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应用细胞毒剂和非连续密度梯度离必法可以提高小鼠骨髓CFU-S的相对浓度。实验研究表明,骨髓CFU-S是维持正常机体恒定造血或对照射小鼠促进造血恢复的主要细胞成分。在对750拉德γ线照射小鼠注射相同细胞数量的基础上,治疗效果随CFU-S浓集程度的提高而增强。小鼠注射细胞毒剂有影响骨髓CFU-S生理状态的作用,促进处于砌期的CFU-S转入增殖活动。因此,对照射小鼠移植经细胞毒剂或合并非连纹密度梯度离心后的造血干细胞,它将在CFU-S浓集的基础上迸一步提高其促进照射动物造血功能的恢复。  相似文献   

以Dexter体系成功地建立了小鼠胎肝细胞体外长期培养技术。培养的胎肝造血干细胞(CFU-S)有旺盛的增殖力。半同系移植研究证实,5×10~6个培养细胞(含780~1200CFU-S)可使9.5Gy γ-线照射的受体小鼠30d和60d存活率达80%和74%。1个月造血功能恢复。无移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)征象,并在受体内形成了稳定的嵌合体。说明体外培养的胎肝细胞能有效地重建造血。观察小鼠移植后14.5个月的远期疗效,其造血机能健全,体内CFU-S的移植效力与正常相似。然而CFU-S的再生速率和自我更新力均较正常同龄鼠低,揭示出长期增殖状态的造血干细胞功能上的变化。  相似文献   

研究了天然杀伤(NK)细胞对受致死剂量γ线照射的同系小鼠的造血调控作用。AMS/5小鼠经9Gyγ线全身照射后立即经尾静脉注射NK细胞(5×105),可明显提高受照小鼠30d活存率,照后8d小鼠骨髓中CFU-GM数量明显高于对照和脾细胞注射组,照射后30d,NK细胞注射组活存小鼠的骨髓有核细胞数和CFU-GM数已恢复到正常的76%─96%。病理组织学观察显示,输注NK细胞可使小鼠骨髓、脾脏的组织损伤程度减轻,造血功能增强,表现为造血灶数增多,造血细胞功能活跃,核分裂相增多,且涉及红系、粒系、巨核细胞系造血。NK细胞可能通过直接与造血干细胞相互作用或改善造血微环境等促进“内源性”造血功能,从而发挥对造血的正调控作用。提示NK细胞在小鼠造血功能的平衡维持中起重要作用。  相似文献   

应用细胞速度沉降装置测定了小鼠骨髓 CFU-S 和 CFU-C 的沉降速度,它们分别为4.67和6.13mm/小时。将分离后具有不同 CFU-S 和 CFU-C 浓集程度的组分输入受750拉德γ射线照射的受体小鼠,观察促进照射动物造血恢复的效果。结果证明,富于CFU-S 组分促进造血的潜力远远超过 CFU-C 组分。根据小鼠骨髓 CFU-S 和 CFU-C的细胞大小和生理功能的差别,支持它们是造血干细胞池中两类不同干细胞群的观点。  相似文献   

小鼠灌胃给予辐射防护有效剂量17α-乙炔-雌三醇-3-环戊醚(CEE_3)后10天内,骨髓与脾脏CFU-S都出现一过性抑制,到15天时恢复正常。CEE_3对CFU-S的抑制程度和辐射防护效价与药量有一定关系。切除脾脏或切除肾上腺可减轻CEE_3对造血干细胞的抑制作用。照前切除脾脏可提高照射小鼠骨髓CFU-S含量,但不能提高CEE_3对造血干细胞的防护效果。切除肾上腺对照射小鼠骨髓CFU-S的含量无明显影响,但可明显减低CEE_3对照射小鼠CFU-S的防护效果。对CEE_3等雌激素的辐射防护作用机理进行简短的讨论。  相似文献   

杜勋湘  徐有恒 《生理学报》1989,41(6):597-601
用组胺H_2受体拮抗剂(甲氰咪胍或呋喃硝胺)处理正常和亚致死量γ-射线照射小鼠,探讨正常体内造血和再生骨髓中造血重建与组胺受体的关系。发现非毒性剂量的甲氰咪胍对正常小鼠骨髓多能造血干细胞(CFU-s)无抑制作用,但可抑制小鼠体内粒单系祖细胞(CFU-GM)的生长和亚致死量照射后CFU-s产率的恢复。组胺可能与骨髓的再生有关,组胺H_2受体拮抗剂可抑制骨髓的造血重建。  相似文献   

人骨髓细胞体外培养液中含有高活力的 CSF,在长期培养过程中,CSF 活力的变化,与 CFU-C 数量的变化有大致平行的趋势。这种 CSF 对狗和小鼠也同样有效。人骨體条件液中的 CSF 对培养中的 CFU-S 也有明显的激发作用。这一结论可以从几个方面获得证据:第一,小鼠骨髓细胞与人骨髓条件液保温六小时后,再测定其中 CFU-S 数,结果是增加了。第二,经亚致死剂量照射的小鼠,腹腔注射适量的人骨髓条件液,其内源性脾结节也明显增多。第三,采用阿糖胞苷自杀的方法,测定小鼠骨髓经与人骨髓条件液保温后,其中 CFU-S 的自杀率也有增高的趋势。上述几方面的实验,说明人骨髓长期培养中存在着某种活性物质,调节体外造血。至于这种物质的来源,以及在体外造血中所起的作用,还需要做很多工作,逐步予以澄清。  相似文献   

魏启胜  吴祖泽 《生理学报》1987,39(2):107-115
经体内扩散盒培养6d 后的 LACA 小鼠胎肝细胞移植给照射的同系成年小鼠,造血干细胞在受体脾脏和骨髓中的有效植入率比正常胎肝细胞明显提高。但这种效果在同种异基因受体小鼠中则完全消失。实验结果表明,个体发育屏障和移植免疫屏障是决定同种胎肝移植能否成功的两个重要因素。胎肝细胞经体内或体外培养后可以模拟造血干细胞在体内的发育成熟,从而增强对成年造血微环境的适应性。用短期体内培养的方法,可以改变胎肝造血干细胞的某些生理特性,从而减弱个体发育屏障,但不能克服胎肝同种移植中的免疫性抗力。为了保证同种胎肝移植的成功,必须进一步同时克服两种屏障。  相似文献   

稳态下,骨髓微环境(bone marrow microenvironment)被证实能通过多种信号通路和细胞因子调控造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs)的自我更新、增殖、分化和迁移能力以维持造血系统的稳定。在衰老过程中,HSCs功能受损会导致造血系统功能的退化以及年龄相关的免疫应答的改变,增加机体对贫血、自身免疫性和骨髓增生性疾病的易感性。HSCs的衰老最初被认为是一种细胞内在调控机制,但近年来,随着对骨髓造血微环境研究的深入,人们发现骨髓微环境不但能在稳态下调控HSCs的功能,而且在HSCs衰老的过程中也发挥着重要作用。该文将对稳态及衰老情况下骨髓微环境对HSCs的调控作用作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:罗汉果和熟地具有增强机体免疫力,延年益寿的作用。本文研究罗汉果和熟地对造血干细胞的影响。方法各组小鼠连续喂养罗汉果或熟地3个月,流式细胞仪测量小鼠的外周血、脾脏和骨髓中免疫细胞和造血干细胞的变化;小鼠用半致死剂量的放射线照射后,连续喂养罗汉果或熟地1个月后,流式细胞仪测量罗汉果或熟地对于免疫细胞和造血干细胞损伤修复的作用。结果分析检测结果发现,与对照组相比,长期喂养罗汉果或熟地的小鼠骨髓和外周血中B细胞的比例降低,粒细胞的比例增加,T细胞没有明显变化;骨髓中造血干细胞的数量增加,尤其是长期造血干细胞数量增加显著。半致死剂量的放射线照射后,罗汉果或熟地喂养1个月,小鼠的粒细胞和T细胞都有明显的改善,造血干细胞的数量明显增加。结论罗汉果或熟地长期服用会增加小鼠造血干细胞的数量和功能,促进了辐射所致的骨髓抑制小鼠的造血干细胞的恢复。  相似文献   

The acute radiosensitivity in vivo of the murine hematopoietic stroma for 1 MeV fission neutrons or 300 kVp X rays was determined. Two different assays were used: (1) an in vitro clonogenic assay for fibroblast precursor cells (CFU-F) and (2) subcutaneous grafting of femora or spleens. The number of stem cells (CFU-S) or precursor cells (CFU-C), which repopulated the subcutaneous implants, was used to measure the ability of the stroma to support hemopoiesis. The CFU-F were the most radiosensitive, and the survival curves after neutron and X irradiation were characterized by D0 values of 0.75 and 2.45 Gy, respectively. For regeneration of CFU-S and CFU-C in subcutaneously implanted femora, D0 values of 0.92 and 0.84 Gy after neutron irradiation and 2.78 and 2.61 Gy after X irradiation were found. The regeneration of CFU-S and CFU-C in subcutaneously implanted spleens was highly radioresistant as evidenced by D0 values of 2.29 and 1.49 Gy for survival curves obtained after neutron irradiation, and D0 values of 6.34 and 4.85 Gy after X irradiation. The fission-neutron RBE for all the cell populations was close to 3 and varied from 2.77 to 3.28. The higher RBE values observed for stromal cells, compared to the RBE of 2.1 reported previously for hemopoietic stem cells, indicate that stromal cells are relatively more sensitive than hemopoietic cells to neutron irradiation.  相似文献   

Compared to saline-injected mice 9 days after 6.5 Gy irradiation, there were twofold more Day 8 spleen colony-forming units (CFU-S) per femur and per spleen from B6D2F1 mice administered a radioprotective dose of human recombinant interleukin-1-alpha (rIL-1) 20 h prior to their irradiation. Studies in the present report compared the numbers of CFU-S in nonirradiated mice 20 h after saline or rIL-1 injection. Prior to irradiation, the number of Day 8 CFU-S was not significantly different in the bone marrow or spleens from saline-injected mice and rIL-1-injected mice. Also, in the bone marrow, the number of Day 12 CFU-S was similar for both groups of mice. Similar seeding efficiencies for CFU-S and percentage of CFU-S in S phase of the cell cycle provided further evidence that rIL-1 injection did not increase the number of CFU-S prior to irradiation. In a marrow repopulation assay, cellularity as well as the number of erythroid colony-forming units, erythroid burst-forming units, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells per femur of lethally irradiated mice were not increased in recipient mice of donor cells from rIL-1-injected mice. These results demonstrated that a twofold increase in the number of CFU-S at the time of irradiation was not necessary for the earlier recovery of CFU-S observed in mice irradiated with sublethal doses of radiation 20 h after rIL-1 injection.  相似文献   

The radioadaptive survival response induced by a conditioning exposure to 0.45 Gy and measured as an increase in 30-day survival after mid-lethal X irradiation was studied in C57BL/6N mice. The acquired radioresistance appeared on day 9 after the conditioning exposure, reached a maximum on days 12-14, and disappeared on day 21. The conditioning exposure 14 days prior to the challenge exposure increased the number of endogenous spleen colonies (CFU-S) on days 12-13 after the exposure to 5 Gy. On day 12 after irradiation, the conditioning exposure also increased the number of endogenous CFU-S to about five times that seen in animals exposed to 4.25-6.75 Gy without preirradiation. The effect of the interval between the preirradiation and the challenge irradiation on the increase in endogenous CFU-S was also examined. A significant increase in endogenous CFU-S was observed when the interval was 14 days, but not 9 days. This result corresponded to the increase in survival observed on day 14 after the challenge irradiation. Radiation-inducted resistance to radiation-induced lethality in mice appears to be closely related to the marked recovery of endogenous CFU-S in the surviving hematopoietic stem cells that acquired radioresistance by preirradiation. Preirradiation enhanced the recovery of the numbers of erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes very slightly in mice exposed to a sublethal dose of 5 Gy, a dose that does not cause bone marrow death. There appears to be no correlation between the marked increase in endogenous CFU-S and the slight increase or no increase in peripheral blood cells induced by the radioadaptive response. The possible contribution by some factor, such as Il4 or Il11, that has been reported to protect irradiated animals without stimulating hematopoiesis is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the ability of the hemopoietic organ stroma to recover from damage inflicted by 5 or 7 Gy gamma radiation administered during a period of stromal growth in 4-week-old mice. Irradiation resulted in an immediate depletion of femoral colony-forming fibroblastic progenitors (CFU-F) down to 10-20% of age-matched control values. A full recovery to normal numbers occurred between 120 and 240 days after irradiation and was followed by a secondary decrease 1 year after irradiation. This secondary decrease was accompanied by a decrease in the femoral CFU-S and CFU-C content. Femoral CFU-F attained normal numbers and it was demonstrated to occur from surviving CFU-F and could not be enhanced or prolonged following infusion of unirradiated bone marrow cells after irradiation. During the transient CFU-F recovery the hemopoietic stroma remained severely damaged as judged by the regenerative capacity of spleen and femur stroma after subcutaneous implantation, and the ability of the spleen to accumulate CFU-S in response to lipopolysaccharide injection. We have reported earlier that in similarly irradiated adult mice, no restoration of femoral CFU-F was observed. This difference between 4-week-old and adult mice could not be explained by a difference in in vitro radiosensitivity of CFU-F or in their in vivo regeneration kinetics following irradiation and subsequent lipopolysaccharide injection. We conclude from these observations that the recovery kinetics of the CFU-F population is different in young and adult irradiated mice, infused CFU-F do not contribute to CFU-F regeneration in an irradiated femur, CFU-F are not the sole determinants of stromal regeneration in femur and spleen following irradiation.  相似文献   

Summary In mice, persisting radiation-induced growth retardation of hematopoietic tissue suggested that at least part of the surviving stem cells are genetically injured. Additional mitotic stress some time after the radiation insult might remove injured stem cells, thus improving the overall recovery of the irradiated bone marrow.Mice were treated with 5 Gy whole-body gamma irradiation. Two weeks later half of the animals were injected i.v. with 150 mg/kg 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), the other half remained untreated (5 Gy-controls). 2 or 10 weeks later, femoral cellularity and CFU-S content, proliferation ability of transplanted bone marrow and the compartment ratio (CR; ratio of splenic IUdR incorporation at day 3 and number of CFU-S transfused) were determined.Four weeks after 5 Gy and 2 weeks after 5-FU treatment all parameters showed significant impairment of recovery. 12 weeks after 5 Gy and 10 weeks after 5-FU CFU-S and CR were still reduced compared to the 5 Gy-controls. 5-FU treatment of unirradiated mice did not produce permanent effects on the quality of stem cells or the hematopoietic microenvironment. It is concluded, therefore, that an increased proliferation stimulus does not aid in the removal of injured CFU-S and may even impair recovery of bone marrow functions by increasing the proportion of genetically injured stem cells which continue proliferation.Dedicated to Prof. L.E. Feinendegen on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Recently it has been recognized that IL-1 plays an important role in hematopoietic regulation. Administration of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) to mice causes prolonged neutropenia. rHIL-1 injected to mice after 5-FU, accelerated the recovery of hematopoietic progenitors and blood neutrophils. The combination of rhIL-1 and rhG-CSF reduced the neutropenic period significantly. Sublethal irradiation of mice induced profound neutropenia for 3 weeks which was associated with 80% mortality. Administration of rhIL-1 20 hours prior to or 2 hours post irradiation resulted in a significantly improved survival and rapid recovery of the neutrophil count. IL-1 administered alone or in combination with other colony stimulating factors to spontaneous breast tumor bearing mice following 5-FU therapy resulted in a rapid recovery of neutrophils, improved survival, and markedly reduced the tumor mass. Experiments in primates demonstrated that rhIL-1 administered to 5-FU treated animals shortened the neutropenic period from 30 to 17 days and increased the number of marrow progenitors responsive to other CSFs. Prolonged administration of IL-1 (14 days) to these animals resulted in a delayed neutrophil recovery as compared to animals receiving short courses of IL-1. rhIL-1 administered to primates receiving marrow grafts after lethal irradiation, did not result in rapid hematopoietic recovery. In humans, studies with CD-34 positive marrow cells showed that IL-1 had a radioprotective effect on a committed and early marrow progenitors. These data show the therapeutic potential of IL-1 in the treatment of chemoradiotherapy induced myelosuppression.  相似文献   

Summary Following 5 Gy gamma irradiation, residual damage in bone marrow persisted up to one year and was ascribed to genetic defects in hemopoietic stem cells (von Wangenheim et al. 1986). To see whether high LET radiation is more efficient in inducing late effects, mice were whole-body irradiated with a single dose of 2 Gy neutrons ( = 6 MeV) and femoral cellularity, CFU-S number, proliferation ability of bone marrow cells (PF) and the compartment ratio (CR), i.e. the splenic 125-iodo-deoxyuridine incorporation per transfused CFU-S were measured up to one year after the radiation insult. Within 12 weeks, femoral cellularity, PF and CR recovered to control or near-control level, whereas CFU-S numbers remained significantly below control. No further recovery was observed. On the contrary, PF and CR deteriorated again after 12 and 26 weeks, respectively. CFU-S per femur tended to decrease as well. Thus it is demonstrated that a single dose of 2 Gy 6 MeV neutrons causes significant injury in function (PF) and structure (CFU-S numbers, CR) of bone marrow which persisted up to one year. While this residual injury can be attributed to genetic defects in hemopoietic stem cells, its increasing expression is probably due to late evolving damage in microenvironmental cells. The RBE of 6 MeV neutrons for the introduction of late effects in the bone marrow is in the range of 3.  相似文献   

Stem cells surviving radiation injury may carry defects which contribute to long-term effects. The ratio of 125-iododeoxyuridine (IUdR) uptake into spleens of lethally irradiated recipient mice between day 3 and day 5 after cell transfusion revealed reduced proliferative ability (PF) of spleen seeding cells in parallel with reduced CFU-S content of donors throughout the study period of one year after 5 Gy gamma irradiation. Additional data aided in evaluating possible mechanisms of PF reduction. Within the range of the graft sizes used, PF was independent of the numbers of cells or CFU-S transfused. Radiation-induced increase in loss of label between days 3 and 5 and prolonged doubling time of proliferating cells indicated enhancement of cell maturation and increase in mitotic cycle time. Increased IUdR uptake per transfused CFU-S suggested extra divisions of transit cells due to insufficiency in the stem cell compartment. It is concluded that persisting defects in surviving stem cells interfere in a complex way with cell proliferation in the hemopoietic system.  相似文献   

The influence of IL-1 administration on the recovery of the hemopoietic and immune systems from sublethal irradiation was assessed. Mice were irradiated (750 R) and injected twice daily with purified recombinant derived IL-1 beta (200 ng/injection). At various times after irradiation, the functional capacity of the hemopoietic and immune systems was determined. It was found that IL-1 therapy resulted in a significantly greater number of granulocyte-macrophage-CSF responsive colony-forming cells in the bone marrow of the irradiated mice on days 5 and 11 postirradiation but not at later times. In addition the radiation induced neutropenia recovered quicker in the IL-1-treated mice with significantly greater numbers of peripheral blood granulocytes being seen on days 15 and 20 after irradiation. The influence of IL-1 therapy on the recovery of the immune system was also assessed. Of note was the observation that mice receiving IL-1 therapy had chronically hypoplastic thymi. Although thymic cellularity increased with time after irradiation in the control mice, there was no such increase in the IL-1-treated mice. Similarly, the number of pre-B cells in the marrow of these mice was also diminished. Thus, in the IL-1-treated mice the regeneration of the peripheral immune function was retarded, characterized by a general lymphopenia and decreased splenic responses to mitogenic stimuli.  相似文献   

Radioprotective effects of ginsan,an immunomodulator   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Song JY  Han SK  Bae KG  Lim DS  Son SJ  Jung IS  Yi SY  Yun YS 《Radiation research》2003,159(6):768-774
We previously reported that ginsan, a purified polysaccharide isolated from Panax ginseng, had a mitogenic activity, induced LAK cells, and increased levels of several cytokines. In an effort to identify other immunostimulatory effects, we evaluated the protective effects of ginsan injected in vivo against radiation by measuring its effects on the CFU-S bone marrow cells and spleen cells. Ginsan was found to significantly increase the number of bone marrow cells, spleen cells, granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells (GM-CFC), and circulating neutrophils, lymphocytes and platelets in irradiated mice. In addition, ginsan induced the endogenous production of cytokines such as Il1, Il6, Ifng and Il12, which are required for hematopoietic recovery, and was able to enhance Th1 function while interfering with the Th2 response in irradiated mice. We demonstrated that pretreatment with ginsan protected mice from the lethal effects of ionizing radiation more effectively than when it was given immediately after or at various times after irradiation. A significant increase in the LD(50/30) from 7.54 Gy for PBS injection to 10.93 Gy for mice pretreated with 100 mg/kg ginsan was observed. These findings indicate that ginsan may be a useful agent to reduce the time necessary for reconstituting hematopoietic cells after irradiation.  相似文献   

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