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华北落叶松树干主要营养元素的空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用标准地-标准木-分层分割法测定了华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr)树干主要营养元素的分布规律,结果为:树干木质部水平方向N、P、K质量分数随年龄增加逐渐增大,Ca、Mg的逐渐减少。树干木质部垂直方向N、P、K质量分数随圆盘高度增加而增加,Ca、Mg变化较小。树皮N、P、K、Mg质量分数随圆盘高度的增加而增大,Ca有减小的趋势,但梢部质量分数较高;树干主要营养元素的质量分数大小排序为:K〉Ca〉N〉Mg〉P。不同个体不同组分质量分数之比分别为,皮/木 N:4.1~6.3,P:2.8~4.8,K:2.1~2.7,Ca:2.3~4.1,Mg:2.1~3.1;皮/心,N:4.9~8.6,P:5.2~7.5,K:2.2~2.7,Ca:2.6~3.8,Mg:2.0~3.2;边/  相似文献   

西藏扎布耶盐湖晚第四纪孢粉植物群的初步研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
扎布耶盐湖位于西藏青藏高原腹地。通过该湖ZK2钻孔的孢粉分析,揭示了约36000aB.P.以来扎布耶地区的气候和湖盆演变。约在36000-33000aB.P.,扎布耶地区为森林草原,气候冷、湿;约33000-30000aB.P.,为灌丛草原,气候温、干;约30000-27500aB,P.为干旱草原,气候偏暖、湿;约18000-12000aB.P.,为干旱草原,环境寒冷,干燥;约12000-4000aB.P.,扎布耶地区各类草本植物繁茂,气候偏温、干。另外,根据水生藻类化石群的分析,自36000aB.P以来,扎布耶盐湖有三次湖进、淡水湖期,同时也有三次湖退事件。  相似文献   

宁晋泊是河北平原南部三大古湖群之一,通过LN42.5m厚沉积剖面的孢粉分析,获得古植物替达近20次,反映古气候变化具有明显减暖气候旋回5次以上,其中有2次寒冷期,3次湿暖期。结合6.4m以上^14C年龄数据推断计算更更新世与全新世界线在7.5m,这一界线与隐的群,古气候与古环境等分异界线非常吻合,因此作者推断宁晋泊的形成,发展与消亡时代相应在晚更新世早期的温暖,全新世高温期再次复兴,后被河流沉积所  相似文献   

晚更新世晚期以来昆仑山垭口区的植被与环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
昆仑山垭口区小南川剖面和雪水河热水剖面的孢粉分析揭示了该区44000aB.P.以来的植被演替和气候变化。40000aB.P.前,推测昆仑山垭口区为典型的灌木荒漠植被,气候极端干燥。40000-30000aB.P.,气候稍有好转。30000-24000aB.P.为草原荒漠,降水增加。24000-18000aB.P.为末次冰期极盛期,气候干冷。18000-13000aB.P.气候凉偏干。13000-8000aB.P.气候凉干。8000-6000aB.P.为全新世温暖期,但由于植被的滞后现象,本区仍为草原荒漠景观。6000-5000aB.P.,本区可能也存在着中全新世的降温事件。5000-3000aB.P.在全新世大暖期的影响下,小南川附近的植被演变成温性草原植被,并有人类的放牧活动。3000aB.P.以后,气候变凉,草原迅速地演变为灌木和小乔木荒漠植被,其中3000-1000aB.P.为凉干时期,1000aB.P.以后,可能有过一段凉湿时期。  相似文献   

宁晋泊晚更新世孢粉组合及其古环境演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宁晋泊是河北平原南部三大古湖群之一,通过LN42.5m厚沉积剖面的孢粉分析,获得古植物群演替达近20次,反映古气候变化具明显冷暖气候旋回5次以上,其中有2次寒冷期,3次湿暖期。结合6.4m以上~(14)C年龄数据推断计算晚更新世与全新世界线在7.5m,这一界线与孢粉植物群、古气侯与古环境等分异界线非常吻合。因此作者推断宁晋泊的形成、发展与消亡时代相应在晚更新世早期的温暖期,全新世高温期再次复兴,后被河流沉积物所掩埋而消亡形成洼地。  相似文献   

研究了神经节苷脂GM_3参入肌质网膜后Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活力的变化,结果表明:GM_3参入肌质网膜后,对肌质网Ca~(2+)ATP酶活性(ATP水解活力与转运活力)有明显的激活作用.当参入的GM_3浓度为8μmol/L、参入时间为120min、温度为30℃时,对Ca~(2+)-ATP酶的激活作用最大.  相似文献   

大小兴安岭泥炭的孢粉记录及演变过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据3个高位泥炭剖面孢粉分析,揭示大注兴安岭分别于5000aB.P.、2700aB。.P.以来孢粉组合特征和植物群与气候演变过程。小兴安岭北部山地森林疲宣传早分为2个时期,5000-3000aB.P.桦为主落叶阔叶林;3000aB.P.--现今为红松、云冷杉为主,混有少量桦寒温必殖阔叶混交林。气候由温凉偏干向冷偏湿方向发展大兴安岭北部山地,2700~1800aB.P.以来,已构成针叶林为主(樟子松  相似文献   

若尔盖地区25万年以来的植被与气候   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文根据RM孔上部60m210个样品的花粉分析结果,探讨了若尔盖地区25万年以来的植被演替和气候变化。研究结果表明,若尔盖地区过去25万年的植被演替和气候变化可划分为7个阶段。在约250-195KaB.P.(7阶段),植被以亚高山莎草草甸为主,气温和降水与现在接近。在195-128KaB.P.(6阶段)和32-11KaB.P.(2阶段),植被主要是荒漠草原,反映寒冷干旱的冰期气候,年平均气温比现在低5-6℃,年降水量仅为现在的60-80%左右。128-71KaB.P.(5阶段)是过去25万年中水热条件最好的时期,植被主要是亚高山暗针叶林和亚高山草甸,大部分时间的气温比现在高1℃左右,降水量稍高于现在;但在此阶段的气温和降水仍有较大的波动,5e、5c和5a阶段的气温和降水高于5b和5d阶段。71-58KaB.P.(4阶段)的植被主要是高山草甸为主,年平均气温比今低3-5℃,年降水量约为现在的80%,在58-32KaB.P.(3阶段),早期植被以亚高山暗针叶林和草甸为主,晚期主要是亚高山禾草草甸,气温和降水均明显高于4阶段,在晚期气温呈非线性逐渐下降的趋势。  相似文献   

伪狂犬病病毒Fa株胸苷激酶基因缺失株的构建   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王琴  郭万柱 《病毒学报》1996,12(4):348-354
采用外切除缺失法对已克隆于pBR322中包含伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)胸苷激酶(TK)基因的BamHI-11片段(pPB11)进行改建,经筛选获得4株TK基因缺失重组质粒(pDTK3-1.pDTK3-6,pdTK3-8和pDTK5-6)对其进行酶切鉴定和Southern转印杂交,结果其11片段迁移率均发生改变,缺失的碱基数分别约1250,1100,1250和200bp,用PRVFa-DNA或PRVFa  相似文献   

近几千年华南沿海地区植被的人为干扰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑卓 《生态科学》1998,17(2):29-36
近10多a来,华南沿海地区大量全新世孢粉分析的结果表明,沉积物中某些植物花粉和蕨类孢子近5000a以来发生了显著的变化.这些变化除了可能与气候和海平面波动有关以外,很大程度上与人类活动有关,特别是稻作农业有密切的联系.本文试图从某些孢粉的含量变化结合...  相似文献   

The Dry Holocene Megathermal in Inner Mongolia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paleoclimate since 14 kyr BP (14C age) was reconstructed based on a 16.22-m-long sediment core collected from Lake Yanhaizi, a saline lake located near the northern limit of the East Asian summer monsoon in Inner Mongolia. Coarse sediments were deposited there during a shrinkage phase of the lake when sand dunes reactivated. These sediments have low organic carbon contents but high maturity indices, indicating that they were deposited in an arid environment. By contrast, based on high organic contents and low maturity indices, fine sediments were deposited during periods of high lake stand in a humid environment. It was in general dry between 8.0 and 4.3 kyr BP. The above dry and wet phases are consistent with those recovered from the arid-semiarid transition zone elsewhere, but are unlike the widely perceived humid Holocene Megathermal reported in east China and the newly reconstructed record in the alpine Retreat Lake in Taiwan. The discrepancy may be due to a relative insensitivity to humidity changes in these two areas since they have both been under the total influence of the summer monsoon. On the other hand, much enhanced evaporation over higher monsoon precipitation at Lake Yanhaizi reduces the effective humidity in the warm climate near the northern boundary of the summer monsoon. This also accounts for the fact the high-temperature Holocene Megathermal, as revealed in the Okinawa Trough and the northern South China Sea, is correlated to the dry phases at Lake Yanhaizi. Conversely, the 4-2-kyr BP coldest period in the Holocene corresponds to a wet phase at Lake Yanhaizi.  相似文献   

内蒙古东胜中侏罗世延安组孢粉组合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了内蒙古东胜罕台川、碾盘梁沟和柳沟 3个剖面中侏罗世孢子花粉化石 34属 6 3种 ,包括 2个新种。基于 10个样品中发现的 386 3粒孢子花粉化石的鉴定和统计 ,建立东胜地区延安组孢粉组合。该组合中蕨类植物孢子有 19属 37种 ,含量占 46 %~ 49% ,最低为 39%。裸子植物花粉略占优势 ,有 15属 2 6种 ,含量为 5 1%~ 5 4% ,最高达 6 1%。与国内外相关资料对比结果表明该孢粉组合的地质时代应属中侏罗世巴柔期。孢粉植物群反映研究区在中侏罗世早期为暖温带或亚热带的暖湿气候  相似文献   

黑龙江晚白垩世化石木及其古环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了3种出自黑龙江省嘉荫县晚自垩世的化石木:嘉荫柏型木(Cupressinoxylon jiayinense WangR.F.,Wang Y.F.et Chen Y.Z.)、柳杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeria Schonfeld)和黑龙江原始云杉型木(Protopiceoxylon amurense DU N.Z.)。它们分别与现存的柏木属(Cupressus)、柳杉属(Cryptomeria)和油杉属(Keteleeria)有较近的亲缘关系。综合化石本研究与其现存近缘3属的地理分布区的环境分析和已有的植物叶大化石及孢粉的研究成果,黑龙江嘉荫地区晚自垩世的植被类型为针阔叶混交林,植物群由松柏类和阔叶树种组成,大多数是亚热带-暖温带分子,少量是温带分子。同时,嘉荫柏型木中真菌菌丝的侵入生长指示湿热生境的存在。上述证据表明黑龙江省嘉荫县晚自垩世为温暖、湿润的亚热带-暖温带气候。  相似文献   

Three species of fossil coniferous woods, Cupressinoxylon jiayinense Wang R. F., Wang Y. F. et Chen Y. Z., Taxodioxylon cryptomeria Schonfeld and Protopiceoxylon amurense Du N. Z. from late Cretaceous of Heilongjiang Province,Northeast China, were described. Their wood structural characters showed their affinities to the extant Cupressus, Cryptomeria and Keteleeria respectively. The data from fossil woods, fossil foliage and pollen assemblage of late Cretaceous in the same region showed that the flora consists of conifers and broad-leaved trees and most elements were subtropic or warm-temperate, only a few of them were temperate vegetation. At the same time, the occurrence of fungi filaments in the wood of Cupressinoxylon fiayinense might suggest a type of humid and warm environment. All of these evidences indicated that a humid warm temperate or subtropic paleoclimate had existed in Heilongjiang Province during Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The pollen analytical investigation of 226.07 m,, deep QH70 core from Fulaerji district in the city of Qiqihar, Heilongjiang province have been carried out. Based on the characteristics of QH70 core sporo-pollen assemblages, seven pollen zones may be subdivided in the order as follows: The first zone (Ⅰ) belongs to early period of the Late Cretaceous. When the flora was mainly composed of gymnosperm, the next was fern and a little original angisperm. Here the climate was hot and wet and the vegetation showed tropical-subtropical in aspects. In this core the author didn't find the Palaeogene flora. The Ⅱ–Ⅲ zones belonging to the Late Tertiary are characterized by predominance of arboreal pollens, mainly consisting of Amentiferae and some conifers. The flora of the Neogene was mainly composed of Pinus, Betula, Castanea, Ulmus, Corylus, Alnus, ,Juglans, Quercus, Carya, Fagus, Tsuga etc. some subtropical species of Hamamelis, Liquidambar, Castanopsis, Melia. Myrica and Taxodiaceae which still existed. The climate was warm and humid with the annual temperature higher than that of the present. As to the last period of the third zone (Ⅲ) the assemblage of herbaceous plants and semi-shrub were predominant. The climate was changed into cool and less dry. The fouth pollen zone (Ⅳ) is represented by herbaceous plants such as Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Gramineae, Polygonaceae etc. indicating the Fulaerji was covered by cold-temperature grassland with a cold and dry climate. According:to temperature decreasing at this zone, magnetostratigraphy and thermoluminescence dating we may take the start of the Ⅳ zone as the mark of the beginning of Quaternary in this region. The age of the boundary between Pliocene and Pleistocene might be 2.4 million years or so. The geological age of pollen zones Ⅳ–Ⅶ, is assigned to Pleistocene. The characteritics of the sporo-pollen assemblage at these zones are quite different from one another. In the fifth pollen zone (Ⅴ), the vegetation was represented by a steppe or tundra with a cold and dry climate at its initial stage, but in the late stage the flora was characterized by a deciduous broadleaved forest and steppe, indicating the climate was warm and less humid. Pollen zones Ⅵ–Ⅶ, the herbaceous plants, such as Artemisia, Gramineae, Chenopodiaceae etc. were predominant. The climate was rather dry and cold. The plants of the boreal conifers as Picea, ilbices, Larix, Pinus and the subpolor plants such as Betula were thriving in the low land and plain on the last glacial stage demonstrating that time the climate was humid and cold. Judging from the pollen analyses of core QH70, the vegetational development and climatic changes in Fulaerji had been rapid since the Late Tertiary. It is more or less significance to use pollen analysis in hydrogeology and engineering geology.  相似文献   

宁波沿海平原第四纪沉积物属于海陆交互沉积,记录了良好的古气候变化信息,是研究古气候冷暖变化、沉积物沉积特征的良好载体。对位于宁波沿海平原东南部的Z02孔进行14C和古地磁测年,根据钻孔岩性、孢粉组合、有孔类和介形类组合、粒度等环境替代指标特征,确定了Z02孔第四纪地层划分,揭示了研究区第四纪以来的古环境演变信息。结果表明:Z02孔全新统与上更新统界线位于30.5 m,上更新统与中更新统界线位于82.65 m,第四系与下白垩统界线为90 m,中更新统沉积较少,下更新统全部缺失。Z02孔晚更新世经历水动力条件变化过程为中能-中低能-中能,沉积相为冲湖积-河漫滩-河流-湖沼-冲湖积-湖沼-河漫滩,全新世经历的水动力条件变化为中低能-低能-中能,沉积相为滨海-浅海-海沼。Z02孔记录了宁波沿海平原早中更新世处于构造抬升风化剥蚀阶段、晚更新世由温暖湿润到干燥、全新世由温湿到干凉的变化过程。该研究为我国亚热带东部沿海地区的古环境演变研究提供了有益信息。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of pollen analysis on sediments of core Cao 2 from Dianchi Lake. Four pollen zones are defined, namely zone I, which is further divided into four subzones, zone Ⅱ, zone Ⅲ and zone Ⅳ. Zone Ⅰ(ca. 47600–11800 yrs B. P.) is characterized by low land pollen sedimentation rates and constant presence of Abies pollen. In zone Ⅱ (ca. 11800–6900 yrs B. P.) broad-leaved tree pollen increases and Abies pollen gradually disappears. In zone Ⅲ (ca. 6900–3800 yrs B. P.) evergreen broad-leaved-tree pollen and total land pollen influx reach their maximum values while, Tsuga pollen decreases. Zone Ⅳ shows a great decreases in pollen influx of various pollen types and a increase in Monolete psilate spores. In the past 40000 years vegetation in this area trend changes from a dominantion of coniferous tree to an evergreen broad-leaved forest, co-existing or mixing deciduous broadleaved forest and coniferous forest. In the past 3800 years, due to climate changes and / or human activities, the vegetation cover in this area has been greatly reduced. The above vegetation changes indicate a climate change process from cool and humid, to warm and humid and finally to mild and dry.  相似文献   

A.Gupta 《古生物学报》2002,41(4):517-523
根据从印度库茂恩(Kumaun)喜马拉雅纳尼塔尔(Naini Tal)温带地区获得的85cm钻井的孢粉资料,恢复了1720+/-130年以来晚全新世古植被演变史,并推测了当地的古气候,当前孢粉资料说明了该地区当时发育有栎树混交林和波动的温暖润气候,孢粉组合序列的初始阶段,森林距沉积盆地较远,但是,由于气候变得更加温暖潮湿,森林也很快茂密起来,约1200年前,因气候恶化,森林变得稀疏,而在约124年前,气候再次转好,麦类及其他作物花粉资料证明农耕活动大约开始于1460年前左右。  相似文献   

中国木化石资源虽然很丰富, 但研究程度相比叶片化石要低得多, 且主要集中在中国北部和西南地区, 研究领域大多局限于分类学方面, 而木化石分析与古气候、古生态等领域的交叉和系统研究还很少。大多数情况下木化石的保存方式都为石化或矿化保存, 而木乃伊化保存的木化石则非常罕见。木乃伊化保存的化石在植物分类、系统演化及古气候研究等方面具有独特而重要的价值。近年来, 本团队在华南地区发现大量木乃伊化保存的新生代木化石, 它们分别产自广西南宁盆地晚渐新世邕宁组、广西桂平盆地中新世二子塘组以及广东茂名盆地晚更新世地层中。本文总结了这些木乃伊化保存的木化石的研究进展, 包括多样性组成、古植被、古气候及古生态等特征, 并对木兰属、蒲桃属和枫香属的植物地理史进行了讨论。综合分析植物群组成特征和木材生长轮以及木化石中具有气候指示意义的解剖结构特征, 推测广西南宁盆地晚渐新世时期生长着常绿(少数落叶)阔叶林, 为温暖湿润的亚热带季节性气候; 广西桂平盆地中新世时期生长着常绿—落叶、阔叶—针叶混交林 (阔叶为主), 为温暖湿润的亚热带气候; 广东茂名盆地晚更新世生长着常绿—落叶、阔叶—针叶混交林, 为温暖湿润的亚热带至热带季风气候。这是中国低纬度地区首次系统研究木乃伊化保存的木化石, 为新生代植物群的系统演化和古环境分析等提供了重要的木化石依据。  相似文献   

内蒙古开鲁盆地早白垩世阜新组孢粉组合   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
开鲁盆地陆家堡坳陷白垩系十分发育,富含各门类生物化石。根据坳陷内钻井所采样品,系统研究了早白垩世阜新组孢粉化石,建立以Cicatricosisporites Laevigatosporites Tricolpopollenites 为代表的孢粉组合。根据典型分子时代分布及横向组合对比,确定其地质时代为巴列姆—阿普第期,孢粉植物群反映的气候特征为潮湿的亚热带。  相似文献   

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