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长久以来植物学界认定稻(Oryza sativa L.)是单子叶植物.作者从稻胚发育的研究中确认稻胚具二型子叶,并非单子叶.稻属其他种的胚胎形态与O.sativa是否相同?是否具二型子叶?根据扫描电子显微镜的观察结果,稻属(Oryza) 22个种和亚种的胚的形态结构可以分为两种类型.O.sativa等16个种胚具腹鳞和侧鳞,属第一类型;O. meyeriana (Zoll. et Mor. ex Steud.) Baill.ssp. tuberculata W. C. Wu et Y. G. Lu, G. C. Wang等6个种(亚种)胚缺腹鳞和侧鳞,属第二类型.O.sativa和O. meyeriana ssp. tuberculata的胚胎发育过程所出现的盾片原基、胚根鞘原基、胚芽鞘原基和生长锥均来自原胚,前二者发育成胚套,是外围子叶;胚芽鞘原基发育成围在生长锥外并盖住生长锥的空心的倒锥状胚芽鞘,是顶生子叶.第一类型与第二类型稻胚都具有二型子叶.第二类型稻胚在盾片原基发育过程中并不分化出腹鳞和侧鳞,因而造成第二类型稻胚缺腹鳞与侧鳞.稻的二型子叶源于原胚的背腹极性分化.  相似文献   

运用扫描电镜与半薄切片技术,观察了玉米(Zea mays L.)的胚发育过程,得到以下认识:第一、关于原胚.玉米合子细胞分裂形成的原胚分为胚柄、胚基与胚体三部分.胚柄短小,寿命短暂.胚基具有生长带,纵向伸长长度大,胚基的上部参与形成胚根鞘,其余部分干缩后附在胚根鞘末端.第二、玉米胚的背腹极性及二型子叶.原胚初期胚体出现背腹极性,腹面的细胞小,细胞质稠密,液泡较少;背面的细胞较大,细胞质稠密度略低,液泡较多.原胚后期胚体分化为腹部与背部,腹部从腹面的中央突起,背部在腹部的周围(从左至右侧)及整个胚体背面.进入幼胚时期,腹部分化为胚芽鞘、生长锥、胚轴、胚根和胚根鞘(大部分).期间,胚芽鞘原基和根原始细胞的分化都从胚体的中轴部位开始,然后向两侧和四周扩展,表现出胚体腹面形态的两侧对称性.原胚的背部形成盾片原基,盾片原基经历向左、右、上、下的迅速扩展和加厚的生长,将整个腹部所分化形成的构件藏于盾片的纵沟之中,最后盾片从纵沟的边缘长出的左、右侧鳞均向胚体的中轴线生长,完整显示出玉米胚腹面的两侧对称.玉米胚由腹部顶端形成胚芽鞘和生长锥的情况与水稻胚的胚芽鞘(顶生子叶)和生长锥的形成相同,玉米的胚芽鞘也是顶生子叶,盾片则是侧生子叶.玉米异型子叶的由来在于胚体的背腹极性.第三、玉米胚的真实形态结构及胚胎发育时期的划分.玉米胚是一个胚轴,其顶部是具胚芽鞘的胚芽,中部是具侧生子叶(盾片)的胚轴,下部是具胚根鞘的胚根.盾片从背面到腹面包住整个胚轴系统,在胚的腹面上可见从盾片边缘衍生的左、右侧鳞的边缘相迭,只在接缝线的上、下端留下蝌蚪状的小孔,使胚芽鞘和胚根鞘的末端稍露出.胚胎发育分为4个时期: 1.原胚期--从合子细胞分裂开始至分化背部与腹部为止;2.腹部迅速分化期;3.盾片快速生长期;4.侧鳞生长、胚套形成期.第四、获取垂直于胚腹面正中央纵切面是正确认识玉米胚形态的关键.  相似文献   

玉米胚胎发育、萌发与胚的结构及子叶二型性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用扫描电镜与半薄切片技术,观察了玉米(Zea mays L.)的胚发育过程,得到以下认识:第一、关于原胚。玉米合子细胞分裂形成的原胚分为胚柄、胚基与胚体三部分。胚柄短小,寿命短暂。胚基具有生长带,纵向伸长长度大,胚基的上部参与形成胚根鞘,其余部分干缩后附在胚根鞘末端。第二、玉米胚的背腹极性及二型子叶。原胚初期胚体出现背腹极性,腹面的细胞小,细胞质稠密,液泡较少;背面的细胞较大,细胞质稠密度略低,液泡较多。原胚后期胚体分化为腹部与背部,腹部从腹面的中央突起,背部在腹部的周围(从左至右侧)及整个胚体背面。进入幼胚时期,腹部分化为胚芽鞘、生长锥、胚轴、胚根和胚根鞘(大部分)。期间,胚芽鞘原基和根原始细胞的分化都从胚体的中轴部位开始,然后向两侧和四周扩展,表现出胚体腹面形态的两侧对称性。原胚的背部形成盾片原基,盾片原基经历向左、右、上、下的迅速扩展和加厚的生长,将整个腹部所分化形成的构件藏于盾片的纵沟之中,最后盾片从纵沟的边缘长出的左、右侧鳞均向胚体的中轴线生长,完整显示出玉米胚腹面的两侧对称。玉米胚由腹部顶端形成胚芽鞘和生长锥的情况与水稻胚的胚芽鞘(顶生子叶)和生长锥的形成相同,玉米的胚芽鞘也是顶生子叶,盾片则是侧生子叶。玉米异型子叶的由来在于胚体的背腹极性。第三、玉米胚的真实形态结构及胚胎发育时期的划分。玉米胚是一个胚轴,其顶部是具胚芽鞘的胚芽,中部是具侧生子叶(盾片)的胚轴,下部是具胚根鞘的胚根。盾片从背面到腹面包住整个胚轴系统,在胚的腹面上可见从盾片边缘衍生的左、右侧鳞的边缘相迭,只在接缝线的上、下端留下蝌蚪状的小孔,使胚芽鞘和胚根鞘的末端稍露出。胚胎发育分为4个时期:1.原胚期——从合子细胞分裂开始至分化背部与腹部为止;2.腹部迅速分化期;3.盾片快速生长期;4.侧鳞生长、胚套形成期。第四、获取垂盲于胚腹面正中央纵切面是正确认识玉米胚形态的关键。  相似文献   

稻胚发育的三维形态研究兼论胚各部分的形态本质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用扫描电镜及塑料半薄切片技术,从水稻(OryzasativaL.)授粉后2d开始至种子成熟,追踪观察了稻胚的三维形态发育,根据结果,对胚各部分的形态本质提出一些新的见解。(1)授粉后2d的胚由胚柄、胚基和胚体组成。胚基为胚柄和胚体之间的过渡区,呈喇叭状,胚基与胚柄不能等同。2d的胚未出现器官分化,属原胚;但胚背腹分化明显,即存在背腹极性。(2)授粉后第3至第5天幼胚的形态变化及器官分化至关重要。盾片和胚芽鞘在授粉后3d的幼胚上同时出现,两者均直接由原胚分化,并非胚芽鞘从盾片发生。胚芽鞘原基经历这3d的特殊形态演变,形成空心倒锥状的胚芽鞘,展现了禾本科特有的胚芽鞘的形态形成机理。3d幼胚胚根的原形成层、基本分生组织及根冠分化;4d幼胚小丘状生长锥形成,胚根的原表皮分化,茎根轴形成;5d幼胚胚芽、胚轴与胚根初步形成。(3)稻胚具有二型子叶,胚套是胚的外围子叶,盾片是此子叶的一个主要部分(侧生子叶),胚芽鞘是顶生子叶。  相似文献   

杜鹃花属的子叶形态分类   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张长芹   《广西植物》1993,13(1):12-25
通过对杜鹃花属中4个亚厲104种或变种的广叶形态观察发现:1、杜鹃花属中4个亚属间的子叶形态差异较大,杜鹃花鳞片的有无从子叶上就可以清楚地看出。2、常绿无鳞杜鹃亚属Subgenus Hymenanthes(BL)K.Koch的子叶边缘多只腺体状毛或白、棕色单毛,极少无毛。背面多为暗紫红色或为灰白及灰绿色,叶片多具侧脉少数仅具中脉;有鳞杜鹃亚屈SubgenusRhododendron的子叶边缘无毛或仅少数有白色单毛,背面基部或边缘具可数片,背面多为灰绿色极少暗紫色,叶片多具中脉少有侧脉;映山红亚属Subgeuus Tsutsusi(Sweet)Pojar-kova的子叶边缘无毛或仅一种有毛,背面灰绿色,具侧脉;马银花亚属Subgentis AzaleaslrumPlanch.的子叶近圆形,边缘无毛,具侧脉3-4对,背面白绿色。 有关杜鹃花属子叶形态研究,国外虽有报道,但仅涉及少数种类,最多的也不超过35种,其中野生种仅有7种,其代表性显然是不够的。在国内,有关杜鹃花属于叶形态分类方面的研究目前尚未见报道。杜鹃花是久负盛誉的世界名花,云南是杜鹃花的分布中心之一。观察杜鹃花和子叶形态并进行分类,不仅为杜鹃花的系统发育及杜鹃花属的分类提供佐证而且为杜鹃花的育种提供一个早期的鉴定指标。  相似文献   

区树俊  汪鸿儒  储成才  张帅 《遗传》2012,34(11):1389-1389
作物的驯化是人类从开始种植和储存的野生作物中选择优良性状,使之形态特征适应于农业生产方向进化的过程,因此,大部分种子作物驯化后在落粒性、种子休眠和植株形态等方面都出现了相似的变化。水稻是研究谷类作物驯化的良好模式生物。稻属包含2种栽培稻,分别为亚洲栽培稻(Oryza sativa L.)和非洲栽培稻(O. glaberrima Steud.),其中亚洲栽培稻遍布全世界,包含两个主要亚种,粳稻亚种(O. sativa L. ssp. japonica)和籼稻亚种(O. sativa L. ssp. indica)。稻属丰富的近缘种和广泛的地域分布非常有利于研究确定现代栽培稻的驯化地域。此外,水稻基因组较小、具高质量精细图谱,加上功能基因研究上的进展,也为深入开展水稻驯化进程研究奠定了基础。详见本期第XX-XX页区树俊,汪鸿儒,储成才“亚洲栽培稻主要驯化性状研究进展”,对水稻关键驯化性状研究进行的比较全面的综述。封面图中央是选取23株AA基因组的亚洲栽培稻及其近缘野生稻,利用水稻驯化过程中受到选择的控制稻壳颜色基因Bh4上下游各50 kb中的SNP位点所构建的进化树;图外从左下至右下沿顺时针方向,反映的是水稻驯化过程中稻壳颜色、谷粒形状、穗型的变化趋势。 区树俊,汪鸿儒,储成才(绘图:区树俊)  相似文献   

大麦胚和胚乳发育的相关性及贮藏营养物质的积累   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)开花后1d,见合子及退化助细胞,游离核胚乳尚未形成;开花后2~3d,胚为5及10个细胞,胚乳为游离核期;开花后4及5、6d,胚为梨形及长梨形,胚乳达细胞化期;开花后8d,胚为胚芽鞘期,糊粉层原始细胞产生;开花后10d,胚具1叶,糊粉层1~2层;开花后13d胚为2叶胚,亚糊粉层发生;开花后17d,3叶胚形成,糊粉层多为3层并停止分裂,菱柱形及不规则胚乳细胞分化;开花后21~29d,胚为4叶胚,胚乳进一步分化;开花后33d,胚为5叶成熟胚,胚乳亦成熟。淀粉、蛋白质在胚中积累始于开花后13d。在盾片中由基向顶发生,在胚芽鞘及叶原基中,首先在顶端出现。成熟盾片顶端的淀粉消失。开花后6d,胚乳开始积累淀粉;开花后10d,糊粉层及胚乳细胞积累蛋白质。开花17d后胚乳的蛋白质体多聚集,29d后蛋白质体显著减少。开花后17d,在盾片及糊粉层细胞中检测到油脂。果长或果长与稃片长之比和盾片长可作为不同发育期胚和胚乳的形态指标。  相似文献   

用 PCR技术从产于我国的 3种野生稻和亚洲栽培稻的 2个亚种中特异地扩增和测序了 r DNA的第一转录间隔区。普通野生稻 (Oryza rufipogon)、药用野生稻 (O.officinalis)、疣粒野生稻 (O.granu-lata)和栽培稻的两个亚种 (O.sativa ssp.indica,O.sativa ssp.japonica)的 ITS1序列为 1 93bp、1 94bp、2 1 8bp、1 94bp和 1 94bp,它们的 G/ C含量为 69.3%~ 72 .7% ,序列中位点趋异率为 1 .5%~ 1 0 .6%。序列的相似性比较和简约性分支分析的结果表明 ,普通野生稻与栽培稻的两个亚种之间的亲缘关系最为密切 ;药用野生稻与普通野生稻和与栽培稻的两个亚种的相似性都为 82 % ,说明它与 AA基因组有一定的亲缘关系 ;疣粒野生稻与普通野生稻、药用野生稻和栽培稻两个亚种的亲缘关系相对较远 ,它在稻属中可能是一个系统地位较独特的类群。以 ITS1序列构建的 3种野生稻和 2个栽培稻亚种的系统发育关系与前人用同工酶、叶绿体 DNA、线粒体 DNA和核 DNA资料重建的稻属的系统发育关系基本一致  相似文献   

段世华  李绍清  李阳生  熊云  朱英国 《遗传》2007,29(4):455-461
水稻线粒体基因组嵌合基因orf79 和 orfH79分别被认为与BT-型和HL-型水稻CMS有关, 两者具有98%的同源性, 并且其DNA序列只存在4核苷酸的差异。对于这两个嵌合基因, 前者来源于栽培稻(Oryza. sativa L.), 而后者则来源于普通野生稻(O. rufipogon Griff.)。这意味着orf79/ orfH79可能在广泛分布于稻属AA基因组中。为了调查orf79/ orfH79在稻属物种中的分布和变异, 190份栽培稻品系[包括156份亚洲栽培稻(O. sativa var. landrace)和34份非洲栽培稻(O. glaberrima)]以及104份稻属AA基因组野生稻品系(包括O. rufipogon、O.nivara、O. glumaepatula、O. barthii、O. longistaminata和O. meridionalis 6个种), 被用于PCR扩增检测。31份具有控制粤泰A和笹锦A的特异片段的稻属AA基因组水稻品系被检测出。所有特异片段均被回收并测序, 基于DNA 序列的聚类结果显示31份水稻材料被分成了两组, 分别代表为BT-型和HL-型水稻不育细胞质组群。结果也进一步表明: HL-型水稻CMS胞质主要分布于一年生的O. nivara中; BT-型水稻CMS胞质可能来源于栽培稻变种或多年生野生稻O. rufipogon。  相似文献   

伊洛瓦底江中国境内江段裂腹鱼属二新种描述及分类整理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对伊洛瓦底江水系的裂腹鱼属进行分类订正。发现了两种未被描记的鱼类新种,即白体裂腹鱼(Schizothorax leukussp.nov.)和奇异裂腹鱼(Schizothorax heteri sp.nov.)。白体裂腹鱼下唇完整不分叶、表面具发达乳突,下唇后缘平直呈横带形;下颌内侧角质突起甚厚,充满整个口腔,角质前缘锐利;胸鳍末端之前的峡部和腹部裸露无鳞;须长约等于眼径;背鳍末根不分枝鳍条较软,基部~1/3扩大变硬、后缘具明显锯齿;侧线鳞94~105,侧线上鳞26~34,侧线下鳞21~27;第一鳃弓外侧鳃耙16~20;体侧暗褐色,无明显黑斑。这些特征可将白体裂腹鱼与本属其他种类相区分。奇异裂腹鱼吻皮与上唇约等厚;下唇发达,分三叶,中间叶小,约与触须基部直径相当;唇后沟连续;下颌无锐利角质;胸鳍末端之前的峡部和腹部裸露无鳞;须长约等于眼径;背鳍末根不分枝鳍条扩大,为粗状的硬齿,后缘具强锯齿;背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点之后;侧线鳞89~104,侧线上鳞24~33,侧线下鳞19~29;通体浅灰色,体侧无斑纹;这些特征可将白体裂腹鱼与本属其他种类相区分。该研究否定了圆颌裂腹鱼(S.rotundimaxillaris)的有效性,澄清了墨脱裂腹鱼(S.molesworthi)、灰裂腹鱼(S.griseus)和保山裂腹鱼(S.paoshanensis)等在伊洛瓦底江水系的记录均属误订,确定该水系中国境内裂腹鱼属有效种为8种,并制定了伊洛瓦底江裂腹鱼属种检索表。  相似文献   

Using scanning electron microscopy and semi-thin plastic sections, the pattern of development of the rice ( Oryza sativa L. ) embryo from 2 days after pollination (DAP) to maturity was followed. ( 1 ) At 2 DAP, the young embryo was observed to consist of an embryo proper, a hypoblast and a suspensor. The trum-pet-shaped hypoblast was a transitional region situated between the suspensor and the embryo proper. To label the hypoblast as suspensor is incorrect. During this time, dorsiventrality was established, but a radicle was not yet differentiated. Therefore it is still referred to as a proembryo. (2) 3 ~ 5 DAP, the embryo underwent definite morphological and anatomical changes. In the young embryo at 3 DAP the scutellum and colcoptile appeared simultaneously directly from the proembryo. The coleoptile did not originate from the scutellmn. During these foremost 3 days, the coleoptile primordium underwent a special kind of morphological change and formed a young coleeptile having the shape of an inverted hollow cone. This process revealed the true mechanism of c61eeptile formation. Anatomical observation indicated that the embryo at 3 DAP began to differentiate procambium, ground meristem and root cap. At 4 DAP a dome-like growth cone and protoderm of radicle appeared. Then the shoot-root axis became established. At 5 DAP the plumule, hypocotyl and radicle were formed. (3) It was shown that the embryo of rice actually has two cotyledons: the scutellum (a part of the embryonic envelope) and the coleeptile (The scutellum being the lateral cotyledon, a part of outside cotyledon, and the coleoptile the apical cotyledon--the coleoptile may be considered to be a modified form of a cotyledon). This kind of structural arrangemem can be referred to as dimorphic cotyledon.  相似文献   

Is the wild oat embryo monocotylous?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The embryogeny of the wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was studied in detail. The pattern of embryo development was observed to be similar to the other investigated grass taxa, conforming to thePoa variation of the Asterad type. The embryogeny and anatomy of young seedlings showed that the embryo of the wild oat was not monocotylous, but dicotylous. The scutellum of the embryo, as reported for other grasses, was regarded as the first cotyledon, and the first leaf primordium, which developed later into a photosynthesizing leaf and situated opposite the scutellum, was interpreted as the second cotyledon. Observations indicated that the cotyledons of the embryo were placed lateral to the shoot apical meristem, which was terminal in position. The cotyledons were found to be dimorphic in structure and function. The scutellum, a modified cotyledon, functioned as a suctorial organ, transporting nutrients from the endosperm to the embryo axis. The second cotyledon or the first true leaf supplied nutrients directly to the embryo axis through the process of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Oryza meyerlana Baill (GG genome) Is a precious germplaem in the tertiary gene pool of cultivated rice (AA genome), and possesses important traits such as resistance and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. However, interspecific crossability barrier, a critical bottleneck restricting genes transfer from O. meyeriana to cultivars has led to no hybrids through conventional reproduction. Therefore, the reasons undedying incrossability were investigated in the present report. The results showed that: (ⅰ) at 3-7 d after pollination (DAP), many hybdd embryos degenerated at the earlier globular-shaped stage, and could not develop into the later pear-shaped stage. Meanwhile, free endosperm nuclei started to degenerate at 1 DAP, and cellular endosperm could not form st 3 DAP, leading to nutrition starvation for young embryo development; (ⅱ) st 11-13 DAP, almost all hybrid ovaries aborted. Even though 72.22% of hybrid young embryos were produced in the interspecific hybridization between O. sativa and O. meyeriana, young embryos were not able to further develop into hybrid plantlets via culturing in vitro. The main reason for the incrossability was hybrid embryo inviability, presenting as embryo development stagnation and degeneration since 3 DAP. Some possible approaches to overcome the crossability banders in the interspecific hybridization between O. sativa and O. meyeriana are discussed.  相似文献   

In the genus Oryza, interspecific hybrids are useful bridges for transferring the desired genes from wild species to cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). In the present study, hybrids between O. sativa (AA genome) and three Chinese wild rices, namely O. rufipogon (AA genome), O. officinalis (CC genome), and O. meyeriana (GG genome), were produced. Agricultural traits of the F1 hybrids surveyed were intermediate between their parents and appreciably resembled wild rice parents. Except for the O. sativa × O. rufipogon hybrid, the other F1 hybrids were completely sterile. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used for hybrid verification. Wild rice genomic DNAs were used as probes and cultivated rice DNA was used as a block. With the exception of O. rufipogon chromosomes, this method distinguished the other two wild rice and cultivated rice chromosomes at the stage of mitotic metaphase with different blocking ratios. The results suggest that a more distant phylogenetic relationship exists between O. meyeriana and O. sativa and that O. rufipogon and O. sativa share a high degree of sequence homology. The average mitotic chromosome length of O. officinalis and O. meyeriana was 1.25- and 1.51-fold that of O. sativa, respectively. 4',6'-Diamidino- 2-phenylindole staining showed that the chromosomes of O. officinalis and O. meyeriana harbored more heterochromatin, suggesting that the C and G genomes were amplified with repetitive sequences compared with the A genome. Although chromocenters formed by chromatin compaction were detected with wild rice-specific signals corresponding to the C and G genomes in discrete domains of the F1 hybrid interphase nuclei, the size and number of O. meyeriana chromocenters were bigger and greater than those of O. officinalis. The present results provide an important understanding of the genomic relationships and a tool for the transfer of useful genes from three native wild rice species in China to cultivars.  相似文献   

Yuan J  Chen D  Ren Y  Zhang X  Zhao J 《Plant physiology》2008,146(4):1637-1650
Metallothioneins (MTs) are low molecular mass and cysteine-rich metal-binding proteins known to be mainly involved in maintaining metal homeostasis and stress responses. But, their functions in higher plant development are scarcely studied. Here, we characterized rice (Oryza sativa) METALLOTHIONEIN2b (OsMT2b) molecularly and found that its expression was down-regulated by cytokinins. OsMT2b was preferentially expressed in rice immature panicles, scutellum of germinating embryos, and primordium of lateral roots. In contrast with wild-type plants, OsMT2b-RNA interference (RNAi) transgenic plants had serious handicap in plant growth and root formation, whereas OsMT2b-overexpressing transformants were dwarfed and presented more adventitious roots and big lateral roots. The increased cytokinin levels in RNAi plants and decreased cytokinin levels in overexpressing plants were confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography quantitative analysis in the roots of wild-type and transgenic plants. In RNAi plants, localization of isopentenyladenosine, a kind of endogenous cytokinin, in roots and germinating embryos expanded to the whole tissues, whereas in overexpressing plants, the isopentenyladenosine signals were very faint in the vascular tissues of roots and scutellum cells of germinating embryos. In vitro culture of embryos could largely resume the reduced germination frequency in RNAi plants but had no obvious change in overexpressing plants. Taken together, these results indicate a possible feedback regulation mechanism of OsMT2b to the level of endogenous cytokinins that is involved in root development and seed embryo germination of rice.  相似文献   

用扫描电镜对原产中国的3种野生稻和2个栽培稻品种的叶片表面亚显微结构,尤其是气孔列数、气孔频度、气孔器乳突、大瘤状乳突、小栓细胞乳突等进行比较研究。结果显示,气孔频度的变化趋势是沿着疣粒野生稻-药用野生稻-栽培稻IR36-簿通野生稻-栽培稻珍汕97逐渐增大,其变化幅度在635-1737个/mm^2之间;气孔器乳突除疣粒野生稻为6个外,其余通常为4个;疣粒野生稻既无大瘤状乳突亦无木栓细胞乳突.药用野生稻无木栓细胞乳突。这些性状不仅具什种的特异性,而且与亲缘关系远近有关,可以作为稻属分类的依据。  相似文献   

The embryo development conforms to the Asterad type or Megarchetype II. A single cotyledon called scutellum is derived from the entire tierl. The shoot apex, lateral in position, and the coleoptile, originate from the tierl. The remaining parts of the mature embryo are derived from the tiers situated belowl. The short suspensor takes its origin from the lowermost tierp. The endospermab initio is free nuclear in development. It becomes cellular first around the proembryo. Physiologically, the ripe endosperm represents a dead tissue.  相似文献   

云南野生稻不同染色体组型和外植体材料的离体培养研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
云南野生稻不同外植体愈伤组织诱导能力差别较大。花粉培养中愈伤组织诱导率差异在0%~11.8%之间,用成熟胚诱导愈伤组织,其诱导率在18.0%~35.2%之间,茎叶培养则在12.0%~25.0%之间。云南野生稻不同外植体诱导的愈伤组织再分化为绿苗的分化率在8.3%~100.0%之间。疣粒稻组培特性最好,东乡普通野生稻和景洪普通野生稻次之,药用稻最难组培。本文建立了疣粒、东乡、景洪普野3种野生稻的离体无性系,为长期保存云南野生稻资源奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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