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Red‐winged Blackbirds (RWBL; Agelaius phoeniceus) have a polygynous mating system and, because territorial males commonly have harems of two to five females, some second‐year (SY) and after‐second‐year (ASY) males do not establish nesting territories, but become floaters. Previous studies have revealed high rates of extra‐pair copulations in this species and that sexually mature male floaters and territory owners do not differ in size, testosterone levels, or reproductive capability, suggesting that floaters may occasionally gain paternity. During May and June 2008, we observed the behavioral responses of floater males to taxidermic mounts (models) of female RWBL placed in a precopulatory position. Floaters intruded into territories during 46% of model presentations, with 20% of intrusions by ASY floaters and 80% by SY floaters. During intrusions, ASY floaters attempted to copulate with models 93% of the time compared to 80% for SY floaters. Copulations were successful during 30% of attempts by ASY males and 25% of attempts by SY floaters. The frequency of intrusions by ASY and SY floaters, attempted copulations by SY floaters, and successful copulations by ASY floaters increased as territorial males spent more time off their territories. Responses of floater males toward models in our study suggest that floater male RWBL attempt to exploit available breeding opportunities. The lack of evidence for extrapair young (EPY) fathered by floater male RWBL in previous studies, combined with our results indicating that the presence of territorial males limits floater intrusions, copulation attempts, and successful copulations, suggests that the reproductive success of floater males is limited in part by the aggressive behavior of territorial males.  相似文献   

Most wood‐warblers (Parulidae) are non‐migratory residents of the Neotropics and subtropics, and the demographic characteristics of these species are poorly known. I examined the annual survival, reproductive output, dispersal, age of first breeding, and other demographic characteristics of a permanently territorial non‐migratory tropical warbler, the Slate‐throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus), based on a 5‐yr study of a color‐banded population in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Territorial males showed strong site fidelity, but 26% of females engaged in short‐distance between‐year breeding dispersal. Estimated annual survival of territory holders, corrected for undetected female breeding dispersal, was 0.56 for males and 0.43 for females, values lower than expected and comparable to survival estimates for North American migrant warblers. The lower annual survival of females had two demographic consequences; unpaired territorial males were present in 3 of 5 yr, and some 1‐yr‐old males appeared to be floaters. Unpaired females or female floaters, however, were not observed. Mean natal dispersal distance was significantly greater for females (935 m) than males (485 m). Estimated first‐year survival was 0.29, but this is almost certainly an underestimate because of undetected long‐distance, female‐biased natal dispersal. Annual fecundity (fledglings per female) was 1.8, less than that of temperate warblers and attributable to small mean clutch sizes and a low incidence of double brooding. Estimated population growth rate (λ) was <1 for both males and females, suggesting that the study population was a demographic sink, most likely due to lower‐than‐expected adult survival.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of testosterone (T) in territory establishment and maintenance in male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) by implanting exogenous T or pharmacological agents that block the action of T in nonterritorial floaters and territory owners. Floaters with artificially elevated plasma T levels were unable to obtain territories. Territory owners implanted with T did not expand their territories, although they engaged in more aggressive behavior than did control males. Flutamide, which binds to T receptors in target areas, had no effect on territoriality. However, most territory owners given a combination of flutamide and ATD, an aromatization blocker, lost portions of their territories even though they actively defended them. Our results 1) suggest that, although T influences aggressive behavior, elevated plasma levels alone are insufficient to overcome previously-established social relationships between territory owners or between owners and floaters; 2) indicate that impairing the action of T leads to reduced abilities of territory owners to maintain territories against vigorous challenges: and 3) support recent findings that T acts on reproductive behavior in birds through both androgenic and estrogenic metabolites.  相似文献   

Many bird species produce two annual broods during a single breeding season. However, not all individuals reproduce twice in the same year suggesting that double brooding is condition‐dependent. In contrast to most raptors and owls, the barn owl Tyto alba produces two annual clutches in most worldwide distributed populations. Nevertheless, the determinants of double brooding are still poorly studied. We performed such a study in a Swiss barn owl population monitored between 1990 and 2014. The annual frequency of double brooding varied from 0 to 14% for males and 0 to 59% for females. The likelihood of double brooding was higher when individuals initiated their first clutch early rather than late in the season and when males had few rather than many offspring at the first nest. Despite the reproductive benefits of double brooding (single‐ and double‐brooded individuals produced 3.97 ± 0.11 and 7.07 ± 0.24 fledglings, respectively), double brooding appears to be traded off against offspring quality because at the first nest double‐brooded males produced poorer quality offspring than single‐brooded males. This might explain why females desert their first mate to produce a second brood with another male without jeopardizing reproductive success at the first nest. Furthermore, the reproductive cycle being very long in the barn owl (120 d from start of laying to offspring independence), selection may have favoured behaviours that accelerate the initiation of a second annual brood. Accordingly, half of the double‐brooded females abandoned their young offspring to look for a new partner in order to initiate the second breeding attempt, 9.48 d earlier than when producing the second brood with the same partner. We conclude that male and female barn owls adopt different reproductive strategies. Females have more opportunities to reproduce twice in a single season than males because mothers are not strictly required during the entire rearing period in contrast to fathers. A high proportion of male floaters may also encourage females to desert their first brood to re‐nest with a new male who is free of parental care duties.  相似文献   

The ability of sexually mature non‐territorial floaters to sire offspring affects the success of floating as a breeding strategy. Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) have second‐year (SY) and after‐second‐year (ASY) floater males, and genetic studies suggest that floaters may gain paternity. Despite these studies, we still know little about the fitness costs and benefits of floating in this species. By presenting taxidermic models of females in soliciting, precopulatory postures in territories of experienced (previously attracted at least one mate in the study area) and inexperienced (did not previously defend a territory in the study area) males, I was able to examine the copulation behavior and success of floater male Red‐winged Blackbirds as well as the effect of experience for territorial males. Floaters trespassed during 66.1% of presentations and 85.4% of trespassers were SY males. Experienced territorial males (92.5%) and neighbors (87.5%) were most successful in attempts to copulate with models, inexperienced territorial males (62.5%) and ASY floaters (50.0%) had intermediate success, and SY floaters (6.9%) were least successful. Experienced territorial males were more likely to approach models than inexperienced males, and floaters were more likely to approach models in territories of experienced than inexperienced males. These results provide further evidence that floaters trespass frequently, suggest that floaters sire offspring, and demonstrate that prior breeding experience affects the behavior and reproductive success of territorial male Red‐winged Blackbirds. Floating appears to be a conditional strategy for ASY male Red‐winged Blackbirds, but, because it is still not known if SY floaters sire offspring, these males may be trespassing to gain information or experience.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates form monogamous pairs to mate and care for their offspring. However, genetic tools have increasingly shown that offspring often arise from matings outside of the monogamous pair bond. Social monogamy is relatively common in coral reef fishes, but there have been few studies that have confirmed monogamy or extra‐pair reproduction, either for males or for females. Here, long‐term observations and genetic tools were applied to examine the parentage of embryos in a paternally mouth‐brooding cardinalfish, Sphaeramia nematoptera. Paternal care in fishes, such as mouth‐brooding, is thought to be associated with a high degree of confidence in paternity. Two years of observations confirmed that S. nematoptera form long‐term pair bonds within larger groups. However, genetic parentage revealed extra‐pair mating by both sexes. Of 105 broods analysed from 64 males, 30.1% were mothered by a female that was not the partner and 11.5% of broods included eggs from two females. Despite the high paternal investment associated with mouth‐brooding, 7.6% of broods were fertilized by two males. Extra‐pair matings appeared to be opportunistic encounters with individuals from outside the immediate group. We argue that while pair formation contributes to group cohesion, both males and females can maximize lifetime reproductive success by taking advantage of extra‐pair mating opportunities.  相似文献   

We report on an 11‐year study of floater interference in a population of Spanish Imperial Eagles Aquila adalberti. We analysed changes over the years in the productivity of 15 territories to test predictions of two hypotheses of density‐dependent productivity in relation to the presence of floaters (birds without territories). According to the ‘interference' hypothesis, the frequency of intrusion by floaters increases with density, resulting in a decrease in productivity. Thus, in a high‐density population a negative relationship between floater intrusions and productivity of the territory is expected. In contrast, under the ‘habitat heterogeneity' hypothesis, as density increases a higher proportion of individuals is forced to occupy lower quality habitats. Support of this hypothesis requires that floaters detect differences in quality among territories and preferentially visit the better quality territories. Consequently, a positive relationship between floater intrusions and productivity is expected. Results showed that floaters tended to visit their natal area at the beginning of the breeding season. Among floater Eagles, males made significantly more intrusions per day than did females, but females stayed in the natal population for longer each year than males. Floater intrusions and productivity were highly positively correlated, supporting the ‘habitat heterogeneity' hypothesis; individuals were apparently able to assess the quality of a territory and, at the frequencies observed, their interference with the breeding pair had no obvious negative effect on productivity.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that the amount of resources allocated to reproduction should maximize an individual's lifetime reproductive success. So far, resource allocation in reproduction has been studied mainly in females. Intraspecific variation of endogenous energy storage and utilization patterns of males has received little attention, although these patterns may vary greatly between individuals pursuing alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). ARTs are characterized by systematic variation of behavioral, physiological, and often morphological traits among same‐sex conspecifics. Some individuals may rely on previously accumulated reserves, because of limited foraging opportunities during reproduction. Others may be able to continue foraging during reproduction, thus relying on reserves to a lesser extent. We therefore predicted that, if male tactics involve such divergent limitations and trade‐offs within a species, ARTs should correspondingly differ in energy reserve allocation and utilization. To test this prediction, we studied short‐term and long‐term reserve storage patterns of males in the shell‐brooding cichlid Lamprologus callipterus. In this species, bourgeois males investing in territory defense, courtship, and guarding of broods coexist with two distinct parasitic male tactics: (1) opportunistic sneaker males attempting to fertilize eggs by releasing sperm into the shell opening when a female is spawning; and (2) specialized dwarf males attempting to enter the shell past the spawning female to fertilize eggs from inside the shell. Sneaker males differed from other male types by showing the highest amount of accumulated short‐term and long‐term fat stores, apparently anticipating their upcoming adoption of the nest male status. In contrast, nest males depleted previously accumulated energy reserves with increasing nest holding period, as they invest heavily into costly reproductive behaviors while not taking up any food. This conforms to a capital breeder strategy. Dwarf males did not accumulate long‐term fat stores at all, which they can afford due to their small behavioral effort during reproduction and their continued feeding activity, conforming to an income breeder strategy. Our data confirm that the resource storage patterns of males pursuing ARTs can diverge substantially, which adds to our understanding of the coexistence and maintenance of alternative reproductive patterns within species.  相似文献   

Male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) vary substantiallyin how much they sing. We tested whether song rate reflectedthe male’s quality, the quality of his territory, or hisfrequency of interaction with potential competitors. Song ratedeclined with the seasonal decline in nest initiations, suggestingthat song is used to attract females. However, males with highersong rates did not obtain larger harems. This suggests thatfemales do not use male song rate to assess either male qualityor territory quality. If song rate signals male quality to malerivals, and if territory owners are of higher quality than floaters,then owners' song rates should be higher than those of floaters.However, when we removed territory owners temporarily, the songrate of their floater replacements was similar to that of theoriginal owners. Finally, a male’s song rate was not affectedby how frequently he chased intruders, or by the proximity ornumber of neighbors he had. In short, the only information thatbasal song rate of redwinged blackbirds appears to provide toconspecifics is that the territory is occupied. In simulatedterritory takeover attempts, however, song rate was significantlyhigher than the basal rate. Thus, more may be revealed by thesinger in these situations. [Behav Ecol 1991;2:123-132]  相似文献   

Males of the damselfly,Mnais pruinosa costalis, exhibit wing color dimorphism: one form has orange wings, and the other hyaline wings which resemble female wings. The former is usually territorial and the latter uses sneaky mate securing tactics. When orange-winged males failed to establish territory, they became floaters that day. Hyaline-winged males perched around their territories and often, formed in tandem without any apparent courtship behavior when they found females. Their copulation frequency was higher and copulation duration longer than those of territorial males. A few females oviposited without remating. Total oviposition duration of females with which a hyaline-winged male mated was more than 32 min per male on average in a day Females that copulated with hyaline-winged males often remated with orange-winged residents before oviposition. Total duration of oviposition bouts of females after mating with floaters was short (15 min), while that with territorial residents was long (66 min). As a result, total oviposition duration of females with which an orange-winged male mated was about 40 min in a day. The reproductive success of the hyaline-winged males may be similar to that of the orange-winged males.  相似文献   

The black nuptial plumage of the highly polygynous male red‐collared widowbird (Euplectes ardens) comprises a red carotenoid‐based collar patch and a long graduated tail (c. 22 cm). Tail length was the strongest predictor of male mating success in a previous selection analysis, motivating this experimental test of the relative importance of tail plumes in male contest competition and female choice. Males were assigned to either a short (12.5 cm) or control (20 cm) tail manipulation prior to territory establishment. Male contest competition was unaffected by the tail treatments as the shortened‐ and control‐tailed males were equally successful in acquiring territories of similar size and quality. In contrast, however, although the longer‐tailed control males spent less time in flight and courtship displays, they attracted significantly more prospecting and nearly three times as many nesting females to their territories compared to the short‐tailed males. In further support of tail length as the primary mate choice cue, none of the other measured and potential female cues (e.g. body size, collar colorimetrics, territorial behaviours or territory quality) influenced male reproductive success. In addition to potentially increasing detectability (‘signal efficacy’), the long tail is also a likely indicator of male quality (‘signal content’). Despite the higher activities of short‐tailed males, control‐tailed males showed a steeper decline in condition (relative body mass) during the breeding season. Furthermore, both short‐ and control‐tailed residents lost more condition than did the short‐ and control‐treated floaters (males not establishing territories), suggesting an interaction between tail length and the costs of territory acquisition, defence and courtship displays. These results confirm the role of mate choice and honest quality advertising as the main selection pressures behind elongated tails in widowbirds. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 35–43.  相似文献   

In species with indeterminate growth, age‐related size variation of reproductive competitors within each sex is often high. This selects for divergence in reproductive tactics of same‐sex competitors, particularly in males. Where alternative tactics are fixed for life, the causality of tactic choice is often unclear. In the African cichlid Lamprologus callipterus, large nest males collect and present empty snail shells to females that use these shells for egg deposition and brood care. Small dwarf males attempt to fertilize eggs by entering shells in which females are spawning. The bourgeois nest males exceed parasitic dwarf males in size by nearly two orders of magnitude, which is likely to result from greatly diverging growth patterns. Here, we ask whether growth patterns are heritable in this species, or whether and to which extent they are determined by environmental factors. Standardized breeding experiments using unrelated offspring and maternal half‐sibs revealed highly divergent growth patterns of male young sired by nest or dwarf males, whereas the growth of female offspring of both male types did not differ. As expected, food had a significant modifying effect on growth, but neither the quantity of breeding substrate in the environment nor ambient temperature affected growth. None of the environmental factors tested influenced the choice of male life histories. We conclude that in L. callipterus growth rates of bourgeois and parasitic males are paternally inherited, and that male and female growth is phenotypically plastic to only a small degree.  相似文献   

In a Portuguese population of Salaria pavo, two types of reproductively active males occur: large bourgeois males that defend nests and have fully developed secondary sex characters (SSC) and small sneaker males that mimic the females’ morphology and behaviour to approach nests and parasitize fertilizations. These two alternative reproductive tactics are sequential, as sneakers develop into bourgeois males. We investigated whether bourgeois males were able to discriminate between sneakers and females of different sizes. In a laboratory experiment bourgeois males were sequentially presented with a female and a sneaker matched for size. Complementary field observations were conducted on the interactions between females and sneakers with bourgeois males. If bourgeois males discriminated females from sneakers, we predicted that they should direct more aggressive behaviours towards sneakers and more courtship acts towards females. In general, bourgeois males courted and attacked small females and sneakers equally. However, large sneakers were courted less and attacked more than large females. Larger sneakers, beginning to develop SSC, were attacked more and courted less by the bourgeois male than smaller sneakers, and larger females were attacked less and courted more than smaller females. These results strongly suggest that only small female‐mimicking males were able to deceive bourgeois males. In S. pavo, if the sneakers’ fertilization success correlates with their female‐mimicking ability, a fitness decrease with an increasing body size can be predicted.  相似文献   

The costs of reproduction are an important constraint that shapes the evolution of life histories, yet our understanding of the proximate mechanism(s) leading to such life‐history trade‐offs is not well understood. Oxidative stress is a strong candidate measure thought to mediate the costs of reproduction, yet empirical evidence supporting that increased reproductive investment leads to oxidative stress is equivocal. We investigated whether territory quality and offspring provisioning increase oxidative stress in male snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) using a repeated sampling design. We show that arrival oxidative stress is not a constraint on territory quality or the number of offspring fledged. Nevertheless, owners of higher‐quality territories experienced an oxidative cost, with this cost increasing more rapidly in younger males. Males that provisioned offspring at a high rate also experienced increased oxidative stress. Together, these findings support the potential role of oxidative stress in mediating life‐history trade‐offs. Future work should consider that reproductive workload is not limited to offspring care, and other activities – including territory defence – may contribute significantly to the costs of reproduction.  相似文献   

The theory of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) in asymmetric contests predicts that the propensity of an individual to expose itself to risk during contests depends on the individual's resource-holding-potential (RHP) and on the value of the disputed resource (V) for the individual compared with that for an opponent. If encounters of a territory owner with individuals of high RHP and high food demands (V) increase in frequency, one should expect a decrease in total aggressiveness of the territory owner, and in consequence a decrease of its territory size. Such a decrease should result in a lower amount of food consumed by the territory owner. Using natural variability in RHP and V in Gerris lacustris, I experimentally tested these predictions. The average prey item has higher value (V) for reproductive female water striders (which probably transform most of their food into eggs), than for nonreproductive females and for males. Because males are smaller, they have lower RHP than females, as RHP depends on size. Thus the reproductive females are the class of individuals of high RHP and high food demands (high V). Most nonreproductive females defend food-based territories. I observed two groups of water striders in a seminatural laboratory setting. As predicted, there was a negative correlation between the rate of encounter with reproductive females and size of the territory, and a positive correlation between territory size and number of Drosophila flies consumed by the owner. Territories were smaller in the group with high rates of encounter between territory owners and reproductive females. Territory owners caught the same number of Drosophila flies as non-territorial individuals in this group. In contrast, in the group with fewer encounters between territory owners and reproductive females, territories were larger, and territory owners gained more food than non territorial water striders.  相似文献   

Birds that arrive and breed early often have higher reproductive success than late individuals, either as a consequence of timing‐specific advantages (the timing hypothesis) or because these individuals and/or their resources are of higher quality (the quality hypothesis). In this study, we examined the potential influence of several factors affecting reproductive success by experimentally delaying breeding of early‐arriving male American redstarts Setophaga ruticilla, a species for which early male arrival is strongly related to increased reproductive success. Our manipulation involved the capture, holding, and release of males following pairing and territory establishment, resulting in the majority of subjects (67%) losing their initial mate (47%) or mate and territory (20%) and forcing them to start over approximately 12 d after their initial arrival. Males forced to start over (i.e. those losing their first territory and/or mate) did not experience any decrease in body condition, nor did their reproductive behaviour differ from that of early‐arriving control males. We found that naturally early‐arriving but experimentally manipulated males suffered reduced fledging success in comparison to early‐arriving males that bred early or late, but equivalent success in comparison to males that arrived and bred late. Based on our results, we propose that the relationship between early arrival and higher reproductive success in this species is mediated not simply by individual male quality or absolute arrival timing alone, but rather some other aspect of resource quality is likely important. We discuss and present evidence for two alternative explanations under the quality hypothesis: female quality and territory quality. To our knowledge, our study is the first to investigate the effects of experimentally delaying male breeding time, strengthening previous correlational evidence for resource quality as a potentially important selective agent driving early arrival in migratory birds.  相似文献   

Social status can be reflected in many aspects of an individual’s behaviour and ecology, including habitat use and conspecific interactions. In territorial species where at least two social groups – breeding birds and non‐territorial floaters – are recognized, the diverse tasks associated with territorial ownership can lead territory holders to behave differently from the non‐territorial part of the population. Territory holders defend their breeding area and reproduce, whereas floating individuals are dispersing and lead a more transient life, during which they do not show any territorial behaviour even when settling in a more or less fixed area (known as the stop phase). As social interactions are based on visual and vocal cues, the use of specific sites for sending and/or receiving signals can be a crucial choice in an animal’s life. By analysing the post‐site selection of Eagle Owl Bubo bubo breeders and floaters during their nocturnal activity, we found that: (1) territory holders selected more visible and dominant posts than non‐territorial floaters; (2) the choice of posts made by floating individuals did not differ between the wandering and stop phases of dispersal; and (3) floating females intruded more frequently than floating males within a breeder’s home‐range. These findings highlight the fact that two social strategies are possible within the same species, depending on an individual’s social status and its related tasks. Breeders could take advantage of visible locations to declare their status as territory holders, whereas floaters could benefit from a more secretive life to wander unnoticed among occupied territories. This secretive life would help floaters to reduce the risks associated with conspecific aggression. Finally, the greater occurrence of floating females within breeders’ home‐ranges can be explained by the fact that female incursions in a breeder’s home‐range are less risky than male intrusions.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a female dunnock Prunella modularis increases her reproductive success on average by copulating with more than one male resident on her territory and thereby obtaining extra help in raising offspring. Here we document behavior by females that affects which males copulate with them. During her period of receptivity to copulation, a female in a territory shared by two males often left the dominant (or alpha) male, which guarded her most of the time, and approached the subordinate (or beta) male when he sang. A female's responses to individual males thus tend to increase her own reproductive success by increasing her chances for copulation with both males sharing her territory. Playbacks of tape-recorded songs in the field showed that females approached only songs of resident males, not neighbors. They can therefore discriminate individual males by their songs alone, a capability not previously established for female songbirds. Despite intensive guarding of females by males, mating success among male dunnocks depends in part on female choice.  相似文献   

Reproductive parasitism among males is prevalent in fishes. Typically, small ripe males parasitize the reproductive effort of large bourgeois males by using various behavioural tactics. We examined the size‐dependent advantages of parasitic behavioural tactics in a shell‐brooding cichlid fish of Lake Tanganyika with three male types (large bourgeois males and medium–dwarf parasitic males). The extremely small ‘dwarf males’ weighing only 2.5% on average of large males, perform a specialized tactic in which they avoid attacks by the resident large males by entering the inner part of the whorl of the shell where a female is spawning. Field observations and a manipulation experiment revealed that the very small size of dwarf males is essential for utilizing this positional advantage. Larger dwarf males and medium males opportunistically adopt darting and sneaking which likely result in very low reproductive outcomes. The size associated advantage and disadvantage of parasitic tactics are the major factors shaping the size distribution of ripe males in this species. The success of parasitic spawning by dwarf males is determined not only by body size of the males, but also by the relative sizes of females and shells in which they spawn. These factors would affect the choice of different tactics among dwarf males. The analyses of body condition among ripe and unripe males across a wide range of body sizes suggested that onset of sexual activities at very small body sizes in dwarf males may be associated with higher condition factors that is a pre‐requisite for maintaining investment in testes and intense reproductive activities.  相似文献   

Polyandry is ubiquitous in insects and provides the conditions necessary for male‐ and female‐driven forms of post‐copulatory sexual selection to arise. Populations of Amphiacusta sanctaecrucis exhibit significant divergence in portions of the male genitalia that are inserted directly into the female reproductive tract, suggesting that males may exercise some post‐copulatory control over fertilization success. We examine the potential for male–male and male–female post‐copulatory interactions to influence paternity in wild‐caught females of A. sanctaecrucis and contrast our findings with those obtained from females reared in a high‐density laboratory environment. We find that female A. sanctaecrucis exercise control by mating multiple times (females mount males), but that male–male post‐copulatory interactions may influence paternity success. Moreover, post‐copulatory interactions that affect reproductive success of males are not independent of mating environment: clutches of wild‐caught females exhibit higher sire diversity and lower paternity skew than clutches of laboratory‐reared females. There was no strong evidence for last male precedence in either case. Most attempts at disentangling the contributions of male–male and male–female interactions towards post‐copulatory sexual selection have been undertaken in a laboratory setting and may not capture the full context in which they take place – such as the relationship between premating and post‐mating interactions. Our results reinforce the importance of designing studies that can capture the multifaceted nature of sexual selection for elucidating the role of post‐copulatory sexual selection in driving the evolution of male and female reproductive traits, especially when different components (e.g. precopulatory and post‐copulatory interactions) do not exert independent effects on reproductive outcomes.  相似文献   

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