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Recombination between homologous loci is accompanied by formation of heteroduplexes. Repairing mismatches in heteroduplexes often leads to single nucleotide substitutions in a process known as gene conversion. Gene conversion was shown to be GC‐biased in different organisms; that is, a W(A or T)→S(G or C) substitution is more likely in this process than a S→W substitution. Here, we show that the insertion/deletion ratio for short noncoding indels that reach fixation between species is positively correlated with the recombination rate in Drosophila melanogaster, Homo sapiens, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This correlation is both due to an increase of the fixation rate of insertions and decrease of the fixation rate of deletions in regions of high recombination. Whole‐genome data on indel polymorphism and divergence in D. melanogaster rule out mutation biases and selection as the cause of this trend, pointing to insertion‐biased gene conversion as the most likely explanation. The bias toward insertions is the strongest for single‐nucleotide indels, and decreases with indel length. In regions of high recombination rate this bias leads to an up to ~5‐fold excess of fixed short insertions over deletions, and substantially affects the evolution of DNA segments.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes have different evolutionary properties compared to autosomes due to their hemizygous nature. In particular, recessive mutations are more readily exposed to selection, which can lead to faster rates of molecular evolution. Here, we report patterns of gene expression and molecular evolution for a group of butterflies. First, we improve the completeness of the Heliconius melpomene reference annotation, a neotropical butterfly with a ZW sex determination system. Then, we analyse RNA from male and female whole abdomens and sequence female ovary and gut tissue to identify sex‐ and tissue‐specific gene expression profiles in H. melpomene. Using these expression profiles, we compare (a) sequence divergence and polymorphism; (b) the strength of positive and negative selection; and (c) rates of adaptive evolution, for Z and autosomal genes between two species of Heliconius butterflies, H. melpomene and H. erato. We show that the rate of adaptive substitutions is higher for Z than autosomal genes, but contrary to expectation, it is also higher for male‐biased than female‐biased genes. Additionally, we find no significant increase in the rate of adaptive evolution or purifying selection on genes expressed in ovary tissue, a heterogametic‐specific tissue. Our results contribute to a growing body of literature from other ZW systems that also provide mixed evidence for a fast‐Z effect where hemizygosity influences the rate of adaptive substitutions.  相似文献   

The relationship between the silent substitution rate (K s) and the GC content along the genome is a focal point of the debate about the origin of the isochore structure in vertebrates. Recent estimation of the silent substitution rate showed a positive correlation between K s and GC content, in contradiction with the predictions of both the regional mutation bias model and the selection or biased gene conversion model. The aim of this paper is to help resolve this contradiction between theoretical studies and data. We analyzed the relationship between K s and GC content under (1) uniform mutation bias, (2) a regional mutation bias, and (3) mutation bias and selection. We report that an increase in K s with GC content is expected under mutation bias because of either nonequilibrium of the isochore structure or an increasing mutation rate from AT toward GC nucleotides in GC-richer isochores. We show by simulations that CpG deamination tends to increase the mutation rate with GC content in a regional mutation bias model. We also demonstrate that the relationship between K s and GC under the selectionist or biased gene conversion model is positive under weak selection if the mutation selection equilibrium GC frequency is less than 0.5. Received: 28 March 2001 / Accepted: 16 May 2001  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of the G gene in the new genotype ON1 of RSV detected from patients with acute respiratory infection in Japan. Phylogenetic analyses and the evolutionary timescale were obtained by the Bayesian MCMC method. We also analyzed p‐distance and positive selection sites. A new genotype ON1 emerged around 2001. The evolution rate was rapid (3.57 × 10?3 substitutions/site per year). The p‐distance was short and no positive selection site was found in the present strains. These results suggested that a new genotype ON1 of RSV‐A emerged approximately10 years ago and spread to some countries with a high evolution rate.

Genes that have experienced accelerated evolutionary rates on the human lineage during recent evolution are candidates for involvement in human-specific adaptations. To determine the forces that cause increased evolutionary rates in certain genes, we analyzed alignments of 10,238 human genes to their orthologues in chimpanzee and macaque. Using a likelihood ratio test, we identified protein-coding sequences with an accelerated rate of base substitutions along the human lineage. Exons evolving at a fast rate in humans have a significant tendency to contain clusters of AT-to-GC (weak-to-strong) biased substitutions. This pattern is also observed in noncoding sequence flanking rapidly evolving exons. Accelerated exons occur in regions with elevated male recombination rates and exhibit an excess of nonsynonymous substitutions relative to the genomic average. We next analyzed genes with significantly elevated ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous rates of base substitution (dN/dS) along the human lineage, and those with an excess of amino acid replacement substitutions relative to human polymorphism. These genes also show evidence of clusters of weak-to-strong biased substitutions. These findings indicate that a recombination-associated process, such as biased gene conversion (BGC), is driving fixation of GC alleles in the human genome. This process can lead to accelerated evolution in coding sequences and excess amino acid replacement substitutions, thereby generating significant results for tests of positive selection.  相似文献   

A unique family of ribonucleases was identified by exhaustive screening of genomic and cDNA libraries using a probe derived from a gene encoding a ribonuclease stored in the mouse eosinophil secondary granule. This family contains at least 13 genes, which encode ribonucleases, and two potential pseudogenes. The conserved sequence identity among these genes (∼70%), as well as the isolation/purification of these ribonucleases from eosinophil secondary granules, has led us to conclude that these genes form a unique clade in the mouse that we have identified as the Ear (Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease) gene family. Analyses of the nucleotide substitutions that have occurred among these ribonuclease genes reveal that duplication events within this family have been episodic, occurring within three unique periods during the past 18 × 106 years. Moreover, comparisons of non-synonymous (Ka) vs. synonymous (Ks) rates of nucleotide substitution show that although these genes conserve residues necessary for RNase activity, selective evolutionary pressure(s) exist such that acquired amino acid changes appear to be advantageous. The selective advantage of these amino acid changes is currently unclear, but the occurrence of this phenomenon in both the mouse and the human highlights the importance of these changes for Ear and, therefore, eosinophil effector function(s). Received: 25 October 2000 / Accepted: 18 December 2000  相似文献   

Sex‐dependent gene expression is likely an important genomic mechanism that allows sex‐specific adaptation to environmental changes. Among Drosophila species, sex‐biased genes display remarkably consistent evolutionary patterns; male‐biased genes evolve faster than unbiased genes in both coding sequence and expression level, suggesting sex differences in selection through time. However, comparatively little is known of the evolutionary process shaping sex‐biased expression within species. Latitudinal clines offer an opportunity to examine how changes in key ecological parameters also influence sex‐specific selection and the evolution of sex‐biased gene expression. We assayed male and female gene expression in Drosophila serrata along a latitudinal gradient in eastern Australia spanning most of its endemic distribution. Analysis of 11 631 genes across eight populations revealed strong sex differences in the frequency, mode and strength of divergence. Divergence was far stronger in males than females and while latitudinal clines were evident in both sexes, male divergence was often population specific, suggesting responses to localized selection pressures that do not covary predictably with latitude. While divergence was enriched for male‐biased genes, there was no overrepresentation of X‐linked genes in males. By contrast, X‐linked divergence was elevated in females, especially for female‐biased genes. Many genes that diverged in D. serrata have homologs also showing latitudinal divergence in Drosophila simulans and Drosophila melanogaster on other continents, likely indicating parallel adaptation in these distantly related species. Our results suggest that sex differences in selection play an important role in shaping the evolution of gene expression over macro‐ and micro‐ecological spatial scales.  相似文献   

A significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) for low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL‐C) and total cholesterol (TC) was identified around the LDLR gene on chromosome 2 (SSC2) in a White Duroc × Erhualian F2 resource population and Sutai pigs in our previous study. However, in previous reports, the causality of LDLR with serum lipids is controversial in pigs. To systematically assess the causality of LDLR with serum lipids, association analyses were successively performed in three populations: Sutai pigs, a White Duroc × Erhualian F2 resource population and a Duroc × (Landrace × Large White) population. We first performed a haplotype‐based association study with 60K SNP genotyping data and evidenced the significant association with LDL‐C and TC around the LDLR gene region. We also found that there is more than one QTL for LDL‐C and TC on SSC2. Then, we evaluated the causalities of two missense mutations, c.1812C>T and c.1520A>G, with LDL‐C and TC. We revealed that the c.1812C>T SNP showed the strongest association with LDL‐C (= 5.40 × 10?11) and TC (= 3.64 × 10?8) and explained all the QTL effect in Sutai pigs. Haplotype analysis found that two missense SNPs locate within a 1.93‐Mb haplotype block. One major haplotype showed the strongest significant association with LDL‐C (= 4.62 × 10?18) and TC (= 1.06 × 10?9). However, the c.1812C>T SNP was not identified in the White Duroc × Erhualian intercross, and the association of c.1520A>G with both LDL‐C and TC did not achieve significance in this F2 population, suggesting population heterogeneity. Both missense mutations were identified in the Duroc × (Landrace × Large White) population and showed significant associations with LDL‐C and TC. Our data give evidence that the LDLR gene should be a candidate causative gene for LDL‐C and TC in pigs, but heterogeneity exists in different populations.  相似文献   

Self‐fertilization is hypothesized to be an evolutionary dead end because reversion to outcrossing can rarely happen, and selfing lineages are thought to rapidly become extinct because of limited potential for adaptation and/or accumulation of deleterious mutations. We tested these two assumptions by combining morphological characters and molecular‐evolution analyses in a tribe of hermaphroditic grasses (Triticeae). First, we determined the mating system of the 19 studied species. Then, we sequenced 27 protein‐coding loci and compared base composition and substitution patterns between selfers and outcrossers. We found that the evolution of the mating system is best described by a model including outcrossing‐to‐selfing transitions only. At the molecular level, we showed that regions of low recombination exhibit signatures of relaxed selection. However, we did not detect any evidence of accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions in selfers compared to outcrossers. Additionally, we tested for the potential deleterious effects of GC‐biased gene conversion in outcrossing species. We found that recombination and not the mating system affected substitution patterns and base composition. We suggest that, in Triticeae, although recombination patterns have remained stable, selfing lineages are of recent origin and inbreeding may have persisted for insufficient time for differences between the two mating systems to evolve.  相似文献   

We have previously described a statistical model capable of distinguishing young (age <65 years) from old (age ≥75 years) individuals. Here we studied the performance of a modified model in three populations and determined whether individuals predicted to be biologically younger than their chronological age had biochemical and functional measures consistent with a younger biological age. Those with ‘younger’ gene expression patterns demonstrated higher muscle strength and serum albumin, and lower interleukin‐6 and blood urea concentrations relative to ‘biologically older’ individuals (odds ratios 2.09, 1.64, 0.74, 0.74; P = 2.4 × 10?2, 3.5 × 10?4, 1.8 × 10?2, 1.5 × 10?2, respectively). We conclude that our expression signature of age is robust across three populations and may have utility for estimation of biological age.  相似文献   

In free-living microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, both synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution frequencies correlate with expression levels. Here, we have tested the hypothesis that the correlation between amino acid substitution rates and expression is a by-product of selection for codon bias and translational efficiency in highly expressed genes. To this end, we have examined the correlation between protein evolutionary rates and expression in the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori, where the absence of selection on synonymous sites enables the two types of substitutions to be uncoupled. The results revealed a statistically significant negative correlation between expression levels and nonsynonymous substitutions in both H. pylori and E. coli. We also found that neighboring genes located on the same, but not on opposite strands, evolve at significantly more similar rates than random gene pairs, as expected by co-expression of genes located in the same operon. However, the two species differ in that synonymous substitutions show a strand-specific pattern in E. coli, whereas the weak similarity in synonymous substitutions for neighbors in H. pylori is independent of gene orientation. These results suggest a direct influence of expression levels on nonsynonymous substitution frequencies independent of codon bias and selective constraints on synonymous sites. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Nicolas Galtier]  相似文献   

Vanishing GC-rich isochores in mammalian genomes   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Duret L  Semon M  Piganeau G  Mouchiroud D  Galtier N 《Genetics》2002,162(4):1837-1847
To understand the origin and evolution of isochores-the peculiar spatial distribution of GC content within mammalian genomes-we analyzed the synonymous substitution pattern in coding sequences from closely related species in different mammalian orders. In primate and cetartiodactyls, GC-rich genes are undergoing a large excess of GC --> AT substitutions over AT --> GC substitutions: GC-rich isochores are slowly disappearing from the genome of these two mammalian orders. In rodents, our analyses suggest both a decrease in GC content of GC-rich isochores and an increase in GC-poor isochores, but more data will be necessary to assess the significance of this pattern. These observations question the conclusions of previous works that assumed that base composition was at equilibrium. Analysis of allele frequency in human polymorphism data, however, confirmed that in the GC-rich parts of the genome, GC alleles have a higher probability of fixation than AT alleles. This fixation bias appears not strong enough to overcome the large excess of GC --> AT mutations. Thus, whatever the evolutionary force (neutral or selective) at the origin of GC-rich isochores, this force is no longer effective in mammals. We propose a model based on the biased gene conversion hypothesis that accounts for the origin of GC-rich isochores in the ancestral amniote genome and for their decline in present-day mammals.  相似文献   

Gene turnover is a key source of adaptive variation. Yet most evolutionary studies have focused on gene duplication, dismissing gene deletion as a mechanism that simply eradicates redundancy. Here, I use genome‐scale sequence and multi‐tissue expression data from Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila pseudoobscura to simultaneously assess the evolutionary outcomes of gene duplication and deletion in Drosophila. I find that gene duplication is more frequent than gene deletion in both species, indicating that it may play a more important role in Drosophila evolution. However, examination of several genic properties reveals that genes likely possess distinct functions after duplication that diverge further before deletion, suggesting that loss of redundancy cannot explain a majority of gene deletion events in Drosophila. Moreover, in addition to providing support for the well‐known “out of the testis” origin of young duplicate genes, analyses of gene expression profiles uncover a preferential bias against deletion of old ovary‐expressed genes. Therefore, I propose a novel “into the ovary” hypothesis for gene deletion in Drosophila, in which gene deletion may promote adaptation by salvaging genes that contribute to the evolution of female reproductive phenotypes. Under this combined “out of the testis, into the ovary” evolutionary model, gene duplication and deletion work in concert to generate and maintain a balanced repertoire of genes that promote sex‐specific adaptation in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a histone H4 gene from the fish Tilapia nilotica was determined. The deduced amino acid sequence is identical to that of H4 from the trout, Salmo gairdnerii. The 3′ untranslated region of the Tilapia gene exhibits a unique combination of structural features each of which is usually associated with either a replication-dependent histone or a basal-expression histone, but not with both. The direction of nucleotide substitutions in the Tilapia and Salmo lineages was inferred. The Tilapia gene was found to evolve faster and to exhibit a more biased pattern of substitution and codon usage than its Salmo homologue. This combination of features cannot be explained by either mutation or purifying selection. The rapid embryonic development of Tilapia prompts us to suggest that the molecular evolution of the histone H4 gene is driven by fixation of advantageous synonymous mutations.  相似文献   

An unconstrained reference sequence facilitates the detection of selection. In Drosophila, sequence variation in short introns seems to be least influenced by selection and dominated by mutation and drift. Here, we test this with genome‐wide sequences using an African population (Malawi) of D. melanogaster and data from the related outgroup species D. simulans, D. sechellia, D. erecta and D. yakuba. The distribution of mutations deviates from equilibrium, and the content of A and T (AT) nucleotides shows an excess of variance among introns. We explain this by a complex mutational pattern: a shift in mutational bias towards AT, leading to a slight nonequilibrium in base composition and context‐dependent mutation rates, with G or C (GC) sites mutating most frequently in AT‐rich introns. By comparing the corresponding allele frequency spectra of AT‐rich vs. GC‐rich introns, we can rule out the influence of directional selection or biased gene conversion on the mutational pattern. Compared with neutral equilibrium expectations, polymorphism spectra show an excess of low frequency and a paucity of intermediate frequency variants, irrespective of the direction of mutation. Combining the information from different outgroups with the polymorphism data and using a generalized linear model, we find evidence for shared ancestral polymorphism between D. melanogaster and D. simulans, D. sechellia, arguing against a bottleneck in D. melanogaster. Generally, we find that short introns can be used as a neutral reference on a genome‐wide level, if the spatially and temporally varying mutational pattern is accounted for.  相似文献   

Gene paralogs are copies of an ancestral gene that appear after gene or full genome duplication. When two sister gene copies are maintained in the genome, redundancy may release certain evolutionary pressures, allowing one of them to access novel functions. Here, we focused our study on gene paralogs on the evolutionary history of the three polypyrimidine tract binding protein genes (PTBP) and their concurrent evolution of differential codon usage preferences (CUPrefs) in vertebrate species. PTBP1-3 show high identity at the amino acid level (up to 80%) but display strongly different nucleotide composition, divergent CUPrefs and, in humans and in many other vertebrates, distinct tissue-specific expression levels. Our phylogenetic inference results show that the duplication events leading to the three extant PTBP1-3 lineages predate the basal diversification within vertebrates, and genomic context analysis illustrates that local synteny has been well preserved over time for the three paralogs. We identify a distinct evolutionary pattern towards GC3-enriching substitutions in PTBP1, concurrent with enrichment in frequently used codons and with a tissue-wide expression. In contrast, PTBP2s are enriched in AT-ending, rare codons, and display tissue-restricted expression. As a result of this substitution trend, CUPrefs sharply differ between mammalian PTBP1s and the rest of PTBPs. Genomic context analysis suggests that GC3-rich nucleotide composition in PTBP1s is driven by local substitution processes, while the evidence in this direction is thinner for PTBP2-3. An actual lack of co-variation between the observed GC composition of PTBP2-3 and that of the surrounding non-coding genomic environment would raise an interrogation on the origin of CUPrefs, warranting further research on a putative tissue-specific translational selection. Finally, we communicate an intriguing trend for the use of the UUG-Leu codon, which matches the trends of AT-ending codons. Our results are compatible with a scenario in which a combination of directional mutation–selection processes would have differentially shaped CUPrefs of PTBPs in vertebrates: the observed GC-enrichment of PTBP1 in placental mammals may be linked to genomic location and to the strong and broad tissue-expression, while AT-enrichment of PTBP2 and PTBP3 would be associated with rare CUPrefs and thus, possibly to specialized spatio-temporal expression. Our interpretation is coherent with a gene subfunctionalisation process by differential expression regulation associated with the evolution of specific CUPrefs.  相似文献   

Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is the collective name of a class of hereditary retinal dystrophies in the dog and is often described as the equivalent of retinitis pigmentosa in humans. PRA is characterized by visual impairment due to degeneration of the photoreceptors in the retina, usually leading to blindness. PRA has been reported in dogs from more than 100 breeds and can be genetically heterogeneous both between and within breeds. The disease can be subdivided by age at onset and rate of progression. Using genome‐wide association with 15 Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) cases and 14 controls, we identified a novel PRA locus on CFA13 (Praw = 8.55 × 10?7, Pgenome = 1.7 × 10?4). CNGA1, which is known to be involved in human cases of retinitis pigmentosa, was located within the associated region and was considered a likely candidate gene. Sequencing of this gene identified a 4‐bp deletion in exon 9 (c.1752_1755delAACT), leading to a frameshift and a premature stop codon. The study indicated genetic heterogeneity as the mutation was present in all PRA‐affected individuals in one large family of Shelties, whereas some other cases in the studied Sheltie population were not associated with this CNGA1 mutation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a mutation in CNGA1 causing PRA in dogs.  相似文献   

The relative rate of evolution for sex‐biased genes has often been used as a measure of the strength of sex‐specific selection. In contrast to studies in a wide variety of animals, far less is known about the molecular evolution of sex‐biased genes in plants, particularly in dioecious angiosperms. Here, we investigate the gene expression patterns and evolution of sex‐biased genes in the dioecious plant Salix viminalis. We observe lower rates of sequence evolution for male‐biased genes expressed in the reproductive tissue compared to unbiased and female‐biased genes. These results could be partially explained by the lower codon usage bias for male‐biased genes leading to elevated rates of synonymous substitutions compared to unbiased genes. However, the stronger haploid selection in the reproductive tissue of plants, together with pollen competition, would also lead to higher levels of purifying selection acting to remove deleterious variation. Future work should focus on the differential evolution of haploid‐ and diploid‐specific genes to understand the selective dynamics acting on these loci.  相似文献   

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