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水稻线粒体DNA酶切带型研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨金水 Walbo.  V 《遗传学报》1993,20(3):235-244
水稻IR36线粒体DNA经6种限制酶酶切,用脉冲电泳和长距离琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离酶切片段,获得高分辨率的清晰带型。每组酶切片段加和测得水稻IR36线粒体基因组大小分别为227kb(HindⅢ)、253kb(EcoRⅠ)、253kb(XhoⅠ)、294kb(BamHⅠ)、239kb(SalⅠ)和283kb(xbal)采用9个来自水稻和玉米线粒体基因组的基因探针与酶切条带杂交发现,水稻线粒体基因组含有包括编码基因在内的重复顺序。  相似文献   

业已证明,叶绿体DNA为一共轭闭合环状分子。绝大多数植物叶绿体DNA均含有一对反向重复序列。对于所有已检测过的植物,叶绿体基因组所编码的基因数量、基因组成和基因排列是基本一致的。这表明叶绿体DNA具有进化上的保守性。由于其进化上的保守性,叶绿体DNA常为研究层次较高的分类单位间(属间、科间、目间、纲间等)进化关系和进化历史提供较准确的信息。1976年,Vedel等首先建立了叶绿体DNA的内切酶谱分析方法,并将其应用于植物系统分类学中。Vedel等用限制酶ECoRI酶切从豌豆  相似文献   

对甘蔗Southern杂交体系的优化,旨为转基因甘蔗Southern杂交鉴定分析提供参考。以转基因甘蔗为材料,就探针不同标记方法的比较、甘蔗基因组DNA的提取、基因组DNA酶切量、酶切时间及杂交过程等方面,对地高辛标记的Southern杂交技术进行了优化研究。结果表明,改良的CTAB法提取的甘蔗DNA能满足后期实验的要求;PCR法标记探针的效率较随机引物法标记探针的效率高,更适合用于Southern杂交;40μg的DNA在400μL酶切体系中,酶切10 h可获得良好的酶切效果;杂交温度40℃,杂交18 h,可获得清晰的杂交条带。  相似文献   

猕猴桃干叶片DNA的提取及叶绿体基因PCR-RFLP反应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用CTAB法猕猴桃干叶片提取总DNA,运用PCR技术扩增出rbcL和psbA两个叶绿体基因片段,分别用两种限制性内切酶对它们进行酶切分析,实验结果表明,当CTAB提取液体积数为750ul,猕猴桃叶片质量为10mg时,所得到的猕猴桃DNA的质量较为理想:DNA模板量为250ng时,扩增到的特异性条带明亮,无拖尾,2个基因的酶切结果共得到25个限制性位点,其中24个具有多态性,为从cpDNA水平探讨猕猴桃属植物的系统发育打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

萝卜叶绿体DNA花粉育性特异片段的定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验采用萝卜细胞质雄性不育系401A及其同核保持系401B为材料,利用BamH I、EcoR I、BglI和HindⅡ四种内切酶酶解其叶绿体:DNA。除HindⅡ外,其余三种内切酶电泳图谱中均显示两系之间的明显差异。将BamH I的5个差异片段分别与载体pBR322进行体外连接,获得4种重组体克隆。利用3种膜蛋白质基因探针,分别与两系的叶绿体DNA杂交,杂交均未出现在差异片段所在部位,这说明,两系之间的差别可能与这3种基因无关。将重组体质粒分别与P700叶绿素a脱辅基蛋白质基因探针及反向重复区内rRNA基因区探针杂交,结果表明,有3种重组体质粒所携带的差异片段与rRNA基因探针在杂交中显示出明显的阳性反应。也就是说,这3个差异片段均位于rRNA基因所在的叶绿体基因组的反向重复区中。  相似文献   

本研究以菠菜叶绿体DNA 2.45kb的SalI片段(含有ATP合酶α-亚单位基因)为探针,从龙英叶绿体DNA BamHI片段文库中筛选出含龙葵叶绿体atpA基因的克隆。通过Southrcn吸印与探针杂交,证明了重组质粒pSB 132的插入片段含有atpA基因。同时将atpA基因定位在龙葵叶绿体DNA SalI、BglI、XhoI和BamHI 4种酶切图谱的限制性片段上。  相似文献   

 用辣根过氧化物酶标记DNA的技术,制备了酶标基因探针。研究了酶标过程和产物的电泳行为;用斑点杂交和southern印迹杂交探测了单链、双链DNA,灵敏度可达pg水平,以此酶标的Y染色体特异的DNA片段作探针,进行了DNA杂交的性别分析,证明该探针能清楚地区别两性基因组DNA,这对基因的研究和诊断有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

蚕豆叶绿体DNA(ct—DNA)经BamH I酶切产生26个片段,最大的为14.00kb,最小的为0.42kb。本文以pBR322为载体,E.Coli HB101为受体菌,采用标准分子克隆法构建了蚕豆ct—DNA BamH I克隆库,并从库中分离得到含叶绿体rRNA基因的克隆。32P标记的E.Coil 16S、23S rRNA能和蚕豆ct—DNA BamH I第6(B6,5.65kb)和第9(B9,4.70kb)个片段杂交,含有这二个片段的克隆分别命名为pVFB32和pVFBl6。利用几种限制性内切酶酶切和Southern印迹法构建了pVFBl6的物理图谱。pVFBl6电镜下观察到有一变性环(A—T丰富区),经Hind I酶切,电镜观察定位此A—T丰富区位于16S和23S rRNA基因的间隔顺序内,推测该环可能与DNA复制有关。  相似文献   

本实验总结出一套水稻叶绿体DNA的提取方法,并获得清晰的叶绿体DNA限制性内切酶图谱。Southern杂交结果表明,菠菜PSIIP680ChlaAP基因探针与水稻叶绿体DNA的Pst-1,Pst-14,Pvu-2和Sal-1片段的部分顺序有较高的同源性。根据Hirai和赵衍的水稻叶绿体基因组物理图,可以确定该基因位于紧靠RuBPCaseLS基因,距反向重复区约26kb处。高等植物叶绿体基因组中这种基因排列方式还未见报道。  相似文献   

用对阿特拉津(Atrazine)除草剂抗性的龙葵生物型B_(12)株系作材料,制备叶绿体DNA。B_(12)株ctDNA(叶绿体DNA)经BamHI酶解,在0.7%琼脂糖凝胶电泳上呈现24条带,其中最大的片段为18.6kb,最小的片段为1kb。用pBR322作为载体,构建B_(12)株ctDNA BamHI片段文库。通过与探针的分子杂交,从中筛选出含有编码叶绿体32kd蛋白质的阿特拉津抗性基因的克隆pSB135和含有ATP合酶α亚单位基因的克隆pSB132。  相似文献   

A procedure is developed for the isolation of intact chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) from Petunia hybrida. The molecular weight, calculated from contour length measurements, is 96.0 +/- 4.5 x 10(6) daltons. This value is in good agreement with the value of 101.2 x 10(6) daltons that was estimated from the electrophoretic mobilities of restriction endonuclease fragments of ctDNA. Analysis of petunia ctDNA in neutral CsCl gradients revealed the presence of only one type of DNA at a buoyant density of 1.6987 +/- 0.0005 gcm-3. This corresponds with a GC-content of 39.3 +/- 0.5%. A physical map of petunia ctDNA was constructed by using the restriction endonucleases Sal I, Bgl I, Hpa I and Kpn I. The map indicates that petunia ctDNA contains two copies of a sequence in an inverted orientation. The inverted repeat regions have a minimum length of 10 x 10(6) daltons. Hybridization data indicate that part of the inverted repeat regions contain the genes for chloroplast ribosomal RNAs.  相似文献   

Benzyladenine (BA) treatment was found to induce chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) synthesis after it had stopped in primary leaves of light-grown intact bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The leaves were treated with BA from 7 days after sowing. Chloroplasts were isolated and the ctDNA content per chloroplast was determined. Chloroplast division occurred until 13 days after sowing in untreated leaves. BA stimulated the division keeping the level of ctDNA content per chloroplast the same as that in the untreated controls. After the division period, the ctDNA content per chloroplast increased in BA-treated leaves, but not in controls. Consequently, ctDNA per leaf (or per cell) increased immediately after the beginning of BA treatment, but remained constant in the control leaves.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of chloroplast (ct) DNAs from 15 accessions of Dioscorea bulbifera collected from Africa and Asia was carried out using the Southern hybridization technique. Eight cloned ctDNA fragments of D. bulbifera and D. opposita, which cover 80% of the total chloroplast genome, were used as the probes to detect variation in ctDNA digested with nine restriction endonucleases. Ten variable sites, located in the large and small single-copy regions, were disclosed among the 15 accessions, of which six showed base substitution and four carried length mutation. Positions of the latter mutations were determined on the physical map of ctDNA. Based on these results, chloroplast genomes of the 15 accessions could be classified into nine types. Their phylogenetic relationships are assumed to be as follows: (1) African and Asian chloroplast genomes diverged from each other at the earliest point in time; (2) E-type chloroplast genome, occurring in the south-east edge of the Asian continent, appears to be the most ancient among all the Asian chloroplast genomes; and (3) four chloroplast genomes, found in Asian insular regions, are probably derived independently from the E-type genome. The discrepancy between the taxonomic relationship and the proposed chloroplast genome phylogeny of the present materials is noted.  相似文献   

Summary E. gracilis chloroplast DNA Bam fragments E and D, coding for rRNA were cloned separately using the plasmid pBR 322 as vector and E. coli as host. The newly constructed recombinant plasmids EgcKS 8 and EgcKS 11 (containing the Bam HI fragments E and D respectively) were analysed and characterized by gel electrophoresis, electronmicroscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation.Abbreviations Ap Ampicillin - Tc Tetracycline-hydrochloride - Bam HI endonuclease isolated from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens - Eco RI endonuclease isolated from E. coli RY13 - Bgl II endonuclease isolated from Bacillus globiggi - EDTA Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic-acid - ctDNA chloroplast DNA An abstract of this work was presented at the 10th annual meeting of the Union Schweizerischer Gesellschaften für Experimentelle Biologie, Davos 19th and 20th Mai, 1978. The recommendations of the Schweizerische Akademie für medizinische Wissenschaften for work with recombinant DNA-molecules were respected throughout this work.  相似文献   

Purified chloroplast tRNAs were isolated fromPisum sativum leaves and radioactively labeled at their 3′ end using tRNA nucleotidyl transferase and α32P-labeled CTP. Pea ctDNA was fragmented using a number of restriction endonucleases and hybridized with thein vitro labeled chloroplast tRNAs by DNA transfer method. Genes for tRNAs have been found to be dispersed throughout the chloroplast genome. A closer analysis of the several hybrid regions using recombinant DNA plasmids have shown that tRNA genes are localized in the chloroplast genome in both single and multiple arrangements. Two dimensional gel electrophoresis of total ct tRNA have identified 36 spots. All of them have been found to hybridize withPisum sativum ctDNA. Using recombinant clones, 30 of the tRNA spots have been mapped inPisum sativum ctDNA.  相似文献   

Grain amaranth is an annual food and forage crop and C4-plant with characteristics of rich nutrients, high photosynthesis efficiency and strong stress-resistance. Chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) was prepared from Amaranthus cruentus R104. The ctDNA was digested with restriction enzymes Barn HⅠ, EcoRⅠ, BgⅢ, PstⅠ and SaⅡ, and the fragments thus obtained were electrophoresed in 0.7% agarose gel. The Length of the doublestranded ctDNA was measured to be 140 kb or so. BamHI-digested fragments of R104 ctDNA were inserted into pBR322 and a chloroplast genomic library has been constructed. The recombinant clone containing rbcL gene has been identified and selected out from the library. The restriction analysis of the clone showed that the rbcL gene of A. cruentus R104 has the structure similar to that of C4-plant corn. Moreover the reason of unsuccessful cloning of 5.9 kb BamHI fragment containing psbA gene is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Clone banks of PvuII, BamHI and XhoI fragments were generated of the Solanum tuberosum cv Katahdin plastome. These clone banks, in conjunction with molecular hybridization to tobacco ctDNA probes, were used to construct a physical map of potato ctDNA. The potato plastome was found to be a circular molecule of 155–156 Kbp containing two inverted repeat regions of 23–27 Kbp. The arrangement of restriction sites is very similar to that of other Solanaceae plastomes. Heterologous hybridization to known ctDNA encoded gene probes from tobacco allowed us to establish a genetic map of the potato chloroplast genome. The arrangement of these genes on the potato plastome resembles that on most higher plant ctDNAs.  相似文献   

The percentage of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) present in total DNA isolated from pea tissues was determined using labeled mtDNA in reassociation kinetics reactions. Embryos contained the highest level of mtDNA, equal to 1.5% of total DNA. This value decreased in light- and dark-grown shoots and leaves, and roots. The lowest value found was in dark-grown shoots; their total DNA contained only 0.3% mtDNA. This may be a reflection of increased nuclear ploidy levels without concomitant mtDNA synthesis. It was possible to compare the mtDNA values directly with previous estimates of the amount of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) per cell because the same preparations of total DNA were used for both analyses. The embryo contained 1.5% of both mtDNA and ctDNA; this equals 410 copies of mtDNA and 1200 copies of ctDNA per diploid cell. Whereas mtDNA levels decreased to 260 copies in leaf cells of pea, the number of copies of ctDNA increased to 10300. In addition, the levels of ctDNA in first leaves of dark-grown and light-transferred pea were determined, and it was found that leaves of plants maintained in the dark had the same percentage of ctDNA as those transferred to the light.Abbreviations ctDNA chloroplast DNA - mtDNA mitochondrial DNA  相似文献   

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