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以位于广西黄连山自然保护区的德保苏铁Cycas debaoensis回归种群为对象,从开花情况、传粉媒介、传粉昆虫数量、结实率、种子散播媒介和方式等方面,与德保苏铁模式产地的自然种群进行比较研究。结果表明,2016年回归种群与自然种群开花植株分别为149和49株,雄雌性比分别为3.96∶1和4.44∶1,开花植株占比分别为31.63%和19.52%,自然结实率分别为60.53%和86.53%。留存在雌株上的未脱落种子一年内的萌发率分别为53.13%和42.51%,一年内幼苗存活率分别为0和3.56%;因重力或外力(雨水、风和动物)搬运后散布的种子一年内的萌发率分别为42.51%和38.46%,一年内幼苗存活率分别为74.46%和88.26%。与自然种群一样,回归种群的有效传粉者为大蕈甲科甲虫,但传粉昆虫数量较少,每雌球花有23.5头甲虫。回归种群结实率低于自然种群,可能的原因是传粉昆虫数量相对较少。啮齿动物等外力对种子的散布能显著提高幼苗存活率并直接影响幼苗的定植与分布,对回归种群的补充与更新有重要影响。总体上,黄连山德保苏铁回归种群在自然界中已能顺利完成生长和繁殖进程,基本具备自我更新能力。  相似文献   

德保苏铁茎的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文祥凤  和太平  徐峰 《广西植物》2005,25(4):335-337,i0001
对德保苏铁茎、叶柄的解剖构造进行观察,结果表明:(1)德保苏铁的茎由周皮、皮层、维管束、髓四部分构成。木栓层的细胞壁完全栓化;皮层大而显著,皮层细胞一般较小,富含淀粉,分布有粘液道;维管束通常较小,主要集中在皮层和髓之间的狭窄区,排列呈环形,具2生长环;少部分稀疏地散生在皮层薄壁细胞之间。(2)叶柄由表皮、绿皮层、下皮层、基本组织、维管束、髓组成。表皮细胞1层,细胞外壁角质化;绿皮细胞2层,有叶绿体;下皮层的厚壁细胞,大小不一,细胞壁强烈增厚;维管束散生,属外韧维管束,排列呈环形,内有零星分布的维管束。  相似文献   

以广西黄连山自然保护区内的德保苏铁幼苗为材料,研究了不同叶数苏铁幼苗叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性以及丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量的变化.结果表明:在7月至11月间,随着时间的推移,德保苏铁幼苗叶片的SOD、POD活性均呈递增趋势,CAT活性则先缓慢下降后又呈递增的趋势;MDA含量呈下降趋势;脯氨酸含量呈缓慢上升趋势;可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质均呈持续积累趋势.综合分析结果表明:可将不同叶数苏铁幼苗分为两类:5叶植株单独为一类,环境适应能力强;3叶植株和4叶植株可聚为一类,环境适应能力相对较强.  相似文献   

德保苏铁回归后几个生理指标的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广西黄连山自然保护区内的德保苏铁幼苗为材料,研究了不同叶数苏铁幼苗叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性以及丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量的变化。结果表明:在7月至11月间,随着时间的推移,德保苏铁幼苗叶片的SOD、POD活性均呈递增趋势,CAT活性则先缓慢下降后又呈递增的趋势;MDA含量呈下降趋势;脯氨酸含量呈缓慢上升趋势;可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质均呈持续积累趋势。综合分析结果表明:可将不同叶数苏铁幼苗分为两类:5叶植株单独为一类,环境适应能力强;3叶植株和4叶植株可聚为一类,环境适应能力相对较强。  相似文献   

对野生和栽培盾叶薯蓣(Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright)的性别特征及变异状况进行了观察,并对栽培盾叶薯蓣母根状茎和子根状茎萌发植株的性别特征进行了比较.观察结果显示,在湖北武当山6个样地717株野生盾叶薯蓣中共有155株开花植株,其中雌株、雄株和雌雄同株分别有60、94和1株,雌雄株比例1 ∶ 1~1 ∶ 3,平均雌雄株比例1 ∶ 1.57,每个根状茎一般具有1支缠绕茎.2004年至2006年的观察结果显示,2004年153株栽培盾叶薯蓣基株中雄株、雌株和雌雄同株分别有78、62和13株;2005年存活的基株中雌株和雄株数量明显减少,雌雄同株数量大幅增加,雄株、雌株和雌雄同株分别有35、19和88株;2006年成活的137株基株中有80株开花,其中雄株、雌株和雌雄同株分别有38、9和33株,雌株和雌雄同株数量大幅下降.随栽培年限的增加,每个基株的缠绕茎数由1~2支增加至5~6支.栽培过程中盾叶薯蓣的性别有较大幅度变异,雄株和雌株多数转变为雌雄同株,反向转变却较少,雄株和雌株间相互转变也较少.2005年存活并开花的基株中共有100株发生变异,在2006年有13株返变回原性别,有26株保持了2005年变异的性别,有11株变异为另一种性别;雄株、雌株和雌雄同株3年的总变异率分别达到80.77%、100.00%和46.14%.子根状茎萌发植株的性别与母根状茎有较大差异,总变异率达到约50%,其中母根状茎为雄性的其子根状茎萌发植株的性别总变异率最高(59.09%).研究结果表明,野生盾叶薯蓣可能以有性繁殖为主要繁殖方式,性系统简单清晰;栽培盾叶薯蓣复杂的性系统及大幅度的性别变异可能是由外部环境因子的影响造成的.  相似文献   

苏铁属叉叶苏铁亚组国产种类的羽片比较解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢建光  刘念 《广西植物》2012,32(5):587-592
为了比较苏铁属各分类群的异同并为其分类工作提供重要的理论依据,采用解剖学的方法,观察并分析了国产叉叶苏铁亚组5个分类群:叉叶苏铁、多羽叉叶苏铁、长柄叉叶苏铁、多歧苏铁和德保苏铁的羽片横切下皮层厚壁细胞、海绵组织含晶细胞、叶缘、中脉区及韧皮部形状、分泌道等特征和羽片小叶柄纵切中管胞类型、直径大小及管胞壁纹饰特征。结果表明:叉叶苏铁和多羽叉叶苏铁解剖特征非常接近;长柄叉叶苏铁叶缘弯曲、韧皮部呈"V"形与前二者区分;多歧苏铁中脉区远轴面半圆形、叶缘弯曲部位变厚、先端锐等特征和德保苏铁中脉区远轴面呈较平缓圆弧形,叶缘弯曲部位变薄、先端钝易区分。5个分类群在下皮层厚壁细胞、中脉区具分泌道和小叶柄中管胞等解剖特征方面具有一致性,表明这些分类群可能由共同的祖先演化而来。  相似文献   

一本书成就一段缘分,我用十余年孜孜不倦地进行矮马的拍摄,以《中国德保矮马》画册见证了我与德保矮马的渊源。1998年,我到德保工作,大约过了一年的时间,才看到第一匹真正的矮马。记得1999年刚过春节不久,我们前往德保矮马聚居的巴头乡,去寻找最原生态、最纯种的德保矮马。那时县城到巴头乡虽然只有三十多公里,但要走将近两个小时车程,再用一个多小时才到登星村,之后徒步一个小时左右来到一个偏远小山寨。  相似文献   

一本书成就一段缘分,我用十余年孜孜不倦地进行矮马的拍摄,以《中国德保矮马》画册见证了我与德保矮马的渊源。1998年,我到德保工作,大约过了一年的时间,才看到第一匹真正的矮马。记得1999年刚过春节不久,我们前往德保矮马聚居的巴头乡,去寻找最原生态、最纯种的德保矮马。那时县城到巴头乡虽然只有三十多公里,但要走将近两个小时车程,再用一个多小时才到登星村,之后徒步一个小时左右来到一个偏远小山寨。这个寨子有二十来户人家,家家都养有矮马。当我第一眼看到心仪已久的德保矮马时,眼前的矮马与我想像中的矮马反差实  相似文献   

苏枭  何子文  柳树群  李海鹏 《遗传》2022,(5):442-446
<正>自从2021年11月在南非发现了新冠病毒奥密克戎(Omicron)变异株以来,该变异株迅速取代德尔塔(Delta)变异株成为全球主要流行的变异株[1]。2022年3月初开始的上海疫情便是由奥密克戎变异株所引发。从2022年4月9日上海的流行病学调查数据来看,新冠病毒新增患者多为无症状感染者,和确诊病例的比例为24∶1 (https://wsjkw.sh.gov.cn/)。  相似文献   

用丙肝病毒C+E1区真核表达质粒pcDNA-HCV/C+E1按400ug/只剂量免疫BALB/C小鼠,14周后同一剂量再加强免疫一次。加强免疫后2周,在50%PEG1450介导下将脾细胞与SP2/0小鼠骨髓瘤细胞(51)融合。实验结果融合率达54.3%(313/576)。阳性率为5.4%(17”313)。克隆化后得到6株稳定分泌抗丙肝病毒C区单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株。这6株杂交瘤均产生IgM抗体,接种BALB/C小鼠后产生腹水的效价为164-1320(ELISA)。  相似文献   

The putative O-specific polysaccharide of Serratia marcescens N.C.T.C. 1377 is a partially acetylated glucorhamnan. By means of 1H- and 12C-n.m.r. spectroscopy, methylation analysis, and periodate oxidation, it was shown that the polymer has a disaccharide repeating-unit for which the following structure is proposed: leads to 4)-alpha-D-Glcp-(1 leads to 3)-beta-L-Rhap-(1-leads. O-Acetyl groups are probably located at C-2 of the rhamnopyranosyl residues. Except for the extent of O-acetylation, the polysaccharide is identical with the corresponding product from S. marcescens Bizio (A.T.C.C. 264), for which a different structure has previously been proposed.  相似文献   

The teichuronic acid of Bacillus licheniformis A.T.C.C. 9945 grown under phosphate limitation was isolated from the cell walls and purified by ion-exchange and Sephadex chromatography. The detailed structure of the polysaccharide was established by methylation analysis, periodate oxidation and partial acid hydrolysis. The polymer is composed of tetrasaccharide repeating units with the structure [GlcA beta(1 leads to 4)GlcA beta(1 leads to 3)GalNAc beta(1 leads to 6)GalNAc alpha(1 leads to 4)n. 13C n.m.r. analysis has confirmed most of the structural features of the polysaccharide and, in particular, the anomeric configurations and linkage positions of substituents. The teichuronic acid from glucose-limited cells was identical with that from cells grown under phosphate limitation.  相似文献   

A "neutral" polymer of glucose, galactose, and 2-acetamido-2-deoxyglucose (molar ratios 1:1:2) has been isolated from the lipopolysaccharide of Serratia marcescens strain C.D.C. 1783-57 (O14:H9). Degradative and spectroscopic studies established that the polysaccharide has a branched tetrasaccharide repeating-unit of the structure shown. The polymer was absent from other strains of serogroup O14 studied, but a polymer differing only in the configuration of the glucose residue has previously been isolated from a strain of S. marcescens O8. The polymer from strain C.D.C. 1783-57 also shares structural features with the Escherichia coli O18 antigen, which is known to be serologically related to the S. marcescens O8 antigen. (Formula: see text).  相似文献   

The complement system plays an important role in defense mechanisms by promoting the adherence of microorganisms to phagocytic cells and lysis of foreign organisms. Deficiencies of the first complement components, C1r/C1s, often cause systemic lupus erythema-tosus-like syndromes and severe pyogenic infections. Up to now no genetic analysis of the C1r/C1s deficiencies has been carried out. In the present work, we report the first genetic analysis of selective C1s deficiency, the patient having a normal amount of C1r. C1s RNA with a normal size was detected in patient’s subcutaneous fibroblasts (YKF) by RNA blot analysis and RT-PCR. The amount of C1s RNA was approximately one-tenth of the RNA from the human chondrosarcoma cell line, HCS2/8. In contrast, the levels of C1r and β-actin RNA of YKF were similar to that of HCS2/8. Sequence analysis of C1s cDNA revealed a deletion at nucleotides 1087–1090 (TTTG), creating a stop codon (TGA) at position 94 downstream of the mutation site. Direct sequencing of the gene between the primers designed on intron 9 and exon 10 indicated the presence of the deletion on exon 10 of the gene. Quantitative Southern blot hybridization suggested the mutation was homozygous. The 4-bp deletion on exon 10 was also found in the patient’s heterozygous mother who had normal hemolytic activity. Received: 6 July 1998 / Accepted: 1 August 1998  相似文献   

The DNA sequence at the T7 C promoter.   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Restriction fragments of T7 DNA which selectively bind E. coli RNA polymerase have been identified. These include fragments located close to the beginning of gene 1 where according to Minkley and Pribnow (1973) there is a promoter called C. The smallest fragment from this region which binds RNA polymerase has been sequenced. It contains a promoter-like sequence, at an appropriate distance from the sequence TACA which Minkley and Pribnow suggested should lie at the initiation site of C. RNA synthesised in vitro from these fragments has been sequenced. The RNA sequence corresponds to the sequence to the right of the C promoter. The C promoter differs significantly from the A1 A2 and A3 promoters in sequence. Its structure and position suggest it plays a role in T7 infection.  相似文献   

为了研究自杀基因——胞嘧啶脱氨酶基因(cytosine deaminase gene,CD基因)对大鼠脑胶质瘤的体内治疗效果,采用基因转导系统将慢病毒包装的CD基因转染骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)并使其长时间、高效表达,然后移植到使用颅内立体定向接种法制作的40只SD大鼠胶质瘤模型中.按接种细胞类型将实验SD大鼠分为5组, 每组8只:① C6胶质瘤; ②C6+MSCs细胞(1∶1);③ C6+MSCs细胞(1∶2);④ C6+MSC-codA/eGFP细胞(1∶1);⑤ C6+MSC-codA/eGFP细胞(1∶2).瘤龄7天后腹腔注射500 mg/(kg·d) 5-氟胞嘧啶(5-flucytosine,5-FC),共14天.用磁共振成像(MRI)动态监测肿瘤的体积并进行了大鼠存活期观察、常规病理分析、RT-PCR检测、HE 染色.结果显示,第①组瘤龄14天时病灶呈圆形,中心见坏死区,肿瘤平均246 mm3,均存活期15.3天,第②组平均生存期16.0天,第③组平均生存期16.6天,第④⑤组自然存活期均大于30天,14天时病灶平均体积分别为55 mm3、40 mm3,28天时肿瘤抑制率分别为77.24%、83.28%.MRI扫描可清楚显示肿瘤的大小、形态和内部结构,与病理结果高度相关;MRI动态观察可证实携带CD基因的骨髓间充质干细胞及5-FC治疗系统治疗C6颅内胶质瘤有效;RT-PCR检测结果证实肿瘤组织内有胞嘧啶脱氨酶表达.  相似文献   

A continuous flow soil respirometer was used to evaluate the effect of nutrient addition, application rate, and application frequency on biodegradation of 2 complex oily sludges in soil. The most rapid biodegradation of the refinery sludge occurred when nitrogen was added to reduce the carbon to nitrogen (C∶N) ratio to 9∶1. The petrochemical sludge was degraded most rapidly when nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were added at a rate of 124∶1, C∶NPK; CO2evolution from both wastes increased with increasing application rates, but the fraction of applied sludge which degraded decreased with increasing application rates. Small frequent applications resulted in a slight increase in respiration rate per unit applied over a single equivalent application, indicating that repeated applications of smaller amounts of sludge result in a more rapid rate of decomposition. The population of total soil bacteria was greatest when 1% of either sludge was added to the soil, whereas 5 and 10% sludge additions resulted in slightly lower microbial populations.  相似文献   

为探究不同灌木叶片C、N、P化学计量特征季节变化规律,揭示荒漠植物对环境的适应策略,以民勤荒漠区4种主要灌木梭梭、沙拐枣、唐古特白刺、柠条锦鸡儿为研究对象,分析不同荒漠植物在生长季内叶片的C、N、P含量及其计量比变化特征。结果表明:(1)沙拐枣、柠条锦鸡儿叶片C含量显著高于唐古特白刺、梭梭(P<0.05),且唐古特白刺显著高于梭梭,沙拐枣与柠条锦鸡儿差异不显著;唐古特白刺叶片N含量显著高于其他3种植物叶片;唐古特白刺叶片P含量最高,并显著高于柠条锦鸡儿,但两者均与梭梭和沙拐枣差异不显著。(2)4种荒漠植物叶片C、N、P含量及其计量比各指标在生长季节内的变异系数表现为:P(28.34%)>C∶P(24.70%)>N∶P(19.07%)>N(17.49%)>C∶N(16.89%)>C(2.91%)。(3)C含量与N、P含量呈不显著正相关关系;除沙拐枣,其他叶片N含量与P含量呈显著正相关关系,4种荒漠植物叶片N∶P值的变化主要由P含量变化决定。(4)植物叶片C、N、C∶N、C∶P和N∶P含量的变异主要受植物种类影响,植物叶片P含量的变异主要受生长季节影响。研究发现,民勤荒漠4种灌木植物叶片C、N、P含量及C∶N、C∶P和N∶P在生长季内因物种而不同,它们在生长季内变异系数在植物种之间也存在差异。  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin I is a 65 kDa type 1 membrane glycoprotein found in secretory organelles that plays a key role in regulated exocytosis. We have characterised two forms (long and short) of synaptotagmin I that are present in the bovine adrenal medulla. The long form is a type I integral membrane protein which has two cytoplasmic C2 domains and corresponds to the previously characterised full-length synaptotagmin I isoform. The short-form synaptotagmin I-ΔC2B has the same structure in the lumenal and transmembrane sequences, but synaptotagmin I-ΔC2B is truncated such that it only has a single cytoplasmic C2 domain. Analysis of synaptotagmin I-ΔC2B expression indicates that synaptotagmin I-ΔC2B is preferentially expressed in the bovine adrenal medulla. However, it is absent from the dense core chromaffin granules. Furthermore, when expressed in the rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC12 bovine synaptotagmin I-ΔC2B is largely absent from dense core granules and synaptic-like microvesicles. Instead, indirect immunofluorescence microscopy reveals the intracellular location of synaptotagmin I-ΔC2B to be the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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