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为了揭示牡丹切花能量调控规律及其与切花瓶插品质的关系,以发育至二级状态的‘洛阳红’切花为试材,研究高能荷水平(大田自然生长,FNG)和低能荷水平(自然生长采后5~6 ℃贮藏15 d,PCS)状态下切花瓶插品质与能荷以及能量代谢的敏感基因SnRK1表达的关系。结果表明:(1)与FNG(高能荷)相比,PCS(低能荷)明显加快瓶插过程中牡丹切花开放和衰老进程,显著缩短瓶插寿命和减小最大花径,并提早呼吸跃变峰值,提高呼吸速率,加快蔗糖降解,导致花瓣琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)和线粒体复合体Ⅳ(CCO)活性下降加快,造成ATP和EC水平快速下降,引起PsSnRK1的表达水平上调时间提前,表达水平提高。(2)PsSnRK1 基因能够对牡丹花瓣能量匮乏快速响应,能荷水平下降可诱导 PsSnRK1基因表达上调。研究发现,冷藏后花瓣能荷水平下降是导致牡丹切花瓶插过程中花朵快速衰老的重要因素之一,花瓣能量状况在调控牡丹切花瓶插品质过程中起着重要作用,并为通过调节牡丹切花能量水平提高切花瓶插品质提供一种新策略。  相似文献   

为了研究来自不同麦区的61份同名小麦地方品种小红芒和6份小红芒麦的遗传演变趋势,对与6个产量相关的农艺性状和高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(high molecular weight glutenin subunits,HMW-GS)组成的变异进行了分析.结果表明,无论是在形态学水平还是蛋白质水平,小红芒和小红芒麦均存在丰富的遗传变异.在形态学水平上,供试材料的变异系数在株高、稳长、有效分蘖数、小穗数、穗粒数和千粒重等农艺性状上的变化范围分别为0.03~0.11、0.06~0.22、0.20~0.65、0.04~0.18、0.14~0.44和0.05~0.29.通过形态学数据计算小红芒和小红芒麦品种内多样性指数和品种间多样性指数,发现前者(0.804)占总多样性指数(0.842)的95.5%,而后者仅占4.5%,可见形态学变异主要来源于品种内而非品种闻,说明这些同名材料是由一个品种演变而来.在HMW-GS组成上,共发现了20种亚基组合类型,其中null,7+8,2+12和null,7+8,2+102种亚基组合出现的频率最高,分别为64.48%和20.00%.比较不同麦区种植的小红芒和小红芒麦的遗传多样性水平,发现无论是在形态学水平还是在蛋白质水平,春麦区材料的遗传多样性均普遍高于冬麦区,并且来自西北春麦区和北部春麦区的材料不仅遗传多样性较高,而且变异来源丰富,其中来自西北春麦区的甘肃天祝一带材料多样性最高,且其所处地理位置便于农作物的传播,故甘肃天祝地区有可能是小红芒的最初种植地点,然后再引种到其他种植区.  相似文献   

该试验以德景天幼苗为材料,设计PEG、PEG+H_2O_2、PEG+苯甲酸钠、蒸馏水(CK)4个处理,分析PEG模拟干旱胁迫及活性氧调控干旱胁迫下超微弱发光(ultraweak luminescence,UWL)和能量水平的变化及两者的关系,为揭示UWL的产生及其来源提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)在PEG模拟干旱胁迫过程中,CK和PEG处理德景天叶片的ATP含量、能荷和UWL强度均随着胁迫时间延长呈下降趋势,但PEG处理的上述指标的下降较CK更快、降幅更大。(2)进一步采用H_2O_2和苯甲酸钠调控活性氧的PEG干旱胁迫过程中,PEG+H_2O_2、PEG+苯甲酸钠处理的德景天叶片ATP含量、能荷和UWL强度的变化趋势与PEG处理基本一致,均随胁迫时间的延长呈下降趋势;但PEG+H_2O_2处理的上述指标均低于PEG处理,而PEG+苯甲酸钠处理的上述指标却高于PEG处理。(3)相关分析表明,在干旱胁迫及活性氧调控干旱胁迫下,德景天叶片UWL强度均与ATP含量和能荷呈显著正相关。研究发现,在干旱胁迫和活性氧调控干旱胁迫下,德景天叶片ATP含量和能荷较CK均明显下降,UWL强度也随之明显降低;UWL强度随着以ATP为代表的能量水平的下降而降低,说明植物中UWL的产生与其能量水平的高低显著相关。  相似文献   

绿豆胚轴吸胀过程中 ATP 水平及能荷(E.C.)值的上升伴随着蛋白质合成速率的增加。用5×10~(-5)M 和5×10~(-4)DNP 处理后,组织中 ATP 水平及能荷值降低,同时也抑制了~3H-亮氨酸参入 TCA 不溶性蛋白质的量。并观察到 CCCP(1×10~(-3)M 和1×10~(-4)M)有类似作用。以0.2μg/ml 亚胺环己酮处理,蛋白质合成下降69%,ATP 和 E.C.都略有增加;用1μg/ml 和5μg/ml 处理,蛋白质合成接近停止(占总合成量的6—7%),ATP 水平稍有下降,E.C.值仍保持不变。用每毫升含1μg 和10μg 放线菌素 D 处理,使蛋白质合成分别降低23%和48%,而 ATP 水平及 E.C.值不受任何影响。这些结果表明绿豆胚轴吸胀初期,其蛋白质合成受 ATP 水平及能荷值的调节,而腺苷酸库和能荷变化都不受放线菌素 D 的影响。  相似文献   

用不同浓度的PEG6000及NaCl对5个小麦品种的成熟胚组织培养物进行处理,研究在渗透胁迫条件下基因型和激素对成熟胚愈伤组织的诱导及分化的影响。结果表明,小麦整株水平与细胞水平的抗性存在一定相关,不同基因型对干旱与盐胁迫的敏感程度不同,成熟胚愈伤组织的诱导率和植株再生率表现出明显的差异。初步得到了晋麦47、长武134、红芒麦的耐旱愈伤组织以及晋麦47、长武134的耐盐愈伤组织,并获得了晋麦47和长武134具有一定抗性的再生芽。  相似文献   

线粒体是细胞的代谢中心之一,不仅产生大量的ATP为细胞提供能量,还参与多种生物分子(例如核酸、氨基酸、胆固醇和脂肪酸)合成及代谢废物的处理。ATP是细胞重要的“能源货币”,是能量载体和信号分子,参与调节细胞的各种生命活动。动物与人在激烈运动时,ATP消耗速率增加数十倍,但细胞内的ATP仍维持在“设定点”水平,不出现降低。因此,传统生理学观点认为,动物细胞内ATP水平保持恒定。但新的研究结果表明,生物细胞内ATP水平存在波动。生理条件下,增加能量物资(糖、脂和氨基酸等)和氧供,促进线粒体ATP合成,可使细胞内ATP水平出现一过性升高。新的研究证明,在肥胖情况下,由于能量物质的过多供应,细胞内ATP水平出现持续性升高,构成代谢紊乱的源头信号。线粒体ATP合成受多种因素影响,如氧化应激、钙超载、缺氧、线粒体膜通透性增加和线粒体DNA突变等。这些因素与疾病条件下细胞内ATP水平持续降低相关,常见的疾病包括阿尔茨海默症、帕金森疾病、精神分裂症、肿瘤、心衰、全身炎症反应综合征等。本综述简要概述线粒体调节细胞内ATP水平的研究进展,重点讨论造成ATP波动的因素、机制及病理生理学意义。  相似文献   

线粒体是细胞的代谢中心之一,不仅产生大量的ATP为细胞提供能量,还参与多种生物分子(例如核酸、氨基酸、胆固醇和脂肪酸)合成及代谢废物的处理。ATP是细胞重要的“能源货币”,是能量载体和信号分子,参与调节细胞的各种生命活动。动物与人在激烈运动时,ATP消耗速率增加数十倍,但细胞内的ATP仍维持在“设定点”水平,不出现降低。因此,传统生理学观点认为,动物细胞内ATP水平保持恒定。但新的研究结果表明,生物细胞内ATP水平存在波动。生理条件下,增加能量物资(糖、脂和氨基酸等)和氧供,促进线粒体ATP合成,可使细胞内ATP水平出现一过性升高。新的研究证明,在肥胖情况下,由于能量物质的过多供应,细胞内ATP水平出现持续性升高,构成代谢紊乱的源头信号。线粒体ATP合成受多种因素影响,如氧化应激、钙超载、缺氧、线粒体膜通透性增加和线粒体DNA突变等。这些因素与疾病条件下细胞内ATP水平持续降低相关,常见的疾病包括阿尔茨海默症、帕金森疾病、精神分裂症、肿瘤、心衰、全身炎症反应综合征等。本综述简要概述线粒体调节细胞内ATP水平的研究进展,重点讨论造成ATP波动的因素、机制及病理生理学意义。  相似文献   

线粒体是细胞的代谢中心之一,不仅产生大量的ATP为细胞提供能量,还参与多种生物分子(例如核酸、氨基酸、胆固醇和脂肪酸)合成及代谢废物的处理。ATP是细胞重要的"能源货币",是能量载体和信号分子,参与调节细胞的各种生命活动。动物与人在激烈运动时,ATP消耗速率增加数十倍,但细胞内的ATP仍维持在"设定点"水平,不出现降低。因此,传统生理学观点认为,动物细胞内ATP水平保持恒定。但新的研究结果表明,生物细胞内ATP水平存在波动。生理条件下,增加能量物资(糖、脂和氨基酸等)和氧供,促进线粒体ATP合成,可使细胞内ATP水平出现一过性升高。新的研究证明,在肥胖情况下,由于能量物质的过多供应,细胞内ATP水平出现持续性升高,构成代谢紊乱的源头信号。线粒体ATP合成受多种因素影响,如氧化应激、钙超载、缺氧、线粒体膜通透性增加和线粒体DNA突变等。这些因素与疾病条件下细胞内ATP水平持续降低相关,常见的疾病包括阿尔茨海默症、帕金森疾病、精神分裂症、肿瘤、心衰、全身炎症反应综合征等。本综述简要概述线粒体调节细胞内ATP水平的研究进展,重点讨论造成ATP波动的因素、机制及病理生理学意义。  相似文献   

ATP除了为细胞提供能量外,还发挥重要的信号作用。因此,细胞内ATP水平的调节机制引起了越来越多的关注。ATP合成酶抑制因子(ATPase inhibitory factor 1,ATPIF1,简称IF1)是线粒体基质中的一个蛋白,其与呼吸链中的F_1Fo-ATP合酶结合,调控后者合成和水解ATP的活性。该分子在肿瘤研究方面已有综述,但是在糖脂代谢领域还缺乏相关综述。该综述从能量代谢角度出发,阐明IF1分子在调节细胞ATP水平中的作用。IF1蛋白半衰期较短,其表达呈现组织特异性,活性受基因表达和蛋白修饰的双重调节。IF1活性在其质子化后或过表达条件下升高,使线粒体ATP合成减少,引起细胞能量代谢重新编程,糖酵解合成ATP增多,并且线粒体产生活性氧增加。这些作用可解释IF1促进癌细胞生长和提高细胞炎症反应的作用。相反,IF1活性在蛋白磷酸化后或基因敲除条件下降低,由此介导的代谢编程提高细胞对恶劣环境的适应能力,提高细胞的生存力,增加局部组织的抗炎能力。总之,IF1的这些作用为探索细胞内ATP水平调节机制和细胞能量代谢稳态机制提供了重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

ATP是细胞的重要能源。传统观点认为细胞内ATP水平相对恒定,不会出现持续升高。而新的研究提示:在能量过剩状态下,ATP水平在多种组织中持续升高,这种升高与能量过剩引起的代谢紊乱密切相关,但其升高机制尚不清楚。本文通过回顾本研究组前期实验结果和文献,论述调节细胞内ATP水平的多种因素,其中涉及超氧离子、线粒体炫、抗氧化剂、抗凋亡蛋白(Bcl-xL)、AMP活化的蛋白激酶以及二甲双胍等,重点讨论这些因素改变ATP设定点的作用及其潜在机制,评估它们在细胞内ATP水平升高或降低中扮演的角色。本文以能量过剩的分子机制为中心,探讨细胞内ATP水平升高导致胰岛素抵抗的分子机制,同时阐明新的实验结果与ATP传统观点之间发生矛盾的可能原因。作者认为在肥胖条件下,ATP水平升高是细胞能量过剩的重要信号,该信号通过激活反馈通路抑制线粒体功能,造成糖脂代谢紊乱。  相似文献   

Water transport is an integral part of the process of growth by cell expansion and accounts for most of the increase in cell volume characterizing growth. Under water deficiency, growth is readily inhibited and growth of roots is favoured over that of leaves. The mechanisms underlying this differential response are examined in terms of Lockhart's equations and water transport. For roots, when water potential (psi) is suddenly reduced, osmotic adjustment occurs rapidly to allow partial turgor recovery and re-establishment of psi gradient for water uptake, and the loosening ability of the cell wall increases as indicated by a rapid decline in yield-threshold turgor. These adjustments permit roots to resume growth under low psi. In contrast, in leaves under reductions in psi of similar magnitude, osmotic adjustment occurs slowly and wall loosening ability either does not increase substantially or actually decreases, leading to marked growth inhibition. The growth region of both roots and leaves are hydraulically isolated from the vascular system. This isolation protects the root from low psi in the mature xylem and facilitates the continued growth into new moist soil volume. Simulations with a leaky cable model that includes a sink term for growth water uptake show that growth zone psi is barely affected by soil water removal through transpiration. On the other hand, hydraulic isolation dictates that psi of the leaf growth region would be low and subjected to further reduction by high evaporative demand. Thus, a combination of transport and changes in growth parameters is proposed as the mechanism co-ordinating the growth of the two organs under conditions of soil moisture depletion. The model simulation also showed that roots behave as reversibly leaky cable in water uptake. Some field data on root water extraction and vertical profiles of psi in shoots are viewed as manifestations of these basic phenomena. Also discussed is the trade-off between high xylem conductance and strong osmotic adjustment.  相似文献   

We examined the roles of turgor potential and osmotic adjustment in plant growth by comparing the growth of spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum cv. Siete cerrors) and sudangrass ( Sorghum vulgare var. Piper) seedlings in response to soil water and temperature stresses. The rates of leaf area expansion, leaf water potential and osmotic potential were measured at combinations of 5 soil water potentials ranging from −0.03 to −0.25 MPa and 6 soil temperatures ranging from 14 to 36°C. Spring wheat exhibited little osmotic adjustment while sudangrass exhibited a high degree of osmotic adjustment. However, the rate of leaf area growth for sudangrass was more sensitive to water stress than that of spring wheat. These results were used to evaluate the relationship between growth and turgor potential. The modified Arrhenius equation based on thermodynamic considerations of the growth process was evaluated. This equation obtains growth rate as a function of activation energy, enthalpy difference between active and inactive states of enzymes, base growth rate and optimum temperature. Analyses indicate that the modified Arrhenius equation is consistent with the Lockhart equation with a metabolically controlled cell wall extensibility.  相似文献   

R. F. Meyer  J. S. Boyer 《Planta》1981,151(5):482-489
Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seedlings osmoregulate when the supply of water is limited around the roots. The osmoregulation involves solute accumulation (osmotic adjustment) by the elongating region of the hypocotyls. We investigated the relationship between growth, solute accumulation, and the partitioning of solutes during osmoregulation. Darkgrown seedlings were transplanted to vermiculite containing 1/8 (0.13 x) the water of the controls. Within 12–15 h, the osmotic potential of the elongating region had decreased to-12 bar, but it was-7 bar in the controls. This osmoregulation involved a true solute accumulation by the hypocotyls, since cell volume and turgor were virtually the same regardless of the water regime. The hypocotyls having low water potentials elongated slowly but, when deprived of their cotyledons, did not elongate or accumulate solute. This result indicated a cotyledonary origin for the solutes and a dependence of slow growth on osmotic adjustment. The translocation of nonrespired dry matter from the cotyledons to the seedling axis was unaffected by the availability of water, but partitioning was altered. In the first 12 h, dry matter accumulated in the elongating region of the 0.13 x hypocotyls, and osmotic adjustment occurred. The solutes involved were mostly free amino acids, glucose, fructose, and sucrose, and these accounted for most of the increased dry weight. After osmotic adjustment was complete, dry matter ceased to accumulate in the hypocotyls and bypassed them to accumulate in the roots, which grew faster than the control roots. The proliferation of the roots resulted in an increased root/shoot ratio, a common response of plants to dry conditions.Osmotic adjustment occurred in the elongating region of the hypocotyls because solute utilization for growth decreased while solute uptake continued. Adjustment was completed when solute uptake subsequently decreased, and uptake then balanced utilization. The control of osmotic adjustment was therefore the rate of solute utilization and, secondarily, the rate of solute uptake. Elongation was inhibited by unknown factors(s) despite the turgor and substrates associated with osmotic adjustment. The remaining slow elongation depended on osmotic adjustment and represented some optimum between the necessary inhibition for solute accumulation and the necessary growth for seedling establishment.  相似文献   

The transfer of cultured tomato cells (Lycopersicon esculentum cv VFNT-Cherry) to a low water potential environment resulted in an increased dry weight to fresh weight ratio accompanied by a rapid accumulation of proline. Proline content continued to increase as osmotic adjustment and growth occurred. The initial increase in proline concentration was accompanied by a drop in turgor. However, proline levels continued to increase with a gain in turgor during osmotic adjustment. Thus, the accumulation of proline depended not only on cell water potential, or on the initial loss of turgor but more closely on cell osmotic potential. The ultimate level of proline depended on the level of adaptation. Proline levels remained high after more than 100 cell generations in low water potential media, but declined rapidly after transfer to media with a less negative water potential. Addition of exogenous proline to the medium during water stress and during osmotic downshock alleviated the normally resulting inhibition of growth. The results suggest a positive role for proline accumulation in adaptation of cells to changing external water potentials.  相似文献   

NaCl (0 to 274 mM) was added to the culture media of normal and habituated (auxin and cytokinin independent) sugarbeet calli and its effect on growth (estimated by the increase of dry and organic matters), water content and osmotic potential was tested. Growth of normal callus was stimulated by 68 mM NaCl after a lag period of two weeks. This callus tolerated up to 137 mM NaCl without growth reduction and maintained its hydric status by readjustment of its osmotic potential in 24 h. NaCl quantities under 34 mM stimulated growth of the habituated callus from the 3rd day on; higher NaCl concentrations (68 to 274 mM) inhibited growth or were lethal. NaCl sensitivity of this habituated callus was not due to its inability to adjust its osmotic potential: this adjustment occurred from the 4th h of culture whatever the media. From the 3rd day on, however, this callus presented a water deficit which depended on NaCl concentration. It is suggested that the lowering of osmotic potential corresponds to an important water loss in relation to changes in membrane permeability. This study finally shows that mechanisms of salt tolerance may have developed at the cellular level. Lower growth and lower salt tolerance of the habituated callus need further investigation in relation to cell structure and hormone autonomy.   相似文献   

Abstract. Drought resistance in terms of plant production under conditions of drought stress was previously defined for several spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Four varieties, differing in their drought resistance by this definition, were compared in their physiological responses to water stress, as induced by polyethylene glycol 6000 in the growth medium.
Drought resistance was associated with osmotic adjustment, total root mass production under stress, maintenance of some stomatal permeability under stress, and maintenance of turgor at a given level of drought stress, by either osmotic adjustment or elevated plant water potential.
Drought resistance was not associated, in this experiment, with plant top growth under stress or non-stress conditions, maximum leaf area per plant, plant transpiration, and total root mass production under non-stress conditions.  相似文献   

Cultivated tomato Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. cv. P-73 and its wild salt-tolerant relative L. pennellii (Correll) D'Arcy accession PE-47 growing on silica sand in a growth chamber were exposed to 0, 70, 140 and 210 m M NaCl nutrient solutions 35 days after sowing. The saline treatments were imposed for 4 days, after which the plants were rinsed with distilled water. Salinity in L. esculentum reduced leaf area and leaf and shoot dry weights. The reductions were more pronounced when sodium chloride was removed from the root medium. Reduction in leaf area and weight in L. pennellii was only observed after the recovery period. In both genotypes salinity induced a progressive reduction in leaf water potential and leaf conductance. During the recovery period leaf water potential (ψ1) and leaf conductance (g1) reached levels similar to those of control plants in wild and cultivated species, respectively. Leaf osmotic potential at full turgor (ψos) decreased in the salt treated plants of both genotypes, whereas the bulk modulus of elasticity was not affected by salinity. Leaf water potential at turgor loss point (ψtlp) and relative water content at turgor loss point (RWCtlp) appeared to be controlled by leaf osmotic potential at full turgor (ψos) and by bulk modulus of elasticity, respectively. At lowest salinity, the wild species carried out the osmotic adjustment based almost exclusively on Cl and Na+, with a marked energy savings. Under highest salinity, this species accommodate the stress through a higher expenditure of energy due to the contribution of organic solutes to the osmotic adjustment. The domesticated species carried out the osmotic adjustment based always on an important contribution of organic solutes.  相似文献   

Saline and osmotic stress are the main abiotic factors limiting the productivity of rice and other crop plants. Although both coincide in generating water deficit and affect many aspects of plant growth and development similarly, some effects of salinity are distinctively related to the ionic component of salt stress. At the cellular level, dessication tolerance is largely dependent on the cell's ability for osmotic adjustment. Here, we have studied the effects of saline and osmotic stress on endocytosis by rice cells, to investigate the common and distinctive effects of saline-generated stress and osmotically generated stress, and the possible involvement of endocytosis in tolerance mechanisms. For this purpose, we have used rice cell lines with different levels of tolerance and biotinylated bovine serum albumin (bBSA) as an endocytic marker, which in our previous experiments has been shown to enter rice cells by a process with the characteristics of receptor-mediated endocytosis. Our results indicate that the pattern of uptake is common to both types of stress. Thus, when rice cells were subjected to saline or osmotic stress there was an initial dose-dependent inhibition of uptake. However, after more extended stress periods, there was an activation of uptake in the stressed cells. This late activation appears mainly related to the inhibition of growth commonly caused by the different stress agents used in this study. When using cell lines with different degrees of tolerance, the level of uptake activation varied as a function of the type of stress. Thus, under osmotic stress, a higher stress tolerance was directly related to a higher bBSA uptake, while the opposite occurred under saline stress. The possible role of endocytosis in the cellular responses to osmotic and saline stress is discussed.  相似文献   

两年的试验结果表明:在土壤水分胁迫下抗旱性强的小麦品种叶片的相对含水量和水势均高于抗旱性弱的品种;渗透势与水势为线性关系,水势每变动一个单位,渗透势变动0.71- 0.93个单位;渗透势与相对含水量的对数化关系为两条直线组成的一条折线,第一条直线渗透势的下降完全由渗透调节引起;第二条直线渗透势下降主要是细胞失水浓缩的结果。渗透调节能力为:秦麦3号>昌乐5号>山农587>济南13>烟农15>鲁麦5号。  相似文献   

以‘拉丁诺’白三叶为材料,用0、10%、15%、20%(W/V)即的聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)溶液模拟干旱条件,研究亚精胺fSpd)浸种对渗透胁迫下白三叶种子萌发和淀粉代谢的影响。结果表明,在PEG渗透胁迫下,白三叶种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、胚芽及胚根鲜重和胚根长度均显著(P〈0.05)降低,淀粉水解为糖类的速率减慢;与蒸馏水浸种相比,0.05mmol.L-1 Spd浸种处理显著(P〈0.05)提高了在渗透胁迫条件下种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、胚芽及胚根鲜重、干重和胚根长度,同时大幅提高了α-淀粉酶、β-淀粉酶及(α+β).淀粉酶总活性,降低了淀粉含量,增加了还原糖和葡萄糖含量。说明Spd浸种提高了白三叶种子在渗透胁迫下的萌发能力和幼苗生长的环境适应性,这可能与增强种子体内淀粉酶活性,加速淀粉水解为还原糖和葡萄糖,为种子萌发和幼苗早期生长及时提供充足能量有关。  相似文献   

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