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高寒草甸放牧扰动与两种植物的反应研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对不同放牧强度下矮嵩草草甸植物垂穗披碱草和鹅绒委陵菜的生长和繁殖特性进行了5年研究。结果表明,垂穗披碱草株高、分蘖数、地上物量、地下生物量、有性繁殖效力在不放牧或轻度放牧下最大,营养生长效力在重度放牧中最大,而贮藏效力在重度放牧中最小。鹅绒委陵菜叶数、匍匐茎长度、地上生物量、匍匐茎生物量、开花数、生殖生物量、有性繁殖效力及营养繁殖效力在放牧区显著高于不放牧的对照区。说明适当的放牧干扰有利于垂穗披碱草营养生长,但放牧过重会抑制其有性繁殖;由于放牧采食减少了种间竞争影响,从而提高了鹅绒委陵菜营养,生长效力和有性繁殖效力。两物种地下贮藏物的比例随着放牧强度增加显著减少。放牧强度对高寒草甸的群落演替方向有显著影响。  相似文献   

资源获得性和种内竞争对垂穗披碱草生长繁殖的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
朱志红  刘建秀  郑伟 《西北植物学报》2005,25(10):2056-2061
研究了垂穗披碱草(E lym us nutans)在不同光照强度、不同土壤养分和不同密度下的生长和繁殖特性。结果表明增加施肥量使垂穗披碱草的新增分蘖百分数、分蘖大小、营养繁殖和有性繁殖输出及其效力明显增加,贮藏生长效力相对减少;提高光照强度增加新增分蘖百分数、营养繁殖输出、有性繁殖输出和效力以及贮藏生长效力,减少营养繁殖效力;低密度下新增分蘖百分数、分蘖大小和营养繁殖效力显著增加,高密度下营养繁殖输出、有性繁殖输出和效力以及贮藏生长效力较高。在高施肥×高光照、高施肥×高密度和高光照×高密度处理下,植物有性繁殖输出和营养繁殖输出显著高于其它处理。低密度条件下新增分蘖百分数较高,高密度条件下有性繁殖效力较高。三因子互作对性状无显著作用。营养繁殖效力与有性繁殖效力无显著相关,这两者与贮藏生长效力为负相关。以上结果说明丰富的资源(高施肥、高光照)有利于植物生长和繁殖,种内竞争水平对体内的资源分配会产生很大影响。这些特性既与环境因子有关,又与植物性状间的内在联系有关,共同决定该种群在群落中的动态和稳定性。  相似文献   

为什么自然条件下沙地柏种群以无性更新为主   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
 基于调查、实验和文献资料,作者探讨了沙地柏(Sabina vulgaris)种群的繁殖特征和更新特征。1)根原基是沙地柏进行营养繁殖的结构基础,由根原基发育而成的不定根能够吸收充足的土壤资源供给萌生苗需要,因此定居的萌生苗能够独立维持。2)沙地柏同时具有营养繁殖和有性繁殖,因而沙地柏种群可通过无性更新和有性更新实现维持。3)种子质量极差、萌发率低和实生苗存活率低是制约沙地柏种群有性更新的3个“瓶颈”。4)沙地柏的营养繁殖力强、萌生苗存活率高、繁殖体的产生途径多样,这使自然条件下沙地柏种群以无性更新为主。  相似文献   

以肥荚红豆种子为外植体,研究了种子预处理、诱导萌发、不定芽增殖、壮苗、生根的方法,摸索培养基中激素的最佳配比,建立了肥荚红豆组织培养快速繁殖技术。结果表明:5%~10%NaOH溶液浸泡种子1h的预处理有利于促进肥荚红豆种皮的剥离和种子萌发;适宜于种子萌发的培养基为MS(Read)+6-BA0.5mg·L^-1+NAA0.1mg·L^-1,萌发率可达100%;最佳增殖培养基为Read+6.BA1.0~1.5mg·L^-1+KT0.1mg·L^-1+NAA0.1mg·L^-1,增殖数可达每瓶23个以上;最佳壮苗培养基为Read+6.BA0-0.5mg·L^-1+NAA0.1mg·L^-1:最佳生根培养基为Read+IAA1.0mg·L^-1,其生根率可达90.54%。研究结果提高了肥荚红豆的繁殖效率,有效促进肥荚红豆组培规模化育苗技术的成熟与推广应用,对推动其产业开发应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

贵州茂兰喀斯特森林中华蚊母树群落种子库及其萌发特征   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
刘济明 《生态学报》2001,21(2):197-203
茂兰喀斯特森林中华蚊母树群落900m^2的样地内共有种子植物59种。其中19种主要植物已进人繁殖阶段,每年产生成熟种子238.8粒/m^2,种子雨量达351.1粒/m^2。其中对群落更新有作用的成熟有效种子数为150.8粒/m^2。萌发前种子库中有活力种子41种2642.O粒/m^2。其中现存植物种子19种。萌发后种子库中有活力种子28种2504.5粒/m^2,其中现存植物种子6种。葫发前后种子库的差异主要在于枯枝落叶层的种子含量。当年产生的种子大多数位于种子库的枯落叶层中,随时间推移,寿命较长的种子逐渐移到土壤层中。群落演替前期各阶段产生的种子全部位于土壤层里。萌发前种子库与现存群落的相似性大于萌发后种子库。群落内有19种主要植物繁殖产生种子,并在萌发前的种子库中有活力种子存在,群落更新潜力很好。群落遭受破坏的季节不同。其恢复潜力也不一样。群落内平均每年萌发出苗14种54.2株/m^2,当年存活24.5株/m^2,群落更新较好。  相似文献   

高寒草甸矮蒿草种群繁殖对策的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
繁殖对策是指生物对环境的生殖适应趋势 ,是资源或能量向生存、生长和生殖等活动中最适分配的结果 ,在不同的环境中具有其独特的表现形式。研究植物在不同环境中的繁殖对策可以反映出植物对环境的适应能力和在该生境中的生殖潜能。国内外学者对植物繁殖对策的研究已有不少报道[2 ,4 ,5,6] 。但对高寒草甸矮嵩草 (Kobresiahumilis)种群繁殖对策的研究报道甚少。矮嵩草是青藏高原矮嵩草草甸的建群种 ,它具有草质柔软、营养丰富、热值含量较高等特点 ,是青藏高原重要的可更新草地资源。本研究对矮嵩草的繁殖对策进行了较全面、…  相似文献   

青海省高寒草甸不同退化阶段土壤无机碳分异特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用时空转换的方法,选取青海省高寒草甸退化演替过程中典型退化阶段,探讨高寒草甸不同退化阶段土壤无机碳(SIC)含量及储量分异特征。结果表明:禾草-矮嵩草群落、小嵩草群落、小嵩草剥蚀期和黑土滩型退化草地0~50 cm土层SIC总储量分别为0.45、0.10、0.13和1.10 kg C·m-2;0~50 cm土层范围内,禾草-矮嵩草群落与黑土滩型退化草地存在明显的碳酸盐淀积层(主要在30 cm土层以下),而小嵩草群落和小嵩草剥蚀期在剖面内无明显的碳酸盐淀积层;草甸草毡表层特征(厚度、破碎度等)以及土壤容重、pH值与SIC变化特征存在某种协同演化关系;高寒草甸退化与无机碳储量之间没有明显的耦合作用,只有当草甸极度退化(黑土型退化草地)时,草甸SIC分层及总储量特征才表现出明显的差异。  相似文献   

狼毒种子萌发特性与种群更新机制的研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
邢福  郭继勋  王艳红 《应用生态学报》2003,14(11):1851-1854
研究了采集于植株上的和收集于土壤种子库的狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)种子在不同温度、光照和5种预处理(即破裂种皮、去除种皮、98%H2SO4浸种5min、0.2%KNO3浸种24h、10℃低温保存1周)条件下的萌发力。结果表明,狼毒种子萌发率较低,25℃恒温、黑暗条件下萌发率为13%,较适宜的萌发温度为30℃恒温或10~30℃变温,破裂种皮和去除种皮萌发率显著提高,25℃恒温、光暗交替条件下萌发率分别为49%和47%,浓硫酸浸种5min处理萌发率可达到32%,KON3浸种和10℃低温保存两个处理对促进狼毒种子萌发效果不明显,狼毒种子萌发对光照条件不敏感,种子硬实性是导致狼毒种子萌发率较低的主要原因,取自土壤种子库内的狼毒种子萌发率高于当年采集的种子,在自然条件下,并非每年都有狼毒种子萌发长成幼苗,种群更新时机是随机的或周期性的。  相似文献   

莎草科4种植物种子休眠与萌发特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以嵩草、黑穗苔草、藨草和苔草4种莎草科植物种子为材料,研究了硫酸、植物生长调节剂及低温层积处理对其休眠与萌发特性的影响,以揭示其休眠机制及其破除方法,为指导生产提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)4种参试植物种子均存在不同程度的生理休眠,其中嵩草为浅度生理休眠,黑穗苔草为中度生理休眠,藨草和苔草为深度生理休眠。(2)浓硫酸浸种可显著提高嵩草、黑穗苔草种子的萌发,随浸种时间增加,种子萌发率先增加后降低,最大值分别达86%、77%,但浓硫酸处理对藨草和苔草的种子萌发无显著促进作用。(3)赤霉素(GA3)、氟啶酮(FL,脱落酸抑制剂)和KNO3单独处理可显著提高嵩草种子萌发,但对其他3种植物种子无显著作用;而硫酸处理后再用赤霉素或氟啶酮处理,则显著促进黑穗苔草种子的萌发率。(4)低温层积对种子萌发的影响因种与层积时间而异,层积2个月可显著提高嵩草种子萌发,层积4个月可显著提高嵩草和藨草种子萌发;层积6个月可显著提高嵩草、黑穗苔草、藨草和苔草4种植物种子萌发,其最终萌发率分别为90%、73%、17%、7%。  相似文献   

在青藏高原多年冻土广泛分布的风火山地区,选择小嵩草(Kobresia pygmea)草甸和藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)沼泽化草甸为研究对象,采用开顶增温室(Open top chambers, OTCs)模拟气候变暖,探讨模拟增温对土壤水分差异的两种草甸地下生物量及根系功能性状的影响。结果显示,(1)增温显著增加小嵩草草甸0—20 cm根系生物量,主要是由于表层(0—10 cm)根系生物量显著增加,而对藏嵩草沼泽化草甸根系生物量无影响。(2)增温显著增加了小嵩草草甸根组织密度,同时提高了藏嵩草沼泽化草甸10—20 cm的比根长和比根面积(3)增温降低了小嵩草草甸的根系碳含量及10—20 cm根系氮含量,增加了藏嵩草沼泽化草甸的碳含量及10—20 cm根系氮含量,显著提高了小嵩草草甸和藏嵩草沼泽化草甸深层(10—20 cm)根系碳氮比。这些结果预示着增温使得土壤水分较低的小嵩草草甸朝着资源保守的慢速生长型发展,以适应暖干化的环境;土壤水分较高的藏嵩草沼泽化草甸朝着资源获取的快速生长型发展,加速利用土壤中的养分满足植物生长需要。可见,土壤水分可以调节高寒草甸对气候变暖的演变趋势,强调了水分的重要性。  相似文献   

太白红杉种群的生殖对策研究Ⅱ.生殖力和生殖值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了太白红杉种群的年龄结构、生殖年龄结构、生殖力和生殖值,分析了太白红杉种群的生殖适合度和生殖对策.结果如下(1)北坡和南坡两个种群的低龄级个体数都非常少,种群间的生育力差异不显著(P>0.05),但北坡太白红杉的生殖年龄比南坡大,平均生殖时间比南坡长,平均寿命也比南坡长.(2)北坡各龄级的生殖值比南坡高,剩余生殖值随年龄下降的速度比南坡小,北坡的生殖适合度比南坡高.(3)北坡第Ⅰ~Ⅶ龄级的剩余生殖值比南坡高,第Ⅶ龄级后由于下降速度较快,其值要比南坡小.  相似文献   

Computerized colony records were used to identify dams and sires whose reproductive histories while breeding in harem groups indicated high or low risk for producing fetal deaths. The monkeys were then singly caged and bred within and between risk conditions during 24- to 72-hour matings. Although the low- and high-risk sires did not differ in ability to achieve conceptions, the results revealed that reproductive history predicted subsequent fetal death rates, and sires made a substantial contribution. Overall, high-risk sires had a 4.86 times higher relative risk of producing fetal death than low-risk sires. Compared with this figure, high-risk dams had only a 2.64 times higher risk for fetal death than low-risk dams. The male effect was most evident in comparisons of between- and within-risk matings. Females with excellent reproductive histories experienced a threefold increase in fetal deaths when mated with high-risk males, whereas females with poor reproductive histories experienced almost a 50% reduction in fetal deaths when mated with low-risk males. The results show that male factors beyond fertility need to be considered when examining the causes of reproductive failure in captive primates.  相似文献   

Abstract  Herein the first detailed study of sociality and life history in an Australian species of the allodapine bee genus Braunsapis is provided. Colonies of B. protuberans were sampled from the Great Sandy National Park in Queensland from late winter until later summer. Single-female colonies appear to have suffered substantially higher rates of total brood loss, or failure to produce brood, than multifemale colonies, but rearing efficiency in colonies with at least some brood did not differ between these two colony types. There was marked reproductive skew in multifemale colonies and ovary size was strongly linked to relative body size. However, females with smaller body size and smaller ovaries also had lower levels of wing wear, suggesting that they do not specialise in foraging. These patterns are similar to an African species, Braunsapis vitrea , and suggest that colonies may principally comprise a dominant reproductive female who provides food for her juvenile offspring, along with a variable number of subordinate females who may be waiting to inherit their natal nest in the event of their mother's death. However, it is likely that in such events, the remaining female(s) will care for orphaned brood as some single-female colonies contained substantial older brood, even though the sole female had little or no wing wear. Such alloparental care in the case of orphaning may help explain the high level of female bias in sex ratios.  相似文献   

Abstract Plasticity in growth, reproductive energy allocation (RA), and reproductive output were investigated in Helianthus annuus L. cultivar. Russia (Compositae) grown under varying densities and soil nitrogen levels. The role and behaviour of pollinators in seed production was also examined.
Exceedingly marked plastic responses were detected in individual biomass, the patterns of resource allocation to total reproductive structures (RA) and also to propagules, fecundity, reproductive outputs, and propagule size and weight under changing densities and soil nitrogen levels. Plants cultivated at higher densities exhibited proportionately lower individual biomass, lower RA, lower fecundity, lower seed output, and smaller seed size in response to increasing density and decreasing soil nitrogen levels. However, differences due to different N-levels were not as great as those to changing density.
One of the most significant findings was that seed production under limited resource availability, i.e., lack of ample solar radiation and soil nutrients, due to strong interference at higher density plots, is exceedingly costlty , This was most clearly demonstrated by a very sharp increase in relative energy partitioning to a single propagule in response to the increased density and decreasing nitrogen levels, the relative energy cost to a single achcne (RA) increasing from one to twenty-fourfold. Reproduction was also affected by pollinator-limitations, and seed size showed a marked position effect.  相似文献   

Within social groups of primates, males commonly compete over reproduction, but they may also rely on cooperation with other males. Theory suggests that it may be adaptive for male primates to tolerate some reproduction by other males if reproductive tolerance fosters cooperation, particularly that dominant males yield so‐called reproductive concessions to subordinates to entice their cooperation. We review four recent studies that claimed to have found evidence for reproductive concessions or similar forms of reproductive tolerance. However, upon critical reevaluation of their results, no study provides conclusive support for reproductive concessions as predicted by theoretical models. Yet two studies demonstrated a form of reproductive tolerance that cannot be explained by any of the existing models, and that seems to have evolved only in multi‐male, multi‐female societies with diverse strategic options for males. Our article provides guidance how to study this form of reproductive tolerance in the absence of a unifying model.  相似文献   

Zoo professionals generally believe that maternal rearing of zoo animals is preferable to human/nursery raising. The lack of consistent reproductive success in small captive exotic felids has been partially attributed to an excess of human-raised individuals. To investigate experimentally the effects of human/nursery rearing on adult sexual behavior, domestic cats were used as a model for small captive exotic felids. Three groups of female domestic cats were reared under three different conditions (intended to mimic typical zoo rearing situations) and then paired at sexual maturity with sexually experienced males. Cats in Condition 1 were Human-Raised Alone, i.e., had no physical or visual contact with con-specifics until sexual maturity; cats in Condition II were Human-Raised with a Sibling, i.e., had no physical or visual contact with any conspecifics except their respective sibling until sexual maturity; cats in Condition 3 were Maternally Raised with a female sibling, but had no other physical or visual contact with other conspecifics until sexual maturity. Individuals in Condition 3 copulated significantly more often than did the individuals in Condition 1. The individuals in Condition 1 were distinguished by the extreme aggression they displayed toward both the males with which they were paired and their human-caretakers. Data suggest that human-reared female cats are less likely to reproduce than are their maternally-reared counterparts. These results suggest that, whenever possible, nursery-raising of small exotic felids should be avoided.  相似文献   

The diploid rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss reached sexual maturity 3 years after hatching and its oogenesis underwent four stages, which were oogonia, primary oocyte, secondary oocyte and egg. Reproductive development and hormone changes of 4 to 35 month‐old female O. mykiss were investigated using histological and radioimmunoassay methods in order to provide a theoretical and practical basis for the use of triploid female O. mykiss. The oogonium of the triploid female could develop into the oocytes of the prophase with abortion occurring later; the oogonium was surrounded by stroma cells to form the oogonium cluster and the gonads showed a virilescent tendency when the oogonium clusters were gradually replaced by spermatogenic‐like cytocysts. After 13 months, amounts of gonadotropic hormone (GtH‐I, GtH‐II) and oestradiol (17β‐E2) in triploid females were lower than in diploid fish at corresponding time periods, but the amounts of testosterone (T) increased consistently after 21 months and were more than in diploid fish in the corresponding time periods (P > 0·05). The infertility of triploid females resulted from meiosis failure, which caused developmental abortion of oocytes and oogonium formed cytocysts before the prophase oocytes. The cytocyst formation was due to the lack of the normal interaction of ovum and follicular cells, the development of follicular cells producing steroids were inhibited, the arylate path from T to 17β‐E2 was interrupted, concentration of 17β‐E2 decreased and concentration of T increased in the blood, the content of vitellogenin (Vg) decreased in the liver with a low 17β‐E2 and high T caused to ovaries to show a tendency to be virilescent.  相似文献   

This article provides a donor-focused analysis of how transnational reproductive donation intersects with issues central to bodily autonomy of surrogates and egg donors from the global South. Little is known about the autonomy of surrogates and egg donors, especially among those from the global South. This article addresses this gap by examining two key issues on surrogacy and egg donation—conflict of interest and recruitment market. With these issues, this paper presents contexts of the reproductive body as a space of contestation for autonomy. Analysis reveals that bodily autonomy is not an absolute entitlement available for surrogates and egg donors from the global South. Having bodily autonomy is a privileged disposition rather than a universal liberty for reproductive donors. The discussions in this work encourage further examination to understand the multi-layered experiences of reproductive donors from the global South, towards deeper interrogation of the processes of reproductive industry.  相似文献   

植物种群的繁殖对策   总被引:81,自引:3,他引:78  
植物种群的繁殖对策钟章成(西南师范大学,重庆630715)ReproductiveStrategiesofPlantPopulations.¥ZhongZhangcheng(SouthwestChinaTeachersU-niversity,Chon...  相似文献   

Abstract Plasticity in growth, reproductive energy allocation (RA), and reproductive output were studied in Glycine max Merr. Cv. Enrei (Leguminosae) grown under varying densities and soil nitrogen levels.
Marked plastic responses were detected in individual biomass, the patterns of resource allocation to total reproductive structures (RA) and also to propagules, reproductive outputs, and propagule weight under changing densities and soil nitrogen levels. Plants cultivated at higher densities exhibited proportionately lower individual biomass, lower RA, lower seed output, and smaller seed size in response to increasing density and decreasing soil nitrogen levels, although some deviations were observed, especially in the highest density plot with no fertilization. Differences due to different N-levels were not as great as those to changing density, which may in part be due to the fact that soybean has nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root tubercles, just as in any other Leguminosae. Fecundity was also maintained at the similar high rates of 80–97% in all plots examined, although slight but steady decreases were noted with increasing density. This resemblance in fecundity may be due to its strong inbreeding system.
Another important finding was that seed production under limited resource availability, notably lack of ample solar radiation due to strong interference at higher density plots, is exceedingly costly. This was most clearly exhibited by a sharp increase in relative energy partitioning to a single propagule in response to the increased density, the relative energy cost to a single propagule (RA) increasing from one to seven-fold. The results obtained in this study coincide well with the findings made in other plants, e.g., Helianthus annuus, Oryza sativa , and Coix ma-yuen , with the same experimental designs.  相似文献   

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