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镉胁迫下春小麦中镉的分布、富集及转移规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验,研究了镉胁迫下重金属镉(Cd)在春小麦中的分布、富集及转移规律。结果表明:Cd胁迫下,小麦根、茎、叶和籽粒中Cd积累量随外源Cd的增加而增加,小麦不同部位Cd积累量为根叶茎籽粒;籽粒中Cd含量与土壤中Cd显著相关;小麦不同部位对Cd的富集能力差异显著,且随外源Cd处理浓度的增加,各部位富集系数逐渐降低,低Cd浓度时各部位更易富集Cd;小麦植株地上部的转移系数亦呈递减趋势为茎、叶籽粒;在春小麦全生育期,土壤中Cd含量无明显变化,根对外源Cd的富集吸收于生育期70d左右达峰值,小麦植株中的Cd也在80d左右达到峰值后逐步减少,表明植株中的Cd,随籽粒的成熟逐步转移至籽粒。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究了Cd胁迫下施N对台湾桤木植株的干物质及N、P、K、Cd积累和分配的影响。结果表明:不施N条件下,Cd胁迫显著降低了台湾桤木根、茎和叶干物质积累量以及各器官N、P、K的积累量,在一定程度上降低了根和叶的N、K含量,但对根和叶的P含量均无显著影响;台湾桤木通过增加N、P、K和干物质在根中的分配比例,降低N、P、K在叶中的分配比例,以及提高N利用率(NUEN)和K利用率(NUEK)来更好地适应Cd胁迫环境;台湾桤木Cd的富集部位主要为根部,转移系数在0.06~0.22,而Cd的添加均降低了台湾桤木Cd转移系数和富集系数;30 mg·kg-1Cd胁迫下,施N在一定程度上提高了台湾桤木根、茎和叶干物质以及N、K含量和积累量,缓解了Cd胁迫所引起的对N、K吸收的限制,但对P含量和积累量无显著影响;施N提高了干物质在台湾桤木根中的分配比例和根冠比,而低N(0.4 g·kg-1)促进作用更明显;施N提高了Cd在台湾桤木茎、叶中的积累量和分配比例,而降低了其在根中的积累量和分配比例,提高了Cd转移系数(TF)和茎叶生物富集系数(BCF),显著降低了根BCF。说明施N有利于提高台湾桤木对Cd胁迫环境的适应能力。  相似文献   

秦秦  李雪梅  台培东  刘宛  冯倩  邓鑫  马俊 《生态学杂志》2013,32(8):2043-2048
以普通茄(Solanum melongena,绿健)和野生茄(S.torvum,托鲁巴姆)为实验材料,通过对嫁接处理前后7叶龄植株开展7d含Cd水培实验(Cd浓度为0.1 mg· L-1),研究Cd在不同类型茄体内的富集特征以及嫁接对茄体内Cd运输途径和富集特性的影响.结果表明:绿健对Cd的富集能力强于托鲁巴姆.不同部位器官中Cd的分布特征为根>叶>茎,其中植株吸收的Cd 80.0%左右富集于根部;不同部位叶片,Cd优先富集于植株顶端幼叶中.嫁接使得Cd在茄地上部的富集量明显减少,接穗Cd的富集量均显著低于砧木:以绿健为对照,正向嫁接减少了48.4%,反向嫁接减少了34.2%,托鲁巴姆自嫁接减少了88.5%;以托鲁巴姆为对照,仅自嫁接地上部Cd富集量减少了58.0%.嫁接减少Cd在茄体内富集的原因可能是嫁接使接穗与砧木植物韧皮部结构产生了差异,由此推断Cd在茄体内的长距离运输过程中韧皮部起到了关键作用.  相似文献   

对重庆独活种植地土壤及植株中重金属Cu、Pb、Cd、Hg和As进行含量检测、分析。结果表明独活种植地土壤及药材中重金属Cd含量超标。不同器官中重金属元素的含量分布规律不一致,Pb与Cd分布为根茎叶,Cu为茎根叶,Hg为茎叶根,As含量为叶根茎。独活根、茎对Cd的富集能力最强,富集系数大于1,其它元素富集系数均小于1。相关分析表明,土壤中Cu与茎、叶中Cu含量存在极显著相关性,茎和叶中Cu含量呈显著负相关,茎和根中Hg含量呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

镉在土壤-香根草系统中的迁移及转化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马文超  刘媛  孙晓灿  陈锦平  魏虹 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3411-3418
以无植物组处理为对照,采用盆栽试验方式探讨不同Cd浓度胁迫条件下香根草根际土壤中重金属Cd的积累、迁移及转化特征。土壤Cd处理设4个浓度梯度,分别为0、2、20、80 mg/kg土壤干重。结果表明:(1)香根草可以显著降低土壤中生物有效态Cd和总Cd含量。(2)香根草各部分Cd积累量随处理浓度的增加和处理时间的延长而增加,90 d时80 mg/kg处理组地上部分和根的Cd积累量分别高达180.42 mg/kg和241.54 mg/kg。(3)各浓度Cd处理下,富集系数随着Cd处理浓度的增加而显著降低,随处理时间的延长而升高。(4)香根草地上部分Cd含量小于根部,各处理转移系数均小于1。随着处理时间的延长,中低浓度处理组的转移系数稍有降低,高浓度处理组的转移系数则显著上升。(5)种植香根草使其根际土中残渣态的Cd转化为生物有效态Cd,提高Cd清除效率。研究结果表明,香根草能够有效地吸收土壤中的Cd,降低土壤中总Cd含量,提高土壤安全性,可作为Cd污染地区植物修复的备选物种。  相似文献   

水培条件下四种植物对Cd、Pb富集特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用水培方法测定了不同浓度下向日葵、蓖麻、紫花苜蓿及芥菜的生物量和植物体内重金属Cd、Pb含量,分析了植物对重金属的富集特征。结果表明:经过5周培养后,4种植物根部与地上部对重金属的富集量随着浓度的增加而增加,Cd浓度为20mg·L-1时,向日葵的根部Cd含量最高,达到237.86mg·kg-1,地上部Cd含量为89.48mg·kg-1;而Pb浓度为200mg·L-1时,芥菜根部对Pb的吸收量较高,达到597.22mg·kg-1,地上部Pb含量最高的则出现在向日葵处理Pb100mg·L-1中,为318.33mg·kg-1。4种植物对Cd、Pb的富集系数随重金属浓度的增加而减小;根部及地上部富集系数与生物量和重金属浓度呈现出一定的相关性;另外,在Cd、Pb复合处理中,一种重金属的存在会在不同程度上影响植物对另一种重金属的吸收。通过比较4种植物根部与地上部的生物量和对Cd、Pb富集特征,认为相对于其他3种植物向日葵对Cd、Pb具有较强的吸收潜力,并可以作为Cd、Pb污染土壤植物修复的备选植物。  相似文献   

菰和菖蒲对重金属的胁迫反应及其富集能力   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
通过盆栽实验研究了Cu—Zn—Ph-Cd复合污染条件下,菰和菖蒲的生长状况、生理特性及吸收和富集重金属的能力。结果表明,高浓度污染下菰和菖蒲不能存活;低、中浓度中菖蒲的生长受到抑制,菰各生长指标与对照相比差异不显著,表明菰对低、中浓度重金属的耐性强于菖蒲。随着污染浓度的增加,菰和菖蒲叶片叶绿索含量显著降低;菰叶绿素a/b值略有降低,菖蒲叶绿素a/b值显著降低;菰和菖蒲叶片脯氨酸含量、相对电导率显著升高,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性在低浓度时升高,中浓度时降低。菰体内重金属含量为Zn〉Cu〉Pb〉Cd,菖蒲体内的含量为Cu〉Zn〉Pb〉Cd,且二者体内的重金属含量都随着污染浓度的增加而升高。菰和菖蒲对Cd的富集系数较大,地上部分(茎与叶)和地下部分(根与根状茎)均大于1;对Pb的富集系数较小,地上部分和地下部分均小于1。菰和菖蒲地下部分重金属含量均高于地上部分含量,二者根系对4种重金属都有较强的滞留效应,平均滞留率均大于50%。各处理中菰对重金属的吸收量均高于菖蒲。综合分析菰和菖蒲的生长、生理及富集重金属的能力,菰比菖蒲更适用于低、中浓度重金属污染水体的生态修复。  相似文献   

玉米与番茄间作对土壤镉吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究间作对作物吸收重金属镉(Cadmium,Cd)的影响,以Cd相对高积累番茄(中蔬4号)和相对低积累玉米(金珠蜜甜玉米)为试验材料,在Cd 3.70 mg/kg的污染水平下以单作、限制性间作、间作3种种植方式进行了盆栽试验,研究间作后作物各部位Cd积累差异及其形成原因。结果表明,番茄和玉米间作和限制性间作所产番茄根、茎、叶中Cd含量均有所提高(叶中Cd含量从13.52mg/kg分别升高至24.94mg/kg和27.30mg/kg);与未种植作物的对照组相比,非单作条件下番茄根围土壤的pH有所下降,酸性磷酸酶活性上升,而脲酶活性下降,且间作组变化幅度较大;间作还能改变作物根围微生物种群结构,提高对重金属吸收有促进作用的微生物种群的丰度,最终实现Cd高积累番茄对Cd的吸收能力提高。研究结果可为利用间作模式修复土壤重金属污染和保障食品安全提供参考。  相似文献   

为探究间作对作物吸收重金属镉(Cadmium,Cd)的影响,以Cd相对高积累番茄(中蔬4号)和相对低积累玉米(金珠蜜甜玉米)为试验材料,在Cd 3.70 mg/kg的污染水平下以单作、限制性间作、间作3种种植方式进行了盆栽试验,研究间作后作物各部位Cd积累差异及其形成原因。结果表明,番茄和玉米间作和限制性间作所产番茄根、茎、叶中Cd含量均有所提高(叶中Cd含量从13.52mg/kg分别升高至24.94mg/kg和27.30mg/kg);与未种植作物的对照组相比,非单作条件下番茄根围土壤的pH有所下降,酸性磷酸酶活性上升,而脲酶活性下降,且间作组变化幅度较大;间作还能改变作物根围微生物种群结构,提高对重金属吸收有促进作用的微生物种群的丰度,最终实现Cd高积累番茄对Cd的吸收能力提高。研究结果可为利用间作模式修复土壤重金属污染和保障食品安全提供参考。  相似文献   

采用水培幼苗试验研究不同蕹菜品种("台湾308"和"强坤青骨")Cd的积累及其化学形态和分子分布。结果表明,1.0 mg·L-1Cd浓度处理下,"台湾308"和"强坤青骨"叶、茎、根Cd含量分别为3.17、3.55、39.1和2.06、2.35、33.5 mg·kg-1;5.0 mg·L-1Cd浓度处理下,"台湾308"和"强坤青骨"叶、茎、根Cd含量分别为3.75、4.15、55.8和2.68、3.43、83.7 mg·kg-1。2个蕹菜品种Cd化学结合形态研究表明,叶中以乙醇提取态为主,茎、根中以乙醇和氯化钠提取态为主。"台湾308"叶、茎、根中活性较强的水提取态Cd所占比例均明显高于"强坤青骨",而醋酸和盐酸提取态Cd所占比例均明显低于"强坤青骨"。Cd处理水平和蕹菜品种类型对体内Cd化学结合形态均有一定影响,在根中表现尤为明显。分子分布结果表明,蕹菜叶片可溶部分中的Cd大部分与高分子量化合物和小分子量物质相配合,而根中可溶部分的Cd主要与植物螯合肽(PCs)和分子量为10~20 kDa的蛋白质结合。"强坤青骨"根系中Cd与PCs配合的组分(Cd-PCs)含量小于"台湾308",降低了Cd向地上部转运的可能性,进而成为其地上部分Cd含量较低的原因之一。  相似文献   

Metal hyperaccumulation has been proposed as a plant defensive strategy. Here, we investigated whether cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulation protected Thlaspi caerulescens from leaf feeding damage by thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). Two ecotypes differing in Cd accumulation, Ganges (high) and Prayon (low), were grown in compost amended with 0-1000 mg Cd kg(-1) in two experiments under glasshouse conditions. F2 and F3 plants from the Prayon x Ganges crosses were grown with 5 mg Cd kg(-1). Plants were naturally colonized by thrips and the leaf feeding damage index (LFDI) was assessed. The LFDI decreased significantly with increasing Cd in both ecotypes, and correlated with shoot Cd concentration in a log-linear fashion. Prayon was more attractive to thrips than Ganges, but the ecotypic difference in the LFDI was largely accounted for by the shoot Cd concentration. In the F2 and F3 plants, the LFDI correlated significantly and negatively with shoot Cd, but not with shoot zinc (Zn) or sulphur (S) concentrations. We conclude that Cd hyperaccumulation deters thrips from feeding on T. caerulescens leaves, which may offer an adaptive benefit to the plant.  相似文献   

[目的] 探究四环素在水和紫茎泽兰间的传递以及在紫茎泽兰体内的累积特征。[方法] 利用高效液相色谱检测紫茎泽兰幼苗在水培过程中对四环素的吸收及其在根茎叶中的积累。[结果] 在10~20 mg·L-1四环素的处理浓度范围内,紫茎泽兰根、茎、叶均能吸收并积累四环素,且吸收累积量均随处理浓度和处理时间的增加而升高。当紫茎泽兰在20 mg·L-1四环素的水培液处理20 d时,茎中的四环素累积量最高,为(59.34±3.86)mg·kg-1;根中的次之,为(52.52±5.89)mg·kg-1;而叶中的最低,为(23.19±4.17)mg·kg-1。此外,紫茎泽兰茎的四环素富集系数最大,根的次之,叶的最小。[结论] 紫茎泽兰能够较好地从水培液中吸收并累积四环素,具有吸收净化四环素污染水源的潜力。  相似文献   

Evidence exists that Cd and certain nutrient elements, such as Fe and Mg, could share similar mechanisms of plant uptake and accumulation. Here we report that Mg and Fe deficiency in mature plants of Salix viminalis, grown in hydroponic solutions containing 5 µg ml?1 of Cd, caused a significant increase in Cd accumulation in roots, stems and leaves. Cd (µg g?1 dry weight) was determined following three treatments: 1) Cd treatment in complete nutrient solution; 2) Cd treatment with Fe deficiency; and 3) Cd treatment with Mg deficiency, yielding, respectively: in young leaves (65.3, 76.1, and 92.2), mature leaves (51.5 to 76.3 and 87.1), upper stems (80.6, 116.8, and 130.6) lower stems (67.2, 119, and 102.3), roots (377.1, 744.8, and 442,5). Our results suggest that Cd utilizes the same uptake and transport pathways as Mg and Fe. Evidence exists that Mg and Fe uptake and translocation could be further facilitated by plants as an adaptive response to deficiency of these elements. Such physiological reaction could additionally stimulate Cd accumulation. Although Cd uptake was mostly confined in roots, high Cd content in aerial plant parts (51.5–130.6 µg g?1) indicates that the analysed Salix viminalis genotype is suitable for phytoextraction.  相似文献   

Cs accumulation characteristics by Sorghum bicolor were investigated in hydroponic system (Cs level at 50–1000 μmol/L) and in soil (Cs-spiked concentration was 100 and 400 mg/kg soil). Two varieties of S. bicolor Cowly and Nengsi 2# grown on pot soil during the entire growth period (100 days) did not show significant differences on the height, dry weight (DW), and Cs accumulation. S. bicolor showed the potential phytoextraction ability for Cs-contaminated soil with the bioaccumulation factor (BCF) and the translocation factor (TF) values usually higher than 1 in soil system and in hydroponic system. The aerial parts of S. bicolor contributed to 86–92% of the total removed amounts of Cs from soil. Cs level in solution at 100 μmol/L gave the highest BCF and TF values of S. bicolor. Cs at low level tended to transfer to the aerial parts, whereas Cs at high level decreased the transfer ratio from root to shoot. In soil, the plant grew well when Cs spiked level was 100 mg/kg soil, but was inhibited by Cs at 400 mg/kg soil with Cs content in sorghum reaching 1147 mg/kg (roots), 2473 mg/kg (stems), and 2939 mg/kg (leaves). In hydroponic system, average Cs level in sorghum reached 5270 mg/kg (roots) and 4513 mg/kg (aerial parts), without significant damages to its biomass at 30 days after starting Cs treatment. Cs accumulation in sorghum tissues was positively correlated with the metal concentration in medium.  相似文献   

为了筛选可供利用的番茄污染安全品种 (Pollution-safe cultivar,PSC),减少镉 (Cd) 污染地区食品安全隐患,通过土培及水培试验研究了南方地区常见不同番茄 (Solanum lycopersicum) 品种对Cd的积累差异。首先利用土培试验在2.94 mg/kg Cd胁迫下从25个番茄品种中筛选出高低积累品种,并进一步利用水培试验测定高低积累番茄品种对Cd胁迫的响应情况。土培试验结果表明,在2.94 mg/kg Cd胁迫下,25种番茄株高、总生物量以及产量有显著差异,并且25种番茄果实Cd含量均超过国际食品法典委员会 (Codex alimentarius commission,CAC) 标准的最高限值 (0.05 mg/kg)。通过聚类分析,筛选到果实中Cd高积累、中积累、低积累类群分别有7个、4个和14个品种,其中果实Cd含量最高为3.06 mg/kg DW,最低为1.47 mg/kg DW,平均为2.21 mg/kg DW。水培试验结果显示,在相同浓度Cd胁迫下,与Cd低积累品种浙粉3053相比,Cd高积累品种钱塘旭日F1 其吸收Cd的速度更快、Cd积累量更大、产生氧化应激反应时间更短、对Cd的耐受性也更强。筛选出来的典型Cd高低积累品种,为重金属污染区域农业生产以及开发污染安全品种的分子辅助育种提供参考。种植低Cd积累PSC品种,结合番茄果实Cd含量动态监控,是在中轻度Cd污染地区目前较为可行的方法。  相似文献   

Glutathione and phytochelatin contents in tomato plants exposed to cadmium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of cadmium on growth and contents of glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCs) were investigated in roots and leaves of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. 63/5 F1). The accumulation of Cd increased with external Cd concentrations and was considerably higher in roots than in leaves. Dry mass production decreased under Cd treatment especially in leaves. In both roots and leaves, exposure to Cd caused an appreciable decline in GSH contents and increase in PCs synthesis proportional to Cd concentrations in the growth medium. At the same Cd concentration, PCs production was higher in roots than in leaves. The implication of glutathione in PC synthesis was strongly suggested by the use of buthionine sulfoximine (BSO). The major fraction of Cd accumulated by tomato roots was in the form of a Cd-PCs complex.  相似文献   

龙须草对镉的耐受性和富集特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu AZ  Zou DS  Liu F 《应用生态学报》2011,22(2):473-480
利用盆栽试验,研究了龙须草对Cd的耐受能力和富集特征.结果表明:低浓度Cd处理(5 mg·kg-1)能促进龙须草的生长,增强其生理活性,生物量、净光合速率等12个指标比对照提高1.0%~15.5%;高浓度Cd处理(>5 mg.kg-1)对龙须草的生长产生抑制作用,但当Cd浓度达到100 mg.kg-1时,龙须草仍能完成正常的生理周期,生物量、净光合速率仅比对照分别下降27.0%和25.6%.龙须草各器官的Cd含量随Cd污染程度的上升而大幅度增加,根的Cd含量为350~500 mg.kg-1,茎叶为15~35 mg·kg-1.在Cd浓度<50 mg·kg-1时,吸Cd量随添加浓度的增大而增大,茎叶吸Cd量占总吸Cd量的15.7%~38.4%,茎叶与根的吸Cd量比值最高可达0.62.龙须草对Cd污染的耐受性、富集和转运能力均较强,是一种潜在的Cd超富集植物.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Azad) plants exposed to 4 and 40 microM of Cd for 7 d in hydroponic culture were analysed with reference to the distribution of metal, the accumulation of biomass and the metal's effects on antioxidants and antioxidative enzymes in roots and leaves. Cd-induced a decrease in plant biomass. The maximum accumulation of Cd occurred in roots followed by stems and leaves. An enhanced level of lipid peroxidation and an increased tissue concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in both roots and leaves indicated that Cd caused oxidative stress in pea plants. Roots and leaves of pea plants responded differently to Cd with reference to the induction of enhanced activities of most of the enzymes monitored in the present study. These differential responses to Cd were further found to be associated with levels of Cd to which the plants were exposed. Cd-induced enhancement in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was more at 40 microM than at 4 microM in leaves. While catalase (CAT) prominently increased in leaves both at 4 and 40 microM Cd, ascorbate peroxidase (APX) showed maximum stimulation at 40 microM Cd in roots. Enhancement in glutathione reductase (GR) activity was also more at 40 microM than at 4 microM Cd in roots. While glutathione peroxidase (GPOX) activity decreased in roots and remained almost unmodified in leaves, glutathione S-transferase (GST) showed pronounced stimulation in both roots and leaves of pea plants exposed to 40 microM Cd. Increased activities of antioxidative enzymes in Cd-treated plants suggest that they have some additive function in the mechanism of metal tolerance in pea plants.  相似文献   

The present investigation reports the results of the Cd accumulated by five Populus at six Cd supply levels (0, 0.5, 2, 6, 25, 60 mg/kg) in soils. For all tested Populus species, Cd accumulated by the leaves, stems, and roots linearly increased with increasing Cd supply levels, the higher concentration Cd treatments significantly promoted the Cd accumulation. P. hopeiensis, and P. tomentosa always performed the stronger ability of Cd accumulation than other three Populus species under different Cd supply treatments, and P. nira var. thevestina and P. leucoides had the poorer accumulation ability. Cd in soil was more intensively absorbed in the leaves and stems for all 5 Populus species, was not retained in roots and was transferred to aboveground plant tissues.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction has been proposed in recent years as an environmentally and cost-efficient treatment technique for the remediation of heavy-metal contaminated sites. In particular, plants that are fast growing, metal accumulating, and economically interesting, such as sunflowers or trees, recently became more important in research on phytoextraction. Heavy metal uptake of trees can be strongly influenced by ectomycorrhizal fungi. We investigated the possibility of enhancing phytoextraction of Cd by willows (Salix viminalis) and poplars (Populus canadensis) in association with three well known ectomycorrhizal fungi (Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Paxillus involutus and Pisolithus tinctorius). A pot experiment was conducted using Cd polluted soil from a contaminated site. Four replicates of each combination of fungus and tree species, and controls without fungal inoculum, were set up. After a growth period of 11 weeks, yields and Cd concentrations in roots, stems, and leaves were measured. In addition, the total Cd uptake, the transfer to roots, and the translocation to stems and leaves were calculated. The association of P. canadensis with P. involutus led to a highly significant increase of Cd concentrations, in particular in the leaves, which contained 2.74 ± 0.34 mg Cd per kg dry matter. Compared to the control this is an enhancement of nearly 100%. The fungi also significantly enhanced the translocation from the roots to the leaves, leading to a concentration ratio (leaves/roots) of 0.32 ± 0.06 compared to 0.20 ± 0.02 of the control plants. Additionally, P. involutus significantly enhanced the total Cd extraction by P. canadensis. Similar effects were not observed by other fungi or in association with S. viminalis.  相似文献   

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