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摘要 目的:探讨高龄瘢痕子宫再妊娠孕产妇剖宫产术终止妊娠直接病因及预后影响因素分析。方法:回顾性分析2016年1月-2020年10月在我院收治的400例高龄瘢痕子宫再妊娠孕妇。按照是否终止妊娠将400例孕妇分为终止妊娠组(200例)和未终止妊娠组(200例)。并对200例终止妊娠孕妇进行2年随访,按照2年内再妊娠情况分为再妊娠成功组(150例)和再次终止妊娠组(50例)。采用Spearman检验进行相关性分析;采用logistics回归模型进行回归分析。结果:200例终止妊娠孕妇中瘢痕妊娠60(30.00 %)例,死胎13(6.50 %)例,胎儿畸形25(12.50 %)例,子痫前期81(40.50 %)例,胎膜早破11(5.50%)例,妊娠意外事件10(5.00 %)例。高龄瘢痕子宫孕妇终止妊娠后再妊娠与教育水平、是否有固定职业、家庭月收入无关(P>0.05);与年龄、孕次、产次、剖宫产手术史、终止妊娠病因有关(P<0.05);200例终止妊娠孕妇预后再妊娠与年龄、孕次、产次、剖宫产手术史、终止妊娠病因密切相关(P<0.05);多因素分析结果显示,年龄、孕次、产次、剖宫产手术史、终止妊娠病因是独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:高龄瘢痕子宫孕妇终止妊娠的主要病因为瘢痕妊娠,死胎,胎儿畸形例,子痫前期,胎膜早破,妊娠意外事件。年龄、孕次、产次、剖宫产手术史、终止妊娠病因是影响高龄瘢痕子宫孕妇预后再妊娠的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症23例临床分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症的孕妇的妊娠结局,对母体造成的影响,抗甲状腺药物的使用情况及分娩方式.方法:对23例甲状腺功能亢进孕妇进行了回顾性分析,观察该病对孕妇的影响,对母儿造成的不良结局.结果:23例甲状腺功能亢进孕妇合并轻度妊娠高血压综合征的2例,中度4例,重度2例.合并心衰6例,合并胎膜早破5例,胎盘粘连2例,甲状腺危象1例,胎盘早剥1例,产后出血1例,前置胎盘1例.23例甲状腺功能亢进顺产6例,产钳1例,胎头吸引1例,剖宫产15例.出现早产9例,其中5例为医源性早产.胎儿宫内窘迫6例,死胎1例.结论:妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症常危及母婴健康,为降低母儿风险,孕前需很好地控制病情,孕期密切监控,合理治疗.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨子宫动脉血流参数联合血清胎盘生长因子(PLGF)、妊娠相关血浆蛋白-A(PAPP-A)对早孕期不明原因复发性流产(URSA)孕妇妊娠结局的预测价值。方法:选取2021年10月-2022年10月我院收治的103例有URSA史的妊娠期孕妇。追踪其妊娠28周的妊娠结局,根据不同妊娠结局将其分为正常妊娠组(n=26)与流产组(n=77)。比较两组子宫动脉血流参数[阻力指数(RI)、搏动指数(PI)、收缩期峰值流速/舒张末期流速(S/D)]及血清PLGF、PAPP-A水平。多因素Logistic回归模型分析早孕期URSA孕妇妊娠结局的影响因素。受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析子宫动脉血流参数联合血清PLGF、PAPP-A对早孕期URSA孕妇妊娠结局的预测价值。结果:流产组PI、RI、S/D显著高于正常妊娠组(P<0.05),血清PLGF、PAPP-A水平显著低于正常妊娠组(P<0.05)。Logistic回归模型显示,PI、RI、S/D升高为早孕期URSA孕妇妊娠结局的危险因素(P<0.05),血清PLGF、PAPP-A水平升高则为保护性因素(P<0.05)。ROC分析结果发现,PI、RI、S/D、PLGF、PAPP-A联合预测早孕期URSA孕妇妊娠结局的效能最高,联合诊断的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.913,显著优于各项指标单独诊断。结论:子宫动脉血流参数联合血清PLGF、PAPP-A预测早孕期URSA孕妇妊娠结局的价值较高。  相似文献   

妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症23 例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症的孕妇的妊娠结局,对母体造成的影响,抗甲状腺药物的使用情况及分娩方式。方法:对23例甲状腺功能亢进孕妇进行了回顾性分析,观察该病对孕妇的影响,对母儿造成的不良结局。结果:23例甲状腺功能亢进孕妇合并轻度妊娠高血压综合征的2例,中度4例,重度2例。合并心衰6例,合并胎膜早破5例,胎盘粘连2例,甲状腺危象1例,胎盘早剥1例,产后出血1例,前置胎盘1例。23例甲状腺功能亢进顺产6例,产钳1例,胎头吸引1例,剖宫产15例。出现早产9例,其中5例为医源性早产。胎儿宫内窘迫6例,死胎1例。结论:妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症常危及母婴健康,为降低母儿风险,孕前需很好地控制病情,孕期密切监控,合理治疗。  相似文献   

目的:探讨双胎妊娠中一胎宫内死亡的原因、对母亲和存活胎儿的影响及临床处理方法。方法:对2001年1月至2011年10月分娩的双胎妊娠之一胎宫内死亡的18例产妇临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:双胎妊娠一胎宫内死胎的发生率占双胎的1.08%,其中单绒毛膜双羊膜囊双胎(monochorionic-diamniotic twin,MCDA)11例(61.11%),双绒毛膜双羊膜囊双胎(dichorionic-diamniotic twin,DCDA)7例(38.89%)。胎儿死因:胎盘脐带因素3例(16.67%),胎儿畸形1例(5.56%),妊娠并发症3例(16.67%),双胎输血综合征(twin-twin transfusion syndrome,TTTs)3例(16.67%),宫内感染3例(16.67%),不明原因5例(27.78%)。另一胎选择剖宫产者13例,阴道分娩3例。双胎一胎死亡后对母体的凝血功能影响不大(P>0.05)。结论:单绒毛膜双胎较双绒毛膜双胎母儿结局存在差别;双胎一胎宫内死亡对母体及存活儿有一定影响。对于孕周小,胎儿尚不成熟的病例,可严密监测存活胎儿宫内情况,行期待治疗延长孕龄至足月再分娩。  相似文献   

目的:探讨米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止49天以内妊娠的护理方法。方法:我站在2006年1~9月共有356例孕妇采用米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止49天以内妊娠。结果:310例患者顺利排出胎囊。结论:护理人员在用药期间观察和全面了解药物的疗效厦副作用,加强药物流产期间的用药指导、心理护理厦药物流产后加强指导可防止感染以厦大出血的发生,这些都是药物流产取得成功的重要环节。  相似文献   

FGR临床病因可分为妊娠高血压疾病病因、胎盘因素、细菌病毒感染因素、孕妇营养因素、遗传因素等。笔者选取此类孕妇患者150例,按治疗意愿分为两组,治疗组予以脂肪乳联合氨基酸静脉滴注给药方式治疗,对照组为门诊膳食指导。结果发现治疗组相比对照组更能有效促进胎儿宫内生长,减少FGR并发症的发生(治疗组治疗有效率为91.76%,对照组治疗有效率为56.92%),从而提高新生儿出生质量,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡的原因及处理方法。方法:对本院2013年1月~2017年6月住院分娩的双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡的病例进行回顾性分析。结果:双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡28例,占同期双胎分娩的1.63%,占同期双胎胎盘送检的4.33%。6例孕28周,14例孕28~34周,8例孕周34周。全部孕产妇均无出血倾向或发生凝血功能障碍。产妇年龄23~45周岁,平均31.3周岁;初产妇23人,经产妇5人。应用辅助生殖技术受孕5例,自然受孕23例;剖宫产7例,顺产21例;确诊一胎儿死亡时间为孕12周余~34周余。主要致死原因为脐带因素13例次(46.43%),胎盘因素12例次(42.86%),双胎输血综合征及纸样胎共5例次(17.86%),胎儿畸形4例次(18.18%)。结论:孕中晚期双胎之一胎儿宫内死亡妊娠不足34周,应在密切监护母胎情况下行期待治疗,单绒毛膜囊双胎34周后可以分娩,双绒毛膜囊双胎可妊娠至36周。  相似文献   

目的:研究孕期对孕妇进行孕期膳食管理对孕妇体重变化及妊娠结局的影响。方法:选择我院接受产前检查并分娩的女性共92例纳入研究并分为观察组和对照组,对照组接受常规产前检查健康宣教,观察组接受孕期膳食管理;比较两组孕妇孕期体重变化情况、自然分娩率、巨大儿发生比率、不良妊娠结局发生情况。结果:两组孕妇孕25±2周时体重变化无明显差异(P>0.05);孕33±2周及分娩前体重情况均低于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05);观察组孕妇自然分娩率明显高于对照组,巨大儿及不良妊娠结局发生情况显著低于对照组,以上差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:孕期膳食管理应用于孕妇孕期体重管理,有助于改善孕期体重增长过快及巨大儿发生情况,降低临床不良妊娠结局,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠梅毒的治疗对妊娠结局的影响。方法:回顾性分析了2011年5月至2014年12月在我院管理随访的90例妊娠合并梅毒患者治疗对妊娠结局的影响。结果:90例中足月产74例,早产4例,在孕4例,自然流产1例,终止妊娠7例,妊娠成功率91.1%。结论:妊娠合并梅毒威胁着孕妇和胎儿的健康,认真做好孕期梅毒筛查,早发现,早治疗有助于提高干预效率。  相似文献   

Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) is major contributor to maternal death in developing countries. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is the most potent vasoconstriction agent known and its serum levels are increased in PIH. Therefore it is important to elucidate maternal and neonatal factors which influence endothelin-1 serum levels. 100 pathological pregnancies and 88 controls were analyzed for blood endothelin-1 and their anthropometric and clinical data were collected. In maternal blood ET-1 levels were strongly predicted by diagnosis, therapy and BMI, while umbilical cord ET-1 levels were strongly predicted by gestational age, therapy and delivery termination. Positive correlation between BMI and ET-1 levels suggest that obese pregnant women have increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. Inverse relationship between Apgar and umbilical ET-1 indicates that ET-1 could be considered as a prognostic marker in cases of neonatal asphyxia.  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠合并恶性肿瘤在诊治过程中的临床表现,探讨其对妊娠结局的影响及预后.方法:回顾性查阅2005年至2011年9月于我院住院治疗患者病历,收集妊娠合并恶性肿瘤疾病患者10例在入院诊断、治疗经过中的相关资料.结果:10例患者中9例在终止妊娠前确诊,3例孕妇死亡,5例在随访中,2例失访;10例胎儿中有生机儿5例,其中1例放弃,在可随访的3例新生儿生存状态良好.结论:妊娠合并恶性肿瘤疾病的临床确诊及及时治疗对妊娠结局会造成影响,妊娠结局与肿瘤分期及孕周相关,应在产前进行常见恶性肿瘤疾病的筛查,早期发现,早期干预.  相似文献   

We studied 41 normal pregnant women and their neonates in order to compare bone metabolism between them. We examined more specific bone formation markers (intact osteocalcin, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase) and a recently developed and more sensitive bone resorption marker (C-telopeptide of type I collagen; CTX) than previously available in maternal and umbilical cord venous blood taken at delivery. The concentrations of all markers of bone turnover, including CTX, in cord serum were significantly higher than those in maternal serum. There was no significant correlation between maternal and cord serum levels for any marker. These results indicate that fetal bone turnover is markedly enhanced compared with maternal bone turnover and is independent of maternal bone metabolism in late pregnancy.  相似文献   

BackgroundAntenatal depression affects up to 19% of pregnant women. Some of these women are also in need of antidepressant treatment. Nevertheless, the impact of maternal antidepressant treatment and prenatal depression on the course of pregnancy, foetal development and delivery outcomes is not fully understood.MethodsWe analysed data from 24 818 women who gave birth at Kuopio University Hospital between 2002–2012. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate associations between the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) during pregnancy and the progression of pregnancy, development of the foetus and delivery outcomes.ResultsAltogether, 369 (1.5%) women used SSRIs. A regression model adjusted for age, overweight, nulliparity, prior termination, miscarriages, smoking, maternal alcohol consumption, chronic illness and polyhydramnion showed that pregnant women exposed to SSRI medication had significantly lower Apgar scores at 1 minute (p < 0.0001) and 5 minutes (p < 0.0001) and more admissions to the neonatal intensive care unit (p < 0.0001) than unexposed pregnant women. In addition, exposed newborns had longer umbilical cords (p < 0.0001) than non-exposed newborns.ConclusionIn addition to the previously known associates with maternal SSRI exposure, such as lowered Apgar scores, SSRI exposure appeared to be associated with increased umbilical cord length. The observation related to increased umbilical cord length may be explained by an SSRI-induced increase in the movements of the developing foetus.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of selenium (Se) were determined consecutively during a menstrual cycle of six women in three phases (i.e., menses, follicular, and luteal). To detect possible differences in relation to normal pregnancy, plasma levels of Se were also determined in paired samples of maternal and umbilical cord blood from 12 pregnant women. No periodic changes in the plasma Se levels were observed during the menstrual cycle. The intraindividual variation, estimated by coefficients of variation, ranged from 1.9% to 9.9% among the menstrual phases of the subjects. The plasma Se level during pregnancy did not differ significantly from those of nonpregnant women, and those in the second trimester and at delivery were at similar levels (1.58+/-.14 and 1.48+/-.20 mmol/L, respectively). Compared to the levels of maternal Se at delivery, the fetal cord plasma at birth had a significant lower Se level (1.23+/-.34 mmol/L, p<.05).  相似文献   

A retrospective study examined the reactions to the termination of pregnancy for fetal malformation and the follow up services that were available. Women resident in Mid Glamorgan who had had a termination between 1977 and 1981 because of positive findings after midtrimester prenatal diagnostic tests for neural tube defect or chromosome abnormalities were interviewed at home using a semistructured interview schedule. Three retrospective internal comparison groups were formed from those women who had also had a spontaneous abortion, previous stillbirth, or neonatal death or previous termination for medicosocial reasons early in pregnancy. Of the 48 women interviewed, 37 (77%) experienced an acute grief reaction after the index pregnancy was ended. This reaction was akin to that documented after stillbirth or neonatal death. Twenty two women (46%) remained symptomatic six months after the pregnancy had been ended, some requiring psychiatric support, compared with no such reaction after spontaneous abortion or termination for medicosocial reasons. All the women who had previously had a stillbirth or neonatal death were visited at home either by the general practitioner or by the midwife after that event but such follow up was limited to only eight of the study group after termination for fetal malformation. The findings suggest that support is inadequate for these patients and that improved follow up and counselling services may lessen the adverse sequelae of termination for fetal malformation.  相似文献   

M E Dalton  C L Ambrose 《Steroids》1988,52(4):341-342
FiSBoG is a recently described fetal protein. It can be detected in the cord blood. It can be identified in maternal serum in late pregnancy. In this study the values in maternal serum in late pregnancy in 31 normal pregnancies were compared with 23 abnormal pregnancies: 4 twin pregnancies, 4 stillbirth, 4 cases of pre-eclampsia, 4 who had a significant antepartum haemorrhage and 7 who were small-for-dates, to assess its potential as a test of fetal well-being. FiSBoG appeared to have no significant role as a test of fetal well-being.  相似文献   

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