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用α-~(32)P-dATP-DHBV DNA探针做斑点杂交试验、检测了不同鸭种血清中携带DHBV情况。其中北京鸭与樱桃谷鸭的杂交种鸭杂交阳性率为5.1%;而不同鸭龄不同饲养条件的高邮麻鸭血清阳性率32.7—58.8%,经EM检测均在血清中找到病毒颗粒。将DHBV DNA不同的亲代配对所组成的四个组分群饲养,观察产卵后再孵化出的雏鸭DHBVDNA阳性率。第一组(♀-(?)-)为0%,第二组(♀ (?) )为100%,第三组(♀-(?) )28%,第四组(♀ (?)-)100%。然而亲代雌雄鸭均为DHBV DNA阴性的雌鸭所产卵在孵化到第9天时,经尿囊腔注射1×10~9病毒颗粒/m110μl的血清,孵出雏鸭时DHBV DNA阳性率达83.3%。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同种雏鸭建立鸭乙肝病毒感染模型的影响因素,观察应用该模型抗病毒的效果。方法采集鸭血清,应用PCR方法定性检测鸭血清中病毒DNA;定量PCR方法检测鸭血清中病毒DNA载量变化;用抗病毒药物处理,观察其在鸭DHBV感染模型中的抗病毒效果。结果不同种鸭DHBV自然感染率不同,樱桃谷鸭为8.75%,湖北麻鸭两个批次分别为17.80%和10.68%;静脉注射和腹腔注射两途径均能致雏鸭感染DHBV,静脉注射感染率80%,腹腔注射感染率65%;鸭感染DHBV后,体内病毒载量维持在106~108copies/mL,可持续20 d以上;抗病毒药物处理后,在不同DHBV模型中其抗病毒效果变化趋势一致。结论鸭的种类和人工感染途径可影响DHBV感染率;雏鸭感染DHBV后其体内有持续性的病毒血症;DHBV感染模型是药物抗病毒研究较好模型。  相似文献   

目的 利用鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)感染动物模型,评价亚甲蓝光化学病毒灭活方法对血液成分中DNA病毒的灭活效果。方法 将超离纯化的DHBV分别加入人血浆或人红细胞,经亚甲蓝光化学灭活病毒,将含不同基因组拷贝数DHBV的血浆成分经静脉感染1 d龄雏鸭。采用放射性核素核酸杂交法对血清中DHBV DNA进行检测,计算病毒灭活处理前、后人血浆及人红细胞中DHBV的半数感染计量(ID50)。结果 结果显示加入DHBV的血浆在未经灭活处理前对1 d龄雏鸭的ID50值为103.33,而经病毒灭活处理后ID50值为1010拷贝,灭活处理可使病毒感染性滴度下降达6个Log;加入DHBV的红细胞灭活前ID50值为103.35,经灭活处理后ID50值为108.35拷贝,灭活处理使病毒感染性滴度下降5个Log。结论 利用DHBV感染动物模型,可以检测到少量病毒在自然感染宿主体内的感染性,可用于评判血液成分中病毒灭活方法的效果,亚甲蓝光化学处理对血浆中DNA病毒的灭活效果较好于对红细胞中DNA病毒的灭活作用。  相似文献   

通过实时荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)观察后天感染和先天感染鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)的鸭胚肝细胞培养上清中DHBV载量的动态变化,探讨适宜于抗HBV药物的体外实验、HBV生物学特性及乙型肝炎发病机制研究的鸭胚肝细胞模型.筛选先天感染DHBV的阳性鸭胚并进行肝细胞原代培养,对DHBV阴性鸭胚肝细胞原代培养,并以不同浓度的DHBV强阳性血清感染细胞.于细胞接种后不同时间点收集培养上清,FQ-PCR检测分析培养上清DHBV DNA的含量.结果显示:先天感染的鸭胚肝细胞接种第2 d上清中DHBV载量最高,第3 d大幅下降,然后缓慢上升,第8 d达到高峰,至第15 d时仍然与高峰时接近,DHBV载量的数量级都在10<'8>copies/mL没有变化;后天感染不同浓度的DHBV阳性血清的鸭胚肝细胞培养上清中的DHBV载量动态变化趋势基本一致,DHBV感染后第3 d大幅下降,以后逐渐上升,至第11 d达高峰,第15 d又略有下降.结论:先天感染DHBV的鸭胚肝细胞的培养上清病毒载量上升至峰值时间短,病毒载量稳定,更适合于抗HBV药物的体外实验研究.  相似文献   

为了解湖北地区Thisfindingwasalsoconfirmedbythephylogenetictreeanalysis.麻鸭中鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DuckhepatitisBvirus,DHBV)自然感染状况以及湖北麻鸭所携带DHBV的基因结构特征,采集了70份成年麻鸭血清并应用PCR技术检测DHBVDNA,对其中一份DHBVDNA阳性血清进行DHBV全基因扩增,并进行克隆与序列测定分析。结果表明,湖北麻鸭DHBV自然携带率为10%;湖北DHBV分离株(GenBank登录号DQ276978)基因组的全长为3024bp,有编码P,S和C蛋白的三个开放阅读框;与GenBank中17株DHBV基因组比较,核苷酸同源性介于89.85%~93.29%之间;S蛋白、C蛋白和P蛋白结构功能区序列均高度保守;而对P蛋白标志性氨基酸和全基因进化树的分析表明,该分离株属于DHBV中国基因型中的一个亚型。  相似文献   

鸭乙型肝炎病毒实验感染后在外周血和肝脏中的动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)与人乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)同属嗜肝病毒,两者的病毒大分子结构和复制过程有很多相似之处,了解DHBV实验感染规律和病毒在血液和肝脏内的动态,有助于研究病毒复制特点和抗肝炎药物的效果。 本文用DHBV-DNA杂交阳性和DHBV-DNA多聚酶阳性的上海鸭血清,静脉注射1~3  相似文献   

滚环扩增(RCA)是新近发展起来的一种能特异性扩增环形DNA的实验技术,自2008年以来被广泛用于HBV基因全长扩增及共价闭合环状DNA(cccDNA)耐药突变分析等研究。为了便于鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)cccDNA的分析,本研究建立了基于RCA的DHBV cccDNA的检测方法。通过针对DHBV高度保守序列设计的4对RCA硫化修饰引物,以血清DHBV DNA为阴性对照,从肝组织DHBV DNA标本中扩增得到DHBV cccDNA。然后用跨缺口引物扩增RCA产物测序替代限制性内切酶切分析进行DHBV cccDNA鉴定。应用该方法检测39份携带DHBV麻鸭肝组织与血清标本结果显示:全部肝组织标本均检出DHBV cccDNA,而全部血清标本则均无DHBV cccDNA检出,表明本研究建立的基于RCA的DHBV cccDNA检测法具有良好的特异性和灵敏性。该方法的建立为应用鸭乙型肝炎病毒动物模型研究cccDNA在病毒致病机制中的作用以及评价抗病毒疗效奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

树鼩实验感染基孔肯雅病毒的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用3株基孔肯雅病毒人工感染成年树鼩,进行了病毒血症、抗体动态变化、内脏组织病理改变和病毒在宿主体内定位的研究。结果表明,感染树鼩能产生2~6天的病毒血症。血凝抑制(Hi)抗体第6天产生,第30~50天达高峰:中和(NT)抗体在第10天产生,第30~40天达高峰,二者相关性非常显著(P<0.01)。补体结合(CF)抗体第14天产生,第40~50天为高峰,以后逐渐下降。第8~12天能在其脑、肺、肝、脾和肾等组织查到病毒,经病理检查这些内脏组织呈炎性改变和出血倾向,表明该病毒能侵袭树鼩各主要脏器。试验认为树鼩对基孔肯雅病毒敏感。  相似文献   

用鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)阳性的安徽庐江鸭血清感染DHBV阴性的北京雏鸭,扩增病毒,将提取的DHBV-DNA插入pUC18质粒,转化E.coli JM 105。酶切重组质粒及South-ern转膜杂交结果证实,质粒pLJ76的插入片段为DHBV全基因组。用EcoR Ⅰ等11种限制性内切酶对pLJ76进行酶谱分析,并与美国,西德的已知DHBV基因组比较。定向克隆该株病毒不同基因编码区片段,构建正负单链探针,将斑点杂交和单链电泳检出的M13阳性重组子与已知序列的DHBV基因组作比较,提示获得了该株病毒基因组的S、Pre-S、P和X/C等蛋白编码区的正、负单链克隆株。  相似文献   

许斌  周双宬  黄玉仙  瞿涤 《病毒学报》2006,22(5):369-374
通过建立鸭原代肝细胞-DHBV感染模型研究氧化苦参碱抗DHBV的作用。分别在DHBV感染前、感染同时以及感染后给药,利用打点杂交、Southern印迹核酸杂交和荧光定量PCR方法分别检测培养细胞上清及细胞内病毒核酸,观察氧化苦参碱在病毒感染的各个环节所起的抗病毒作用。实验结果显示:1mg/mL氧化苦参碱处理细胞后,鸭原代肝细胞培养上清及细胞内的DHBV核酸明显低于病毒感染对照组,病毒抑制率达91.6%;在病毒感染同时加药对病毒的抑制率可达98.5%;感染后持续用药能使不同培养天数的鸭肝细胞内的DHBV核酸降低60.5%~96.6%;氧化苦参碱与DHBV共孵育后,可以使病毒感染力下降69.6%。结果说明氧化苦参碱可以在DHBV感染鸭原代肝细胞的多个环节,包括病毒吸附、进入细胞及细胞内复制等方面发挥抗病毒作用。  相似文献   

Cloned duck hepatitis B virus DNA is infectious in Pekin ducks   总被引:17,自引:13,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Approximately 10% of German-bred Pekin ducks were found to be chronically infected with duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV). The genomes of three German DHBV isolates analyzed were closely related but showed substantial restriction site polymorphism compared with U.S. isolates. We tested the infectivity of three sequence variants of cloned DHBV DNA by injecting them into the liver of virus-free ducklings. Most of these animals injected with double-stranded closed-circular or plasmid-integrated dimer DHBV DNA developed viremia, demonstrating the infectivity of all three cloned DHBV DNA variants. The cloned viruses produced were indistinguishable from those from naturally infected animals, implying that our experimental approach can be used to perform a functional analysis of the DHBV genome.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that in vivo resistance to hepadnavirus infection was due to resistance of host hepatocytes, we isolated hepatocytes from Muscovy ducklings and chickens, birds that have been shown to be resistant to duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) infection, and attempted to infect them in vitro with virus from congenitally infected Pekin ducks. Chicken hepatocytes were resistant to infection, but we were able to infect approximately 1% of Muscovy duck hepatocytes in culture. Infection requires prolonged incubation with virus at 37 degrees C. Virus spread occurs in the Muscovy cultures, resulting in 5 to 10% DHBV-infected hepatocytes by 3 weeks after infection. The relatively low rate of accumulation of DHBV DNA in infected Muscovy hepatocyte cultures is most likely due to inefficient spread of virus infection; in the absence of virus spread, the rates of DHBV replication in Pekin and Muscovy hepatocyte cultures are similar. 5-Azacytidine treatment can induce susceptibility to DHBV infection in resistant primary Pekin hepatocytes but appears to have no similar effect in Muscovy cultures. The relatively inefficient infection of Muscovy duck hepatocytes that we have described may account for the absence of a detectable viremia in Muscovy ducklings experimentally infected with DHBV.  相似文献   

The differentiated human hepatoma cell line Hep-G2 was transfected with cloned duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) DNA. Introduction of closed circular DNA into the human liver cells resulted in the production of viral proteins: core antigen was detected in the cytoplasm, and e antigen, a related product, was secreted into the medium. Moreover, viral particles were released into the tissue culture medium which were indistinguishable from authentic DHBV by density, antigenicity, DNA polymerase activity, and morphology. Intravenous injection of tissue culture-derived DHBV particles into Pekin ducks established DHBV infection. In conclusion, transfection of human hepatoma cells with cloned DHBV DNA results in the production of infectious virus, as occurs with cloned human hepatitis B virus DNA. Human liver cells are therefore competent to support production of the avian and mammalian hepadnaviruses, indicating that liver-specific viral gene expression is controlled by evolutionarily conserved mechanisms. This new DHBV transfection system offers the opportunity to rapidly produce mutated DHBV which then can be further investigated in Pekin ducks.  相似文献   

Residual hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA can be detected in serum and liver after apparent recovery from transient infection. However, it is not known if this residual HBV DNA represents ongoing viral replication and antigen expression. In the current study, ducks inoculated with duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) were monitored for residual DHBV DNA following recovery from transient infection until 9 months postinoculation (p.i.). Resolution of DHBV infection occurred in 13 out of 15 ducks by 1-month p.i., defined as clearance of DHBV surface antigen-positive hepatocytes from the liver and development of anti-DHBV surface antibodies. At 9 months p.i., residual DHBV DNA was detected using nested PCR in 10/11 liver, 7/11 spleen, 2/11 kidney, 1/11 heart, and 1/11 adrenal samples. Residual DHBV DNA was not detected in serum or peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Within the liver, levels of residual DHBV DNA were 0.0024 to 0.016 copies per cell, 40 to 80% of which were identified as covalently closed circular viral DNA by quantitative PCR assay. This result, which was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization, is consistent with suppressed viral replication or inactive infection. Samples of liver and spleen cells from recovered animals did not transmit DHBV infection when inoculated into 1- to 2-day-old ducklings, and immunosuppressive treatment of ducks with cyclosporine and dexamethasone for 4 weeks did not alter levels of residual DHBV DNA in the liver. These findings further characterize a second form of hepadnavirus persistence in a suppressed or inactive state, quite distinct from the classical chronic carrier state.  相似文献   

In this study we used duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV)-infected Pekin ducks and heron hepatitis B virus (HHBV)-infected heron tissue to search for epitopes responsible for virus neutralization on pre-S proteins. Monoclonal antibodies were produced by immunizing mice with purified DHBV particles. Of 10 anti-DHBV specific hybridomas obtained, 1 was selected for this study. This monoclonal antibody recognized in both DHBV-infected livers and viremic sera a major (36-kilodalton) protein and several minor pre-S proteins in all seven virus strains used. In contrast, pre-S proteins of HHBV-infected tissue or viremic sera did not react. Thus, the monoclonal antibody recognizes a highly conserved DHBV pre-S epitope. For mapping of the epitope, polypeptides from different regions of the DHBV pre-S/S gene were expressed in Escherichia coli and used as the substrate for immunoblotting. The epitope was delimited to a sequence of approximately 23 amino acids within the pre-S region, which is highly conserved in four cloned DHBV isolates and coincides with the main antigenic domain as predicted by computer algorithms. In in vitro neutralization assays performed with primary duck hepatocyte cultures, the antibody reduced DHBV infectivity by approximately 75%. These data demonstrate a conserved epitope of the DHBV pre-S protein which is located on the surface of the viral envelope and is recognized by virus-neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine some of the factors that might distinguish transient from chronic hepadnavirus infection. First, to better characterize chronic infection, Pekin ducks, congenitally infected with the duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV), were used to assess age-dependent variations in viremia, percentage of DHBV-infected hepatocytes, and average levels of DNA replication intermediates in the cytoplasm and of covalently closed circular DNA in the nuclei of infected hepatocytes. Levels of viremia and viral DNA were found to peak at about the time of hatching but persisted at relatively constant levels in chronically infected birds up to 2 years of age. The percentage of infected hepatocytes was also constant, with DHBV replication in virtually 100% of hepatocytes in all birds. Next, we found that adolescent ducks inoculated intravenously with a large dose of DHBV also developed massive infection of hepatocytes with an early but low-level viremia, followed by rapid development of a neutralizing antibody response. No obvious quantitative or qualitative differences between transiently and chronically infected liver tissue were detected in the intracellular markers of viral replication examined. However, in the adolescent duck experiment, DHBV infection was rapidly cleared from the liver even when up to 80% of hepatocytes were initially infected. In all of these ducks, clearance of infection was accompanied by only a mild hepatitis, with no evidence that massive cell death contributed to the clearance. This finding suggested that mechanisms in addition to immune-mediated destruction of hepatocytes might make major contributions to clearance of infections, including physiological turnover of hepatocytes in the presence of a neutralizing antibody response and/or spontaneous loss of the capacity of hepatocytes to support virus replication.  相似文献   

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