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动物细胞培养用生物反应器及相关技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
动物细胞大量培养是生产生物制品的重要途径,它用到的关键设备是生物反应器。根据培养细胞、培养载体、培养液混合方式的不同,生物反应器主要有搅拌式、气升式、中空纤维式、回转式等,其中搅拌式规模最大。回转式是NASA于20世纪90年代中期开发的一种新型生物反应器,被誉为空间生物反应器,可用于组织工程研究。与生物反应器配套的技术主要有灌注、微载体、多孔微球、转入抗凋亡基因等,可以有效地提高细胞密度,增加生物制品产量,提高质量。今后生物反应器研制主要朝两个方向发展:一是,以高密度培养动物细胞生产蛋白质药物为目的,二是以三维培养动物细胞(主要是人类细胞)再生组织或器官为目的。  相似文献   

动物细胞高密度培养用多孔微球王佃亮肖成祖(中国人民解放军航空医学研究所100036)多孔微球(porousmicrospheres)又称多孔微载体(porousmicrocariers)或大孔微载体(macroporousmicrocariers),是近几年在国外发展起来的一项新的动物细胞高密度培养生物技术。它克服了固体微载体(solidmicrocar-iers)培养时细胞仅在表面生长、微...  相似文献   

长期大规模高密度动物细胞培养是生物制药产业中的关键技术,文中介绍了利用多孔微载体在中试规模生物反应器中长期大规模连续培养分泌尿激酶原的DNA重组中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(rCHO)的方法。  相似文献   

用多孔微载体大规模长期培养动物细胞的方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长期大规模高密度动物细胞培养是生物制药产业中的关键技术,文中介绍了利用多孔微载体在中试规模生物反应器中长期大规模连续培养分泌尿激酶 原的DNA重组中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(rCHO)的方法。  相似文献   

目的:哺乳动物细胞目前已广泛用于生物工程药物如单抗和疫苗的生产.而用于贴壁细胞规模化培养的微载体,也应时应需得以开发并应用于生物制药.贴壁细胞微载体培养在搅拌罐和WAVETM反应器中都能进行.而如要进行进一步的放大培养,球转球工艺不可或缺.为了发展球转球这一新的放大技术,以及考量WAVETM反应器这种新型大规模培养设备的应用性,大量的细胞培养和球转球实验在WAVETM反应器和搅拌瓶中进行.收集到的数据得以分析比较.方法:将Vero细胞分别接入WAVETM反应器和搅拌瓶中用微载体Cytodex 1进行培养.适当补充营养并控制温度、pH等培养条件使细胞增殖.长满微载体的细胞用清洗、消化等球转球工艺的一系列步骤而分离,并放大接种到新的培养体系.球转球工艺的有效性通过记录并统计分析细胞消化分离的回收率,以及细胞重新接种生长的存活力来评估.结果:统计学分析比较WAVETM反应器和搅拌瓶中得到的细胞分离回收率分别是67.56%和39.39%,数理统计P值小于0.0003;细胞重新接种存活率分别是95.17%和78.45%,P值等于0.0107.结论:在WAVETM反应器中进行的球转球放大工艺,其总体表现和有效性远高于在搅拌瓶中得到的结果.在WAVETM反应器中培养的Vero细胞有很好的细胞状态,作为种子链和生产用罐相比搅拌型反应罐均有很大的优越性.  相似文献   

连续灌流培养杂交瘤细胞生产单克隆抗体   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自 2 0世纪 70年代以来 ,工程抗体在基础医学研究、临床诊断和治疗 ,以及免疫预防等领域中的广泛应用 ,大大促进了其产业化的进程。目前工业化生产单克隆抗体的主要方法是通过发酵罐、中空纤维和固定床等生物反应器培养系统 ,以微载体、微包囊法在体外大规模高密度培养杂交瘤细胞 ,再通过相关的纯化手段浓缩纯化制备抗体[1 ,2 ] 。就操作方式而言 ,一般采用两个基本策略 :①大容量高密度的悬浮培养 ,最多采用的是搅拌式气升式生物反应器 ,通过微载体依托细胞相对固定化 ,降低了搅拌培养时对细胞的剪切力 ,提高细胞的密度和稳定性及生产率。…  相似文献   

用多孔微载体大规模培养rCHO细胞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多孔微载体是近年来发展起来的一种用于大规模高密度培养动物细胞的支持物,具有许多优点,如:容易固定细胞,适合于贴壁细胞和悬浮细胞的固定化连续灌流培养;细胞生长在载体内部,增加了细胞固定化的稳定性,可降低血清用量,适合长期培养;能保护细胞免受机械损伤,增加搅拌强度和通气量,强化反应器的传质;比表面积大,为细胞提供了充分的生长空间;细胞固定化过程简单无害,细胞能从长满细胞的微载体中自动转移到未长细胞的新载体中生长,接种方便,操作简单。特别适合于搅拌式、气升式、周定床和流化床等生物反应器的大规模培养〔1,2。尿激酶原(pro-UK)是一种重要的溶栓药物.与一般的生物医药制品相比,pro-UK给药量较大(约20mg/人~80mg/人),小规模生产不能满足市场需求。本文报道利用20L搅拌式反应器培养分泌pro-UK的重组CHO细胞的工艺条件,取得了初步结果。  相似文献   

VerO细胞在气升式反应器中的微载体培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物细胞的大规模培养是生产许多医学上重要生物制品的一种主要方法之-⑴。很多有工业价值的动物细胞都是贴壁细胞,必须附着在一定的表面上才能生长,微载体培养是一种有效的体系⑵。用于微载体培养的反应器多为搅拌式反应器,近年来,流化床式反应器越来越引起生化工程学家的重视。有希望用于大规模动物细胞培养的主要是液升和气升式。液升式反应器的优点是培养液可以间接氧饱和,气泡和细胞不直接接触。在气升式流态反应器中,气泡与细胞直接接触,其优点是操作方便,设备筒单。本文报道通过气升流态化反应器实现高密度贴壁细胞培养工艺条件的研究。  相似文献   

经过重组减毒的Ⅱ型溶瘤单纯疱疹病毒(rHSV-Ⅱ)在体外具有良好的溶瘤效果,并对小鼠体内B16R黑色素瘤内注射具有较高的疗效。重组HSV-Ⅱ病毒作为高效的新型溶瘤病毒疫苗有望用于肿瘤的临床治疗。Vero细胞是广泛应用于病毒疫苗生产的细胞基质,该细胞系对多种病毒敏感且产量高,其微载体培养安全,开发重组HSV-Ⅱ溶瘤病毒肿瘤疫苗的Vero细胞微载体反应器悬浮培养生产工艺具有重要的意义。以自主开发的低血清培养基为基础,对Vero细胞的反应器微载体球转球转移放大工艺及在位消化放大培养工艺进行了研究和比较,以新老微载体比3:1的比例成功实现了微载体球转球转移放大,建立了可实现至少四次/级连续放大的球转球转移放大培养工艺,可用于工业化生产过程。在此基础上,初步建立了以Vero细胞为基质的重组HSV-Ⅱ病毒疫苗反应器微载体无血清悬浮培养生产工艺,最大病毒滴度可达到6.62 lgTCID50/ml以上。为以Vero细胞为基质的无血清病毒疫苗规模化培养提供了一种简便、高效的工艺方法。  相似文献   

大规模动物细胞培养技术研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用动物细胞大规模培养技术可生产多种生物制品,为提高细胞活力和表达水平及有利于表达产物的纯化,采用有多种添加成分的无血清培养基培养细胞,选择更有利于细胞生长又可提高培养细胞密度的微载体和条件温和、易操作、气体交换速度快的生物反应器,在线监控细胞生存环境和生理活动,减少培养过程培养基中的抑制因素,可创造更适合细胞生存的环境,提高表达水平,向细胞中导入抗凋亡基因,可提高细胞活性和蛋白产量。利用多也微载体以球转球方式大规模培养动物细胞有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

微载体高密度培养Vero细胞的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
微载体是动物细胞高密度培养的有效手段。首先在硅化的方瓶中对Cytodex 1、Cy-todex 3、Biosilon、Bellco Glass Microcarrier、CT-1、CT-3、MC-1、CT-28种国产和进口微载体进行了比较和筛选。确定以Biosilon作为Vero细胞高密度培养的首选微载体。用500mlWheaton搅拌瓶探索影响Vero细胞高密度培养的条件,表明50~60mg/ml的微载体浓度、1~2×106/ml的细胞接种密度、适当的通气(95%O_2+5%CO2)对该细胞的高密度培养具有重要意义。在200ml培养体积的Wheaton搅拌瓶中,微载体浓度为50~60mg/ml,细胞接种密度为9.24×105/ml,搅拌速度为65~85r/min,经25d培养,Vero细胞密度可达2.34×107/ml,表明50~60mg/ml的微载体浓度对培养细胞没有毒性。接着在1.5L CelliGen生物反应器中进行培养,细胞接种密度为4.98×105/ml,培养体积为1.2L,日灌流量从0.20L逐渐加大到3.65L,经22d连接灌流培养,最终细胞密度可达2.05×107/ml。  相似文献   

目的:设计适用于Vero细胞微载体培养的化学成分明确无血清培养基。方法:以商品化的DMEM/F12合成培养基为基础培养基,应用Plackett—Burman实验设计和响应面分析法设计支持Vero细胞微载体培养的化学成分明确无血清培养基。结果:以细胞密度为评价指标,在单因素实验的基础上采用Plackett-Burman实验设计考察10种培养基添加成分对Vero细胞生长的影响,确定了3种对Vero细胞生长起明显促进作用的培养基添加成分,为胰岛素、血清素和腐胺。继而利用响应面法分析了这3种添加成分的最佳水平范围,设计了一种支持Vero细胞贴附培养的无血清培养基(VERO—SFM—A)。在Bellco搅拌式培养瓶中采用VERO-SFM.A和Cytodex1微载体培养Vero细胞,细胞密度由接种时的4×10^5cells/ml增加到培养6d后的22.3×10^cells/ml,细胞活力保持在96%以上。结论:VERO—SFM—A能够有效地支持Vero细胞在微载体表面固定化生长并达到较高的细胞密度,具有实际应用于Vero细胞微载体规模化培养的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Summary A mixture containing an ultrafiltrate fraction (UF) of bovine colostrum (6.7%), adult bovine serum (BS) (1%), and human holo-transferrin (hTF) (5 mg/liter) was developed for cultivation of Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) and African green monkey kidney cells (Vero). The growth-supporting activity of the mixture (UF/BS/hTF) was comparable to that of 1 to 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and considerably better than 1 to 2% BS. Cells could be directly seeded from FBS-supplemented medium to UF/BS/hTF-supplemented medium without any weaning period, even at initial plating density of 1700 cells/ml. Vero and CHO-K1 cells were cultivated in UF/BS/hTF-supplemented media for up to 43 days without any apparent reduction in growth. The UF/BS/hTF mixture could also be used as a freezing medium. Cells were passaged twice in the mixture, frozen, and stored at liquid N2 for 11 wk. After thawing, the viability of Vero and CHO-K1 cells was reduced 13 and 7%, respectively, and both cell lines started to grow well. Additional hTF could be replaced with bovine holo-transferrin, although a high concentration (150 mg/liter) should be used for CHO-K1 cells. The results suggest that the UF/BS/hTF mixture provides a new economical alternative to FBS in cultivation of Vero and CHO-K1 cells in the presence of reduced protein amounts.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrated that the period of logarithmic growth for Thiobacillus ferrooxidans could be extended when optimal conditions for cell growth were maintained using potential controlled electrochemical cultivation with sufficient aeration. The optimal pH and Fe(II) concentration for the electrolytic cultivation were determined to be 2.0 and 150 mM, respectively. When the potential was set to 0.0V vs Ag/AgCl, the Pt electrode reduced Fe(III) to Fe(II) with an efficiency of 95%. A porous glass microbubble generator was used to maintain adequate levels of dissolved oxygen, which was the electron acceptor for T. ferrooxidans when the cell density in the medium was high. Under these conditions, cells at an initial density of 10(7) cells/mL grew logarithmically for 4days until the cell density was 4 x 10(9) cells/mL. This corresponded to a period of logarithmic growth that was 3 times longer than was observed in batch cultures without electrolysis. In addition, the final cell density reached 10(10) cells/mL after 6 days of electrochemical cultivation, which was a 50-fold increase over conventional batch culture. Under conditions of increasing cell density, potentiostatic electrolysis made it possible to remove Fe(III), which causes product inhibition, at an increasing rate and to correspondingly increase the production rate of Fe(II), which is the electron donor for T. ferrooxidans. Thus, our cultivation system provides a sufficient supply of electron donor and acceptor for T. ferrooxidans, thereby elongating the period of logarithmic growth and producing very high cell densities.  相似文献   

A novel oscillating bioreactor, BelloCell, was successfully applied for the cultivation of Vero cells using serum-free medium, and the production of Japanese encephalitis virus. The BelloCell requires no air sparging, pumping, or agitation, and thus provides a low shear environment. Owing to its simple design, BelloCell is extremely easy to handle and operate. Using this BelloCell (500 ml culture), Vero cells reached a maximum number of 2.8 x 10(9) cells and the Japanese encephalitis virus yield reached 6.91 x 10(11) PFU, versus 9.0 x 10(8) cells and 2.98 x 10(11) PFU using a spinner flask (500 ml) with microcarriers. The cell yield and virus production using BelloCell were markedly higher than with microcarrier culture. The neutralizing capacity of the Japanese encephalitis virus produced using BelloCell was equal to that using a microcarrier system. Therefore, these benefits should enable BelloCell to be adopted as a simple system for high population density cell culture and virus production.  相似文献   

Existence of autocrine growth factors (aGFs) may influence the serum requirement for growth of hybridoma cells and thus significantly influence process economics. For the murine hybridoma cell line S3H5/2bA2, critical inoculum density (cID) and serum requirement for growth were inversely related for cultivation in both T flasks and spinner flasks. In spinner flasks, an inoculum density of 106 cells/ml was necessary for the cells to grow in RPMI 1640 medium without serum supplement, and an inoculum density of 103 cell/ml was necessary in RPMI 1640 medium with 10% serum. In T flasks, where the local cell density is higher than in spinner flasks, an inoculum density of 106 cells/ml was necessary for the cells to grow in RPMI 1640 medium without serum supplement, and an inoculum density of 1 cell/ml was also necessary in RPMI 1640 medium with 10% serum. Further, immobilized cells at high local cell density could grow under conditions where cells in T flasks at corresponding overall cell density could not grow. The cells at high inoculum density were less sensitive to shear induced by mechanical agitation than the cells at low inoculum density. Taken together these observations support the existence of secreted aGF(s) by the hybridoma cell line used. Since the specific MAb production rate was independent of cultivation method and inoculum density, the existence of autocrine growth factors would suggest that the use of immobilized cells should improve the economics of MAb production.  相似文献   

Summary Diethylaminoethyl-derivatized dextran microspheres were used to cultivate Chinese hamster ovary, 293, Vero and swine testicular cells. Cells became attached to the microspheres but did not spread out. Instead, they grew in a more spherical shape and eventually formed multiple-cell-layer aggregates. Viability in these aggregates remained high after the cultures reached high cell concentrations. This cultivation method allows a high cell density to be achieved with a low microsphere concentration.Offprint requests to: W.-S. Hu  相似文献   

To improve rabies vaccine production by Vero cells, we have developed a strategy based on high cell density culture and optimization of virus yield. We have first optimized cell growth in spinner flask using a Taguchi's L8 experimental design. We analyzed the effects of the following factors: initial glucose and glutamine concentrations, Cytodex 1 concentration and the regulation of glucose level at 1 g l(-1). We have also investigated the effect of the following factor interactions: Cytodex 1 concentration/glutamine concentration, Cytodex 1 concentration/glucose concentration and glucose concentration/glutamine concentration. Statistical analysis of the collected data pointed to the initial glucose concentration, the regulation of glucose level at 1 g l(-1) and the interactions between Cytodex 1 concentration/initial glucose concentration and Cytodex 1 concentration/initial glutamine concentration as the parameters that affected cell growth. Using the optimal conditions determined earlier, we have studied Vero cell growth in a 7-l bioreactor and in batch culture, and obtained a cell density level equal to 3.6 +/- 0.2 x 10(6) cells ml-1. Cell infection with rabies virus (LP 2061/Vero strain) at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.3 using M199 medium supplemented with 0.2% bovine serum albumin (BSA), yielded a maximal virus titer equal to 8 +/- 1.6 x 10(7) Fluorescent Focus Units (FFU) ml-1. We have also studied Vero cell growth in a 7-l bioreactor using recirculation as a perfusion culture mode during cell proliferation step and perfusion for virus multiplication phase. In comparison to batch culture, we reached a higher cell density level that was equal to 10.1 +/- 0.5 x 10(6) cells ml-1. Cell infection under the conditions previously indicated, yielded 14l of virus harvest that had a virus titer equal to 2.6 +/- 0.5 x 10(7) FFU ml-1. The activity of the inactivated virus harvest showed a protective activity that meets WHO requirements.  相似文献   

Human Fas ligand (hFasL) is of considerable interest since it is a type II transmembrane glycoprotein that induces programmed cell death, or apoptosis. In this study Dictyostelium discoideum was used to produce a soluble form of the human Fas ligand. The recombinant cells were adapted to a modified synthetic FM medium, called SIH medium. Cells adapted to the SIH medium reached about 2 times higher cell densities and hFasL concentrations on this medium compared with cells growing on the standard complex medium HL-5C. Even higher values were achieved by a dissolved oxygen-controlled fed-batch cultivation in a conventional stirred bioreactor on SIH medium. Cell densities of up to 5.5 x 10(7) ml(-1) and a maximum hFasL concentration of 148 microgl(-1) were obtained. These results were further improved by means of continuous cultivation of D. discoideum in a bioreactor equipped with cell retention by microfiltration. At low space velocity very high cell densities of up to 2.4 x 10(8) ml(-1) and hFasL concentrations of up to 205 microgl(-1) were achieved.  相似文献   

基于r21昆虫细胞在浮过程中所表现出的生长代谢特征,提出以培养液中残糖浓度作为控制参数,并利用限制性基质(葡萄糖和蛋白水解物)的间歇补加技术调控细胞生长的方案。实际控制表明:与批培养相比,S1f21细胞在两种具代表性的昆虫水解物)的间歇补加调控细胞生长的方案。实际控制表明:与批培养相比,Sf21细胞在两种具代表性的昆虫细胞培养基(IPL-41和TC-100)中的生长期和稳定期部都到有效的延长。TC  相似文献   

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