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红松阔叶混交林凋落叶、土壤动物、土壤的微量元素含量   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
对小兴安岭凉水国家自然保护区红松阔叶混交林的凋落叶、土壤动物、土壤中微量元素含量进行了分析.结果表明, 3种微量元素在凋落叶、土壤动物和土壤中含量排序均为Mn>Zn>Cu.不同环境组分中的微量元素含量不同.其中,Mn的含量为土壤>凋落叶>土壤动物;Zn的含量为土壤动物>凋落叶、土壤;Cu的含量为土壤动物>土壤>凋落叶.阔叶凋落叶中微量元素变化幅度大于针叶凋落叶.不同土壤动物对不同元素的富集能力不同,蚯蚓体内Mn含量最高,蜈蚣体内Zn含量最高,而马陆体内Cu含量最高.土壤动物体内微量元素的含量均与环境本底值、凋落物分解速度、土壤动物食性以及对微量元素的选择性吸收和富集作用等有关.3种微量元素在土壤中的含量均是土壤层(5~20 cm)大于腐殖质层(0~5 cm),不同土层中微量元素的动态变化不同.  相似文献   

酵母作为微量元素载体的研究及应用前景   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
李淑敏   《微生物学通报》1999,26(3):220-222
微量元素是动物维持生命和发育的必需营养物质,它们的重要营养功能早已被人们所认识。微量元素的缺乏会造成人及动物营养不良并诱发多种疾病[1~2]。矿物质微量元素一般以无机盐形态补充,这种形式不利于动物吸收利用,有些微量元素在加工、储存及运输过程中不稳定易于氧化并与食品及饲料中其它成分协同配伍性差。近年来,不同来源的有机态微量元素逐渐被采用,大量试验表明,有机态微量元素较之无机态不仅利于动物吸收利用,而且某些有机微量元素,对增进动物健康,提高饲料转化率及生产性能,减少应激等方面均起很大作用[3~5]。螯合型氨基…  相似文献   

一、前言锌、铜、铁、锰是与人和动物的生命活动密切相关的微量元素。当这些元素过量时,人与动物会中毒;但这些元素缺乏时也会引起人和动物发生缺乏性的疾病。人与动物所需要的锌、铜、铁、锰主要来源于食物和饲料。粮食和蔬菜是人的食物和动物的饲料的重要组分。因此,测定粮食、蔬菜中的锌、铜、铁、锰的含量对研究人和动物的微量元素营养有着重要的意义。锌、铜、铁、锰也是植物生长发育必不可少的微量养分。近年来,随着科学研究的深入和发展,在缺乏这些微量元素的土壤上,这些  相似文献   

森林凋落物与大型土壤动物相关关系的研究   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
以针阔混交林及落叶阔叶林为例,探讨了森林凋落物与大型土壤动物的相关关系。研究表明,森林凋落物中大型土壤动物的个体数依林型、凋落物厚度、凋落物量不同而异,凋落物的分解程度影响大型土壤动物的种类、数量分布,凋落物中矿质元素含量与大型土壤动物体内矿质元素含量相关较好,凋落物中微量元素含量与大型土壤动物体内微量元素含量明显不相关。本研究为揭示大型土壤动物在凋落物分解中的作用,进而为森林的经营和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

大鼠微量元素添加剂配方研究刘学旭,程朝辉,张水蓉华西医科大学实验动物中心成都610041国内外研究表明,微量元素对大鼠生长、繁殖性能和免疫功能均有较大的影响 ̄[1]。但以天然原粮为日粮的大鼠饲料中是否需要添加微量元素,文献报道不尽一致 ̄[2]。本试验...  相似文献   

维生素C是动物体内不可或缺的微量元素之一,对动物生长发育、代谢及维持正常生理机能具有重要作用。综述了近年来对动物维生素C合成能力及其影响因素的研究进展,为人们了解动物维生素C营养需求提供参考资料。  相似文献   

索有瑞  李天才 《兽类学报》2003,23(1):89-91,38
铅、镉、砷、汞、锑和铋等元素是人与动物生命活动非必需且有害的微量元素[1] 。哺乳类动物体内的这些微量元素主要由食物链传递所产生[2 ,3] 。本文对高原鼢鼠 (Myospalaxbaileyi)和高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)骨骼中非必需微量元素砷、锑、汞、铋、铅、镉的分布、种间含量差异及其相关性进行了分析和讨论 ,为高寒草甸生态系统研究小哺乳动物的营养生态学、化学生态学以及生态系统的物质循环[4 ,5] 等提供基础资料。1 材料与方法1 1 样品预处理1994年 5~ 6月在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站…  相似文献   

解放后,我国微量元素研究工作与其他科学研究一样也取得了很大的成就。大跃进以来,这方面的工作取得了更大的和更为全面的发展。据初步统计,1958年前发表的论文有14篇,一般涉及的面比较狭,仅限于微量元素对农作物生长发育的影响及其增产效果;大跃进以来至今共发表了74篇,研究领域大大扩充了,除了继续研究微量元素对农作物生理效应和增产效果外,有关微量元素对动物、微生物的作用以及土壤微量元素的研究也展开了许多的工作。本文企图通过文献综述,对我国微量元素研究工作成果作一简要的汇总,供作参考。  相似文献   

硒的检测技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硒是人和动物必需的微量元素之一,其存在形态划分为有机硒和无机硒,本文对总硒、有机硒的多种检测方法、原理及研究进展进行了综述,为硒产品开发研究工作提供依据。  相似文献   

长期以来,实验家兔在生产繁殖中均以混合饲料、青饲料作为其主要饲料。随着科学技术的不断发展,实验动物饲养管理水平的提高,对于动物的饲料有了大量的研究。目前,国外已应用维生素和微量元素添加剂代替青饲料,饲养无特定病原动物(Speciul pathogen free animal,简称SPF动物)和普通动物。在学习和参阅国内外饲养家兔的经验基础上,我们进行了一年的家兔饲养试验,取得一定结果,介绍如下。  相似文献   

人工饲养与野生川金丝猴体毛10种微量元素的含量及比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定了秦岭人工饲养(10只)和野生(14只)川金丝猴体毛中的10种微量元素含量。锌、铁、铜、钙、镁5种元素采用火焰原子吸收法;锰、铬、铅采用石墨炉原子吸收法;铝采用等离子光谱;硒经硝解后采用原子吸收法测定。结果表明,铬、锰、镁、铅、锌和硒的含量,人工猴极显著或显著高于野生猴;铁含量,人工猴极显著低于野生猴;钙、铜和铝的含量,人工猴与野生猴无显著差异。以人类毛发10种微量元素的正常范围为参照,人工猴铅、铬、锰与锌4种含量均显著超出正常范围的上限,属于严重超量。这可能与金丝猴饲养过程中添加营养制剂有关。  相似文献   

Concentrations of As, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, Hg, I, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, V, and Zn were determined in human whole milk samples from Guatemala, Hungary, Nigeria, Philippines, Sweden, and Zaire; in most of these countries, three groups of subjects representing different socioeconomic conditions were studied. Analytical quality control was a primary consideration throughout. The analytical techniques used were atomic absorption spectrophotometry, atomic emission spectrometry with an inductively coupled plasma, colorimetry, electrochemistry, using an ion-selective electrode and neutron activation analysis. The differences between median concentrations of Ca, Cl, Mg, K, Na, and P (minor elements) were lower than 20% among the six countries. Among trace elements, concentrations observed in Filipino milk for As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and V were higher than for milk samples from other countries. The remaining five countries showed a mixed picture of high and low values. In the case of at least some elements, such as, F, I, Hg, Mn, Pb, and Se, the environment appears to play a major role in determining their concentrations in human milk. The nutritional status of the mother, as reflected by her socioeconomic status, does not appear to influence significantly the breast milk concentrations of minor and trace elements. Significant differences exist between the actual daily intakes observed in this study and current dietary recommendations made by, for example, WHO and the US National Academy of Sciences. These differences are particularly large (an order of magnitude or more!) for Cr, F, Fe, Mn, and Mo; for other elements, such as, Ca, Cu, Mg, P, and Zn, they amount to at least a factor 2. In the opinion of the present authors, these findings point to the need for a possible reassessment of the dietary requirements of young infants with respect to minor and trace elements, particularly for the elements Ca, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, P, and Zn.  相似文献   

Hair samples of 655 children (3–6 yr of age) from metropolitan and small cities in Korea were analyzed to determine the content of 23 minor and trace elements with the aim of assessing reference values. Fifteen essential elements (Fe, Zn, Cu, Ca, Mg, Mn, P, Na, K, Cr, Se, Li, V, Co, Mo) and 8 harmful elements (Pb, Al, Hg, As, Cd, Ba, Bi, U) were taken into account. Measurements were performed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The overall mean values were as follows (μ/g): Al, 8.78; As, 0.11; Ba, 0.32; Bi, 0.04; Ca, 212.47; Cd, 0.08; Co, 0.01; Cr, 0.47; Cu, 15.51; Fe, 12.62; Hg, 0.49; K, 34.10; Li, 0.01; Mg, 12.29; Mn, 0.29; Mo, 0.07; Na; 27.14; P, 121.21; Pb, 1.68; Se, 0.75; U. 0.04; V. 0.08; Zn, 69.99. There was no significant difference in hair mineral content between children living in metropolitan and small cities. There were positive correlations between age and the level of Zn, Ca, Na, P, Mn, and Li, but negative correlations between age and the level of Cr, V, and U. The proposed reference values for hair Zn, Mg, Ca, As, and Cd of Korean children were lower than those of other countries, but the values for other elements of hair were not significantly different from those of other countries.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 19 trace element in hair samples from 1273 residents of Harbin (China), Medan (Indonesia), and Tokushima (Japan) were measured by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. The mean concentrations of Ba, Ca, and Se were significantly higher in the Harbin hair samples when compared to those from Medan, but Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, Pb, Ti, Zn, and K were significantly higher in Medan than in Harbin hair samples. The differences in the mean concentrations of As, Cr, Mg, P, Sn, and Sr between the Medan and Harbin lots were not significant. In the Tokushima hair samples, Na and K were significantly higher, but As, B, Ba, Ca, Cr, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sn, Sr, and Se were significantly lower than in the Harbin hair samples. The differences in the mean concentrations of Al, Cu, Fe, P, Ti, and Zn between Harbin and Tokushima were not significant. In the Medan hair samples, Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sn, Sr, Ti, and Zn were significantly higher, but P and Se were significantly lower than in Tokushima hair samples. Differences in mean concentrations of Na and K between Tokushima and Medan were not significant.  相似文献   

Methods have been developed for the analyses of trace metals in various areas of porcine brains, (temporal, parietal, frontal cortex, both right and left hemispheres). Determinations were carried out using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). The elements investigated were Li, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, and Pb by ICP-MS and Cu, Cd, and Mn by ETAAS. For determination by ICP-MS, a method of standard additions calibration coupled with internal standards was used, and for ETAAS, standard additions calibrations were prepared. The accuracy of all methods was determined using NIST and IAEA certified reference material. A small number of pig brains were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis for Cr, Co, Cs, Fe, Rb, Se, Sc, Sb, and Zn using the comparator method of analysis. Four separate NIST standard reference materials have been used to examine the validity of the comparator method.  相似文献   

正微量元素包括Fe、Cu、Cr、Mn和Zn等,虽含量极微,但具有极重要的生理功能,涉及机体的生长发育、免疫代谢等生命活动过程(Shenkin,2008; Subrahmanyam et al.,2015),也是反映机体新陈代谢及生理功能状况的重要指标(Carpene et al.,2017)。例如Fe元素参与机体氧的运输和贮存(Abbaspour et al.,2014),血清铁被认为是动物营养评估的生化指标(Ganapathy et al.,2011); Cu元素是多种氧化酶的重要组分,参与动物新陈代谢、生长发育等(Desai et al.,2014)。  相似文献   

The influence of hair color on the trace elemental status in horse's hair has been studied. A current analytical technique such as particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) used in this study has provided reliable, rapid, easy, and relatively inexpensive diagnostic methods. Twenty-eight elements (Al, Br, Ca, Cl, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ga, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, S, Se, Si, Sr, Ti, V, Y, and Zn) in mane hair were detected by the PIXE method. The gray hair contains significantly greter amounts of Cu, Ti, and Zn, and lower amounts of Br, Ca, Se, and Sr than those in other colored horse hairs (p<0.05). Those results measured in the horse's hair were similar to those found in human and dog hair. When interpreting a result, it should be kept in mind that hair color, especially gray hair, influences the concentrations of some elements in horse hair.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations in body tissues of healthy centenarians have not been widely analyzed, yet they can be used as reference data leading to improved assessment of the aging process and monitoring of the micronutrient status of this age group. The present study sought to assess trace element concentrations and behaviors in the fingernails of healthy Chinese centenarians. The effects of gender on element concentrations, which also play an important role in determining the lifespan, were also investigated. Trace elements (Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, and Zn) in the fingernails of 78 healthy Chinese centenarians were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The overall reference values obtained in milligram per kilogram are as follows: Ba, 5.10; Cd, 0.031; Co, 0.101; Cr, 0.82; Cu, 3.71; Fe, 154.35; Li, 0.31; Mn, 3.09; Mo, 0.040; Ni, 0.95; Pb, 1.86; Se, 0.44; Sr, 6.20; and Zn, 147.96. Data analysis showed that only Cr and Se concentrations show a normal distribution, and no significant difference between male and female groups was found for any element except Cr. Result also revealed that sufficient Se, Co, and Zn as well as lower or lack of exposure to Cr contribute positively to the lifespan of centenarians. The results suggest that regulating in vivo contents of trace elements, especially Se, Co, and Zn, is reasonable to intervene with geriatric diseases.  相似文献   

In the present work, trace elemental analysis of mace (Myristica fragrans Houtt) was carried out by the atomic absorption spectrometry technique. The concentrations of various elements analyzed in this medicine were ranked in decreasing order: selenium (Se)?>?zinc (Zn)?>?magnesium (Mg)?>?iron (Fe)?>?calcium (Ca)?>?manganese (Mn)?>?lead (Pb). The concentrations of Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca, and Se were significantly decreased in serum of methylcholanthrene tumor models (P?<?0.001) compared with the control and mace groups. It is consistent with the result of tumor incidence. These trace elements could be directly or indirectly responsible for the antitumor activity of mace. The inorganic elements in this folk remedy can partly account for the antitumor.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the plausible association between the trace elemental imbalances and the emergence of valvular heart disease (VHD). A total of 14 elements including Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Sr and Zn in the scalp hair of VHD patients and healthy donors were analysed by flame atomic absorption spectrophometry employing wet acid digestion methodology. Median levels of Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Sr in the scalp hair of patients were significantly higher compared to those of the healthy donors, while the median concentrations of K and Na were found to be considerably higher in the scalp hair of the healthy donors. In addition, substantially elevated Cu/Zn value in patients indicated the prevalence of inflammatory processes inside the body. The correlation coefficients among the elements in the hair of VHD patients were significantly diverse compared to those of the healthy donors. Multivariate statistical methods showed noticeably dissimilar apportionment of the elements in the two groups. Variations in the elemental levels were also observed with gender, habitat, dietary/smoking habits and occupations of both donor groups. Overall, the study revealed significant imbalances among the essential and toxic elements in the scalp hair of VHD patients compared to those of the healthy subjects.  相似文献   

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