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The allocation of carbon to shoots, roots, soil and rhizosphere respiration in barrel medic (Medicago truncatulaGaertn.) before and after defoliation was determined by growing plants in pots in a labelled atmosphere in a growth cabinet. Plants were grown in a 14CO2-labelled atmosphere for 30 days, defoliated and then grown in a 13CO2-labelled atmosphere for 19 days. Allocation of 14C-labelled C to shoots, roots, soil and rhizosphere respiration was determined before defoliation and the allocation of 14C and 13C was determined for the period after defoliation. Before defoliation, 38.4% of assimilated C was allocated below ground, whereas after defoliation it was 19.9%. Over the entire length of the experiment, the proportion of net assimilated carbon allocated below ground was 30.3%. Of this, 46% was found in the roots, 22% in the soil and 32% was recovered as rhizosphere respiration. There was no net translocation of assimilate from roots to new shoot tissue after defoliation, indicating that all new shoot growth arose from above-ground stores and newly assimilated carbon. The rate of rhizosphere respiration decreased immediately after defoliation, but after 8 days, was at comparable levels to those before defoliation. It was not until 14 days after defoliation that the amount of respiration from newly assimilated C (13C) exceeded that of C assimilated before defoliation (14C). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Patterns of root/shoot carbon allocation within plants have been studied at length. The extent, however, to which patterns of carbon allocation from shoots to roots affect the timing and quantity of organic carbon release from roots to soil is not known. We employed a novel approach to study how natural short-term variation in the allocation of carbon to roots may affect rhizosphere soil biology. Taking advantage of the semi-determinate phenology of young northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.), we examined how pulsed delivery of carbon from shoots to roots affected dynamics of soil respiration as well as microbial biomass and net nitrogen mineralization in the rhizosphere. Young Q. rubra exhibit (1) clear switches in the amount of carbon allocated below-ground that are non-destructively detected simply by observing pulsed shoot growth above-ground, and (2) multiple switches in internal carbon allocation during a single growing season, ensuring our ability to detect short-term effects of plant carbon allocation on rhizosphere biology separate from longer-term seasonal effects. In both potted oaks and oaks rooted in soil, soil respiration varied inversely with shoot flush stage through several oak shoot flushes. In addition, upon destructive harvest of potted oaks, microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of saplings with actively flushing shoots was lower than microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of saplings with shoots that were not flushing. Given that plants have evolved with their roots in contact with soil microbes, known species-specific carbon allocation patterns within plants may provide insight into interactions among roots, symbionts, and free-living microbes in the dynamic soil arena.  相似文献   

Interspecific variations in carbon (C) allocation and partitioning in the rhizosphere were investigated on 12 Mediterranean species belonging to different family groups (grasses, legumes, non-legume forbs) and having different life cycles. Plants grown individually in artificial soil, in a greenhouse and inoculated with rhizosphere microflora were labelled with 14CO2 for 3 h at the vegetative stage. Rhizosphere respiration was measured during 6 days after which labelled C partitioning between shoots, roots, soil, root washing solution and respiration was estimated. The percentage of assimilated 14C allocated below ground differed significantly between species (41 – 76%) but no significant difference was found between grasses, legumes and non-legume forbs. When expressed as percentage of below-ground 14C, rhizosphere respiration was significantly smaller for non-legume forbs (42%) than for grasses (46%) and legumes (51%). Consequently more 14C was incorporated into root biomass in the former. Half-life of 14CO2 evolution through respiration ranged from 23 h in legumes to 27 h for non-legume forbs and 37 h for grasses. This suggested differences in microbial activities due to quantities and quality of root exuded C. Rhizosphere respiration was positively correlated with the amount of 14C in the solution used to wash the roots on one hand, and root N concentration on the other hand. This led to a functional hierarchy between plant family groups of the overall rhizosphere activity. It went from non-legume forbs being the less active (except Crepis sancta)in terms of respiration and exudation, to grasses and then legumes, the most active but also the richest in nitrogen.  相似文献   

To assess the influence of bacteria inoculation on carbon flow through maize plant and rhizosphere,14C allocation after14CO2 application to shoots over a 5-day period was determined. Plants were grown on C- and N-free quartz sand in two-compartment pots, separating root and shoot space. While one treatment remained uninoculated, treatments two and three were inoculated withPantoea agglomerans (D5/23) andPseudomonas fluorescens (Ps I A12), respectively, five days after planting. Bacterial inoculation had profound impacts on carbon distribution within the system. Root/rhizosphere respiration was increased and more carbon was allocated to roots of plants being inoculated. After five days of14CO2 application, more ethanol-soluble substances were found in roots of inoculated treatments and lower rhizodeposition indicated intensive C turnover in the rhizosphere. In both inoculated treatments the intensity of photosynthesis measured as net-CO2-assimilation rates were increased when compared to the uninoculated plants. However, high C turnover in the rhizosphere reduced shoot growth of D5/23 inoculated plants, with no effect on shoot growth of Ps I A12 inoculated plants. A separation of labeled compounds in roots and rhizodeposition revealed that neutral substances (sugars) constituted the largest fraction. The relative fractions of sugars, amino acids and organic acids in roots and rhizodeposition suggest that amino acid exudation was particularly stimulated by bacterial inoculation and that turnover of this substance group is high in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

The unusual appearance of a commensal eelgrass limpet [Tectura depicta (Berry)] from southern California at high density (up to 10 shoot–1) has coincided with the catastrophic decline of a subtidal Zostera marina L. meadow in Monterey Bay, California. Some commensal limpets graze the chloroplast-rich epidermis of eelgrass leaves, but were not known to affect seagrass growth or productivity. We evaluated the effect on eelgrass productivity of grazing by limpets maintained at natural densities (8±2 shoot–1) in a natural light mesocosm for 45 days. Growth rates, carbon reserves, root proliferation and net photosynthesis of grazed plants were 50–80% below those of ungrazed plants, but biomass-specific respiration was unaffected. The daily period of irradiance-saturated photosynthesis (H sat) needed to maintain positive carbon balance in grazed plants approached 13.5 h, compared with 5–6 h for ungrazed plants. The amount of carbon allocated to roots of ungrazed plants was 800% higher than for grazed plants. By grazing the chlorophyll-rich epidermis, T. depicta induced carbon limitation in eelgrass growing in an other-wise light-replete environment. Continued northward movement of T. depicta, may have significant impacts on eelgrass production and population dynamics in the northeast Pacific, even thought this limpet consumes very little plant biomass. This interaction is a dramatic example of top-down control (grazing/predation) of eelgrass productivity and survival operating via a bottom-up mechanism (photosynthesis limitation).  相似文献   

Kuzyakov  Y.  Domanski  G. 《Plant and Soil》2002,239(1):87-102
A model for rhizodeposition and root respiration was developed and parameterised based on 14C pulse labelling of Lolium perenne. The plants were grown in a two-compartment chamber on a loamy Haplic Luvisol under controlled laboratory conditions. The dynamics of 14CO2 efflux from the soil and 14C content in shoots, roots, micro-organisms, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and soil were measured during the first 11 days after labelling. Modelled parameters were estimated by fitting on measured 14C dynamics in the different pools. The model and the measured 14C dynamics in all pools corresponded well (r 2=0.977). The model describes well 14CO2 efflux from the soil and 14C dynamics in shoots, roots and soil, but predicts unsatisfactorily the 14C content in micro-organisms and DOC. The model also allows for division of the total 14CO2 efflux from the soil in 14CO2 derived from root respiration and 14CO2 derived from rhizomicrobial respiration by use of exudates and root residues. Root respiration and rhizomicrobial respiration amounted for 7.6% and 6.0% of total assimilated C, respectively, which accounts for 56% and 44% of root-derived 14CO2 efflux from the soil planted with 43-day-old Lolium perenne, respectively. The sensitivity analysis has shown that root respiration rate affected the curve of 14CO2 efflux from the soil mainly during the first day after labelling. The changes in the exudation rate influenced the 14CO2 efflux later than first 24 h after labelling.  相似文献   

Distribution of net assimilated C in meadow fescue (Fectuca pratensi L.) was followed before and after cutting of the shoots. Plants were continuously labelled in a growth chamber with 14C-labelled CO2 in the atmosphere from seedling to cutting and with 13C-labelled CO2 in the atmosphere during regrowth after the cutting. Labelled C, both 14C and 13C, was determined at the end of the two growth periods in shoots, crowns, roots, soil and rhizosphere respiration. Distribution of net assimilated C followed almost the same pattern at the end of the two growth periods, i.e. at the end of the 14C- and the 13C-labelling periods. Shoots retained 71–73% of net assimilated C while 9% was detected in the roots and 11–14% was released from the roots, determined as labelled C in soil and as rhizosphere respiration. At the end of the 2nd growth period, after cutting and regrowth, 21% of the residual plant 14C at cutting (14C in crowns and roots) was found in the new shoot biomass. A minor part of the residual plant 14C, 12%, was lost from the plants. The decreases in 14C in crowns and roots during the regrowth period suggest that 14C in both crowns and roots was translocated to new shoot tissue. Approximately half of the total root C at the end of the regrowth period after cutting was 13C-labelled C and thus represents new root growth. Root death after cutting could not be determined in this experiment, since the decline in root 14C during the regrowth period may also be assigned to root respiration, root exudation and translocation to the shoots. ei]{gnH}{fnLambers} ei]{gnA C}{fnBorstlap}  相似文献   

Root exudates are a direct link between primary production in higher plants and methanogenesis. The relationship has been widely studied on rice paddies, but less is known about its role in wetlands populated by naturally occurring species. This study provides information about the amount and composition of root exudates produced by a widespread mire plant, Eriophorum vaginatum L. For this purpose, E. vaginatum plants were grown in quartz sand in pots from April to October, and root exudates were collected once a month by percolation of the cultivation substrate. In June and October, a set of plants was labelled with 14CO2 for two days and subsequently harvested for the determination of dry weight and for root exudates collected by the dipping method. The study supports earlier findings that natural wetland plants can enhance methanogenesis in their rhizosphere via active and seasonally varying exudation, but that the amount of exuded carbon (C) is many times lower than that delivered via litter formation. At both harvests in June and October, the proportion of incorporated radioactivity in shoots, roots and exudates was 92–96%, 4–8%, and 0.2%, respectively. New C was primarily fixed in the metabolically important carbohydrates, as well as acid anions that composed the main compounds of the new exudates. However, microbes seemed to rapidly metabolise the exudates into other substances like acetate. This was the dominant compound in the rhizoplane and rhizosphere, and it was the only detected substance that occurred in higher amounts outside the roots than inside them. Further studies in the field, including the quantification of gaseous end products, are necessary to complete our understanding of the carbon cycling in E. vaginatum-soil-microbe-system.  相似文献   

Large herbivores may alter carbon and nutrient cycling in soil by changing above- and below-ground litter decomposition dynamics. Grazing effects may reflect changes in plant allocation patterns, and thus litter quality, or the site conditions for decomposition, but the relative roles of these broad mechanisms have rarely been tested. We examined plant and soil mediated effects of grazing history on litter mass loss and nutrient release in two grazing-tolerant grasses, Lolium multiflorum and Paspalum dilatatum, in a humid pampa grassland, Argentina. Shoot and root litters produced in a common garden by conspecific plants collected from grazed and ungrazed sites were incubated under both grazing conditions. We found that grazing history effects on litter decomposition were stronger for shoot than for root material. Root mass loss was neither affected by litter origin nor incubation site, although roots from the grazed origin immobilised more nutrients. Plants from the grazed site produced shoots with higher cell soluble contents and lower lignin:N ratios. Grazing effects mediated by shoot litter origin depended on the species, and were less apparent than incubation site effects. Lolium shoots from the grazed site decomposed and released nutrients faster, whereas Paspalum shoots from the grazed site retained more nutrient than their respective counterparts from the ungrazed site. Such divergent, species-specific dynamics did not translate into consistent differences in soil mineral N beneath decomposing litters. Indeed, shoot mass loss and nutrient release were generally faster in the grazed grassland, where soil N availability was higher. Our results show that grazing influenced nutrient cycling by modifying litter breakdown within species as well as the soil environment for decomposition. They also indicate that grazing effects on decomposition are likely to involve aerial litter pools rather than the more recalcitrant root compartment.  相似文献   

Grazing and Ecosystem Carbon Storage in the North American Great Plains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Isotopic signatures of 13C were used to quantify the relative contributions of C3 and C4 plants to whole-ecosystem C storage (soil+plant) in grazed and ungrazed sites at three distinct locations (short-, mid- and tallgrass communities) along an east–west environmental gradient in the North American Great Plains. Functional group composition of plant communities, the source and magnitude of carbon inputs, and total ecosystem carbon storage displayed inconsistent responses to long-term livestock grazing along this gradient. C4 plants [primarily Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag ex Steud.] dominated the long-term grazed site in the shortgrass community, whereas the ungrazed site was co-dominated by C3 and C4 species; functional group composition did not differ between grazed and ungrazed sites in the mid- and tallgrass communities. Above-ground biomass was lower, but the relative proportion of fine root biomass was greater, in grazed compared to ungrazed sites at all three locations. The grazed site of the shortgrass community had 24% more whole-ecosystem carbon storage compared to the ungrazed site (4022 vs. 3236 g C m−2). In contrast, grazed sites at the mid- and tallgrass communities had slightly lower (8%) whole-ecosystem carbon storage compared to ungrazed sites (midgrass: 7970 vs. 8683 g C m−2; tallgrass: 8273 vs. 8997 g C m−2). Differential responses between the shortgrass and the mid- and tallgrass communities with respect to grazing and whole-ecosystem carbon storage are likely a result of: (1) maintenance of larger soil organic carbon (SOC) pools in the mid- and tallgrass communities (7476–8280 g C m−2) than the shortgrass community (2517–3307 g C m−2) that could potentially buffer ecosystem carbon fluxes, (2) lower root carbon/soil carbon ratios in the mid- and tallgrass communities (0.06–0.10) compared to the shortgrass community (0.20–0.27) suggesting that variation in root organic matter inputs would have relatively smaller effects on the size of the SOC pool, and (3) the absence of grazing-induced variation in the relative proportion of C3 and C4 functional groups in the mid- and tallgrass communities. We hypothesize that the magnitude and proportion of fine root mass within the upper soil profile is a principal driver mediating the effect of community composition on the biogeochemistry of these grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Partitioning of 14C was assessed in sweet chestnut seedlings (Castanea sativa Mill.) grown in ambient and elevated atmospheric [CO2] environments during two vegetative cycles. The seedlings were exposed to 14CO2 atmosphere in both high and low [CO2] environments for a 6-day pulse period under controlled laboratory conditions. Six days after exposure to 14CO2, the plants were harvested, their dry mass and the radioactivity were evaluated. 14C concentration in plant tissues, root-soil system respiratory outputs and soil residues (rhizodeposition) were measured. Root production and rhizodeposition were increased in plants growing in elevated atmospheric [CO2]. When measuring total respiration, i.e. CO2 released from the root/soil system, it is difficult to separate CO2 originating from roots and that coming from the rhizospheric microflora. For this reason a model accounting for kinetics of exudate mineralization was used to estimate respiration of rhizospheric microflora and roots separately. Root activity (respiration and exudation) was increased at the higher atmospheric CO2 concentration. The proportion attributed to root respiration accounted for 70 to 90% of the total respiration. Microbial respiration was related to the amount of organic carbon available in the rhizosphere and showed a seasonal variation dependent upon the balance of root exudation and respiration. The increased carbon assimilated by plants grown under elevated atmospheric [CO2] stayed equally distributed between these increased root activities. ei]H Lambers  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is released from the soil to the atmosphere in heterotrophic respiration when the dead organic matter is used for substrates for soil micro-organisms and soil animals. Respiration of roots and mycorrhiza is another major source of carbon dioxide in soil CO2 efflux. The partitioning of these two fluxes is essential for understanding the carbon balance of forest ecosystems and for modelling the carbon cycle within these ecosystems. In this study, we determined the carbon balance of three common tree species in boreal forest zone, Scots pine, Norway spruce, and Silver birch with gas exchange measurements conducted in laboratory in controlled temperature and light conditions. We also studied the allocation pattern of assimilated carbon with 14C pulse labelling experiment. The photosynthetic light responses of the tree species were substantially different. The maximum photosynthetic capacity (P max) was 2.21 μg CO2 s−1 g−1 in Scots pine, 1.22 μg CO2 s−1 g−1 in Norway spruce and 3.01 μg CO2 s−1 g−1 in Silver birch seedlings. According to the pulse labelling experiments, 43–75% of the assimilated carbon remained in the aboveground parts of the seedlings. The amount of carbon allocated to root and rhizosphere respiration was about 9–26%, and the amount of carbon allocated to root and ectomycorrhizal biomass about 13–21% of the total assimilated CO2. The 14CO2 pulse reached the root system within few hours after the labelling and most of the pulse had passed the root system after 48 h. The transport rate of carbon from shoot to roots was fastest in Silver birch seedlings.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Trees allocate a high proportion of assimilated carbon belowground, but the partitioning of that C among ecosystem components is poorly understood thereby limiting our ability to predict responses of forest C dynamics to global change drivers.


We labeled sugar maple saplings in natural forest with a pulse of photosynthetic 13C in late summer and traced the pulse over the following 3 years. We quantified the fate of belowground carbon by measuring 13C enrichment of roots, rhizosphere soil, soil respiration, soil aggregates and microbial biomass.


The pulse of 13C contributed strongly to root and rhizosphere respiration for over a year, and respiration comprised about 75 % of total belowground C allocation (TBCA) in the first year. We estimate that rhizosphere carbon flux (RCF) during the dormant season comprises at least 6 % of TBCA. After 3 years, 3.8 % of the C allocated belowground was recovered in soil organic matter, mostly in water-stable aggregates.


A pulse of carbon allocated belowground in temperate forest supplies root respiration, root growth and RCF throughout the following year and a small proportion becomes stabilized in soil aggregates.  相似文献   

Much of our understanding about how carbon (C) is allocated in plants comes from radiocarbon (14C) pulse‐chase labeling experiments. However, the large amounts of 14C required for decay‐counting mean that these studies have been restricted for the most part to mesocosm or controlled laboratory experiments. Using the enhanced sensitivity for 14C detection available with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), we tested the utility of a low‐level 14C pulse‐chase labeling technique for quantifying C allocation patterns and the contributions of different plant components to total ecosystem respiration in a black spruce forest stand in central Manitoba, Canada. All aspects of the field experiment used 14C at levels well below regulated health standards, without significantly altering atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Over 30 days following the label application in late summer (August and September), we monitored the temporal and spatial allocation patterns of labeled photosynthetic products by measuring the amount and 14C content of CO2 respired from different ecosystem components. The mean residence times (MRT) for labeled photosynthetic products to be respired in the understory (feather mosses), canopy (black spruce), and rhizosphere (black spruce roots and associated microbes) were <1, 6, and 15 days, respectively. Respiration from the canopy and understory showed significantly greater influence of labeled photosynthates than excised root and intact rhizosphere respiration. After 30 days,∼65% of the label assimilated had been respired by the canopy,∼20% by the rhizosphere, and∼9% by the understory, with∼6% unaccounted for and perhaps remaining in tissues. Maximum 14C values in root and rhizosphere respiration were reached 4 days after label application. The label was still detectable in root, rhizosphere and canopy respiration after 30 days; these levels of remaining label would not have been detectible had a 13C label been applied. Our results support previous studies indicating that a substantial portion of the C fueling rhizosphere respiration in the growing season may be derived from stored C pools rather than recent photosynthetic products.  相似文献   

Kuzyakov  Y.  Kretzschmar  A.  Stahr  K. 《Plant and Soil》1999,213(1-2):127-136
Carbon rhizodeposition and root respiration during eight development stages of Lolium perenne were studied on a loamy Gleyic Cambisol by 14CO2 pulse labelling of shoots in a two compartment chamber under controlled laboratory conditions. Total 14CO2 efflux from the soil (root respiration, microbial respiration of exudates and dead roots) in the first 8 days after 14C pulse labelling decreased during plant development from 14 to 6.5% of the total 14C input. Root respiration accounted for was between 1.5 and 6.5% while microbial respiration of easily available rhizodeposits and dead root remains were between 2 and 8% of the 14C input. Both respiration processes were found to decline during plant development, but only the decrease in root respiration was significant. The average contribution of root respiration to total 14CO2 efflux from the soil was approximately 41%. Close correlation was found between cumulative 14CO2 efflux from the soil and the time when maximum 14CO2 efflux occurred (r=0.97). The average total of CO2 Defflux from the soil with Lolium perenne was approximately 21 μg C-CO2 d−1 g−1. It increased slightly during plant development. The contribution of plant roots to total CO2 efflux from the soil, calculated as the remainder from respiration of bare soil, was about 51%. The total 14C content after 8 days in the soil with roots ranged from 8.2 to 27.7% of assimilated carbon. This corresponds to an underground carbon transfer by Lolium perenne of 6–10 g C m−2 at the beginning of the growth period and 50–65 g C m−2 towards the end of the growth period. The conventional root washing procedure was found to be inadequate for the determination of total carbon input in the soil because 90% of the young fine roots can be lost. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Since the late 1950s, governmental rangeland policies have changed the grazing management on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Increasing grazing pressure and, since the 1980s, the privatization and fencing of pastures near villages has led to land degradation, whereas remote pastures have recovered from stronger overgrazing. To clarify the effect of moderate grazing on the carbon (C) cycle of the TP, we investigated differences in below‐ground C stocks and C allocation using in situ 13CO2 pulse labeling of (i) a montane Kobresia winter pasture of yaks, with moderate grazing regime and (ii) a 7‐year‐old grazing exclosure plot, both in 3440 m asl. Twenty‐seven days after the labeling, 13C incorporated into shoots did not differ between the grazed (43% of recovered 13C) and ungrazed (38%) plots. In the grazed plots, however, less C was lost by shoot respiration (17% vs. 42%), and more was translocated below‐ground (40% vs. 20%). Within the below‐ground pools, <2% of 13C was incorporated into living root tissue of both land use types. In the grazed plots about twice the amount of 13C remained in soil (18%) and was mineralized to CO2 (20%) as compared to the ungrazed plots (soil 10%; CO2 9%). Despite the higher contribution of root‐derived C to CO2 efflux, total CO2 efflux did not differ between the two land use types. C stocks in the soil layers 0–5 and 5–15 cm under grazed grassland were significantly larger than in the ungrazed grassland. However, C stocks below 15 cm were not affected after 7 years without grazing. We conclude that the larger below‐ground C allocation of plants, the larger amount of recently assimilated C remaining in the soil, and less soil organic matter‐derived CO2 efflux create a positive effect of moderate grazing on soil C input and C sequestration.  相似文献   

宋明华  陈锦  蒋婧  王枫  于飞海 《生态学报》2020,40(11):3688-3697
外源氮素(N)输入陆地生态系统后会引起植物和土壤各碳库的变化,但是对不同化学形态氮素的长期输入如何影响光合碳在植物组织、土壤、土壤呼吸中的分配及转运知之甚少,尤其是对于氮输入引起光合碳分配变化进而作用于植物和土壤碳库的机制的认识还非常匮乏。基于在青藏高原矮嵩草草甸开展的不同化学形态氮素添加的长期实验,利用~(13)C示踪方法揭示了光合碳在植物地上、地下组织的分配,及其随时间在土壤中的滞留和随土壤呼吸的释放。研究结果表明,外源氮素添加10年后,与对照未添加氮素处理相比,氨态氮处理下的地上生物量增加了49.5%,氨态氮处理下的地下生物量增加了111.3%。土壤中滞留的~(13)C整体呈下降趋势,氨态氮处理下的土壤碳库显著高于硝态氮处理下的值。不同处理下的土壤呼吸中~(13)C的滞留量随时间呈指数衰减的变化趋势,其中,硝态氮处理下的~(13)C衰减最快。~(13)C同位素标记后第1天测定植物茎和叶内的~(13)C约占刚刚标定完茎和叶内~(13)C的80%,不同处理之间没有显著性差异。直至标记后的第30天,茎和叶内~(13)C的滞留量约占初始量的30%。硝态氮处理下的值在第21天和第30天显著低于对照和氨态氮处理下的值,表明硝态氮处理下,植物光合固定的碳在短期内迅速输入地下组织和土壤中。这些结果从机理上阐明了植物光合碳分配对不同化学形态氮素长期输入的响应,进而影响到土壤呼吸CO_2的释放,以及对土壤碳库动态的贡献。加深了对高寒草甸土壤有机碳库稳定性维持机制的认识,能够为高寒草地的科学管理以及资源的可持续利用提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Characterizing the carbon turnover in terrestrial ecosystems is critical for understanding and predicting carbon dynamics in ecosystems. We used in situ13C pulse labeling to track photosynthetic carbon fluxes from shoot to roots and to soil in a Kobresia humilis meadow on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau. We found that about 36.7% of labeled carbon was translocated out from the shoots within the first 24 h after photosynthetic uptake. This is equivalent to 66.1% of total 13C moving out from the shoot during the 32‐day chase period, indicating a rapid and large translocation of newly fixed carbon to belowground parts in these alpine plants. 58.7% of the assimilated 13C was transferred belowground. At the end of the chase phase, 30.9% was retained in living roots, 3.4% in dead roots, 17.2% lost as belowground respiration and 7.3% remained in the soil. In the four carbon pools (i.e., shoots, living roots, dead roots, and soil pools), living roots consistently had the highest proportion of 13C in the plant–soil system during the 32 days. Based on the 13C partitioning pattern and biomass production, we estimate a total of 4930 kg C ha?1 was allocated belowground during the vegetation growth season in this alpine meadow. Of this, roots accumulated 2868 kg C ha?1 and soils accumulated 613 kg C ha?1. This study suggests that carbon storage in belowground carbon pools plays the most important role in carbon cycles in the alpine meadow.  相似文献   

Atwell  B.J.  Fillery  I. R. P.  McInnes  K. J.  Smucker  A. J. M. 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):259-269
Triticum aestivum L. (cv. Gutha), a short-season wheat, was grown to maturity in large monoliths of duplex soil (sand over sandy-clay) in a daylight phytotron mimicking field conditions. Either 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4) or urea was banded into the soil at a rate of 30 kg N ha–1: even though roots were about 20% heavier when grown in the presence of (NH4)2SO4 for 86 d (P<0.05), above-ground mass was not affected by the source of nitrogen. At four times through crop development up to grain-filling (50, 56, 70 and 86 d after sowing) shoots were labelled heavily with 14CO2 with two purposes. First, to trace `instantaneous' assimilate movement over 24 h, revealing relative sink strengths throughout plants. This, in turn, allowed precise measurements of live root mass and the proportion of recent photoassimilates deposited in the rhizosphere. Although root systems were sparse, even in surface soil layers, they were strong sinks for photoassimilates early in development (0–50 d), supporting the conversion of inorganic applied nitrogen (N) to soil organic forms. In the presence of roots, up to 28% of 15N was immobilised, whereas only 12% of labelled ammonium sulphate was immobilised in unplanted plots in spite of a favourable moisture status in both treatments. The effect of plants on rates of 15N transformation is ascribed to recently imported photoassimilates sustaining rhizosphere metabolism. Not more than 15% of recently fixed carbon imported by roots was recovered from the rhizoplane, suggesting that a highly localised microbial biomass supported vigorous immobilisation of soil N. Thus, more than twice as much applied N was destined for soil organic fractions as for root material. By these processes, root- and soil-immobilised N become substantial stores of applied N and together with shoot N accounted for all the applied N under dryland conditions.  相似文献   

The distribution of net assimilated C in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown at two N-levels was determined in a growth chamber. The N-fertilization involved 0 and 3.61 mol N g-1 dry soil. After growth for seven weeks in an atmosphere with continuously 14C-labelled CO2, 14C was determined in shoots, roots, rhizosphere respiration and soil. At the low N-level, 32% of the net assimilated 14C was translocated below ground, whereas at the high N-level 27% was translocated below ground. The release of C from roots (root respiration, microbial respiration originating from decomposition of 14C-labelled root material and 14C remaining in soil) was greater with no N-supply (19% of net assimilated 14C) than in the treatment with N-supply (15%). Thus, the effect of N-supply on both translocation of assimilated 14C below ground and the release of 14C from growing roots was relatively small.  相似文献   

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