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毛乌素沙地中国沙棘无性系生长调节   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
根据无性系跟踪挖掘资料。分析了毛乌素沙地中国沙棘无性系生长调节规律,结果表明,无性系分株群(同一无性系所有分株的集合)结构由增长型发展到稳定型,最后演变成衰退型,在衰退过程中或其后的一段时间内,无性系能够通过分株出生调节使分株群结构(年龄和高度级)恢复到稳定型,在分株群结构变化的同时,种群通过分株的死亡调节不断改变着分株的克隆生长型,提高了无性系 种群的持久性以及对空间和资源的利用率。  相似文献   

仙湖苏铁种群年龄判断及年龄结构特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据苏铁类植株体残存的营养叶叶基数、开花痕数以及生长单元发生率等茎干特征, 建立了仙湖苏铁种群年龄判断方法,计算出该种群年龄. 进一步采用年龄结构图、年龄分布 曲线和曲线估计等方法,从基株和无性系水平探讨了仙湖苏铁种群的年龄结构特征.年龄结构 图显示,仙湖苏铁无性系种群为稳定种群,基株种群为衰退种群;年龄分布曲线和曲线估计结 果则表明仙湖苏铁无性系和基株种群均为衰退种群. 综合3种方法的分析结果,仙湖苏铁 种群为衰退种群,必须采取一定措施予以保护.  相似文献   

独叶草种群年龄结构及动态分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对太白山不同生境条件下的独叶草种群年龄结构、生命表及存活曲线进行了研究,结果表明,不同生境的独叶草种群在3~6年生阶段个体数量最多。幼年个体和老年个体数量较少,生命表中。幼龄级的dx、qx、Kx等为负数,可以反映种群幼龄个体缺乏程度.以无性繁殖独叶草不同与以有性生殖为主的植物,它可产生不同龄级的无性系分株,幼龄个体少的年龄结构并不代表种群必然衰退.随海拔升高,种群密度增加,个体寿命延长,反映了种群在适应性方面的调整.独叶草种群根状茎生存于腐殖质层中,仅有叶片露出地面;种群所在的牛皮桦、巴山冷杉和太白红杉群落人为干扰较少。生境相对稳定,种群可以长期维持.对种群保护应注重所处的环境及森林群落保护。  相似文献   

阿尔泰狗哇花为根蘖型菊科多年生无性系草本植物.采用主根芽区的繁殖世代数划分分株和芽龄级的方法,研究了松嫩平原杂类草草甸阿尔泰狗哇花无性系种群不同构件的年龄结构.结果表明:分株构件和芽构件均由4个龄级组成.在孕蕾期,分株构件中1龄级占22.6%、2龄级44.8%、3龄级28.8%、4龄级3.8%,呈稳定型年龄结构.在乳熟期,生殖分株构件以2龄级比重最大,占45.6%,4龄级最小,占0.8%,为稳定型年龄结构;而营养分株构件以1龄级比重最大,占47.5%,4龄级最小,占1.1%,为增长型年龄结构.分株主根的生活年限最多为5年.不同生育期分株构件的生产力均以2龄级最高.在乳熟期,1龄级分株具有较大的生产潜力,4龄级分株的生产力已普遍减弱.芽库中潜在种群呈增长型年龄结构.  相似文献   

岳春雷  江洪  魏伟 《生态学报》2001,21(7):1204-1207
研究了分布于开阔地和辽东栎林下短柄五加无性系种群拆散方式、无性系的形态可塑性和分株的死亡年龄,研究结果表明,开阔地上无性系分株的扩散方式为稀疏线型,根茎长度、无性系分株数目,林下和开阔地差异显著,根茎分枝角度、无性系根茎总长无显著性差异。林下分株的死亡年龄显著小于开阔地上无性系分株的死亡年龄。  相似文献   

金晓明  艾琳  刘及东  卢欣石 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5406-5413
米氏冰草和羊草都是根茎型禾草,是典型的无性系植物。采取单位面积挖掘取样法,对呼伦贝尔沙地植被次生演替过程中的米氏冰草和羊草种群分株年龄结构进行调查。结果表明,在单生和混合群落中,米氏冰草分株分别由3和4个年龄级组成,羊草均由2个年龄级组成;米氏冰草分株数量和生物量年龄结构变化基本一致,即随着生长年限的延长,呈减少低龄级和增加高龄级比例的趋势,使单生群落中始终为增长型,但接近于稳定型,混生群落中由增长型变为稳定型。羊草分株数量和生物量年龄结构在连续2a均为明显的增长型。羊草各龄级平均单株生产力均高于米氏冰草,平均是米氏冰草的5.2倍。米氏冰草和羊草种群分株年龄结构的变化,蕴含着米氏冰草种群的优势地位将被羊草种群取代的趋势。  相似文献   

不同光照条件下聚花过路黄的克隆构型和分株种群特征   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
陈劲松  董鸣  于丹  刘庆 《应用生态学报》2004,15(8):1383-1388
以都江堰灵岩山常绿阔叶林林下、林缘和林缘旷地3种不同光照环境中匍匐茎草本聚花过路黄(Lysimachla congestiflora)为对象,对其匍匐茎节间长、分枝强度、分枝角度、分株种群密度、分株种群生物量等指标进行了测定和分析.结果表明,聚花过路黄的匍匐茎节间长、分枝强度、分株种群密度和分株种群生物量在3种生境间差异显著.Kruskal Wallis检验表明,匍匐茎节间长度和分枝角度的频次分布在3种生境间差异显著.3种生境中匍匐茎节间长度分布偏斜度(skewness)的大小分别为:林缘旷地>林缘>林下.林缘旷地与林缘和林下生境在分枝角度、分株种群高度和分株种群根冠比差异显著,而且林缘旷地生境中分枝角度分布偏斜度最小.林缘和林下生境在分枝角度、分株种群高度和分株种群根冠比差异不显著.从林缘旷地、林缘到林下,聚花过路黄的克隆构型和分株种群特征发生了相应改变.结合克隆植物对资源的利用对策,讨论了不同生境中聚花过路黄克隆构型和分株种群特征可塑性的生态适应意义.  相似文献   

李海燕  杨允菲 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2171-2177
对松嫩平原羊草草甸水淹恢复演替过程中不同大小羊草无性系斑块的种群构件年龄结构进行了研究。结果表明 ,羊草种群分蘖株在斑块中心由 4个龄级组成 ;最外圈层由 3个龄级组成。根茎在斑块中心和中间圈层均由 2~ 4个龄级组成 ,最外层由1~ 2个龄级组成。潜在种群冬性苗和分蘖节芽总量各圈层均由 4个龄级组成。斑块中心的分蘖株种群为稳定型年龄结构 ,向外发展至增长型年龄结构。根茎长度和潜在种群在各圈层均呈增长型年龄结构。在水淹羊草草甸的恢复过程中 ,不同大小羊草无性系斑块均呈不断扩展的趋势。在生存空间充足时 ,羊草的分蘖节在一个生长季里可以繁殖多个世代。通过羊草根茎的年龄结构可预测演替的进程  相似文献   

沙棘的生物学与生态学特性   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
沙棘生物学与生态学特性一直是众多学者关注的焦点之一,众多学者在叶表皮毛特征、根系解剖结构和生物固氮方面已经取得了基本一致的看法,但在水分生理生态和种群坟散方面尚存争议或不理解之处。这主要是由于忽视了沙棘无性系植物种群的生理整合作用和觅养行为。因此,今后应该从无性系生长可塑性调节和分株间资源共享特征出发,进一步探讨沙棘的抗旱机理和生态适应对策。  相似文献   

亚高山暗针叶林不同林冠环境下华西箭竹的克隆可塑性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陶建平  宋利霞 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4019-4026
以亚高山暗针叶林3种林冠环境中以及暗针叶林林缘的华西箭竹(Fargesia nitida)为对象,对其无性系数量特征、无性系根茎特征、分株生物量以及分株形态特征进行了对比研究。结果表明:(1)林冠环境的差异导致了不同种群的基株密度和每基株分株数的显著差异,但林冠环境差异不影响分株密度。林冠郁闭度愈大,每基株分株数愈少,分株分布愈均匀。(2)不同林冠环境间。分株生物量、分株构件生物量和分株构件的生物量分配百分率均有显著差异。开敞的林冠环境有利于华西箭竹的生长和生物量积累。(3)随着林冠郁闭度的增加,华西箭竹通过增大分枝角度、叶生物量分配百分率、比叶面积和叶面积率以提高光能利用效率,有效适应弱光环境。(4)隔离者长度、隔离者直径和分枝强度在林缘和林窗环境中要显著大于林内环境;同级隔离者分枝角度随林冠郁闭度的增加而最大,其值在林下显著大于林窗和林缘,而异级隔离者分枝角度的变化则正好相反。研究表明,华西箭竹种群在不同的林冠环境中发生了明显的可塑性变化,这些可塑性变化是种群对林冠郁闭度差异的适应性反应的结果,有利于增强种群对环境中有限光资源的利用。  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction has the potential to promote population structuring through matings between clones as well as through limited dispersal of related progeny. Here we present an application of three-gene identity coefficients that tests whether clonal reproduction promotes inbreeding and spatial relatedness within populations. With this method, the first two genes are sampled to estimate pairwise relatedness or inbreeding, whereas the third gene is sampled from either a clone or a sexually derived individual. If three-gene coefficients are significantly greater for clones than nonclones, then clonality contributes excessively to genetic structure. First, we describe an estimator of three-gene identity and briefly evaluate its properties. We then use this estimator to test the effect of clonality on the genetic structure within populations of yellow-cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis) using a molecular marker survey. Five microsatellite loci were genotyped for 485 trees sampled from nine populations. Our three-gene analyses show that clonal ramets promote inbreeding and spatial structure in most populations. Among-population correlations between clonal extent and genetic structure generally support these trends, yet with less statistical significance. Clones appear to contribute to genetic structure through the limited dispersal of offspring from replicated ramets of the same clonal genet, whereas this structure is likely maintained by mating among these relatives.  相似文献   

Widén B  Widén M 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):191-196
Summary Pollen movement is often restricted in natural populations, and insufficient pollination is a potential constraint on sexual reproduction in outcrossing species. Seed-set should decrease with increased distance from the pollen source in outcrossing plants. This prediction was tested using females of the clonal, gynodioecious herb Glechoma hederacea in three natural populations. In controlled pollinations, both hermaphrodites and females had similar high percentages of fruit-set and seed-set. In a natural population where a female clone was isolated from the nearest hermaphroditic clone by c. 100 m, fruit-set was low (1%). In another population where hemaphroditic clones were rare and female clones had a patchy distribution, fruit-and seed-set in females were pollen-limited and decreased with increased distance from the nearest pollen source. The estimated mean pollen dispersal distance was 5.9 m when calculated on fruit-set and 5.3 m when calculated on seed-set. The most frequent pollinators were bumblebees. The mean and median distances moved by pollinators between ramets were 0.13 m and 0.05 m. In a third population where female clones were isolated from the nearest hermaphrodites by more than 200 m, fruit-set was 0%. After introduction of 16 hermaphroditic ramets in the center of the female clone, fruit-set varied between 0% and 100% in individual female ramets. Fruit-set decreased with increased distance from the pollen source. The mean and median pollen movement distances were 1.06 m and 0.54 m.  相似文献   

余鸽  龙凤来  刘建军  马青青  康永祥  黄建  曹庆 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4743-4753
很多竹类植物是典型的克隆植物,也是大熊猫的食物。研究典型竹子种群克隆结构的形成和发展对竹林的生产和抚育具有理论和实践意义,可为预测该竹林群落的演替趋势和大熊猫保护提供科学依据。利用SSR标记研究不同年龄A(7龄)、B(30龄)和C(60龄)巴山木竹种群的克隆结构和多样性,探讨小尺度范围内不同年龄巴山木竹种群的克隆结构及斑块的建立和发展。8对SSR引物共扩增出了118个位点,3个种群样地的256个样本共检测到了49个克隆(基因型),A、B和C种群分别检测出31、10个和8个克隆。随着种群年龄的增长,巴山木竹克隆面积增加,克隆数量减少;A和B样地各克隆分布格局为团块状,而C样地克隆既有团块状又有离散状。这一结果显示出在幼苗定居的初期,基株可能以短距离的克隆延伸为主从而呈现出团块状;而随着年龄的增长,克隆面积不断扩大,当复轴混生型的巴山木竹克隆受到强大的压迫时,基株可能会进行较多的单轴和长距离克隆延伸,呈现出离散状。Mantel检测和空间自相关分析都支持3个样地在小尺度范围内存在明显的克隆空间遗传结构。3个样地在10 m等级下显著的正相关空间遗传结构距离为3.1、28、48 m,X-轴截距为9.051、30.698和50.536,空间自相关系数的范围分别为0.1—0.167、0.008—0.703和0.006—0.735。由此可推断,随着年龄的增长,巴山木竹克隆斑块的规模在不断地扩大,同一克隆的分株数量增加,在均匀取样情况下,正相关空间遗传结构距离范围内取到具有相同基因型的可能性越大。A、B和C 3样地的基因型比率(G/N)为1、0.14和0.055,Simpson多样性指数(D)分别为1、0.876和0.744。这说明巴山木竹幼苗期基因型比例远远高于成年的竹林,随着年龄的增长巴山木竹克隆多样性虽有所降低,但由于有性繁殖的作用仍然保持了较高的多样性。聚类和主坐标分析均表明总体上各样地的克隆被聚为一类,但不同样地少数克隆的基因型有重叠和聚集,可推断出不同巴山木竹种群之间可能存在着基因流动和近似的克隆起源。  相似文献   

Paris quadrifolia (herb Paris) is a long-lived, clonal woodland herb that shows strong differences in local population size and shoot density along an environmental gradient of soil and light conditions. This environmentally based structuring may be mediated by differences in clonal growth and seedling recruitment through sexual reproduction. To study the interrelationship between environmental conditions and spatial patterns of clonal growth, the spatial genetic structure of four P. quadrifolia populations growing in strongly contrasting sites was determined. In the first place, plant excavations were performed in order to (i) determine differences in below-ground growth of genets, (ii) investigate connectedness of ramets and (iii) determine total genet size. Although no differences in internode length were found among sites, clones in moist sites were much smaller (genets usually consisted of 1-3 interconnected shoots, most of them flowering) than genets in dry sites, which consisted of up to 15 interconnected shoots, the majority of which were vegetative. Further, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used. Clonal diversity was higher in populations located in moist and productive ash-poplar forests compared to those found in drier and less productive mixed forest sites (G/N: 0.27 and 0.14 and Simpson's D: 0.84 and 0.75, respectively). Patterns of spatial population genetic structure under dry conditions revealed several large clones dominating the entire population, whereas in moist sites many small genets were observed. Nevertheless, strong spatial genetic structure of the genet population was observed. Our results clearly demonstrate that patterns of clonal diversity and growth form of P. quadrifolia differ among environments. Limited seedling recruitment and large clone sizes due to higher connectedness of ramets explain the low clonal diversity in dry sites. In moist sites, higher levels of clonal diversity and small clone sizes indicate repeated seedling recruitment, whereas strong spatial genetic structure suggests limited seed dispersal within populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In plant populations the magnitude of spatial genetic structure of apparent individuals (including clonal ramets) can be different from that of sexual individuals (genets). Thus, distinguishing the effects of clonal versus sexual individuals in population genetic analyses could provide important insights for evolutionary biology and conservation. To investigate the effects of clonal spread on the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within plant populations, Hosta jonesii (Liliaceae), an endemic species to Korea, was chosen as a study species. METHODS: Using allozymes as genetic markers, spatial autocorrelation analysis of ramets and of genets was conducted to quantify the spatial scale of clonal spread and genotype distribution in two populations of H. jonesii. KEY RESULTS: Join-count statistics revealed that most clones are significantly aggregated at < 3-m interplant distance. Spatial autocorrelation analysis of all individuals resulted in significantly higher Moran's I values at 0-3-m interplant distance than analyses of population samples in which clones were excluded. However, significant fine-scale genetic structure was still observed when clones were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that clones enhance the magnitude of spatial autocorrelation due to localized clonal spread. The significant fine-scale genetic structure detected in samples excluding clones is consistent with the biological and ecological traits exhibited by H. jonesii including bee pollination and limited seed dispersal. For conservation purposes, genetic diversity would be maximized in local populations of H. jonesii by collecting or preserving individuals that are spaced at least 5 m apart.  相似文献   

松嫩平原栽培条件下羊草无性系构件的结构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
羊草是长根茎型禾草,是典型的无性系植物,在松嫩平原的生长季末期,栽培条件下羊草无性系分株由分蘖株和分蘖苗组成,在具有充分生长空间而又没有种间竞争的风沙土上,羊草分株的分蘖节在一个生长季内可以繁殖4个世代,按分蘖节的繁殖世代划分龄级,现实与潜在无性系构件的年龄谱均以1龄级比重最大,随着龄级的增加明显减少,呈增长型的年龄结构,羊草无性系分株的生产力主要与分株形成及生长的时间长短有关,形成时间越早、生长时间越长的分蘖株对无性系的物质生产和营养繁殖的贡献越大,羊草无性系在空间扩展与物质贮存上具有一定的可调节性。  相似文献   

Summary The costs and benefits, measured in terms of dry weight, of physiological integration between clonal ramets, were analysed in two experiments conducted on the clonal herb Glechoma hederacea. Firstly, integration between consecutively-produced ramets was examined in an experiment in which stolons grew from one set of growing conditions (either unshaded or shaded and either nutrient-rich or nutrient-poor) into conditions in which light or nutrient level was altered. Comparisons were made between the dry weight of the parts of the clones produced before and after growing conditions were changed, and the dry weights of the corresponding part of control clones subjected to constant growing conditions. In a second experiment, integration between two distinct parts of G. hederacea clones was investigated. In this experiment clones were grown from two connected parent ramets and the parts of the clone produced by each parent ramet were subjected independently to either nutrient-rich or nutrient-poor conditions. Ramets in resource-rich conditions provided considerable physiological support to those in resource-poor conditions. This was measured as a dry weight gain compared with the weight of the corresponding part of the control clones growing in resource-poor conditions. However, when stolons grew from resource-poor conditions into resource-rich conditions, there was no similar evidence of the resourcepoor ramtes receiving support from resource-rich ramets. Physiological integration did not result in dry weight gains when this would have necessitated basipetal translocation of resources.Because of the predominantly acropedal direction of movement of translocates in G. hederacea, the structure of the clone was important in determining the effectiveness of integration between ramets. Where physiological integration was effective, the cost to the supporting ramets in terms of dry weight was insignificant. Physiological integration allows clones to maintain a presence in less favourable sites with insignificant cost to ramets in favourable sites, thereby reducing the probability of invasion by other plants, and providing the potential for rapid clonal growth if conditions improve. Integrated support of ramets in unfavourable conditions also enables the clone to grow through unfavourable sites, thus increasing the probability of encountering more favourable conditions by wider foraging.  相似文献   

松嫩平原全叶马兰种群不同龄级分株的生长策略   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
杨允菲  李建东 《应用生态学报》2003,14(12):2171-2175
全叶马兰为根蘖性多年生草本菊科植物,种群由3个龄级无性系分株组成,在松嫩平原6月份,是全叶马兰营养生长的旺盛期,研究结果表明,分株的生长与生产力以1龄级最低,2、3龄级依次增高,3个龄级分株的生物量分配均为茎>叶>主根,叶的生物量分配为1龄级>2龄级>3龄级,茎和主根的均为1龄级<2龄级<3龄级,3个龄级分株总重与分株高度、分株叶重与茎重、分株主根重与枝条重之间均为幂函数异速生长规律,主根的生物量分配则随着分株高度的增加呈线性减少,全叶马兰无性系分株的生长与分配策略是在分株幼小时将较多的物质分配给叶,以保证物质生产器官叶的建造上,随着分株生长逐渐将生产的物质分配到茎和主根的生长与贮藏;分株不向主根投入较多的能量,但在分株幼小时向主根中分配的物质相对较多,随着分株的生长则按比例较小,并保持相对稳定的分配比率  相似文献   

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