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西双版纳片断化望天树林小气候边缘效应比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对西双版纳片断望天树(Shorea chinensis)林林缘小气候的季节、水平变化进行了观测研究,对比分析了4个不同大小雨林斑块(30 hm2、25 hm2、20 hm2、3 hm2)的小气候边缘效应.结果表明:各雨林斑块林缘均存在明显的小气候边缘效应,其中在干季晴天最为明显,且在两个较小斑块林缘出现最高气温及气温日较差高于林外的现象;干季,部分林缘小气候要素(最高气温、总辐射、净辐射、最小相对湿度)林缘与林内的差值均是高于或大于雨季的相应值,而地表最高温林缘与林内的差值则是雨季强于干季;各斑块相比,小气候边缘效应波及林内的深度在最大斑块达到最浅(25 m),而在最小斑块达到最深(35 m),呈现出小气候边缘效应及其影响深度随片断雨林斑块面积减小而增强及向林内进一步延伸的趋势.  相似文献   

西双版纳片断化望天树林气候边缘效应比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
对西双版纳片断望天林树(Shorea chinensis)林林缘小气候的季节、水平变化进行了观测研究,对比分析了4个个不小雨林斑块(30hm^2,25hm^2,20hm^2,3hm^2)的小气候边缘效应。结果表明:各雨林斑块林缘均存在明显的小气候边缘效应,其中在干季晴天最为明显,且在上较小斑块林缘出现最高气温及气日较差高于林外的现象;干季,部分林缘小气候要素(最高气温、总辐射、净辐射、最小相对湿度)林缘与林内的差值均是高于或大于雨季的相应值,而地表最高温林缘与林内的差值则是雨季强于干季,各斑块相比,小气候边缘效应波及林内的深度在最大斑块达至最浅(25m),而在最小斑块达到最深(35m)呈现出小气候边缘效应及其影响深度随片继雨林斑块面积减小而增强及向林内进一步延伸的趋势。  相似文献   

缙云山生境片断化对常绿阔叶林生物多样性的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
闫明  钟章成  方兴 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1642-1648
采用Simpson、Shannon-Wiener和Hill多样性指数以及逐步多元回归分析方法,在缙云山进行了植物群落调查、小气候观测和土壤肥力的测定以及各变量之间关系的分析。结果表明:片断常绿阔叶林物种多样性指数比连续常绿阔叶林低,不同生活型的表现不同;各片断阔叶林斑块边缘均存在明显的小气候边缘效应。随着斑块面积的减小,各斑块的ΔTa、林缘及林内ΔTs、林缘和林内ΔRH、林缘和林内Vmax、林缘和林内ΔPAR(正午)均呈增大的趋势。各斑块的小气候边缘效应,以最大斑块波及林内的深度最浅(约至林内15m)、最小斑块波及林内的深度最深(约至林内25m);常绿阔叶林物种多样性受林内外有效光合辐射(正午)差、气温日较差、土壤含水量、土壤有机质含量和土壤有效钾等因素的影响。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林片断小气候边缘效应的初步研究   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
本文以林缘为中心,研究了西双版纳地区3个热带干性季节性雨林片断和1个同样植被类型的连续森林林内至林外样带上小气候要素水平梯度分布。结果表明,热带雨林片断林缘对温度、相对湿度和光照的影响范围北向林缘伸至林内15m、南向林缘伸至林内25m。林外小气候水平梯度大于林内,这种梯度变异尤以林缘附近(-10~10m范围)最大。热带雨林片断后,林内与林外之间的小气候环境差异和对林外气候变化的缓冲作用都明显减弱。本文还给出了温度和湿度随水平距离变化的线性关系,并探讨了小气候边缘效应对群落结构、物种分布的影响。  相似文献   

全球范围内森林片断化现象日益严重。与其他木本植物(乔木和灌木)相比, 木质藤本更趋向于分布在片断化森林的边缘, 因而了解木质藤本对边缘效应的响应对于进一步了解其对森林动态的影响极其必要。本文对哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林林缘到林内环境梯度上木质藤本的变化进行了调查。在形成年龄分别为13年、35年和53年的3种类型的林缘, 设置从林缘向林内连续延伸的长方形样地(20 m × 50 m)各10个(总面积3 ha), 每个样地再划分为5个20 m × 10 m的样方。在每个样方内对胸径≥ 0.2 cm且长度≥ 2.0 m的木质藤本进行了每木调查。在3 ha的林缘样地中共记录到木质藤本植物2,426株, 隶属于14科19属31种。木质藤本的物种丰富度和多度均随距林缘距离的增加而降低, 边缘效应深度在35年林缘的边缘为30 m, 13和53年林缘的边缘则为20 m; 它们的胸高断面积在53年林缘的边缘效应深度为20 m, 但在13和35年林缘的不同距离上差异不显著。木质藤本对边缘效应的响应在物种水平上存在显著差异, 主要呈现正向和中性的响应格局, 包括只分布于林缘的物种, 和从林缘到林内环境梯度上密度逐渐降低的物种; 也有对边缘效应不敏感的物种。典范对应分析(CCA)表明, 林冠开度、边缘形成年龄和土壤水分是决定木质藤本在片断化森林边缘分布的重要影响因子。  相似文献   

利用ChinaFlux设置在哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林内的通量观测系统的土壤含水量数据,分析了哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林内土壤含水量的时间变化及其影响因子,以期了解哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林土壤含水量特征及其变化规律,为森林固碳能力、潜力和速率研究提供支撑.结果表明:(1)哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林不同深度土壤含水量大致呈单峰曲线分布,各层土壤含水量基本上随着土壤深度的增加而降低,波动范围也逐渐减小,最小值均在3月,最大值集中在7、8、9三个月.(2)0 ~ 100 cm各层深度的土壤含水量在17.7%~39.5%波动,其中100 cm深度的土壤含水量值最低、波动范围最小,总体来看,土壤含水量雨季高于旱季.(3)土壤含水量主要受降雨量、地温和相对湿度等要素的影响(P<0.05),哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林5 cm深度的土壤含水量最大,约为38%.  相似文献   

云南哀牢山常绿阔叶林林缘不同热力作用面热力特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用云南哀牢山原生的亚热带常绿阔叶林西南向边缘的表温观测资料,探讨了原生常绿阔叶林林缘区域不同热力作用面表温的水平、垂直分布特征及其差异。指出哀牢山原生的亚热带常绿阔叶林林缘与热带片断化季雨林林缘相同,其林缘壁面的热力效应同样是不可忽视的,在林缘区域构成了除了公认的林外地表面,林冠面和林内地表面3个热力作用面之外的一个新的第4热力作用面。对其进行深入研究,将有助于解释森林边缘的小气候效应和生物效应。  相似文献   

为研究人工林群落的边缘效应特征, 本文以川西周公山森林公园的柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)人工林破碎化大斑块为对象, 以植株平均胸径、平均高度、平均密度、丰富度指数(D)和Shannon-Wiener指数(H)来综合衡量边缘效应深度。在实地踏查的基础上, 从林缘向林内(梯度1至梯度5)设置5条样带(宽度为10 m), 在每条样带中设置4个10 m × 10 m的小样方进行调查。结果表明: (1)从物种组成上看, 在总面积为2,000 m2的20个小样方中共记录到111个物种, 隶属于54科96属, 物种数从林缘至林内递减。(2)从群落结构上看, 乔木层的平均胸径从林缘至林内呈减小趋势, 平均密度则相反, 平均高度无显著变化; 灌木层的平均密度从林缘向林内减小, 平均高度无显著变化; 草本层的平均密度和平均高度均呈减小趋势。(3)从物种多样性上看, 总体上各层次的丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均从林缘向林内呈减小趋势, 其中灌木层和草本层的变化趋势最明显; 同时, 林内各梯度与梯度1 (林缘)的共有种和相似性系数从林缘向林内递减。(4)分析各项群落特征发现, 平均高度、平均密度和相似性系数的数值在梯度2向梯度3过渡时的起伏变化最明显, 推断本研究中柳杉人工林斑块的边缘深度可达林内20 m。  相似文献   

片断化常绿阔叶林的植物多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于人类活动的严重干扰,使得我国的常绿阔叶林基本上已片断化.对位于浙、闽、赣、皖交界山区的6个以甜槠和木荷为建群种的片断化常绿阔叶林的植物多样性进行了研究,结果表明:(1)6个片断化样点共有物种69~142种.其中乔木层共有24~39种,Simpson 指数(λ)为0.793 2~0.931 9,Shannon-Weiner指数(H')为2.410 8~3.201 8,Pielou均匀度指数(J)为0.667 6~0.813 2,Gleason指数(IG)为4.5816~8.209 8;灌木层共有45~120种,λ为0.830 9~0.955 8,H'为2.6257~3.7902,J为0.608 2~0.7903,IG为10.0216~17.2782;草本层共有6~23种,λ为0.5073~0.7639,H'为0.8783~1.8802,J为0.3822~0.5771,IG为0.9646~4.2871.(2)乔木层和灌木层分别在物种均匀度和丰富度上占有优势,此外,各片断化样点之间建群种比较类似,而林下灌木和草本种类则有明显差异.(3)人类干扰和片断化面积大小分别影响了乔木层和草本层的物种丰富度和多样性.(4)边缘效应明显,并且主要发生在林缘50m的范围内.从林缘到林内单位面积物种数根据片断化面积的大小分别呈现出上升和下降的格局,并且不同耐阴性的物种其分布密度表现出完全相反的特征.林缘0~50m的范围内,木本植物死亡率呈逐渐上升趋势,50m以后开始下降,林缘100m附近达到稳定.此外,林缘比林内具有更为丰富的藤本植物.  相似文献   

选取千岛湖29个岛屿建立长期监测样地,研究从森林边缘到林内的木本植物物种丰富度、Shannon指数,以及植株密度、平均株高和平均胸径等群落特征的变化,探讨森林边缘效应的作用.结果表明:研究区物种丰富度和Shannon指数受边缘效应的影响深度超过50m,平均株高的影响深度波及到林内20~30 m,而植株密度和平均胸径的影响深度在林内10m.不同边缘梯度间的群落特征差异显著,物种丰富度和Shannon指数随距离梯度增大呈单峰型变化,而植株密度和平均株高沿边缘梯度呈增大趋势,平均胸径则呈减小趋势.5项群落特征与边缘梯度均有显著相关性.不同植物功能群(常绿/落叶种,乔木/灌木种,耐阴/不耐阴种)受边缘效应的影响程度不同.边缘效应对千岛湖片段化森林中不同群落特征和不同植物功能群的作用强度有所差异.  相似文献   

The plant communities and their microclimates were surveyed and observed,and the soil fertilities were determined in six plots of evergreen broadleaved forests of different sizes and similar slope aspects on Jinyun Mountains of Chongqing in China from April to October,2003.The relationships of biotic and abiotic factors were analyzed using the Simpson,Shannon-Wiener,and Hill diversity indices,and stepwise multilinear regression analyses techniques.The results showed that compared with continuous evergreen broadleaved forests,five fragmentations had a lower species diversity index,and different life forms showed differences in diversity index.With the decrease in patch areas,the daily differences in air temperature (△Ta),ground surface temperature (△Ts),daily differences in relative humidity (△RH),maximum wind velocity (Vmax),differences in photosynthetic available radiation (△PAR)(at noon)of both edges and interiors,all tended to increase.Maximum wind velocity (Vmax)and photo effective radiation in forest edges were higher than those in interior forest,which presented a stronger temperature-gained edge effect.In all the fragmentations of evergreen broadleaved forests,the depth of the edge effect was the nearest from interior forest in the biggest patch (about 15 meters away from interior forest),while the depth of the edge effect was the farthest from interior forest in the smallest patch (about 25 meters away from interior forest).With regard to the water conservation function,soil water content improved along with increasing species diversity.Some of the nutritional function substances of soil increased with increasing species diversity.The elements of microclimate,such as Ta,△Ta,△Ts,ARH,Vmax,and PAR,changed along with the extent of fragmented forest.  相似文献   

The plant communities and their microclimates were surveyed and observed, and the soil fertilities were determined in six plots of evergreen broadleaved forests of different sizes and similar slope aspects on Jinyun Mountains of Chongqing in China from April to October, 2003. The relationships of biotic and abiotic factors were analyzed using the Simpson, Shannon—Wiener, and Hill diversity indices, and stepwise multilinear regression analyses techniques. The results showed that compared with continuous evergreen broadleaved forests, five fragmentations had a lower species diversity index, and different life forms showed differences in diversity index. With the decrease in patch areas, the daily differences in air temperature (ΔTa), ground surface temperature (ΔTs), daily differences in relative humidity (ΔRH), maximum wind velocity (Vmax), differences in photosynthetic available radiation (ΔPAR) (at noon) of both edges and interiors, all tended to increase. Maximum wind velocity (Vmax) and photo effective radiation in forest edges were higher than those in interior forest, which presented a stronger temperature-gained edge effect. In all the fragmentations of evergreen broadleaved forests, the depth of the edge effect was the nearest from interior forest in the biggest patch (about 15 meters away from interior forest), while the depth of the edge effect was the farthest from interior forest in the smallest patch (about 25 meters away from interior forest). With regard to the water conservation function, soil water content improved along with increasing species diversity. Some of the nutritional function substances of soil increased with increasing species diversity. The elements of microclimate, such as Ta, ΔTa, ΔTs, ΔRH, Vmax, and PAR, changed along with the extent of fragmented forest. Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(7): 1642–1648 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

Along eight forest-savanna transects, the borders, the width of associated ecotones, and the depth-of-edge influence (DEI) towards the forest interior were determined on the basis of microclimatic parameters. The analysis focused on the seasonal variability of microclimate at the forest-savanna ecotone that has so far rarely been investigated. The study was located in an intact mosaic of semi-deciduous forests and savanna in the Comoé National Park (north-eastern Ivory Coast). The microclimatic parameters air temperature, air humidity, and vapor pressure deficit were measured from the dry season (February) until the rainy season (September) during five measurement periods (MP). Borders and ecotones including their confidence intervals were determined by a border-and-ecotone detection analysis, which is based on non-linear regression analysis. The ecotone limits were interpreted as DEI towards the two habitats. During the dry season, the microclimatic border between forest and savanna was located further towards the forest interior than during the rainy season. This may be caused by different foliation patterns of tree species at the forest interior and the forest boundary, with the latter being completely defoliated during the dry season. In addition, the variability of microclimatic parameters was higher and differences between forest and savanna were less pronounced during the dry season. The minimum DEI towards the forest interior was 27.4±15.5 m for air humidity in the rainy season (MP-5). The maximum DEI of 137.3 ±138.3 m occurred for air temperature in the dry season (MP-1). The average DEI for all microclimate parameters and MPs was 50.5 m. These DEI values are similar to observations from temperate and tropical forest boundaries in the literature. As microclimate borders proved to shift over the seasons, detailed knowledge of species’ responses to this variability appears to be essential for predicting concomitant dynamics of forest core areas.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带次生林林窗干热季气温分布特征的初步分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用西双版干热季次生林林窗的温度观测资料,探讨了林窗4方位的气温时空变化特征。由于林窗不同区域所受太阳辐射的影响不同,加之林缘热力效应的综合作用,林窗中存在明显的气温差异,特别是最高气温差异显著;气温最高值和气温日较差最大值不在林窗中央而出现在林窗东侧林缘树冠垂线处。  相似文献   

The difference in air temperature between the forest edge and interior was simultaneously compared at ten sites at 2‐h intervals over a 229‐day period in the East and West Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. Measurements were recorded with data loggers placed 1.5 m above the ground on the shaded side of trees and positioned 1–2 and 100 m from the forest edge. The difference in air temperature between the forest edge and interior varied regularly over a 24‐h period with mean maximum difference in air temperatures of 0.85°C occurring at 15:00 h and mean minimum diel difference in air temperature of 0.02°C occurring at 21:00 h. Diel variation in the difference in air temperature between the forest edge and interior varied little by season and was unrelated to elevation.  相似文献   

Air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and light intensity microclimatic gradients were examined along four forest edge and four paired forest interior transects in the East and West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Between 14 August 1995 and 11 August 1998, 287, 282, and 196 air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and light intensity gradients, respectively, were measured along the four forest edge and four interior transects. The relationship between microclimate and distance from the forest edge was examined using piecewise linear regression. All microclimatic gradients were classified into one of nine shapes based on the sign and the size of the two estimated slopes. The relative frequency in the shapes of 65 percent of air temperature gradients, 52 percent of vapor pressure deficit gradients, and 62 percent of light intensity gradients along forest edge transects exceeded the relative frequency of these same shapes along forest interior transects, indicating that a majority of the forest edge microclimatic gradients measured were influenced by edge effects. Yet this result also indicated that approximately one‐third of all air temperature and light intensity gradients and nearly one‐half of all vapor pressure deficit gradients recorded during this study were affected by factors independent of edge effects per se, and that forest edge microclimatic gradients were temporally nonconstant. For air temperature and vapor pressure deficit gradients, low spatial but high temporal variation existed in estimated edge width and the relative change in microclimate between the forest edge and interior. For light intensity gradients, both high spatial and temporal variability characterized estimated edge width and relative change in microclimate between the forest edge and interior. The pooled mean edge width and relative change in microclimate between die forest edge and interior across the four forest edge transects for air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and light intensity gradients were 94.1 m and 2.00°C, 82.6 m and 0.29 kPa, and 60.5 m and 10.6 joules/sec/m2, respectively. These results suggest that forest edge microclimatic gradients in general may be inherently dynamic and nonconstant.  相似文献   



Tropical forest species are among the most sensitive to changing climatic conditions, and the forest they inhabit helps to buffer their microclimate from the variable climatic conditions outside the forest. However, habitat fragmentation and edge effects exposes vegetation to outside microclimatic conditions, thereby reducing the ability of the forest to buffer climatic variation. In this paper, we ask what proportion of forest in a fragmented ecosystem is impacted by altered microclimate conditions driven by edge effects, and extrapolate these results to the whole Atlantic Forest biome, one of the most disturbed biodiversity hotspots. To address these questions, we collected above and below ground temperature for a full year using temperature sensors placed in forest fragments of different sizes, and at different distances from the forest edge.

Principal Findings

In the Atlantic forests of Brazil, we found that the buffering effect of forests reduced maximum outside temperatures by one third or more at ground level within a forest, with the buffering effect being stronger below-ground than one metre above-ground. The temperature buffering effect of forests was, however, reduced near forest edges with the edge effect extending up to 20 m inside the forest. The heavily fragmented nature of the Brazilian Atlantic forest means that 12% of the remaining biome experiences altered microclimate conditions.


Our results add further information about the extent of edge effects in the Atlantic Forest, and we suggest that maintaining a low perimeter-to-area ratio may be a judicious method for minimizing the amount of forest area that experiences altered microclimatic conditions in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Trends in air temperature and precipitation in the forest‐steppe ecotone of the western Khentey, northern Mongolia were studied and related to stem increment and shoot water relations in Mongolia's most common tree species, Siberian larch (Larix sibirica). The area has been subject to a significant increase of summer temperature and a decrease of summer precipitation during the last 47 years. Tree‐ring width series from >400 larch trees show a strongly decreasing annual increment since the 1940s. The onset of this decrease is independent of the age of the trees and, therefore, can be attributed to the increasing aridity in the 20th century. Simultaneously to the declining annual increment, regeneration of Siberian larch decreased as well; today regeneration is virtually lacking in the larch forests on mountain slopes of the western Khentey. Measurements of shoot water potentials during the growing season exhibited daily minimum water potentials close to the point of zero turgor for extended periods. The drought stress indicated by these results is in line with the current low annual increment. Trees in the forest interior were more severely stressed and grow more slowly than trees at the forest line to steppe. This is attributable to the recent increase in aridity, as the stand density and probably also the trees themselves in the forest interior are adapted to moister conditions, whereas the trees at the forest edge have always been exposed to a more extreme microclimate. The progressing increase in aridity during the 21st century that is predicted for the western Khentey, suggests a future decline of larch forests. A widespread increase of aridity predicted for most parts of the Mongolian forest belt, suggests even a supra‐regional decline of larch.  相似文献   

The introduced tree species Spathodea campanulata (Bignoniaceae) forms novel forests in Puerto Rico, these having emerged after the abandonment of fields in the mid‐20th century and resulting in forests with a new species composition. We assessed bryophyte species richness in these novel forests and sought correlations with geological substrate, past land use, forest edge and patch area, forest structure, elevation, microhabitat diversity, tree species richness, and microclimatic conditions. Transects were established (edge and forest interior) in nine moist forest patches dominated by Spathodea in north‐central Puerto Rico. These Spathodea forest patches ranged from 0.6 to 9 ha. ANOVA, Chi‐square, correlation, and cluster analyses were used in data analyses. We found 57 bryophyte species. There was a significant difference in bryophyte richness among patches. Those on karst exhibited highest bryophyte richness due to microhabitat diversity, past land use, and shorter hydroperiods. Alluvial sites scored lowest in bryophyte species richness, and forest structure was important for bryophyte communities on these sites. Significant differences in temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity were observed between edge and forest interior. These appeared important for establishing bryophyte species cover but not richness and composition. Microhabitat diversity, patch area, and forest age were more related to bryophyte species richness than elevation, exposed edge, and tree species richness, regardless of geologic substrate. Collectively, Spathodea patches were similar to mature forests on the Island with respect to bryophyte species richness and composition. Novel Spathodea forests have conservation value due to their habitat suitability for bryophyte communities.  相似文献   

西双版纳干季晴天次生林林窗气温时空分布特征   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
利用西双版纳干季(12月、4月)次生林林窗的温度观测资料,探讨了晴天林窗4方位的气温的空气变化特征。由于林窗的不同位置所受太阳辐射的影响不同,加之林缘热力效应的综合作用,林窗中存在明显的气温差异,特别是最高气温差异显著;气温最高值和气温日较差最大值不在林窗中央而出现在林窗东侧林缘树冠垂线外。这势必造成林窗不同区域热量传输的不同,形成林窗小气候的差异。其结果可为进一步研究森林林窗小气候及有关生态学现象提供基础。  相似文献   

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