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福建十种花生蛴螬的鉴别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛴螬是金龟子幼虫的统称.是福建省花生的主要地下害虫。蛴螬种类多,发生为害习性常有很大差异,因而正确鉴别蛴螬种类对花生蛴螬的防治具有重要意义。作以蛴螬肛门开裂形式和臀节腹面覆毛区内刺毛列的有无.刺毛类型的构成.数量、排列形式等主要特征为依据,提出下列检索表.可以正确鉴别福建常见的十种花生蛴螬。  相似文献   

目的分离不同生态环境中铜绿丽金龟蛴螬肠道中产消化酶细菌,明确生态环境和食物对其肠道共生细菌产酶活性的影响。方法 2016年7月,自野外林间废弃的菜园和花生田分别采集蛴螬,鉴定出铜绿丽金龟蛴螬后,采用传统分离培养法对其肠道中的共生细菌进行分离鉴定,利用平板透明圈法分别进行淀粉酶、蛋白酶、脂肪酶和纤维素酶等的分泌能力测定。结果自铜绿丽金龟蛴螬肠道中共分离出细菌24株,其中在野生铜绿丽金龟蛴螬体内分离出9株,花生田铜绿丽金龟蛴螬体内分离出15株。野生蛴螬体内分离的细菌中,产淀粉酶菌株1株,产蛋白酶菌株4株,产纤维素酶菌株1株,产脂肪酶菌株1株;花生田蛴螬体内分离的细菌中,产淀粉酶菌株1株,产蛋白酶菌株3株,产纤维素酶菌株9株,未分离到产脂肪酶的菌株。结论野生铜绿丽金龟蛴螬肠道细菌中产蛋白酶种类较多,占44.4%;花生田铜绿丽金龟蛴螬肠道细菌中产纤维素酶菌株最多,所占比例可达60.0%,反映出生境和食性与昆虫肠道共生细菌产消化酶活性的相适应性。  相似文献   

我省东部沿海一带花生产区,蛴螬危害严重。轻者缺苗断垄,重者秧苗成片死亡。金龟子幼虫——蛴螬的种类多、食性杂,在田间危害期长。应用微生物防治蛴螬的研究工作,国外已有三十多年的历史。  相似文献   

通过金龟子成虫在黑光灯下和田间的消长调查、蛴螬的田间定期挖查 ,初步摸清了闽南地区危害花生、大豆、甘薯、甘蔗等旱地作物的蛴螬种类有 2 6种 ,主要种类有 9种。明确了其主要蛴螬种类的生活习性与旱地作物互为相关。通过采用不同的药剂与不同方法进行防治试验 ,筛选出经济有效的药剂种类 ,并根据不同作物的生长特性和不同蛴螬种类的危害特点 ,确定了经济有效的防治适期 ,并制定了相应的防治技术措施  相似文献   

在赣榆县的广大丘陵山地,栽种着十五万亩花生。蛴螬是花生的主要害虫,因为虫种复杂,防治困难,不少地方“一筐花生一筐虫”,马站、石桥、黑林等公社,有的田块不但花生失收,而且作为最好的茬口,冬小麦播种后亦难立苗,  相似文献   

【目的】暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia palallela Motschulsky的幼虫(蛴螬),是小麦、花生、大豆、玉米、高粱、马铃薯等作物的重要地下害虫。本研究为暗黑鳃金龟幼虫的生物防治奠定了基础,并为抗虫转基因作物的研究提供优良的候选基因。【方法】将HD8E和HD8G两个Bt株系的晶孢悬液饲喂蛴螬后,利用透射电子显微镜对蛴螬中肠进行病理性观察,利用解剖镜观察蛴螬肠道内容物。【结果】观察结果显示蛴螬的中肠组织出现微绒毛脱落、环肌和纵肌肌纤维降解、中肠细胞间隙扩大、细胞内质网肿胀断裂、线粒体变形等现象。【结论】HD8E和HD8G两个Bt株系可以导致蛴螬中肠组织结构发生明显的病变,且可明显地抑制暗黑鳃金龟幼虫的取食行为。  相似文献   

<正> 拟毛黄鳃金龟Holotrichia formosanaMoser是招远县花生蛴螬优势种之一。作者于1983~1985年对其发育始点温度和有效积温进行了测定,现简要介绍如下。  相似文献   

1976年从山东荣成县崂山乡花生田罹病的蒙古丽金龟(Anomala mongolia Fald)蛴螬体内分离到一株缓病芽孢杆菌(Bacillus lentimorbus),编号为76—1菌株。此菌株对蒙古丽金龟、铜绿丽金龟等为害花生的虫种有较强的致病力(注射试验致病率分别为91%、81%;室内菌土与饲喂试验的致病率分别是28.9%、36.3%与35.6%、8.3%),田间小区试验累计达75%,大田防治效率平均为38.4%,且有长效性,施菌剂防区连续七年虫口持续下降。证明此菌株对防治花生田中丽金龟科一些蛴螬虫种有显著效果。  相似文献   

东北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia diomphalia是我国东北地区重要的蛴螬类地下害虫,主要危害麦类、玉米、豆类等大田作物,以及薯类、花生等经济作物。华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita和江南大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia gebleri是华北及江南地区的主要蛴螬类害虫。近年来,传统分类学、杂交实验以及分子生物学的研究都证明,3种鳃金龟是同一个物种的不同地理种群,这些研究成果使东北大黑鳃金龟从一个区域性害虫转变成为分布范围从东北到长江流域的广布害虫。本文综合介绍了东北大黑鳃金龟(包括华北大黑鳃金龟、江南大黑鳃金龟)近二十年来的研究成果,包括分类学、发生规律、防治措施,以及生理生化及分子生物学等,并对东北大黑鳃金龟的综合治理研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

地下害虫发生动态与防治意见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 地下害虫是我国重要农林害虫,分布遍及全国,为害相当严重。自1982年原农业部在河南洛阳召开了全国防治地下害虫座谈会后,各地大力开展防治,取得很大进展(有关科研的进展作者曾在本刊1979年4期作过介绍),现仅就近年地下害虫的发生动态,与有关防治意见综述如下。 地下害虫发生概况 自1975年以来,作者先后赴10余省(区)调查,并通过信息了解,目前我国地下害虫发生的情况是: 1.蛴螬为害仍居首位 全国各地一般蛴螬为害均较突出,不少地区调查占总虫量70—80%以上,如1983年河南30个县调查,蛴螬占86.3%。主要为害粮食(小麦、玉米、薯类)、油料(大豆、花生)、甘蔗、药用植物(贝母等)、蔬菜、林木苗圃的树苗、以及绿地、草坪等。  相似文献   

Control of Maladera matrida Argaman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in peanut fields in the Negev region, Israel, relies on the `rule of thumb' use of insecticides. The aim of this study was to develop an economic injury level (EIL) for a more judicious application of insecticides. Field studies were conducted from 1991 to 1993 to determine the relationship between the cumulative number of different immature stages and the damage of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). Observed damage to peanut yield was found to relate best to second- and third-instars (white grubs). This was supported by grub infestation experiments on potted peanut plants. Three different EIL levels for second- and third-instars of M. matrida were established in connection with the peanut plant developmental stages as follows: an average of 13 grubs per soil sample (25 by 25 by 60 cm) taken during the first 3 weeks of nut development, of 4 grubs per soil sample during week 4 to 6, and of 1.5 grubs per soil sample from week 7 until harvest.  相似文献   

花生田金龟防治技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1974-1993年在花生田金龟发生期.采用喷药液(粉)、环剥寄主树干涂药、毒土、毒饵、毒桂、种植蓖麻诱杀、人工捕杀、内吸药剂盖种及主根处土壤施药等方法.均可使蛴螬减退率最低达70%.一般为80-90%.最高达100%;增产最低为15.15%,一般为70-80%,最高达200%,效果极为明显。同时阐明了各供试方法的应用前景及其不足之处。这些方法可供生产上因虫、因时、因地、因条件选用,其中以用内吸药剂盖种及药施主根土壤等均为一次性防治。方法简单.省工、省药.污染轻,利于保护天敌生物.是目前防治蛴螬最佳方法。  相似文献   

Incidental sounds produced by Phyllophaga crinita (Burmeister) and Cyclocephala lurida (Bland) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) white grubs were monitored with single- and multiple-sensor acoustic detection systems in turf fields and golf course fairways in Texas. The maximum detection range of an individual acoustic sensor was measured in a greenhouse as approximately the area enclosed in a 26.5-cm-diameter perimeter (552 cm2). A single-sensor acoustic system was used to rate the likelihood of white grub infestation at monitored sites, and a four-sensor array was used to count the numbers of white grubs at sites where infestations were identified. White grub population densities were acoustically estimated by dividing the estimated numbers of white grubs by the area of the detection range. For comparisons with acoustic monitoring methods, infestations were assessed also by examining 10-cm-diameter soil cores collected with a standard golf cup-cutter. Both acoustic and cup-cutter assessments of infestation and estimates of white grub population densities were verified by excavation and sifting of the soil around the sensors after each site was monitored. The single-sensor acoustic method was more successful in assessing infestations at a recording site than was the cup-cutter method, possibly because the detection range was larger than the area of the soil core. White grubs were recovered from >90% of monitored sites rated at medium or high likelihood of infestation. Infestations were successfully identified at 23 of the 24 sites where white grubs were recovered at densities >50/m2, the threshold for economic damage. The four-sensor array yielded the most accurate estimates of the numbers of white grubs in the detection range, enabling reliable, nondestructive estimation of white grub population densities. However, tests with the array took longer and were more difficult to perform than tests with the single sensor.  相似文献   

本项研究通过1981-1982两年的调查,查明暗黑、铜绿、黑绒、华北大黑四种蛴螬土内分布型除低密度情况以外,在各类型田内,均属负二项分布。调查蛴螬的抽样单位以0.2222米2为宜;在允许误差为0.2时,根据20块田的公共k值,算得在不同虫口密度下的适宜的样本容量。  相似文献   

京郊草坪蛴螬的种类和为害特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗晨  郭晓军  张芝利 《昆虫学报》2008,51(1):108-112
2004–2006年,在北京及周边地区对草坪生产基地、绿化草坪、高尔夫球场草坪及运动场草坪地下害虫蛴螬种类和为害进行了调查。共鉴定蛴螬2 220头,隶属2亚科10属17种,其中华北大黑鳃金龟、黄褐丽金龟和铜绿丽金龟是重要的为害种。提供了鉴别特征图和北京地区草坪蛴螬种类检索表。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to measure the effects of four commonly used turfgrass insecticides (isofenphos, diazinon, imidacloprid, halofenozide) on white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and ant predators of white grub eggs. Ant populations were measured over time with canned tuna, whereas predation by the ants was measured with artificially placed Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, eggs. The effectiveness of each insecticide at controlling Japanese beetle grubs, when applied at different times during the growing season, also was measured. Isofenphos and diazinon significantly reduced both ant numbers and white grub egg predation, whereas imidacloprid and one halofenozide treatment did not significantly impact either measurement. A second halofenozide treatment significantly reduced white grub egg predation. Isofenphos and diazinon were ineffective at controlling Japanese beetle grubs when applied in June but were highly efficacious when applied in August. Evidence of enhanced biodegradation was found in plots that received both June and August applications of diazinon. Both June and August applications of imidacloprid and halofenozide provided good control of white grubs.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes and the chloronicotinyl insecticide, imidacloprid, interact synergistically on the mortality of third-instar white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). The degree of interaction, however, varies with nematode species, being synergistic for Steinernema glaseri (Steiner) and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, but only additive for Steinernema kushidai Mamiya. The mechanism of the interaction between imidacloprid and these three entomopathogenic nematodes was studied in the laboratory. In vials with soil and grass, mortality, speed of kill, and nematode establishment were negatively affected by imidacloprid with S. kushidai but positively affected with S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora. In all other experiments, imidacloprid had a similar effect for all three nematode species on various factors important for the successful nematode infection in white grubs. Nematode attraction to grubs was not affected by imidacloprid treatment of the grubs. Establishment of intra-hemocoelically injected nematodes was always higher in imidacloprid-treated grubs but the differences were small and in most cases not significant. The major factor responsible for synergistic interactions between imidacloprid and entomopathogenic nematodes appears to be the general disruption of normal nerve function due to imidacloprid resulting in drastically reduced activity of the grubs. This sluggishness facilitates host attachment of infective juvenile nematodes. Grooming and evasive behavior in response to nematode attack was also reduced in imidacloprid-treated grubs. The degree to which different white grub species responded to entomopathogenic nematode attack varied considerably. Untreated Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) grubs were the most responsive to nematode attack among the species tested. Untreated Cyclocephala borealis Arrow (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) grubs showed a weaker grooming and no evasion response, and untreated C. hirta LeConte (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) grubs showed no significant response. Chewing/biting behavior was significantly increased in the presence of nematodes in untreated P. japonica and C. borealis but not in C. hirta and imidacloprid-treated P. japonica and C. borealis. Our observations, however, did not provide an explanation for the lack of synergism between imidacloprid and S. kushidai.  相似文献   

Geostatistical analysis was used to map traditionally and acoustically sampled populations of soil invertebrates at two different times in a hayfield at Grove Hill, AL, and once in an Auburn, AL, hayfield. The distributions of nearly all the soil invertebrates and their sounds were nonrandom in all three mapping studies. The maps constructed by excavation and acoustic sampling methods were compared by correlating the estimated (kriged) soil invertebrate counts with the estimated (kriged) counts of sounds per minute (pulse rate). Acoustic and traditional estimates were positively correlated in the Auburn study. Kriged estimates for green June beetle grub counts overlapped significantly with kriged estimates of sound pulse rate (R2 = 0.47). Overlap with sound pulse rates increased slightly when other soil organisms were counted along with green June beetle grubs: estimates of sound pulse rates were significantly correlated with counts of all white grubs (R2 = 0.50), all white grubs with earthworms (R2 = 0.52), all white grubs with earthworms and earwigs (R2 = 0.59), and total invertebrates (R2 = 0.59). The correlation between acoustic and traditional estimates was not significant at Grove Hill in either year, possibly because of a lack of experience in signal analysis or because the soil invertebrates may not have generated enough sounds to be detected above the background noise levels. These results suggest that acoustic technology is a promising tool for detecting insect pests in soil, but that further study and additional analysis are needed to improve interpretation of acoustic data obtained in the field.  相似文献   

The degree of plant root digestion by grass grubs (Costelytra zealandica) has been evaluated by scanning electron microscope examination of plant residues in faeces. Faecal pellets were examined from grubs fed on roots of pure plant species (perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne, and white clover, Trifolium repens) under soil-free conditions, as well as from naturally occurring grubs on mixed pasture. There was considerable variation in the degree of digestion observed with different plant species. Clover root was more extensively digested with formation of partially digested xylem vessels, whereas ryegrass root appeared to undergo very little digestive breakdown. These results indicate that plant structural carbohydrates undergo limited digestion by the grass grub. Thus grass grubs may require a high turnover of dietary root material, which would explain the highly destructive effect of the larvae on pasture plants.  相似文献   

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