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The diterpinoid forskolin stimulated adenylate cyclase activity (measured by conversion of [3H]-ATP to [3H]-cAMP) in anterior pituitary from male and female rats. Inhibition of stimulated adenylate cyclase activity by potent dopaminergic agonists was demonstrable only in female anterior pituitary. The inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity displayed a typically dopaminergic rank order of agonist potencies and could be completely reversed by a specific dopamine receptor antagonist. The IC50 values of dopamine agonist inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity correlated with equal molarity with the dissociation constant of the high-affinity dopamine agonist-detected receptor binding site and with the IC50 values for inhibition of prolactin secretion. These findings support the hypothesis that it is the high-affinity form of the D2 dopamine receptor in anterior pituitary which is responsible for mediating the dopaminergic function of attenuating adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

A class of aravinosyladenine (araA)-resistant mutants of baby hamster kidney (BHK 21/C13) cells exhibits multiple phenotypes: resistance to araA and deoxyadenosine, extreme sensitivity to adenosine (Ado) and varying degrees of deficiency in adenosine kinase (AK) activity. One of these Ados/araAr strains, ara-S10d, was isolated without mutagenesis and was shown to possess about 59% level of the wild-type AK activity. The AK from ara-S10d had an altered Km and pH optimum and was stimulated by K+ cations. A number of Ados to Ador revertants were isolated from araS10d, and in all of the 7 examined, the AK activity was reduced to a nondetectable level. The altered kinetic parameters of the AK enzyme in ara-S10d cells suggest a mutation of the AK gene that leads to the synthesis of an altered enzyme. The loss of AK activity in the Ador revertants suggests an association of the enhanced Ado sensitivity to the AK mutation.  相似文献   

9-beta-D-Arabinosyladenine (araA)-resistant mutants of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells can be classified into 3 classes. In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanism(s) of resistance and the biochemical basis of cytotoxicity of various purine nucleosides, cell hybrids of the mutant and wild-type cells were made and analyzed. The class I araA-resistant, adenosine-kinase-deficient (AK-) allele was shown to be recessive to the wild-type araA-sensitive (AK+) gene. The class II mutant allele, which encodes an altered ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase, was shown to be codominant. The class III mutants show multiple phenotypes, araAr/dAdor/adenosine sensitive (Ados) and alteration in AK activity. The araA- and dAdo-resistant alleles of araS10d, ara-16c, and ara-19a in class III mutant/wild-type hybrid cells are all recessive to the wild-type allele, consistent with a common mechanism of resistance. In contrast the Ados allele of ara-S10d is dominant while those of ara-16c and ara-19a are recessive. The difference may be a reflection of two distinct mechanisms of enhanced Ado sensitivity or, alternatively, it suggests that the sensitivity of the hybrids to Ado is highly dependent on the level of AK activity.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte responses of human neonates to bacterial antigens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human lymphoid lines derived from normal or neoplastic B cells were assayed for insulin binding. 125I-Labeled insulin was allowed to bind to cells. Bound radioactivity which was inhibited with unlabeled insulin was regarded as specific binding. Among 46 lines tested, 43 bound more insulin than normal peripheral B lymphocytes. The majority of the lines resembled activated lymphocytes, with regard to their insulin binding. More mature cells represented by EBV-transformed lines of normal origin, bound more insulin than the less differentiated Burkitt lymphoma lines. However, even the latter bound significantly more insulin than peripheral blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which constitute the somatic (O) antigen of gram-negative bacteria, were used to demonstrate the procedure of LPS blotting involving the electrophoretic transfer of electrophoretically resolved LPS from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose filters. Immobilized LPS could then be immunoautoradiographically visualized in situ by reaction with specific anti-LPS antibody and subsequent binding of radioiodinated Staphylococcus protein A. LPS blotting is expected to provide an efficient and specific means of investigating the LPS (O) antigens of gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

A constant-current microelectrolytic radioiodination method was used to label bovine parathyroid hormone (BPTH) with 125I to an overall iodination ratio of 1:1 iodide atoms per PTH molecule. Such iodinated preparations were shown to be fully active in several bioassay systems: in vitro adenylate cyclase activation in rat renal and skeletal membranes, in vitro calcium release from rat calvaria, and the in vivo hypercalcemic response in chickens. Analysis by Sephadex G-15 chromatography after enzymatic digestion showed the radioiodine to be incorporated predominantly as monoiodotyrosine. Bioassay of iodinated preparations from which uniodinated hormone had been removed by isoelectric focusing showed essentially full hormonal activity. Such methods can be used to consistently produce radioiodinated biologically active preparations of BPTH 1–84 with high specific activity (2000 Ci/mmol).  相似文献   

The penile reflexes of the rat were observed on interruption of the copulatory behavior sequence after intromission and ejaculation in the initial ejaculatory series, after the penultimate series, during sexual exhaustion, and during recovery from sexual exhaustion 24 and 72 hr later. These were compared to the reflexes of the normal rat in control conditions, to those of the male rat after spinal transection, and to those of the sexually rested and sexually exhausted male rat under cortical spreading depression (CSD). It was concluded that (1) the stimuli associated with copulation evoke disinhibition of the penile reflexes, these showing the short reflex latencies observed in the spinal animal. The release of the spinal mechanisms is lost within 30 min of the last copulatory event. CSD further inhibits reflex responsivity. (2) Stimuli associated with intromission provoke acceleration of the normal rhythmic presentation of reflexes seen in the normal and spinal rat, resulting in a decrease in the duration of intervals between reflex clusters and an increase in reflex number. This excitation decays within about 15 min after intromission. (3) The increase in degree of penile extension and percentage of penile flips after spinal transection suggests tonic inhibition of reflex intensity in the normal rat. The decrease in capacity to attain full erection with the approach of sexual exhaustion suggests an increase in this inhibition. This does not recover during a rest period but instead intensifies. CSD effects did not mimic the effects of spinal transection but instead depressed reflex excitability. The relationship of these changes to the copulatory behavior pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to study the repair capabilities of normal human cervical fibroblasts and fibroblasts derived from human uterine cervical dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma. Sedimentation analysis of DNA in alkaline sucrose density gradient was carried out to monitor the DNA damage induced by a methylating carcinogen, methylnitrosourea (MNU). The results indicate that none of the cell lines, namely, fibroblasts either derived from normal human uterine cervix (T30-11) or from cervical cells of cancer precursor lesions (T4-3F; T23-3; T18) exhibited any significant repair in 72 h. In contrast fibroblasts derived from normal human skin (GM105) exhibited 38% repair of their DNA damaged by MNU. Epithelial-like cells (T4-3E) obtained from cervical dysplasia exhibited only 18% repair of MNU-induced DNA damage in 72 h.When the damage was induced by another methylating agent, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), fibroblasts from normal human skin (GM105) exhibited 40% repair of the damaged DNA whereas fibroblasts from normal human uterine cervix (T30-11) exhibited only a 16% repair, in 72 h.These results suggest that fibroblasts derived from either normal human uterine cervix or from cervix with cancer precursor or cancer lesions exhibit low levels of repair of DNA damged by methylating agents.  相似文献   

Earlier, indirect evidence for rabbit subpopulations differing in Fc receptors and in response to mitogen has been directly tested. T cells were purified from spleen suspension by removal of adherent cells, followed by removal of Ig-bearing cells on petri dishes coated with antibody, directed against the light chain allotype of Ig receptors. The purified cells were further fractionated by formation of EA rosettes and separation on Ficoll-Hypaque. T cells which lacked Fc receptors had a larger response when stimulated with Con A or PHA than did T cells which possessed Fc receptors. Both subpopulations responded more when irradiated nonadherent B cells were added to the mixture, but the extent of help was the same for both cell populations. T cells which contained both Fc receptor-bearing cells and cells which lacked the receptor had a response which was intermediate between that of the two separated subpopulations.  相似文献   

PtK2 cells and antigen affinity-purified antibodies to actin and tubulin were used to study the effects on mitosis of cytochalasin B (CB) and dihydrocytochalasin B (H2CB). PtK2 cells were synchronized in S phase by a double thymidine block and CB or H2CB was added at various concentrations at the time of release from the block. CB- and H2CB-treated populations, and control populations not treated with either drug, progressed synchronously through G2 and into mitosis with similar time courses. By both phase contrast and immunofluorescence microscopy, CB- and H2CB-treated cells appeared normal in terms of chromosome condensation, spindle formation and spindle dynamics throughout prophase, metaphase and early anaphase. At late anaphase, contractile ring staining with actin antibody was not normal. High actin antigenicity remained localized in the region of the contractile ring; however, it appeared atypically as a punctate line of fluorescence across the midzone. Although some degree of furrowing was often seen to occur, at suitable concentrations of CB or H2CB only binucleate G1 cells formed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of normal and CB- and H2CB-treated cells verified that cleavage furrowing did not proceed normally in treated cells. Large numbers of microvilli and surface blebs occurred in the normally smooth furrow region in these treated populations. These results suggest that intact microfilament function is not necessary for progression from S phase into mitosis, for spindle formation or for chromosome movement. They indicate that CB and H2CB lead to formation of binucleated cells by causing aberrant cleavage furrowing and inhibition of contractile ring microfilaments.  相似文献   

Isolation of ouabain-resistant human diploid fibroblasts   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
R Mankovitz  M Buchwald  R M Baker 《Cell》1974,3(3):221-226
Seventeen clones resistant to the cytotoxic action of ouabain were isolated in culture by direct selection from 5 independent strains of diploid human fibroblasts. Resistant clones were recovered at frequencies on the order of 10?7 per wild type cell selected from populations treated with the mutagen EMS, but no resistant cells were detected among 108 unmutagenized cells. Most selected clones remained ouabain-resistant following further propagation in the absence of drug. The growth of wild type cells was inhibited by 50% at ouabain concentrations of 2–5 × 10?8 M, while resistant clones required 15–180 fold higher drug concentrations to cause equivalent inhibition. Ouabain-resistant clones showed increased resistance of K+ transport function to ouabain inhibition that paralleled their increased resistance to growth inhibition. Initial experiments suggest that under selective conditions the resistant diploid fibroblasts differ significantly from wild type in binding of 3H-ouabain per unit surface area. The ouabain-resistant cells were similar to wild type in transport properties unrelated to ouabain inhibition. Resistant cells had normal karyotypes and senesced with a lifespan similar to control clones. The ouabain-resistant phenotypes of these diploid human fibroblast isolates apparently reflect point mutations that specifically affect the Na+/K+ transport ATPase with respect to ouabain-binding and/or response to bound ouabain.  相似文献   

A procedure is outlined by which sedimentation analyses of small quantities of mucin glycoproteins can be performed. Rat intestinal goblet cell mucin was stained with periodic acid-Schiff reagent to permit detection by light absorption at 555 nm. PAS treatment resulted in chemical modification of sialic acid and 55% of fucose residues in the mucin. No other chemical or physical alterations were detected. The stained mucus was subjected to band ultracentrifugation using D2O-containing solvents. Sedimentation was monitored by scanning at 555 nm. Results compared favorably with those reported earlier for conventional boundary ultracentrifugation of intact goblet cell mucin. Because of the low concentrations of mucin used in band ultracentrifugation (0.2–1.5 μg protein/ml), S20,w values are comparable to sedimentation coefficients at zero concentration (So values), determined by conventional means.  相似文献   

An improved method is described for the quantitation of glycosaminoglycans separatedon cellulose acetate, stained with Alcian blue, and dissolved in a dimethyl sulfoxide solution. Standard curves are shown for all eight glycosaminoglycans. It is shown that absorption at the Alcian blue orthochromatic Emax is depressed under conditions which favor formation of dye-glycosaminoglycan complexes. The interaction between Alcian blue and the eight glycosaminoglycans was studied in dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of varying composition. It was shown that the extent of complex formation depends both on the glycosaminoglycan and the composition of the dimethyl sulfoxide solution. A dimethyl sulfoxide solution which contains 0.094 m H2SO4 is described which maximizes dye-glycosaminoglycan dissociation and thus the absorbance. Also, an improved staining method is described which improves dye uptake by the glycosaminoglycans and consequently increases the sensitivity of glycosaminoglycan quantitation.  相似文献   

Metallothionein (MT) bound to zinc and copper was detected in high concentration in fetal and newborn rat livers by a cadmium saturation method. The levels of both hepatic zinc and MT remained high for the first 14 days after birth and decreased to adult levels by 24 days of age. There was a direct linear relationship between hepatic metallothionein and zinc concentrations during the first 31 days after birth. The ratio of MT to zinc levels also decreased with age suggesting a rapid degradation of MT during postnatal development. Immunohistochemical localization of MT by peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique, using a specific antibody to MT, showed intense intranuclear staining for MT in fetal and newborn rat liver which persisted until Day 9. The nuclear MT staining decreased with age; at 11 days it was equal both in nucleus and cytoplasm and at 14 days, MT was localized mainly in the cytoplasm, similar to adult rat liver pattern. The intranuclear localization of MT in neonates could be considered as a typical fetal-neonatal morphological pattern and its subsequent presence in the cytoplasm, an adult pattern.  相似文献   

The distributions of microfilaments and microtubules were studied during transient hormone-induced changes in cell shape (retraction-respreading). Two cell types (fibroblasts and bone cells), differentially responsive to parathyroid hormone (PTH) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), were analysed. The cytoplasm of fibroblasts retracted in response to PGE2 but not PTH, whereas bone cells could respond to both PGE2 and PTH. Time-lapse photomicrography indicated that the retraction began within minutes of hormone addition, while respreading occurred over longer times, up to 8 h. Affinity-purified actin and tubulin antibodies were used to follow the appearance of microtubules and microfilaments during both the retraction and the respreading phases. Microtubules appeared not to reorganize noticeably, although they were squeezed closer together in cellular pseudopods; no extensive loss or growth was detectable. Microfilaments did alter drastically their appearance and distributions. Soon after hormone addition when earliest detectable cytoplasmic retraction was evident, microfilament bundles appeared to break down. Remaining microfilament bundles consisted of relatively short, non-aligned fragments or aggregates. During respreading, microfilament bundles regrew and realigned throughout the cytoplasm. These data suggest a primary role for microfilaments, but probably not microtubules, in these cell shape changes.  相似文献   

Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is a plasma enzyme that hydrolyzes ghrelin and bioactive esters, suggesting a role in modulating metabolism. Serum BChE is reduced in cancer patients. In prostate cancer (PC), the down-regulation is associated with disease recurrence. Nonetheless, how BChE is expressed in PC and its impact on PC remain unclear. We report here the biphasic changes of BChE expression in PC. In vitro, BChE expression was decreased in more tumorigenic PC stem-like cells (PCSLCs), DU145, and PC3 cells compared to less tumorigenic non-stem PCs and LNCaP cells. On the other hand, BChE was expressed at a higher level in LNCaP cells than immortalized but non-tumorigenic prostate epithelial BPH-1 cells. In vivo, BChE expression was up-regulated in DU145 xenografts compared to LNCaP xenografts; DU145 cell-derived lung metastases displayed comparable levels of BChE as subcutaneous tumors. Furthermore, LNCaP xenografts produced in castrated mice exhibited a significant increase of BChE expression compared to xenografts generated in intact mice. In patients, BChE expression was down-regulated in PCs (n = 340) compared to prostate tissues (n = 86). In two independent PC populations MSKCC (n = 130) and TCGA Provisional (n = 490), BChE mRNA levels were reduced from World Health Organization grade group 1 (WHOGG 1) PCs to WHOGG 3 PCs, followed by a significant increase in WHOGG 5 PCs. The up-regulation was associated with a reduction in disease-free survival (P = .008). Collectively, we demonstrated for the first time a biphasic alteration of BChE, its down-regulation at early stage of PC and its up-regulation at advanced PC.  相似文献   

Human bone marrow (BMC) contains regulatory cells that can suppress the in vitro primary PFC response of normal allogeneic spleen or tonsillar cells and autologous peripheral blood cells. Suppression is dependent upon the dose of BMC added, but is not due to cell crowding nor to excessive cytotoxicity, and requires the presence of viable, metabolically active BMC. BMC are maximally inhibitory when added during the first 24 hr of culture and do not cause an induced shift in the kinetics of the response. Thus, suppression reflects inhibition of early inductive events in the antibody response. The target of suppression is the non-T cell, with either polyclonal activator or Ag being required for maximal suppression. DNA synthesis of normal tonsillar cells is not inhibited by BMC. Characterization of the human bone marrow-suppressor cell has shown it to be radiosensitive, E-rosette negative, Fc receptor positive, and to reside in the large, weakly adherent cell population after velocity sedimentation and in the lymphocyte-depleted fraction after sucrose density gradient separation. Pretreatment of the bone marrow-suppressor cell with anti-human thymocyte serum does not abrogate suppression. We speculate on a possible physiologic role for this cell.  相似文献   

Guinea pig peritoneal exudate macrophages actively incorporated [3H]thymidine into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction in vitro. The incorporation of [3H]thymidine was almost completely inhibited by aphidicolin, an inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha and an autoradiograph showed heavy labeling in nuclei of 15% of macrophage populations. These results indicate that the observed thymidine incorporation was due to a nuclear DNA synthesis. The [3H]thymidine incorporation was markedly suppressed when macrophages were activated by immunoadjuvants such as muramyl dipeptide (MDP) or bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The suppression of [3H]thymidine incorporation by MDP was neither due to the decrease in thymidine transport through the cell membrane, nor due to dilution by newly synthesized "cold" thymidine. An autoradiograph revealed that MDP markedly decreased the number of macrophages the nuclei of which were labeled by [3H]thymidine. These results suggest that the suppression of [3H]thymidine incorporation by the immunoadjuvants reflects a true inhibition of DNA synthesis. The inhibition of DNA synthesis by MDP was also observed in vivo. Further, it was strongly suggested that the inhibition was not caused by some mediators, such as prostaglandin E2, released from macrophages stimulated by the immunoadjuvants but caused by a direct triggering of the adjuvants at least at the early stage of activation. Cyclic AMP appears to be involved in the inhibitory reaction.  相似文献   

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