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Restoration of native vegetation often focuses on the canopy layer species, with the assumption that regeneration of the understory elements will occur as a consequence. The goal of this study was to assess the influence of canopy restoration on the composition and abundance of understory plant species assemblages along riparian margins in the Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia. We compared the floristic composition (richness, abundance, and diversity) of understory species between nonrevegetated (open) and canopy revegetated plots across five sites. A number of other factors that may also influence understory vegetation, including soil nutrients, proximity to main channel, and light availability, were also measured. We found that sites where the canopy had been restored had lower exotic species richness and abundance, as well as higher native species cover, but not native species richness, compared with open sites. Multivariate analysis of plots based on plant community composition showed that revegetated sites were associated with lower total species diversity, light availability, and exotic cover. This study has found that the restoration of the canopy layer does result in lower exotic species richness and cover, and higher native species cover and diversity in the understory, a desirable restoration outcome. Our results provide evidence that restoration of native canopy species may facilitate restoration of native understory species; however, other interventions to increase native species richness of the understory should also be considered as part of management practice.  相似文献   

While exotic plant species often come to dominate disturbed communities, long-term patterns of invasion are poorly known. Here we present data from 40 yr of continuous vegetation sampling, documenting the temporal distribution of exotic plant species in old field succession. The relative cover of exotic species decreased with time since abandonment, with significant declines occurring ≥20 yr post-abandonment. The number of exotic species per plot also declined with time since abandonment while field-scale richness of exotics did not change. This suggests displacement occurring at small spatial scales. Life history types changed from short-lived herbaceous species to long-lived woody species for both native and exotic plant species. However, shrubs and lianas dominated woody cover of exotic plants while trees dominated native woody cover. The species richness of exotic and native species was positively correlated at most times. In abandoned hay fields, however, the proportion of exotic plant cover per plot was inversely related to total species richness. This relationship suggests that it is not the presence, but the abundance of exotic species that may cause a reduction in community diversity. While the development of closed-canopy forest appears to limit most introduced plant species, several shade-adapted exotic species are increasing within the fields. These invasions may cause a reversal of the patterns seen in the first 40 yr of succession and may result in further impacts on community structure.  相似文献   

Considerable research has been devoted to understanding how plant invasions are influenced by properties of the native community and to the traits of exotic species that contribute to successful invasion. Studies of invasibility are common in successionally stable grasslands, but rare in recently disturbed or seral forests. We used 16 yr of species richness and abundance data from 1 m2 plots in a clearcut and burned forest in the Cascade Range of western Oregon to address the following questions: 1) is invasion success correlated with properties of the native community? Are correlations stronger among pools of functionally similar taxa (i.e. exotic and native annuals)? Do these relationships change over successional time? 2) Does exotic abundance increase with removal of potentially dominant native species? 3) Do the population dynamics of exotic and native species differ, suggesting that exotics are more successful colonists? Exotics were primarily annual and biennial species. Regardless of the measure of success (richness, cover, biomass, or density) or successional stage, most correlations between exotics and natives were non‐significant. Exotic and native annuals showed positive correlations during mid‐succession, but these were attributed to shared associations with bare ground rather than to direct biotic interactions. At peak abundance, neither cover nor density of exotics differed between controls and plots from which native, mid‐successional dominants were removed. Tests comparing nine measures of population performance (representing the pace, magnitude, and duration of population growth) revealed no significant differences between native and exotic species. In this early successional system, local richness and abundance of exotics are not explained by properties of the native community, by the presence of dominant native species, or by superior colonizing ability among exotics species. Instead natives and exotics exhibit individualistic patterns of increase and decline suggesting similar sets of life‐history traits leading to similar successional roles.  相似文献   

Planning for the restoration of degraded ecosystems has a strong basis in facilitation successional theory, which, as applied in restoration practice, states that planting of structurally dominant tree species will assist the entry of other native species into a restored community. In Australia, tree planting has been widely applied in restoration of grassy woodland ecosystems. Trees have been postulated to reduce the cover and diversity of weed species, thus facilitating recolonization of native woodland species (indirect facilitation). The expected outcomes of this process include reduced species richness and abundance of exotic plant species and increased species richness and abundance/dominance of natives in areas beneath tree canopies, with these trends strengthening with time. To assess whether this was occurring, we carried out a comparative analysis of species assemblages found underneath and outside of planted tree canopies in sites replanted with juvenile canopy tree species 3–5 or 8–10 years previously. We sampled revegetated stands of Cumberland Plain Woodland, an endangered ecological community in Western Sydney, Australia. We found that neither the number nor abundance of native ground layer species beneath canopies increased as a result of trees being planted at sites of both ages. Where seed is limited, we predicted an increase in abundance of existing native species under planted tree canopies. On this point, the results were mixed and showed some natives with an increased abundance while others decreased. Exotic species richness showed the reverse of the expected pattern, being greater under tree canopies. These findings lend no support to the theory of indirect facilitation. We conclude that simple facilitation models may be inadequate to support planning of grassy woodland restoration and that those models incorporating successional time lags and restoration barriers are likely to be more informative about the development of communities initiated by tree planting.  相似文献   

Little is known about the patterns and dynamics of exotic species invasions at landscape to regional spatial scales. We quantified the presence (identity, abundance, and richness) and characteristics of native and exotic species in estuarine strandline plant communities at 24 sites in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. Our results do not support several fundamental predictions of invasion biology. Established exotics (79 of 147 recorded plant species) were nearly indistinguishable from the native plant species (i.e. in terms of growth form, taxonomic grouping, and patterns of spatial distribution and abundance) and essentially represent a random sub-set of the current regional species pool. The cover and richness of exotic species varied substantially among quadrats and sites but were not strongly related to any site-level physical characteristics thought to affect invasibility (i.e. the physical disturbance regime, legal status, neighboring habitat type, and substrate characteristics). Native and exotic cover or richness were not negatively related within most sites. Across sites, native and exotic richness were positively correlated and exotic cover was unrelated to native richness. The colonization and spread of exotics does not appear to have been substantially reduced at sites with high native diversity. Furthermore, despite the fact that the Rhode Island strandline system is one of the most highly-invaded natural plant communities described to date, exotic species, both individually and as a group, currently appear to pose little threat to native plant diversity. Our findings are concordant with most recent, large-scale investigations that do not support the theoretical foundation of invasion biology and generally contradict small-scale experimental work.  相似文献   

Recovering biodiversity is a common goal during restoration; however, for many ecosystems, it is not well understood how restoration influences species diversity across space and time. I examined understory species diversity and composition after woody encroachment removal in a large-scale savanna restoration experiment in central Iowa, United States. Over a 4-year time series, restoration had profound effects across space and time, increasing richness at local and site-level scales. Restoration sites had increased α (within sample) Simpson's diversity and α and γ (site level) species richness relative to control sites, although γ and β (among sample) Simpson's diversity, β richness, and α species evenness were not affected. Changes in richness were driven by graminoids at the α and γ scales and woody species (and some evidence for forbs) at the α scale. Interestingly, indicator species analysis revealed that at least some species from all functional groups were promoted by restoration, although no species were significant indicators of pre-treatment or control sites. Both savanna and nonsavanna species were indicators of restored sites. Restoration promoted exotic species at both scales, although species with spring phenologies were unaffected. Woody encroachment removal may be a means to promote species establishment in savannas; however, in this study, it resulted in establishment and proliferation of native and exotic and savanna and nonsavanna species. Future work might consider reintroduction of key savanna species to supplement those that have established. Work like this demonstrates the utility of restoration experiments for conducting research on large- and multiscale processes, such as species diversity.  相似文献   

Creating, restoring, and sustaining forests in urban areas are complicated by habitat fragmentation, invasive species, and degraded soils. Although there is some research on the outcomes of urban reforestation plantings during the first 5 years, there is little research on longer term outcomes. Here, we compare the successional trajectories of restored and unrestored forest sites 20 years after initiating restoration. The sites are located within the Rodman's Neck area of Pelham Bay Park, in the northeast corner of the Bronx in New York City (NYC), U.S.A. Compared with unrestored sites, we saw improvements in species diversity, greater forest structure complexity, and evidence of the regeneration and retention of native tree species in restored sites. In addition, we found differences in restoration outcomes depending on the level of intervention: clearing exotic shrubs and vines and planting native trees and shrubs improved tree diversity and canopy closure to a greater extent than clearing exotics alone, and the mechanical removal of invasive plants after the native plantings further improved some measures of restoration, such as tree species diversity and native tree regeneration. The results of this study suggest that the goal of a sustainable forest ecosystem dominated by native trees and other plant species may not be achievable without continued human intervention on site. In addition, these results indicate that the restoration approach adopted by NYC's reforestation practitioners is moving the site toward a more desirable vegetative community dominated by native species.  相似文献   

Exotic plants establish persistent communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many exotic plants utilize early successional traits to invade disturbed sites, but in some cases these same species appear able to prevent re-establishment of late-successional and native species. Between 2002 and 2004, I studied 25 fields that represent a 52-year chronosequence of agricultural abandonment in a shrub-steppe ecosystem in Washington State, USA, to determine if exotic plants behaved as early successional species (i.e., became less abundant over time) or if they established persistent communities. Exotics maintained dominance in tilled (73% of total cover) relative to never-tilled (6% of total cover) fields throughout the chronosequence. Exotic community composition, however, changed on annual and decadal timescales. Changes in exotic community composition did not reflect typical successional patterns. For example, some exotic perennial species (e.g., Centaurea diffusa and Medicago sativa) were less common and some exotic annual species (e.g., Sissymbrium loeselii and S. altissimum) were more common in older relative to younger fields. Exotics in the study area appeared to establish communities that are resistant to re-invasion by natives, resilient to losses of individual exotic species, and as a result, maintain total exotic cover over both the short- and long-term: exotics replaced exotics. Exotics did not invade native communities and natives did not invade exotic communities across the chronosequence. These results suggest that, in disturbed sites, exotic plants establish an alternative community type that while widely variable in composition, maintains total cover over annual and decadal timescales. Identifying alternative state exotic communities and the mechanisms that explain their growth is likely to be essential for native plant restoration.  相似文献   

The dominant native woody species forming early-successional vegetation on formerly forested sites in lowland New Zealand were kānuka (Kunzea ericoides) and mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) (Myrtaceae). These have been replaced extensively by gorse (Ulex europaeus, Fabaceae), a naturalised species in New Zealand. Because gorse typically gives way to native broadleaved (angiosperm) forest in about 30 years, it is often considered desirable for facilitating native forest restoration. We tested three hypotheses, derived from the New Zealand literature, on gorse and kānuka: (1) kānuka stands have a different species composition and greater species richness than gorse stands at comparable successional stages; (2) differences between gorse and kānuka stands do not lessen over time; and (3) several native plant taxa are absent from or less common in gorse than in kānuka stands. We sampled 48 scrub or low-forest sites in two regions, Wellington and Nelson. Sites were classified into one of four predefined categories – young gorse, young kānuka, old gorse, old kānuka – based on canopy height of the succession and the dominant early-successional woody species. Few characteristics of the sites and surrounding landscapes differed significantly among site categories, and none consistently across regions. The vegetation composition of gorse and kānuka and their immediate successors differed in both regions, mainly in native woody species. Species richness was often lower in gorse and there were fewer smallleaved shrubs and orchids in gorse. Persistent differences at the older sites suggest the successional trajectories will not converge in the immediate future; gorse leads to different forest from that developed through kānuka. Gorse-dominated succession is therefore not a direct substitute for native successions. We suggest areas of early native succession should be preserved, and initiated in landscapes where successions are dominated by gorse or other naturalised shrubs.  相似文献   

The 2002 Hayman Fire burned with mixed severity across 55,800 ha of montane Colorado forest, including pre-existing plots that were originally measured for understory plant composition and cover in 1997. We examined the influence of the Hayman Fire on exotic plants by remeasuring these plots annually from 2003 to 2007. We found that (1) exotic richness and cover generally increased as fire severity and time since fire increased; (2) the exotic species present in a plot before the fire were also largely present in the plot postfire, regardless of fire severity; (3) most of the new postfire species in a plot were present elsewhere in the study area before the fire, although some new species were truly new invaders that were not found in prefire surveys; (4) lightly burned riparian forests were not more susceptible to exotic invasion than surrounding uplands that burned with similar severity; and (5) native and exotic richness and cover were positively correlated or uncorrelated for all fire severities and years. Our findings indicate that exotics were stimulated by the Hayman Fire, especially in severely burned areas. However, exotic richness and cover remain low as of 2007, and correlations between native and exotic richness and cover suggest that exotics have not yet interfered with native understory development. Therefore, we conclude that exotic plants are not a major ecological threat at present, but recommend that monitoring be continued to evaluate if they will pose a threat in future years.  相似文献   

Plant succession theory underpins the development of strategies for the conservation and regeneration of native communities. Current theory has been based largely on space‐for‐time rather than long‐term monitoring data, which have known limitations. There is general consensus that more site‐specific studies are needed to corroborate existing hypotheses. The target vegetation is a brigalow (Acacia harpophylla, Mimosaceae) forest in one of Australia's most endangered ecosystems, which was cleared and burnt in 1963. Forty quadrats were placed systematically within each of six 20 m × 20 m permanent plots. Presence, density and per cent canopy cover data were recorded for each species at 18 times over 46 years. Brigalow dominated the original vegetation, assumed dominance soon after clearing through massive root suckering and remained dominant throughout the study. It achieved maximum density within two years when severe intraspecific competition led to self‐thinning. After approximately 30 years, vacant niches appeared. Woody understorey species were slow to recolonise. Species richness and other diversity indices increased rapidly to a maximum after 2–4 years, declined until the 30th year when they again increased. This was the pattern of the species‐rich herbaceous layer; woody species showed a steady monotonic increase. The ‘hump‐shaped’ relationship between cover (biomass) and species richness was confirmed. This example fits the inhibition model for which few examples have been described. While the long‐term successional pattern is slightly confounded by climatic variability preceding sample surveys, this space‐for‐time study not only supports a bimodal pattern of diversity over time but also indicates that the relative species richness of the herbaceous and woody layers may explain the extreme variability reported in the literature.  相似文献   

While exotic plant invasions are thought to lead to declines in native species, the long-term impacts of such invasions on community structure are poorly known. Furthermore, it is unknown how exotic plant invasions compare to invasions by native species. We present data from 40 yr of continuous vegetation sampling of 10 fields released from agriculture to examine the effects of invasions on species richness. The effects of both exotic and native species invasions on species richness were largely driven by variations among fields with most species not significantly affecting species richness. However, invasion and dominance by the exotics Agropyron repens, Lonicera japonica. Rosa multiflora. Trifolium pratense and the native Solidago canadensis were associated with declines in richness. Invasions by exotic and native species during old field succession have similar effects on species richness with dominance by species of either group being associated with loss of species richness. Exotic species invasions tended to have stronger effects on richness than native invasions. No evidence was found of residual effects of invasions because the impact of the invasion disappeared with the decline of the invading population. When pooled across species, heavy invasion by exotic species resulted in greater loss o species richness than invasion by native species. Studies of invasion that utilize multiple sites must account for variability among sites. In our study, had we no included field as a factor we would have incorrectly concluded that invasion consistently resulted in changes in species richness.  相似文献   

Perturbations such as wildfire and exotic plant invasion have significant impacts on soils, and the extent to which invaded soils are resistant or resilient to these disturbances varies by ecosystem type. Replacement of shrublands by herbaceous exotics pre- and post-wildfire may drastically alter soil chemical and biological properties for an unknown duration. We assessed above and belowground resistance and resilience to exotic plant invasion both before and after a chaparral wildfire. We hypothesized that exotic plant species would change chemical characteristics of chaparral soils by altering litter and microbial inputs, and that controlling exotics and seeding native species would restore chemical characteristics to pre-invaded conditions. We additionally hypothesized that exotic plant species would slow succession above- and belowground, as well as recovery of post-wildfire chaparral structure and function. Plant species composition and soil nutrient pools and cycling rates were evaluated in mature and invaded chaparral pre- and post-wildfire. Exotic plant species were weeded and native species were seeded to assess impacts of exotic competition on native species recovery. Invasion did not impact all soil characteristics before fire, but increased soil C/N ratio, pH, and N cycling rates, and reduced NO3-N availability. After fire, invasives slowed succession above- and belowground. Removal of exotics and seeding natives facilitated succession and resulted in plant composition similar to uninvaded, post-wildfire chaparral. The chaparral ecosystem was not resistant to impacts of invasion as indicated by altered soil chemistry and C and N cycling rates; however, short-term restoration led to recovery of extractable nitrogen availability indicating resilience of chaparral soils. This suggests that the permanence of exotic plant species, once established, represents a greater ecological challenge than exotic plant impacts on soils.  相似文献   

Abstract: Positive interactions between species are known to play an important role in the dynamics of plant communities, including the enhancement of invasions by exotics. We studied the influence of the invasive shrub Pyracantha angustifolia (Rosaceae) on the recruitment of native and exotic woody species in a secondary shrubland in central Argentina mountains. We recorded woody sapling recruitment and micro‐environmental conditions under the canopies of Pyracantha and the dominant native shrub Condalia montana (Rhamnaceae), and in the absence of shrub cover, considering these situations as three treatments. We found that native and exotic species richness were higher under Pyracantha than under the other treatments. Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae), an exotic bird‐dispersed shade‐tolerant tree, was the most abundant species recruiting in the area, and its density was four times higher under the canopy of Pyracantha. This positive interaction may be related to Pyracantha's denser shading, to the mechanical protection of its canopy against ungulates, and/or to the simultaneous fruit ripening of both woody invaders.  相似文献   

Almost half of lowland tropical forests are at various stages of regeneration following deforestation or fragmentation. Changes in tree communities along successional gradients have predictable bottom‐up effects on consumers. Liana (woody vine) assemblages also change with succession, but their effects on animal succession remain unexplored. Here we used a large‐scale liana removal experiment across a forest successional chronosequence (7–31 years) to determine the importance of lianas to ant community structure. We conducted 1,088 surveys of ants foraging on and living in trees using tree trunk baiting and hand‐collecting techniques at 34 paired forest plots, half of which had all lianas removed. Ant species composition, β‐diversity, and species richness were not affected by liana removal; however, ant species co‐occurrence (the coexistence of two or more species in a single tree) was more frequent in control plots, where lianas were present, versus removal plots. Forest stand age had a larger effect on ant community structure than the presence of lianas. Mean ant species richness in a forest plot increased by ca. 10% with increasing forest age across the 31‐year chronosequence. Ant surveys from forest >20 years old included more canopy specialists and fewer ground‐nesting ant species versus those from forests <20 years old. Consequently, lianas had a minimal effect on arboreal ant communities in this early successional forest, where rapidly changing tree community structure was more important to ant species richness and composition.  相似文献   

Theory and empirical work have demonstrated that diverse communities can inhibit invasion. Yet, it is unclear how diversity influences invader impact, how impact varies among exotics, and what the relative importance of diversity is versus extrinsic factors that themselves can influence invasion. To address these issues, we established plant assemblages that varied in native species and functional richness and crossed this gradient in diversity with resource (water) addition. Identical assemblages were either uninvaded or invaded with one of three exotic forbs: spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica), or sulfur cinquefoil (Potentilla recta). To determine impacts, we measured the effects of exotics on native biomass and, for spotted knapweed, on soil moisture and nitrogen levels. Assemblages with high species richness were less invaded and less impacted than less diverse assemblages. Impact scaled with exotic biomass; spotted knapweed had the largest impact on native biomass compared with the other exotics. Although invasion depressed native biomass, the net result was to increase total community yield. Water addition increased invasibility (for knapweed only) but had no effect on invader impact. Together, these results suggest that diversity inhibits invasion and reduces impact more than resource additions facilitate invasion or impact.  相似文献   

Questions: (1) What is the recovery potential of soil seed banks of intact, average and degraded floodplain woodlands? (2) Will soil seed banks of different functional groups (native and exotic, dryland and wetland) display contrasting responses to site degradation? Location: Semi‐arid, seasonally flooded woodland of eastern Australia. Methods: Diversity, abundance and composition of soil seed banks were assessed using a glasshouse study. Surface soil samples were taken from a total of nine sites with three levels of degradation (intact, average, degraded) from three microsites (sub‐canopy, canopy edge, open). Results: A total of 26 662 individuals of 82 species germinated. Seed abundance increased tenfold from intact to degraded sites, but there was no effect on richness. Species composition of all functional groups varied significantly among degradation states. Seeds of native wetland and exotic dryland species were more abundant in degraded than in intact sites. However, the abundance of native dryland germinants did not differ among degradation classes and no seeds of exotic wetland species were observed. Richness of exotic dryland species was significantly higher in degraded sites. Conclusions: Increasing disturbance promoted seed banks of exotic but not native dryland species and native but not exotic wetland species. Unexpectedly, disturbance promoted the abundance of native seeds more than exotics, although this was driven by a single species. Our results suggest that the dryland phase of the floodplain community is more resilient to degradation than predicted.  相似文献   

Planting seedlings is a common technique for abandoned pastures restoration in the tropics, supposedly by increasing the seedling recruitment and accelerating succession. In this study we evaluated the role of a young restored forest (one year old) in enhancing seedling establishment from two sources (seed rain and seed bank), in the Atlantic Rainforest region in Southern Brazil. We compared abandoned pasture, young restored forest and old-growth forest with respect to the seedlings recruited from different sources, by monitoring 40 permanent plots (0.5 m x 0.5 m) over 20 months. From the three studied areas a total of 392 seedlings of 53 species were recruited. Species were mainly herbaceous (85%), pioneers (88%), zoochorous (51%) and small-seeded species (60%). Seedling recruitment from the seed bank (density and species richness) was higher and dominated by herbaceous species in the abandoned pasture and in the young restored forest; on the other hand, the recruitment of woody species from seed rain was more pronounced in the old-growth forest. The young restored forest increased the species richness of woody seedlings recruitment from the seed bank (two-fold) and from seed rain (three-fold) compared to the abandoned pasture. Also, the seedling density in young restored forest was still higher than abandoned pastures (seed bank: four times; seed rain: ten times). Our results show that even young restored areas enhance the establishment of woody species and should be considered an important step for pasture restoration.  相似文献   

Question: How is vegetation succession on coal mine wastes under a Mediterranean climate affected by the restoration method used (topsoil addition or not)? How are plant successional processes influenced by local landscape and soil factors? Location: Reclaimed coal mines in the north of Palencia province, northern Spain (42°47′‐42°50′ N, 4°32′‐4°53′ W). Methods: In Jun–Jul 2008, vascular plant species cover was monitored in 31 coal mines. The mines, which had been restored using two restoration methods (topsoil addition or not), comprised a chronosequence of different ages from 1 to 40 yr since restoration started. Soil and environmental factors at each mine were monitored and related to species cover using a combination of ordination methods and Huisman–Olff–Fresco modeling. Results: Plant succession was affected by restoration method . Where topsoil was added, succession was influenced by age since restoration and soil pH. Where no topsoil was added, soil factors seem to arrest succession. Vegetation composition on topsoiled sites showed a gradient with age, from the youngest, with early colonizing species, to oldest, with an increase in woody species. Vegetation on non‐topsoiled sites comprised mainly early‐successional species. Response to age and pH of 37 species found on topsoiled mines is described. Conclusions: Restoration of coal mines under this Mediterranean climate can be relatively fast if topsoil is added, with a native shrub community developing after 15 yr. However, if topsoil is not used, it takes more than 40 yr. For topsoiled mines, the species found in the different successional stages were identified, and their tolerance to soil pH was derived. This information will assist future restoration projects in the area.  相似文献   

Question: What are the effects of fire in native shrubland communities and in pine plantations established in these shrublands? Location: Northern Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: We surveyed four sites in Chall‐Huaco valley, located in northwest Patagonia. Each site was a vegetation mosaic composed of an unburned Pinus ponderosa plantation, a plantation burned in 1996, and an unburned matorral and a matorral burned by the same fire. We recorded the cover of all vascular plant species. We also analysed species richness, total cover, proportion of exotic species, abundance of woody species and herb species, cover of exotic species, abundance of woody and herb species and differences in composition of species. For both shrubs and tree species we recorded the main strategy of regeneration (by resprouting or by seed). Results: We found that fire had different effects on native matorral and pine plantations. Five years after fire, plantations came to be dominated by herbs and exotic species, showing differences in floristic composition. In contrast, matorral communities remained very similar to unburned matorral in terms of species richness, proportion of woody species, and herb species and proportion of exotics. Also, pine plantations were primarily colonized by seedlings, while matorrals were primarily colonized by resprouting. Conclusions: Matorrals are highly fire resilient communities, and the practice of establishing plantations on matorrals produces a strong reduction in the capacity of matorral to return to its original state. The elimination of shrubs owing to the effect of plantations can hinder regeneration of native ecosystems. Burned plantations may slowly develop into ecosystems similar to the native ones, or they may produce a new ecosystem dominated by exotic herbs. This study shows that plantations of exotic conifers affect native vegetation even after they have been removed, as in this case by fire.  相似文献   

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