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小麦品种对麦蚜主要生命参数影响的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
选用经田间鉴定抗蚜性表现不同的10个小麦品种,在室内外较系统地研究了其对禾谷缢管蚜和麦长管蚜存活、生长发育和生殖的影响,分析了室内外试验结果的相关性.结果表明,小麦品种的抗生性并不能造成若蚜个体的直接死亡,但对若蚜发育历期、成蚜寿命和产仔数影响显著,差异均达极显著水平或显著水平.其中对两种蚜虫若蚜发育历期的影响室内外表现了较好的一致性,可作为小麦品种抗蚜性鉴定的主要指标;其次是对成蚜产仔数的影响,禾谷缢管蚜室内外试验结果比较的吻合性也较好  相似文献   

郭鑫  彭雄  杨卓霖  陈茂华 《昆虫学报》2019,62(11):1271-1278
【目的】通过比较禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi两种生活史(全周期型和不全周期型)及5种蚜型(有翅孤雌蚜、无翅孤雌蚜、雄蚜、雌性蚜和产雌性母)成蚜复眼外部形态,分析了其视觉能力差异,为进一步探索禾谷缢管蚜生殖转换及寄主搜寻机制提供参考。【方法】利用扫描电镜技术,观察全周期型和不全周期型禾谷缢管蚜无翅孤雌蚜及其低温短日照(12℃, 光周期8L∶16D)诱导条件下全周期型所产5种蚜型成蚜的复眼外部形态。【结果】禾谷缢管蚜成蚜复眼着生于头部触角基部,呈卵圆形,小眼间无感觉毛。全周期型和不全周期型禾谷缢管蚜无翅孤雌蚜的复眼大小(长轴直径及短轴直径)、复眼弧高、小眼数量和小眼直径均没有显著差异。而这5个复眼指标在低温短日照诱导全周期型禾谷缢管蚜产生的5种蚜型的成蚜中均存在显著性差异,其中,雄蚜、有翅孤雌蚜和产雌性母的复眼区域较大,小眼数量较多;雌性蚜的复眼区域最小,小眼数量也最少。【结论】综合以上指标结果,推测5种蚜型的视觉能力由大到小是:雄蚜>有翅孤雌蚜>产雌性母>无翅孤雌蚜>雌性蚜。复眼和小眼的这些差异可能与禾谷缢管蚜生殖转换及寄主搜寻存在一定的联系。  相似文献   

许向利  仵均祥 《昆虫学报》2020,63(4):433-438
【目的】比较大豆蚜Aphis glycines有翅型和无翅型个体的卵巢发育,为从生理生化角度研究蚜虫翅型分化发生的繁殖适应性提供依据。【方法】在卵巢形态显微镜观察基础上,比较有翅型和无翅型大豆蚜卵巢小管数量、胚胎总数量、成熟胚胎数量以及卵巢小管中最大胚胎体积及其发育速率。【结果】有翅型和无翅型大豆蚜的3龄和4龄若蚜以及成蚜均有2个卵巢/雌,大多数蚜虫每个卵巢包含4条卵巢小管,可见一个卵巢包含5条卵巢小管的现象。有翅型和无翅型个体卵巢中胚胎总数量和成熟胚胎数量以及最大胚胎体积随发育时间增加均显著增大,但有翅型个体胚胎总数量和成熟胚胎数量以及最大胚胎体积均显著小于同一发育阶段无翅型个体。有翅型和无翅型的3龄和4龄若蚜以及成蚜卵巢中胚胎总数量与后足胫节长度均呈显著正相关关系。有翅型和无翅型大豆蚜卵巢小管中最大胚胎体积随发育时间均呈指数增长,但有翅型个体最大胚胎体积显著小于无翅型个体。【结论】有翅型大豆蚜相比于无翅型个体存在卵巢发育延迟现象,卵巢发育程度的差异可能与翅的发育相关。  相似文献   

李立  杨佳妮  杨桦  胡海宏 《昆虫学报》2013,56(1):104-110
斑翅肩花蝽 Tetraphleps galchanoides Ghauri是铁杉球蚜 Adelges tsugae (Annand) (hemlock woolly adelgid)的重要天敌。为开展斑翅肩花蝽的人工繁殖, 我们自主研制了一种主要成分为蛋白质、 脂肪、 碳水化合物的原料配制布丁人工饲料, 所配制人工饲料产率为74.5%, 含水率为8.6%, 感官评定得分为81.7分。为评价斑翅肩花蝽布丁人工饲料的饲养效果, 在实验室以铁杉球蚜作对照, 用布丁人工饲料饲养斑翅肩花蝽, 测定了斑翅肩花蝽若虫发育历期、 存活率及成虫繁殖力, 并调查了若虫和成虫林间捕食量。结果表明: 用布丁人工饲料饲养的斑翅肩花蝽若虫发育历期(103.2±6.5 d)与对照的若虫发育历期(105.7±8.4 d)不存在显著差异(P>0.05); 用布丁人工饲料饲养的斑翅肩花蝽若虫存活率(73.2%)略低于对照的若虫存活率(77.4%), 而且第1, 2和3代成虫获得率相近; 取食布丁人工饲料的斑翅肩花蝽成虫, 在产卵前期、 产卵期、 产卵量与对照组均无显著差异, 但孵化率、 成虫寿命存在显著差异, 取食布丁人工饲料的卵孵化率为85.8%, 成虫寿命为51.9±4.0 d, 而对照组的卵孵化率仅为71.4%, 成虫寿命仅为37.4±2.6 d。林间释放用布丁人工饲料饲养的斑翅肩花蝽, 若虫和成虫均有效捕食铁杉球蚜。因此, 此种布丁人工饲料可用于大量饲养繁殖斑翅肩花蝽, 满足大面积生物防治铁杉球蚜的需要。  相似文献   

田新新  张超  刘向东 《昆虫学报》2019,62(7):830-837
【目的】灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus种群存在长翅和短翅个体,其翅型分化受遗传和环境条件的影响。本研究旨在明确经连续定向选育的灰飞虱长、短翅型品系对高、低温的适应能力差异。【方法】在室内分别长期定向筛选63和65代建立灰飞虱长、短翅型品系,并在南京田间采集灰飞虱自然种群;分别在25℃, 30℃和35℃恒温条件下测定上述灰飞虱长、短翅型品系和自然种群的繁殖力、存活率和发育历期,测定若虫在5℃和-20℃下的存活率以及若虫和成虫的过冷却点,通过品系间存活率、发育历期、生殖力和过冷却点的比较分析,确定灰飞虱长、短翅型品系对高温和低温的耐受能力。【结果】在25℃, 30℃和35℃下,灰飞虱自然种群雌成虫的繁殖力均显著高于室内筛选后的长、短翅型品系,而长、短翅型品系雌成虫之间的繁殖力均无显著差异;长、短翅型品系的繁殖力在25℃和30℃之间均无显著差异,但自然种群在25℃下的繁殖力显著高于30℃条件下的繁殖力;35℃下长、短翅型品系基本无若虫产生。25℃下长翅型品系、短翅型品系和自然种群若虫的存活率无显著差异,但在30℃下,短翅型品系若虫的存活率显著低于自然种群,而与长翅型品系差异不显著;35℃下长、短翅型品系的若虫最长只能存活到3龄,且两品系间无显著差异,而自然种群可存活到5龄。25℃下,短翅型品系若虫的发育历期显著短于自然种群,而与长翅型品系无差异;但是在30℃下,短翅型品系若虫历期显著长于长翅型品系和自然种群。长翅型品系、短翅型品系和自然种群灰飞虱3-4龄若虫在5℃低温下的存活天数无显著差异,并且长翅和短翅型品系在-20℃极端低温下暴露10 min后其死亡率也无显著差异且均显著高于自然种群。3个品系(种群)成虫的过冷却点无显著差异,但5龄若虫的过冷却点表现为短翅型品系显著高于自然种群,而与长翅型品系无显著差异。【结论】经连续定向选育的灰飞虱长、短翅型品系对低温和高温的适应力基本相当,且低于自然种群。在高温条件下灰飞虱短翅型品系的发育速率低于长翅型品系。  相似文献   

【目的】研究亚致死剂量杀虫剂对桃蚜Myzuspersicae(Sulzer)和萝卜蚜Lipaphiserysimi(Kaltenbach)翅型、发育和生殖的影响。【方法】采用叶片浸渍法测定了7种杀虫剂对两种蚜虫的毒力,并计算了实验所需的亚致死浓度LC10;采用微虫笼法测定了7种杀虫剂对桃蚜和萝卜蚜翅型分化、发育和生殖的影响。【结果】在20℃下,烯啶虫胺延长了桃蚜的发育历期;噻虫啉显著增加了桃蚜的产仔数量。在25℃,噻虫啉显著降低萝卜蚜有翅蚜比例;噻虫啉、吡虫啉、阿维菌素和烯啶虫胺延长了萝卜蚜发育历期;噻虫啉、阿维菌素、烯啶虫胺、啶虫脒和噻虫嗪显著降低了萝卜蚜产仔数量。【结论】亚致死剂量的杀虫剂对桃蚜和萝卜蚜的发育历期及产仔数量均有影响,但仅对萝卜蚜的翅型比例产生影响,对桃蚜的翅型分化比例无显著影响。  相似文献   

【目的】前期研究发现麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae孤雌蚜有翅和无翅个体中存在很多差异表达的微小RNA(microRNA, miRNA),本研究旨在进一步明确这些miRNA在豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum中发挥作用的发育阶段,探索miRNA调控孤雌蚜翅两型性分化的机制。【方法】选择在麦长管蚜有翅蚜和无翅蚜中显著差异表达,且靶基因为蜕皮激素、胰岛素信号通路及翅型发育关键基因的5个miRNA(Let-7,miR-92a, miR-92b, miR-92a-1-p5和miR-277),利用qPCR检测这些miRNA及其靶标基因在豌豆蚜3-4龄若蚜和成虫有翅和无翅个体中的表达谱;同时利用双荧光素酶活性检测法对上述miRNA的靶基因进行验证。【结果】表达谱分析发现,这5个miRNA在豌豆蚜成虫中表达量均高于其在若蚜中的表达量,而其预测的靶基因在4龄若蚜中的表达量均高于其在成虫中的表达量,表明miRNA对其靶基因的调控作用可能集中在成虫阶段。分析豌豆蚜有翅和无翅个体中5个miRNA的表达情况发现,在成虫有翅个体中5个miRNA的表达量均高于无翅个体中的,其中miR-277表达差异最显著,成虫有翅个体中的表达量是无翅个体中表达量的7.5倍;其次为Let-7,表达差异达3倍。而Let-7在3龄有翅若蚜和无翅若蚜中表达差异最显著,有翅个体中的表达量是无翅个体中的37.8倍;其次为miR-277,表达差异达7.6倍。比较5个miRNA与其靶基因在豌豆蚜3-4龄若蚜及成虫有翅和无翅个体中的表达发现,miRNA Let-7和miR-92b的表达趋势分别与其靶基因abrupt和Foxo的基本相反。荧光素酶活性检测结果显示,Let-7的真实靶标为abrupt,共转染Let-7模拟物后与对照相比,荧光素酶活性下降53%,达极显著水平。其他miRNA与靶标基因的互作不显著。【结论】首次发现miRNA对豌豆蚜孤雌蚜翅型分化相关基因的调控可能发生在成虫阶段。Let-7可能通过调控abrupt基因参与孤雌蚜翅型分化。该研究为进一步探索miRNA参与孤雌蚜翅两型性分化的机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

麦长管蚜虫龄鉴别特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为明确麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)虫龄鉴别特征, 达到快速鉴别的目的。【方法】在成像观察的基础上, 测定无翅型和有翅型个体不同虫龄的体长、 体宽、 头壳宽、 触角长、 腹管长和后足胫节长6项指标。【结果】麦长管蚜不同翅型个体的体长、 体宽、 头壳宽、 触角长、 腹管长和后足胫节长在虫龄间均存在显著差异, 其中体长、 体宽、 头壳宽和触角长在相邻虫龄之间重叠程度大, 后足胫节长的重叠百分比极小或无重叠; 除有翅型个体4龄若蚜和成蚜之间存在13.93%的重叠外, 腹管长在不同翅型的其他相邻虫龄之间重叠百分比均极小或无重叠, 说明后足胫节长和腹管长可作为虫龄鉴定的主要特征。翅、 触角和尾片的其他外部形态特征在虫龄间也存在一定差异: 3-4龄有翅型若蚜和成蚜虫个体前胸的膨大程度及其翅的长度明显大于同一龄期的无翅型个体, 可用于蚜虫翅型的分辨以及3-4龄有翅若蚜和成蚜的鉴别; 麦长管蚜1和2龄若蚜触角均为5节, 3-4龄若蚜和成蚜的触角均为6节; 同时, 除了成蚜具有完整的尾片外, 1-4龄若蚜尾片均不发达, 说明触角的节数和尾片的发达程度可作为麦长管蚜不同龄期形态鉴别的辅助特征。【结论】以腹管和后足胫节作为麦长管蚜虫龄鉴别的主要特征, 配合其他辅助特征, 如翅的大小、 触角的节数以及尾片的发达程度等, 可达到快速鉴别不同翅型不同龄期蚜虫的目的。  相似文献   

郭光喜  刘勇 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):534-536
用四臂嗅觉计测定了麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi对小麦植株挥发物及麦蚜取食诱导挥发物的行为反应,揭示了2种麦蚜的嗅觉及小麦植株的诱导防御反应特点.在所选的13种小麦植株挥发物及蚜害诱导挥发物组分中,6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇和水杨酸甲酯对这2种蚜虫表现出强的驱拒作用;反-2-己烯醛对麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅蚜的吸引作用最强;反-2-己烯醇对禾谷缢管蚜的无翅蚜吸引作用最强,反-3-己酰醋酸酯对禾谷缢管蚜有翅蚜的吸引作用最强.说明麦蚜取食能诱导小麦植株的防御反应,麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜及其不同蚜型间嗅觉反应的特点不同.  相似文献   

麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对小麦挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
刘勇  陈巨莲  倪汉祥 《昆虫学报》2003,46(6):679-683
采用活体蚜虫测定法,利用EAG技术比较分析了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi有翅及无翅成蚜对小麦挥发物及麦蚜取食诱导挥发物组分的嗅觉反应,揭示了两种麦蚜的嗅觉变异特点。结果表明:麦长管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-2-己烯醛、反-2-己烯醇、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2醇的反应较强,禾谷缢管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-3-己烯乙酸酯、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇的反应较强,并得到了剂量反应曲线。麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、反-2-己烯醇和水杨酸甲酯的反应差异显著;禾谷缢管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对反-2-己烯醇、辛醛、里那醇、水杨酸甲酯和反-3-己烯乙酸酯的EAG反应差异显著,其原因与禾谷缢管蚜迁移及转主为害的生物学特性有关。  相似文献   

Flight performance at various times after emergence in the alate morph and age‐dependent changes in biochemical composition of winged and wingless morphs were evaluated in the wing‐polyphenic aphid Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Alates exhibited the highest flight activity at 18–36 h after adult emergence. Throughout the nymphal and adult development, the whole‐body content of total lipid was significantly higher in the winged vs. wingless morph, whereas the content of water, soluble sugar, glycogen, phospholipid, and soluble protein showed significantly higher levels in the wingless vs. winged morph. There were no significant differences in the content of triglyceride and free fatty acid during nymphal and adult stages in both morphs. However, triglyceride content was significantly higher in the winged vs. wingless morph during adulthood. Differences in biochemical composition between morphs indicate that there is an energetic cost of flight capability. Our results from S. avenae adults showed that total lipid and triglyceride for the winged morph accumulated significantly to a maximum, and water content decreased significantly to a minimum, on days 1 and 2 after the final molt, exactly when the highest flight activity was reached. This study suggests that flight activity is associated with triglyceride and water content.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae 9个微小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)在两翅型间不同发育阶段的表达模式,揭示其在蚜虫翅型分化中发挥作用的关键时期.[方法]RT-PCR克隆麦长管蚜内参基因U6的cDNA全长序列和9个miRNA,并利用qRT-PCR方法检测9个miRNA在有翅和无翅麦长管蚜不同...  相似文献   

A short‐winged morph was recently discovered in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. It is different from the normal, long‐winged morph not only in forewing length but also in hind femur length, displaying a dimorphism. To understand the significance of this dimorphism, other morphological characters were compared between the two morphs, and the time of differentiation of wing‐pad length was investigated. Wing weights were heavier in the long‐winged morph than in the short‐winged morph. This result showed that the short‐winged morph is not formed by a failure of wing expansion. No obvious morph‐specific differences were observed in wing venation, but wing allometry studies indicated that the distal areas of the fore‐ and hindwings were disproportionally reduced in the short‐winged morph compared to the long‐winged morph. The morphological differentiation of the wing pad between the two morphs was observed at the penultimate nymphal stage. The flight muscle was well developed in the two morphs, and no sign of flight muscle histolysis was detected in either morph after adult emergence. An analysis of adult body dimensions suggested that the density‐dependent phase shifts known for the long‐winged morph of this locust were also exhibited by the short‐winged morph, demonstrating that these shifts are not specific to the migratory long‐winged morph.  相似文献   

Summary In the wing dimorphic milkweed-oleander aphid,Aphis nerii, winged aphids begin reproducing about 1.5 days after wingless aphids. The longer maturation period is primarily due to slower development since even adult eclosion by winged aphids takes place after wingless aphids begin reproducing. The delay is not due to a post-eclosion, pre-reproductive flight since, beginning with the fourth instar, larval winged aphids were reared at a density of one per plant and the vast majority were not stimulated to fly under such low-density conditions. Thus, the ability to fly incurs a fitness cost in terms of delayed reproduction, irrespective of whether flight actually occurs. We did not observe a difference between morphs for lifetime fecundity, even though wingless aphids have larger abdomens than winged aphids and for both morphs there is a significant correlation between abdomen width and fecundity. Offspring produced by wingless aphids over the first four days of reproduction are larger than those produced by winged aphids, and the size difference at birth is maintained into adulthood. However, there are no differences in life history traits between these offspring, including maturation period and lifetime fecundity. Thus, reduced body size does not increase the cost of being able to fly, at least under the conditions of these experiments. The cost of being able to fly in this species should favor reduced production of winged individuals in populations that exploit more permanent host plants.  相似文献   

Wing dimorphism has been proposed as a strategy to face trade-offs between flight capability and fecundity. In aphids, individuals with functional wings have slower development and lower fecundity compared with wingless individuals. However, differential maintenance costs between winged and wingless aphids have not been deeply investigated. In the current study, we studied the combined effect of wing dimorphism with the effects of aphid genotypes and of wheat hosts having different levels of chemical defences (hydroxamic acids, Hx) on adult body mass and standard metabolic rates (SMR) of winged and wingless morphs of the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae. We found that wingless aphids had higher body mass than winged aphids and that body mass also increased towards host with high Hx levels. Furthermore, winged aphids showed a plastic SMR in terms of Hx levels, whereas wingless aphids displayed a rigid reaction norm (significant interaction between morph condition and wheat host). These findings suggest that winged aphids have reduced adult size compared to wingless aphids, likely due to costs associated to the development of flight structure in early-life stages. These costs contrast with the absence of detectable metabolic costs related to fuelling and maintenance of the flight apparatus in adults.  相似文献   

Aphids (Homoptera: Aphidoidea) produce a number of different phenotypes in their life-cycle, among which are winged (alate) and wingless (apterous) morphs. Lowe & Taylor (1964) and Sutherland (1969a, b) were the first to suggest that aphid clones differ in their propensity to produce the winged morph and that in the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris), this propensity is linked to the colour of the phenotype. We tested for the occurrence of genetic variation in winged morph production by rearing individuals from red and green clones of pea aphid under wing-inducing (crowding) and control conditions, and scored the phenotypes of their offspring. Clones differed significantly in alate production and red clones produced on average a higher proportion of winged morphs than green clones. Importantly, however, there was considerable variation between clones of the same colour. Broad-sense heritabilities of winged morph production were 0.69 (crowding treatment) and 0.63 (control). Clones also differed in the number of offspring they produced. When exposed to the crowding stimulus, aphids deferred offspring production, resulting in a higher number of offspring produced in the crowding treatment than in the control.  相似文献   

SUMMARY In wing polyphenisms that produced alternative wing morphs depending on environmental conditions, the developmental regulations to balance between flight and reproductive abilities should be important. Many species of aphids exhibit wing polyphenisms, and the development of wing and flight muscles is thought to incur costs of reproductive ability. To evaluate the relationship between flight and reproduction, the fecundity and the wing- and ovarian development in the parthenogenetic generations were compared between winged and wingless aphids in the vetch aphid Megoura crassicauda . Although no differences in offspring number and size were detected, the onset of larviposition after imaginal molt was delayed in winged adults. The comparison of growth in flight apparatus revealed that, after the second-instar nymphs, the flight-apparatus primordia of presumptive wingless aphids were degenerated while those of winged nymphs rapidly developed. In the ovaries of winged line, the embryo size was smaller and the embryonic stages were delayed from third to fifth instars, although these differences had disappeared by the time of larviposition. It is therefore likely that the delay in larviposition in winged aphids is due to the slower embryonic development. The correlation between embryo size and developmental stage suggests that the embryos of winged aphids are better developed than similarly sized embryos in wingless aphids. These heterochronic shifts would facilitate the rapid onset of larviposition after the dispersal flight. This developmental regulation of embryogenesis in the aphid wing polyphenism is suggested to be an adaptation that compensates the delay of reproduction caused by the wing development.  相似文献   

Most aphid species Hemiptera: Aphididae are parthenogenetic between periods of sexual reproduction. They are also highly polyphenic, with different adult morphs occurring in the life cycle, piz. winged, wingless, asexual and sexual. It is assumed that aphids born in a parthenogenetic clonal lineage are genetically identical regardless of the final adult form with the exception of sexual forms). Using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) we have found that different asexual adult phenotypes winged and wingless of some clones of two cereal aphid species (the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.) and the bird-cherry aphid. Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) may be distinguished by the presence or absence of one or more RAPD-PCR bands. In three of nine clones examined, such differences were found, and Southern blotting and hybridization of the discriminating bands confirmed these to be of aphid origin, rather than due to endosymbiotic bacteria or contaminating fungi. The main 248 and 296 bp bands, in the two species respectively, were sequenced and found to be A/T rich. The smaller band showed 57% homology with white striated muscle over a stretch of 90 bp. Genomic DNA treated with dimethyl sulphoxide to remove secondary structures still showed differences in RAPD-PCR profiles between winged and wingless morphs within the unusual clones. This discovery may be widespread and therefore it is important to understand the phenomenon in relation to clonal organisms.  相似文献   

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