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平菇漆酶基因在毕赤酵母中的分泌表达及酶学性质研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用RTPCR技术克隆到一个平菇(Pleurotusostreatus)漆酶基因的全长cDNA,命名为lccPo1,其序列提交GenBank,登录号为AY450404。将其ORF克隆到毕赤酵母表达载体pHBM906,转化3株毕赤酵母GS115、KM71和SMD1168,该漆酶基因在3种毕赤酵母菌株中均实现了分泌表达。3种摇瓶培养条件①25℃,1.0%(VV)甲醇;②20℃,1.0%(VV)甲醇;③20℃,0.5%(VV)甲醇,进行比较研究后发现适当提高甲醇浓度有利于漆酶在低温条件下表达,而降低培养温度到20℃则可以提高漆酶的产量2~6倍。3株重组毕赤酵母在其最适反应条件下测得三者粗酶液最高漆酶酶活分别为3.19UmL[GS115(pHBM565)]、2.56UmL[KM71(pHBM565)]和2.49UmL[SMD1168(pHBM565)]。对重组酶进行相关的酶学性质分析表明,三者的最适反应pH值约为4.2,最适反应温度约为60℃。重组毕赤酵母GS115(pHBM565)所产酶的热稳定性稍好,在pH稳定性方面三者没有太大差异。  相似文献   

改构的野生革耳漆酶基因在毕赤酵母中的表达和活性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野生革耳漆酶的cDNA序列3’端添加15个核苷酸后得到突变基因lccT。将其克隆入表达载体pPICZαA,重组质粒pPICZαA/lccT经PmeⅠ线性化,电击转化毕赤酵母X-33细胞。经过菌落PCR鉴定的转化子pPICZαA/lccT—X一33在甲醇诱导后分泌表达活性重组漆酶LCCT,比未添加该段序列的野生革耳漆酶基因lcc在毕赤酵母中表达的活性提高2倍多。其培养液上清经凝胶过滤层析和离子交换层析后,得到了电泳纯的漆酶蛋白,以ABTS为底物在pH4.5时测得比活为3.68U/mg。根据SDS-PAGE测定的重组漆酶LCCT的表观相对分子质量为62600。  相似文献   

毛木耳漆酶基因的克隆、序列分析及其鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨建明  孟鑫  徐鑫  张磊  李强  咸漠  潘迎捷 《微生物学通报》2008,35(11):1708-1714
本文利用PCR和RACE技术首次从毛木耳AP4菌株中获得编码漆酶基因的cDNA及其基因组全长序列,基因组大小为2514 bp.通过比较该漆酶基因的cDNA和基因组DNA的全长序列,发现该基因包含14个外显子和13个内含子.cDNA序列的全长为1972 bp,其包含一个完整的ORE长度为1860 bp,编码619氨基酸,推测的分子量大小为68 kD,等电点pI为5.15.在氨基酸序列的氨基末端存在一个信号肽序列,同时该基因还包括含铜氧化酶的三个功能结构域KOG1263、SufI和pfam00394.氨基酸序列与GenBank中登录的真菌漆酶蛋白序列比对表明:该氨基酸序列与其它真菌漆酶蛋白序列有较高的同源性,氨基酸序列相同性最高达41%,相似性为58%,并且含有真菌漆酶的四个保守的Cu-bind结构域.将获得的漆酶基因lacl与毕赤酵母表达载体pPIC9K连接,构建重组质粒pYH3660,将其转化到毕赤酵母中,经甲醇诱导该基因在第10天产酶高达123 IU/L,并通过Native SDS-PAGE电泳获得预期大小的漆酶蛋白条带.结构分析和功能验证均表明:本研究获得的基因lacl为漆酶基因.  相似文献   

以黄孢原毛平革菌 (Phanerochaetechrysosporium)RNA为模板 ,克隆LipH8基因片段 ,研究LipH8基因在甲醇毕赤酵母中的表达。构建了甲醇酵母表达质粒pMETA_LipH8载体 ,并将其线性化后用电穿孔法导入PichiamethabolicaPMAD16 ,部分阳性克隆的PCR结果表明LipH8基因已经整合到甲醇毕赤酵母染色体上 ,经摇瓶培养筛选出表达水平较高的酵母工程菌株。胞外木质素过氧化物酶活力达 932U L。  相似文献   

金针菇漆酶基因的克隆及其在毕赤酵母中的表达研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
综合运用cDNA末端快速扩增 (RapidAmplificationofcDNAEnds ,RACE )和基因组步行等技术克隆到一个金针菇 (Flammulinavelutipes)的漆酶结构基因和其对应的全长cDNA ,经测序和BLAST比对分析表明该基因属于多铜氧化酶基因家族 ,与已发表的漆酶基因 (AF176 2 30 )的同源性最高 ,在氨基酸水平为 72 %。该结构基因命名为gl ccFv,cDNA命名为lccFv ,其序列提交GenBank ,登录号分别为AY4 85 82 6和AY4 5 0 4 0 6。将lccFv的开放阅读框克隆到毕赤酵母表达载体pHBM90 6 ,转化毕赤酵母GS115且实现了分泌表达。将重组毕赤酵母GS115 (pHBM5 6 5 )诱导产酶 ,在培养温度 2 0℃、甲醇流加量为 1 0 % (V V)的情况下 ,其分泌表达的LCCFv的最高酶活为 0 10 70U mL ,最适反应温度为 4 5℃ ,最适反应pH值为 3 9,在最适反应条件下其热稳定性和pH值稳定性均较好  相似文献   

真核生物来源漆酶的异源表达研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漆酶属于多铜氧化酶家族中的一种,广泛存在于昆虫、植物、真菌和细菌中。由于其作用的底物范围较广,因此在纺织、制浆、食品以及木质素的降解等方面有广阔的应用前景。但是自然界中的漆酶存在表达量和酶活低、高温易失活等问题,限制了它的应用。对漆酶进行大量高效的异源表达,是解决这一问题的有效途径。近年来,越来越多不同来源的漆酶基因被克隆,并在不同宿主中异源表达。但这些大多局限于实验室研究,还未达到工业化生产的水平。笔者对真核生物来源漆酶的异源表达研究进展进行综述,重点介绍了真核生物来源的漆酶在不同表达系统中的异源表达情况以及在酵母细胞中表达漆酶时提高表达量和酶活性能的方法,以期为研究者们提供参考。  相似文献   

阿魏蘑在液态发酵过程中经胶红酵母共培养后,漆酶的产量得到提高,但对其起促进作用的物质尚不清楚。本文中,笔者首先考察阿魏蘑和胶红酵母发酵上清液混合对漆酶酶活测定的影响,发现胶红酵母并没有表达漆酶的能力,同时,发酵上清液的混合会导致漆酶酶活的下降。因此,排除了两种微生物发酵液之间发生的协同或促进作用对漆酶酶活的影响。在分别添加高温灭活和70℃灭活的胶红酵母后发现,添加30 g/L的70℃灭活的胶红酵母,阿魏蘑漆酶酶活增加至6 605 U/L,而高温灭活未有相应的促进效果。因此,在共培养中促进漆酶合成的活性物质存在于酵母中并对温度敏感。通过比较70℃灭活胶红酵母的添加时间和添加量后,在阿魏蘑培养第2天添加50 g/L胶红酵母获得最高漆酶产量7 579 U/L。通过研究发现了胶红酵母中某种对热敏感的物质促进了阿魏蘑漆酶表达量的提高,此结果对研究漆酶及其他发酵产物在共培养中表达量的提高有重要意义。  相似文献   

At5g01040基因是一个推测的拟南芥漆酶基因。根据其编码序列设计引物,利用RT—PCR方法扩增出1755bp的片段。测序结果表明,该片段存在3个突变位点,其中一个突变位点改变了所编码的氨基酸。将该片段克隆到表达载体pPICZaB上,电击转化毕赤酵母。经筛选获得80个候选重组菌株,其中18个菌株的培养液中存在漆酶活性,说明所克隆的基因在毕赤酵母中实现了分泌表达,证实了At5g01040编码的蛋白具有漆酶活性。  相似文献   

毕赤酵母基因工程菌胞内AOX酶的检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)作为外源基因的表达宿主,已成功表达出一系列胞内和胞外蛋白[1~6],并已建立起了一套较成熟的发酵工艺.巴斯德毕赤酵母基因工程菌的外源基因,由胞内AOX酶(乙醇氧化酶)基因启动子调控.在非甲醇碳源条件下(如甘油或葡萄糖),AOX酶基因表达被抑制,外源基因也处于不表达状态.而以甲醇为唯一碳源时,AOX酶在胞内大量合成,同时外源基因被调控表达.在一般情况下,AOX酶的变化直接反映了外源基因的表达状况,因此通过分析检测胞内AOX酶的含量和变化速率,就可以确定外源基因所处的状态.  相似文献   

以一株表达猪-α干扰素(pIFN-α)重组毕赤酵母为研究对象,考察了诱导温度对pIFN-α表达、细胞代谢活性及甲醇代谢关键酶的影响.在5 L发酵罐开展毕赤酵母高密度流加培养生产表达pIFN-α研究,利用实时PCR技术对不同诱导温度、诱导稳定期的胞内甲醇代谢关键酶(包括解毒酶)基因转录水平进行定量分析.低温(20℃)可以...  相似文献   

从白腐菌中筛选漆酶高产菌株的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从中国分离的149株木腐菌中,有30株具有漆酶活性。在添加了阿魏酸的液体培养基中,漆酶产量高(每升培养液中漆酶含量在10000单位以上)的菌株有9个:游离细胞培养的彩绒革盖菌Coriolus versicolor G30,相邻小孔菌Microporus affinis G07,血红密孔菌Pycnoporus sanguineus W006,W006-2,W3008,G05和香菇Lentinus edodes G18,以及固定细胞培养的鲑贝革盖菌Coriolus consors 98563和干酪菌Tyromyces sp. 98420。彩绒革盖菌、相邻小孔菌和血红密孔菌具有重要的生物工程研究价值。  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding for laccase was isolated from the ligninolytic fungus Trametes versicolor by RNA-PCR. The cDNA corresponds to the gene Lcc1, which encodes a laccase isoenzyme of 498 amino acid residues preceded by a 22-residue signal peptide. The Lcc1 cDNA was cloned into the vectors pMETA and pMETαA and expressed in Pichia methanolica. The laccase activity obtained with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae α-factor signal peptide was found to be twofold higher than that obtained with the native secretion signal peptide. The extracellular laccase activity in recombinants with the α-factor signal peptide was 9.79 U ml−1. The presence of 0.2 mM copper was necessary for optimal activity of laccase. The expression level was favoured by lower cultivation temperature. The identity of the recombinant protein was further confirmed by immunodetection using Western blot analysis. As expected, the molecular mass of the mature laccase was 64.0 kDa, similar to that of the native form.  相似文献   

Laccase can be used for enzymatic detoxification of lignocellulosic hydrolysates. A Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain with enhanced resistance to phenolic inhibitors and thereby improved ability to ferment lignocellulosic hydrolysates would presumably be obtained by heterologous expression of laccase. Sequencing of the cDNA for the novel laccase gene lcc2 from the lignin-degrading basidiomycete Trametes versicolor showed that it encodes an isoenzyme of 499 amino-acid residues preceded by a 21-residue signal peptide. By comparison with Edman degradation data, it was concluded that lcc2 encodes an isoenzyme corresponding to laccase A. The gene product of lcc2 displays 71% identity with the previously characterized T. versicolor lcc1 gene product. An alignment of laccase sequences revealed that the T. versicolor isoenzymes in general are more closely related to corresponding isoenzymes from other white-rot fungi than to the other T. versicolor isoenzymes. The multiplicity of laccase is thus a conserved feature of T. versicolor and related species of white-rot fungi. When the T. versicolor lcc2 cDNA was expressed in S. cerevisiae, the production of active enzyme was strongly dependent on the temperature. After 3 days of incubation, a 16-fold higher laccase activity was found when a positive transformant was kept at 19 °C instead of 28 °C. Similar experiments with Pichia pastoris expressing the T. versicolor laccase gene lcc1 also showed that the expression level was favoured considerably by lower cultivation temperature, indicating that the observation made for the S. cerevisiae expression system is of general significance. Received: 8 December 1998 / Received revision: 9 April 1999 / Accepted: 16 April 1999  相似文献   

A putative laccase cDNA from a white-rot basidiomycete, Trametes versicolor, that consisted of 1,769 nucleotides was cloned using the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)-PCR method. The deduced amino acid sequence had 4 putative copper binding regions, which are common to fungal laccases. In addition, the sequence was 57 approximately 97 % homologous to sequences of other T. versicolor laccases. Additionally, the expression of laccase and manganese peroxidase in this fungus were both greatly increased under degrading conditions for bisphenol A, nonylphenol and two phthalic esters (benzylbutylphthalate and diethylphthalate), all of which are reportedly endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Furthermore, the estrogenic activities of the EDCs also decreased rapidly during incubation when examined in a two-hybrid yeast system. Finally, kojic acid inhibited the removal of estrogenic activities generated by bisphenol A and nonylphenol, which confirmed that laccase was involved in the degradation of EDCs in T. versicolor.  相似文献   

Laccase belongs to a family of multi-copper oxidases which is especially useful for biotechnological and industrial applications. A laccase-producing white-rot fungi strain designated as Trametes sp. 5930 was nearly isolated from Shennongjia Nature Reserve in China. Trametes sp. 5930 had the high yield of laccase and was capable of decolorizing different dyes efficiently. Laccase played a very important role in the decolorization of different dyes by this fungus. The laccase gene lac5930-1 and its corresponding full-length cDNA were then cloned and characterized from Trametes sp. 5930. The 1563 bp full-length cDNA of lac5930-1 encoded a mature laccase protein consisting of 499 amino acids preceded by a signal peptide of 21 amino acids. lac5930-1 gene was successfully expressed in Pichia pastoris, which verified the function of lac5930-1 encoding active laccase by means of gene expression. The recombinant laccase produced by the yeast transformant in which lac5930-1 was efficiently expressed, conferred the ability to decolorize different dyes. The capability of decolorizing different dyes was positively related to the laccase activity, which provided strong evidence for the important function of laccase used in decolorizing industrial dyes.  相似文献   

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