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采用石蜡切片法观察5种虾脊兰菌根的显微结构、菌根真菌的侵入途径与分布特征,为更好地保护和开发利用虾脊兰属植物资源提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)5种虾脊兰菌根的显微结构由根被、皮层和中柱组成,根被细胞3~6层,皮层由9~13层薄壁细胞组成,韧皮部与木质部8~12束,呈辐射状相间排列,中柱中央为薄壁细胞组成的髓。(2)菌丝通过外皮层中的通道细胞侵入皮层,且皮层是内生菌根真菌寄居的主要区域,菌丝和菌丝结在靠近外皮层的几层皮层细胞中数量居多,菌丝在细胞核附近被消解,细胞核变形膨大。研究认为,5种虾脊兰可能拥有广泛的侵染能力较强的菌根真菌类型,使得这5种虾脊兰均具有较强的生态适应性。  相似文献   

榆耳有性结构及生活史的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
颜耀祖  王云 《真菌学报》1994,13(4):290-294
本文通过电镜扫描、石腊切片及用苏木精染色法和DAPI荧光染色,对榆耳子实体有性结构进行观察,证实榆耳子实体菌盖结构分三层:上表层为毛层,表面着生有排列较密集顶端游离的菌丝,它们相互粘连呈菌丝束;中间层为髓部,由较疏松而相互交织在一起的薄壁菌丝组成,菌丝间充满胶质物质;下层为子实层,表面起伏不平,呈不规则的疣状突起,上面着生担子和囊状体,担子无隔膜棍棒形,外表有不规则的网状纹饰,其顶部着生4个瓶梗状  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法对无距虾脊兰(Calanthe tsoongiana T.Tang et F.T.Wang)营养器官解剖结构进行研究。结果显示,无距虾脊兰叶为等面叶,与一般植物相比,表皮毛和气孔器较少,均分布在下表皮,气孔器稍外凸,叶片维管束分化程度不一,木质部厚度远大于韧皮部。假鳞茎由表皮、基本组织和维管束组成,基本组织发达,含有丰富的内含物。维管束散生于基本组织中;根主要由根被、皮层和中柱组成,根被通常可见4层,皮层由8~10层薄壁细胞组成,菌丝体通过破坏根被细胞侵入皮层。除正对木质部脊的中柱鞘细胞外,其余中柱鞘通道细胞全面增厚,维管束类型为辐射维管束,中柱中央为薄壁细胞组成的髓。无距虾脊兰营养器官的解剖特征表现出阴生植物的特点,引种栽培过程中应注意适当遮荫和通风。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法对无距虾脊兰(Calanthe tsoongiana T.TangetF.T.Wang)营养器官解剖结构进行研究。结果显示,无距虾脊兰叶为等面叶,与一般植物相比,表皮毛和气孔器较少,均分布在下表皮,气孔器稍外凸,叶片维管束分化程度不一,木质部厚度远大于韧皮部。假鳞茎由表皮、基本组织和维管束组成,基本组织发达,含有丰富的内含物。维管束散生于基本组织中;根主要由根被、皮层和中柱组成,根被通常可见4层,皮层由8~10层薄壁细胞组成,菌丝体通过破坏根被细胞侵入皮层。除正对木质部脊的中柱鞘细胞外,其余中柱鞘通道细胞全面增厚,维管束类型为辐射维管束,中柱中央为薄壁细胞组成的髓。无距虾脊兰营养器官的解剖特征表现出阴生植物的特点,引种栽培过程中应注意适当遮荫和通风。  相似文献   

七叶一枝花根的显微结构及其内生真菌分布研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用石蜡永久制片和光学显微摄像的方法对七叶一枝花Parispolyphylla根的显微结构及其内生真菌的分布进行了研究。结果表明,七叶一枝花的根茎由栓皮层、薄壁组织及维管组织组成,其中栓皮层由4层细胞组成;薄壁组织的细胞含有丰富的营养物质,其内有时分布有针状结晶束。不定根由表皮层、皮层、内皮层及维管束构成,表皮上有根毛,皮层所占根径的比例达80%以上;木质部为三原型。在七叶一枝花的根茎和不定根的皮层细胞中均有内生真菌的分布。真菌由表皮、外皮层侵入到皮层薄壁组织,在皮层薄壁细胞中形成菌丝结,并扩展成一定的侵染区域,部分皮层细胞中菌丝结已被消化吸收。内生真菌只侵染皮层薄壁细胞,不侵染维管柱。七叶一枝花可以通过消化细胞内的菌丝作为营养的来源之一。  相似文献   

黄连(Coptis chinensis)是毛茛科著名药材,该文研究了黄连体内黄连素在组织器官中的分布规律和根尖屏障结构特征。在白光和荧光显微镜下,组织器官中黄连素在蓝色激发光下自发黄色荧光,黄连素-苯胺兰对染研究细胞壁凯氏带和木质化,苏丹7B染色栓质层,间苯三酚-盐酸染色木质化。结果表明:黄连不定根初生结构为维管柱、内皮层、皮层、外皮层和表皮组成;次生结构以次生木质部为主、次生韧皮部和木栓层组成。黄连根茎初生结构由角质层,皮层和维管柱组成;次生结构由木栓层、皮层和维管柱组成,以皮层和维管柱为主。叶柄结构为髓、含维管束的厚壁组织层、皮层和角质层。黄连不定根的屏障结构初生结构时期由栓质化和木质化的内皮层、外皮层;次生结构时期为木栓层组成;根状茎的为角质层和木栓层。黄连素主要沉积分布在不定根和茎的木质部,叶柄的厚壁组织层,木质部和厚壁组织是鉴别黄连品质的重要部位。黄连根尖外皮层及早发育,同时初生木质部有黄连素沉积结合,可能造成水和矿质吸收和运输的阻碍,也是黄连适应阴生环境的重要原因。  相似文献   

彭励  李亭  胡正海 《西北植物学报》2007,27(12):2429-2437
应用常规石蜡切片方法,对乌拉尔甘草根和根状茎的结构及其发育进程进行研究.结果显示:(1)乌拉尔甘草根的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生生长和次生生长4个发育阶段.原分生组织由3层原始细胞组成,具有典型分生组织细胞的特征;初生分生组织由根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原组成;初生结构包括表皮、皮层和中柱,初生木质部为4原型,偶见3原型,内皮层细胞具凯氏带;次生生长依靠维管形成层和木栓形成层活动完成,维管形成层源于初生木质部和初生韧皮部之间的薄壁细胞,而木栓形成层由中柱鞘细胞脱分化产生;次生结构由次生维管组织和周皮共同组成,根中央不具髓.(2)根状茎发育过程与地上茎类似,包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生生长和次生生长4个发育阶段.原生分生组织由原套和原体组成,其衍生细胞分化成由原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层组成的初生分生组织;初生结构包括表皮、皮层、外韧维管束、髓和髓射线,维管束呈环形排列;位于维管束中的原形成层细胞恢复活动产生次生木质部和次生韧皮部,束间形成层产生射线细胞;靠近维管束内侧的皮层薄壁组织细胞脱分化产生木栓形成层,以后形成周皮.周皮、次生维管束、射线和髓共同构成根状茎的次生结构.  相似文献   

马虹  郑亚明  曹瑞  孙雅源 《植物研究》2009,29(2):141-146
革苞菊为菊科多年生强旱生草本植物,是蒙古高原植物区系的特有种。本文通过常规石蜡切片法,对革苞菊营养器官进行了形态结构的观察。结果表明:革苞菊叶为等面叶,表皮由1层排列紧密的细胞组成,上下表皮均具气孔,为不规则形;栅栏组织位于上下表皮的内侧,由1层细胞组成;海绵组织由2~3层细胞构成,细胞排列疏松。茎为外韧维管束,可分为表皮、皮层和维管柱三部分,髓发达,髓射线为4~6列细胞。根可分为周皮、皮层、维管柱三部分,根中无髓,导管由中心向四周呈束状辐射排列。在茎与根的薄壁组织中分布着排列整齐的分泌结构。用PAS反应鉴定多糖、考马斯亮蓝鉴定蛋白质后观察了革苞菊的根茎叶中蛋白质和多糖的分布。本文同时讨论了革苞菊营养器官的内部构造与其所处生态环境相适应的特性。  相似文献   

利用冰冻切片法在光学显微镜下观察暹罗苏铁茎的解剖特征。结果表明,暹罗苏铁茎由周皮、皮层、皮层维管束、中柱和髓组成,皮层和髓发达。皮层维管束可分为周韧型和外韧型两种,以周韧型为主。中柱的次生结构为同心环的次生维管组织构成,随着茎的不断成熟,环数逐渐增加;每个同心环均含有次生木质部、维管形成层、次生韧皮部的结构;环与环之间有次生的薄壁组织相间隔。皮层、中柱维管束均由木质部、形成层和韧皮部组成,木质部面积均大于韧皮部。苏铁植物茎在次生结构方面的主要特点是有皮层维管束和同心环结构的中柱维管束。  相似文献   

德保苏铁茎的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文祥凤  和太平  徐峰 《广西植物》2005,25(4):335-337,i0001
对德保苏铁茎、叶柄的解剖构造进行观察,结果表明:(1)德保苏铁的茎由周皮、皮层、维管束、髓四部分构成。木栓层的细胞壁完全栓化;皮层大而显著,皮层细胞一般较小,富含淀粉,分布有粘液道;维管束通常较小,主要集中在皮层和髓之间的狭窄区,排列呈环形,具2生长环;少部分稀疏地散生在皮层薄壁细胞之间。(2)叶柄由表皮、绿皮层、下皮层、基本组织、维管束、髓组成。表皮细胞1层,细胞外壁角质化;绿皮细胞2层,有叶绿体;下皮层的厚壁细胞,大小不一,细胞壁强烈增厚;维管束散生,属外韧维管束,排列呈环形,内有零星分布的维管束。  相似文献   

本文通过电镜扫描、石腊切片及用苏木精染色法和DAPI荧光染色,对榆耳子实体有性结构进行观察,证实榆耳子实体菌盖结构分三层:上表层为毛层,表面着生有排列较密集顶端游离的菌丝,它们相互粘连呈菌丝束;中间层为髓部,由较疏松而相互交织在一起的薄壁菌丝组成,菌丝间充满胶质物质;下表层为子实层,表面起伏不平,呈不规则的疣状突起,上面着生担子和囊状体,担子无隔膜棍棒形,外表有不规则的网状纹饰,其顶部着生4个瓶梗状小梗,每个小梗上着生1个椭圆形或腊肠形担孢子,大小为2.5—3.0×6.0—6.5μm,担孢子表面有不规则的网状纹饰结构。在担子间的囊状体为长圆柱形或圆锥形,表面有较密的不规则的网状纹饰。 榆耳有性生殖为异宗配合。绝大多数担孢子含一个细胞核,很少数担孢子含两个细胞核。孢子萌发为一端萌发,也有少数为两端萌发。初生菌丝单核,不能形成子实体,当两种不同遗传性的交配型的初生菌丝结合后,形成具有锁状联合结构的双核菌丝,并可发育成子实体。榆耳具有典型减数分裂过程,不具有减数分裂后核分裂行为,四个子核分别进入四个担孢子内。 在初生菌丝或次生菌丝上,均可产生间生的或顶生的厚垣孢子。经过温度、光照和紫外线照射的诱发,均未发现有其它类型的无性孢子产生。因此,榆耳菌的生活史和大多数担子  相似文献   

The structure and histochemistry of sclerotia of Ophiocordyceps sinensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xing XK  Guo SX 《Mycologia》2008,100(4):616-625
The structure and histochemistry of sclerotia of Ophiocordyceps sinensis (synonym: Cordyceps sinensis) are described. The remains of the caterpillar epidermis and sometimes setae of the caterpillar were attached to the pigmented layer that is external to the rind of the sclerotium. The outer aerial hyphae and hyphae of the inner medulla were densely interwoven around the epidermis of the caterpillar; these eventually differentiated into the rind of the sclerotium. The medulla of the sclerotium consisted of three intergrading regions of hyphal density: high, low and a region of intermediate hyphal density. All hyphae of the medulla contained large quantities of protein, polysaccharide and polyphosphate; only the region of high hyphal density was rich in beta-1,3 glucans; the center of the sclerotium was almost devoid of hyphae and contained what are most likely the remains of caterpillar tissue. These features are compared with those of sclerotia of other fungi, and their possible significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Field emission scanning electron microscopy was used to characterize mycobiont wall surfaces inUmbilicaria hyperboreafrom Greenland. To determine the precise intrathalline distribution of phenolics, comparisons were made of hyphal surface features and dimensions before and after acetone extraction. Stratification was evident within the medulla, as extracellular phenolics were observed only on hyphae near or within the algal zone. The outside diameter of hyphae in this region was thus significantly greater than in the remainder of the medulla. Surface deposits were also examined in 1350-year-old subfossil thalli and hyphal diameters were compared statistically to those in extant thalli. The mean hyphal diameter in the upper medulla was not significantly less in subfossil specimens than in recent thalli, suggesting that phenolic cover was maintained in spite of glaciation. However, after ice burial phenolic masses tended to be flatter than in recent specimens and finely tuberculate. The appearance of mycobiont hyphae in the cortex of subfossil thalli seemed to be the same as in extant thalli, except that there tended to be more compressible, smaller and less conglutinated filaments near the algal layer.  相似文献   

Normal and centrifuged hyphae of Neurospora were studied with the electron microscope. The following cell structures could be identified: nuclei with nucleoli, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, glycogen, fat bodies, vacuoles, and vesicles with an inner canalicular system, of unknown nature. In centrifuged hyphae, the glycogen layer appeared as a light area, with a slight indication of granular structure. The ribosome layer consisted of densely packed ribosomes without any membranes. The mitochondrial layer contained spaces filled with ribosomes. The nuclei were loosely packed, with endoplasmic reticulum between them. The "enchylema" layer was composed of vesicles belonging to the endoplasmic reticulum. The vacuolar layer was poorly preserved and consisted of double-walled vesicles. Fat appeared as stellate osmiophilic droplets. These observations were compared with previous observations under the optical microscope and their meaning for cell physiology was discussed.  相似文献   

The charcoalified fragment of the dorsiventrally organized, internally stratified presumed green algal lichen Chlorolichenomycites salopensis from the Lower Devonian Lochkovian strata in the Welsh Borderland carries bacterial colonies on the upper surface, i.e. the cortex, and actinobacterial filaments in the medulla underneath the photobiont layer. Moreover relatively thin hyphae of presumed endolichenic fungi were found. As in extant lichens, which are best regarded as consortia with an unknown number of participants, this internally stratified, fossil thallus fragment of a presumed green algal lichen harbours a diverse microbial community.  相似文献   

The persistent thallus of the phaeophyceanLaminaria hyperborea produces annually a new phylloid, formed by a meristematic zone between stipe and old phylloid. The growing frond is nourished with assimilates from the old one. Young and old phylloid are linked by a collar. Frond and stipe are of very similar anatomical structure. The frond is coated by a one-layer-meristoderm, which forms the external cortex. Using the position of slime ducts as border, the parenchymatous cortex can be subdivided into outer and inner cortex. Between inner cortex and medulla numerous transitions exist. The medulla itself is mainly composed of longitudinally arranged trumpet cells and hyphae. Frond enlargement is caused by the activity of both meristoderm and cortex. Not only cell divisions but also elongation in medulla and inner cortex contribute to growth of the frond. The frond diameter is decreased by this elongation process. Corresponding stretching occurs in the network of slime ducts. Swelling of longitudinal primary walls, accompanied by incorporation of alginate, facilitates the separation of cell strands, and across the medulla hyphae and crosslinks of both inner-cortex-layer cells form. Cells of the inner cortex continously differentiate to elements of the medulla. Trumpet cells within the outer part of the medulla are often branched and connected by hyphae to parenchymatous cells of the inner cortex. Toward the central part of the medulla, trumpet cells elongate and finally attain a length of 1000 µm; they form thick secondary longitudinal walls with ringshaped thickenings, reducing the lumen diameter. Crosswalls and whole cells are often plugged with callose and have, apparently, ceased to translocate.  相似文献   

Nannizziopsis mirabilis, isolated from a soil sample collected from New Jersey, USA, is described as a new species. The ascomata are white to pale yellow, with a peridium of a network of loosely interwoven hyphae and simple, more or less straight, clavate appendages. The ascospores are hyaline, globose to subglobose, and ornamented with spiral bands or sometimes polygonal pits. The associated anamorph is assignable to the form genusChrysosporium.  相似文献   

Following a brief survey of the wall structure of the vegetative hyphae of a number of basidiomyeetes, attention is focused upon Polyporus myllitae Cke. et Mass. After removal of the outer amorphous layer by various chemical treatments, the underlying surface is seen to consist of an interwoven network of microfibrils. There is no evidence of any preferred angle of orientation. However, on what is believed to be the inner surface of the hyphal wall, microfibrils show a strong tendency towards a transverse orientation. The resulting structure is compatible with the multi-net concept of cell wall growth of Houwink and Koelofsen. There is no obvious change in microfibril orientation in passing along a hypha towards its tip. Electron-opaque cross-walls partition hyphae, sometimes separate a branch from a parent hypha, and occur in clamp connections. The cross-wall consists of microfibrils underlying, or embedded in, an amorphous matrix. They are circularly arranged around a single central pore which has a thickened rim.  相似文献   

【目的】刺螫库蠓Culicoides punctatus是一种重要媒介蠓虫,是施马伦贝格病毒(Schmallenberg virus, SBV)的主要传播载体。通过石蜡切片和苏木素 伊红染色技术观察刺螫库蠓成虫内部器官系统的组织结构。【方法】利用网扫法、灯诱法采集刺螫库蠓成虫,除足和翅外置于Duboscq-Brasil固定液中常温固定,然后经过逐级脱水、二甲苯透明、石蜡包埋、连续切片以及苏木素-伊红染色等过程制成玻片,利用光学显微镜进行观察和拍照。【结果】刺螫库蠓成虫消化系统不存在性别差异,由消化道及唾液腺组成。中枢神经系统由脑和腹神经索组成。脑可划分为前脑、中脑和后脑3个功能区。复眼和触角是刺螫库蠓主要的感觉器官。腹神经索可分为咽下神经节、胸神经节和腹神经节。呼吸系统主要由气管组成,气管遍布全身,无肺组织,胸部具有2对气门,分别位于中胸和后胸;腹支囊组织呈泡状,着色不明显。生殖系统包括内生殖器官和外生殖器官,其中雌性内生殖器官包括卵巢、输卵管、受精囊及生殖附腺,雄性内生殖器官包括精巢、输精管、射精管及生殖附腺。【结论】本研究明确了刺螫库蠓成虫的消化系统、神经系统、呼吸系统、生殖系统以及感觉器官的结构特征,为库蠓的发育研究提供了更为直接、准确的证据,有助于提高蠓媒监测、预报及防制的全面性和精确性。  相似文献   

中国特有濒危植物伯乐树根的生态解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl.)是中国特有濒危的第三纪孑遗植物。本研究采用石蜡切片、整体封片、扫描电镜和激光共聚焦扫描等技术研究其根的表面特征和形态结构,从生态解剖学角度揭示其对生境的适应和特殊要求。结果显示伯乐树作为特殊的菌根型木本植物,根尖表面无根毛分化;初生结构包括表皮、皮层和中柱三部分,系原始的发育类型,其皮层明显排列为两轮且存在自然的间隙,皮层内有含黑芥子酶的分泌细胞,中柱内有髓。菌根菌以单菌丝或菌丝网侵入根表皮,并刺激表皮分泌沉积了较厚的无定形物质,入侵后可在皮层间隙内大量分枝,还能进一步形成泡囊结构;菌根菌在寄主细胞内常包围在淀粉粒的周围吸收营养,同时部分菌丝在细胞内被分解形成小泡和碎屑,为寄主细胞提供营养以形成共生关系。根据以上特征,应在就地保护和迁地保育中深入研究适宜伯乐树的土壤条件,以促进菌根的发生和发育。  相似文献   

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