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蜂蛹中氨基酸含量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对蜂蛹的水解及氨基酸含量的分析 ,并与蜂王浆、蜂花粉等蜂产品含量对比 ,证实雄蜂蛹中氨基酸含量丰富 ,是有待开发的天然保健品和食品源  相似文献   

硒是人体必需的微量元素之一,具有抗肿瘤、防衰老、防辐射和增强机体免疫力等多种功能。近年来,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,各种各样的富硒产品及富硒保健品走进了我们的生活,硒的形态测定越来越受到人们广泛的关注。本文对目前主要检测硒形态的两种方法—原子荧光法(AFS)和电感耦合等离子质体谱法(ICP-MS)在食品、水果蔬菜、富硒保健品、生物样品等方面的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

氨基酸是生命有机体的重要组成部分,参与人体各项生理活动和新陈代谢,在人体中发挥着特殊的作用,是人体必不可少的营养成分之一。近年来,生命科学的研究与食品、药品和保健品的开发,以及麻醉药品、精神药品对兴奋性神经递质的影响的研究,促进了对存在于各种检验材料中的氨基酸的分析方法的研究,探索高灵敏度和高选择性的氨基酸分析检测方法引起了人们极大的兴趣,所以建立快速、准确的氨基酸的检测方法越来越重要。毛细管电泳(capillary electrophoresis,CE)是继高效液相色谱之后发展起来的一种新的分离和分析方法,具有分离效率高、分析速度快、样品及试剂用量少等特点,本文参考近几年的相关文献,对氨基酸进行毛细管电泳检测使用紫外检测器、荧光检测器、电化学检测器和质谱检测器的方法作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:3个茯苓品种的蛋白质与氨基酸含量比较。方法:凯氏定氮法和考马斯亮蓝测定蛋白质和氨基酸含量;结果:3个品种的茯苓所含蛋白质、氨基酸种类齐全,辐射一号中人体所需的8种必需氨基酸含量最具明显优势,其游离氨基酸和总蛋白含量高于湘靖28,蛋白质与游离氨基酸含量高低为野生型>辐射一号>湘靖28;结论:辐射一号是一个经济价值指标较优的品种,对茯苓新品种选育和茯苓蛋白类保健品开发具有指导意义。  相似文献   

<正> 自1958年Moore stein实现氨基酸分析自动化,奠定了现代氨基酸分析基础至今已有30多年了。这30多年来,氨基酸分析不仅在蛋白质化学、生物化学乃至整个生命科学的革命中起了重要作用,在医学、营养、考古、地质推断宇宙探秘等多种研究领域得到了广泛应用,而且越来越深入人们的生活与生产活动,逐步成为产品开发、质量控制和  相似文献   

通过对高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)肉质进行营养成分的分析,评价其营养价值。测定了高原鼢鼠肉的水分、灰分、蛋白质、粗脂肪、微量元素、脂肪酸、氨基酸与维生素的含量。结果表明,高原鼢鼠肉中含丰富的蛋白质(18.7%)、氨基酸种类齐全(含17种氨基酸,8种人体必需氨基酸俱全)、脂肪酸以不饱和脂肪酸为主(占总脂肪酸的64.14%)、VE含量高,并含有一般动物肉中没有的VC,含有多种微量元素,微量元素含量具有明显的高K低Na等特点,符合现代营养保健趋势,可作为低钠营养保健品资源开发。  相似文献   

自然界中存在20种基本氨基酸,除甘氨酸外都有两种互成镜像的对映体D-型和L-型。长期以来,人们认为D-氨基酸仅存在于微生物中,参与构成细胞壁肽聚糖层。但随着分析方法的发展,人们相继在多种生物体中(包括人体)发现了多种D-氨基酸,D-氨基酸才引起人们的高度重视,并意识到它们在医药、农药和食品等的组成中起着重要作用。D-氨基酸检测方法还需要不断发展与完善,以便更好地分析和认识D-氨基酸的重要作用。主要介绍酶法、气相层析法、高效液相法及生物传感器等检测方法。  相似文献   

茶氨酸保健功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶氨酸是茶叶中特有的氨基酸,是茶叶重要活性成分之一。国内外大量研究表明它在保护神经、镇静、调节情绪、提高认知能力等方面有良好的保健作用。最新的研究进展表明茶氨酸可以通过激活T淋巴细胞起到抗肿瘤的作用。作为保健品,茶氨酸在医药和食品加工方面也有着良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

氨基酸在提高植物产量、改善产品品质、增强植株抗逆性、保护生态环境等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,在农业生产中越来越受到重视。本文简述了氨基酸含量、氨基酸种类和植物种类对植物吸收氨基酸的影响,并对氨基酸营养研究进行展望,以期提高人们对植物氨基酸营养的认识,促进氨基酸在农业中的应用和发展。  相似文献   

复方双歧豆奶的营养成份及保质观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复方双歧豆奶系双歧杆菌等菌发酵新鲜豆浆、牛奶等配制而成。本文对其糖、脂肪、蛋白质、微量元素、游离氨基酸等营养成份进行了检测,并观察了在不同温度条件下的保质情况。实验证明,复方双歧豆奶具有合理的营养组成,能提供足够数量的双歧活菌,在4℃冰箱中有较长的保质期,认为是一种较好的营养保健品。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默症是一种起病隐匿的进行性发展的神经系统退行性疾病。随着全球老龄化日趋严重,阿尔茨海默症严重威胁人民的生命健康与生活质量。阿尔茨海默症成因复杂,治疗阿尔茨海默症仍然是重要的医学难题。通过对Web of Science核心合集中收录的阿尔茨海默症基因研究相关的文献,利用文献计量的方法,进行研究趋势、研究人员、研究机构、国家和研究热点等方面进行态势分析,为相关领域的研究人员提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

Amino acid nitrogen isotopic analysis is a relatively new method for estimating trophic position. It uses the isotopic difference between an individual’s ‘trophic’ and ‘source’ amino acids to determine its trophic position. So far, there is no accepted explanation for the mechanism by which the isotopic signals in ‘trophic’ and ‘source’ amino acids arise. Yet without a metabolic understanding, the utility of nitrogen isotopic analyses as a method for probing trophic relations, at either bulk tissue or amino acid level, is limited. I draw on isotopic tracer studies of protein metabolism, together with a consideration of amino acid metabolic pathways, to suggest that the ‘trophic’/‘source’ groupings have a fundamental metabolic origin, to do with the cycling of amino-nitrogen between amino acids. ‘Trophic’ amino acids are those whose amino-nitrogens are interchangeable, part of a metabolic amino-nitrogen pool, and ‘source’ amino acids are those whose amino-nitrogens are not interchangeable with the metabolic pool. Nitrogen isotopic values of ‘trophic’ amino acids will reflect an averaged isotopic signal of all such dietary amino acids, offset by the integrated effect of isotopic fractionation from nitrogen cycling, and modulated by metabolic and physiological effects. Isotopic values of ‘source’ amino acids will be more closely linked to those of equivalent dietary amino acids, but also modulated by metabolism and physiology. The complexity of nitrogen cycling suggests that a single identifiable value for ‘trophic discrimination factors’ is unlikely to exist. Greater consideration of physiology and metabolism should help in better understanding observed patterns in nitrogen isotopic values.  相似文献   

传统氨基酸根据其在体内合成能力, 一般分为必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸。目前最新研究认为, 部分氨基酸除了合成蛋白质以外, 也能够合成一系列功能性物质, 并对动物营养代谢和免疫功能具有十分重要的调节作用, 为此提出功能性氨基酸这一概念。功能性氨基酸在甲壳类促生长、提高免疫和存活率等方面效果显著。近些年来, 甲壳类动物养殖病害严重, 对高效抗病功能性饲料需求较高。功能性氨基酸将在未来甲壳类配合饲料升级中扮演着重要的角色。文章总结功能性氨基酸在甲壳类蜕壳、抗应激、增强饲料诱食性及提高繁殖和幼体培育等方面的具体作用, 为相关功能性饲料技术开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Eco-Efficiency Analysis of biotechnological processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For almost 50 years now, biotechnological production processes have been used for industrial production of amino acids. Market development has been particularly dynamic for the flavor-enhancer glutamate and the animal feed amino acids l-lysine, l-threonine, and l-tryptophan, which are produced by fermentation processes using high-performance strains of Corynebacterium glutamicum and Escherichia coli from sugar sources such as molasses, sucrose, or glucose. But the market for amino acids in synthesis is also becoming increasingly important, with annual growth rates of 5–7%. The use of enzymes and whole cell biocatalysts has proven particularly valuable in production of both proteinogenic and nonproteinogenic l-amino acids, d-amino acids, and enantiomerically pure amino acid derivatives, which are of great interest as building blocks for active ingredients that are applied as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and agricultural products. Nutrition and health will continue to be the driving forces for exploiting the potential of microorganisms, and possibly also of suitable plants, to arrive at even more efficient processes for amino acid production.  相似文献   

Lee IC  Yang YH  Ho PS  Lee IC 《Gerodontology》2012,29(2):e1067-e1077
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00614.x
Exploring the quality of life after denture‐wearing within elders in Kaohsiung Objective: The objective of the research is to investigate whether the elderly people’s quality of life get improved after denture wearing. Material and methods: About 1600 elderly persons, over 65 years old, were sampled as the research target. The overall response rate was 71.62%. The tool of research is a structural questionnaire Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) that was used to measure the oral health–related quality of life. Individual’s satisfaction of denture wearing divides into three groups: edentulous individuals who are satisfied with denture wearing, edentulous individuals who are not satisfied with denture wearing and dentulous individuals. Results: The result shows the eight variables, which are oral health condition, frequency of snacks‐eating, age, frequency in participation in social activities, instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), vision, satisfaction with life and physical functions, have significant influence on total OHIP score. Conclusions: Although being edentulous, if the elderly are satisfied with their denture, the quality of life can be maintained and not affected by oral health problems. It is suggested that the further researches can include more relevant factors when in a discussion on the oral health–related quality of life, especially, the subjective perception of individual’s feeling.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2009.00274.x
Informing the debate on oral health care for older people: a qualitative study of older people’s views on oral health and oral health care Background: Older people represent a growing and diverse section of the population. As age increases, people are more likely to experience health and mobility problems and be at higher risk of developing oral disease. Nevertheless, few older people utilise primary oral healthcare services. It is therefore important to understand the value older people place on oral health and dental services to inform providers and planners of oral health care. This research was conducted as part of a study to identify potential ways of minimising barriers to oral health care in older people. Objectives: To explore perceptions of oral health and oral healthcare services amongst older people living in a socially deprived inner city area and how these are related to service utilisation. Methods: A qualitative approach was utilised to explore the range of issues related to older people’s perceptions of oral health and their views on health care. This involved a combination of focus groups and semi‐structured individual interviews with older people and their carers. Data analysis was conducted using the Framework approach. Results:
  • ? Response: Thirty‐nine older people and/or their carers participated in focus groups.
  • ? Oral health perception: Oral health was associated with the presence of natural teeth, the absence of pain, practical/social functioning, preferably supported by positive assessment by a dentist.
  • ? Oral health life‐course: Older people have a long and complex dental history. Past negative experiences with oral health care, especially in childhood, strongly influenced present attitudes towards dentistry and dental personnel.
  • ? Citizenship and right to health care: There was a strong perception that, as ‘British citizens’, older people should have a right to free health care and that the National Health Service (NHS) should support them in this phase of their life.
Conclusions: The oral health life‐course of older people is an important influence on their perceptions of oral health and dental attendance. They consider oral health of importance and place great emphasis on their citizenship and rights of access to state funded oral health care. This raises important issues for the funding and delivery of NHS oral health care for older people.  相似文献   

生命体中行使生物学功能的重要大分子蛋白质,由其基本单位氨基酸组成. 除甘氨酸外,其余19种常见氨基酸均具有手性,且均为L-构型,称为氨基酸的纯手性(homochirality,或称同手性).这个现象长久以来困扰着科学家们. 本文简要综述了目前对纯手性起源的一些假说,D-氨基酸在生命体中的存在和可能的作用,以及D-氨基酸在蛋白质合成这个重要过程中的特性,包括D-氨基酸的氨酰化和在新生肽链的掺入. D-氨基酸的研究,让人们对生命有了更深入的认识,为疾病、制药等领域提供了新的思路,也为生命科学的基础研究提供了新的理论支撑和研究方向.  相似文献   

Diabetes is an emerging health condition globally and is suggested to have a direct connection with the gut microbiota that determine our metabolic outcomes. Sensitivity to insulin and glucose metabolism is normal in healthy people as compared to those people who cannot maintain their glucose metabolism. One of the reasons of the differences is that healthy people have different microbiome that leads to achieve more short chain fatty acids and make up more branched amino acids, while the gut microbiota of the other group of people are more likely to produce compounds that affects glucose metabolism. Herein, this review will present the research related to the impact of gut microbes on diabetes carried out in the past decade. The review focus on the relation between gut microbiota and Type-1 Diabetes (T1D), Type-2 Diabetes (T2D), and how gut microbiota could be an alternative therapy for treatment of diabetes.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 was grown in medium containing unlabelled free amino acids and 15N-labelled yeast hydrolysate to gain insight into the role of peptides as a source of amino acids under conditions where free amino acids are abundant. A mathematical model was composed to estimate the fluxes of free and peptide-derived amino acids into and out of the intracellular amino acid pool. We observed co-consumption of peptides and free amino acids and a considerable efflux of most free amino acids during growth. We did not observe significant differences between the peptide consumption patterns of essential and non-essential amino acids, which suggests that the incorporation of a particular amino acid is more dependent on its availability in a readily assimilated form than the organism’s auxotrophy for it. For most amino acids the contribution of peptide-bound forms to the formation of biomass was initially between 30 and 60 % with the remainder originating from free amino acids. During the later stages of fermentation we observed a decrease in the utilization of peptide-bound amino acids, thus indicating that the more readily assimilated peptides are gradually exhausted from the medium during growth.  相似文献   

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