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In order to identify unique structural features of pathogenic autoantibodies to DNA in SLE, a murine anti-anti-DNA (anti-Id) mAb (mAb 1C7) was produced in response to immunization of lupus mice with a syngeneic anti-DNA mAb (mAb 3E10). Immunization of lupus mice with mAb 3E10 inhibited production of native anti-DNA antibodies, suppressed development of lupus kidney disease (nephritis), and induced production of anti-anti-DNA (anti-Id) antibodies. mAb 1C7 bound F(ab')2 fragments of mAb 3E10, and it bound other murine anti-DNA mAb, but not murine mAb or polyclonal serum antibodies unreactive with DNA. Moreover, binding of mAb 1C7 anti-Id to mAb 3E10 was inhibited by DNA, suggesting anti-Id binding within or near the binding site for DNA. Furthermore, mAb 1C7 bound serum IgG immunoglobulins from 9/12 patients with lupus nephritis and serum anti-DNA antibodies compared to only 3/12 SLE patients with comparable serum levels of anti-DNA antibodies, but without nephritis (p = 0.04), and only 1/53 SLE patients without serum anti-DNA antibodies, 0/49 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and 1/47 healthy subjects (p less than 0.001). These results provide evidence that mAb 1C7 identifies a conserved Id associated with anti-DNA antibodies in murine and human SLE and may be useful as a structural probe to characterize pathogenic anti-DNA antibodies in SLE.  相似文献   

Two types of IgG anti-DNA antibodies exhibiting DNA-hydrolyzing activity have been isolated from blood serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. This DNase activity of antibodies differs from serum DNases by the non-processive mode, temperature resistance, pH optimum, and the rate of DNA hydrolysis. It is suggested that the anti-DNA antibody molecule possessing DNase activity contains two sites: one site determines specificity of antibody-DNA interaction, whereas the other is responsible for manifestation of the catalytic activity.  相似文献   

本文用国产高分子树脂(T)接枝小牛胸腺DNA,通过亲合层析从系统性红斑狼疮SLE患者血清中纯化出抗-ds DNA抗体和抗-ss DNA抗体。酶联免疫吸附分析(ELISA)的研究表明:SLE抗-DNA抗体和DNA结合的差异性很大,是高度非均一性的。抗-ss DNA抗体不仅组成成分比抗-ds DNA抗体复杂,ss DNA/抗-ssDNA亲合能力也明显高于ds DNA/抗-ds DNA。纯化的抗-DNA抗体以IgG类抗体占主导,同时也有其它类型抗体存在(例如IgM等)。抗-ds DNA抗体有较抗-ss DNA抗体高的IgG含量(两者的IgG/IgM分别是7.0和4.0),说明IgG抗-DNA抗体更倾向于同dsDNA结合。  相似文献   

It is believed that damage to the membranes of brain cells of schizophrenia (SCZ) patients induces the formation of autoantigens and autoantibodies. Nevertheless, the importance of immunological changes leading to the loss of tolerance to self-antigens in the genesis of SCZ has not been established. The MALDI mass spectra of the IgG light chains of 20 healthy donors were relatively homogeneous and characterized by one peak with only one maximum. In contrast to the healthy donors, the MALDI mass spectra of IgG light chains corresponding to 20 SCZ patients demonstrated, similarly to 20 autoimmune systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, two maxima of a comparable intensity. In addition, the MALDI spectra of the IgG light chains of five SLE and four SCZ patients contained a small additional brightly pronounced peak with remarkably lower molecular mass compared with the main one. DNase autoantibodies (abzymes) can be found in the blood of patients with several autoimmune diseases, while the blood of healthy donors or patients with diseases without a significant disturbance of the immune status does not contain DNase abzymes. Here, we present the first analysis of anti-DNA antibodies and DNase abzymes in the sera of SCZ patients. Several strict criteria have been applied to show that the DNase activity is an intrinsic property of IgGs from the sera of SCZ patients. The sera of approximately 30% of SCZ patients displayed a higher content of antibodies (compared with 37% of SLE) interacting with single- and double-stranded DNA compared with healthy donors. Antibodies with DNase activity were revealed in 80% of the patients. These data indicate that some SCZ patients may show signs of typical autoimmune processes to a certain extent.  相似文献   

DNA fragments of around 200 base pair (average size) have been covalently crosslinked with 8-methoxypsoralen under 365 nm UV light. The photoadduct, induced antibodies in rabbits with a titer of > 1:12,800 by direct bindng ELISA. Binding data showed that the induced antibodies are conformation-specific recognizing restricted conformational change at site of crosslinking. Human autoantibodies against DNA, bound not only to native DNA but to the photomodified DNA fragment as well. In addition, binding patterns of SLE sera obtained from different patients were remarkably similar, indicating the recognition of altered conformation of the modified polymer by naturally occurring SLE anti-DNA autoantibodies.  相似文献   

Alterations in DNA structure by hydroxyl radical modification was characterized by UV spectroscopy, Tm, nuclease S1 digestibility and base modification. In view of indicted role of oxygen free radicals in human diseases, an attempt has been made to precisely compare the antigen binding properties of induced antibodies against hydroxyl radical modified DNA with those of naturally occurring anti-DNA autoantibodies. Antibodies induced against ROS-DNA showed diverse antigen binding characteristics which were comparable with those derived from SLE patients. The immune IgG recognized native DNA, heat denatured DNA, and synthetic polynucleotides in B-/B-like conformations. IgG isolated from SLE sera showed preference for ROS-DNA in competition-inhibition assay. The antigenic diversity of induced antibodies and preference of circulating anti-DNA autoantibodies for ROS-DNA over that of native DNA demonstrates the possible role of modified DNA antigens in the pathogenesis of SLE.  相似文献   

It was found that high-affinity anti-DNA antibodies were one of the major components of the intrathecal IgG response in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients [Williamson et al., PNAS, 2001]. Recently we have shown that IgGs from the sera of MS patients are active in the hydrolysis of DNA. Here we have shown, for the first time, that average concentration of total proteins (132-fold), total IgGs (194-fold) and anti-DNA antibodies (200-fold) in the sera is significantly higher than that in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of fifteen MS patients. The relative activities of total protein from sera and CSFs varied remarkably from patient to patient. It was surprising that the specific DNase activity of the total protein of CSF reparations were 198-fold higher than the serum ones. Electrophoretically and immunologically homogeneous IgGs were obtained by sequential affinity chromatography of the CSF proteins on protein G-Sepharose and FPLC gel filtration. We present first evidence showing that IgGs from CSF not only bind but efficiently hydrolyze DNA and that average specific DNase activity of homogeneous antibodies from CSF is unpredictably ∼49-fold higher than that from the sera of the same MS patients. Some possible reasons of these findings are discussed. We suggest that DNase IgGs of CSF may promote important neuropathologic mechanisms in this chronic inflammatory disorder and MS pathogenesis development.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of SLE is commonly attributed to the deposition of circulating immune complexes consisting of DNA and anti-DNA autoantibodies. However, recent work has shown multiple cross-reactions between anti-DNA antibodies and a variety of cellular and extracellular Ag. To test the possibility that these antibodies interact directly with glomerular Ag and induce kidney dysfunction, we applied mouse and human anti-DNA IgG to the isolated perfused rat kidney. The NZB/NZW mouse monoclonal anti-DNA bound to glomerular Ag with a concomitant induction of proteinuria and a decrease in inulin clearance. The albumin excretion was 2301 +/- 734 micrograms/min at 160 min of perfusion, as compared with 85 +/- 21 micrograms/min in controls (p less than 0.001). The inulin clearance was reduced to 0.17 +/- 0.02 ml/min as compared with 0.28 +/- 0.09 ml/min in controls (p less than 0.05). Polyclonal anti-DNA IgG obtained from patients with lupus nephritis bound to rat glomeruli and induced albumin excretion of 542 +/- 217 micrograms/min at 160 min of perfusion, as compared with 163 +/- 77 micrograms/min in controls (p = NS). The addition of plasma as a source of C to the human IgG increased the proteinuria markedly (albumin excretion of 1115 +/- 195 micrograms/min at 160 min of perfusion, p less than 0.02), probably due to C activation. Preincubation of the reactive mouse and human IgG with DNA completely abolished their binding to renal tissue and its physiologic consequences. These results suggest that direct binding of anti-DNA antibodies to renal Ag may play an important role in the induction of lupus nephritis.  相似文献   

Two new monoclonal antibodies, one a mouse IgM and the other a human IgM that reacted with guanosine, were compared to human serum antibodies from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The human monoclonal antibody was polyspecific in its binding to the nucleoside bases, whereas the mouse monoclonal antibody was relatively specific for guanosine when compared by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Neither antibody bound polyguanylic acid or denatured single-stranded (ss) DNA, however. Serum IgG antibodies from seven patients with SLE cross-reacted with the mouse monoclonal antibody and showed considerable specificity for guanosine. In contrast, the human serum IgG antiguanosine antibodies also bound ssDNA but not dsDNA or polyguanylic acid. Serum IgG antibodies to guanosine measured by ELISA from the seven SLE patients had a decreased response when compared to the total serum IgG response to ssDNA, and most of the antibodies that bound guanosine also bound ssDNA. These studies provide new evidence that there are specific IgG antibodies to guanosine in SLE sera that are a small fraction of the antibodies to ssDNA. Further efforts to define the role of these guanosine antibodies in SLE may provide a better understanding of the basic mechanisms responsible for the development of SLE in man.  相似文献   

Immunization of rabbits with DNase I leads to the production of antiidiotypic Abs with DNase activity. It is not known at present whether antiidiotypic Abs against DNA-hydrolyzing enzymes can possess RNase activity. Here we show that immunization of healthy rabbits with bovine DNase I produces IgGs with intrinsic DNase and RNase activities. Electrophoretically and immunologically homogeneous polyclonal IgGs were obtained by sequential chromatography of the immune sera on Protein A-Sepharose and gel filtration. Affinity chromatography on DNA cellulose using elution of Abs with different concentrations of NaCl and an acidic buffer separated catalytic IgGs into four Ab subfractions, three of which demonstrated only DNase activity while one subfraction hydrolyzed RNA faster than DNA. The serum of patients with many different autoimmune (AI) diseases contains small fractions of antibodies (Abs) interacting with immobilized DNA, which possess both DNase and RNase activities. Our data suggest that a fraction of abzymes from AI patients hydrolyzing both DNA and RNA can contain a subfraction of Abs against DNase I.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Autoantigen La/SSB is molecular target of humoral autoimmunity in patients with primary Sjogren's Syndrome (pSS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In this study, we investigated the existence and possible influence of anti-idiotypic response to anti-La/SSB antibodies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Synthetic peptide analogs (pep) of the major antigenic determinants of La/SSB (289-308 aa and 349-364 aa) were prepared. Based on "molecular recognition" theory, complementary peptides (cpep), derived by anti-parallel readings of the noncoding strand of La/SSB DNA encoding for its antigenic determinants, were constructed. Sera from 150 patients with anti-La/SSB antibodies, 30 patients without anti-La/SSB antibodies, and 42 normal individuals were tested against all four peptides. F(ab')(2) fragments from anti-peptide IgG were prepared and F(ab')(2) - IgG interactions were evaluated using a specific anti-idiotypic ELISA. RESULTS: All four peptides were recognized by anti-La positive sera (83% and 51% for pep and cpep 349-364 and 51% and 28% for pep and cpep289-308, respectively). Anti-cpep F(ab')(2 )bound to a common idiotype (Id) located within or spatially close to the antigen combining site of anti La/SSB (anti-pep) antibodies. Homologous and cross-inhibition experiments further confirmed this relation. The anti-idiotypic antibodies inhibited the anti-La/SSB antibody binding to recombinant La/SSB by 91%. To overcome the anti-idiotypic interference in anti-La/SSB detection, a specific assay was developed. Sera were heated for dissociation of Id-anti-Id complexes, anti-Id antibodies blocked with cpep, and anti-La/SSB reactivity was recovered. Application of this method to anti-Ro positive-anti-La/SSB "negative" sera showed that all anti-Ro/SSA positive autoimmune sera also possess anti-La/SSB antibodies. This reaction was not observed in 14 anti-Ro negative- anti-Sm/RNP positive sera from patients with SLE. CONCLUSIONS: Autoimmune sera from patients with pSS and SLE contain anti-idiotypic antibodies targeting a common anti-La/SSB idiotype. These antibodies can be detected using complementary peptides of La/SSB epitopes. The antiidiotypic antibodies mask the anti-La/SSB response. Hidden anti-La/SSB antibodies can be released and detected using complementary epitope analogs.  相似文献   

Sera from 20 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), selected for elevated titers of antibody to native DNA (nDNA), were examined by indirect immunofluorescence (IF) on tissue culture Hep-2 and rabbit kidney cells. Twelve sera showed a particulate cytoplasmic staining, in addition to nuclear IF. Double IF staining by using a mouse monoclonal anti-nDNA and a human serum containing anti-mitochondrial antibody as probes showed that the cytoplasmic structures recognized by these 12 SLE sera were mitochondria. SLE sera showing mitochondrial staining had high anti-nDNA levels, as assessed by ELISA (3.5 +/- 1.9 O.D.), compared with those not showing this staining pattern (0.8 +/- 0.4 O.D.). Mitochondrial staining was abolished by DNase I pretreatment of the substrates. Liquid phase absorption of serum anti-nDNA with S1 nuclease-treated calf thymus DNA or purified mitochondrial DNA also removed staining. These findings demonstrate that anti-nDNA antibodies from patients with SLE bind to DNA in intact mitochondria. Therefore, mitochondrial IF staining on tissue culture cells in the presence of nuclear staining should be interpreted with caution, because the phenomenon could be entirely related to anti-native DNA. These observations might also provide new insights concerning the nature of immunogenic cellular components stimulating anti-DNA production.  相似文献   

It was shown that IgGs from the sera of 2-7-month-old control non-autoimmune (CBA x C57BL)F1 and BALB/c mice and 2-3-month-old autoimmune prone MRL-lpr/lpr mice (conditionally healthy mice) are catalytically inactive. During spontaneous development of deep systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like pathology a specific reorganization of immune system of these mice leads to conditions associated with a production of IgGs hydrolyzing DNA, ATP and polysaccharides with low catalytic activities (conditionally pre-diseased mice).A significant increase in DNase, ATPase and amylase IgG relative activities associated with a transition from pre-diseased to deep diseased mice is correlated with additional changes in differentiation and proliferation of mice bone marrow haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and lymphocyte proliferation in different organs.The highest increase in all abzyme activities was found in mice immunized with DNA, which in comparison with pre-diseased and diseased mice are characterized by a different profile of HSC differentiation and by a suppression of cell apoptosis. Abzyme activities in the serum of pregnant females were comparable with those for pre-diseased mice, but the profile of HSC differentiation and cell apoptosis levels in pregnant and pre-diseased mice were quite different. Right after the beginning of lactation (4 days after delivery) and in a late time of lactation (14 days after delivery) there was an observed increase in cell apoptosis and two different stages of significant change in the HSC differentiation profiles; the first stage was accompanied with a significant increase and the second with a remarkable decrease in abzyme activities. Overall, all mouse groups investigated are characterized by a specific relationship between abzyme activities, HSC differentiation profiles, levels of lymphocyte proliferation, and cell apoptosis in different organs. From our point of view, the appearance of ATPase, DNase activities may be considered the earliest statistically significant marker of mouse spontaneous SLE and a further significant increase in their activities correlates with the appearance of SLE visible markers and with an increase in concentrations of anti-DNA Abs and urine protein. However, development of autoimmune (AI)-reactions and the increase in the sera anti-DNA antibodies (Abs) and in the abzyme activities in pregnant and lactating mice do not associate with SLE visible markers and proteinuria. The possible differences in immune system reorganizations during pre-disease, disease, pregnancy and lactation leading to production of different auto-antibodies and abzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

Synthetic nucleic acid reactivities and the distribution of idiotypes associated with poly(dA) and poly(dT) specificities were evaluated among both monoclonal and polyclonal anti-DNA antibodies from autoimmune New Zealand mice. Ten monoclonal anti-DNA antibodies (IgG2a or IgG2b), derived from NZB/NZW mice and reactive with natural DNA (duplex and/or heat-denatured), were found to collectively exhibit a diverse binding pattern with six deoxyribohomopolymers. Several monoclonal antibodies displayed reactivity with poly(dT) comparable to that with natural DNA. Serologic studies indicated that polyclonal anti-DNA autoantibodies from NZW/NZW mice and both parental strains also cross-reacted with various homopolymers and bound preferentially with those containing pyrimidines, particularly poly(dT), relative to purines. Detailed binding analyses with two poly(dT)-reactive monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that stable DNA/anti-DNA complexes were formed with synthetic oligomers containing six to 10 nucleotides; binding to such antigens was relatively insensitive to ionic strength and inversely dependent on temperature. Both antibodies exhibited preferential binding (greater than or equal to 10-fold) with poly(dT) relative to poly(dU), suggesting the importance of the C5-methyl group and/or helical conformation in pyrimidine base recognition. Idiotypes on poly(dA)-specific and poly(dT)-specific monoclonal antibodies were found to be reciprocally distinct, localized at or near active site residues, and expressed at low levels (less than 10 to 130 ng/ml) in anti-DNA sera from all three New Zealand strains. These findings suggest that: nucleotide base determinants are significantly involved in DNA/anti-DNA interactions; poly(dT) represents a major cross-reactive synthetic antigen; and idiotype expression among lupus autoantibodies which recognize such determinants may be diverse.  相似文献   

Waris G  Alam K 《Life sciences》2004,75(22):2633-2642
Superoxide anion radical (SAR) is formed in almost all aerobic cells and it is the most abundant species generated by several enzymatic and non-enzymatic pathways in mammalian tissues, leading to unfavorable alteration of biomolecules including DNA. The SAR-modified macromolecules have been implicated in several disease states including disorders of inflammation. The SAR-induced damage to DNA showed hyperchromicity, single strand breaks, decrease in melting temperature, and modification of bases. Superoxide modified-DNA in rabbits elicited high titer antibodies and showed diverse antigens binding characteristics. The induced antibodies recognized native DNA and other nucleic acid polymers. Anti-DNA IgG from SLE sera, purified on Protein-A-Sepharose matrix, exhibited increased recognition of superoxide anion radical modified-DNA than native DNA in competitive immunoassay. The visual formation of immune complex between induced antibodies and native DNA, and between SLE anti-DNA IgG and superoxide modified-DNA, is a clear indication of property sharing between SLE autoantibodies and experimentally induced antibodies against superoxide modified-DNA.  相似文献   

用亲和层析法对6例正常人和4例SLE患者血清中抗DNA抗体进行提取和定量研究,发现正常人血清中抗DNA抗体的组成IgM/IgG大于1,是以IgM为主的抗体,SLE患者血清中抗DNA抗体含量高,IgM/IgG小于1,是以IgG为主的抗体。用胰蛋白酶降解提取的抗DNA抗体再借助于SDS—聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对正常人和SLE患者抗DNA抗体的结构进行初步探讨,电泳结果表明正常人和SLE患者纯化抗DNA抗体经胰蛋白酶降解以后,正常人在52.2Kd区有一特异性降解片段,而SLE患者则在33.6Kd区有明显的降解片段富集,且表明它们是抗DNA—IgG所产生的。这说明SLE患者血清中抗DNA—IgG不仅在数量上比正常人有所增加,而且在结构上也有所不同。此外,这两种不同的抗DNA—IgG被胰蛋白酶降解的速度也有差异。  相似文献   

The idiotype determinants found on hybridoma anti-DNA autoantibodies produced from the fusion of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 13 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and five rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with the GM 4672 human lymphoblastoid line were analyzed. A total of 47 SLE and 21 RA hybridomas were studied, of which 26 SLE and 10 RA produced anti-DNA autoantibodies. Rabbit antisera, raised to six of the SLE hybridoma anti-DNA IgM antibodies, were rendered idiotype specific by multiple absorptions on human IgM and IgG immunoabsorbent columns. In direct binding radioimmunoassays, all six anti-idiotype antisera reacted specifically with the anti-DNA antibody used as immunogen. In competition studies, five anti-idiotype antisera were able to inhibit the binding of their homologous idiotype to DNA-coated tubes. In addition, DNA and polynucleotides inhibited the binding of the five idiotypes to anti-idiotype-coated tubes, suggesting that these anti-idiotypes react with idiotype determinants located within the antigen-combining sites of the anti-DNA antibody molecules. Shared idiotypes were detected among the 68 hybridoma antibodies by direct binding studies on anti-idiotype-coated tubes. Our results revealed that 58% (21/36) of the anti-DNA antibodies and 16% (5/32) of the non-DNA-binding antibodies reacted with at least one anti-idiotype serum. Five anti-idiotype antisera reacted only with hybridoma anti-DNA antibodies from SLE patients. The other anti-idiotype antiserum reacted with both SLE- and RA-derived hybridoma anti-DNA and non-DNA-binding antibodies. These studies indicate that some anti-idiotype antisera may detect specific idiotypes found only on SLE-derived anti-DNA auto-antibodies, whereas other antisera detect shared idiotypes found on both RA and SLE DNA-binding and non-DNA-binding antibodies.  相似文献   

Utilizing nonionic detergent lysates of human lymphoid and non-lymphoid cells as substrate, IgM and/or IgG antibodies to a 110-kDa/isoelectric point 5.4 phosphoprotein (110K) was demonstrated in serum from patients with SLE or certain other systemic autoimmune disorders by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation. Ig of this specificity was not demonstrable in serum from normal individuals, but, in a limited survey, was detected in serum from patients with acute hepatitis A or infectious mononucleosis. 110K shares a number of properties with nucleolin, i.e., identical Mr and isoelectric point, localization in both the nucleus and the cytosol, increased expression in rapidly dividing cells, and shown to be distinct from already defined autoantigens of similar size, i.e., topoisomerase I, PM-Scl, and RNA polymerase I. Because 110K could bind denatured DNA, as demonstrated by its specific absorption by DNA-cellulose and by its reactivity with monoclonal anti-ssDNA antibody in the presence of denatured DNA, special efforts were made to distinguish reactivity of pre-formed DNA/anti-DNA complexes in SLE serum from that due to specific anti-110K autoantibodies. Although binding to 110K could be mediated by DNA and anti-DNA in some SLE sera, the accumulated evidence supports the existence of a major new autoantibody system in SLE, other autoimmune diseases, and certain virus infections.  相似文献   

Sera from majority of patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, which generally lacked detectable anti-double stranded DNA in Farr, Crithidia luciliae, and microcomplement fixation assays, exhibited high levels of dsDNA binding in the presence of 3.5% polyethylene glycol when using intrinsically labeled 3H-PM2 DNA as antigen. Except for SLE, such increased dsDNA binding was absent in normal and a variety of other disease sera, including those from patients with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. In contrast to the situation in SLE, in which dsDNA binding is mediated by specific anti-DNA antibody, the increased dsDNA binding activity in seropositive rheumatoid arthritis was shown to be dependent upon complex low avidity interactions involving DNA, IgG, IgM rheumatoid factor, and low density lipoproteins. Analysis of the composition of the polyethylene glycol serum precipitates by 2-dimensional gel diffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis failed to reveal the presence of additional DNA-binding proteins unique to seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. The only feature distinguishing high DNA binding sera from those with low DNA binding activity was an increased amount of polyethylene glycol-insoluble IgG in the former, presumably reflecting IgG/IgG and/or IgG/IgM complexes. The significance of these unusual DNA/low density lipoprotein/IgG/rheumatoid factor complexes with respect to the diagnostic specificity and pathophysiology of the DNA/anti-DNA system is discussed.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal anti-DNA autoantibodies bind to endogenous bacteria   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Several bacterial species (including Streptococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli) were tested for their ability to react with monoclonal anti-DNA antibodies that were derived from MRL-lpr/lpr mice. S. faecalis reacted with 8/15 of such antibodies. The binding was unaffected by DNase, but it was competitively inhibited by DNA. F(ab')2 fragments of the monoclonal antibodies reacted with the bacteria, but Fc fragments did not. Phospholipids extracted from the bacterial cells were able to bind to three representative anti-DNA antibodies that also bound to whole bacteria. The results suggest that bacterial phospholipids might provide an immunogenic stimulus for the production of antibodies that cross-react with DNA. We propose that some anti-DNA auto-antibodies and anti-bacterial antibodies evolve from a restricted group of antibodies with high avidity for the phosphodiester groups that occur in DNA and bacterial cells walls.  相似文献   

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