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该文以福建武夷山亚热带常绿阔叶林为研究对象,通过设置3个氮(N)添加梯度的野外实验,研究了群落内乔木植物、灌木植物、草本植物、蕨类植物和苔藓植物叶片N、磷(P)化学计量特征对N沉降的响应,以及不同功能群和物种化学计量特征对N沉降响应的差异。在已开展5年人工N添加的样地内,3年的监测结果表明:N添加整体上提高了植物叶片N含量,草本层植物叶片N含量对N添加的响应比乔木层和灌木层植物更加敏感,优势种米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)、草本植物砂仁(Amomum villosum)、蕨类植物狗脊(Woodwardia japonica)的叶片N含量显著增加。N添加整体上增加了植物叶片P含量,乔木层植物和灌木层植物叶片P含量没有显著变化,草本层植物叶片P含量显著增加,而苔藓植物叶片P含量显著减少。N添加促使武夷山亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶片N:P由18.67上升至19.72,加剧了植物生长的P限制;乔木物种N:P的变化较灌木和草本物种更加稳定。N添加条件下,植物叶片N:P的变化主要受到叶片P含量而非N含量变化的影响,N添加对生态系统P循环的影响显著。  相似文献   

为了探究贺兰山东麓地区不同植被类型植物叶片碳氮磷含量及其计量比特征与环境因子的关系。该研究于研究区沿海拔梯度设置了高山草甸、云杉纯林、山杨纯林、浅山灌丛和荒漠草原5个典型植被样地,测定了63种植物叶片碳、氮、磷含量和样地土壤养分特征,分析了植物叶片碳氮磷含量及其计量比特征与环境因子的关系。结果表明:(1)贺兰山东麓地区63种植物叶片平均C含量为520.46±62.08 mg·g-1,平均N含量为24.03±3.37 mg·g-1,平均P含量为1.69±0.51 mg·g-1;植物叶片N、P、C/N、C/P、N/P服从正态分布,而叶片C不符合正态分布,且叶片C/P和N/P较之C/N变异更大。(2)不同生活型植被叶片化学计量差异显著;叶片C、P含量乔木最高,叶片N含量草本最高;乔木植物叶片C/N最高,而N/P最低;叶片的C/P灌木最高。(3)植物叶片N含量、N/P和C/P均随海拔上升而增高,在海拔2073 m(山杨纯林处)显著降低,之后又呈显著增高趋势;而植物叶片P含量和C/N在山杨纯林处达到最高值随后呈显著下降趋势。(4)荒漠草原和浅山灌丛受到P限制,云杉纯林受到N限制,高山草甸可能受N、P的共同限制。虽然山杨纯林植物N/P<14,但因其具有较高的N、P吸收能力,且N转换率显著高于P,故不认为山杨纯林植物受到N限制。  相似文献   

以湘西南石漠化地区灌丛植物叶片为研究对象,分析了不同功能群植物以及3种不同石漠化程度(轻度、中度、重度)下植物叶片N、P化学计量特征.结果表明: 湘西南石漠化地区常见植物叶片平均N含量为12.89 g·kg-1,P含量为1.19 g·kg-1,N/P值为11.24,大部分植物生长受到N的限制.不同生活型之间植物叶片N含量为落叶灌木>常绿灌木>一年生草本>多年生草本,P含量与N/P值为落叶灌木>多年生草本.不同科植物之间叶片N、P含量和N/P值差异显著,禾本科植物叶片N、P含量最低,与其他科植物共同受N限制;豆科植物叶片N含量和N/P值最高,主要受P限制.双子叶植物与C3植物叶片N、P含量分别高于单子叶植物与C4植物,N/P值差异均不显著.固氮植物叶片N含量以及N/P值均高于非固氮植物,P含量差异不显著.各样地中植物叶片N、P含量之间的相关性显著,N/P值与N含量的相关性显著,仅与中度石漠化样地P含量差异显著.不同石漠化程度之间植物叶N、P含量以及N/P值差异不显著.  相似文献   

研究森林植被与土壤碳(C)氮(N)磷(P)化学计量关系是理解生态系统各组分的相互作用和探究植物的生长状况及生态适应性的关键。阿尔泰山天然林是我国北方典型的泰加林,在区域水汽、养分循环和多样性维持等方面发挥了重要作用。以喀纳斯天然林30种乔灌草植物及其生境为对象,运用方差分析、相关分析、冗余分析等方法研究植物叶片及土壤的化学计量特征及其相互关系,揭示喀纳斯天然林乔木、灌木和草本环境适应性的异同。结果显示:30种植物叶片C、N、P的平均含量分别为496.66 g/kg、23.87 g/kg、3.67 g/kg;叶片C∶N、C∶P、N∶P分别为26.52、160.91、6.74。不同生活型植物叶片C、N、P含量及其计量比间显著差异。其中C含量大小顺序为乔木>灌木>草本(P<0.05),N含量大小顺序为草本>灌木>乔木(P<0.05),灌木和草本之间叶片P含量差异不显著(P>0.05),但均显著高于乔木叶片P含量(P<0.05)。叶片C∶N和C∶P大小顺序均为乔木>灌木>草本(P<0.05),乔木和灌木叶片N∶P不存在显著差异(...  相似文献   

六盘山四种森林生态系统的碳氮储量、组成及分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
碳和氮是森林生态系统的重要组成元素,其含量有很大时空差异,并和立地及森林特征关系很大,需做大量的积累性调查才能得到其变化规律,尤其是加强在过去较少研究的西北地区的调查。在宁夏六盘山区选择华北落叶松(Larix principisrupprechtii)人工林、华山松(Pinus armandii)次生林、桦木(Betula platyphylla)次生林和野李子(Prunus salicina)灌丛4种典型森林,测定了乔木层(分不同器官)、灌木层、草本层、枯落物层、根系层(0—100 cm土壤)的碳、氮含量,分析了生态系统的碳、氮储量及成分组成和层次分布特征。结果表明,碳含量在不同乔木树种及其不同器官之间的差异不明显;但氮含量存在显著的树种差别和器官差异,以树叶的最高、树干的最低。灌木层和草本层的碳氮含量均表现为地上部分地下部分。各森林样地的乔木层、灌木层、草本层的碳含量依次降低,但氮含量依次增高;枯落物层的碳含量低于各植被层,但氮含量高于各植被层;根系层土壤的碳、氮含量则随土层增深而递减。包括活植被层、枯落物层和根系层土壤在内的华北落叶松人工林、华山松次生林、桦木次生林、野李子灌丛的生态系统碳储量依次为364.56、450.98、640.02、196.55 t/hm2,氮储量依次为27.86、36.19、47.02、15.99 t/hm2。所有4种森林生态系统的根系层土壤的碳氮储量均占整个生态系统总储量的绝大部分,其比例对碳储量为84.69%—93.92%,氮储量为98.09%—98.64%。从乔木层、灌木层、草本层、枯落物层到根系层(土壤),呈现出C/N比依次减小的趋势;根系层土壤和整个生态系统的C/N比分别为华北落叶松林的11.84和13.12、华山松林的10.76和12.56、桦木林的12.48和13.52、野李子灌丛的11.70和12.29。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠典型植物叶片碳、氮、磷化学计量特征   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
荒漠植物在水分限制、营养元素相对匮缺的条件下,经过长期的进化适应形成了自身独特的生理生态和生态化学计量特征。在阿拉善荒漠选择52个典型群落类型,分析和研究了54种荒漠植物叶片的碳、氮和磷的化学计量特征。结果表明:荒漠植物叶片的碳(C mg/g)、氮(N mg/g)和磷(P mg/g)含量变幅较大,分别为(379.01±55.42)mg/g、(10.65±7.91)mg/g和(1.04±0.81)mg/g,变异系数分别为0.15、0.74和0.78;C/N、C/P、和N/P分别为66.70±60.81、683.16±561.94、11.53±5.06。元素间相关性分析表明,叶片的C和N不相关(P0.05),C与P显著正相关(P0.05),N和P极显著正相关(P0.01)。从植物功能型的角度分析发现,灌木和1年生草本植物对C的存储能力较低;占整体67%的灌木叶片的N、P含量最低,导致总体N、P含量较低;多年生草本和1年生草本植物叶N含量与灌木植物叶片和整体N含量无差别,而P含量明显高于灌木植物叶片和整体P含量且N/P明显低于灌木植物叶片和总体N/P,导致总体N/P较低。该研究结果与全球和中国尺度的研究相比发现,荒漠植物叶片C、N、P含量和N/P明显偏低,N/P14说明阿拉善荒漠植物在受N、P共同作用的同时更易受N限制。  相似文献   

选择中国东部南北样带森林生态系统112个采样点,研究了102个优势植物叶片的有机碳、全氮和全磷化学计量学特征及其变异性.结果表明:在中国东部南北样带森林生态系统中,优势植物叶片的有机碳含量(Cmass)、全氮含量(Nmass)和全磷含量(Pmass)的变化范围分别为374.1~ 646.5 mg·g-1、8.4~30.5 mg·g-1和0.6~6.2mg·g-1,算术平均数分别为480.1、18.3和2.0 mg·g-1,变异系数分别为11.1%、27.5%和56.4%;C/N、C/P和N/P的变化范围分别为14.1~64.1、70.9 ~ 838.6和1.5~21.2,算术平均数分别为29.1、313.9和11.5,变异系数分别为32.8%、48.3%和44.1%.C∶N∶P质量比为313.9∶11.5∶1,摩尔比为810.9∶25.4∶1.与全球尺度的研究结果相比,本研究区域树木叶片Cmass和C/N明显偏高,叶片Nmass和N/P明显偏低,而叶片Pmass和C/P差异不显著.  相似文献   

通过测定新疆44个样地45种荒漠植物的粗根碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)元素含量,探索荒漠植物化学计量特征与环境因子的关系。结果表明:荒漠植物粗根C、N和P含量为440±73、9.86±3.84和0.82±0.48 mg·g-1,C∶N、C∶P和N∶P为51±21、707±388和15±10。不同生活型植物的粗根C含量存在显著差异,其中乔木最高、灌木次之、草本最低,而粗根P含量表现为相反的趋势;此外,灌木的粗根N含量显著高于乔木和草本。C与P、N与P呈异速生长关系,其幂指数分别为-0.460、0.699。C、N、P化学计量特征与经纬度、年平均温度、年平均降水量存在非线性关系。荒漠植物粗根C、N、P计量特征主要受气候因子的影响,生活型差异和土壤养分影响次之,反映了荒漠植物生长主要受水分限制。  相似文献   

季风常绿阔叶林是亚热带地区结构最复杂、生产力最高、生物多样性最丰富的地带性植被类型之一,研究其化学计量学特征对于认识生态系统养分循环特征和限制状况以及系统稳定机制具有重要意义。本文基于云南普洱地区29块30 m×30 m的典型样地调查与取样,测定了152种木本植物叶片C、N、P含量,分析了其化学计量特征。结果表明,该区域季风常绿阔叶林叶片C、N、P含量算术平均值分别为458.17、20.88和1.42 mg·g-1,变异系数分别为7.12%、34.89%和51.81%;C/N、C/P及N/P算术平均值分别为24.96、394.74和16.50,变异系数分别为33.46%、38.79%和51.44%。相关分析表明,C含量和N含量呈极显著负相关(P=0.005),C含量和P含量负相关程度不明显(P=0.078),N含量和P含量呈极显著正相关(P0.001)。不同科植物叶片除C含量整体变异较小外,N、P及C/N、C/P、N/P变异较大。乔木与灌木,以及乔木与藤本之间,叶片除C含量的差异不显著外,N、P、C/N、C/P、N/P的差异均达显著水平(P0.05),其中乔木的N、P含量均显著低于灌木和藤本。152种木本植物叶片N/P算术平均值为16.50,说明普洱季风常绿阔叶林植物总体受P元素限制。  相似文献   

为了解西安市12种园林植物(三叶草、美人蕉、鸢尾、芍药、大叶女贞、桂花、香樟、广玉兰、石楠、夹竹桃、大叶黄杨和法国冬青)的根际效应及其生态化学计量特征,分析了各植物C、N、P与土壤C、N、P的相关性和差异性,以探讨园林植物的养分限制状况,为揭示城市生态系统植物的养分循环机制和植物对环境变化的响应与适应策略奠定基础。结果表明:(1)不同园林植物的根际土壤C、N、P均高于非根际土壤,表现出显著的富集作用,但不同植物的根际富集作用则不尽一致;根际土壤pH显著低于非根际;而且乔木对土壤C、N、P的吸收能力均较强。(2)不同园林植物土壤C、N、P垂直分布表现为依次递减趋势,呈现出明显的"表聚性"。(3)不同园林植物的相同器官中C、N、P含量均表现为乔木灌木草本,同种园林植物C、N、P含量在不同器官基本表现为叶茎根,说明不同植物对不同元素吸收迁移、累积不尽一致,并且不同器官对C、N、P元素的吸收、富集以及吸收特性也不同。(4)土壤C/N平均值依次表现为乔木草本灌木,但三者之间差异不显著,土壤C/P和N/P平均值依次表现为草本乔木灌木,土壤中较低的C/N和C/P初步说明了在自然条件下园林植物更容易受土壤N和P的限制。(5)叶片C/N平均值依次表现为灌木草本乔木,叶片C/P和N/P平均值依次表现为草本灌木乔木,而且三者之间差异均显著。(6)相关性分析显示,不同园林植物叶片C、N、C/N、N/P分别与所对应的土壤C、N、C/N、N/P呈显著相关关系,说明园林植物对营养元素的需求与土壤营养元素种类的供应基本保持一致,而土壤P含量对植物叶片P影响并不大。  相似文献   

To show the relationships of calcium accumulation in the thoracic aorta to the other tissues, calcium contents were determined with a microwave-induced plasma-atomic emission spectrometer on arteries, veins, cartilages, ligaments, and bones. These tissues were resected from 18 individuals, consisting of 11 men and 7 women who died in the age range 59–91 yr. As thoracic and abdominal aortas are routinely used for radiographic examination of arterial calcification, they appear to be standard tissues of the calcium accumulation. The calcium accumulations were determined in the femoral artery, the superior and inferior venae cavae, the internal jugular vein, cartilages of the articular disk of the temporomandibular joint and the intervertebral disk, both the ligaments of the anterior cruciate ligament and the ligamentum capitis femoris, and the calcaneus, in contrast with the thoracic aorta. As calcium increased in the thoracic aorta, it increased in the femoral artery, the articular disk of the temporomandibular joint, the intervertebral disk, both ligaments of the anterior cruciate ligament, and the ligamentum capitis femoris, but it did not increase in veins, such as the superior and inferior venae cavae and the internal jugular vein. In contrast, it decreased in the calcaneus.  相似文献   

To clarify the seroepidemiology of human parechovirus type 1 (HPeV1), 3 and 6, neutralizing antibodies (NT Abs) were measured in 214 serum specimens collected in 2014 in Yamagata, Japan. The seroprevalence against HPeV1 was 100% in all age groups, while that against HPeV3 and HPeV6 was 79.4% and 66.8%, respectively, overall. The geometric mean titers of NT Abs against HPeV1, 3 and 6 were 755.2, 255.0 and 55.9, respectively, overall. Our findings indicate that HPeV1 is the most prevalent HPeV circulating in Yamagata, followed by HPeV3 and HPeV6.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

To clarify the changes of mineral levels in different tissues of riboflavin-deficient rats, Wistar rats were separated into three groups. One group was fed a diet ad libitum that was deficient in riboflavin. The other two were fed either the complete diet that was weight-matched to the riboflavin-deficient group or fed a complete diet ad libitum. In riboflavin-deficient rats, the hemoglobin concentration and riboflavin contents of blood, liver, and kidney were significantly decreased, compared with weight-matched and ad libitum-fed controls. The mineral concentrations of tissues are summarized as follows: The iron (Fe) concentration in the heart, liver, and spleen was decreased in the riboflavin-deficient group compared with the other groups. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations in tibia were decreased in the riboflavin-deficient group compared with the other two groups. Copper (Cu) concentration was increased in the heart and liver when the riboflavin-deficient group was compared with the other groups. Zinc (Zn) concentration was increased in tibia when the riboflavin-deficient group was compared with the other groups.  相似文献   



This cross-sectional study assessed the frequency of discrimination, harassment, and violence and the associated factors among a random sample of 1000 lesbian, gay men, and bisexual women and men recruited from randomly selected public venues in Italy.


A face-to-face interview sought information about: socio-demographics, frequency of discrimination, verbal harassment, and physical and sexual violence because of their sexual orientation, and their fear of suffering each types of victimization.


In the whole sample, 28.3% and 11.9% self-reported at least one episode of victimization because of the sexual orientation in their lifetime and in the last year. Those unmarried, compared to the others, and with a college degree or higher, compared to less educated respondents, were more likely to have experienced an episode of victimization in their lifetime. Lesbians, compared to bisexual, had almost twice the odds of experiencing an episode of victimization. The most commonly reported experiences across the lifetime were verbal harassment, discrimination, and physical or sexual violence. Among those who had experienced one episode of victimization in their lifetime, 42.1% self-reported one episode in the last year. Perceived fear of suffering violence because of their sexual orientation, measured on a 10-point Likert scale with a higher score indicative of greater fear, ranges from 5.7 for verbal harassment to 6.4 for discrimination. Participants were more likely to have fear of suffering victimization because of their sexual orientation if they were female (compared to male), lesbian and gay men (compared to bisexual women and men), unmarried (compared to the others), and if they have already suffered an episode of victimization (compared to those who have not suffered an episode).


The study provides important insights into the violence experiences of lesbian, gay men, and bisexual women and men and the results may serve for improving policy initiatives to reduce such episodes.  相似文献   

Isogenic Escherichia coli strains carrying single DNA-repair mutations were compared for their capacity for (i) the repair of X-ray-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) as measured using neutral sucrose gradients; (ii) medium-dependent resistance, i.e., a recA-dependent X-ray survival phenomenon that correlates closely with the capacity for repairing DSB; and (iii) the growth medium-dependent, recA-dependent repair of X-ray-induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) as measured using alkaline sucrose gradients (about 80% of these SSB are actually parts of DSB). These three capacities were measured to quantitate more accurately the involvement of the various genes in the repair of DSB over a wide dose range. The mutations tested were grouped into five classes according to their effect on the repair of X-ray-induced DSB: (I) the recA, recB, recC, and lexA mutants were completely deficient; (II) the radB and recN mutants were about 90% deficient; (III) the recF and recJ mutants were about 70% deficient; (IV) the radA and uvrD mutants were about 30% deficient; and (V) the umuC mutant resembled the wild-type strains in its capacity for the repair of DSB.  相似文献   

A library of 4,6-dihydroxypyrimidine diones (135) were synthesized and evaluated for their urease inhibitory activity. Structure-activity relationships, and mechanism of inhibition were also studied. All compounds were found to be active with IC50 values between 22.6 ± 1.14–117.4 ± 0.73 µM, in comparison to standard, thiourea (IC50 = 21.2 ± 1.3 µM). Kinetics studies on the most active compounds 27, 16, 17, 28, and 33 were performed to investigate their modes of inhibition, and dissociation constants Ki. Compounds 2, 3, 7, 16, 28, and 33 were found to be mixed-type of inhibitors with Ki values in the range of 7.91 ± 0.024–13.03 ± 0.013 µM, whereas, compounds 46, and 17 were found to be non-competitive inhibitors with Ki values in the range of 9.28 ± 0.019–13.05 ± 0.023 µM. In silico study was also performed, and a good correlation was observed between experimental and docking studies. This study is continuation of our previously reported urease inhibitory activity of pyrimidine diones, representing potential leads for further research as possible treatment of diseases caused by ureolytic bacteria.  相似文献   

A series of substituted benzimidazole derivatives were synthesized by reacting O-phenylenediamine with various aromatic aldehydes or glycolic acid using various inexpensive reagents in aqueous media. Synthesized compounds were characterized and elucidated by IR, 1H NMR, ESI-MS spectra. Resultant compounds were screened for in vitro antimicrobial, cytotoxic, antioxidant, lipid peroxidation and cholinesterase inhibitory activities, in vivo analgesic and anti-inflammatory, and in silico anti-acetylcholinesterase and anti-butyrylcholinesterase activities. Among the synthesized compounds, compound 3b showed most promising central analgesic effect (46.15%) compared to morphine (48.08%), whereas compounds 6, 3c and 3a showed significant peripheral analgesic activity at two different dose levels (25 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg). Compounds 3b and 3a at the dose of 100 mg/kg showed significant anti-inflammatory effects from the first hour and onward, whereas compounds 6 and 3b showed moderate cytotoxic activities. In addition, compound 3a showed significant antioxidant activity having IC50 value of 16.73 µg/ml compared to 14.44 µg/ml for the standard BHT. Compound 6, 3a and 3b exhibited mild to moderate cholinesterase inhibitory activity. In silico studies revealed that compound 3a and 3b might be suitable for cholinesterase inhibitory activity. A comprehensive computational and experimental data suggested compounds 3b and 3a as the best possible candidates for pharmacological activity. All the experimental data were statistically significant (p < 0.01 level).  相似文献   

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