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试谈我国鹅膏菌的分类研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨祝良 《菌物系统》2000,19(3):435-440
在过去的一百余年中,国内外菌物学家对我国鹅膏菌属(Amanita)真菌进行了大量采集和分类研究,迄今为止在菌物学文献中已为我国记载了近100年(含亚种、变种和变型)鹅膏菌,然而,其中许我是原描述于欧洲或北美的种类,它们在我国是否确有分布尚需开展深入研究。近几年来,作者在对采自我国的部分鹅膏菌标标本与欧美相似种的标本进行了比较研究,发现两者虽在外貌上有相似之处,但在内部结构上却有较大差别,在分子生物  相似文献   

中国鹅膏菌属(担子菌)的物种多样性   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
鹅膏菌属(Amanita)是一个近世界性广布的大属,全球已被描述而又被承认的有近500种。在文献中,我国此属已记载约200种。然而,许多种都是原初描述于欧洲或北美的种类。近来的研究表明,东亚的鹅膏菌独特且有其自身的分布范围。东亚的有些种虽与产于欧洲或北美的某些种相似,但仔细的野外观察,详尽的形态解剖学和分子进化生物学研究结果表明,东亚的鹅膏菌是独立的分类群。在欧洲,人们有采集著名食菌恺撒鹅膏菌的习  相似文献   

山东鹅膏记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采自山东省的14种鹅膏进行了详细的形态学描述,并提供线条图和分种检索表。凭证标本保存于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)和鲁东大学菌物标本馆(HMLD)。  相似文献   

低浓度(5-10ngml-1)的鹅膏毒肽(amatoxins) 能专一性抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅱ的活性,高浓度(为RNA聚合酶Ⅱ103-104倍的浓度)也能抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的活性,因而影响细胞mRNA的转录和蛋白质的合成,抑制种子的萌发和生长。根据此原理我们建立了一种以植物种子萌发试验检测鹅膏毒肽的方法,称之为“抑芽法”(bud-inhibited assay)。该方法简便、实用、准确。操作流程:45℃干燥至恒重的鹅膏菌等子实体菌盖;水提法提取毒素并用氯仿沉淀蛋白质等;粗毒液浓度为0.025-0.05gml-1干子实体;萝卜或绿豆种子培养温度为28℃,培养时间为24-72h。绿豆芽下胚轴生长被抑制率在95%以上,可能为鹅膏毒肽含量高的剧毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在60-80%,可能为鹅膏肽含量较低的微毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在30%以下时,可能是不含鹅膏菌肽的鹅膏菌。  相似文献   

一种简便、快速测定鹅膏多肽毒素的方法--抑芽法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
低浓度(5-10ngml-1)的鹅膏毒肽(amatoxins)能专一性抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅱ的活性,高浓度(为RNA聚合酶Ⅱ103-104倍的浓度)也能抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的活性,因而影响细胞mRNA的转录和蛋白质的合成,抑制种子的萌发和生长。根据此原理我们建立了一种以植物种子萌发试验检测鹅膏毒肽的方法,称之为"抑芽法"(bud-inhibitedassay)。该方法简便、实用、准确。操作流程45℃干燥至恒重的鹅膏菌等子实体菌盖;水提法提取毒素并用氯仿沉淀蛋白质等;粗毒液浓度为0.025-0.05gml-1干子实体;萝卜或绿豆种子培养温度为28℃,培养时间为24-72h。绿豆芽下胚轴生长被抑制率在95%以上,可能为鹅膏毒肽含量高的剧毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在60-80%,可能为鹅膏肽含量较低的微毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在30%以下时,可能是不含鹅膏菌肽的鹅膏菌。  相似文献   

朱鹤  宋晓霞  李姝  王琦  李玉 《菌物学报》2012,31(6):947-951
报道了采自内蒙古自治区的3个黏菌中国新记录种:榄色孔膜菌Enteridium olivaceum,疏网发丝菌Stemonaria laxiretis和硬网发菌Comatricha rigidireta。通过扫描电镜观察,描述了它们的形态特征,与相近种进行了比较和讨论。考证标本保存于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(MHJAU)。  相似文献   

一种简便、快速测定鹅膏多肽毒素的方法—抑芽法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
低浓度(5-10ngml^-1)的鹅膏毒肽(amatoxins)能专一性抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅱ的活性,高浓度(为RNA聚合酶Ⅱ10^3-10^4倍的浓度)也能抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的活性,因而影响细胞mRNA的转录和蛋白质的合成,抑制种子的萌发和生长,根据此原理我们建立了一种以植物种子萌发试验检测鹅膏毒肽的方法,称之为“抑芽法”(bud-inhibited assay)。该方法简便、实用、准确,操作流程:45℃干燥至恒重的鹅膏菌等子实体菌盖;水提法提取毒素并用氯仿沉淀蛋白质等;粗毒液浓度为0.025-0.05gml^-1干子实体;萝卜或绿豆种子培养温度为28℃,培养时间为24-72h,绿豆芽下胚轴生长被抑制率在95%以上,可能为鹅膏毒肽含量高的剧毒鹅膏菌:当被抑制率在60-80%,可能为鹅膏肽含量较低的微毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在30%以下时,可能是不含鹅膏菌肽的鹅膏菌。  相似文献   

基于形态特征和ITS序列对7个鹅膏菌属菌株的分类鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以采自浙江省丽水地区的7个鹅膏菌属菌株作为研究材料,在基于形态特征进行初步鉴定的基础上,对7种鹅膏菌的rDNAITS区段进行克隆测序和序列特征比较分析。进一步对ITS序列进行核酸序列数据库GenBank同源性检索比对,将从GenBank检索获得的9个最相似物种的ITS序列连同7种鹅膏菌的ITS序列一起作系统发育分析。结果表明:基于ITS序列对f6、f9和f493个菌株的分子鉴定支持了基于形态特征的鉴定结果,对f5的分子鉴定不支持形态鉴定的结果,f8为鹅膏菌属内某种,f66为鹅膏菌属内某种,并与Amanitafulva,A.atrofusca,A.orientifulva3种鹅膏菌的亲缘关系较近,f7与另外6种鹅膏菌的亲缘关系相差甚远。研究结果提示基于分子水平上的ITS序列分析不能单方面作为大型真菌分类鉴定的可靠依据,可以作为基于传统形态学分类鉴定的辅助参考依据。  相似文献   

随着野外调查和分子系统学研究的深入,白粉菌物种多样性明显增加。根据最新研究成果对《内蒙古白粉菌志》进行了补充和修订,提供了新修订的内蒙古白粉菌名录。确认了内蒙古白粉菌科10属157种和变种,寄主植物达63科238属540余种。列出了145种内蒙古白粉菌寄主新记录及其产地和标本号等信息,以及从复合种分出的种的寄主名称。报道了白粉菌中国新记录种5个,内蒙古新记录种3个,并提供了详细的形态描述和线条图。研究标本保存于赤峰学院菌物标本室(CFSZ)。  相似文献   

白鳞粗柄鹅膏菌丝的固态发酵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来 ,因鹅膏菌肽类毒素可用于分子生物学、医学、农学等领域而具广阔的开发前景[1] 。但由于鹅膏菌资源有限 ,而人工合成的毒素又不具活性 ,所以目前尚难以开发利用。加之鹅膏菌大多属于外生菌根真菌 ,虽然已在少数种的菌根合成方面取得了一些进展[2~ 4 ] ,但至今该属中绝大部份种仍属于自然界中难培养或未能培养的微生物 ,难以人工、半人工栽培。因此 ,目前国内还没有一种能规模化开发的毒素产品。而现在作为生化试剂的肽类毒素全部来源于欧美的毒鹅膏子实体 ,售价在每克 1 0万美元以上。所以 ,研究如何开发利用我国的鹅膏菌及其毒素具…  相似文献   

The genus Castanea (Fagaceae) is widely distributed in the deciduous forests of the Northern Hemisphere. The striking similarity between the floras of eastern Asia and those of eastern North America and the difference in chestnut blight resistance among species has been of interest to botanists for a century. To infer the biogeographical history of the genus, the phylogeny of Castanea was estimated using DNA sequence data from different regions of the chloroplast genome. Sequencing results support the genus Castanea as a monophyletic group with Castanea crenata as basal. The three Chinese species form a strongly supported sister clade to the North American and European clade. A unique westward expansion of extant Castanea species is hypothesized with Castanea originating in eastern Asia, an initial diversification within Asia during the Eocene followed by intercontinental dispersion and divergence between the Chinese and the European/North American species during the middle Eocene and a split between the European and the North American species in the late Eocene. The differentiation within North America and China might have occurred in early or late Miocene. The North America species are supported as a clade with C. pumila var. ozarkensis, the Ozark chinkapin, as the basal lineage, sister to the group comprising C. pumila var. pumila, the Allegheny chinkapin, and Castanea dentata, the American chestnut. Morphological evolution of one nut per bur in the genus may have occurred independently on two continents.  相似文献   

Reed canarygrass is an important agricultural crop thought to be native to Europe, Asia, and North America. However, it is one of the worst wetland invaders in North American wetlands. The native North American status has been supported by the circumstantial evidence of early botanical records and the dating and location of herbarium specimens. The lack of empirical evidence has left the North American native status of the species in doubt and prevented comparisons between native North American and Eurasian populations of the species. We utilized genetic markers to compare a wide range of European and Asian collections to DNA extracted from 38 early North American herbarium specimens. The genetic data confirm the presence of a distinct population present throughout North America in the early twentieth century, but not present in Europe or Asia, ranging from Alaska, USA to New Brunswick, Canada. These native North American populations of reed canarygrass are likely present throughout Alaska today, as one specimen was collected as recently as 1996, and may still be present in other regions of North America. Future research can utilize this dataset to determine the origin of present-day invasive populations in North American wetlands.  相似文献   

黄杉属植物在云南的资源现状及保护利用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄杉属(PseudotsugaCarr.)是东亚和北美间断分布的重要类群,在我国分布有5种,它们都是受国家二级保护的中国特有种类。对黄杉(PseudotsugasinensisDode)和澜沧黄杉(PseudotsugaforrestiiCraib)在云南分布资源状况进行调查研究,揭示了其种群现状、自然更新能力、当地居民的利用及导致树种濒危的可能因素,指出实现云南黄杉属种质资源有效保护和开发利用所面对的问题及应采取的措施。  相似文献   

西北地区木本植物区系多样性研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
西北地区在中国植物区系上属于泛北极植物区,其南部基本上控制在中国-日本植物亚区的华中地区内,区系成分以北亚热带成分占优势,中、东部主要控制在中国-日本植物亚区内的华北地区中的黄土高原地区内,以华北区系成分占优势,西南部主要属青藏高原植物亚区和中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区,区系成分以唐古特和横断山区系成分占优势,北部主要是亚洲荒漠植物亚区,区系成分是以古地中海成分占优势。本区有木本植物(不包括栽培植物)103科338属1729种(含种下等级),其中裸子植物6科17属57种,被子植物97科321属1672种,另外,具有中国特有属26个,土著特有种173个(含种下等级)。大科、大属在区系组成中起着非常重要的作用,该区木本植物区系包含有15个分布区类型及其17个变型,其中北温带分布、泛热带分布、东亚至北美间断分布、东亚分布等成分占有重要地位。其木本植物区系的主要特征为:种类比较丰富;分布不均,区域差异大;地理成分复杂,具有明显的温带性质;起源古老;土著特有种较多;区系联系广泛,多种区系成分的汇集、混杂和过渡。  相似文献   

A cladistic biogeographic analysis for the Holarctic and Indo-Chinese regions was undertaken based on seven genera of the tribe Cidariini: Cidaria Treitschke, Thera Stephens, Pennithera Viidalepp, Heterothera Inoue, Callabraxas Butler, Gandaritis Moore and Eulithis Httbner. Smallest coincident ranges of two species recognized 11 endemic areas. The study has two aims: to construct a hierarchical structure of those areas, and to recognize dispersal events. Under two assumptions [widespread taxa mapped (identical as assumption 0) and widespread taxa not mapped (identical as assumption 1)] the 11 endemic areas were mapped with 72 taxa. The best resolved area cladograms under the two assumptions differ in the placement of one endemic area, northern Europe. Area relationships found in this present analysis are congruent with the current landmass configurations: (North America, (Europe, (northern India, (southwestern Asia, (Baikal area, (south China, (Taiwan, (Russian Far East, Japan)))))))). These area cladograms postulate at least three vicariance events: (1) between North America and the Palaearctic; (2) western-eastern Palaearctic; (3) northern India–the rest of Asia. The approach to recognize dispersed taxa by pruning each taxon suggests that most dispersal events occurred in East Asia: from the Baikal area or south China to the Russian Far East; and from the Russian Far East to Japan. Relationships among endemic areas are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Examinations of chromosome number voucher specimens show that sexual diploid and agamospermous polyploid plants of Eupatorium in Asia can be distinguished by morphology, fertility, and stainability of pollen grains. Using these criteria, reproductive systems (sexual vs. agamospermous) were estimated for 558 herbarium specimens of Eupatorium in East Asia. Of 22 taxa examined, six included both sexual and agamospermous specimens; those of one taxon were all agamospermous; and those of 15 taxa were all sexual. This result shows that 21 taxa are not agamospermous microspecies but are differentiated at the diploid level. Sexual populations of most taxa had restricted geographical distributions. Eupatorium chinense var. chinense and var. oppositifolium consisted of both sexual and agamospermous populations. Sexual populations of these two varieties were allopatric and distinct in external morphology, suggesting differentiation at the species level. The specimens of E. heterophyllum s. str. were all agamospermous, while those of E. mairel , often treated as synonymous with E. heterophyllum , were sexual.
In comparing East Asian and North American Eupatorium for the distributional patterns of sexual and agamospermous populations, three differences can be pointed out: (1) Agamospermous plants of autopolyploid origin have evolved in eight species and are widespread in North America; while most agamospermous plants in East Asia may be of allopolyploid origin, have relatively restricted ranges, and are less frequent than the diploid plants with the exception of in E. chinense var. oppositifolium , (2) The number of sexual species with wide range is greater in North America than in East Asia. (3) The number of sexual species with restricted ranges is greater in East Asia than in North America. The results obtained suggest that speciation among the plants of Eupatorium has occurred more recently in East Asia than in North America.  相似文献   

董莉娜  刘演 《广西植物》2019,39(1):16-39
秋海棠属(Begonia L.)隶属于葫芦目(Cucurbitales)秋海棠科(Begoniaceae),有1 800余种,是世界第六大属,主要分布于美洲、非洲和亚洲的热带和亚热带地区,具有极高的观赏价值,亦可作为药用、食用、饮料和饲料等。我国有秋海棠属植物近300种,主要分布于我国的云南和广西等长江以南地区,其中云南有秋海棠属植物100余种。近年来,随着广西地区秋海棠属植物野外调查的不断深入,陆续发现并发表了大量秋海棠属新类群,使得广西产秋海棠属植物数目已超出1991年《广西植物志》(第一卷)收录的19种,因此亟需对发表于不同期刊中的类群进行系统地整理和汇总。鉴于此,该文通过查阅文献资料和考证标本信息,整理并汇总了广西产秋海棠属植物共84种,包括2个变种、11个亚种和46个特有种,新增的65种为《广西植物志》(第一卷)中未收录的类群,并补充了这些类群的特征集要、凭证标本信息和属下分组概况,为今后开展秋海棠属植物的分类修订以及系统学、进化生物学和保护生物学等研究提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

无量山种子植物区系的特有现象   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
地处滇中南的无量山地区迄今计有种子植物207科,1026属,2540种,其中东亚特有科10个,中国特有属27个,无量山特有种子67个,这一地区不仅植物种类丰富,而且特有现象较为显著,在对科级持有现象进行较细致的研究后,本文认国无量山具有较多的分类系统上隔离的东亚特有科反映了该地作为东亚古老植物区系的一部分,其地质历史与整个东亚是一致的,且与东亚植物区系的发端密切相关,属的特有现象表明,地处中国特有  相似文献   

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