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本文综述了中国新疆发现的水龙兽 (Lysirosaurus) 七个种的材料;依据头骨形态和结构的相似性,将原订的宽额种 (L. latifrons) 归并入粗壮种 (L. robustus). 对步氏种 (L. broomi)、赫氏种 (L. hedini)、杨氏种 (L. youngi)、粗壮种 (L. robustus) 等水龙兽种的特征进行了补充和修订.并对中国的水龙兽与南非水龙兽之间的关系进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

黄花水龙作为人工浮岛植物的开发研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了当前湖泊水环境保护与治理中流行的人工浮岛技术,指出了其面临的等问题。通过野外考察发现,利用一种土著的水生植物黄花水龙作为人工浮岛植物,能够克服当前人工浮岛技术面临的养分溢流,二次污染及生物入侵等若干问题。描述了黄花水龙形态学及生态学特征,并在室内实验的基础上,初步分析了该种植物对污水的净化效果。旨在为人工浮岛的改良与应用提出一条具有实践意义的技术途径,并为湿地水环境生态修复理论研究积累相关的资料。  相似文献   

广西蕨类植物孢子形态的研究Ⅰ.水龙骨科   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文是广西蕨类植物孢子形态研究的第一部分。首次利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对广西产水龙骨科6属9种植物的孢子形态进行了观察研究。对每个种的孢子形态特征及表面纹饰进行了描述。水龙骨科6属9种植物孢子都为单裂缝类型孢子,孢子外壁表面具有皱状、细孔状、蠕虫状、瘤状、光滑、索状条纹和颗粒状纹饰7种纹饰类型。讨论了各属、种问的差异,为水龙骨科系统分类及孢粉学研究提供资料。  相似文献   

广西蕨类植物孢子形态的研究Ⅰ.水龙骨科   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
该文是广西蕨类植物孢子形态研究的第一部分。首次利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对广西产水龙骨科6属9种植物的孢子形态进行了观察研究。对每个种的孢子形态特征及表面纹饰进行了描述。水龙骨科6属9种植物孢子都为单裂缝类型孢子,孢子外壁表面具有皱状、细孔状、蠕虫状、瘤状、光滑、索状条纹和颗粒状纹饰7种纹饰类型。讨论了各属、种间的差异,为水龙骨科系统分类及孢粉学研究提供资料。  相似文献   

采用溶液培养法研究无机三价砷胁迫对黄花水龙[Ludwigia peploides (Kunth) P. H. Raven subsp. stipulacea (Ohwi) P. H. Raven.]无菌苗的影响, 通过将黄花水龙无菌苗在含不同浓度NaAsO2(0、2.5、10、50、250和500 μmol/L)的1/10霍格兰溶液中培养24h, 测定叶绿素、丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖以及抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT活性的变化, 以探讨无机三价砷胁迫对黄花水龙无菌苗光合特性及相关生理生化特征指标的影响。结果表明: 2.5 μmol/L As (Ⅲ)处理时, 叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素总量达到峰值, 随着处理浓度升高,叶绿素含量均有所下降; 处理组MDA含量均高于对照组, 且当处理浓度升高至500 μmol/L显著高于对照组。可溶性蛋白含量随着砷处理浓度的升高先升后降, 在As (Ⅲ)浓度为250 μmol/L时显著高于对照组, 当浓度高至500 μmol/L时可溶性蛋白含量有所降低; 可溶性糖含量随着砷浓度的升高先降后升, 抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT活性均在低砷处理浓度下逐渐升高并到显著差异水平, 但当浓度高于250 μmol/L后, 含量均呈下降趋势; 这表明在低浓度胁迫下, 黄花水龙自身会出现自我保护现象, 高浓度砷对黄花水龙表现出损伤效应。研究结果为进一步研究砷胁迫下黄花水龙生理和生长变化及其培育和移植提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅水龙骨(西藏植物志)Polypodiodeshendersoni(Bedd.)S.G.Lu,comb.nov.———GoniophlebiumhendersoniBeddome,FernsBrit.Ind.Suppl.21.pl.383.18...  相似文献   

隐子蕨属(水龙骨科)植物在中国的首次承认   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次承认水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)隐子蕨属(Crypsinus)植物在中国的分布。文中列出了该属与假瘤蕨属(Phymatopteris)和修蕨属(Selliguea)的区别特征,给出隐子蕨属植物在中国的唯一一种——三指隐子蕨(Crypsinus trilobus)的文献引证,特征描述并附图。  相似文献   

通过对50种水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)植物的引种栽培,研究了水龙骨科植物的引种方法、栽培管理措施和繁殖技术,初步应用离体保存技术保存了10种水龙骨科植物,并对主要类群做了应用及观赏性状评价。  相似文献   

记述了新疆锅底坑组的两件水龙兽标本 ,其中产自吉木萨尔县的一件层位最低 ,被鉴定为杨氏水龙兽相似种 (Lystrosauruscf.L .youngi)。在支序分析的基础上对比了中国与南非的水龙兽 ,认为两地的水龙兽大多数分别构成单系类群。总结了中国新疆水龙兽在锅底坑组和韭菜园组下部出现的层位 ,并讨论了以水龙兽来确定陆相二叠 -三叠系界线。  相似文献   

北京水龙骨科孢子形态的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对北京产水龙骨科2属4种孢子进行了详细观察,对每个种的形态特征进行了描述。讨论了各属、种间的差异,为水龙骨科系统分类及孢粉学研究提供资料。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the pollen morphology of 10 species and 1 variety of Loxostemon in China. The pollen grains were all examined under light microscope. The pollen grains of Loxostemon are subspheroidal, spheroidal or prolate, 18--33×11.8-28 μ in size, 3-colpate, colpi 15-21 μ long and 1-2 μ wide. The exine is 1.5-3 μ thick with two indistinct or distinct layers. All the pollen grains are generally reticulate under light microscope. They are distinctly or obscurely and finely reticulate. L. axillus and L. repens are generally similar in gross morphology, but the pollen grains of these two species are different. The pollen grains of L. axillus are regularly polygonally reticulate, colpi are acute-ended and the exine is about 3 μ thick, whereas those of L.repens are irregularly polygonally reticulate, colpi are enlarged at both ends and the exine is about 2.8 μ thick. L. incanus and L. stenolobus appear to have similar gross morphology, but the pollen grains of the former have exines with two distinct layers and a densely and finely reticulate ornamentation and those of the latter have exines with two indistinct layers and a flexuosely reticulate ornamentation.  相似文献   

Pyrene and pollen morphology of several neo- and paleotropical Geophila species is documented and discussed. Pyrenes show distinct morphological variation. They have one central or several adaxial ribs and are straight or twisted. Neotropical species only have twisted pyrenes, whereas Madagascan species have straight ones. Both pyrene types occur on the tropical African mainland and in tropical Asia. The genus is eurypalynous, including inaperturate, colpate and pantoporate pollen. The paper includes the first record of operculate pollen in the Rubiaceae, viz. in Geophila repens var. repens . Pyrenes as well as pollen morphology indicate that the varieties of the pantropical species G. repens need recognition at the specific level.  相似文献   

设置4个营养水平(I: 0.5 mg N·L-1, 0.1 mg P·L-1; II: 1.5 mg N·L-1, 0.3 mg P·L-1; III: 4.5 mg N·L-1, 0.9 mg P·L-1; Ⅳ: 13.5 mg N·L-1, 2.7 mg P·L-1), 研究了水体营养水平、物种组合及其交互作用对入侵漂浮植物凤眼莲、本地扎根浮叶植物黄花水龙和沉水植物苦草生物量累积与分配的影响.结果表明:随营养水平的升高,4个营养水平的凤眼莲和黄花水龙单种和混种的总生物量及茎叶生物量都呈上升趋势,凤眼莲和黄花水龙的总生物量在Ⅲ、Ⅳ处理下平均比Ⅰ、Ⅱ处理下分别增加了54.47%和102.63%;不同植物组合下,苦草各部分生物量呈下降趋势,Ⅲ、Ⅳ处理的总生物量比Ⅰ、Ⅱ处理平均降低了45.88%;经双因素分析,水体营养水平对凤眼莲和黄花水龙生物量有极显著的正影响(P<0.01),对苦草生物量有极显著的负影响(P<0.01);而植物组合的影响随目标植物的不 同呈现出差异.  相似文献   

开口箭属一新种及其核型和花粉形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章报道了新种屏边开口箭T.pingbianensis J.L.Huang et X.Z.Liu及其核型和花粉形态。屏边开口箭的核型公式为2n=38=14m+lOsm+8st+6t,具明显的二型性,属3C型。花粉粒为球形,无萌发孔沟,外壁具皱块状纹饰。从花结构、核型和花粉形态上看,屏边开口箭和伞柱开口箭T.fungilliformis Wang et Liang亲缘关系近,而且伞柱开口箭比屏边开口箭在一系列特征上都较特化。  相似文献   

水生花卉对铜绿微囊藻、斜生栅藻和小球藻生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus)、溪荪(I.sanguinea)、梭鱼草(Pontederia cordata)、白花水龙(Jussiaea repens)、水罂粟(Hydrocleys nymphoides)和大藻(Pistia stratiotes)6种具有较高观赏价值的水生花卉,通过将植物种植水与藻类共同培养的方式研究了不同种植时间的种植水对铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliqnus)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)生长的影响.结果表明:6种水生花卉种植水对3种藻类的化感作用具有选择性.通过6d的处理,种植水对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制率为31.22% ~ 96.53%,除白花水龙外,其余5种花卉的种植水对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制率均超过70%,表现出很好的抑藻效果;种植水对斜生栅藻生长的抑制率为23.15%~77.25%;而种植水对小球藻有抑制也有促进,抑制率为-26.07% ~75.70%,大藻、梭鱼草和溪荪抑制小球藻的生长,黄菖蒲、白花水龙表现为低促高抑,水罂粟表现为促进作用.随着种植时间的延长,种植水对3种藻类的抑制作用增强.6种水生花卉种植水对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用由大到小依次为水罂粟>黄菖蒲>梭鱼草>大藻>溪荪>白花水龙;对斜生栅藻生长的抑制作用由大到小依次为梭鱼草>溪荪>黄菖蒲>水罂粟>白花水龙>大藻;对小球藻生长的抑制作用由大到小依次为大藻>梭鱼草>溪荪>黄菖蒲、白花水龙>水罂粟.试验表明,6种水生花卉在控制城市景观水体中的藻类水华有一定的推广价值.  相似文献   

凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)10种植物花粉形态的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜观察了10种凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)植物的花粉形态。结果表明:本属花粉为单粒花粉,呈长圆形至长矩圆形,大小为20.3~46.7 μm,具角萌发孔,网状纹饰,网眼明显;根据花粉网状纹饰中网眼内是否具颗粒状突起可将其分为2类:(1)网眼内无或近无颗粒状突起,黄金凤(I. siculifer)和婺源凤仙花(I. wuyuanensis)的花粉纹饰属于这一类型;(2)网眼内有明显颗粒状突起,其余8个种的花粉纹饰均属于该类型。研究表明,花粉特征,特别是花粉粒网状纹饰中网眼内有无颗粒状突起及颗粒状突起的形态等特征,在凤仙花属内常具种水平上的可见变异,因而可作为种类划分的依据,它们在分类学上的价值应予以关注。  相似文献   

The methods using plants for biomonitoring of air and soil quality are simple, cheap, and fast and can supplement the classical physicochemical methods. In this study, biological pollen characterization of some collected legume species from an aluminum smelter area in Iran (IRALCO) was carried out to determine the actual value of pollen as a bioindicator of the effects of soil and atmospheric pollution. Young buds and flowers of six legumes (Cercis siliquastrum L., Medicago sativa L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Melilotus officinalis (L.) lam, Trifolium repens L., and Sophora alopecuroides L.) in polluted and control plants were removed and compared. Studies of light and electron microscopic preparation showed some abnormalities during pollen development in affect of fluoride pollution. The viability of pollen grains estimated by staining with acetocarmine shows sharp differences in smearing advanced pollen grains from abnormal ones. Except M. officinalis, the pollen grains of C. siliquastrum, M. sativa, R. pseudoacacia, T. repens, and S. alopecuroides in polluted areas showed light, partial, or no staining with acetocarmine, whereas almost all of the control ones clearly stained. Observation of the pollen grains by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy showed the significant effect of fluoride on shapes and sizes of pollen grains. The stimulation and inhibition of these pollen characteristics depend on the pollen species as well as on the pollutant and its concentration. Therefore, pollen grains provide essential information on biological impact of pollutants and they are good candidates for biomonitoring the atmospheric and edaphic pollutions.  相似文献   

A species of the genus Tupistra,T.pingbianensis J.L.Huang et X.Z.Liu,is described as new,and its karyotype and pollen morphology are reported. The bimodal karyotype of this species is formulated as 2n=38=14m+10sm+8st+6t,and pollen grains are spheroidal,inaperturate,with rugulate exine sculpture.Based on its floral structure,karyotype and pollen morphology,T.pingbianensis J.L.Huang et X.Z.Liu is considered phylogenetically closely related to T.fungilliformis Wang et Liang.Whether the repense rhizome,solitary leaves of T.pingbianensis J.L.Huang et X.Z.Liu indicate a close relationship between the genus Tupistra and the genus Aspidistra needs further studies.  相似文献   

中国独活属花粉形态及分类学和进化意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国独活属约26种3变种。本文通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,较系统地分析了21种2变种的花粉。研究结果表明:该属花粉基本为矩形类型,少数种具赤道收缩型。综合中国独活属形态解剖方面的相关特征,将中国独活属分为两大类群,并讨论了独活属的系统位置及其演化趋势。  相似文献   

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