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人工湿地作为一种高生产力的生态系统能为人类提供多种服务。但多年来对人工湿地的研究主要集中在其净化机理上, 而一直缺乏系统、综合的人工湿地生态系统服务评价体系。基于层次分析法和模糊隶属函数法等数学理论, 首次建立了对人工湿地生态系统服务进行综合评价的方法——人工湿地生态系统服务综合指数。开展了以北京奥林匹克森林公园人工湿地为例生态系统服务综合评价。其生态系统服务综合指数的得分为0.7848 分。该得分较理想, 说明北京奥林匹克森林公园人工湿地具有可观的生态系统服务价值。它能在净化水质、提供栖息地、有机质生产、微气候调节、休闲娱乐和科研教育等诸多方面提供良好服务。对人工湿地生态系统服务进行综合评价, 有利于比较不同人工湿地或同一人工湿地不同时期服务质量的优劣, 从而为人工湿地的研发、设计、建设、运行和管理提供指导。    相似文献   

The assessment of the physiological state of an individual requires an objective evaluation of biological data while taking into account both measurement noise and uncertainties arising from individual factors. We suggest to represent multi-dimensional medical data by means of an optimal fuzzy membership function. A carefully designed data model is introduced in a completely deterministic framework where uncertain variables are characterized by fuzzy membership functions. The study derives the analytical expressions of fuzzy membership functions on variables of the multivariate data model by maximizing the over-uncertainties-averaged-log-membership values of data samples around an initial guess. The analytical solution lends itself to a practical modeling algorithm facilitating the data classification. The experiments performed on the heartbeat interval data of 20 subjects verified that the proposed method is competing alternative to typically used pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms.  相似文献   

目的 构建公立医院公共卫生服务监管的评价模型,评价公立医院公共卫生服务的监管能力。方法 采用层次分析法、综合指数法、数理统计分析、模糊数学法来构建评价模型,评价监管能力,以此来建立政府对公立医院公共卫生监管准绳。结果 给出包括5项一级指标、18项二级指标的公立医院公共卫生服务监管能力评价模型。结论 构建的公立医院公共卫生服务监管能力评价模型,为综合评价公立医院公共卫生服务监管能力提供了内容依据和量化标准,为政府有效评价公共卫生服务质量提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

熵权模糊综合评价法在城市生态安全评价中的应用   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
为了拓新城市复合生态系统生态安全评价方法的研究,根据压力-状态-响应模型,构建了一个有3个要素和33项具体指标的城市生态安全水平度量的指标体系,并运用客观的熵权法赋权、模糊综合评价法以及划分的等级标准对我国5个经济发达城市的生态安全水平进行量化分析.结果表明,苏州市和北京市对“较安全”级别的隶属度最大,分别为0.376和0.286;深圳市、上海市和广州市则处于“临界安全”状态.另外,深圳市具有较大的系统压力,苏州市的系统状态和系统响应表现最优.与其它评价方法相比,该方法评价过程简易,结果定量和相对客观可信.  相似文献   


The river health evaluation is typically complex non-linear system with characteristics of fuzziness and randomness. However, conventional gray clustering method has difficult to effectively describe fuzzy and random information simultaneously. For this purpose, the cloud model and fuzzy entropy theory are introduced to establish 2D gray cloud clustering-fuzzy entropy comprehensive evaluation model. Different with health level models, it reflects river health situation from aspects of health level and corresponding water body complexity simultaneously. The health level is obtained by gray cloud whitened weight function (first sub-system) and fuzzy entropy represents complexity and fuzziness of river health situation (second sub-system). Moreover, multi-level river health evaluation indicator system is constructed with dividing indicators into common and distinct sections according to differences on river characteristics. Meanwhile, indicator weights are determined by renewed combined weighting method based on minimum deviation principle. Finally, we conduct health evaluation work for rivers in the Taihu basin. The evaluation health levels and fuzzy entropy for river A–G are H3 (0.4888, relatively significant); H2 (0.5476, relatively fuzzy); H2 (0.7526, fuzzy); H2 (0.4731, relatively significant); H2 (05138, relatively fuzzy); H3 (0.5822, relatively fuzzy), and H2 (0.4064, relatively significant), respectively. Results are consistent with current river health situation and more intuitive than compared models. Furthermore, evaluation results with four different weighting methods are compared to further demonstrate rationality of the weighting method and evaluation model. Hence, the model proposed is demonstrated to provide new insight for solving river health assessment problem effectively.  相似文献   

基于生态系统管理理论,从海洋投入强度、海洋利用强度、海洋经济效益及海洋生态环境质量层面,构建海域集约利用评价的指标体系,运用模糊决策分析理论计算各指标权重,得到河北省沿海地级市2005—2014年的海域集约利用综合指数,并利用聚类分析法及协调度指数对河北省海域集约利用的区域差异特征进行了分析。研究结果表明:2005—2014年河北省海域集约利用综合水平不断提高,除海洋生态环境质量准则层指数呈下降趋势外,海洋投入强度、海洋利用强度、海洋经济效益3个层面指数均呈上升趋势,其中持续增加趋势最明显的是海洋经济效益准则层;河北省沿海三市海域集约利用综合指数及各准则层指数的时序变化特征基本一致,但各区域之间仍体现着不同的变化特点,沧州市海域集约利用程度较高,唐山市海域集约利用经历了由低到高的过程,秦皇岛市海域集约利用的状况整体处于一般水平;河北省及沿海三市海域集约利用总体保持了较高的协调度,但各地区不同时段的变化特征有所不同。  相似文献   

Su M  Yang Z  Chen B 《EcoHealth》2010,7(4):459-472
Regarding the basic roles of urban ecosystem health assessment (i.e., discovering the comprehensive health status, and diagnosing the limiting factors of urban ecosystems), the general framework integrating comprehensive evaluation and detailed analysis is established, from both bottom-up and top-down directions. Emergy-based health indicators are established to reflect the urban ecosystem health status from a biophysical viewpoint. Considering the intrinsic uncertainty and relativity of urban ecosystem health, set pair analysis is combined with the emergy-based indicators to fill the general framework and evaluate the relative health level of urban ecosystems. These techniques are favorable for understanding the overall urban ecosystem health status and confirming the limiting factors of concerned urban ecosystems from biophysical perspective. Moreover, clustering analysis is applied by combining the health status with spatial geographical conditions. Choosing 26 typical Chinese cities in 2005, relative comprehensive urban ecosystem health levels were evaluated. The higher health levels of Xiamen, Qingdao, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai are in particular contrast to those of Wuhan, Beijing, Yinchuan, and Harbin, which are relatively poor. In addition, the conditions of each factor and related indicators are investigated through set pair analysis, from which the critical limiting factors of Beijing are confirmed. According to clustering analysis results, the urban ecosystems studied are divided into four groups. It is concluded that the proposed framework of urban ecosystem health assessment, which integrates comprehensive evaluation and detailed analysis and is fulfilled by emergy synthesis and set pair analysis, can serve as a useful tool to conduct diagnosis of urban ecosystem health.  相似文献   

现有城市生态系统健康研究多集中在城市及城市群层面,未能深入探究城市内部特征。鉴于此,聚焦区县生态系统健康状况,进一步探究城市内部的健康分布特征;提出了"发展水平-服务功能-抵御干扰-自我维育"四维区县生态系统健康评价框架,并建立了相应的多层级指标体系,构建了区县生态系统健康评价模型;在分析区县生态系统健康变化过程及空间分异特征的基础上,识别区县生态系统健康的主要贡献因子。针对东莞各镇区的研究结果表明:1995-2015年间,各镇区生态系统健康状态总体趋于恶化,其中西南地区生态系统的退化比东南地区更为明显。自我维育对各镇区生态系统健康变化具有重要影响,主要瓶颈在于快速发展过程中土地资源的稀缺及较低的利用效率。对区县生态系统健康的研究可以帮助决策者了解城市生态系统复杂的内部特征,在此基础上更好地平衡区域发展、维护城市生态系统健康。  相似文献   

典型资源型城市生态承载力评价——以唐山市为例   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
金悦  陆兆华  檀菲菲  张萌  张红玉 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4852-4859
资源型城市生态承载力评价研究的开展对促进资源型城市自然-经济-社会复合生态系统健康可持续发展具有指导意义。以唐山市作为案例城市,基于资源型城市独特的生态系统特点,从生态弹性力、承载媒体的支撑力、承载对象的压力三方面提出对生态承载力进行量化的研究方法,构建了较完整的生态承载力综合评价指标体系,利用主客观相结合的赋权方法,对唐山市生态承载力状况进行评价,探讨了2001—2010年10年间唐山市生态承载力变化趋势。结果表明:唐山市在研究时段内,生态弹性力指数波动强烈,表明生态系统的稳定性较差;承载媒体的支撑力指数逐渐增大,指数由0.111上升至0.898,显示系统的承载指数越来越高;承载对象的压力变化较为复杂,呈现先降后升,近几年又略有下降的趋势;系统的生态承载力整体上呈现波动性上升趋势,综合指数由0.345上升至0.720,说明唐山市生态系统的承载能力不断提高,但资源依赖型发展模式带来的资源短缺、环境污染和生态破坏等问题仍是制约生态承载力进一步提高的主要因素。研究成果客观地反映了唐山市生态承载力状况,对于唐山市未来的发展提出了合理的对策和建议,可为其他地区生态承载力研究提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

城市生态系统承载力理论与评价方法   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
徐琳瑜  杨志峰  李巍 《生态学报》2005,25(4):771-777
城市作为一个复杂的人工生态系统,其承载力的意义与生态学中的种群承载力意义有了很大差别。定义了城市生态系统承载力,强调其对维系城市生态系统健康的能动性特征,并在比较生物免疫力与城市生态系统承载力的相似性的基础上,构建了“城市生态系统承载力免疫学模型”作为其理论模型。在理论模型基础上设计其计量模型,分为天然承载力和获得性承载力两部分。并通过承载力与压力的相对变化趋势表达城市生态系统维系其健康水平的能力。以广州市为例,计算了广州市城市生态系统承载力与压力,获得二者的动态关系。结果表明,自1992年以来,广州市基本上处于一种经济发展与城市生态系统支持力同步发展的良性状态,所采取的发展模式具有可持续性  相似文献   

Freshwater crayfish are one of the most important aquatic organisms that play a pivotal role in the aquatic food chain as well as serving as bioindicators for the aquatic ecosystem health assessment. Hemocytes, the blood cells of crustaceans, can be considered stress and health indicators in crayfish, and are used to evaluate the health response. Therefore, total hemocyte cell numbers (THCs) are useful parameters to show the health of crustaceans and serve as stress indicators to decide the quality of the habitat. Since, catching the fish and the other aquatic organisms, and collecting the data for further assessments are time-consuming and frustrating, today, scientists tend to use swift, more sophisticated, and more reliable methods for modeling the ecosystem stressors based on bioindicators. One tool which has attracted the attention of science communities in the last decades is machine learning algorithms that are reliable and accurate methods to solve classification and regression problems. In this study, a support vector machine is carried out as a machine learning algorithm to classify healthy and unhealthy crayfish based on physiological characteristics. To solve the non-linearity problem of the data by transporting data to high-dimensional space, different kernel functions including polynomial (PK), Pearson VII function-based universal (PUK), and radial basis function (RBF) kernels are used and their effect on the performance of the SVM model was evaluated. Both PK and PUK functions performed well in classifying the crayfish. RBF, however, had an adverse impact on the performance of the model. PUK kernel exhibited an outstanding performance (Accuracy = 100%) for the classification of the healthy and unhealthy crayfish.  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统服务评估指标与方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于丹丹  吕楠  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2017,37(2):349-357
评估、模拟和预测全球生物多样性和生态系统服务的状态、趋势及其对人类福祉的影响,是当前生物多样性和生态系统服务研究领域的重要任务。指标和数据、模型和情景是推动生物多样性与生态系统服务评估研究理论建设和方法集成的重要工具。但是,目前对生物多样性和生态系统服务评估的指标体系和技术方法的综合对比研究相对缺乏。因而,系统评述了生物多样性和生态系统服务评估的概念框架、评估指标以及各类评估模型和方法的最新进展。生物多样性—生态系统功能—生态系统服务—人类福祉的级联框架是极具逻辑性的生物多样性和生态系统服务评估框架。现有的评估指标体系和模型方法还存在很多的问题和挑战,难以充分揭示生态系统服务的形成和影响机制、服务之间的联系和作用机理,有效地指导生态系统服务管理和决策制定。然而,这些评估指标和方法可为构建生物多样性与生态系统服务综合集成模型研究的框架提供重要的切入点。基于此,提出了生物多样性与生态系统服务综合集成模型研究的核心内容:i)目的:基于自然—社会综合特征的情景分析确定所解决的科学问题,输出生态系统服务管理和决策制定方案;ii)内容:尺度、生态系统服务类型、生物多样性的层次结构、组分间相互关系、驱动要素、多源数据的综合分析;iii)方法:对现有的各类模型和模型组合进行比较和不确定性分析,建立符合区域实际需求的生物多样性与生态系统服务综合制图模型库。在此基础上,建议我国应尽快发展适合中国区域特点的标准化指标体系和综合评估模型系统,定期对生物多样性和生态系统服务进行综合评估,掌握生物多样性和生态系统服务的变化趋势,提升我国在生物多样性和生态系统服务研究领域的国际地位和话语权。  相似文献   

宋刚福  沈冰 《生态学杂志》2012,23(7):1891-1896
针对“拉开档次”法在进行综合评价过程中不能较好反映评价者主观信息的缺点,并考虑到影响河流生态系统健康的因素具有多层次、不确定和属性复杂等特点,对”拉开档次”法进行改进,并运用改进的”拉开档次”法对流经北京和天津的北运河上、中、下游各区段进行生态健康综合评价.结果表明,北运河上、中、下游各区段生态系统健康评价值分别为0.539、0.521、0.546,生态状况均处于亚健康状态;河流水环境状况对北运河生态系统健康影响程度最大.运用改进后的“拉开档次”法进行河流生态系统健康评价,既兼顾了评价者的主观判断,又包含了数据本身的客观信息,评价过程透明,评价结果科学、合理、客观、可靠,可为河流综合治理提供技术支持和基础依据.  相似文献   

吴映梅  李琛  高彬嫔  王梦娇  武燕  郑可君 《生态学报》2023,43(19):8153-8166
合理构建生态安全格局是高原湖泊城市健康发展的重要保障。以大理市为研究区,将生态系统健康和生态系统服务统筹到生态安全评估,尝试采用土地发展概率修正生态阻力面,运用电路理论构建生态安全格局,并提出优化方案。结果表明:大理市生态安全水平呈现出“高-低-高”圈层结构空间分布特征;确定生态源地53块,生成顾及未来土地发展的生态阻力面,识别生态廊道111条,筛选生态夹点23处,划分三级生态改善区。提出以洱海为一核,以苍山和南部林区为两屏,以大理市东北部生态保护区、海东生态修复区和满江—凤仪生态城市建设区为三区,以城镇区之间的多个生态修复区为多组团共同构成“一核、两屏、三区、多组团”的生态安全优化格局。将生态系统健康和生态系统服务统筹到生态安全评估及利用土地发展概率修正阻力面所构建的生态安全格局,能更加真实的反映未来发展趋势下生态安全格局构建的需要,为城市生态安全格局构建方法提供了新视角和新方法,以期为城市生态文明建设的区域理论提供借鉴,助力高原湖泊城市的生态宜居。  相似文献   

本文给出了利用模糊综合评判对脑反应延迟信号分类诊断肝性脑病的新方法.该方法根据连续反应时间原理,用检测对照组和肝性脑病脑反应时间所得的统计特征值构成岭形分布隶属度函数,并用它们构成评判矩阵,然后用已有的统计资料和专家经验对其加权,形成综合评判结果.为说明该方法的使用,文中给出了计算过程,给出的22例表明了该方法的正确性.  相似文献   

As a slowly changing geological hazard, land subsidence has been widely concerned by experts and scholars worldwide. xcessive extraction of groundwater is one of the main causes of land subsidence. Land subsidence has great adverse effects on high speed railway, urban environment, ecology, lifeline engineering, buildings and infrastructures. North China Plain is one of the important regions of land subsidence places in China. Dezhou city is a typical representative area. In this paper, an evaluating method is proposed to the land subsidence regionalization of susceptibility of Dezhou city in the North China Plain, based on matter element model deduced from the theories of extenics. Using the susceptible degree classification influencing factors of land subsidence, the elements in classical and sectorized field are defined, whereby an extension-evaluating model is developed to evaluate the comprehensive classification of susceptible degree of land subsidence by the correlation function of matter elements and extension sets. The analytic hierarchy process methodology for calculating weight aggregation of evaluating factors is proposed. The evaluating results are thus obtained through such an evaluation. An exemplification is shown that the present method is effective and applicable to forecast the classification of susceptible degree of land subsidence more accurately and scientifically, which lends the support for control planning for land subsidence and a more reliable basis for taking economic and reasonable supporting/reinforcing measures.  相似文献   

“拉开档次”法的改进及其在河流生态健康评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋刚福  沈冰 《应用生态学报》2012,23(7):1891-1896
针对“拉开档次”法在进行综合评价过程中不能较好反映评价者主观信息的缺点,并考虑到影响河流生态系统健康的因素具有多层次、不确定和属性复杂等特点,对”拉开档次”法进行改进,并运用改进的”拉开档次”法对流经北京和天津的北运河上、中、下游各区段进行生态健康综合评价.结果表明,北运河上、中、下游各区段生态系统健康评价值分别为0.539、0.521、0.546,生态状况均处于亚健康状态;河流水环境状况对北运河生态系统健康影响程度最大.运用改进后的“拉开档次”法进行河流生态系统健康评价,既兼顾了评价者的主观判断,又包含了数据本身的客观信息,评价过程透明,评价结果科学、合理、客观、可靠,可为河流综合治理提供技术支持和基础依据.  相似文献   

城市河流健康评价指标体系构建及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
邓晓军  许有鹏  翟禄新  刘娅  李艺 《生态学报》2014,34(4):993-1001
健康的城市河流既能够维持其生态系统的自然运转,又能够满足城市社会经济的正常需求,还能够为人类提供休闲娱乐的场所。基于城市河流健康的内涵,构建出包含自然生态、社会经济和景观环境等3个方面24个指标的城市河流健康评价指标体系。以漓江市区段为例,通过建立基于层次分析法的模糊综合评价模型对其进行健康评价。结果表明:漓江市区段复合生态系统的评价结果为(0.2193,0.3004,0.3261,0.1137,0.0405),处于中健康状态;其自然生态子系统、社会经济子系统和景观环境子系统的健康状态分别为中、优和良;水量、防洪能力、鱼类多样性指数和底栖动物多样性是漓江市区段健康的主要影响因素。该评价指标体系可为其它城市河流的健康评价提供参考。  相似文献   

Trait‐based approaches are increasingly used as a proxy for understanding the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Macrobenthic fauna are considered one of the major providers of ecosystem functions in marine soft sediments; however, several gaps persist in the knowledge of their trait classification, limiting the potential use of functional assessments. While trait databases are available for the well‐studied North Atlantic benthic fauna, no such trait classification system exists for Australia. Here, we present the South Australian Macrobenthic Traits (SAMT) database, the first comprehensive assessment of macrobenthic fauna traits in temperate Australian waters. The SAMT database includes 13 traits and 54 trait‐modalities (e.g., life history, morphology, physiology, and behavior), and is based on records of macrobenthic fauna from South Australia. We provide trait information for more than 250 macrobenthic taxa, including outcomes from a fuzzy coding procedure, as well as an R package for using and analyzing the SAMT database. The establishment of the SAMT constitutes the foundation for a comprehensive macrobenthic trait database for the wider southern Australian region that could facilitate future research on functional perspectives, such as assessments of functional diversity and changes to ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

城市生态系统健康综合评价   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
生态系统健康是生态学领域的研究热点之一.文中提出了对城市生态系统健康概念的理解; 从状态空间的角度, 解释了城市生态系统健康的内涵,并以此为基础,提出了目前研究中存在的不足; 从复合生态系统的角度,提出了一种新的城市生态系统健康评价方法——综合评价方法; 构建了城市生态系统健康综合评价模型,并将该方法应用于佛山市城市生态系统的健康评价.结果表明, 在研究时段内,佛山市城市生态系统健康水平逐年上升;综合评价方法不仅能反映城市整体健康状况,而且能辨别各子系统的相对健康水平,具有一定的理论价值和可操作性.  相似文献   

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