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几株国内外Q热立克次体生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Q热是人类和动物共患的立克次体病,其病原体是贝纳柯克氏体(Coxiella burneti),可通过多种途径进行传播。本文对几株Q热立克次体国际标准株和国内分离株的某些生物学特性进行了研究,结果如下。  相似文献   

胶体金渗滤法检测贝氏柯克斯体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立一种快速、敏感、适于基层应用的贝氏柯克斯体(俗称Q热立克次体)的检测方法。将Q热立克次体多克隆抗体点于硝酸膜上,用以捕获待检标本中的Q热立克次体抗原,通过胶体金标记的鼠抗Q热立克次体单克隆抗体直接显色,阳性者出现红色斑点。结果表明,用该法检测Q热立克次休实验感染豚鼠血液,小鼠肝或脾,蜱血淋巴等标本取得了较满意的结果,整个过程仅需5-6分钟。与其他病原体无交叉反应,敏感度不低于50ng立克次  相似文献   

本文将免疫金银染色技术应用于斑点热群立克次体的鉴定,建立了方法,对4株斑点热立克次体和1株Q热立克次体的鉴定获得了初步结果,并与免疫酶标染色法进行了比较。结果表明,免疫金银染色法的特异性同免疫酶标染色法,可将不同种斑点热立克次体区分开;而前者的效价一般高于后者2—8倍。文中还讨论了洗涤、显色、衬染等条件对结果的影响。  相似文献   

目的:结合临床甲型流感病例分析流感病毒可能的致病机理。方法:收集87份陕西省2009年甲型H1N1流感重症,危重症及死亡病例的血常规参数,对其淋巴细胞、红细胞和血小板三个指标分析。制备针对甲型H1N1的单克隆抗体,采用抗体亚类鉴定试剂盒分析其抗体轻链和重链的亚型,通过血凝活性实验检测三株抗体的血凝抑制活性,通过ELISA检测三株抗体与人和小鼠的血红蛋白、红细胞、白细胞膜和血小板膜的反应,通过免疫组化分析三株流感病毒抗体与正常小鼠肺组织的结合。结果:流感病毒感染后的死亡病例中淋巴细胞、红细胞和血小板均明显降低。三株抗体与人和小鼠的淋巴细胞、红细胞和血小板均有不同程度的交叉反应;免疫组化结果同时也证实三株HA抗体与小鼠的肺组织有不同的结合力。结论:流感病毒致病的原因可能与流感病毒感染机体后产生的抗体可与血液和组织中的成分结合有关。  相似文献   

Q热临床类型与其病原学特征相关性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Q热表现为发热、自限性的急性或以心内膜炎为代表的慢性疾病,除与机体的状态和抵抗力密切相关外,其病原体Q热立克次体的差异不容忽视.本文从脂多糖(LPS)、质粒DNA和基因组DNA 3个水平,阐述了Q热临床类型与其病原学特征的相关性.  相似文献   

近年来用免疫电镜技术发现和鉴定病毒的报道日益增多。免疫电镜技术的特点是,利用电镜高度的放大率和分辨能力,能直接看到抗原抗体之间的特异性反应和免疫复合物的形态学特征,故具有高度的敏感性和特异性。这对于发现和鉴定病毒与立克次体是十分有用的。为寻求Q热的快速和敏感的实验诊断方法,我们作了免疫电镜技术检出实验动物中Q热立克次体的初步研究,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

Q热立克次体以10-1—10-12不同稀释度,用血腔注射法感染非洲钝缘蜱,感染35天,取蜱血淋巴液,分别用Gimenez染色法及免疫荧光技术检查,在10-1—10-5的稀释度,两种方法检出率基本相似。10-6以下各组,免疫荧光尚可检出少数阳性标本,而Gimcnez法则无阳性,前者总阳性率为48.28%,后者为40.68%。感染的蜱悬液接种豚鼠,12组动物血清做Q热补体结合试验全部阳性。动物发病情况如潜伏期长短、发烧天数等似与蜱内立克次体的含量有关。  相似文献   

<正> 二、临床症状感染贝纳氏立克次体可引起急性全身性疾病,表现为突发性不适、寒战、发热、肌肉酸痛和剧烈的头痛。甚至在退热后仍感虚弱和疲倦达数周或数月之久。Q热的临床诊断是困难的,因其症状与流感、急性布鲁氏菌病、伤寒或支原体性肺炎相类似。本病使人极感虚弱,在高加索人中死亡率估计低于1%。根据Derrick在Brisbane(澳大利亚)对237例诊断为Q热的病例的综述,将本病分为三个期。1.潜伏期:Q热的潜伏期约13~37天,平均19~20天。Tigertt对志愿者经呼吸道途径进行实验性感染,用10个ID_5o豚鼠感染剂量的志原感染者潜伏期为17天,使用15000~150000个ID_5o的感染者潜伏期为10  相似文献   

利用小鼠巨细胞病毒(Murine cytomegalovirus,MCMV)感染同种异型皮肤移植小鼠,建立MCMV感染结肠炎症模型,从而为研究人类肠道疾病提供可靠的动物模型。采用鼻腔接种的方式感染同种异型皮肤移植的小鼠。①供体:C57BL/6雌鼠,18只;受体:BALB/c雌鼠,72只,鼠龄4~6周,体重14~20g/只;将C57BL/6小鼠的背部皮肤移植到BALB/c小鼠背部的移植床上,术后给BALB/c小鼠腹腔注射环孢素连续2周(12mg/kg.d)。②将移植后小鼠随机分组,每组24只,按接种病毒接种剂量分为104PFU组和105PFU组,同时设立阴性对照组,即鼻腔接种细胞悬液(1×106/mL)。每日观察动物排便情况及体重等总体情况变化;分别于病毒接种后第5、9、14和第21d取得小鼠结肠组织,通过组织病理学检测、原位杂交g、B RT-PCR、pp65免疫组化以及透射电镜的方法,观察检测小鼠结肠组织中MCMV与其组织病理变化之间的关联性。结果:在105PFU组中,小鼠出现厌食、嗜睡、活动能力明显下降,且发现该组小鼠的体重下降。在本研究中我们检验感染后第14d小鼠的结肠组织,发现感染组小鼠的近端结肠组织中粘膜层均变薄,同时其结构也被破坏;感染组小鼠的远端结肠组织中均出现淋巴样滤泡和粘膜层结构异常,其中105PFU组小鼠的结肠粘膜层的破坏得更严重;pp65免疫组化检验结果为MCMV蛋白阳性;原位杂交结果显示结肠组织中MCMV IE1基因阳性,MCMV gB基因RT PCR检测结果为阳性;透射电镜观察可见疱疹样病毒颗粒。而阴性对照组上述检测指标均为阴性。结果表明,在同种异型皮肤移植后小鼠鼻腔接种MC-MV,小鼠结肠发生了类似于人类结肠炎的病理变化。该结肠炎动物模型的建立将为进一步研究HCMV感染结肠的发病机理以及药物干预建立一个极为重要的平台。  相似文献   

专性胞内寄生的黑龙江立克次体是远东斑点热的病原体,外膜蛋白B(OmpB)是其最主要的表面蛋白抗原.本研究将黑龙江立克次体ompB基因分成4段插入原核表达载体,制备出4个重组OmpB抗原(OmpB-P1,OmpB-P2,OmpB-P3和OmpB-P4).将4个重组OmpB抗原分别刺激体外培养的C3H/HeN小鼠树突状细胞,再将这些抗原激活树突状细胞分别腹腔接种正常C3H/HeN小鼠.接种第14天用黑龙江立克次体攻击小鼠,7天后活杀小鼠并用实时定量PCR检测小鼠主要脏器的立克次体的载量.结果显示,OmpB-P2,OmpB-P3或OmpB-P4激活树突状细胞受体小鼠的立克次体载量显著低于OmpB-P1激活树突状细胞受体小鼠.将不同抗原激活小鼠树突状细胞分别与同源抗原激活小鼠树突状细胞受体小鼠的CD4+和CD8+T细胞体外共培养.用流式细胞仪分析共培养后CD4+和CD8+T细胞的表面分子和细胞因子表达,结果显示,OmpB-P2,OmpB-P3或OmpB-P4抗原激活树突状细胞共培养的CD4+或CD8+T细胞的CD69表达水平高于OmpB-P1激活树突状细胞共培养的T细胞.此外,OmpB-P2,OmpB-P3或OmpB-P4激活树突状细胞共培养的CD4+或CD8+T细胞的TNF-?和IFN-?水平均显著高于OmpB-P1激活树突状细胞共培养的T细胞.本研究结果表明,OmpB-P2,OmpB-P3或OmpB-P4为保护性抗原,其激活的树突状细胞可以有效地诱导T淋巴细胞活化,使CD4+T细胞和CD8+T细胞分别向Th1细胞和Tc1细胞分化,产生高水平TNF-?和IFN-?共同对抗立克次体感染.  相似文献   

Definitively establishing a clinical diagnosis of chronic Q fever remains challenging, as the diagnostic performance of both conventional serological tests and PCR is limited. Given the importance of an early diagnosis of chronic Q fever, there is a need for a reliable diagnostic test. We developed an enzyme-linked immunospot assay to measure Coxiella burnetii (C.?burnetii)-specific T-cell responses (Coxiella ELISPOT) to both phase I and phase II antigens and tested convalescent Q fever patients (without chronic disease, n?=?9) and patients with an established diagnosis of chronic Q fever (n?=?3). The Coxiella ELISPOT adequately identified convalescent Q fever patients from healthy controls by demonstrating C.?burnetii-specific T-cell interferon-γ production to both phase I and phase II antigens. Compared to convalescent Q fever patients, chronic Q fever patients showed a distinct Coxiella ELISPOT profile characterized by a much higher spot count for both phase I and phase II (18-fold for phase II, 8-fold higher for phase I) and a consistent shift towards more phase I reactivity. The diagnostic potential of the Coxiella ELISPOT is promising and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii is the agent of the worldwide zoonosis, Q fever. The in vitro susceptibility to tetracycline and fluoroquinolones of Japanese isolates of C. burnetii was evaluated for the first time. The MICs against Japanese isolates were almost the same as the MICs against the foreign reference isolates. The results suggest that the common antibiotics therapy for Q fever used in other countries is also effective for Japanese Q fever patients.  相似文献   

Abstract Four mouse monoclonal antibodies reacting with Coxiella burnetii lipopolysaccharide antigens were produced and used in serotyping 17 C. burnetii isolates from acute Q fever and Q fever endocarditis patients in France. Two monoclonal antibodies (1B2 and 3B6) were considered specific for the Priscilla strain, a representative of Q fever endocarditis isolates, and did not react with the Nine Mile strain, which is representative of acute Q fever isolates. Monoclonal antibodies Nos. 1B2 and 3B6 reacted with 75% (3/4) acute Q fever isolates and 85% (11/13) of endocarditis isolates from France. It is reasonable to conclude that Priscilla-like strains cause both acute Q fever and Q fever endocarditis. The hypothesis that Priscilla-like strains only are associated with Q fever endocarditis should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii is an intracellular bacterium that causes acute and chronic Q fever. This unique pathogen has been historically challenging to study due to obstacles in genetically manipulating the organism and the inability of small animal models to fully mimic human Q fever. Here, we review the current state of C. burnetii research, highlighting new approaches that allow the mechanistic study of infection in disease relevant settings.  相似文献   

Q fever is a disease caused by Coxiella burnetii, an obligate intracellular bacterium. Acute Q fever is characterized by efficient immune response, whereas chronic Q fever is characterized by dysregulated immune response as demonstrated by the lack of granulomas, the failure of C. burnetii to induce lymphoproliferation, and interferon-γ production. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway plays crucial roles in innate immune responses and control of bacterial infections. However, its role in Q fever has not been addressed. First, we investigated the activation of MAPKs p38, c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 in murine macrophages stimulated with C. burnetii. Coxiella burnetii NM phase I (virulent) and NM phase II (avirulent) induced the activation of JNK and ERK1/2. Avirulent C. burnetii activate p38, whereas C. burnetii did not induce the phosphorylation of p38. Second, the level of p38 activation was studied in Q fever patients. We found that p38 was activated in monocyte-derived macrophages from healthy donors and patients with acute Q fever in response to a potent agonist such as lipopolysaccharide. Interestingly, p38 was not activated in patients with active chronic Q fever and was activated in patients with cured chronic Q fever. These results suggest that the determination of p38 activation may serve as a tool for measuring Q fever activity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of age on infection with Coxiella burnetii, the agent of Q fever. Bacterial burden and granuloma number were increased in the spleens of 14-month-old as compared with 1-month-old mice. This increase was not the result of an anti-inflammatory macrophage response, because inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines were induced in macrophages from young mice but were repressed in mature mice. In addition, macrophage microbicidal competence was similar in mature and young mice. These results suggest the importance of individual host factors in the pathophysiology of an infectious disease such as Q fever.  相似文献   

The discriminatory diagnosis of Q fever remains difficult because of the unspecific clinical presentations of the disease. Additionally, the diagnosis is often delayed because serodiagnosis is not sensitive enough in the early stages of the disease when the immune response is not yet efficient. Similarly, the diagnosis of Q fever endocarditis can only be performed in approximately 35%, mainly via serology, which was a criterion postulated by Duke. Owing to the discriminatory diagnosis of Q fever and the high number of tests requested, we focused on expressing several proteins for ELISA studies with Coxiella burnetii-infected sera. Previously, we selected a list of 31 candidates [Sekeyova et?al. (2009) Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 28: 287-295], of which we have successfully cloned and expressed 21. Finally, 15 recombinant proteins were prescreened with the sera of patients with acute Q fever and Q fever endocarditis, respectively. Sera from a control group were also screened. The nine most immunoreactive proteins from the first assay were tested with the sera from a larger group of patients. Our study identified CBU_0092 as the best marker of acute Q fever but failed to isolate a highly specific and sensitive marker of Q fever endocarditis.  相似文献   

The isocitrate dehydrogenase (icd) gene of Coxiella burnetii was cloned and sequenced to differentiate between isolates with various geographic origins and phenotypic properties. Based on the gene sequences all 19 isolates studied could be divided into three groups. Group 1 contained isolates originating from acute cases of Q fever, ticks and cows. Groups 2 and 3 included isolates from chronic Q fever patients and a prototype strain from an aborted goat. Although the icd gene profiles were different among isolates of the latter two groups, there were two base differences common for both groups which could be used as markers to distinguish them from group 1 isolates. Based on one of the markers a simple method using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was developed for rapid differentiation of C. burnetii isolates as well as for direct detection and differentiation of the bacterium in human serum samples. Taken together, the study results suggest that the icd-based differentiation method may be useful in clinical investigation of Coxiella infections.  相似文献   

We present a 70-year-old man from Dalmatia, Croatia, with a history of prolonged high fever diagnosed as Q fever endocarditis. As far as we know, this is the first case of chronic Q fever in Croatia. The treatment was started as for culture-negative endocarditis, but was without clinical response. After significantly high anti-phase I IgG plus IgA antibodies titers to Coxiella burnetii were shown, the initial treatment with doxycycline was changed and ciprofloxacin was started with good clinical response.  相似文献   

The first case of Q fever in Poland in a 5-year girl is presented. A girl is inhabitant of the Lublin region where this disease is of endemic character. Q fever was diagnosed on the base of the clinical examinations and serological tests. The course of the disease was acute. Doxycycline and lincomycin were given. A short time lapse between the treatment and eradication of Coxiella burnetii antigen indicates rather spontaneous recovery.  相似文献   

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