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Polyoma viral middle T-antigen is required for transformation.   总被引:17,自引:9,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
To determine whether small or middle T-antigen (or both) of polyoma virus is required for transformation, we constructed mutants of recombinant plasmids which bear the viral oncogene and measured the capacity of these mutants to transform rat cells in culture. Insertion and deletion mutations in sequences encoding small and middle T-antigens (79.7, 81.3, and 82.9 map units) rendered the DNA incapable of causing transformation by the focus assay. Similar mutations in sequences that encoded middle but not small T-antigen (89.7, 92.1, and 96.5 map units) generally abolished the transforming activity of the DNA. However, two mutants (pPdl1-4 and PPd12-7) that carried deletions at 92.1 map units retained the capacity to transform cells; pPdl1-4 did so at frequencies equal to those of the parental plasmid, whereas pPdl2-7 transformed at 10% the frequency of its antecedent. From these studies we conclude that small T-antigen alone is insufficient to cause transformation and that middle T-antigen is required for transformation, either in combination with small T-antigen or by itself.  相似文献   

The role of SV40 large tumor T-antigen in replication of viral DNA is well established, but it is still unclear how T-antigen triggers cellular replication and cell transformation in non-permissive cells. Here, we used Xenopus egg extracts which reproduce most nuclear events linked to the cell cycle in vitro to analyze its interaction with genomic chromatin during the cell cycle. We show that T-antigen associates with chromatin before the nuclear membrane formation, and further demonstrate that the nuclear membrane is not necessary for its import into the nucleus. We show that the interaction of T-antigen with the endogenous chromatin does not occur at replication foci nor at RPA pre-replication centers. Immunoprecipitations as well as sucrose gradient experiments, indicate that the endogenous pool of p53 interacts with T-antigen. In addition, a transient association of both proteins with the nuclear matrix is observed during the ongoing DNA synthesis. These data are discussed in view of the T-antigen and p53 activity during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Persistent infections by rabies virus in BHK-21/13S and HEp-2 cells were studied comparatively. No evidence of interferon production, selection of virus-resistant cells, or integration of the viral genome could be found. Persisting viruses replicated efficiently at 34, 36, and 40 degrees C. Both persistently infected cultures released defective interfering virus particles. A cyclical pattern of infection, which was not characteristic of the persistently infected HEp-2 system, was observed in persistently infected BHK cultures. The virus from persistently infected BHK cultures lost its virulence for mice, whereas the virus from persistently infected HEp-2 cultures retained mouse-killing capacity for more than 3 years.  相似文献   

To establish cell lines exhibiting differentiation phenotypes, the immortalized cell lines were rapidly established from the primary culture of different tissues of transgenic mice harboring SV40 temperature-sensitive large T-antigen gene. The established cell lines grew at permissive temperature (33 degrees C), but not at nonpermissive temperature (39 degrees C). Several different cell types could be rapidly immortalized and cloned from the adult transgenic mice tissues. Among those cell lines, the established hepatocyte cell lines (TLR cell lines) exhibited liver-specific morphological and biochemical properties, but their properties were not coupled with the growth condition modified by temperature. The hepatocyte cell lines showed an inducibility of P450IA1 by 3-methylcholanthrene as observed in rat livers and this liver-specific function was stable even after 6 months of culture by continuous passages.  相似文献   

In previous work, we observed the presence of substantially elevated levels of GM2 after Simian Virus 40 (SV-40) transformation of human fetal brain cells. This elevated level of GM2 contrasted with the reports of many other investigators who had often observed decreased levels of GM2 and a simplification of ganglioside pattern in various non-neural rodent cell lines. In order to determine if the increase in GM2 in the transformed human brain cells would also be found in transformed rodent brain cells, we analyzed ganglioside changes after transformation in mouse brain cell lines and observed the increase in GM3 and low levels or lack of GM2 usually noted in rodent SV-40 transformed cell lines. In addition, we analyzed changes after SV-40 transformation in three human fibroblast lines and found that all three lines contained substantially elevated levels of GM2 after SV-40 transformation. As a result of this study, our earlier work on SV-40 transformed human brain cells, and occasional other reports of high levels of GM2 in human SV-40 transformed cell lines, elevated levels of GM2 may be considered a marker for SV-40 transformed human cells of both fibroblastic and neural origin.  相似文献   

eps8, a recently identified tyrosine kinase substrate, has been shown to augment epidermal growth factor (EGF) responsiveness, implicating it in EGF receptor (EGFR)-mediated mitogenic signaling. We investigated the status of eps8 phosphorylation in normal and transformed cells and the role of eps8 in transformation. In NIH 3T3 cells overexpressing EGFR (NIH-EGFR), eps8 becomes rapidly phosphorylated upon EGF stimulation. At receptor-saturating doses of EGF, approximately 30% of the eps8 pool is tyrosine phosphorylated. Under physiological conditions of activation (i.e., at low receptor occupancy), corresponding to the 50% effective dose of EGF for mitogenesis, approximately 3 to 4% of the eps8 contains phosphotyrosine. In human tumor cell lines, we detected constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation of eps8, with a stoichiometry (approximately 5%) similar to that associated with potent mitogenic response in NIH-EGFR cells. Overexpression of eps8 was able to transform NIH 3T3 cells under limiting conditions of activation of the EGFR pathway. Concomitant tyrosine phosphorylation of eps8 and shc, but not of rasGAP, phospholipase C-gamma, and eps15, was frequently detected in tumor cells. This suggested that eps8 and shc might be part of a pathway which is preferentially selected in some tumors. Cooperation between these two transducers was further indicated by the finding of their in vivo association. This association was, at least in part, dependent on recognition of shc by the SH3 domain of eps8. Our results indicate that eps8 is physiologically part of the EGFR-activated signaling and that its alterations can contribute to the malignant phenotype.  相似文献   

A series of H-2d B cell tumor lines and one monocytic tumor cell line were shown to be capable of I region-restricted antigen presentation to I-A-d- and I-Ed- restricted, antigen-specific cloned T cell hybridomas. For the most part, antigen presentation correlated with the present of Ia antigens on the presenting cells, although in a few interesting cases Ia-expression lines failed to present antigen. These T cell hybridomas, together with the B cell and to monocyte tumor cell lines, offer a unique set of tools to study the phenomenon of I region-restricted antigen presentation.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes, stimulated in vitro for 6 days with x-irradiated or glutaraldehyde-treated autologous Epstein-Barr (EB) virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), are cytotoxic for autologous and allogeneic EB+ LCLs as well as for several EB- cell lines that are also susceptible to lysis by interferon-activated natural killer (NK) cells. To determine whether the apparent nonspecific lysis mediated by LCL-stimulated cells is due to a mixture of effector cells directed against different target cells, advantage was taken of our recent finding that monoclonal antibody OKT8 reacts with human cytotoxic T lymphocytes but not with NK cells or NK-like cells generated in mixed leukocyte cultures. The depletion of OKT8+ cells from LCL-stimulated cultures by treatment with OKT8 and complement abolished or markedly depleted cytotoxicity against all EB+ target cells tested, whereas cytotoxicity against EB-, NK-sensitive cell lines including K562, MOLT-4 and HSB-2 was not or only minimally reduced. These results indicate that stimulation with autologous LCL results in the generation of OKT8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes that lyse EB virus-transformed LCL and OKT8- NK-like cells that lyse EB-, NK-sensitive cells.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that dipeptidyl peptidase IV [DPP-IV, EC] takes part in the metabolism of biologically active peptides participating in the regulation of growth and transformation of glial cells. However, the knowledge on the DPP-IV expression in human glial and glioma cells is still very limited. In this study, using histochemical and biochemical techniques, the DPP-IV activity was demonstrated in two commercially available human glioma cell lines of different transformation degree, as represented by U373 astrocytoma (Grade III) and U87 glioblastoma multiforme (Grade IV) lines. Higher total activity of the enzyme, as well as its preferential localisation in the plasma membrane, was observed in U87 cells. Compared to U373 population, U87 cells were morphologically more pleiomorphic, they were cycling at lower rate and expressing less Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein. The data revealed positive correlation between the degree of transformation of cells and activity of DPP-IV. Great difference in expression of this enzyme, together with the phenotypic differences of cells, makes these lines a suitable standard model for further studies of function of this enzyme in human glioma cells.  相似文献   

Drosophila recens is parasitized in the wild by two nematodes, Howardula aoronymphium , a host generalist, and Parasitylenchus nearcticus , a host specialist known only from D .  recens . In order to understand how these two parasite species coexist, we compared their ability to infect and grow in D .  recens , their effects on host fecundity and survival, and whether one parasite species was competitively superior in double infections. The specialist nematode P. nearcticus had greater rates of infection and reproduction than the generalist H. aoronymphium , and completely sterilized females in single and mixed infections. The specialist was competitively superior in mixed infections, as generalist motherworms were significantly smaller than in single infections. These results suggest that P. nearcticus might competitively exclude H. aoronymphium if D. recens were the only host available. It is likely that H. aoronymphium persists in D. recens by transmission from other, more suitable host species.  相似文献   

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