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Uptake hydrogenase activity in nodules of green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) (Wilczek)), black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) (Hepper)), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) and cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) (Taub.)), formed with two Hup+ (S24 and CT2014) and one Hup (M11)Rhizobium strains, was determined at different levels of external H2 in air atmosphere. Nodules of all the 4 host species formed by inoculation with strains S24 and CT2014, showed H2 uptake but not those formed with strain M11. H2 uptake rates were higher in 1 and 2% H2 in air atmosphere (v/v) than at 5 or 10% levels in all the host species. Variations in the relative rates of H2 uptake were observed both, due to host species as well as due toRhizobium strains. However, no host dependent complete repression of the expression of H2 uptake activity was observed in nodules of any of the host species formed with Hup+ strains.  相似文献   

Two effective strains of green gram rhizobia S24 (slow growing and Hup+) and M11 (fast growing and Hup-) were tested for leghemoglobin production in nodules and effectivity on six species of cow pea miscellany hosts. Both strains nodulate green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) (Wilczek)], black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) (Hepper)], cow pea [Vigna unguiqulata (L.)], moth bean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) (Marechel)], Cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) (Taub.)] and pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.)]. In all these hosts, nodules formed by strain M11 contained 1.5 to 2 times more leghemoglobin than the nodules formed by strain S24. Gel electrophoresis of nodule contents of different host species showed a high concentration of a fast-moving ferricoxy leghemoglobin in the nodules of plants inoculated with strain M11 as compared to that of strain S24. Strain M11, however, was relatively less effective than strain S24 on black gram, cow pea and moth bean and was at par with the later on green gram, cluster bean and pigeon pea. Hydrogen recycling ability of the strain S24 was observed in nodules of all the host species. The effective functioning of strain S24 at low levels of leghemoglobin suggests an involvement of recycling hydrogenase in maintaining an appropriate oxidation-reduction potential in nodules.Abbreviations Lb Leghemoglobin - Cvr cultivar  相似文献   

Rhizobium strains nodulating summer legumes cow pea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)], green gram [V. radiata (L.) (Wilczek)], black gram [V. mungo (L.) (Hepper)] and cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) (Taub)] and a winter legume chick pea [Cicer arietinum (L.)] were surveyed in the Northern Plains of India and screened for hydrogenase activity to determine distribution of Hup character in the native ecosystem. It was observed that 56% of the Rhizobium strains of summer legumes were Hup+ whereas that of the winter legume, chick pea, were all Hup-. Ex planta acetylene reduction activity was observed in most of the Hup+ but not in the Hup- strains of any of the host species. In summer legume, mixed inoculation of Hup+ and Hup- strains, under sterilized as well as unsterilized soil conditions, showed that the host species were predominantly nodulated with Hup+ strain.  相似文献   

Summary Relative efficiency of Hup+ and Hup R. japonicum strains with Pusa 16 cultivar of soybean was studied. Inoculation with the Hup+ strain (A 1014) reduced the protein content in grain as compared to uninoculated control.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the rapid screening of Rhizobium japonicum colonies for hydrogenase activity based on their ability to reduce methylene blue in the presence of respiratory inhibitors and hydrogen. Hydrogen uptake-positive (Hup+) colonies derepressed for hydrogenase activity were visualized by their localized decolorization of filter paper disks impregnated with the dye. Appropriate responses were seen with a number of Hup+ and Hup wild-type strains of R. japonicum as well as Hup mutants. Its specificity was further confirmed in selected strains on the basis of comparisons with chemolithotrophic growth and the presence of other genetic markers. Utilization of the method in identifying Hup+ colonies among 16,000 merodiploid derivatives of the Hup mutant strain PJ17nal containing cloned DNA fragments of the Hup+ strain 122 DES has demonstrated its applicability as a screening procedure in the genetic analysis of the R. japonicum hydrogen uptake system.  相似文献   

The existence of a hydrogen uptake host-regulated (Hup-hr) phenotype was established among the soybean bradyrhizobia. The Hup-hr phenotype is characterized by the expression of uptake hydrogenase activity in symbiosis with cowpea but not soybean. Uptake hydrogenase induction is not possible under free-living cultural conditions by using techniques developed for uptake hydrogenase-positive (Hup+) Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Hydrogen oxidation by Hup-hr phenotype USDA 61 in cowpea symbioses was significant because hydrogen evolution from nitrogen-fixing nodules was not detected. An examination for uptake hydrogenase activity in soybean and cowpea with 123 strains diverse in origin and serology identified 16 Hup+ and 28 Hup-hr phenotype strains; the remainder appeared to be Hup. The Hup-hr phenotype was associated with serogroups 31, 76, and 94, while strains belonging to serogroups 6, 31, 110, 122, 123, and 38/115 were Hup+. Hup+ strains of the 123 serogroup typed positive with USDA 129-specific antiserum. The presence of the uptake hydrogenase protein in cowpea bacteroids of Hup+ strains was demonstrated with immunoblot analyses by using antibodies against the 65-kDa subunit of uptake hydrogenase purified from strain SR470. However, the hydrogenase protein of Hup-hr strains was not detected. Results of Southern hybridization analyses with pHU1 showed the region of DNA with hydrogenase genes among Hup+ strains to be similar. Hybridization was also obtained with Hup-hr strains by using a variety of cloned DNA as probes including hydrogenase structural genes. Both hydrogenase structural genes also hybridized with the DNA of four Hup strains.  相似文献   

Effect of hydrogen uptake positive (Hup+) strain ofRhizobium sp. (pigeon pea) and VAM fungus (Glomus fasciculatum) was studied on the symbiotic parameters of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) cv. AL-15 at various levels of phosphorus. The Hup+ Rhizobium strain showed more nodulation, plant biomass and plant nitrogen content than its Hup counterpart. VAM infection in pigeon pea roots helped in translocating phosphorus from the soil and improved nitrogen fixation. Similarly, addition of phosphorus was found to play a positive role in enhancing all these parameters. Dual inoculation of Hup+ Rhizobium strain and VAM significantly increased nodulation, nitrogenase activity, plant nitrogen and phosphorus content and plant biomass compared to single inoculation of either organism and dual inoculation with Hup and VAM fungus.  相似文献   

The competitiveness of dual-strain inoculum of Bradyrhizobium strains S24 and GR4 was demonstrated for nodulation of green gram (Vigna radiata). Strain S24 formed pink nodules, GR4 produced visually distinguishable dark-brown nodules. When a mixture of these Bradyrhizobium strains was applied as inoculum, nodules of both pink and dark-brown types were formed on the same root. The strain GR4, which was less competitive than strain S24, was mutagenized with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine to obtain pigment-diverse mutants and six selected mutants were screened for symbiotic parameters. One mutant produced pink nodules and appreciably increased plant dry mass. The competitive ability of this mutant lacking brown pigment was compared with that of strain S24 by using antibiotic resistance markers; it showed increased nodulation competitiveness than its parent strain GR4. The dark-brown nodule-phenotype could be useful in evaluating nodulation competitiveness of "cowpea miscellany" bradyrhizobia in soil where dark-brown nodule-forming strains are not indigenous.  相似文献   

Hydrogenase-constitutive (Hupc) mutants of Bradyrhizobium japonicum were previously shown to accumulate more nickel than the wild-type strain. In a 2 h period Hupc strains JH101 and JH103 also accumulated 2- to 3-fold more Mg2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+, and about 4-fold more Co2+ and Mn2+ than the wild-type strain JH. Init uptake rates (first 10 min) by the Hupc strains were also greater for all the metals. The mutation in the Hupc strains affecting a trans-acting regulator of the hup structural genes appears to have also amplified a metal uptake/accumulation process common to many divalent metal ions. From efflux experiments (suspension of cells in metal-free medium after metal accumulation) to determine the degree of dissociation of each metal with the cells it was concluded that Zn2+, like Ni2+, was rapidly and tightly cell-associated. In contrast, about 50% of the accumulated Cu2+ and about 30% of the Mn2+ was effluxed within 2 h by both the Hupc and wild-type strains. Cobalt was more tightly cell-associated than Mn2+ or Cu2+, as the strains effluxed about 26% of the previously accumulated metal in 2 h. Even after accounting for effluxed metal, the Hupc strains retained more of each metal than the wild-type. The increased metal accumulation by Hupc strains could not be accounted for solely at the level of transport, as known metabolic inhibitors (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and nigericin) of nickel transport partially inhibited (1 h) accumulation of only some (magnesium, zinc and copper) of the other metals. Hydrogenase-derepressed wild-type cells exhibited slightly higher (22–27% more) 2 h accumulation capacity for some of the metals (nickel, zinc and copper) than did non-derepressed cells, but not to the 2- to 4-fold greater level observed for Hupc strains compared with the wild-type. The Hupc strains JH101 and JH103 do not synthesize more capsular/cell wall carbohydrate than the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

During a 49-d growth period peas nodulated with a Hup+ strain ofR. leguminosarum (17-to 66-d-old plants) had a significantly higher total (by 80 %) and specific (by 155 %) C2H2-reducing nitrogenase activity a lower dihydrogen production by the root nodules (by 53 %), and a higher value of the relative efficiency coefficient of nitrogen fixation (by 45 %) in comparison with the plants nodulated with a Hup- strain. The nodules induced by the Hup+ strain evolved less CO2 per unit of the acetylene-reducing activity than those induced by the Hup- strain (by 30 %). However, the accumulation of the nodule dry mass was significantly lower in the plants nodulated with the Hup+ strain.  相似文献   

The nodules which developed on the roots ofPisum sativum after inoculation withRhizobium leguminosarum bv.viciae strains showing a Hup+ symbiotic phenotype and/or a high relative efficiency of electron transfer to dinitrogen (RE) had a high nitrogen content of their tissue. In comparison with the nodules initiated by a strain possessing the Hup symbiotic phenotype or by an indigenous soilRhizobium population, the nitrogen-rich root nodules contained up to four times more nitrogen (9.2% of dry mass). In the nitrogen-rich nodules, total amino acid, and especially Ala, Lys and Phe contents were significantly increased. The nitrogen-rich nodule symbiotic phenotype (Nrn) was well expressed, irrespective of pea cultivars and host plant age. If a strain showing the Nrn phenotype was applied in double-strain inocula, a significant correlation was found between increasing rates of the strain and increasing percentage nitrogen content of nodule tissue in the nodulated plants.  相似文献   

Summary An hydrogenase-deficient (Hup) mutant of Rhodobacter capsulatus was obtained by adventitious insertion of IS21 DNA into an hydrogenase structural gene (hup) of the wild-type strain 1310. The resulting Hup mutant, strain JP91, selected by its inability to grow autotrophically (Aut phenotype) together with other Hup mutant strains obtained by classical ethyl methane sulphonate mutagenesis were used in R plasmid-mediated conjugation experiments to map the hup/aut loci on the chromosome of R. capsulatus. The hup genes tested in this study were found to cluster on the chromosome in the proximity of the his-1 marker. A cluster of hup genes comprising the structural genes was isolated from a gene bank constructed in the cosmid vector pHC79 with 40 kb insert DNA. The clustered hup genes, characterized by hybridization studies and complementation analyses of the R. capsulatus Hup mutants, span 15–20 kb of DNA.  相似文献   

The comparative analysis of growth, intracellular content of Na+ and K+, and the production of trehalose in the halophilic Debaryomyces hansenii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were determined under saline stress. The yeast species were studied based on their ability to grow in the absence or presence of 0.6 or 1.0 M NaCl and KCl. D. hansenii strains grew better and accumulated more Na+ than S. cerevisiae under saline stress (0.6 and 1.0 M of NaCl), compared to S. cerevisiae strains under similar conditions. By two methods, we found that D. hansenii showed a higher production of trehalose, compared to S. cerevisiae; S. cerevisiae active dry yeast contained more trehalose than a regular commercial strain (S. cerevisiae La Azteca) under all conditions, except when the cells were grown in the presence of 1.0 M NaCl. In our experiments, it was found that D. hansenii accumulates more glycerol than trehalose under saline stress (2.0 and 3.0 M salts). However, under moderate NaCl stress, the cells accumulated more trehalose than glycerol. We suggest that the elevated production of trehalose in D. hansenii plays a role as reserve carbohydrate, as reported for other microorganisms.  相似文献   

Peas (Pisum sativum L.) were inoculated with strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum having different levels of uptake hydrogenase (Hup) activity and were grown in sterile Leonard jars under controlled conditions. Rates of H2 evolution and acetylene reduction were determined for intact nodulated roots at intervals after the onset of darkness or after removal of the shoots. Hup activity was estimated using treatment plants or equivalent plants from the growth chamber, by measuring the uptake of H2 or 3H2 in the presence of acetylene. In all cases, the rate of H2 evolution was a continuous function of the rate of acetylene reduction. In symbioses with no demonstrable Hup activity, H2 evolution increased in direct proportion to acetylene reduction and the slopes were similar with the Hup strains NA502 and 128C79. Hup activity was similar in strains 128C30 and 128C52 but significantly lower in strain 128C54. With these strains, the slopes of the H2 evolution versus acetylene reduction curves initially increased with acetylene reduction, but became constant and similar to those for the Hup strains at high rates of acetylene reduction. On these parallel portions of the curves, the decreases in H2 evolution by Hup+ strains were similar in magnitude to their H2-saturated rates of Hup activity. The curvilinear relationship between H2 evolution and acetylene reduction for a representative Hup+ strain (128C52) was the same, regardless of the experimental conditions used to vary the nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Antipchuk  A. F.  Kosenko  L. V. 《Microbiology》2004,73(1):51-55
The influence of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), glucans, and their unseparated complexes on nodulation activity of rhizobia and efficiency of their symbioses with pea plants was studied in vegetation tests. Two Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strains which differed in their symbiotic properties were used: strain 31 (fix+, efficient, moderately virulent, and moderately competitive) and strain 248b (fix, inefficient, highly virulent, and highly competitive). Preparations of LPS–glucan complex and the respective LPS from the highly virulent strain 248b increased the nodulation activity of both strains by 10–26%. Analogous preparations from a less virulent strain 31 did not have this ability. Unseparated LPS–glucan complexes from these strains increased the productivity of plants infected with the efficient strain by 18–23% but did not change it in plants inoculated with the other, inefficient strain. No significant influence of LPS preparations on the symbiosis productivity was observed. Glucans from both strains enhanced the nodulation ability of the highly virulent strain by 36–56%. In addition, treatment of pea plants with glucan from strain 248b increased nitrogen fixation by root nodules by 27% in plants inoculated with strain 31. In general, the formation and efficiency of the symbiosis of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae with pea plants was more influenced by preparations from strain 248b, highly virulent but deficient in nitrogen fixation, than by preparations from the nitrogen fixation–proficient but less virulent strain 31.  相似文献   

Some Rhizobium bacteria have H2-uptake (Hup) systems that oxidize H2 evolved from nitrogenase in leguminous root nodules. Pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars `JI1205' and `Alaska' produce high Hup (Hup++) and moderate Hup (Hup+) phenotypes, respectively, in Rhizobium leguminosarum 128C53. The physiological significance and biochemical basis of this host plant genetic effect are unknown. The purpose of this investigation was to advance basic Hup studies by developing nearly isogenic lines of peas that alter Hup phenotypes in R. leguminosarum strains containing hup genes. Eight pairs of nearly isogenic pea lines that produce Hup++ and Hup+ phenotypes in R. leguminosarum 128C53 were identified in 173 F2-derived F6 families produced from crosses between JI1205 and Alaska. Tests with the pea isolines and three strains of hup-containing R. leguminosarum showed that the isolines altered Hup activity significantly (P ≤ 0.05) in 19 of 24 symbiotic combinations. Analyses of Hup phenotypes in F6 families, the F1 population, and two backcrosses suggested involvement of a single genetic locus. Three of the eight pairs of isolines were identified as being suitable for physiological studies, because the two lines in each pair showed similar growth, N assimilation, and flowering traits under nonsymbiotic conditions. Tests of those lines under N2-dependent conditions with isogenic Hup+ and negligible Hup (Hup) mutants of R. leguminosarum 128C53 showed that, in symbioses with Hup+ rhizobia, two out of three Hup++ pea lines decreased N2 fixation relative to Hup+ peas. In one of those cases, however, the Hup++ plant line also decreased fixation by Hup rhizobia. When results were averaged across all rhizobia tested, Hup+ pea isolines had 8.2% higher dry weight (P ≤ 0.05) and fixed 12.6% more N2 (P ≤ 0.05) than Hup++ isolines. Pea lines described here may help identify host plant factors that influence rhizobial Hup activity and should assist in clarifying how Hup systems influence other physiological processes.  相似文献   

The ability to recycle H2 evolved by nitrogenase is thought to be of importance in increasing the efficiency of N2 fixation and to be a factor in increasing plant yield in symbiotic systems. To determine whether this ability is a significant factor in the Rhizobium leguminosarum-Pisum sativum L. system, plants were inoculated with R. leguminosarum isolates which differed in their ability to oxidize H2 and in their relative efficiency of N2 fixation. These plants were grown at three levels of irradiance and harvested after 3, 4, and 5 weeks of growth for determination of C2H2 reduction, H2 evolution and uptake, plant dry weight, and N content. Plants inoculated with uptake hydrogenase-positive (Hup+) isolates did not exhibit higher dry weight or N content than those inoculated with Hup isolates under any of the growth conditions studied. The efficiency of the nitrogenase system of Hup isolates increased at a low irradiance, a factor which may allow them to compete successfully with Hup+ isolates. In some Hup+R. leguminosarum isolates, H2 oxidation is coupled to ATP formation, whereas in others, it is not. There were no differences in plant dry weight and N content in plants inoculated with the two types and grown for 5 weeks at three irradiance levels. The addition of H2 to Hup+ nodules whose supply of photosynthate had been removed by stem excision did not increase C2H2 reduction in either coupled or uncoupled types.  相似文献   

Gnotobiotic systems were used to assess the competitive abilities of bioluminescent Sinorhizobium meliloti strains L1 (RecA) and L33 (RecA+) for growth and host plant nodulation in the presence of a reconstructed S. meliloti population. Three wild-type strains belonging to infective subgroups of a natural S. meliloti population were chosen as competitors in microcosm studies. Whereas the RecA+ strain L33 dominated the reconstructed population with respect to growth and alfalfa nodulation, the competitiveness of the RecA strain L1 was reduced compared to that of one of the field strains, but comparable to that of the other field isolates. This result indicates that strain L1, despite its recA mutation, has the potential to compete successfully with a resident S. meliloti population after environmental release. Received: 4 November 1996 / Received revision: 9 January 1997 / Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

An oxygen sensitive mutant of Azorhizobium caulinodans strain IRBG 46 in which N2 fixation ability was affected, was previously isolated by NTG mutagenesis. Now, the mutation has been shown to affect H2- uptake hydrogenase (Hup) activity under symbiotic conditions. However, free living Hup activity remained unaffected. Thus the mutant is Hup- under symbiotic conditions and Hup+ under free living condtions. A possible regulatory link between N2 fixation and H2 uptake system has been discussed.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in 1980 on 972 isolates of Rhizobium japonicum obtained from 65 soybean field locations in 12 states. Isolates were examined for the hydrogenase (Hup) phenotype and somatic serogroup identity. Only 20% of the isolates were Hup+, with a majority of Hup isolates occurring in 10 of the 12 states. The most predominant serogroup was 31 (21.5%), followed by 123 (13.6%). Although most serogroups contained a majority of Hup isolates, marked differences occurred. None of the isolates in serogroup 135 were Hup+, but 93% of the isolates in serogroup 122 were Hup+. The serogroups with relatively high frequencies of Hup+ isolates (122 and 110) constitute only a small part (<5% each) of the R. japonicum field population in the 12 states.  相似文献   

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