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唇形科鼠尾草属的物种多样性与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面了解唇形科鼠尾草属(Salvia)植物的多样性和分布格局及其形成机制, 作者查阅了国际权威生物多样性信息网站(GBIF, The Plant List)、中国数字植物标本馆(CVH)、教学标本资源共享平台和中国自然保护区标本资源共享平台中该属物种名称及标本采集信息, 以及国内32家标本馆的标本, 分析并绘制其物种分布图。结果显示, 具有明确地理坐标的世界和中国分布信息分别有57,674条和11,596条, 已接受种名952个。在世界范围内, 以中南美洲(510种)物种数量最多, 其次是西亚(270种)、欧洲(117种)、东亚(97种)和北美(94种); 在国家尺度上, 以墨西哥物种数量最多(322种), 其次是俄罗斯(109种)、土耳其(88种)、美国(85种)和中国(82种)。在中国, 以云南和四川省鼠尾草种数最多(合计占全国的63%), 两省分布最多的县域地区分别是玉龙县(23种)、香格里拉县(20种)、大理市(13种)和木里县(17种)、宝兴县(13种)、马边县(13种)。在自然地理区域上, 以横断山区最为丰富, 占该属全国物种总数的52.8%, 特有种达23种; 广布种以荔枝草(S. plebeia)分布的县域数量最多(395县), 其次是鼠尾草(S. japonica) (199)、丹参(S. miltiorrhiza) (192)、贵州鼠尾草(S. cavaleriei) (173)、华鼠尾草(S. chinensis) (153)和粘毛鼠尾草(S. roborowskii) (100)。鼠尾草属主要分布于北半球温带及亚热带高海拔地区, 中国是东亚的多样性分布中心, 代表性广布种及狭域特有种均有分布, 尤以云南、四川以及横断山区的物种多样性和特有种比例最高。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Genetic diversity in Castilleja grisea, an endangered, perennial herb endemic to San Clemente Island, California was investigated. Subsequent to the elimination of goats from the island in 1992, many populations of C. grisea have reappeared and have been increasing in size. METHODS: Nineteen populations were surveyed for their genotype at 19 allozyme loci. KEY RESULTS: At the taxon level, 57.9 % of loci are polymorphic with A(P) = 3.09 and H(E) = 0.137. Populations averaged 33.0 % polymorphic loci with A(P) = 2.43 and H(E) = 0.099. Most variation is found within rather than among populations (G(ST) = 0.128), although differentiation among populations is significant. Genetic identities range from I = 0.960 to I = 1.000 with mean I = 0.990. There is no significant relationship between genetic and geographic distance. Gene flow among populations is Nm = 2.50 based on private alleles and Nm = 1.70 based on F(ST). Outcrossing rates based on fixation indices average t = 1.01, indicating a primarily out-crossed mating system. CONCLUSIONS: The observed genetic variation is moderately high, unusually so for an insular endemic species, suggesting that C. grisea may not have lost substantial genetic variation during 150 years of overgrazing, and indicating that it is unlikely to be endangered by genetic factors.  相似文献   


From the aerial parts of Thymus sibthorpii Bentham (Lamiaceae), five flavonoids apigenin (1), 7-methoxy-apigenin (2), naringenin (3), eriodictyol (4) and eriodictyol-7-glucoside (5), have been isolated together with caffeic acid methyl ester (6), rosmarinic acid (7) and rosmarinic acid methyl ester (8). The structures of the isolated compounds were established by spectroscopic methods. The extracts and the isolated compounds were tested for their free radical scavenging activity using the following in vitro assays: (i) interaction with the free stable radical of DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), (ii) inhibition of linoleic acid lipid peroxidation induced by the dihydrochloric acid of 2,2-azobis-2-amidinepropane (AAPH) and (iii) the scavenging activity of enzymatically produced superoxide anion. Their inhibitory activity toward soybean lipoxygenase was evaluated in vitro, using linoleic acid as a substrate. The antioxidant results of the extracts are discussed in terms of their constitution in phenolic compounds, which were determined following the Folin–Ciocalteu method.  相似文献   

Abstract: Allozyme electrophoresis was used to evaluate levels and distribution of genetic diversity in Iberian populations of the threatened coastal sand dune plant Stachys maritima (Lamiaceae). During the last century, this species was subjected to severe habitat fragmentation, mainly as a consequence of tourism activities and urban pressures, with a decreasing of area up to 99 % in the Iberian Peninsula and a remaining total population size of ca. 250 individuals. Extremely low levels of genetic variation were detected ( P = 14.0, A = 1.16 and H e = 0.066). From the 20 interpretable loci found, only 4 were polymorphic and another one, the Idh-2 locus, showed a fixed heterozygous banding pattern, which may be attributed to gene duplication. Low values of diversity can be related to small population size and isolation of populations. The degree of threat has been increased from vulnerable (VU) to critically endangered (CR), according to the IUCN criteria. Conservation policies should be focused on maintaining population size and gene flow, in addition to preserving its habitat, although reintroductions and reinforcements appear to be necessary to ensure long-term viability of populations.  相似文献   

Low levels of genetic variability are common for a number of geographically restricted plants: these data are consistent with theoretical expectations that small populations should be genetically depauperate. However, in some species, high levels of variability have been found in rare species. Allium aaseae is a rare, narrow endemic in the foothills of the Boise Front of southwestern Idaho. Genetic variation in the rare endemic A. aaseae, and nearby populations of the more common species, A. simillimum, was examined with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data. Eight populations of A. aaseae and six populations of A. simillimum (three near the range of A. aaseae, and three distant populations) of 25 individuals each were examined for this analysis. Genetic diversity as determined with RAPD markers of both species examined in this study is largely found within and not among populations. Levels of genetic diversity are high, especially for a narrow endemic species such as A. aaseae. Proportion of RAPD loci polymorphic was high in both species, although slightly higher in the more common A. simillimum. Because these higher levels of genetic variability run counter to theory, alternative explanations beyond population size must be invoked to explain the levels of genetic diversity found in this study. Possible explanations are (1) A. aaseae is only recently derived from A. simillimum, (2) hybridization between A. aaseae and A. simillimum is occurring, (3) multiple origins of A. aaseae, (4) populations of A. simillimum included in the analysis are all A. aaseae, (5) A. aaseae and A. simillimum are conspecific, and (6) an artifact of RAPD data.  相似文献   

Abstract Carex misera is a rare sedge, endemic to rocky outcrops and mountain summits within the southern Appalachian Mountains from northern Georgia to northern North Carolina. We assessed allozyme diversity for 406 individuals from nine populations over most of the geographic range. Twenty-seven putative loci were assayed and eight (30%) were found to be polymorphic. Nei's gene diversity statistics ( H T =0.043, H S =0.019, G ST =0.551) indicated low levels of variation but relatively highly differentiated populations, suggesting little gene flow. Significant deviations from genotypic expectations under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, high positive fixation indices, and the existence of small genetic neighborhoods within populations suggest that at least some inbreeding occurs. Cluster analysis of Nei's genetic identity statistics and principal component analysis of allele frequency data showed high similarity among the six southern populations with the two northern populations more differentiated from them and from each other. These results suggest that preservation of the northern populations is necessary to conserve the already low levels of genetic diversity within the species.  相似文献   

岛屿特有种全缘冬青遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
全缘冬青(Ilex integra)为岛屿特有植物,主要分布于浙江舟山群岛,被列为浙江省珍稀濒危植物。作者运用ISSR分子标记对舟山群岛的6个全缘冬青种群(5个自然种群和1个栽培种群)共57个个体进行了遗传多样性分析。采用9条随机引物扩增出78条清晰谱带,其中45条为多态性条带,多态位点百分比(PPL)为57.7%。经POPGENE软件分析,全缘冬青种群平均多态位点百分比(PPL)为42.1%,Nei’s基因多样度(HE)为0.153,较其他海岛植物的遗传多样性偏低。5个自然种群遗传分化系数Gst=0.316,AMOVA测度Fst=0.295,Shannon多样性分化系数S=0.304,遗传分化程度较高。全缘冬青种群间地理距离与遗传距离具有正相关性(r=0.649,P<0.05),岛屿间地理隔离对种群间遗传分化产生了较为显著的影响。UPGMA聚类分析显示,朱家尖岛与普陀岛种群亲缘关系较近,而舟山岛栽培种群是由桃花岛自然种群移植而来。针对全缘冬青种群遗传多样性较低及遗传分化程度较高的现状,应加强现有自然种群的就地保护,促进种群自然更新;建立种质资源库,收集不同岛屿的种源进行混合繁殖,促进基因交流。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of 25 natural populations of Thymus capitatus, from five ecological areas, were analysed using eight isozymes. For all populations, 11 polymorphic loci were detected, and several of them showed rare alleles. A high genetic diversity within populations (Ap = 1.82; P = 62.88%; Ho = 0.116) and an excess of heterozygosity were observed. A high level of inbreeding within populations was observed (FIS = 0.471). High differentiation and low gene flow (Nm = 0.821) were detected among populations (FST = 0.219). The genetic variation within and among ecological groups varied according to the bioclimate. Population structuration depends on geographic distance between sites rather than on bioclimate (Mantel’s test; r = 0.251; P = 0.004). Nei’s genetic distances (D) values calculated between pairs of populations were globally low with a mean of 0.047. The unweighted pairwise groups method using arithmetic average dendrogram showed fourth sub‐clusters. Population groupings occur with evident relationship to geographic location. The substantial differentiation and the high genetic similarities between populations indicate that populations have been recently isolated as a result of anthropic pressure. In situ conservation must first focus on populations with a high level of genetic diversity and rare alleles. Ex situ preservation should be elaborated by collecting seeds within populations that showed a high level of genetic diversity in each ecological group.  相似文献   

Analyses have been made of allozyme variation of the narrow endemic species Seseli farrenyi Molero & J. Pujadas (Apiaceae), which has only three known populations in Catalonia with a total of around 2000 individuals. All three populations were sampled and subjected to starch gel electrophoresis. Nine enzymes were resolved and 14 loci were interpreted. We detected high values of polymorphism ( P = 83.3%, A = 3.0, H e = 0.297), far exceeding those expected for endemic species ( P = 26.3%, A = 1.39, H e = 0.063). Genetic diversity was greater within populations than among populations, and the value of gene flow was very high ( Nm = 5.85). Most loci showed deviations from Hardy– Weinberg equilibrium, possibly due to the presence of subpopulations. The main threats to this species are human activities (tourism, fires), while natural threats are minimal due to its high genetic diversity. Finally, we propose some conservation measures which include both in situ and ex situ strategies. © 2000 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 305–314.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The endemic tree Nothofagus alessandrii (Fagaceae) has been historically restricted to the coastal range of Region VII of central Chile, and its forests have been increasingly destroyed and fragmented since the end of the 19th century. In this study, the patterns of within- and among-population genetic diversity in seven fragments of this endangered narrowly endemic tree were examined. METHODS: Allozyme electrophoresis of seven loci of N. alessandrii was used to estimate genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow. KEY RESULTS: High levels of genetic diversity were found as shown by mean expected heterozygosity (H(e) = 0.182 +/- 0.034), percentage of polymorphic loci (P(p) = 61.2 %), mean number of alleles per locus (A = 1.8) and mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus (A(p) = 2.3). Genetic differentiation was also high (G(ST) = 0.257 and Nm = 0.7). These values are high compared with more widespread congeneric species. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its endemic status and restricted geographical range N. alessandrii showed high levels of genetic diversity. The observed patterns of diversity are explained in part by historical processes and more recent human fragmentation.  相似文献   

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