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植物叶片性状对气候变化的响应研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
叶片性状反映了植物对环境的高度适应能力及其在复杂生境下的自我调控能力。叶片性状如何响应和适应气候变化是植物适应性研究的重点内容。该文系统综述了叶片大小、比叶质量、叶片氮含量、碳同位素等指标对气候变化响应的最新研究结果。不同叶片性状对气候变化的响应结果存在差异,所指示的生态学含义也有所不同。单一叶片性状不能全面地反映植物对气候变化的响应;不同尺度的研究(如环境的修饰或筛选作用的研究)还存在很多不确定性。高寒地区的研究工作相对缺乏。该文有助于理解植物与气候之间的相互关系、植物对气候变化的响应与适应对策,对了解植物演化、预测植物在未来气候变化条件下的变化特征具有一定意义。  相似文献   

滇中喀斯特41种不同生长型植物叶性状研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庞志强  卢炜丽  姜丽莎  靳珂  亓峥 《广西植物》2019,39(8):1126-1138
该研究以云南石林喀斯特地区41种主要植物(乔木19种、灌木10种、藤本4种、草本8种)为对象,对其叶面积(AR)、叶鲜重(FW)、叶干重(DW)、叶厚度(TH)、叶绿素含量(Chlc)等进行了测定,得到不同植物比叶面积(SLA)、叶干物质含量(DMC)等指标。结果表明:(1)在物种水平上7项植物叶性状值变化范围较大,不同生长型植物差异显著。(2) 41种植物的SLA与DMC之间呈极显著负相关(P0.01),AR与FW、DW呈极显著正相关(P0.01),TH与Chlc呈极显著正相关(P0.01),其他因子间相关性不显著。(3)该研究区植物叶性状变异范围为15.82%~139.14%,多为高变异系数(84.40%~131.01%),叶性状变异中AR与FW贡献率较高,分别为84.40%、90.28%,不同生长型植物在TH上稳定性较好。(4)石林喀斯特地区植物叶片适应特殊生境时表现出较低的TH、SLA、Chlc和较高的DMC等特征。这说明石林喀斯特地区植物通过形成不同的叶性状特征来适应特殊生境,可为喀斯特地区的植被保护与恢复提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Eurya japonica occurs in diverse light environments through seed dispersal by birds. As the seed size is extremely small, we hypothesized that newly germinated seedlings with restricted depth of roots and length of the hypocotyl would suffer high mortality due to increased transpiration in sunny habitats and low light in shady habitats. We also expected that surviving seedlings would differ in leaf traits between habitats as a result of selection. We aimed to determine how photosynthetic traits differ between habitats and how leaf structure is related to this difference. We examined photosynthesis and leaf morpho‐anatomy for plants cloned from cuttings collected from the forest understory (shade population) and neighboring roadsides and cut‐over areas (sun population) and then grown under two irradiances (18.5% and 100% sunlight) in an experimental garden. Under growth in 100% sunlight, cloned plants from the sun population exhibited significantly greater area‐based photosynthetic capacity compared to cloned plants from the shade population at a comparable stomatal conductance, which was attributable to a higher area‐based leaf nitrogen concentration. On the other hand, mean values of photosynthetic capacity did not significantly differ between the two populations. Cloned plants from the sun population had significantly thicker leaf laminas and spongy tissue and lower stomatal density compared to cloned plants from the shade population. Thickened leaf lamina might have increased leaf tolerance to physical stresses in open habitats. The variation in leaf morpho‐anatomy between the two populations can be explained in terms of the economy of leaf photosynthetic tissue.  相似文献   

叶片气孔不仅是植物平衡光合-蒸腾关系的重要门户,也是影响大气碳循环与水循环的关键结构。分析热岛效应下福州市乔木、灌木、草本3种生活型和常绿、落叶2种叶习性植物的气孔性状间的差异及其与其他叶功能性状间的权衡关系有助于探究不同类型植物在热环境下的适应策略。以福州市区的自然和半自然植被为研究对象,测定441个植物样本的气孔特征、化学计量特征和形态特征,结果表明:(1)3种生活型、2种叶习性植物的气孔长度(SL)、气孔密度(SD)差异显著(P<0.05),潜在气孔导度指数(PCI)不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。草本的SL高于灌木和乔木,乔木的SD最高,灌木次之,草本最低;落叶植物的SL高于常绿植物,SD低于常绿植物。(2)SLSD间的权衡关系稳定存在于3种生活型和2种叶习性植物中,且随着不同生活型和落叶习性植物的生态策略而呈现各异的权衡特征,即当SL一定时,乔木的SD最大,灌木的SD最小,常绿植物的SD大于落叶植物。(3)气孔性状和叶片形态、化学计量特征紧密联系,SL与比叶面积(SLA)正相关(P<0.01),与叶面积(LA)负相关(P<0.01);SD与叶氮含量(LNC)、叶磷含量(LPC)、SLA负相关(P<0.01),与LA正相关(P<0.01);PCI与LNC、SLA负相关(P<0.01),与叶厚度(LT)正相关(P<0.05)。(4)复杂的环境是气孔性状变异的重要驱动因素,SL、PCI均与年均温(MAT)负相关(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

李耀琪  王志恒 《植物生态学报》2021,45(10):1154-1172
叶片是植物与环境进行水气交换的重要场所, 形态多变。叶片形态可直接影响植物的生理生化过程, 反映植物的资源获取策略。该文以叶片大小、叶形、叶缘特征(有无叶齿)和叶型(单、复叶)等形态性状为例, 总结了当前叶片形态的研究进展, 分析了叶形态性状的生态功能, 综述叶片形态的地理分布, 探讨叶片形态性状变化的驱动因素及其对生态系统功能的影响。现有研究主要聚焦于局域尺度的特定类群, 关注叶大小、叶缘具齿性以及叶型的地理分布与生态成因, 发现叶片的形态发育受基因调控, 叶形态性状与其他性状相互权衡, 其空间变异受气温和降水量共同驱动。以叶大小为代表的叶片形态性状影响水分和养分循环, 能够反映气候变化下的群落响应, 也可用于预测生态系统初级生产力。今后应结合新方法获得覆盖度高且区域无偏的数据, 探索叶形态在长时间尺度上的适应性进化, 研究叶形态特征及其对生态系统功能影响的尺度推绎。该文有助于从叶片的角度认识植物对环境变化的响应, 以性状为桥梁将个体适合度、群落动态与生态系统功能联系起来, 能够加深对植物群落生态学和功能生物地理学等相关领域研究进展的了解。  相似文献   

真红树和半红树植物叶片氯含量及叶性状的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 依据红树植物在潮间带的分布,将其分为真红树植物和半红树植物两大类。但对一些过渡地带种类的归属问题一直存在争议。该研究选取国内大部分红树植物,比较其成熟叶片中的Cl含量、肉质化程度、比叶面积(SLA)、单位重量叶氮含量(Nmass)和单位面积叶氮含量(Narea),并对争议树种重新进行界定。结果表明:1)真红树植物叶片中Cl含量和肉质化程度远高于半红树植物;2)真红树植物具有低SLA和高Narea的特点,除水芫花(Pemphis acidula)外半红树植物具有高SLA和低Narea的特点。3)争议的7种红树植物中,银叶树(Heritiera littoralis)、海漆(Excoecaria agallocha)、卤蕨(Acrostichum aureum )和尖叶卤蕨(Acrostichum speciosum)归为半红树植物更合适;老鼠(Acanthus ilicifolius)和小花老鼠(Acanthus ebrecteatus)归为真红树植物。木果楝(Xylocarpus granatum)有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

This study investigated the basis of the negative relationship between leaf size and photosynthetic rate per unit of area among five cultivars of soybeans. Exposure of developing mainstem leaves to light, and sizes and light saturated photosynthesis rates of those leaves at maturity were compared in cultivars grown in field plots for two years at Beltsville, Maryland, USA. Plants were grown both in stands at 2.5 cm by 1 m spacing and as isolated plants. While cultivar differences in leaf size were large and consistent in both planting arrangements, significant cultivar differences in light saturated photosynthetic rates were found only in plants grown in stands. Similarly, leaf size was significantly correlated with specific leaf weight only for plants grown in stands. The mainstem apex and developing mainstem leaves experienced more severe shading in large-leaved cultivars than in small-leaved cultivars when plants were grown in stands. Thus, cultivar differences in photosynthetic capacity were probably a consequence of differences in the exposure of developing leaves to light.  相似文献   

Lei TT  Wilson LJ 《Annals of botany》2004,94(1):179-186
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leaf area of cotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum) can be reduced by as much as 50 % by early season thrips infestations, but it is well documented that plants can regain the difference in leaf area once infestation ceases. The processes involved in the recovery have not been identified. Hypotheses include enhancement of the photosynthetic rate of the damaged leaves, more efficient leaf construction (i.e. more leaf area per unit of dry matter invested in new leaves), and more branching. METHODS: This 2-year field study examined these hypotheses and found that thrips-affected plants recovered from a 30 % reduction in total leaf area. During the recovery period, repeated measurements of gas exchange, leaf morphology and individual leaf areas at all nodes were made to assess their contribution to the recovery. KEY RESULTS: Recovery was not achieved through the previously proposed mechanisms. The pattern of nodal development indicated that the duration of leaf expansion of the smaller deformed leaves was shorter than that of control leaves, possibly because they had fewer cells. The production and expansion of healthy upper node leaves in thrips-affected plants could, therefore, begin sooner, about 1-2.5 nodes in advance of control plants. The proposed process of recovery was evident but weaker in the second year where thrips numbers were higher. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that thrips-affected plants overcame the leaf area disparity through an accelerated ontogeny of main stem leaves. By completing the expansion of smaller but normally functioning lower node leaves earlier, resources were made available to the unfolding of larger upper node leaves in advance of control plants. The generality of this mode of plant resistance in pest damage remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaf expansion of four sunflower cultivars ( Helianthus annuus L. cvs. Hysun 31, Havasupai, Hopi and Seneca) was monitored continuously in a growth cabinet through the final stages of a drying cycle and then throughout the first 2 days after rewatering in order to study the responses of leaf expansion to water deficits. Comparable plants were also measured throughout a diurnal cycle in a glasshouse.
In the cabinet, leaf extension was faster in the dark than in the light, but an extended dark period suppressed leaf extension. At similar leaf water potentials, the rate of leaf extension was greater in the light than in the dark, but as the osmotic potential was lower in the light than in the dark, the relationship between turgor pressure and leaf extension rate was similar in both environments. Throughout the drying and recovery cycles turgor and leaf extension rate was positively correlated: no significant differences among cultivars were observed.
In the plants grown and measured in the glasshouse, leaf expansion occurred at lower leaf water potentials in stressed than in unstressed plants, but the relationship between leaf expansion and turgor was similar in both stressed and unstressed plants as a result of a lowering of the osmotic potential in the former. Diurnal turgor maintenance resulting from osmotic adjustment was almost half that occurring during a complete drying cycle. During the day, the leaf expansion rate increased linearly with turgor pressure in all cultivars: the expansion rate per unit turgor pressure was greater in the glasshouse than in the growth cabinet. Nocturnal leaf expansion in the stressed and unstressed plants was not, however, correlated with turgor pressure.  相似文献   

对于寄生植物和叶经济谱,我们了解多少? 叶经济谱(leaf economic spectrum, LES)对维管植物中的关键性叶片性状间的相关性进行了量化,并且将这些性状的大量变异信息提炼为一根单轴。叶经济谱的显著优势是其近乎完美的普适性,且已在诸多领域得到了广泛的研究。然而,对于寄生植物与叶经济谱框架间关系的研究仍相对缺乏。由于叶经济谱的部分驱动力是碳获取中的生理性权衡,因此从理论上而言,寄生植物中的异养性(其取代了叶片的一些基本功能)可能导致对叶经济谱的偏离。利用从TRY数据库中获得的全局叶片性状数据,本研究评价了TRY数据库对寄生植物的整体代表性情况,然后将寄生植物叶片性状的叶经济谱组与非寄生的对应植物进行了比较。尽管寄生植物有着独特的生理特征,但它们并未显著偏离叶经济谱,不过还是有一些例子可以表明存在着叶经济谱上位置和性状间的差异。尤为重要的是,TRY数据库未能很好地代表寄生植物,因而就此得出的任何结论都还是不成熟的。  相似文献   

Evolution of leaf developmental mechanisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaves are determinate organs produced by the shoot apical meristem. Land plants demonstrate a large range of variation in leaf form. Here we discuss evolution of leaf form in the context of our current understanding of leaf development, as this has emerged from molecular genetic studies in model organisms. We also discuss specific examples where parallel studies of development in different species have helped understanding how diversification of leaf form may occur in nature.  相似文献   

红壤黄花梨叶片黄化症的诊断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对福建省建宁县黄花梨"黄化园"及"健园"叶片及土壤的营养诊断,探明了该县近年普遍出现的黄花梨植株叶片黄化现象系植株钙素缺乏所致。分析结果表明,"黄化园"叶片含钙量极显著低于"健园";果园土壤交换态钙含量低及土壤酸性强是引起植株钙素缺乏的主要原因。  相似文献   

1. We tested the hypothesis that the net partitioning of dry mass and dry mass:area relationships is unaltered when plants are grown at elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
2. The total dry mass of Dactylis glomerata, Bellis perennis and Trifolium repens was higher for plants in 700 compared to 350 μmol CO2 mol–1 when grown hydroponically in controlled-environment cabinets.
3. Shoot:root ratios were higher and leaf area ratios and specific leaf areas lower in all species grown at elevated CO2. Leaf mass ratio was higher in plants of B. perennis and D. glomerata grown at elevated CO2.
4. Whilst these data suggest that CO2 alters the net partitioning of dry mass and dry mass:leaf area relationships, allometric comparisons of the components of dry mass and leaf area suggest at most a small effect of CO2. CO2 changed only two of a total of 12 allometric coefficients we calculated for the three species: ν relating shoot to root dry mass was higher in D. glomerata , whilst ν relating leaf area to total dry mass was lower in T. repens .
5. CO2 alone has very little effect on partitioning when the size of the plant is taken into account.  相似文献   

Leaf characteristics reflecting the size, lifespan (longevity), moisture content (degree of succulence) and complexity of structure of 20 mangrove species were studied over several years at 13 locations along the tropical and subtropical Australian coast. These characteristics were found to fall generally within the ranges of those for woody species from other ecosystems. With the exception of one species, it was found that leaf longevity was related inversely to leaf moisture content, increasing from nearly 6 months in more succulent species to over 2 years in less succulent species. This suggested that more succulent leaves are less complex in their structure because they have less well‐developed ability to compartmentalize salt. There was a tendency also for leaf longevity to increase in species with larger leaves. These findings were consistent with the general view for land plants that leaf longevity is greater in species that have developed tolerance to environmental stress, salt particularly in the case of mangroves. Leaf tissue in such species is more robust or complex and requires greater metabolic resources in its construction; the plant is then advantaged by retaining the tissue for longer periods. Classification of the species considered here, based on their leaf longevity, moisture content and complexity, identified phylogenetically related species groupings that reflected these leaf longevity effects.  相似文献   

Whole bean plants, ev. Cockfield, grown in pots crowded or well-spaced (50 or 10 plants m2, respectively) were treated with 14CO2 at the pod-fill stage (25 modes) and the radioactivity in each leaf was determined after 30 min. With spaced plants the uptake was greatest in the mid-stem leaves and was proportional to leaf area. In contrast, 70% of the total assimilation took place in the upper six leaves of crowded plants and there was a steady decrease down the stem.
When 14CO2 was fed to single leaves of similar crowded plants the resultant distribution of labelled assimilates varied with the position of the treated leaf. After 6 h, 67% of the 14C fixed by a mid-stem leaf (node 13) was recovered from the beans, whereas 76% of that from an upper leaf (node 23) had accumulated along the stem. Due to the shading of mid-stem leaves at the higher planting densities, seed yield becomes increasingly dependent upon re-distribution of assimilates from stem to beans.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Leaf mining insects feed within plant tissue and thus have close physical associations with their host plants. Little is known about the evolution of relationships between leaf miners and their host species. 2. The prevalence of leaf mining was examined in relation to the phylogeny of a dominant family of Australian plants, the Myrtaceae. Sixty‐eight species from the 10 major phylogenetic groups within the family were sampled in south‐eastern Australia. 3. Fifty‐seven per cent of the plant species examined were found to be mined. Several leaf traits were compared between mined and unmined plant species to investigate the potential role of both physical and nutritional characteristics in determining host‐plant susceptibility to these herbivores. 4. The physical leaf traits measured were leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA), lamina thickness, toughness, and amount of fibre (percentage hemicellulose). The nutritional traits were water content, and concentrations of carbon, nitrogen, total phenols and condensed tannins. Principal component analysis showed mined plant species differed from unmined in terms of several leaf traits. 5. In a post hoc regression weighted for phylogeny, leaf miner presence was significantly positively correlated with plant species having thinner laminas and higher phenol concentrations, and was positively correlated with marginal significance to SLA and water content.  相似文献   

Growth, leaf and cell morphology, and the chemical composition of the second leaf were studied in wheat (Triticum aestivumL., cv. Inna) plants grown on the medium containing nitrate, ammonium, or no nitrogen at all. Independent of the nitrogen nutrition, the second leaf of the 21-day-old plants matures and functions as a source of assimilates. Both ammonium nutrition and nitrogen deficiency decreased the fresh weight, area, and cell size in the leaf; however, the conditions of nitrogen nutrition did not affect the dry weight of the leaf. Nitrogen starvation increased and ammonium nutrition decreased the relative content of the cell walls in the dry weight. In the nitrate-fed plants, the leaf content of sucrose increased, and the contents of reduced nitrogen (Nred) and protein were lower than in the ammonium treatment. Reciprocally, the contents of reduced nitrogen and protein were highest in the ammonium treatment, the content of sucrose was lowest, with starch practically absent from the leaf. The nitrogen-starved leaf accumulated a large amount of starch, the Nredcontent was two times lower than in the ammonium-fed plants, and the protein content was similar to that in the nitrate-fed plants. Thus, leaf and cell morphology and the content of Nred, protein, and carbohydrate changes in different ways during wheat acclimation to the condition of nitrogen nutrition. By assessing the cell wall weight, the authors established that, depending on nitrogen nutrition, this cell compartment accepts a variable flow of carbon.  相似文献   

Abstract. Continuous high resolution measurement of sugar beet leaf extension over 5 d in growth chambers showed average leaf extension rates (LER) in darkness to be from three to six times those in light for plants growing in non-salinized media. The changes in LER in light-dark transitions occurred within seconds, a response which was more rapid than stomatal opening or closing. When the growth medium was salinized to 100 mol m−3 NaCl, LER's were reduced by about 50% in darkness and 90% in light, markedly increasing the ratio of dark to light LER.
A 2-d episode of root-zone salinity imposed midway through a 5-d period of measurement decreased LER and produced higher leaf temperatures. LER and diurnal leaf temperature patterns reverted to their pre-salinized levels when root-zone salinity was removed. Thus, the effects of short episodes of high sodium chloride in the growth medium appear to be reversible, suggesting a water stress mechanism of growth reduction rather than toxicity effects of salt.  相似文献   

Changes in some leaf characteristics: leaf mass area (LMA), content of photosynthetic pigments and nitrogen in the leaves, leaf mass ratio (LMR) and leaf area ratio (LAR) were investigated in steppe plants of the Volga land along the gradient of aridity. When drought stress became stronger, the content of chlorophylls in the leaves, LMR and LAR decreased, whereas LMA and the proportion of carotenoids in the leaves rose. In the North to South direction, the content of pigments and nitrogen per unit whole plant weight considerably decreased (4 and 2 times, respectively). The relationship between leaf indices (chlorophyll and nitrogen contents and LMA) differed along this gradient. It was concluded that adaptation of steppe plants to drought stress generally depended on predominant development of heterotrophic tissues in the leaf and the whole plant. During aridization, the stress-tolerant species became more numerous.  相似文献   

Ah arborescens is a large, multi-stemmed shrub and is one of the very common Aloe species along the Indian Ocean coast of southern Africa, from the Cape, in the south, to Zimbabwe and Malawi in the north. It is used as a hedge plant to protect agricultural fields or stock and as a horticultural plant in gardens. Barbaloin, a secondary phenolic metabolite, is distributed in the plants as part of a peripheral defence strategy. Barbaloin content was found to be highest in the youngest leaves. Within these, concentration varied at its highest in the terminal third of the leaf, at its lowest in the basal third; higher in the terminal, adaxial, leaf margin and lower in the basal, abaxial, leaf centre. The more times a leaf is cut, the higher the barbaloin content of the new growth from the leaf base that remains on the plant. This may deter animals such as elephants and kudu from eating the new growths. They may prefer to eat other plants that have not been damaged by consumption for longer periods. This phenomenon may give damaged plants the chance to renew themselves before their leaves are consumed again.  相似文献   

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