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为深入探讨假眼小绿叶蝉在茶树上的刺探行为,进而筛选合适的刺探电位(electrical penetration graph,EPG)参数作为评判茶树抗感性指标,遂比较紫鹃、宁波黄金芽和黄观音等11个国家级和特色茶树良种对该叶蝉抗感性,并解析茶树抗感性与主要化学成分的相关性。使用刺探电位仪检测了该叶蝉在这11个茶树品种上的多种刺探行为及其参数、以聚类分析等方法解析各品种上EPG参数而判断每品种对于叶蝉的抗感性;再以HPLC检测茶叶主要成分,分析抗感性与化学成分的关联程度。结果如下:(1)进一步明确了代表该叶蝉在茶树上取食行为的7种EPG波形及其可能的生物学意义,即Np、A、S、C、E、F和R波,解析了各种波形的特征和出现规则,认为E波、F波以及未确定生物学意义的R波是抗性相关波。(2)在5h测试期间,叶蝉在黄观音和龙井43品种上的刺探次数最多,紫鹃、宁波黄金芽和金观音上的次之,铁观音和安吉白茶上的最少;E波平均持续时间在铁观音和黄牡丹上最长,乌牛早和安吉白茶上次之,紫鹃上最短;F波平均持续时间在黄观音上最长,紫鹃、龙井43和宁波黄金芽上次之,金观音上最短。(3)以刺探次数、韧皮部取食波E波历期、韧皮部取食困难波F波历期为指标,将11个品种聚为2类,即第Ⅰ类:安吉白茶、乌牛早、紫牡丹、中茶108、黄牡丹和铁观音;第Ⅱ类为黄观音、龙井43、紫鹃、宁波黄金芽和金观音;抗性强弱为:第Ⅱ类第Ⅰ类。(4)从感性至抗性品种,儿茶素类含量明显升高,且儿茶素总量与E波历期显著负相关(P为深入探讨假眼小绿叶蝉在茶树上的刺探行为,进而筛选合适的刺探电位(electrical penetration graph,EPG)参数作为评判茶树抗感性指标,遂比较紫鹃、宁波黄金芽和黄观音等11个国家级和特色茶树良种对该叶蝉抗感性,并解析茶树抗感性与主要化学成分的相关性。使用刺探电位仪检测了该叶蝉在这11个茶树品种上的多种刺探行为及其参数、以聚类分析等方法解析各品种上EPG参数而判断每品种对于叶蝉的抗感性;再以HPLC检测茶叶主要成分,分析抗感性与化学成分的关联程度。结果如下:(1)进一步明确了代表该叶蝉在茶树上取食行为的7种EPG波形及其可能的生物学意义,即Np、A、S、C、E、F和R波,解析了各种波形的特征和出现规则,认为E波、F波以及未确定生物学意义的R波是抗性相关波。(2)在5h测试期间,叶蝉在黄观音和龙井43品种上的刺探次数最多,紫鹃、宁波黄金芽和金观音上的次之,铁观音和安吉白茶上的最少;E波平均持续时间在铁观音和黄牡丹上最长,乌牛早和安吉白茶上次之,紫鹃上最短;F波平均持续时间在黄观音上最长,紫鹃、龙井43和宁波黄金芽上次之,金观音上最短。(3)以刺探次数、韧皮部取食波E波历期、韧皮部取食困难波F波历期为指标,将11个品种聚为2类,即第Ⅰ类:安吉白茶、乌牛早、紫牡丹、中茶108、黄牡丹和铁观音;第Ⅱ类为黄观音、龙井43、紫鹃、宁波黄金芽和金观音;抗性强弱为:第Ⅱ类 > 第Ⅰ类。(4)从感性至抗性品种,儿茶素类含量明显升高,且儿茶素总量与E波历期显著负相关(P < 0.05);咖啡碱、氨基酸和可溶性糖含量皆未与E波、F波历期明显相关。认为:E波和F波历期以及刺探次数可作为茶树抗感性的主要参数;R波可能与韧皮部取食抗性相关;儿茶素类是抗性相关物质。研究可为深入探讨茶树抗虫机理提供参考。  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜在三个小麦品种上取食行为的EPG比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi在不同小麦品种(Ww2730、小偃22和Batis)苗期的取食行为进行了比较研究。结果表明:在小偃22上蚜虫开始取食的第1次刺探时间最晚,且持续时间最短;在Ww2730上取食受到机械阻力的个体最多,且出现F波的几率和持续时间最长;两品种上蚜虫在木质部主动摄取汁液(G波)花费的时间最长。 在Batis上,蚜虫口针第1次到达韧皮部时需要分泌较多水溶性唾液(E1波),但随后只需分泌较少的水溶性唾液就可以成功取食,而且被动吸食韧皮部汁液的时间(E2波)最长。蚜虫口针在到达小偃22韧皮部取食之前,出现多次的口针试探、回撤,并且多次、多量分泌水溶性唾液(E1波);虽然蚜虫在小偃22上口针最先到达韧皮部,但被动吸食韧皮部汁液的时间(E2波)最短。由此得出结论:小偃22表皮部、韧皮部存在阻碍禾谷缢管蚜取食的物理和生化因素; 禾谷缢管蚜在Ww2730取食遇到更多的是细胞间机械阻力; Batis是较感蚜的品种。  相似文献   

【目的】筛选和鉴定茶树中与假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis G?the相关的抗性成分。【方法】采用氨基酸分析仪和超高效液相色谱法分别分析8个茶树品种的氨基酸及其组分、咖啡碱和茶多酚及其组分的含量。采用人工饲料喂饲法对可能的抗性物质进行初步鉴定。【结果】通过对假眼小绿叶蝉抗性水平差异较大的茶树品种的30多种生化物质的分析,筛选出抗、感茶树品种间差异较大的物质,包括茶多酚、天冬氨酸、γ-氨基丁酸、绿原酸和茶氨酸。分别将其作为可变因子设置不同浓度梯度,加入到人工饲料饲养假眼小绿叶蝉,统计5种化学成份不同浓度人工饲料上假眼小绿叶蝉的成活率,初步确定了这5种化学成份对假眼小绿叶蝉成活率的影响。其中,γ-氨基丁酸可能是茶树抗虫物质之一。【结论】为阐明茶树抗叶蝉的化学机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

吡虫啉对3种体色型烟蚜取食行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探究吡虫啉对红色型、绿色型和褐色型3种体色型烟蚜取食行为的影响,利用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术比较3种体色型烟蚜在吡虫啉处理后的烟苗上的取食行为。结果表明:33.3 mg/L吡虫啉处理烟苗后,3种体色型烟蚜的非刺探总时间(np波)均长于清水处理的绿色型烟蚜,其中褐色型烟蚜最长,且与清水处理的绿色型烟蚜存在显著性差异(P0.05);刺探过程中,3种体色型烟蚜在烟苗上口针遇到阻力(F波)的时间均长于清水处理的绿色型烟蚜,但处理间差异不显著;木质部取食阶段,褐色型烟蚜的G波平均持续时间最长;韧皮部取食阶段,3种体色型烟蚜口针在韧皮部分泌唾液(E1波)和被动吸食汁液(E2波)的总持续时间均短于清水处理的绿色型烟蚜,其中被动吸食汁液的时间红色型为15.87±9.33 min,绿色型为29.89±8.79 min,而褐色型仅为6.38±2.15 min。因此,吡虫啉处理烟苗后能明显抑制烟蚜对烟草韧皮部的取食。  相似文献   

目的】亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri是传播柑橘最重要病害黄龙病(huanglongbing, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus)的媒介昆虫,树冠喷施园艺矿物油(horticultural mineral oil, HMO)可以减少其在柑橘上的取食和产卵。本研究旨在探索植物组织内残留的园艺矿物油如何影响亚洲柑橘木虱成虫的取食行为。【方法】采用直流型刺吸电位仪(DC-EPG Giga-8)记录亚洲柑橘木虱成虫12 h内在喷施不同浓度(0.25%, 0.5%, 1%和2%, v/v)HMO(nC24)乳剂和清水(对照)时柑橘嫩叶上的刺探和取食行为并转换为波形信号,分析比较各处理的波形参数。【结果】不同浓度HMO乳剂处理显著提高了亚洲柑橘木虱成虫在柑橘叶片上的C波(路径波)持续时间百分比,显著减少了E2波(韧皮部吸食汁液)持续时间百分比,而对D(口针第一次接触韧皮部组织), E1(韧皮部出现唾液分泌) 和G(木质部吸食汁液) 波持续时间百分比没有显著影响。HMO处理组C波的每成虫波形累积时间(WDI)显著长于对照组,而各浓度处理之间没有显著差异,但D波WDI明显短于对照组。随着HMO浓度的增加, E1, E2和G波WDI显著下降,2% HMO处理组E1, E2和G波WDI明显低于其他浓度处理组。HMO乳剂处理明显减少了刺探次数;在HMO处理中,每成虫刺探次数和每成虫各波形次数均显著少于对照组,其中以1%和2% HMO乳剂处理最少。HMO乳剂处理组np波 (非刺探波)、D波、E2波的每成虫单次波形持续时间(WDE)均短于对照组,其中2% HMO乳剂处理后,D, E1和E2波WDE显著短于其他浓度处理和对照。同时,2% HMO乳剂处理推迟了从口器接触叶片到第1次开始刺探的时间和从口器接触叶片到第1次刺探到韧皮部的时间。【结论】结果表明,2% HMO乳剂显著减少亚洲柑橘木虱成虫在柑橘叶片上的取食次数和有效取食时间,同时还缩短了其在韧皮部分泌唾液和吸食汁液时间,因此可推荐矿物油用于柑橘黄龙病和亚洲柑橘木虱的综合防治体系。同时初步推断矿物油的作用机制可能是其进入植物气孔阻止植物挥发性物质的释放,抑制或掩盖柑橘叶片表面的挥发性物质从而减少了亚洲柑橘木虱在寄主上取食。  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确E型麦二叉蚜Schizaphis graminum在不同抗性表型燕麦品系上刺探取食行为的差异性,查明燕麦抗蚜因子。【方法】采用直流型刺吸电位仪(DC-EPG Giga-4)记录了E型麦二叉蚜无翅成蚜在10个抗性表型差异MN品系皮燕麦上A,B,C,Pd,E,F,G和np 8种基本波形的发生次数和持续时间。【结果】刺探电位图谱显示,E型麦二叉蚜在10个抗性表型差异MN品系皮燕麦上的识别时间在1.03~2.62 min之间。表型中抗的MN10253品系上非刺探时间相对较长,开始至首次刺探时间最长,分别为117.77和13.80 min,说明叶片表面可能存在不利于E型麦二叉蚜定位和识别寄主的干扰因子;表型中抗的MN08252品系上口针在叶肉组织和木质部刺探取食持续总时间以及开始至首次刺探木质部时间均为最短,分别为78.01,62.73和32.29 min,且np波发生次数多达28.57次,说明叶肉组织和木质部中可能存在抗蚜因子;表型低抗的MN06203品系上F波持续总时间和平均持续时间均最长,分别为4.96 min和5.81 s,说明该品系具有较强的机械抗性;表型低感的MN11213品系上E1时间最短,为1.94 min,开始至首次刺探韧皮部的时间最长,为246.05 min,说明抗蚜因子可能存在于韧皮部。【结论】皮燕麦表型中抗的MN10253品系叶片表面、MN08252品系的叶肉组织和木质部以及表型低感的MN11213品系韧皮部组织内可能存在抗蚜性因子,表型低抗的MN06203品系机械抗性较强。  相似文献   

【目的】尼古丁是茄科植物的重要生物碱,本文首次确定了硫酸烟碱对假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis G?the的驱避作用和田间防效,以及不同浓度硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖Ectropis obliqua Prout的拒食作用。【方法】使用Y形嗅觉仪和T形观测室研究了假眼小绿叶蝉对硫酸烟碱的行为反应,使用叶碟法测试了硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖的拒食作用。【结果】硫酸烟碱600倍稀释液和800倍稀释液处理茶梢分别对叶蝉若虫的寄主选择行为和雌成虫的产卵具有显著的驱避作用;田间喷施硫酸烟碱对假眼小绿叶蝉的防治效果较好。此外,硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖幼虫具有拒食作用,并且拒食作用随着取食时间的延长而增强,取食8 d以后,死亡率显著高于对照。【结论】本研究结果为开发茶树害虫的植物源忌避(拒食)剂提供一定的科学参考。  相似文献   

温室白粉虱取食行为的刺探电位(EPG)研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
该文揭示了温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood成虫及幼虫的刺探电位波形与其刺探、取食、产卵行为之间的对应关系,并讨论了这项技术在研究植物抗虫机理方面的应用价值。在成虫,A波、C波分别代表刺探的开始和进行过程;F波代表刺探过程中遇到机械障碍;G波表示吸食木质部导管汁液;E(pd)的(1)和(2)分别表示与取食韧皮部筛管汁液有关的两种行为;粉虱的产卵波形分为两种亚波,分别由Ovi-I和Ovi-II表示,各自代表产卵时的两种行为:产卵器接触并划破叶表皮及卵柄插入叶组织。在幼虫,H波代表吸食筛管液,而L波则表示在筛管细胞内的一种非吸食行为。幼虫蜕皮时先拔出口针,新龄期的幼虫将其口针重新刺入叶组织。  相似文献   

周昊  李钰  滕子文  杜凌君  万方浩  周洪旭 《昆虫学报》1950,63(10):1207-1214
【目的】苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum、绣线菊蚜Aphis citricola和梨网蝽Stephanitis nashi是苹果园的一类重要害虫,它们以刺吸式口器对苹果树造成不同程度的危害。本研究旨在明确这3种刺吸式昆虫在苹果树上取食行为差异。【方法】利用刺吸电位(electrical penetration graph, EPG)技术对苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫在苹果苗韧皮部和非韧皮部上的EPG指标,以及苹果绵蚜、绣线菊蚜和梨网蝽成虫苹果苗上的取食行为进行了比较分析,分析了这3种害虫的成虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各种波形平均持续时间的占比。【结果】结果表明,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成蚜在苹果苗上均产生6种取食波形,即非刺探波(np)、路径波(C)、意外穿刺细胞非主动取食细胞波(pd)、木质部取食波(G)、韧皮部唾液分泌波(E1)和韧皮部取食波(E2);而梨网蝽成虫取食过程中只产生非刺探波(np)、表皮刺穿波(A)、叶肉细胞取食波(Gc)和木质部取食波(E)4种波形。从蚜虫在苹果苗非韧皮部上取食的EPG指标看,苹果绵蚜成蚜pd波平均时间显著高于绣线菊蚜的,而刺探次数、np波总时间和pd波次数均显著低于绣线菊蚜的。从蚜虫在苹果苗韧皮部上取食的EPG指标来看,除第1次出现E2波的时间外,各指标没有显著差异。从3种害虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各波形的占比来看,梨网蝽成虫的np波总时间所占比例最高(53%),其次是绣线菊蚜成虫的(24%),苹果绵蚜成虫的最低(为1%)。同时,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫取食波为E2波,所占总时间比例分别为35%和25%,而梨网蝽的取食波为Gc波(占总时间比例为36%)和E波(占总时间比例为11%)。【结论】本研究阐释了苹果园刺吸式口器害虫的生态位分离和取食行为学机制,为果园刺吸式口器害虫的综合治理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了合理保护和利用天敌及科学地选取抽样方法,开展了合肥地区秋冬季4个品种茶园假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitisGothe和茶蚜Toxoptera aurantii Boyer与其天敌之间空间关系研究,运用地学统计学方法求得天敌和害虫各自的变程,用灰色关联度分析方法分析害虫与天敌变程的关联度,关联度值越大的天敌在空间上对害虫的跟随关系越密切。分析了2010年9月28日至11月25日期间假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜数量最少的舒茶早茶园和二种害虫数量最多的平阳特早茶园天敌对害虫空间上的跟随关系,结果表明,二种茶园的假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜及其4种主要天敌均为聚集分布,舒茶早茶园与假眼小绿叶蝉空间上跟随关系密切的前二位天敌是斜纹猫蛛Oxyopes sertatus L.Koch(0.8594)和草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum Sundevall(0.8397),与茶蚜空间上跟随关系密切的前二位天敌是草间小黑蛛(0.7448)和斜纹猫蛛(0.7433);平阳特早茶园与假眼小绿叶蝉空间上跟随关系密切的前二位天敌是八斑球腹蛛Theridion ocomaculatum Bose.et Str(0.8207)和斜纹猫蛛(0.8104),与茶蚜空间上跟随关系密切的前二位天敌是八斑球腹蛛(0.8324)和斜纹猫蛛(0.7730)。其中,11月25日4种茶园假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜数量均较多。分析了该日另外二个茶树品种福云六号和龙井长叶茶园假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜与其天敌的空间关系,结果表明,二种茶园假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜及其天敌均为聚集分布,福云六号茶园与假眼小绿叶蝉变程值(3.8182)最接近的天敌是斜纹猫蛛(4.7222),与茶蚜变程值(6.5854)最接近的天敌是斜纹猫蛛(4.7222);龙井长叶茶园与假眼小绿叶蝉变程值(1.0000)最接近的天敌是八斑球腹蛛(1.0000),与茶蚜变程值(4.5000)最接近的天敌是斜纹猫蛛(7.6316)。总之,秋冬季4个品种茶园斜纹猫蛛在空间上是假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜跟随关系最密切的天敌,其次是八斑球腹蛛和草间小黑蛛。  相似文献   

Miao J  Han B Y 《农业工程》2007,27(10):3973-3982
The probing behaviors of the tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis (Gothe), on 9 tea cultivars were studied using video-text Direct Current-Electrical Penetration Graph, i.e., DC-EPG. The following 7 types of waveforms produced by the leafhopper stylet probing were determined: A, stylet pathway formation; S, salivation when stylets pierce into and stay in phloems; C, active ingestion before stylets reach phloems; E and F, passive ingestion in phloems; R, the insect resting with its stylet inserted into the leaf tissue and NP without probing. The 9 tested tea cultivars were categorized into 3 groups by the cluster analysis according to the number of probes per insect, waveform durations, or duration per probe of various waveforms on different tea cultivars. Waveforms S, E and F correlated to the main feeding activity of the leafhopper and may provide valuable information on predicting the resis-tance level of the tea plants to the leafhopper. The resistance level of the 9 tea cultivars to the leafhopper was ranked based on the durations of waveforms S, E and F, as well as the duration per probe including various waveforms. The ranking order of the resis-tance was: Longjingchangye > Hangdan > Zhenghedabaicha > Qianmei 601 > Hongyafoshuo > Zhongcha 102 > Zhongcha 302 > Longjing 43 > Anjibaicha, which corresponded to the resistance level determined by the population density (infestation) of the leaf-hopper on the 9 tea cultivars in the tea fields. Our study suggests that this simple and convenient DC-EPG technique might have great potential as a reliable tool to predict the resistance of tea cultivars to the tea leafhopper.  相似文献   

Miao Jin  Han Baoyu 《生态学报》2007,(10):3973-3982
The probing behaviors of the tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis (Gothe), on 9 tea cultivars were studied using video-text Direct Current-Electrical Penetration Graph, i.e., DC-EPG. The following 7 types of waveforms produced by the leafhopper stylet probing were determined: A, stylet pathway formation; S, salivation when stylets pierce into and stay in phloems; C, active ingestion before stylets reach phloems; E and F, passive ingestion in phloems; R, the insect resting with its stylet inserted into the leaf tissue and NP without probing. The 9 tested tea cultivars were categorized into 3 groups by the cluster analysis according to the number of probes per insect, waveform durations, or duration per probe of various waveforms on different tea cultivars. Waveforms S, E and F correlated to the main feeding activity of the leafhopper and may provide valuable information on predicting the resis-tance level of the tea plants to the leafhopper. The resistance level of the 9 tea cultivars to the leafhopper was ranked based on the durations of waveforms S, E and F, as well as the duration per probe including various waveforms. The ranking order of the resis-tance was: Longjingchangye > Hangdan > Zhenghedabaicha > Qianmei 601 > Hongyafoshuo > Zhongcha 102 > Zhongcha 302 > Longjing 43 > Anjibaicha, which corresponded to the resistance level determined by the population density (infestation) of the leaf-hopper on the 9 tea cultivars in the tea fields. Our study suggests that this simple and convenient DC-EPG technique might have great potential as a reliable tool to predict the resistance of tea cultivars to the tea leafhopper.  相似文献   

The stylet probing activities of the tea green leafhopper Empoasca vitis Gothe (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) were studied using the DC electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique. Seven different EPG waveforms (i.e., Np, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 and E6) were distinguished and characterized on susceptible tea leaves. In addition, four of them (i.e., Np, E1, E2, E3), together accounting for 97.08% of the total recording time, were behaviorally correlated with probing and non-probing activities using artificial diet observation with high-magnification video recording. At the start of stylet probing, waveform E1 always occurred at a variable voltage. E1, with all three of its waveform sub-types (E1-A to E1-C), was correlated with production of the salivary sheath trunk, stylet laceration, and channel cutting in viscous artificial diet. Afterwards, two types of high-amplitude waveforms, E2 and E3, followed. E2 had a highly regular, quasi-square wave, repetitive appearance, and lasted the longest duration of all E. vitis probing waveforms. E3 usually appeared after E2, and also exhibited a quasi-square wave feature similar to E2, but had much higher amplitude. Both waveforms E2 and E3 were correlated with active ingestion in liquid artificial diet. In addition, secretion of watery, enzymatic saliva was likely during E2. The active stylet movements and channel-cutting observed during the probing process indicate that E. vitis is a cell rupture feeder, not a salivary sheath feeder, as aphids and other leafhoppers. Thus, hopperburn damage to the tea plant is probably due to the cell rupture feeding strategy, similar to other hopperburning Empoasca species.  相似文献   

Five distinct electrical penetration graph waveforms characterising the feeding behaviour of the leafhopper Cicadulina mbila Naudé (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) on maize (Zea mays L.) were obtained using a DC based system. The waveforms were distinguished by spectral features and by statistical analysis of their median voltages, durations and time to first waveform recording. By changing the polarity of the system voltage and the level of the input resistor it was shown that the waveforms are mainly determined by the electromotive force (emf) component. Based on the correlation between waveforms and the fine structure of the stylet pathways observed by transmission electron microscopy, insect's activities have been associated with five waveforms: stylet pathway formation (waveform 1), active ingestion (waveform 2), putative stylet work (waveform 3), salivation (waveform 4) and passive ingestion (waveform 5). Like waveform E1 and E2 of aphids, waveforms 4 and 5 of C. mbila correspond to feeding activities in sieve tubes. However, unlike aphids which probe briefly in non-vascular cells, waveform 2 corresponds to active ingestion in cells, where the cell content is partially ingested and hence the organelles' integrity severely affected. These observations suggest that this specific feeding feature, typical of leafhoppers, determines their ability to acquire geminivirus virions located in the plant cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Within thrips feeding behaviour, sequences of four waveforms have been distinguished earlier in the DC-EPG, i.e. P, Q, R and S, representing mandibular stylet insertion, maxillary stylet insertion, ingestion, and repetitive mandibular insertion, respectively. During signal analysis it appeared that transitions from one waveform to the next were difficult to establish, making results ambiguous. In order to improve the quantitative reliability of the thrips' EPG data, the DC-EPGs were recorded concurrently with AC-EPG signals, thus providing two signals from the same activities containing different information. The additional AC information did not solve most quantification problems, however. We now propose to merge waveforms P, Q, and S, into 'puncture phase' (indicated by PQ) and waveforms R, T, and U, into 'feeding phase' (indicated by R), rather than trying to analyse all separate waveforms. This will provide a more reliable and much less laborious analysis of thrips probing behaviour. Waveforms T and U are two novel waveforms identified here by combining DC- and AC-EPG recordings with concurrent video recordings. Waveform T represents a single mandibular thrust embedded in waveform R and waveform U represents the end of a probe, presumably the retraction of the maxillary stylets.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(1):102034
Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) is a major pest of alfalfa worldwide. Here, we evaluated the resistance of eight alfalfa cultivars to A. pisum to identify resistant cultivars. The Giga-8 DC-EPG technique was used to record differences in electrical waveform patterns of probing behavior to identify cultivars with higher resistance. The frequency and average duration of EPG waveforms significantly differed among the cultivars, with eight documented waveforms (np, C, pd, E1, E2, sE2, F, and G). The longer duration of np, C, F and E1 waveforms reflected stronger resistance, whereas longer sE2 waveforms reflected weaker resistance. The resistance-related waveforms, np and C, occurred most frequently with Sardi 7, the time of the first E waveforms were the latest, duration of G waveforms and F waveforms were the longest, the feeding waveforms E2 and sE2 were the shortest, the time of reaching phloem for feeding was the latest, with notable resistance in leaf epidermis, mesophyll and phloem. The number of C waveforms occurring with Gibraltar were the least, duration of np waveforms was short, feeding waveforms were long, time to reach the phloem for feeding was early, and the resistance was not pronounced in various tissues. After comprehensive evaluation, the resistance levels of 8 alfalfa cultivars were as follows: High resistance, Sardi 7; Resistance, Zhongcao No. 3, Derby, WL319HQ; Low resistance, Golden Empress, Algonquin, Zhaodong; Susceptible, Gibraltar. In conclusion, evaluation of cultivar resistance to aphids can provide baseline data for selecting and planting cultivars with high local resistance.  相似文献   

Detailed information on probing behavior of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is critical for understanding the transmission process of phloem‐limited bacteria (Candidatus Liberibacter spp.) associated with citrus ‘huanglongbing’ by this vector. In this study, we investigated stylet penetration activities of D. citri on seedlings of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Pêra (Rutaceae) by using the electrical penetration graph (EPG‐DC system) technique. EPG waveforms were described based on amplitude, frequency, voltage level, and electrical origin of the observed traces during stylet penetration into plant tissues. The main waveforms were correlated with histological observations of salivary sheath termini in plant tissues, to determine the putative location of stylet tips. The behavioral activities were also inferred based on waveform similarities in relation to other Sternorrhyncha, particularly aphids and whiteflies. In addition, we correlated the occurrence of specific waveforms with the acquisition of the phloem‐limited bacterium Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus by D. citri. The occurrence of a G‐like xylem sap ingestion waveform in starved and unstarved psyllids was also compared. By analyzing 8‐h EPGs of adult females, five waveforms were described: (C) salivary sheath secretion and other stylet pathway activities; (D) first contact with phloem (distinct from other waveforms reported for Sternorrhyncha); (E1) putative salivation in phloem sieve tubes; (E2) phloem sap ingestion; and (G) probably xylem sap ingestion. Diaphorina citri initiates a probe with stylet pathway through epidermis and parenchyma (C). Interestingly, no potential drops were observed during the stylet pathway phase, as are usually recorded in aphids and other Sternorrhyncha. Once in C, D. citri shows a higher propensity to return to non‐probing than to start a phloem or xylem phase. Several probes are usually observed before the phloem phase; waveform D is observed upon phloem contact, always immediately followed by E1. After E1, D. citri either returns to pathway activity (C) or starts phloem sap ingestion, which was the longest activity observed.  相似文献   

Resistance of the melon line TGR‐1551 to the aphid Aphis gossypii is based on preventing aphids from ingesting phloem sap. In electrical penetration graphs (EPGs), this resistance has been characterized with A. gossypii showing unusually long phloem salivation periods (waveform E1) mostly followed by pathway activities (waveform C) or if followed by phloem ingestion (waveform E2), ingestion was not sustained for more than 10 min. Stylectomy with aphids on susceptible and resistant plants was performed during EPG recording while the stylet tips were phloem inserted. This was followed by dissection of the penetrated leaf section, plant tissue fixation, resin embedding, and ultrathin sectioning for transmission electron microscopic observation in order to study the resistance mechanism in the TGR. The most obvious aspect appeared to be the coagulation of phloem proteins inside the stylet canals and the punctured sieve elements. Stylets of 5 aphids per genotype were amputated during sieve element (SE) salivation (E1) and SE ingestion (E2). Cross‐sections of stylet bundles in susceptible melon plants showed that the contents of the stylet canals were totally clear and also, no coagulated phloem proteins occurred in their punctured sieve elements. In contrast, electron‐dense coagulations were found in both locations in the resistant plants. Due to calcium binding, aphid saliva has been hypothesized to play an essential role in preventing/suppressing such coagulations that cause occlusion of sieves plate and in the food canal of the aphid's stylets. Doubts about this role of E1 salivation are discussed on the basis of our results.  相似文献   

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