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中国繁缕属植物研究资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、简介 繁缕属Stellaria L.隸于石竹科Caryophyllaceae繁缕亚科Alsinoideae Vierhapper由瑞典植物学家林奈建立于1753年,其命名模式为硬骨草繁缕S.holostea L.根据文献记载这一属在全世界约有120种,产于南北两半球温寒两带,在编写中国植物志繁缕属的过程中,对全国各主要标本室及有关高等院校的该属标本,进行了系统的整理鉴定工作,根据初步研究表明中国产44种10变种及1变型,这些种类分别隸于5个组及11个系中,其中的新分类群在此一并报导。  相似文献   

繁缕和无瓣繁缕六个居群的数值分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对繁缕(Stellaria media)和无瓣繁缕(S.apetala)的6个居群的57个性状进行Q-聚类和R-聚类的研究。结果表明:(1)Q-聚类中,用一条结合线,可以把繁缕的4个居群聚为一类,无瓣繁缕的2个居群聚为一类。这一结果支持肥繁缕和无瓣繁缕划分为两个物种;(2)R-聚类中,发现了呈现完全正相关、极大正相关和极大负相关的性状,并根据R-聚类的结果,运用一条适当的结合线,把繁缕和无瓣繁缕的57个性状划为5个类群,并分析了各性状的分类学意义。  相似文献   

应用PCR产物直接测序法分析了繁缕[Stellaria media(L.)Villars]及其近缘种和鹅肠菜[Myosoton aquaticum (L.)Moench]的ITS和trnL-F序列的碱基差异,并以孩儿参[Pseudostellaria heterophylla(Miq.)Pax]为外类群构建N-J系统树,分析了这些种类的种间亲缘关系.结果表明,供试的繁缕属(Stellaria L.)种类及鹅肠菜的ITS和trnL-F序列长度分别为521~784和788~951 bp,各有变异位点77和59个,其中信息位点分别为18和11个,种间碱基差异百分率分别为6.5%和3.1%.ITS的碱基组成为A 22.1%、T20.9%、G 28.5%和C 28.5%,G+C含量57.0%;trnL-F的碱基组成为A 35.9%、T 33.7%、G 15.7%和C 14.8%,G+C含量30.5%.繁缕、雀舌草(S.alsine Grimm)和箐姑草(S.vestita Kurz)的ITS和trnL-F序列一致;鹅肠菜的ITS序列中有4个位点与前述种类不同,但trnL-F序列则相同;中国繁缕(S.chinensis Regel)的ITS和trnL-F序列与孩儿参较相似.在N-J系统树中,鹅肠菜与繁缕、雀舌草和箐姑草聚为一支,表明它们的亲缘关系相对较近,支持将鹅肠菜重新归入繁缕属的分类处理.研究结果显示,ITS和trnL-F序列分析均可用于繁缕及其近缘种的鉴别,且ITS是更为适宜的分子标记.  相似文献   

在室内查阅标本和文献资料的基础上,结合野外实际调查,对陕西秦巴山区假繁缕研究工作全面述评。作者认为假繁缕为多年生草本,非一年生草本;支持将日本假繁缕作为假繁缕的异名处理。  相似文献   

石竹科繁缕属(Stellaria L.)和孩儿参属(Pseudostellaria Pax)的关系一直备受关注。为了弄清它们之间的关系及属下分类等问题,选择繁缕属22种和孩儿参属8种,共30种植物51个形态特征,利用NTSYS-pc 2.10e软件中的UPGMA聚类分析方法和主坐标分析方法,对这2个属进行数值分类学研究。结果表明,繁缕属与孩儿参属是2个自然类群,除繁缕属的繁缕(S.media(L.)Cyr.)和鸡肠繁缕(S.neglecta Weihe ex Bluff et Fingerh)在聚类中不能分开外,其它物种都能很好地分开。两属有较近的关系,其中巫山繁缕(S.wushanensis Williams)是过渡种。此外,数量分类结果建议将细叶孩儿参(P.sylvatica(Maxim.)Pax)作为一个独立组处理。对性状的主坐标排序分析显示,根的形状、叶缘质地、花的形态(是否具花瓣、花瓣长度、花瓣裂数、深裂还是浅裂)和种子表面纹饰(是否具齿轮状、疣状突起)等在繁缕属与孩儿参属的分类中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

本文报道霜霉属(Peronospora)新种二个:即寄生在石竹科植物异叶假繁缕(Pseudo stellaria heterophylla(Miq.)Pax.)上的假繁缕霜霉(P.pseudostellariae G. Y. Yin et Z.S.Yang)和寄生在荨麻科植物藪苧麻(Boehmeria japonica Miq.)上的苧麻霜霉(P.boehmeriae G.Y.Yin et Z.S.Yang)。文中有拉丁文及中文描述。标本保存于南京农业大学真菌标本室和中国科学院微生物所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

石竹科繁缕属(Stellaria L.)和鹅肠菜属(Myosoton Moench.)的系统关系一直存在争议.为了弄清它们之间的关系及属下分类等问题,选取55个形态特征对繁缕属和鹅肠菜属进行数量分类学研究.聚类分析和主坐标分析结果显示,鹅肠菜(M.aquaticum (L.) Moench.)与繁缕组繁缕亚组的关系较近,故支持将鹅肠菜属并入繁缕属.此外,研究结果还支持将繸瓣组作为独立的组.对性状的主坐标排序分析显示,茎的形状及是否被毛、叶长、叶宽、是否具叶柄、叶形及毛被、上下表皮气孔指数与密度、是否具花瓣及花瓣裂片数、雄蕊数目、蒴果长度、花柱与种子的数目、种子表面纹饰等性状特征是繁缕属与鹅肠菜属分类的重要依据.  相似文献   

研究了36种中国产繁缕属(Stellaria)植物,根据模式材料或仅根据原描述,将已合格发表的1组、l系、12种、4变种和1变型首次归并到有关各类,依次列举人异名录中,其中有1移属。讨论了各种错误鉴定,同时对于选择性状、设想进化过程和分布记录均有讨论.  相似文献   

中国繁缕属的一些分类问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
研究了36种中国产繁缕属(Stellaria)植物,根据模式材料或仅根据原描述,将已合格发表的1组、1系、12种、4变种和1变型首次归并到有关各类,依次列举入异名录中,其中有1移属。讨论了各种错误鉴定,同时对于选择性状、设想进化过程和分布记录均有讨论。  相似文献   

顾德兴  徐炳声   《广西植物》1989,9(3):265-270+295
繁缕(Stellaria media)和小繁缕(S.apetala)是两个形态相似的近缘种,有人把后者作为前者的亚种或变种来处理。本文通过对南京地区不同生境的三个自然群体和三个人工控制栽培群体的取样,以群体为单位,分别测算了叶、萼片、雄蕊、花瓣、果实和种子的8个数量性状的变异,绘制了多角形图;对花粉粒和种子进行了扫描;还通过花蕾套袋试验对种子活力作了检查。结果发现繁缕和小繁缕都是近亲繁殖植物,在形态上区别明显,对生态环境的要求基本相同,但小繁缕似更能耐受人为的践踏和刈割。  相似文献   

本文发表了石竹科一新属,假卷耳属PseudocerastiumC.Y.Wu,X.H.GuoetX.P.Zhang。该属模式种为假卷耳PseudocerastiumstellarioidesX.H.GuoetX.P.Zhang,近于卷耳属,繁缕属和鹅肠菜属。另报道一个中国地理分新分布种,异型花缕StellariadiverisfloraMaxim.。  相似文献   

Capsule In an intensively managed agricultural landscape, few females attempted a second brood.

Aims To investigate the effect of modern farming practices on the number of Corn Bunting breeding attempts.

Methods We compared the timing of breeding by Corn Buntings on the South Downs, West Sussex, with the habitat composition within 150 m of their nests.

Results Breeding was earlier in areas containing winter-sown wheat and set-aside than in areas containing spring-sown barley. Nests were earlier when cereal crops near the nest were more developed. The presence of unripe grain was a better predictor of the timing of breeding than the height of the crop. Double-brooding was extremely rare and few females re-laid after nest failures. Daily failure probabilities of clutches increased during the season, largely as a result of harvesting operations.

Conclusions Changes in the timing of cereal harvesting and the availability of uncultivated nesting habitat may have reduced the incidence of double-brooding in some intensive arable landscapes. Food availability may also limit the onset of breeding, further reducing the possibility of double-brooding.  相似文献   

CHINNAPPA, C. C, GIFFORD, D. J. & RAMAMORRTHY, J., 1992. Studies on the Stellaria longipes complex (Caryophyllaceae): relationships among the species based on seed protein profiles. The protein profiles of nine genera of the family Caryophyllaceae show distinct patterns. Within the genus Stellaria , six species were studied. The four North American species show more or less similar profiles, while the two European species have quite different patterns. There are some indications to suggest that the polyploid species, 5. longipes , is closely related to diploid S. longifolia and S. porsildii. The seed protein profiles of these species support the view that 5. longipes might have originated from hybridization between the two diploid species.  相似文献   

1. This paper addresses the errors that are associated with the long-term prediction of weed densities, and the effect of these errors on the performance of weed management decisions based on those long-term predictions.
2. A model of weed population dynamics was constructed and its parameters were estimated from experimental observations of population dynamics of the weed species Stellaria media in a crop rotation.
3. The observations showed that estimates of weed population growth rate differed between two locations.
4. The model was used to analyse error propagation for predicted weed densities in an enlarged prediction interval. It is concluded that errors due to an uncertain population growth rate increase linearly with the length of the prediction interval, and thus pose an upper limit to the horizon for long-term predictions.
5. It is shown that a limited ability to predict weed densities does not necessarily impair the practical use of weed population dynamic models in planning for long-term weed control programmes.  相似文献   

陈旭波  刘全儒  李艳 《植物研究》2010,30(5):527-536
采用光学显微镜,对华北地区分布的繁缕属植物16种2变种,其它4属4种植物的叶表皮微形态进行了观察。结果表明:繁缕属植物叶片的下表皮均存在气孔器,而上表皮仅少数种类缺乏气孔器。气孔器类型比较多样,有不等细胞型、无规则型、无规则四细胞型;表皮细胞主要为不规则型,垂周壁从平直、弓形、浅波状、波状、到深波状;上表皮气孔指数在5.23~31.65之间;下表皮气孔指数在10.02~29.44。叶表皮被毛或无,毛被分为星状毛、腺柔毛、柔毛、绢毛。该研究说明叶表皮的微形态特征在种间差异明显,可以为分种及属间亲缘关系的探讨提供依据,但是对组的划分存在一定的局限性。  相似文献   

运用石蜡制片技术,对繁缕(Stellaria media)和鹅肠菜(Myosoton aquaticum)的花维管束系统进行了比较解剖观察,为其系统分类提供了一定的科学依据。研究结果表明,两者维管系统有以下特征:(1)花梗部维管束以3束不封闭成环形式分布在中央区。(2)花梗顶部维管束形成一个封闭的分生组织环。(3)分生组织环最先呈辐射状分离出的外层10束,每相隔一个束的那个束向外分裂出2束。其中15束是通往花萼的维管束,5束是通往花瓣的维管束。通往花瓣的5束维管束又一分为二,变成10束花瓣维管束。(4)分生组织环再呈辐射状分裂出10束,形成雄蕊维管束。(5)在子房室区分生组织环再呈辐射状分裂出4子房隔膜束,每束分裂出3束,形成胎座维管束,其数目为12束,每一束均与一个胚珠相连,从而使子房壁维管束数目增加到16束。鉴于繁缕和鹅肠菜花维管束系统的高度一致,将鹅肠菜置于繁缕属比较恰当。  相似文献   

千针万线草环肽A的结构修正   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
从云南民间药物千针万线草(Stellaria yunnanensis)的根中分离到一新环肽stellarinA。前报主要利用快速原子轰击质谱确定其结构为cyclo(Gly-Pro-Phe-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Pro)。最近利用最新二维核磁结合快速原子轰击质谱及酶降解重新考察了其结构,修正为cyclo(Gly-Pro-Phe-Pro-Gly-Tyr-Gly)。  相似文献   

Environment-induced alteration of DNA methylation levels was investigated inStellaria longipes (Caryophyllaceae). Total cytosine methylation levels were measured using HPLC in 6 genets representing two ecotypes (alpine and prairie) grown in short day photoperiod and cold temperature (SDC) and long day photoperiod and warm temperature (LDW) conditions. The levels of methylated cytosine were 16.54-22.20% among the three genets from the alpine and 12.62–24.70% in the three prairie genets when they were grown in SDC conditions. After the plants were moved to the LDW conditions, all of the three genets from the alpine showed decreasing levels of DNA methylation up to 6 days of growing in LDW. When the plants continued to grow in LDW for 10 days the average methylation level in the prairie genotypes showed no significant change. Cytosine methylation level was also detected inHpall andSau3AI restriction sites using the coupled restriction enzyme digestion and random amplification (CRED-RA) procedure, in which 15 random primers were used. Fifty per cent of the amplified bands with either or both of these two restriction sites were identified as being methylated in an alpine genotype (1C) and approximately 66% were found to be methylated in a prairie genotype (7C). It was observed that the change in growing conditions from SDC to LDW induced a decrease of methylation levels inHpall sites.  相似文献   

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