,且羽化也不整齐。30℃温度条件下,恒定长日条件下的若虫发育明显快于短日条件,变化光周期对若虫发育的调控与25℃相类似。变化光周期对若虫发育的影响与光周期的变化方向及低龄若虫感受的光周期类型有关。丽斗蟋若虫复杂的光周期反应模式的生态意义在于调节其生活史与季节同步。  相似文献   

为了探索红色型豌豆蚜种群繁殖策略以及性蚜分化规律,在8L∶16D、10L∶14D、12L∶12D和14L∶10D 4个光周期条件下,研究了红色型豌豆蚜经光周期连续诱导2代后(G1和G2),后代G3中的性蚜分化情况。结果表明:兰州地区红色型豌豆蚜性雌蚜均为无翅型,而雄蚜均为有翅型;光周期对豌豆蚜性蚜分化有显著影响(P0.05);在14L∶10D光周期条件下,豌豆蚜后代中无性蚜分化;在12L∶12D、10L∶14D和8L∶16D 3个光周期条件下均有性蚜分化,而且随着光照时间的变短,豌豆蚜G3中雄蚜所占百分比逐渐减小,但性雌蚜所占百分比基本不变;在12L∶12D光周期条件下,雄蚜和性蚜比例均最高(分别为15.03%、91.43%),而胎生蚜比例最低(8.57%);在10L∶14D光周期条件下,G3中胎生蚜比例最高,而性蚜比例最低;在8L∶16D光周期条件下,性雌蚜比例最高(78.88%),但同其他处理间差异不显著(P0.05);在同一短光照条件下,G1产仔日龄对G3中性蚜分化具有显著影响(P0.05),同时性蚜分化具有一定的时间顺序,即先产性雌蚜,后产雄蚜,由性雌蚜向雄蚜过渡过程中伴随产生胎生蚜。研究表明,红色型豌豆蚜性蚜产生的临界光照时长介于12~14 h,相对较长的光照条件有利于雄蚜产生,但随着光照时间缩短雄蚜分化时间逐渐延后、雄蚜分化天数逐渐缩短,说明光周期变化与豌豆蚜生殖模式转变和性蚜分化密切相关,亲代经历光周期处理时间的长短影响后代中性蚜的分化。  相似文献   

内蒙古草原主要蝗虫的防治经济阈值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邱星辉  康乐  李鸿昌 《昆虫学报》2004,47(5):595-598
通过取样调查确定内蒙古草原的优势蝗虫种类;根据5种优势蝗虫自然种群的结构和数量,计算了其蝗蝻和成虫的平均寿命;在半自然条件下测定了这5种蝗虫在不同发育阶段的日食量。根据这5种蝗虫蝗蝻和成虫平均寿命及其日食量数据,估算了不同蝗虫造成的牧草损失,提出了其防治经济阈值(3龄蝻,头/m2), 其中:毛足棒角蝗Dasyhippus barbipes为22.7,小蛛蝗Aeropedellus variegates minutus为37.4,亚洲小车蝗 Oedaleus asiaticus为16.9,宽须蚁蝗 Myrmeleotettix palpalis为34.3,狭翅雏蝗Chorthippus dubius为36.7。  相似文献   

小翅稻蝗(Oxya yezoensis Shiraki)翅多型现象浅释   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱道弘 《生态学报》2001,21(4):624-628
对小翅稻蝗翅型构成的季节变化,长翅型、短翅型产卵前期间的差异及光周期对翅型分化的影响进行了调查,结果表明,小翅稻蝗存在着明显的翅多型现象,相对翅长(前翅长/后足腿节长)最长可达1.49,最短只有0.50,翅长呈连续性双模态分布。早期羽化的个体大多为长翅型,随着季节的推移,羽化成虫短翅率逐渐增加。长翅型雌成虫的产卵前期间为42.7±13.1日,短翅型为15.3±6.4日,短翅型雌成虫的产卵前期间显著短于长翅型。不同的光周期短翅成虫出现的比例不同,光照短于LD1212时,几乎全为短翅型,LD1410短翅率为66.8%,LD168则长翅率达62.1%,光照长于LD186时,几乎全为长翅型。  相似文献   

We conducted a field manipulation experiment to investigate developmental and demographic responses to warming and increased precipitation in three Inner Mongolian grasshopper species that differ in phenology (an early-season species Dasyhippus barbipes , a mid-season species Oedaleus asiaticus , and a late-season species Chorthippus fallax ). Infrared heaters were used for warming the ground surface by 1–2 °C above the ambient condition and periodic irrigations were applied to simulate a 50% increase in annual precipitation. We found that warming advanced the timing for egg hatching and grasshopper eclosion in each of the three species. However, grasshopper diapause and increased precipitation appeared to offset the effect of warming on egg development. Hatching and development were more strongly affected by warming in the mid-season O. asiaticus and the late-season C. fallax relative to the early-season D. barbipes . Warming by ∼1.5 °C advanced the occurrence of the mid-season O. asiaticus by an average of 4.96 days; while warming and increased precipitation interactively affected the occurrence of the late-season C. fallax , which advanced by 5.53 days. Our data and those of others suggest that most grasshopper species in the Inner Mongolian grassland are likely to extend their distribution northward with climate change. However, because of the differential response to warming we demonstrate for these species, the different grasshopper species are predicted to aggregate toward the middle period of the growing season, potentially increasing interspecific competition and grazing pressure on grasslands.  相似文献   

【目的】为了进一步明确光照时间对双尾新小绥螨Neoseiulus bicaudus Wainstein生长发育的影响。【方法】在实验室恒温条件下,采用生命表研究方法,研究在不同光照时间下,双尾新小绥螨捕食土耳其斯坦叶螨的生长发育情况。【结果】双尾新小绥螨在不同光照时间段下均能完成世代周期。在光照时数小于12 h时,从卵发育至成螨的各个发育阶段所需时间均呈缩短趋势,当光照时数大于16 h后各个发育阶段所需的时间又呈增长趋势。产卵期在12L︰12D光照时数下最长为20.74 d,且同其他光照条件均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。产卵后期、寿命、总产卵量均表现在16L︰8D光照时数下最长,分别为11.93 d、31.05 d和42.4粒。双尾新小绥螨种群的净增值率(R_0)在16L︰8D时达到最大值33.88,在8L︰16D时最低为14.97。【结论】光照时间在12~16 h范围内最适合双尾新小绥螨生长发育。  相似文献   

Because of the effect of photoperiod on physiological and biochemical processes in fish, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of manipulated photoperiod on growth, feed conversion and survival of wild carp, Cyprinus carpio. Fish received six photoperiod regimes (light:dark cycle) including: natural photoperiod (control), 24L:0D, 16L:8D, 12L:12D, 8L:16D and 0L:24D by the three replications. Regulated photoperiods as a 16L:8D or 12L:12D light/dark cycle significantly improved growth rate and food conversion ratio of wild carp.  相似文献   

温度和光周期对绿盲蝽滞育诱导的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了阐明环境因子对绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür卵滞育诱导作用,测定了3个温度和6个光周期组合处理对绿肓蝽的滞育诱导和绿盲蝽光周期感应的敏感虫态,系统调查了绿肓蝽在不同温度和不同光照组合下所产卵的孵化率.结果表明:绿盲蝽的敏感虫态为1龄若虫;在17℃,20℃和23℃3个不同温度下,光照时间小...  相似文献   

应用滞育技术是延长赤眼蜂货架期的可行性措施之一。为实现工厂化生产稻螟赤眼蜂滞育蜂,本研究以在3种光周期(16 L∶8 D、12 L∶12 D和8 L∶16 D)下繁育的稻螟赤眼蜂种群为材料,考察了诱导始期(寄生后发育12 h、24 h、36 h、48 h、60 h和72 h)、诱导温度(10℃和13℃)和诱导历期(14 d、21 d、28 d和35 d)对稻螟赤眼蜂滞育的影响。研究结果表明短光照下繁育的种群更容易进入滞育状态;寄生后发育24 h和12 h为最敏感的诱导始期,随着诱导始期虫龄的增长,滞育效果也随之下降;诱导温度对滞育也有显著影响,其中8 L∶16 D的种群在13℃下诱导的滞育率要显著高于10℃,但其他两个种群在10℃下诱导的滞育率要显著高于13℃;诱导历期的增加可以显著提高稻螟赤眼蜂的滞育率。供试稻螟赤眼蜂种群的较适宜滞育条件为8 L∶16 D下繁育的赤眼蜂种群寄生后发育12 h于13℃下诱导滞育28 d或35 d,以及寄生后发育24 h于10℃或13℃下诱导滞育35 d,滞育率可超过95%。  相似文献   

Daylengths during the spring are repeated in reverse order in the autumn. For some photoperiodic species, a given photoperiod may be stimulatory for reproduction in the spring and inhibitory in the autumn. The mechanisms regulating this type of seasonal response have, until recently, remained a mystery. Horton (1984a) showed in Microtus montanus that the photoperiod experienced by the mother influences the gonadal development of her young after weaning. To determine if this phenomenon is characteristic of other photoperiodic rodents, adult Djungarian hamsters were paired on 16L:8D, 14L:10D, or 12L:12D. Young males born from these pairings were killed at 15, 28, and 34 days of age to assess gonadal development (testes weight). At 15 days testicular development was identical in all groups; by 28 days, however, males raised in 16L:8D or 14L:10D exhibited a greater degree of testicular development than those raised in 12L:12D. Next, females maintained on each of the three photoperiods throughout gestation were transferred, with their offspring, to the other two photoperiods at birth. Postnatal exposure to 14L:10D or 12L:12D inhibited testicular development in young that had been gestated on 16L:8D. Both 16L:8D and 14L:10D stimulated testicular growth in animals that had been gestated on 12L:12D or 14L:10D. Therefore, a) 16L:8D stimulates testicular growth in all animals, b) 12L:12D inhibits testicular growth in all animals, and c) the testicular response to 14L:10D depends on the photoperiod experienced by the mother during pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several species of Orius Wolff are used in biological control of thrips in protected cultivations in temperate regions, but some of them show reproductive diapause, compromising the efficiency of these agents of biological control. There are no reports on the biology of the neotropical species Orius thyestes Herring under different environmental conditions. The purpose of this work was to investigate the influence of photoperiod on reproduction and longevity of this predator. Nymphs were kept in petri dishes in climatic chambers at 28+/-1 degree C, 70+/-10% RH and under the photoperiods of 12L:12D, 11L:13D, 10 L:14D e 09L:15D. The mating adults were kept in petri dishes with Bidens pilosa L. Asteraceae inflorescences as oviposition substracts and eggs of Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as food. The pre-oviposition and oviposition periods, fecundity and longevity were evaluated and O. thyestes did not show reprodutive diapause in all photoperiod conditions established. The mean number of eggs obtained per female decreased with the reduction of the photophase, with a difference (P < 0.05) between the values obtained in 12h and 9h of photophase. Longevity of females and males under 9h photophase was shorter (P < 0.05) than in all other photoperiods tested. The knowledge of the biology of the natural enemy under different conditions allows to optimise the mass rearing and to predict the performance of the predator in different photoperiods which may occur along the year and in greenhouses.  相似文献   

Adult male marbled newts (Triturus marmoratus) were collected at the end of the spermatogenesis period and exposed to different photoperiods (natural-daylength-simulated photoperiod, total darkness, 8L:16D, 12L:12D, 16L:8D, and continuous light) for 3 mo. Temperature was maintained at 20 degrees C. Two additional groups of newts were blinded and exposed to either the natural-simulated photoperiod and to 16 h of light per day respectively. Quantitative histologic studies on testicular development and germ cell volume per testis were performed. The newts captured in the field at the beginning (initial controls) or at the end of the experiments (final controls) were in the period of testicular quiescence. Newts kept in total darkness or exposed to a short photoperiod (8L:16D) showed germ cell development up to primary spermatocytes, whereas germ cell development in the newts exposed to long photoperiods (12L:12D or 16L:8D) progressed to elongated spermatids. The newts exposed either to intermediate photoperiods (natural-simulated photoperiod) or to constant light showed an intermediate degree of germ cell development (up to round spermatids). No significant differences between non-blinded and blinded animals were found. These results suggest that (1) mild temperature initiates testicular development in the period of testicular quiescence, (2) long photoperiods associated with mild temperatures produce spermatogenesis in this period, (3) complete darkness or constant light are less effective than some intermediate photoperiod, and (4) the effect of photoperiod on testicular function in newts is not related to ocular photoreception.  相似文献   

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