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研究发现小异长足虻属Chrysotus Meigen,1824中某些类群所具备的"额渐次变狭,颜颇宽、略下凹、两侧缘平行"的额、颜构造特征与异长足虻属Diaphorus Meigen,1824完全相同,该特征在两者中应属系统发育特征;并主要据此特征将小异长足虻属中凡具备"额渐次变狭,颜颇宽、略下凹、两侧缘平行"特征的类群分离出来,建立了变长足虻属Dubius gen.nov.,并附新属5新种记述:秋变长足虻D.autumnalus sp.nov.,曲变长足虻D.curtus sp.nov.,额变长足虻D.frontus sp.nov.,红崖变长足虻D.hongyaensis sp.nov.和亚曲变长足虻D.succurtus sp.nov.。根据变长足虻属,仅分布于新热带区和属东洋区的中国西南地区推测其可能起源于南方古陆(冈瓦纳古陆),并早在冈瓦纳大陆裂解前即向东洋区扩散。模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

记述采自深圳仙湖植物园的异长足虻属1新种:米诺斯异长足虻Diaphorus minos Liu & Yang sp.nov.,提供了整体图和解剖生殖器图,编制了广东省该属的分种检索表.  相似文献   

本文记述金长足虻属Chrysosoma 5新种:大明山金长足虻C.damingshanum sp.nov.,指突金长足虻C.digitatum sp.nov.,长芒金长足虻C.longum sp.nov.,铜壁关金长足虻C.tongbiguanum sp. nov.,和周氏金长足虻C.zhoui sp. nov.。编制该属中国种类的检索表。  相似文献   

试图根据成虫形态学证据探讨长足虻科各亚科之间的系统关系,同时检验各个亚科的单系性.在比较形态学研究基础上,同时参考前人有关长足虻科高阶元分类的研究结果,筛选出42个来自头部、胸部(包括足和翅)、腹部、雌性和雄性外生殖器在亚科水平的分类特征,为了考察亚科的单系性,也包括亚科的自有衍征;运用支序分类的方法,首次分析并讨论了世界长足虻科17个亚科之间的系统发育关系.结果表明,长足虻科是一个严格的单系群,其支持的共同衍征为体色金绿,亚前缘脉端部与第1径脉中部愈合,前缘脉接近肩横脉处有1个缺刻,第2基室与盘室愈合,臀室短小、终止于径脉分叉点之前,雄性外生殖器明显向下或向前弯折,生殖背板具生殖孔,下生殖板与第9背板愈合.金长足虻亚科Sciapodinae腋瓣发达,中脉分叉,为最基部的支系,是最原始的亚科;而长足虻科的其他亚科构成一单系群,其共同衍征为腋瓣不明显,中脉不分叉.斜脉长足虻亚科Plagioneurinae也比较原始,是靠基部的支系,支持其单系性的特征为腹部第7~8节膜质化,生殖孔基位.异长足虻亚科Diaphorinae和锥长足虻亚科Rhaphiinae以及斯长足虻亚科Stolidosomatinae和合长足虻亚科Sympycninae分别构成姊妹群关系,斯长足虻亚科Stolidosomatinae的两个属Pseudosympycnus和Stolidosoma系统地位还有待进一步研究.此外,巴长足虻亚科Babindellinae、聚脉长足虻亚科Medeterinae和寇长足虻亚科Kowmunginae构成单系群,其共同衍征为臀脉短或不明显,无后顶鬃.研究所用标本大部分保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆,包括与美国史密森研究院和澳大利亚博物馆交换而来的标本,部分标本保存在比利时皇家科学院.  相似文献   

记述我国脉水虻属3新种,即长纹脉水虻Oplodontha elongata Zhang,Li et Yang,sp.nov.,黑颜脉水虻Oplodontha facinigra Zhang,Li et Yang,sp.nov.和中华脉水虻Oplodontha sinensis Zhang,Li et Zhou,sp.nov.,并编制分种检索表.模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

记述我国寡毛水虻属4新种,即双色寡毛水虻Evaza bicolor sp.nov.,黄盾寡毛水虻属E.flaviscutellum sp.nov.,黑胫寡毛水虻E.nigritibia sp.nov.和棕胫寡毛水虻E.ravitibia sp.nov.。模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

记述模式产地来自广西南宁大明山的长足虻科3新种。新种模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆。1褐端雅长足虻,新种Amblypsilopus apicalis sp.nov.(图1)鉴别特征跗节末端暗褐色,尾须端部扩大,背侧突分三叉。正模♂,广西南宁大明山,2011-05-24,张婷婷采。副模:4♂♂,3♀♀,同正模。词源:新种种名意指跗节末端暗褐色。2指端雅长足虻,新种Amblypsilopus digitatus sp.nov.(图2)鉴别特征触角黄色且梗节暗褐色,前足端跗节具特化侧毛,尾须近指状。正模♂,广西南宁大明山,2011-05-24,张婷婷采。词源:新种种名意指尾须端指状。3大明山毛瘤长足虻,新种Condylostylus damingshanus sp.nov.(图3~4)鉴别特征后足腿节端部浅黑色,尾须很长,几乎伸达腹基部。正模♂,广西南宁大明山,2011-05-29,张婷婷采。副模:13♂♂,1♀,同正模。词源:新种种名意指模式产地大明山。  相似文献   

平舞虻亚属Planempis Frey,1953为舞虻属Empis一个中等大小的类群,全世界已知46种,仅局限分布于古北区和东洋区,我国已知8种.本文发现平舞虻亚属Planempis在我国四川有分布,记述3新种:黄足平舞虻Empis(Planempis)flavipedalis sp.nov.,黑足平舞虻Empis(Planempis)nigripedalis sp.nov.和雅江平舞虻Empis(Planempis)yajiangana sp.nov.,并编制了分种检索表.  相似文献   

本文报道采自中国西南地区贵州省的巨口长足虻属Diostracus Loew,1861三新种:白斑巨口长足虻D.albuginosus sp.nov.,薄叶巨口长足虻D.lamellatus sp.nov.,和双突巨口长足虻D.dicer-aeus sp.nov.。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

记述湖北神农架缺脉舞虻亚属Coptophlebia 5新种,即端鬃缺脉舞虻Empis (Coptophlebia) apiciseta sp. nov.,基黄缺脉舞虻E. (C.) basiflava sp. nov.,指突缺脉舞虻E. (C.)digitata sp. nov.,白毛缺脉舞虻E. (C.) pallipilosa sp. nov.,后鬃缺脉舞虻E. (C.) posticasp. nov.。  相似文献   

Abstract  A new family, Grammolingiidae of fossil lacewings is erected, of which 3 new genera and 6 new species are described and illustrated: Grammolingia boi . gen. nov. et sp. nov., Lithlingia rhra gen. nov. et sp. nov., Litholingia eumopha gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Litholingiu polychotom gen. nov. et sp. nov., Leptolingia jurassica gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Leptolingia tianyiensis gen. noc. et sp. nov. A key to genera within this new family is provided. All specimens described were collected from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. The present discovery demonstrates that present knowledge of the Jurassic Neuropetra fauna remains very poor. The fossil specimens are deposited in Yizhou Fossil Museum and Department of Biology, Capital Normal University, respectively.  相似文献   

本文记述中国潜叶蜂族Fenusini6属8种,其中包括2新属6新种及4新组合种:大眼郑潜叶蜂Zhenginamegommagen.etsp.nov,吕氏华潜叶蜂Sinofeunsaluigen.etsp.nov,黑鳞丝潜叶蜂Messanigrotegulasp.nov,痕缝脊潜叶蜂Parnavestigialissp.nov,沟缝脊潜叶蜂Parnadistinctasp.nov,黄首原潜叶蜂Profenusaxanthocephalasp.nov.;槭树雅潜叶蜂Anafsnusaacericola(Xiao1992)comb.nov。恢复臀潜叶蜂属AfusaMalaise,将ParafenusaZhelochovtsev(1976)降为AfusaMalaise1964的次异名,原Paarafenusa属下的种类移入Afusa属,建立3个新组合:Afusapruni(Zhelochovtsev1976)comb.nov,Afusacerasi(Zhelochovtsev1976)comb.nov,Afusamaharibiana(Zhelochovtsev1976)comb.nov。新属新种附有主要形态特征图。文中还编制了潜叶蜂族的已知底检索表和Profenusa,Anafeausa,Parna属的已知种检索表。雅潜叶蜂属Anafenusa和脊潜叶蜂属Parna为中国新纪录属。迄今,潜叶蜂族已知24属约60种;中国已记述12属22种。  相似文献   

中国内蒙古中侏罗世脉翅目昆虫化石—新科(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立脉翅目昆虫化石新科———Grammolingiidaefamnov .,并描述该科化石 3新属 6新种 :Grammolingiaboigen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Litholingiarhoragen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Litholingiaeumorphagen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Litholing iapolychotomagen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Leptolingiajurassicagen .nov .ofsp .nov .,Leptolingiatianyiensisgen .nov .etsp .nov ..给出了新科的属级检索表 ,描述的所有模式标本均采自于内蒙古自治区宁城县中侏罗世九龙山组地层中。标本分别保存在义县博物馆和首都师范大学生物系。本次发现再次表明目前关于脉翅目昆虫的认识仍然十分贫乏。  相似文献   

This study reviews the Ptilocodiidae from South China Sea,including three species.The diagnoses of the family and each genus are provided.A new genus,Tregouboviopsis Guo,Xu & Huang,gen.nov.is erected,based on the monotypy,Tregouboviopsis perradialis (Xu,Huang & Du,2012) comb.nov.,which is transferred from the genus Tregoubovia.A free eumedusoid ofHydrichthella ocellata Xu,Huang & Wang,sp.nov.is described in the present paper.A key to known genera of family Ptilocodiidae is presented.All type specimens are deposited in the South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Science.  相似文献   

A new genus Amblomma gen. nov. of fossil beetles is erected and can be assignedto the family Ommatidae because its two procoxal cavities are contiguous and the articulations of the abdominal ventrites are abutting. The new genus is similar to Zygadenia Handlirsch, 1906 (=Notocupes Ponomarenko, 1964), Tetraphalerus Waterhouse, 1901,Rhobdocupes Ponomarenko, 1966 and Sinocupes Lin, 1976, but can be distinguished from other genera according to the following characters: the second segment of antennae is shorterthan the third one in length; the posterior tarsi with the basal segment is obviously shorter than the three following taken together in length; the antennae reach the posterior ridge of prothroax in length, and the sides of the prothroax with serrulate margin. Four new species of the new genus are described and figured: Amblomma psilata gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma rudis gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma epicharis gen. et sp. nov., and Amblomma stabilis gen. etsp. nov. A key to species within this new genus is provided. All the specimens are collected from the Late Jurassic Yixian Formation of western Liaoning and are now housed in the College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

云南鹤庆盆地晚第四纪介形类新属种   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
彭金兰 《微体古生物学报》2000,17(4):388-398,T009,T011
云南鹤庆盆地晚第四纪(15 000-12 000aBP)HQ钻孔剖面建立介形类2新属6新种,即玻璃介科的Candona parua sp.nov.,Yunnanicandona oblonga sp.nov.,Lineocypris granulosa sp.nov.,L.gibba sp.nov.以及湖花介科的Parachinocythere reticulata gen.et sp.nov.,  相似文献   

描述了东亚膜翅目茎蜂科两新属:大跗茎蜂属Magnitarsijanus gen.nov.和短痣茎蜂属Stigmatijanus gen.nov.,前者分布于中国和日本,后者分布于中国东部,其模式种分别为Janus kashivorus Yano et Sato,1928和Janus stigmaticus Maa,1949.建立了2个新组合:红盾大跗茎蜂Magnitarsijanus kashivorus(Yano et Sato,1928)comb.nov.和黄鳞短痣茎蜂Stigmatijanus stigmaticus(Maa,1949)comb.nov.,其中红盾大跗茎蜂是中国新纪录种.  相似文献   

本文建立竹节虫目昆虫化石1新科,即Haginhasmatidae,包括3新属,3新种和一个本命名种:Hagiphasmaparadoxagen.etsp.nov,Aethephasmamegistagen.etsp.nov.和Orephasmaeummphagen.etsp.nov,并给出新科内属的检索表。对消化道痕迹和保存完好的亚生殖板进行了分析,并与现代类群作了比较。竹节虫化石在我国是首次报道,所有化石材料均采自河北省和辽宁省晚珠罗世义县组地层中,保存在中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   

Abstract: Four new species referred to three new genera and one known genus of fossil snipe flies (Family Rhagionidae) from the Daohugou Formation of Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia, north‐eastern China, are described as Daohugorhagio elongatus gen. et sp. nov., Parachrysopilus jurassicus gen. et sp. nov., Sinorhagio sinuatus sp. nov. and Trichorhagio gregarius gen. et sp. nov. These taxa represent only a fraction of the rhagionid assemblage in the Daohugou biota. They contribute towards the high diversity and abundance of snipe flies during the latest Middle Jurassic – earliest Late Jurassic. The diagnosis of Sinorhagio K. Zhang, Yang and Ren, 2006 is revised based on the new results. Many genera and species from the Lower Cretaceous of China have been assigned to Rhagionidae. Most of these do not actually belong to this family: specifically Mesorhagiophryne incerta Hong and Wang, 1990, M. robusta Hong and Wang, 1990, Mesostratiomyia laiyangensis Hong and Wang, 1990, Stratiomyopsis robusta Hong and Wang, 1990, Longhuaia orientalis Hong, Wang and Sun, 1992, Basilorhagio venusius Ren, 1995. Pauromyia oresbia Ren, 1998 is transferred to an archisargid genus as Sharasargus oresbius (Ren, 1998) comb. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A diverse fauna of three-dimensionally preserved sponges is described from nearshore volcanogenic sandstones near Llandrindod, Mid-Wales. The fauna was preserved through early marginal silicification, in rare examples with silicification of soft tissue, and includes aspicular and spicular demosponges, hexactinellids, and a heteractinid. The fauna is largely endemic, with the following new species, genera and families erected: Onerosiconcha gregalia gen. et sp. nov., Ordinisabulo quadragintaforma gen. et sp. nov., Miritubus erinaceus gen. et sp. nov., Vadosifistula milvus gen. et sp. nov., Polycornua trescelestus gen. et sp. nov. (Pseudolanciculidae fam. nov.), P. entropus sp. nov., Palaeocallyoides improbabilis gen. et sp. nov., Reticulicymbalum tres gen. et sp. nov., Triactinella rigbyi gen. et sp. nov. (Triactinellidae, fam. nov.), Spissiparies minuta gen. nov., Brevicirrus arenaceus gen. et sp. nov., Pyritonema scopula sp. nov. (Pyritonemidae, fam. nov.) and Microastraeum tenuis gen. et sp. nov. In addition, Pseudolancicula Webby and Trotter is recorded outside Australia for the first time, although only as isolated spicules. The environment represented by this fauna has not previously yielded articulated sponges, and thus the apparent endemism may be misleading.  相似文献   

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