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目的 为了提高医疗服务质量、降低医疗成本,建立临床路径知识库平台,为临床提供决策服务。方法 围绕临床路径知识库的构建,主要解决三个问题:临床规则库的建立、临床路径自适应及修复模型和HIS数据整合框架。结果 构建支持复杂疾病的临床路径知识库,并实现共享平台。结论 通过建立支持复杂疾病的临床知识库平台,为患者提供准确的医疗服务,为医院提供临床路径决策支持,具有良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于省级平台的远程医疗系统的设计方案,主要从系统整体架构设计、网络结构设计、功能规划以及系统的业务流程设计几个方面进行了详细分析。通过建立省级远程医疗服务平台,可完成省内各医院之间远程医疗服务的统一调度和费用结算,各医院所建立的远程医疗业务平台完成医院间的各种远程医疗服务,系统可实现省内其他医院和省外医院的无缝接入。  相似文献   

临床路径知识库是实现病人诊疗流程中个性化诊疗与标准化路径有机结合的有效技术手段。为满足医院医疗质量提升与病人个性化诊治的需要,提出了智能自适应临床路径系统的信息技术建设方案,系统框架由语义层、中间层以及临床路径执行层3层架构组成,重点讨论了基于临床路径本体的知识库模型及建设方法,对下一阶段临床路径电子化应用工作进行了规划和展望。  相似文献   

医院信息化管理已成为当代医院管理的重要手段,信息化平台也成为临床运作的重要工具。临床路径信息化管理是医院发展的主要趋势。上海交通大学附属第六人民医院作为卫生部试行临床路径管理的试点医院,在临床路径实施过程中,创新管理运作模式,提出了基于临床路径的“3+3”信息系统。介绍了该系统的架构、设计理念及其应用成效。该系统是临床路径实施信息化管理的实践应用。实践证明,使用信息化手段推动临床路径的试点实施,达到了强化医院精细化管理的目的。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了基于二叉式分类推理的昆虫分类辅助鉴定多媒体专家系统通用平台TaxoKeys的设计与开发,及其所具备的主要特点。该研究根据昆虫分类学的特点,将昆虫分类的两项式检索表用数据库表示成系统知识库,利用计算机数据结构中二叉树结构的分枝结点搜索技术来实现其推理过程,进行昆虫分类的辅助鉴定,为昆虫分类专家提供一个通用专家系统平台。该系统具有可扩充性好、设计简单、操作方便等特点,同时也适用于一般性生物分类鉴定。另外,本文还就本系统功能的进一步扩展与应用研究等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着医院信息化建设的深入发展,专科化的信息系统如雨后春笋,原来信息系统间点对点的接口方式已无法适应新的业务需求。需要通过建设医疗信息集成交换平台解决医院HIS、EMR、LIS、PACS、体检、手术麻醉等信息系统之间的数据交换及共享问题,实现异构业务系统的互联互通,使医院原有的各信息系统通过信息集成交换平台提供的接口实现整合,继承已有的数据资源和服务。  相似文献   




目的:通过整合302医院丰富的肝病病例、肝病专家诊疗经验和临床科研数据,建立肝病知识库,提高基础资源辅助临床诊疗和科研的能力。方法:对肝病智能知识模型进行分析,获取知识库中结构化知识,并以知识库模型的形式建立知识库,形成一套独立、可重复的智能化的辅助诊疗和科研信息系统,实现知识库辅助临床诊疗、知识科学研究,最大程度发挥知识库的意义,真正为临床服务。结果:建立的基于HIS的肝病知识库主要编配于医疗单位,适用于临床医护人员、临床科研人员以及所有从事医疗行业的工作人员。医护工作者可通过程序访问知识库,对知识库中的肝病知识进行检索、分析、推理,辅助临床医护工作者提高临床诊疗能力,提升临床科研水平。结论:建立的肝病知识库系统为用户提供横向及纵向医疗基础信息的检索、分析及推理方法。推理出的合适的知识模型,为肝病的临床诊疗和临床科研提供前沿、实用、高效的智能辅助信息支持。  相似文献   

为了实现青藏高原植物种质资源信息数据的有效管理、保藏、共享、交流和利用,根据科技部基础性工作专项对项目成果共享的要求和青藏高原极端环境下野生植物种质资源调查和采集项目执行管理的需求,针对青藏高原植物种质资源本身固有的特征,通过关系数据库模式构建了青藏高原植物种质资源信息数据库,设计和开发了数据采集、审核、入库等实用工具.利用微软.NET技术,基于三层架构模式,构建了基于青藏高原植物种质资源数据库的应用平台,实现了植物种质数据的数字化存储、开放共享等功能.为青藏高原极端环境下植物种质资源调查和资源利用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

“共享平台”下的风景园林专业本科课程设计教学改革,融合同济“风景园林学”与“建筑学”“城乡规划学”三位一体的教学特色,以“风景园林规划设计”课程设计为“突出主线”,通过四项课程改革子项,即“建筑与建成环境设计”课程改革子项、“景观设计”课程改革子项、“景观详细规划设计”课程改革子项、“景观总体规划设计”课程改革子项,进行教学计划调整、教学内容重构、教学组织重组等的深化改革研究。从而建构“主线突出,两翼并重,三级分层,相互协同”复合网络化的风景园林本科专业教学内容组织形式框架,实现风景园林专业人才培养从进口至出口的知识、人格、素质和能力( KAQP)的全面培养目标。  相似文献   


????? 阐述了医院信息系统的应用主线和系统当前面临的挑战,探讨了运用数据整合、统一平台以及面向服务的技术架构等方法,完成多元化信息集成交换平台的解决方案,对数据进行集成与利用,从而达到系统间的数据共享与交换、支持管理决策与分析的目的。


景观生态学在风景园林领域应用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常青  苏王新  王宏 《应用生态学报》2019,30(11):3991-4002
作为我国风景园林学科的三大基础理论之一,景观生态学是风景园林师从经验规划/设计转向循证规划/设计的利器.本文根据国内外已有研究,挖掘景观生态学在风景园林领域的应用优势与必要性;基于文献分析法,从规划设计研究主体、科学基础以及景观性能与人类福祉三方面总结景观生态学在风景园林领域的研究热点与进展,并提出面向规划设计实践需求的景观生态学应用研究优先议题,包括服务多学科与多部门的景观内涵与分类体系研究、面向管理决策的景观性能评估与参数量化研究、应对人居环境与规划设计不确定性的景观格局-生态过程研究,以及提升人类福祉的景观格局-过程-服务耦合研究.开展景观生态学与风景园林领域的交叉融合研究,有利于深化并推动景观生态学综合研究成果向应用实践的转化,对于构建风景园林领域实践性科学研究体系具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

Males and females of almost all organisms exhibit sexual differences in body size, a phenomenon called sexual size dimorphism (SSD). How the sexes evolve to be different sizes, despite sharing the same genes that control growth and development, and hence a common genetic architecture, has remained elusive. Here, we show that the genetic architecture (heritabilities and genetic correlations) of the physiological mechanism that regulates size during the last stage of larval development of a moth, differs between the sexes, and thus probably facilitates, rather than hinders, the evolution of SSD. We further show that the endocrine system plays a critical role in generating SSD. Our results demonstrate that knowledge of the genetic architecture underlying the physiological process during development that ultimately produces SSD in adults can elucidate how males and females of organisms evolve to be of different sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the concept, design and implementation of a series of autonomous mobile soccer robots, named Musashi robots, which are designed referring ISO safety standards and have mechatronics modular architecture. The robots are designed to participate in the RoboCup Middle Size League. Using a modular design philosophy, we show that the selection of a proper moving mechanism, a suitable vision system and a mechatronics modular architecture design can lead to the realization of a reliable, simple, and low cost robot when compared with most car-like robots that include many kinds of sensors and have a complex design structure.  相似文献   

Proteins are modularly built from a limited set of approximately 1000 structural domains. The evolutionary relationship within a domain family suggests that the knowledge about a common fold structure can be exploited for the design of small molecule libraries in the development of inhibitors and ligands. This principle has been used for the synthesis of inhibitors for kinases sharing the same fold. It can also be applied for proteins which share the same fold architecture yet belong to different functional classes. Bestatin--originally known as an aminopeptidase inhibitor--was employed as guiding structure for the development of leukotriene A4 hydrolase inhibitors. A combinatorial approach helped to identify inhibitors for sulfotransferases which share structural similarity with nucleotide kinases using a kinase inhibitor core structure as guiding principle.  相似文献   

The design of an efficient collaborative multi-robot framework that ensures the autonomy and the individual requirements of the involved robots is a very challenging task. This requires designing an efficient platform for inter-robot communication. P2P is a good approach to achieve this goal. P2P aims at making the communication ubiquitous thereby crossing the communication boundary and has many attractive features to use it as a platform for collaborative multi-robot environments. In this paper, we present our implemented P2P system based on JXTA Overlay. We use JXTA Overlay as a platform for robot collaboration and knowledge sharing. We also propose a fuzzy-based peer reliability system for JXTA-Overlay platform considering three parameters: Actual Behavior Criterion (ABC), Mutually Agreed Behavior (MAB) and Reputation (R). We evaluated the knowledge sharing system by many experiments and show that this system has a good performance and can be used successfully for knowledge sharing between robots. Also, we present some simulation results, which show the fuzzy-based peer reliability system has a good behavior and can successfully select the best peer candidate.  相似文献   

Collaborative commerce has been used for communication, design, planning, information sharing, and information discovery in business-to-business (B2B) applications. The collaboration between buyers and sellers enhances product quality and customer satisfaction. However, most effort currently focuses on information sharing with customers and suppliers instead of joint product development or manufacturing. Moreover, traditional analytical methods have limited capability in solving problems. This study presents a framework for doing reverse simulation, where designers can reuse past experiments and change system parameters in manufacturing system for collaborative commerce. The framework integrates the object-oriented simulator and the object-oriented database. In this framework, the object-oriented database records the whole experiment scenarios and allows multiple planners with different expertise to involve concurrently and collaboratively. Then, simulations of advanced planning and scheduling in a product manufacturing environment that involves several planners working collaboratively are used for demonstration.  相似文献   

According to the traditional IT system to integrated the parts and brings much repetition and high cost is insufficient,service oriented architecture is put forward solutions.Further introduces the service oriented architecture theory knowledge,transverse relative to the traditional development advantages,fully demonstrates the main trend of the service oriented architecture that drive.Discusses in detail the service oriented architecture(SOA),the core concept and design principles,and security measures to IBM led the company put forward using the service oriented architecture modeling,and to service the abstract concept to carry on the analysis.The core of service oriented is the component architecture and service data object,combining components and data on the part of the object oriented service principle.And Web services and SOA are compared to further understanding the connotation of SOA,and can support is given based on SOA application system of the specific technology,finally,the paper discusses the SOA further research direction.  相似文献   

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