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 Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) causes considerable damage to maize (Zea mays L.) in Europe. The objective of the present study was to determine the genetic basis of resistance to SCMV in European maize germplasm and to compare it with that of U.S. inbred Pa405. Three resistant European inbreds D21, D32, and FAP1360A were crossed with four susceptible inbreds F7, KW1292, D408, and D145 to produce four F2 populations and three backcrosses to the susceptible parent. Screening for SCMV resistance in parental inbreds and segregating generations was done in two field trials as well as under greenhouse conditions. RFLP markers umc85, bnl6.29, umc10, umc44, and SSR marker phi075 were used in F2 populations or F3 lines to locate the resistance gene(s) in the maize genome. Segregation in the F2 and backcross generations fitted to different gene models depending on the environmental conditions and the genotype of the susceptible parent. In the field tests, resistance in the three resistant European inbreds seems to be controlled by two to three genes. Under greenhouse conditions, susceptibility to SCMV in D32 appears to be governed by one dominant and one recessive gene. Allelism tests indicated the presence of a common dominant gene (denoted as Scm1) in all three resistant European inbreds and Pa405. Marker analyses mapped two dominant genes: Scm1 on chromosome 6S and Scm2 on chromosome 3. Received: 17 November 1997 / Accepted: 25 November 1997  相似文献   

Combined mapping of AFLP and RFLP markers in barley   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
AFLP marker technology allows efficient DNA fingerprinting and the analysis of large numbers of polymorphic restriction fragments on polyacrylamide gels. Using the doubled haploids from the F1 of the cross Proctor × Nudinka, 118 AFLP markers were mapped onto a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) RFLP map, also including five microsatellite and four protein marker loci. The AFLP markers mapped to all parts of the barley chromosomes and filled in the gaps on barley chromosomes 2L, 4L and 6 in which no RFLP loci had been mapped. Interestingly, the AFLP markers seldom interrupted RFLP clusters, but grouped next to them. The combined map covers 1873 cM, with a total of 282 markers. The merging of AFLP and RFLP markers increased the total map length; 402 cM were added to the map at the tips of chromosomes or in regions corresponding to earlier gaps. Another 375 cM resulted from mapping AFLP markers near to RFLP clusters or in between non-clustered RFLP markers.  相似文献   

Terminal deficiencies (TDs) generated by the r-XI deletion system in maize were used to physically map RFLP markers on the short arm of chromosome 2 (2S) and the long arm of chromosome 6 (6L), chromosome 8 (8L), and chromosome 10 (10L). Five TDs on 2S, 8 on 6L, 10 on 8L, and 20 on 10L were isolated using the recessive morphological markers lg1, py1, j1(gl18), and sr2, respectively, for selection. Two exceptional TDs on 2S and 8L also have a second breakpoint on the long arm of chromosome 2 (2L) and 8L, respectively. The physical mapping of RFLP probes in relation to TD breakpoints was done by Southern hybridization. The five TDs on 2S divide chromosome 2 into four regions, all of which are distinguishable by RFLP markers. Likewise, three remaining chromosome arms are divided by TDs into RFLP-marked regions: 8 TDs divide 6L into five regions, 10 TDs divided 8L into seven regions, and 20 TDs divide 10L into three regions. The linear order of the physical map of 6L and 8L is consistent with that of the genetic maps, but that of 2L and 10L is not. Four groups of markers on 2S as well as 2L, and two on 10L are in reverse order in the physical map compared with the genetic maps. Other intriguing results are that breakpoints of TDs on 6L and 8L are distributed throughout the selected region, but most of those on 2L and 10L cluster in a region near the centromere; a single TD arose after fertilization. Received: 17 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 June 1997  相似文献   

 The objective of this study was to determine the genetic basis of resistance to maize mosaic virus (MMV). Molecular markers were used to map resistance loci to MMV in a set of 91 maize (Zea mays L.) recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from the cross between Hi31 (a B68 conversion resistant to MMV) and Kil4 (a Thai inbred susceptible to MMV). The RILs were evaluated for MMV resistance in disease nurseries in Hawaii in the winter of 1993 and the summer of 1994. Twenty-eight highly susceptible RILs were chosen for gene mapping using the pooled-sampling approach. Initial evidence from the pooled DNA indicated that restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) probes on chromosome 3 near the centromere were biased to the susceptible parent allele. Analysis of 91 RILs at 103 RFLP loci confirmed the presence of a major MMV resistance gene on chromosome 3. The resistant allele at this locus, previously named Mv1, is present in the resistant parent Hi31 and traces back to the Argentine parent used in conferring common rust resistance to B68. We conclude that resistance to MMV in B68 and Caribbean flints involves a major gene mv1 on chromosome 3 located between RFLP markers umc102 and php20508. Received: 12 June 1996 / Accepted: 5 July 1996  相似文献   

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a major soybean yield-limiting pest. The present study was conducted to map broad-based SCN resistance loci from the cultivar Hartwig. Two-hundred F23 lines derived from the cross Williams 82 x Hartwig were screened with a fourth-generation SCN inbred and 56 polymorphic molecular markers. Allele states and phenotypes were analyzed using stepwise regression and the model selection was made at P 0.01. Four unlinked RFLP markers (A006, A567, A487, A112) were associated with SCN resistance and the partial coefficient of determinations (R2) were 91%, 1%, 1%, and 1%. We have mapped a new, major SCN resistance locus (A006) and three minor loci (A567, A487, A112). This complete mapping will accelerate the transfer of broad-based resistance without linkage drag and aid in the determination of relationships among various SCN-resistant germplasm sources.  相似文献   

Towards a saturated sorghum map using RFLP and AFLP markers   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
 A near-saturated sorghum genetic linkage map was produced using RFLP, AFLP and morphological markers. First a composite, essentially RFLP-based genetic linkage map was obtained from analyses of two recombinant inbred populations. This map includes 343 loci for 11 linkage groups spanning 1352 cM. Since this map was constructed with many previously mapped heterologous probes, it offers a good basis for synteny studies. Separately, an AFLP map was obtained from the analysis of 168 bands revealed from 12 primer pair combinations. It includes 137 loci for 11 linkage groups spanning 849 cM. Taking into account the different data sets, we constructed a combined genetic linkage map including 443 loci spanning 1899 cM. Two main features are to be noted: (1) the distribution of AFLPs along the genome is not uniform; (2) an important stretching of the former core map is induced after adding the AFLPs. Received: 10 May 1998 / Accepted: 13 July 1998  相似文献   

Comparative mapping within maize, sorghum and sugarcane has previously revealed the existence of syntenic regions between the crops. In the present study, mapping on the sorghum genome of a set of probes previously located on the maize and sugarcane maps allow a detailed analysis of the relationship between maize chromosomes 3 and 8 and sorghum and sugarcane homoeologous regions. Of 49 loci revealed by 46 (4 sugarcane and 42 maize) polymorphic probes in sorghum, 42 were linked and were assigned to linkage groups G (28), E (10) and I (4). On the basis of common probes, a complete co-linearity is observed between sorghum linkage group G and the two sugarcane linkage groups II and III. The comparison between the consensus sorghum/sugarcane map (G/II/III) and the maps of maize chromosomes 3 and 8 reveals a series of linkage blocks within which gene orders are conserved. These blocks are interspersed with non-homoeologous regions corresponding to the central part of the two maize chromosomes and have been reshuffled, resulting in several inversions in maize compared to sorghum and sugarcane. The results emphasize the fact that duplication will considerably complicate precise comparative mapping at the whole genome scale between maize and other Poaceae.  相似文献   

Wheat yellow mosaic disease, which is caused by wheat yellow mosaic bymovirus (WYMV) and transmitted by soil-borne fungus, results in severe damage on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in China. For development of resistant cultivars to reduce wheat yield losses due to wheat yellow mosaic disease, resistance test and genetic analysis indicated that a single dominant gene in wheat cultivar Yangfu 9311 contributed to the resistance. Bulk segregant analysis was used to identify microsatellite markers linked to the resistance gene in an F2 population derived from the cross Yangfu 9311 (resistant) × Yangmai 10 (susceptible). Microsatellite markers Xwmc41, Xwmc181, Xpsp3039, and Xgwm349 were co-dominantly or dominantly linked with the gene responsible for WYMV resistance at a distance of 8.1–11.6 cM. Based on the wheat microsatellite consensus map and the results from amplification of the cultivar Chinese Spring nulli-tetrasomic stocks, the resistance gene to wheat yellow mosaic disease derived from Yangfu 9311, temporarily named as YmYF, was thus mapped on the long arm of chromosome 2D (2DL).  相似文献   

The complete sequence of a potyvirus from maize in Zhejiang Province was determined. The RNA was 9596 nucleotides long, excluding the 3′-poly (A) tail, and there was a single long open reading frame (ORF) of 9192 nts encoding a 346.1 ku polyprotein. The polyprotein had substantial amino acid sequence homology with those encoded by the RNAs of a Chinese isolate of sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV-C) and a Bulgarian isolate of maize dwarf mosaic virus, but it was most closely related to sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) isolates, for which only partial sequences have been published. According to the published criteria for distinguishing potyviruses, the sequence reported here is clearly a strain of SCMV, but it also showed a surprisingly high amino acid homology with SrMV-C in the HC-Pro, P3 and Cl proteins.  相似文献   

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