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可培养海洋放线菌生物多样性的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋放线菌是新药开发和天然活性产物的重要来源,海洋放线菌的生物多样性是代谢产物功能多样性的基础,因此研究可培养放线菌的生物多样性具有重要的意义。综述了近年来可培养的海洋放线菌生物多样性的研究进展,尤其是海绵共附生放线菌、深海放线菌和海洋固有放线菌的研究进展,对可培养的海洋放线菌的分离培养方法,包括样品处理、培养基的选择等进行了重点介绍,并对未培养海洋放线菌的分离培养进行了探讨,强调了建立区域性海洋放线菌菌种及基因资源库的重要性。  相似文献   

海洋放线菌生活的环境如养分、光照、氧气浓度、压力、盐度和温度等与陆地环境存在极大差异,因此海洋放线菌形成了独特的生物化学代谢和生理能力。近年来,海洋放线菌成为生物资源开发和研究的热点。海洋放线菌分布广泛,种类多样。海洋放线菌活性代谢产物具有极强的医药应用潜力,其代谢产物的功能研究及重要代谢产物的开发成为海洋放线菌研究的重要方向。此外,海洋放线菌在环境保护以及生产应用等方面展现出的潜能,引起研究人员极大的兴趣。本文结合近年来海洋放线菌的分离种类与生境、海洋放线菌的研究策略与手段以及代谢产物功能多样性进行了归纳总结,以期对海洋放线菌的认识更全面、系统。  相似文献   

海洋放线菌研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
海洋放线菌因其产生独特的次生代谢产物而备受世界的关注。本文以海洋放线菌的研究历史为主线,综述了海洋放线菌研究的发展历程,海洋放线菌的概念、生物资源、多样性及其分布状况、次生代谢产物以及基因组研究等方面,探讨了其生态功能,最后展望了我国海洋放线菌研究存在的问题及未来发展的前景。  相似文献   

海洋孕育着丰富的微生物资源,其中海洋放线菌能够产生各种次级代谢产物及生理活性物质,对海洋放线菌的研究具有重要的实际意义。实验对筛选自大连海域的30株放线菌进行了形态及生理生化鉴定、16S rDNA序列的分析及系统发育树构建,结果表明分离到的海洋放线菌中13株分属于放线菌目链霉菌不同种或亚种,说明大连海域的海洋放线菌具有一定的多样性。  相似文献   

【目的】研究微波处理对于分离嗜碱和嗜盐海洋放线菌的效果。【方法】用微波处理7份海泥样品,梯度稀释后涂布于3种分离培养基,分离具有嗜碱和嗜盐特性的海洋放线菌。【结果】微波处理后的7份样品中,4份样品中嗜碱海洋稀有放线菌和3份样品的嗜盐海洋稀有放线菌数量极显著提高;7份样品中的嗜碱、嗜盐海洋小单孢菌属、游动放线菌属、诺卡氏菌属等稀有放线菌数量均有显著增加,不同样品中新分离到链孢菌属、小双孢菌属、链孢囊菌属及其他未鉴定的海洋稀有放线菌,分离到属的数量提高了1-4个。【结论】微波处理不仅显著提高嗜碱和嗜盐海洋放线菌的分离数量,而且明显增加了海洋稀有放线菌的分离种类。  相似文献   

分离西沙群岛海域放线菌并研究其抗菌活性。采用干燥、辐射、冷冻及加热处理等11种样品预处理方式和10种培养基对海洋放线菌进行分离,对代表性菌株进行鉴定,并考察分离放线菌生长的海水依赖性。进一步以金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希菌、啤酒酵母和扩展青霉为指示菌考察分离放线菌的抗菌活性。从西沙群岛海域样品中分离获得放线菌383株,其中专性海洋放线菌23株。选定93株代表菌株进行鉴定,93株菌隶属于9个科,11个属。不同培养基对分离放线菌菌株的数量及种类影响显著。6株放线菌对4种指示菌均有抑菌活性,其中4株为专性海洋放线菌,表明海洋环境具有丰富的放线菌资源,这些放线菌特别是专性海洋放线菌有望为新型抗菌物质的发现与开发提供菌种来源。  相似文献   

放线菌是一种重要的微生物资源,海洋放线菌代谢产物的开发利用在微生物新药研究领域占据了重要的地位。本文根据所查阅的2015年以来的研究论文,对不同来源的产生抗肿瘤活性物质的海洋放线菌的种属、活性化学物质种类和结构特征、以及抗肿瘤作用进行综述。文中涉及链霉菌属及其他稀有放线菌共42种,报道了海洋放线菌产生的76个不同种类的活性化合物,它们分别具有多种抗肿瘤作用。本文对海洋放线菌抗肿瘤活性物质的研究中存在的问题提出了解决办法和建议。  相似文献   

因其独特的生活环境,海洋来源的放线菌具有新颖的代谢途径。近年来从海洋来源的放线菌分离出大量的生物碱,具有独特的化学结构与多种生物活性,有些已进入临床前研究。这些活性生物碱为药物研发提供了丰富的先导化合物。本文介绍了2010年以来国内外报道的海洋来源放线菌中新生物碱的化学结构、来源与生物活性,旨在对海洋来源放线菌生物碱的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

【背景】放线菌具有丰富的遗传和功能多样性,其次级代谢产物活性广泛,在临床医疗、农业生产和污染防治等领域都发挥着重要的作用。海洋放线菌由于其特殊的代谢途径,能产生独特的活性天然产物而受到广泛关注。【目的】探究国内外海洋放线菌领域研究的热点和趋势,为后续研究提供参考。【方法】以“marine actinomycetes or marine actinobacteria”为关键词,在Web of Science中检索海洋放线菌领域的文章进行计量分析,使用VOSviewer软件对其关键词、国家、机构、作者、发表时间进行可视化分析。【结果】海洋放线菌领域的文章发表数量总体呈逐年上升趋势,主要集中在微生物学及药学领域,中美两国在论文数量和引用频次上远超其他国家,海洋放线菌领域的研究集中在菌株的分离鉴定、活性天然产物挖掘以及生物信息学等方面。【结论】海洋放线菌在全球范围内愈发受到重视,国内外机构应当加强合作,运用生物信息学技术进一步挖掘活性次级代谢产物,推动海洋放线菌领域进一步发展。  相似文献   

海洋放线菌是重要的微生物资源。介绍了样品采集及预处理,海水使用,培养基组成,抑制剂使用及微囊化方法分离海洋放线菌的方法。  相似文献   

Discovery of novel metabolites from marine actinomycetes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent findings from culture-dependent and culture-independent methods have demonstrated that indigenous marine actinomycetes exist in the oceans and are widely distributed in different marine ecosystems. There is tremendous diversity and novelty among the marine actinomycetes present in marine environments. Progress has been made to isolate novel actinomycetes from samples collected at different marine environments and habitats. These marine actinomycetes produce different types of new secondary metabolites. Many of these metabolites possess biological activities and have the potential to be developed as therapeutic agents. Marine actinomycetes are a prolific but underexploited source for the discovery of novel secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Actinomycetes are virtually unlimited sources of novel compounds with many therapeutic applications and hold a prominent position due to their diversity and proven ability to produce novel bioactive compounds. There are more than 22,000 known microbial secondary metabolites, 70% of which are produced by actinomycetes, 20% from fungi, 7% from Bacillus spp. and 1–2% by other bacteria. Among the actinomycetes, streptomycetes group are considered economically important because out of the approximately more than 10,000 known antibiotics, 50–55% are produced by this genus. The ecological role of actinomycetes in the marine ecosystem is largely neglected and various assumptions meant there was little incentive to isolate marine strains for search and discovery of new drugs. The search for and discovery of rare and new actinomycetes is of significant interest to drug discovery due to a growing need for the development of new and potent therapeutic agents. Modern molecular technologies are adding strength to the target-directed search for detection and isolation of bioactive actinomycetes, and continued development of improved cultivation methods and molecular technologies for accessing the marine environment promises to provide access to this significant new source of chemical diversity with novel/rare actinomycetes including new species of previously reported actinomycetes.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, discoveries of new members of actinomycetes and novel metabolites from marine environments have drawn attention to such environments, such as sediment and sponge. For the successful isolation of actinomycetes from marine environments, many factors including the use of enrichment and pre-treatment techniques, and the selection of growth media and antibiotic supplements should be taken into account. High-throughput cultivation is an innovative technique that mimics nature, eliminates undesired, fast-growing bacteria and creates suitable conditions for rare, slow-growing actinomycetes. This review comprehensively evaluates the traditional and innovative techniques and strategies used for the isolation of actinomycetes from marine sponge and sediment samples.  相似文献   

探究台湾海峡海洋沉积物中放线菌的多样性并进行抗菌活性筛选,为发现新的药物先导化合物提供新菌源。采用7种选择性培养基分离10份来自台湾海峡沉积物样品中的海洋放线菌,并对分离菌株的16S rRNA基因序列进行系统进化分析。采用滤纸片法对部分代表放线菌菌株发酵液进行生物活性筛选,共分离到532株放线菌,挑选其中170株代表菌株进行鉴定,分属于8个目10个科14个属。有2株菌的16S rRNA基因序列显示属于潜在的新种,170株菌中有68.8%的菌株显示出至少对一种指示菌有抑菌活性。结果表明台湾海峡海洋沉积物中蕴藏着丰富的放线菌资源,是发现新药的有效途径。  相似文献   

海洋放线菌Marinactinospora thermotolerans的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋放线菌以产生多种活性天然产物而著称,其中部分结构新颖的活性化合物具有发展成为新药的巨大潜力,引起国内外相关领域研究人员的极大关注。同时,也促进了我国海洋放线菌研究工作的全面展开。本文系统综述了海洋放线菌新属种Marinactinospora thermotolerans的分类鉴定、新颖的次级代谢产物的发现及其生物合成机制以及该菌株的全基因组生物信息学分析等方面的最新研究进展,以期能为其他海洋放线菌新属种的分类鉴定、活性次级代谢产物的发现和生物合成机制研究提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

More than 70 species of halotolerant and halophilic actinomycetes belonging to at least 24 genera have been validly described. Halophilic actinomycetes are a less explored source of actinomycetes for discovery of novel bioactive secondary metabolites. Degradation of aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds, detoxification of pollutants, production of new enzymes and other metabolites such as antibiotics, compatible solutes and polymers are other potential industrial applications of halophilic and halotolerant actinomycetes. Especially new bioactive secondary metabolites that are derived from only a small fraction of the investigated halophilic actinomycetes, mainly from marine habitats, have revealed the huge capacity of this physiological group in production of new bioactive chemical entities. Combined high metabolic capacities of actinomycetes and unique features related to extremophilic nature of the halophilic actinomycetes have conferred on them an influential role for future biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Diversity and biogeography of marine actinobacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The actinomycetes, although not all the Actinobacteria, are easy to isolate from the marine environment. However, their ecological role in the marine ecosystem is largely neglected and various assumptions meant there was little incentive to isolate strains for search and discovery of new drugs. However, the marine environment has become a prime resource in search and discovery for novel natural products and biological diversity, and marine actinomycetes turn out to be important contributors. Similarly, striking advances have been made in marine microbial ecology using molecular techniques and metagenomics, and actinobacteria emerge as an often significant, sometimes even dominant, environmental clade. Both approaches - cultivation methods and molecular techniques - are leading to new insights into marine actinobacterial biodiversity and biogeography. Very different views of actinobacterial diversity emerge from these, however, and the true extent and biogeography of this are still not clear. These are important for developing natural product search and discovery strategies, and biogeography is a hot topic for microbial ecologists.  相似文献   

Many representatives of the order Actinomycetales are prolific producers of thousands of biologically active secondary metabolites. Actinomycetes from terrestrial sources have been studied and screened since the 1950s, yielding many important anti-infective and anti-cancer drugs. However, frequent re-discovery of the same compounds in terrestrial actinomycetes have made them less attractive for screening programs in the recent years. At the same time, actinomycetes isolated from the marine environment currently receive considerable attention due to the structural diversity and unique biological activities of their secondary metabolites. This review highlights achievements and challenges in the isolation of marine actinomycetes, some examples of bioactive metabolites identified by conventional screening, and presents new developments in the field of genome mining and heterologous expression of biosynthetic gene clusters leading to the discovery of novel compounds.  相似文献   

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