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齐丽彬  樊军  邵明安  王万忠 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5428-5436
以黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区神木县六道沟小流域为研究区,采用动态密闭气室法对植物生长季节(2007年5~10月)5种土地利用方式的土壤呼吸速率进行了测定,并结合水热因子,对不同土地利用方式间土壤呼吸速率的差异性以及其和温度、含水量之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:5种土地利用类型土壤呼吸速率季节性变化均呈现单峰型曲线,与气温变化趋势一致,其7、8月份土壤呼吸速率均显著高于其它月份(P〈0.05);生长季节土壤CO2平均释放速率顺序为:长芒草地〉苜蓿地〉柠条地〉农地〉沙柳地,草地在生长前期和旺盛期土壤呼吸强度均显著高于农地和灌木林地;除沙柳地和苜蓿地以外,在土壤呼吸与所有温度指标的关系中,与10cm深度的土壤温度相关性最好,且除沙柳地外,其它4种土地利用类型均与之达到显著相关;农地土壤呼吸对温度的响应最敏感(Q10值为2.20),除沙柳地(Q10值为1.48)外,其它4种土地利用类型Q10值均在2.0左右,接近于全球Q10的平均水平;通过Van’t Hoff模型估算,2007年植物整个生长季节(5~10月份),5种土地利用类型土壤呼吸量从高到低依次为:苜蓿地259gC·m^-2,长芒草地236gC·m^-2,柠条地226gC·m^-2,农地170gC·m^-2,沙柳地94gC·m^-2;水分对农地和沙柳地的土壤呼吸影响不大;长芒草地、柠条地和苜蓿地土壤呼吸的双变量模型关系显著(P〈0.05),比相应的单变量模型更好地解释了土壤呼吸变异。  相似文献   

王文杰  刘玮  孙伟  祖元刚  崔崧 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4750-4756
林下可再生生物质资源的利用是当今森林资源利用的热点,通过林床清理可以获得廉价可再生生物质资源,但其对林分土壤碳收支的影响尚不清楚。运用红外气体分析法(IRGA法)连续两年观测了林床清理对落叶松(Larix gmelinii)人工林土壤呼吸及物理性质的影响,并估算了林床清理生物质资源利用对落叶松人工林碳收支的影响。结果表明:林床清理能够降低落叶松人工林的土壤呼吸,2a的平均值由2.20μmol·m^-2s^-1降低到1.18μmol·m^-2s^-1,平均降低幅度1.02μmol·m^-2s^-1,年呼吸总量由41.2μmol·m^-2a^-1降至22.4μmol·m^-2a^-1,而且,使土壤呼吸Q10值从2.33降低到2.22,R0值从0.61μmol·m^-2s^-1降至0.36μmol·m^-2s^-1;林床清理能够使林床土壤温度冬季低于对照,而夏季则有相反趋势,清理使得林床土壤湿度变化幅度加大,而且秋季和春季较对照低,而夏季偏高;林床清理使得表层土壤容重要比对照未清理样地高53%(P〈0.05),土壤非毛管孔隙度比未处理样地低49.5%(P〈0.001),毛管孔隙度较对照未清理降低约15%(P〈0.001)。林床清理导致林下生物质资源所储藏的碳非呼吸性释放约175.0mol·m^-2,当考虑到林床清理导致的土壤呼吸的降低作用时,所测定的2a内土壤净碳支出由175.0mol·m^-2降低至137.4mol·m^-2。林床清理措施增加生物质资源利用和其所导致的土壤呼吸释放减少,能够减少非冉生资源利用导致的碳释放压力。但仍然需要注意到林床清理使得土壤物理结构发生改变,可能不利于落叶松的生长和落叶松林生态系统的稳定。  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式下土壤呼吸及其温度敏感性   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
王小国  朱波  王艳强  郑循华 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1960-1968
采用静态箱-气相色谱法对四川盆地中部紫色土丘陵区3种土地利用方式(林地、草地和轮作旱地)土壤呼吸进行测定,结果表明,林地、草地和旱地土壤呼吸速率变化范围分别为78.63~577.97、39.28~584.18和34.48~484.65mgCO2·m^-2·h^-1,年平均土壤呼吸速率分别为264.68、242.91、182.21mgCO2·m^-2h^-1。3种土地利用方式的土壤呼吸速率季节变化趋势均呈单峰曲线,林地和草地土壤呼吸速率最大值均出现在夏末(7月底与8月初之间),旱地土壤呼吸速率最大值出现的时间比林地和草地要早,在6月底与7月初之间;最小值均出现在12月底与翌年1月初之间。土壤温度和土壤湿度是影响本地区土壤呼吸的主要因子,双因素关系模型(R=αe^bTw^c)较好地拟合了土壤温度和土壤湿度对土壤呼吸的影响,二者共同解释了土壤呼吸变化的64%~90%。土壤呼吸的温度敏感性指数Q10值受土壤(5cm处)温度和土壤(0~10cm)湿度的影响。分析表明3种土地利用土壤的Q10值与土壤温度呈显著负相关关系,而与土壤湿度呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

为阐明北亚热带.南暖温带过渡区典型森林生态系统土壤呼吸与其组分的碳排放速率及其对土壤水热变化的响应规律,本研究用壕沟断根法布设了土壤呼吸组分分离试验,并对土壤温湿度与呼吸速率进行了一年的观测。统计分析结果表明:土壤呼吸及其组分的呼吸速率在夏秋季较高、春冬季较低;土壤温度低于15℃时,呼吸速率的季节性变化主要受控于土壤温度;土壤温度高于15℃,而含水量低于0.20kg·kg^-1时,含水量对呼吸速率有明显的抑制作用;当土壤温湿度分别高于15℃与0.20kg·kg^-1,呼吸速率同时受到土壤温湿度的影响;土壤温湿度分别能解释呼吸速率季节性变化的80.36%~94.94%与7.20%~48.45%,温度的影响高于含水量;5种类型中土壤呼吸、自养与异养呼吸的Q10值变化范围分别为2.30~2.44、2.49~2.82与2.09~2.35,每个类型中自养呼吸的温度敏感性均为最高,其次为土壤呼吸,异养呼吸最低;锐齿栎幼林、锐齿栎老林、华山松与短柄袍针阔混交林、千金榆与短柄袍阔叶混交林及栓皮栎林自养呼吸日贡献率的变化范围分别为35.19%~57.73%、28.73%~49.24%、28.67%~49.82%、24.24%~41.70%与30.07%~46.22%,土壤呼吸的年排放量分别为1105.15gC·m^-2·a^-1、779.12gC·m^-2·a^-1、821.23gC·m^-2·a^-1、912.19gC·m^-2·a^-1与899.50gC·m^-2·a^-1,其中自养呼吸的年贡献率分别为52.89%、39.77%、44.17%、38.15%与43.26%,若考虑断根样方内细根分解的影响,则自养呼吸的年贡献率分别为65.56%、47.95%、53.80%、46.83%与53.86%;5个林分间的土壤呼吸速率、异养呼吸速率没有显著差异(P〉0.05),而自养呼吸速率存在显著差异(P〈0.05),类型间活细根生物量的差异解释了自养呼吸速率差异的94.71%。  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化地区土壤温室气体的地气交换特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用密闭箱一气相色谱法于2006-2007年对黔中喀斯特地区土壤二氧化碳、氧化亚氮和甲烷的释放通量进行原位观测,研究我国南方喀斯特石漠化地区土壤温室气体地气交换特征。结果表明:喀斯特石漠化地区土壤是大气C02、N20的释放源,CH4的吸收汇。土壤CO2的释放通量介于450.8±50.8—1281.3±214.7mg·m^2·h^-1在之间,夏秋季节高于冬春季节;N2O的释放通量介于.25.4±4.1~105.8±31.2μg·m^-2·h^-1之间,在夏季最高,在9月、11月和12月出现土壤对大气N2O的吸收;全年CH4交换通量介于.0.27±0.18-0.81±0.26mg·m^-2·h^-1之间,随季节的变化不明显。气候条件对土壤CO2和CH4交换通量的影响较小,土壤水分对N2O释放通量的影响效应在不同的季节不同。相关分析结果显示,土壤N2O和CH4地气交换通量受到土壤硝态氮含量的调控。  相似文献   

 基于2005年玉米(Zea mays)生长季土壤呼吸作用及其影响因子的动态观测资料,分析了玉米地土壤呼吸作用的日和季动态及其对土壤温度和生物因子协同作用的响应。结果表明 ,玉米地土壤呼吸作用的日变化为不对称的单峰型,其最小值和最大值分别出现在6∶00~7∶00和13∶00左右;玉米生长季中,土壤呼吸速率波动较大,其均值为3.16 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1,最大值为4.87μmolCO2·m-2·s-1,出现在7月28 日,最小值为1.32μmolCO2·m-2·s-1,出现在5月4日。在土壤呼吸作用日变化中,土壤呼吸速率(SR)与10 cm深度土壤温度(T)呈显著的线性关系:SR=αT+β。在整个生长季节中,玉米净初级生产力(NPP)与直线斜率(α)呈显著正相关,生物量(B)也明显影响直线的截距(β)。基于此,建立了玉米地土壤呼吸作用动态模型SR=(aNPP+b)T+cB2+dB+e。土壤呼吸作用季节变化的大部分(97%)可以由土壤温度、NPP和生物量的季节变化来解释。当仅考虑土壤温度对土壤呼吸作用的影响时,指数方程会过大或过小地估计了土壤呼吸强度。该文的结果强调了生物因子在土壤呼吸作用季节变化中的重要作用,同时指出土壤呼吸作用模型不仅要考虑土壤温度的影响,在生物因子影响土壤呼吸作用的温度敏感性时,还应该把生物因子纳入模型。  相似文献   

采用Li-8150多通道土壤碳通量自动观测系统,于2009年6月—2010年6月对呼伦贝尔地区贝加尔针茅草甸草原土壤呼吸进行连续野外观测,分析该地区土壤CO2通量排放特征.结果表明:生长季内贝加尔针茅草甸草原土壤呼吸日动态呈单峰曲线,最高值出现在13:00—15:00,最低值出现在5:00—6:00,土壤呼吸呈明显的季节变化,与土壤温度和土壤含水量季节动态相吻合.土壤呼吸与各层土壤温度和土壤含水量关系可以用线性模型和指数-乘幂模型来表示;土壤呼吸与各层土壤温度呈显著的指数回归关系,Q10变化范围分别为1.68~2.14和3.03~3.60,非生长季土壤温度对土壤呼吸的影响更为显著;生长季内土壤呼吸与10 cm土壤含水量呈显著正相关.2009和2010年土壤CO2年排放量分别为488.47和507.20 g C·m-2·a-1,生长季排放量约占年排放量的90%.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分。随着全球气候变暖趋势逐渐明显,土壤呼吸的时空变异及其对温度变化的响应已成为生态学研究的重要内容之一。利用LI-8100自动土壤CO2通量测量系统,连续两年生长季测定了准噶尔盆地新垦绿洲杨树(Populus sp.)、榆树(Ulmus pumila)人工防护林地土壤呼吸的时间动态,并分析了土壤水热因子及光合作用对土壤呼吸的影响。研究结果表明:两种林分土壤呼吸日变化波动呈现一定的不规则性;季节变化表现为明显的单峰格局。杨树林地土壤呼吸速率显著高于榆树林地,生长季平均土壤呼吸速率分别为3.71和1.82μmol CO2·m–2·s–1。两种林分土壤呼吸的季节变化与气温、不同深度层次土壤温度间均呈显著的指数相关,而与土壤含水量之间相关不显著。50和35cm土壤温度可以分别解释两种林分土壤呼吸时间变化的78.5%和64.4%,与土壤温度和含水量的共同解释率接近。林分间土壤呼吸速率差异受到林木生长状况、光合作用及土壤盐分等的影响。研究结果初步阐明了准噶尔盆地干旱区典型绿洲防护林植被土壤呼吸的季节动态特征及主要影响因子,为进一步揭示该区域林地土壤碳循环特点提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

遮荫条件下绞股蓝光合作用特点的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
在夏季遮荫条件下栽培绞股蓝的净光合速率日变化呈现不典型的双峰曲线,第1峰值出现在11:00时,达13.8μmolCO2·m^-2·S^-1日净光合速率达到176.97μmol CO2·m^-2,是强光下栽培的3.1倍;净光合速率和光量子通量密度呈正相关,相对湿度对净光合速率的影响小.强光下栽培绞股蓝。光合作用“午休”现象明显,净光合速率日变化呈现双峰曲线,第1峰值出现在10:00时,为3.0μmol CO2·m^-2·s^-1.第2峰值出现在14:00时,为1.25μmol CO2·m^-2·s^-1;相对湿度与净光合速率成正相关,对净光合速率的影响大.当光量子通量超过700μmol·m^-2·s^-1时,净光合速率与光量子通量密度呈负相关.在影响该植物蒸腾速率的诸多因子中,蒸腾速率和气孔导度之间的相关性最为显著.因此绞股蓝属于高度耐荫而怕光的植物.人工栽培应重点考虑光照因子.  相似文献   

根据2002--2003年在东海近海28°00′N-32°00′N、122°00′N-123°30′E4个季节的海洋调查,探讨了东海近海浮游多毛类总丰度和种类变化的季节特征以及这些变化与水团的关系、优势种的数量变动和对多毛类的贡献和优势种的环境适应等,并与东海外海多毛类的生态特征做了比较。结果表明:该海域浮游多毛类总丰度具有明显的季节变化;夏季平均丰度最高(1.30ind·m^-3),分布范围最广,春季平均丰度最低(0.04ind·m^-3);调查共发现15种浮游多毛类,盲蚕(Typhloscolex muelleri)、明蚕(Vanadis sp.)和泳蚕(Plotohelmis capitata)是优势种,其中盲蚕是四季的优势种,夏季和冬季的优势度较高分别为0.16和0.1,明蚕仅是夏季的优势种,泳蚕仅是秋季的优势种;盲蚕在春、冬季贡献率较高,分别为1和0.94,占绝对优势,更适应暖水广盐的环境;东海近海浮游多毛类具有种类数变化大,种类组成多样的特点;不同季节数量变化较大,平面分布格局各不相同。  相似文献   

Comparison and characterization of maize stripe and maize line viruses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two morphologically similar viruses isolated from maize in East Africa induced two distinct symptom types in maize. One, designated maize stripe virus (MSV), showed broad yellow stripes or a yellowing of the entire leaf, acute bending of the shoot apex and severe stunting. The second, maize line virus (MLV), induced continuous, narrow yellow lines along the leaf veins and did not cause apical bending or stunting. MSV and MLV were both transmitted by Peregrinus maidis (Delphacidae), but not by Cicadulina mbila (Jassidae) or by sap inoculation. Both viruses were purified by extracting systemically infected leaves in 0–5 M sodium citrate buffer and clarifying with 7 ml n-butanol/100 ml extract, followed by differential, and finally sucrose density gradient, centrifugation. Partially purified preparations of both viruses contained isometric viruslike particles of two sizes: MSV particles were 35 and 40 nm in diameter with sedimentation coefficients (so2o, w) I09 anI0o respectively; MLV particles were 28 and 34 nm in diameter. Antisera prepared against MSV and MLV had dilution end points of 1/128 and 1/64 respectively in agar-gel diffusion tests. In tests with low-titre antisera, MSV did not react with MLV antiserum and MLV did not react with MSV antisreum; in the presence of antiserum containing antibodies to both MSV and MLV, the two viruses formed precipitin bands which crossed in the pattern of non-identity. Maize streak virus and maize mottle virus showed no serological relationship with MSV or MLV. On the basis of particle size and serology MSV and MLV are shown to be two distinct and possibly unrelated viruses. MSV and MLV apparently are dissimilar from any characterized viruses of the Gramineae.  相似文献   

Peter Kalm (1716–1779), a student of Linnaeus and later Professor of Economy at the University of Åbo, Sweden,3 was sent to North America in 1748 by the Swedish Academy of Science to obtain seed and other planting stock of New World herbs, shrubs and trees for possible use in Sweden. Kalm was a close, objective observer of things botanical and cultural and had a distinct sense of the utilitarian. HisTravels into North America; containing its Natural History, and a circumstantial Account of its Plantations and Agriculture in general, with the Civil, Ecclesiastical and Commercial State of the Country, the Manners of the Inhabitants, and several curious and Important Remarks on the various Subjects were, as the English title of the 1770 translation of John Reinhold Forster suggests, wide ranging in interests and observations. Kalm’s own title,En Resa til Norra America, in its conciseness better reflects the student of Linnaeus. In the Travels there are a number of references to maize and maize growing. From 1749 to 1778 Kalm contributed seventeen articles on North American subjects to the Kongliga Svenska Vetenskap-Academiens Handlingar. “Beskrifning om Mays,” published in two parts, in 1751 and 1752, has not previously been available in English translation. Kalm’s keen observations on maize culture and utilization in the late colonial period should prove of interest to students of maize and of the history of North American agriculture.  相似文献   

Paramutation in maize   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Paramutation is a heritable change in gene expression induced by allele interactions. This review summarizes key experiments on three maize loci, which undergo paramutation. Similarities and differences between the phenomenology at the three loci are described. In spite of many differences with respect to the stability of the reduced expression states at each locus or whether paramutation correlates with DNA methylation and repeated sequences within the loci, recent experiments are consistent with a common mechanism underlying paramutation at all three loci. Most strikingly, trans-acting mutants have been isolated that prevent paramutation at all three loci and lead to the activation of silenced Mutator transposable elements. Models consistent with the hypothesis that paramutation involves heritable changes in chromatin structure are presented. Several potential roles for paramutation are discussed. These include localizing recombination to low-copy sequences within the genome, establishing and maintaining chromatin domain boundaries, and providing a mechanism for plants to transmit an environmentally influenced expression state to progeny.  相似文献   

Meiosis in maize   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are plant proteins induced in response to infection by pathogens. In this study, an antibody raised against the maize PRms protein was used to localize the protein in fungal-infected maize radicles. The PRms protein was found to be localized at the contact areas between parenchyma cells of the differentiating protoxylem elements. By using immunoelectron microscopy, we found that these immunoreactive regions correspond to plasmodesmal regions. This was also true for the parenchyma cells filling the central pith of the vascular cylinder, although PRms mRNA accumulation was not detected in these cells. These findings suggest that for one cell type, the parenchyma cells of the central pith, the protein is imported rather than synthesized. The localization of the PRms protein indicates the possible existence of mechanisms for sorting of plant proteins to plasmodesmata and suggests that this protein may have a specialized function in the plant defense response. These findings are discussed with respect to the structure and function of plasmodesmata in cell-to-cell communication processes in higher plants.  相似文献   

Cell death in maize   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell death occurs in plants as a part of normal development and as a response to toxins, pathogens and other environmental stimuli or insults. When cell death occurs as an orderly disassembly of the cell under the control of a genetically determined program, the process is referred to as programmed cell death (PCD). The PCD mechanisms of plants show many striking similarities to, but also intriguing differences from, those of animals. The extensive genetic, developmental and physiological characterizations of maize have made it an excellent system for the study of cell death. We describe the recent advances in the study of cell death in maize in light of what is known in plants and animals.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial heterosis in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Summary Allotetraploidization is the creation of artificial allotetraploids. Allotetraploidization of maize can be accomplished by concentrating differential pairing affinity (DPA) factors into lines by a recurrent selection breeding system. Selection will be based on changes in genetic ratios which are the result of changes in the relative frequencies of various pairing configurations caused by DPA. Part 1 of this series gave extensive data on gene segregation in trisomic and tetraploid heterozygotes. Some of these tetraploids behaved like segmental allotetraploids. Part 2 presented a model for gene segregation in segmental allotetraploids. This paper presents an analogous model for gene segregation in trisomic heterozygotes. The pairing configurations of trisomes are analyzed by considering pairing in single arms which then are combined to obtain pairing configurations for whole chromosomes. The chromosome disjunction patterns of the various pairing configurations are hypothesized and expected genetic ratios are given that result from different levels of DPA expressed in several hypothetical trisomes. The model analyzes the effect of random pairing in one arm and non-random pairing in the other arms. Also, the effect of crossing over is taken into account. Because crossing over rates are affected by the environment, part of the variability in the data (Part 1) is explained. In addition, an hypothesis is advanced to explain the frequent enhancement of pairing affinity following x-irradiation.Contribution from Agricultural Research/Science and Education Administration, US Department of Agriculture, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, Missouri Agric. Exp. Sta. Jounal Series No. 8 670  相似文献   

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