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正西藏岩蜥(Laudakiapapenfussi)隶属于爬行纲(Reptilia)有鳞目(Squamata)蜥蜴亚目(Lacertilia)鬣蜥科(Agamidae)岩蜥属(赵尔宓等1999,Baig et al. 2012)。1998年,赵尔宓仅以1号雄性标本描述了西藏岩蜥新种,没有雌性标本。邹大虎等(2016)丰富了西藏岩蜥的标本,特别是补充了西藏岩蜥雌性标本的空白。目前,  相似文献   

<正>滇南竹叶青蛇Trimeresurus guoi(Chen,Shi,Vogel,and Ding,2021)隶属蝰科Viperidae蝮亚科Crotalinae竹叶青蛇属Trimeresurus,主要栖息在海拔1 400 m左右,旱、雨季交替明显的热带季风森林中。已知国内分布于云南南部,国外分布于越南、泰国北部和缅甸(Chen et al.,2021)。目前,尚无有关滇南竹叶青蛇繁殖生物学方面的报道。  相似文献   

郭鹏  刘少英  冯今朝  何苗 《四川动物》2008,27(3):321-321
From 2004 to 2006, several field trips in western Sichuan, China were carried out. A number of Thermophis snakes were collected in Litang County. After detailed morphological studies, we found that these Thermophis specimens were much different from those from Xizang (Tibet). We believed that Litang snakes should be a new species and describe it as below.  相似文献   

蛇雕繁殖生态的初步观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蛇雕(Spilornischeela)属隼形目鹰科猛禽。有关其繁殖行为研究,到目前未见报道。笔者于1997~1998年,在贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区内,对蛇雕东南亚种(Spilornischeelaricketti)的繁殖生态作了初步观察,现将观察情况报道如下。1 自然概况茂兰保护区位于贵州南部的荔波县境内。东经107°10′10″~108°05′40″,北纬25°09′20″~25°20′50″。海拔500~1100m,最高点为肯西山1170m。林区总面积2100hm2。为中亚热带季风湿润气候。年平均气温153℃,年降雨量1750mm左右,集中于4~10月,年平均相对…  相似文献   

黑眉镜蛇Elaphe taeniura Cope俗名菜花蛇,在我国分布较广,是一种常见的无毒蛇。它捕食鼠类,它的皮可做乐器,胆可药用,肉可吃,是一种有经济价值的动物。我国有些地方,黑眉镜蛇的产量很大,在四川有些县一年能收活蛇几万条,其中黑眉镜蛇约占三分之一。因此,摸清黑眉锦蛇的活动规律和习性,合理捕捉利用,或者研究人工饲养繁殖,是有一定意义的。我们于1965年在动物园里对黑眉锦蛇的繁殖进行了观察,现把初步观察材料整理如下:  相似文献   

我国特有珍稀蛇——温泉蛇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

郭鹏  陈跃英 《四川动物》2000,19(2):79-80
温泉蛇Thermophisbaileyi (Wall)隶属游蛇科Colubridae,是我国垂直分布最高的 ( 43 50m)唯一蛇种 ,为我国西藏高原独有。该种由Wall于 1 90 7年根据西藏标本描述为Tropidonofusbaileyi ( =Natrixbaileyi) ,之后Malnate ( 1 953 )根据骨骼等形态特征将其从Natrix属中分出 ,另立温泉蛇属Thermophis,该属仅有温泉蛇一种。温泉蛇分布局限 ,生境独特 ,种群和个体数量较少 ,标本不易获得 ,因而自新种发表后有关该种的研究报道不多。现将中科院成都生…  相似文献   

彭丽芳  拉琼  黄松 《四川动物》2019,(3):319-319
南亚岩蜥Laudakia tuberculate隶属于爬行纲Reptilia有鳞目Squamata蜥蜴亚目Lacertilia鬣蜥科Agamidae岩蜥属Laudakia(赵尔宓等,1999;Baig et al.,2012)。目前,对南亚岩蜥的生活习性知之甚少(王德青等,2014),其繁殖行为仍不清楚。2018年6月14日13∶30,在西藏自治区日喀则地区吉隆县南部采集到1只怀卵的雌性南亚岩蜥(图1:A;采集号:HSR18091,采集地坐标85°20′E,28°17′N,海拔1880m)。  相似文献   

高本刚 《蛇志》1992,4(2):48-49
蛇类雌雄异体,外表上无明显区别。一般雄性尾基部略膨大,尾较雌性略长(尾下鳞略多些).蛇是体内受精的动物,交配期一般在春末夏初出蛰后进行,秋冬之交也常有交配现象。各种蛇类的生殖季节不尽相同,如眼镜蛇的交配期一般是在4~6月;银环蛇多在8~10月;尖吻蝮(五步蛇)在10~11月;蝮蛇在5~9月等。雄蛇有一对交接器,在肛孔两侧,由内向外翻出。每次交配,只使用一侧的交接器。交接器平时藏在雄蛇尾基都内,在交接时伸出来。交接器上有倒钩和棘状突起,如翠青蛇的雄性交接器前端膨大,每个棘上生有若干棘突(见图1、图2).雌蛇到了性器官发育成熟时,游到外面的草丛中,不断地将性腺分泌的激素释放出来。雄蛇接到求偶信号后,会立即顺着雌性激素的气味爬来,伏在雌蛇身上。当雄蛇交接器触到雌蛇泄殖腔时,  相似文献   

<正> 据《New Scientist》1989年6月报道,美国密执安大学的研究人员发现了一种以卵生和胎生交替繁殖后代的昆虫,据认为这是第一次发现具有两种生殖模式的昆虫。 这种昆虫是害虫,叫圣栋黄绿棘斑蚜虫,生活在腐烂菜叶上,它在橡树还未落下的死树叶上繁殖后代。现在人们还不清楚为什么这种昆虫会有不同的生育方式。研究人员发现,雌昆虫在一年  相似文献   

徐宇浩  张勇  黄松 《动物学杂志》2021,56(4):636-637
翠青蛇(Cyclophiops major)隶属游蛇科(Colubridae)翠青蛇属.国内分布于秦岭以南各省,国外分布于越南、老挝(Deuve 1961,赵尔宓等 1998,赵尔宓 2006,杨大同等 2008).赵尔宓等(1998)记载解剖个体具8~10枚卵,橙黄色,卵径(14~17) mm× (37~38) mm...  相似文献   

赵尔宓 《四川动物》2005,24(3):342-343
作者于1999年根据湖南宦章莽山标本发表新种莽山后棱蛇Opisthotropis cheni的鉴别特征,现对该蛇加以详细描述。莽山后棱蛇足小形水栖蛇,全长500~600mm,尾长占全长的五分之一左右,身体圆柱形,头较小,与颈区分不明显。鼻间鳞前端窄,鼻孔背侧位;眼小,背侧位;前额鳞单枚,甚宽,其两外侧扩展至头侧;颊鳞长,后端人眶;无眶前鳞,眶后鳞2;颞鳞1+2(1);上唇鳞8(3-2-3)为主;下唇鳞10,前4或5枚接前颔片;颔片2对,前对约为后对长的2倍。背鳞通身17行,除最外行其余微棱,腹鳞159~167.肛鳞二分,尾下鳞55~59对。背面暗橄榄褐色,体侧具多数淡黄色横斑,左右横斑彼此交错或在背中线相连;腹面色白或偶有灰点斑。雄性头腹前端鳞片(如颏鳞、颔片和前4~5对下唇鳞)上有多数疣粒,雌性则无。此蛇见于山溪或小河流水中,白昼隐藏于岩洞、石下、沙砾或杂草间,晚上或黄昏外出活动觅食,共采到5号标本,其叶14号均采于晚上20~22点之间,1号采于18点左右;被捕捉的蛇离水后两三天就死掉。此蛇也曾见于农耕地灌溉渠旁的杂草中。 山  相似文献   

The endangered hot spring snake (Thermophis baileyi) is endemic to the Tibetan Plateau and restricted to a few sites at high altitudes (>3500 m a.s.l.). Its strong preference for habitats with hot springs might be an early adaptation to the cooling climate during the plateau uplift. Some of these thermal sites may have been free of ice during the last glacial maximum (LGM) serving as refuges for the snake. To test this and to examine the population genetic structure data of 12 microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA were obtained from 153 individuals from 12 sites across the plateau. Four of the microsatellite loci were newly developed for this study. The results suggest that T. baileyi has at least two genetically diverse clades in Tibet, which developed during the Pleistocene and expanded after the LGM. Accordingly, the existence of separate glacial refuges on the central plateau can be assumed. Analyses of the genetic variation indicated a high level of geographic differentiation and population structure on a regional as well as on a range-wide scale. The study shows that, apart from the phylogeographic signatures, the diversification of current Thermophis populations is caused by (a) a limited dispersal due to mountain ranges, (b) a strong preference for hot springs and (c) the insular distribution of suitable habitats on the plateau. The present data should be taken into account in necessary monitoring and management plans for T. baileyi.  相似文献   

In several psammophine snake species, small sense-organ-like pits have been discovered occurring on the top of the head. These pits show a heretofore non-described structure. In numbers of one to four per head, they are present in Dromophis lineatus, Malpolon monspessulanus, several Psammophis species and Rhamphiophis rubropunctatus, but not in all individuals which is unrelated to sex. The reason for their sporadic occurrence remains obscure. Their equally obscure function is discussed in relation to the presumed functions of already known upper-head 'pits' in snakes. A histological study is in preparation.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the natural history of snakes of the colubrid genus Natrix have been well studied. With their extensive European distribution and relative abundance, their ecology, reproduction and behaviour are well known. Yet other facets of their biology remain poorly understood. These include knowledge of Natrix phylogeny, hypotheses explaining the current distribution of the three extant members of the genus, and their evolution and relationships. In this study we used molecular data, the nucleotide sequences of four protein-coding mitochondrial genes (3806 bp total), to provide a well-supported phylogeny for the genus Natrix . With these molecular data, evidence from the fossil record, and knowledge of palaeogeological events, we used two approaches in designing a time scale which we used to date the major events in Natrix speciation and intraspecific variation. Our data strongly support a phylogeny for the genus in which N. maura is basal with N. natrix and N. tessellata being sister species. The calibrated molecular clock suggests that N. maura diverged from the common ancestor of the three species 18–27 mya and that N. natrix and N. tessellata diverged 13–22 mya. Although the ranges of these estimates are large they support an early Miocene to late Oligocene origin for the three species. Intraspecific divergence is estimated to have commenced 5.3, 6.0 and 6.7 mya with evolutionary rates of 1 : 1.25 : 1.35% per million years for N. maura, N. natrix and N. tessellata , respectively.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 127–143.  相似文献   

正墨脱弯脚虎(Cyrtopodion medogensis)隶属壁虎科(Gekkonidae)弯脚虎属,为中国特有种(赵尔宓等1999)。目前已知该种分布于西藏林芝地区墨脱县、林芝县、工布江达县、米林县及朗县东部。墨脱弯脚虎夜间活动,白天藏匿于石下,属夜行性动物。截至目前,有关墨脱弯脚虎的生物学资料极少,有关繁殖生物学方面的数据缺失(赵尔宓等1987,1999,李丕鹏等2010)。2015年5月30日在西藏林芝地区林芝县八一镇(29°36′14.72″N,94°24′35.17″E,海拔2 970 m)采得墨脱弯脚虎数尾,解剖其中2只雌性个体,腹内分别有卵1枚和2枚。2015年8月29日,在米林县卧龙镇(29°8′17.2″N,  相似文献   

Many garter snakes, Thamnophis melanogaster, at a desert pond first started foraging for tadpoles when mean water surface temperature was about 20 °C (at 0945–1015 h), and the number of snakes tripled when water temperature reached about 24 °C (at 1100–1130 h). In two years, snakes foraged in April and May, but not in March when water never reached 23 °C and only exceeded 20 °C for a few hours after the usual foraging hours. Snakes in the laboratory dedicated increasing amounts of time to underwater foraging as air and water temperatures increased from 9 °C to 29 °C, and their rate of attacks on fish increased steeply and progressively above an apparent threshold lying between roughly 19 °C and 24 °C, up to at least 29 °C. Temperature may limit T. melanogaster's foraging at the pond to the hours after roughly 0900 h and to the period after roughly March, despite evidence that prey abundance is maximal in March.  相似文献   

Chironius is one of the most speciose genera of the South American colubrid snakes. Although the genus represents a well‐known radiation of diurnal racers, its monophyly, affinities with other Neotropical colubrid genera, and intrageneric relationships are open questions. Here, we present a phylogenetic analysis of Chironius based on a data matrix that combines one nuclear (c‐mos) and two mitochondrial (12S and 16S rRNA) genes with 37 morphological characters derived from scutellation, skull, and hemipenial features. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML). Our combined morphological and molecular analyses strongly support the monophyly of the genus Chironius and its sister‐group relationship with a clade formed by the genera Dendrophidion and Drymobius. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Chironius is still controversial, although five clades are retrieved with medium to strong support. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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