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为了解滇西北紫水鸡的分布及其种群现状,于2008年11月和2009年11月至2010年4月采用直接计数法和样点法,对大理西湖及其邻近湖泊的紫水鸡种群数量进行了调查;同时收集以往有关紫水鸡种群数量及其分布的相关资料.结果 表明:滇西北紫水鸡的分布范围南起大理市,北至香格里拉县,共7个湖泊有紫水鸡分布的记录.其中洱源西湖和鹤庆母屯海是滇西北紫水鸡的主要栖息地,其余5个湖泊的种群数量较少.西湖冬季和春季的种群密度分别是32.67只/km2和18.33只/km2;母屯海春季的种群密度为50.77只/km2.紫水鸡分布的湖泊均存在不同程度的人为活动干扰.调查期间,紫水鸡主要见于水草丰富的浅水区域、沼泽和芦苇丛生境.针对紫水鸡保护存在的问题,提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

2011年1月至11月使用瞬时扫描法及焦点动物取样法对云南省大理市洱源县西湖湿地(26°00′~26°01′N,100°02′~100°03′E,平均海拔1 970 m)的紫水鸡(Porphyrio porphyrio)行为进行了观察,将行为定义为取食、寻食、休息、修饰、警戒、位移和其他共7类,扫描时将取食和寻食合并为觅食,分析非繁殖期的日节律和时间分配特点。觅食高峰出现在早晨和傍晚,低谷在秋季为下午14:30时(占所有行为类型56.56%)、冬季12:30时(55.61%)、春季11:00时(55.80%)。休息高峰秋季出现在12:30时(26.79%),冬季一日内呈上升趋势,春季呈双峰型,低谷在13:30时(14.64%)。从时间分配来看,寻食、取食、修饰等行为在不同季节间存在显著差异,寻食时间从高至低依次为冬季、春季、秋季,分别占总活动时间的19.87%、9.36%、3.03%;取食时间则相反,依次为秋季(72.54%)、春季(56.78%)及冬季(44.59%);与新西兰Pukepuke Lagoon种群相比,西湖湿地紫水鸡种群在秋季大量取食,在冬季增加寻食和休息时间,以应对高原湿地的温度和食物变化。修饰行为在繁殖期前(春季)最多(15.84%),繁殖期后(秋季)减少(11.10%)。以上结果说明,为适应气候、食物等条件的年周期变化,紫水鸡行为策略在不同时期和地点具有可塑性,这可能是该物种在滇西北地区得以繁衍及扩散的原因之一。  相似文献   

长江中下游菜子湖湿地不同生境昆虫群落多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究菜子湖湿地不同生境中的昆虫群落多样性,并探讨昆虫对湿地过度围垦的响应,于2013年5—8月对菜子湖湿地的农田区、滩涂-草丛、草丛-灌木区的3种不同生境条件下的昆虫群落多样性进行了调查。共采集到昆虫7251只,隶属于8目89科207属235种。其中,双翅目、半翅目、直翅目为菜子湖湿地的优势类群,其个体数量分别占总个体数的27.61%、25.54%和15.96%。在3种生境中,昆虫种类丰富度在农田区生境中最高,其次是滩涂-草丛生境,在草丛-灌木区生境中最低;Shannon多样性指数和ACE估计值在3种生境之间的比较结果表明,滩涂-草丛与农田区差异显著,与草丛-灌木区无显著差异,农田区与草丛-灌木区差异显著。3种不同生境中昆虫群落的相似性指数平均值为0.25±0.02,表明植被类型和围垦显著影响昆虫群落多样性。  相似文献   

内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚生境适宜度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘丙万  顾丽  张博  秦立鑫  包黎明 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2568-2572
2008年在内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚(Procapra gutturosa)生境考察基础上,以植被类型、植被盖度、坡度、距水源距离、距放牧点距离、距居民点距离、距道路距离为生境适宜性评价因子,利用3S技术和模糊赋值对蒙原羚生境适宜度进行评价。结果表明:在不考虑人为干扰时,蒙原羚的最适宜生境面积占总面积的17.7%,次适宜生境面积占总面积的36.9%,不适宜生境面积占总面积的45.4%;考虑人为干扰时蒙原羚的最适宜生境面积占总面积的13.0%,次适宜生境面积占总面积的28.3%,不适宜生境面积占总面积的58.7%;研究地区蒙原羚实际生境和潜在生境相比,不适宜生境面积增加了29.2%,表明人为干扰是内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚适宜生境急剧减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

2011年1~2月,采用焦点动物观察法对鄱阳湖康山湖候鸟自然保护区内越冬小天鹅种群进行了时间分配和日间活动节律的研究。通常认为小天鹅是典型的游禽,冬季大部分时间都在水中游动。我们的研究结果表明,93.2%的个体在湿地洲滩生境内活动。2010年鄱阳湖持续高水位导致的水体生境中食物短缺,可能是迫使小天鹅主要在湿地洲滩生境活动的主要原因。取食是小天鹅越冬期间最主要的行为,占52.6%,其次为警戒18.2%、运动10.6%、休息10.0%和理羽8.6%。取食、警戒、运动、休息和理羽行为发生的持续时间存在显著差异,休息行为持续最长,平均为48.4s±2.9s,警戒行为的持续时间最短,平均持续时间为9.5s±0.6s。小天鹅在水域生境和湿地洲滩生境中时间分配存在显著差异,在水域生境以休息为主,在湿地洲滩生境以取食为主。除理羽行为与休息行为发生节律存在显著的负相关,其他行为没有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

高原湿地草海水生植物多样性变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献对比,结合野外补点调查和观测,研究高原湿地草海水生植物多样性变化.结果表明:近三十年来,到草海越冬的黑颈鹤种群有逐渐增大趋势,1985年223只、2005年506只,到2011年约为1000只.2005年草海共有维管束植物49种,隶属25科37属,较1983年新增5科10属11种,2012年调查发现草海水生植被朝沼泽植被方向演替发展,荆三棱群落与水葱、李氏禾、水莎草和灯芯草群落一起发展为草海湖滨带主要优势挺水植物群落.空心莲子草在水体东部、东南及东北部入侵危害严重.外界干扰是草海生物多样性变化的主要原因,减少人为负面干扰、维护草海及周边环境稳定是保护和增加水生植物多样性的重要举措.  相似文献   

贺兰山牦牛冬春季的生境选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2009年12月-2010年1月和2010年4-5月,采用样线法结合直接观察法对贺兰山牦牛的冬春季生境选择进行了研究。结果表明,牦牛冬季对11种生境因子有选择性,偏爱山地针叶林带,海拔小于2 000 m,优势乔木为灰榆,坡度小于10,下坡位,距水源距离大于1 200 m,人为干扰距离2 000-4 000 m,隐蔽级大于70 %;春季牦牛对13种利用生境生态因子有选择性,偏爱于亚高山灌丛和草甸带,海拔大于3 000 m,乔木密度小于1株,乔木高度小于3 m,乔木距离大于3 m,灌木密度大于4 0株,灌木距离小于1 m,植被盖度大于7 0 %,上坡位,距水源的距离小于8 00 m,人为干扰距离大于4 000 m,隐蔽级大于7 0 %。冬春季牦牛在海拔、植被类型、地形特征、优势乔木、灌木种类、坡位、坡向、人为干扰距离、距水源距离上存在显著差异。主成分分析表明冬季第一主成分的贡献率21.100 %,其中绝对值较大的相关系数是乔木距离、优势乔木、乔木高度和乔木密度;春季第一主成分的贡献率是31.247 %,其中绝对值较大的相关系数是植被类型、海拔高度、地形特征和灌木密度。与其他分布地区的牦牛相比,贺兰山地区的牦牛能适应当地的地理特征和气候环境。  相似文献   

黄华苑  卜荣平  谢海  侯绍兵  武正军 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6443-6451
在广西猫儿山自然保护区的山顶湖、三江源、野人湖等地区,基于植被类型、水体类型、岸边条件、卵袋悬挂物、水中覆盖物、人为干扰程度等20种生境因子,通过61个样方(26个选择样方和35个对照样方),对猫儿山小鲵繁殖期的生境选择做进行了研究,并得出以下4个主要结论:(1)在基于描述型生态因子的研究中,结果显示选择样方与对照样方在水体类型、岸边条件、水中覆盖物3种因子上差异显著,而植被类型、卵袋悬挂物、人为干扰程度3种生态因子对其生境选择无显著影响。(2)基于14种数值型生态因子的研究结果显示,选择样方和对照样方间的植被盖度、水体面积、水体流速和水底泥沙比方面具有显著差异。植被盖度较低、水体面积较大的水域、水体流速低和水底泥沙比较低的水域是猫儿山小鲵的优选繁殖地。(3)基于14种数值型生态因子的逐步判别表明,通过植被盖度和水底泥沙比2个生态因子可分辨选择样方和对照样方,正确判别率达80.3%,且对于检验也具有最大的贡献值,分别为0.840和0.622。(4)对猫儿山小鲵卵袋对数和14种数值型生态因子的逐步回归分析结果显示猫儿山小鲵在繁殖期生境选择与地表湿度显著正相关,与植被盖度呈显著负相关,高地表湿度和低植被盖度对猫儿山小鲵的产卵量起促进作用。猫儿山小鲵繁殖期间偏好的微生境为较低植被盖度、较大面积水体和较低流速、低水底泥沙、多水中覆盖物、复杂岸边条件的静水型水塘,与选择偏好的微生境相关的生态因子是猫儿山小鲵繁殖期生境选择的主要因子。  相似文献   

于2012年1—3月和2012年12—2013年3月,采用瞬时扫描法研究了鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区越冬白鹤(Grusleucogeranus)的昼间时间分配模式和日活动节律,分析了年龄、集群大小、生境类型和天气对白鹤越冬行为的影响。结果表明,白鹤越冬期的主要行为有觅食、警戒、理羽、游走、休息和争斗。其中,觅食是鄱阳湖越冬白鹤主要行为,占其昼间活动时间的82.94%;警戒占11.94%,理羽占3.52%,游走占1.88%,休息占0.15%,争斗占0.02%。白鹤在越冬期间的觅食、游走、休息和争斗行为存在明显的昼间节律性,其中游走、觅食和争斗行为在每天的上午和下午各存在1个高峰,休息行为在中午出现一个高峰;警戒和理羽行为则没有显著的昼间节律变化。年龄、集群大小、天气和生境对白鹤的越冬行为具有显著的影响:幼鹤取食的时间显著多于成鹤,而警戒时间则显著的小于成鹤;与家庭群中的个体相比,集体群中的个体取食和争斗时间显著增加,警戒时间显著减少;在天气晴朗时,白鹤的警戒时间显著大于阴天的警戒时间,取食时间则显著少于阴天时白鹤的取食时间;白鹤在大风天气显著增加理羽行为;在有雾的天气会显著增加取食时间,减少警戒时间。在草洲和浅水两种生境中,白鹤的游走和理羽行为存在显著差异,而觅食和警戒行为没有显著的差异,这可能源于草洲和浅水生境相互毗邻,并且具有相同程度的人为干扰。GLM分析结果表明,年龄和集群大小、年龄和生境、集群大小和天气、集群大小和生境、天气和生境对白鹤昼间时间分配模式的影响存在显著交互效应。  相似文献   

紫水鸡冬季觅食地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年11月-2007年2月,在广东海丰鸟类自然保护区采用样方法研究了紫水鸡(Porphyrio porphyrio)的冬季觅食地选择。研究结果显示,紫水鸡在冬季对觅食地植被具有明显的选择性,偏爱水葱(Scirpus tabernaemontani)。对62个觅食地样方18个因子的主成分分析表明,草本密度、草本均高、草本盖度、灌木种类、水质和水位这6个因子是冬季觅食地选择的主要因子。判别分析结果表明,枯高、动物性食物丰富度、距大道距离、草本种类、距小道距离、距所处水面边缘距离是区别冬季觅食地和对照地样方的主要参数,判别准确率可达78.1%。紫水鸡冬季多选择在水葱或芦苇(Phragmites communis)等草本植被生长良好、具有特定水位或水质及中等程度的人为干扰的地方觅食。因此,该地区冬季觅食地的恢复和保护对紫水鸡的保护有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio is a common rail that previously was little investigated in North Africa. From 2011 to 2013, its breeding ecology was studied at two natural wetlands in north-east Algeria, namely Garaet Hadj Tahar and Garaet Messaoussa. Numbers of Purple Swamphens at both localities peaked in late April and early May. Egg-laying started in early March, whereas hatching started in late March. Peak egg-laying took place in late March and early April, and peak hatching from mid-April to early May. There were significant differences in the size and weight of eggs between years and localities. The mean clutch size was 2.75 ± 0.70 eggs and it was not signifi- cantly different between localities and years. Mean hatching success was 51% and it was positively correlated to nest depth only at Garaet Hadj Tahar. Most nests were built in dense tufts of Typha angustifolia and Phragmites australis. The main nesting materials were Phragmites australis and Scirpus maritimus.  相似文献   

A number of experimental freshwater wetlands (150 m long × 75 m wide) with different ages since they were abandoned as rice fields, were used to analyze the prospects of multipurpose wetland restoration for such degraded areas. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal rate of the wetlands were determined monthly during the flooding season to estimate their efficiency as filters to remove nutrients from agricultural sewage. The number of wetland birds was recorded regularly to identify their habitat preferences. Both the temporal dynamics and changes in the spatial pattern of land use cover during the last 20 years were determined from aerial photographs and field analysis. All the wetlands appeared to be very efficient in the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus exported from rice fields. Usually 50–98% of the nitrogen and less than 50% of the soluble phosphorus were removed by the wetlands at any stage of restoration. Wetland birds preferred wetlands with intermediate plant cover for resting and sleeping activities better than rice fields and either very open wetlands or very dense ones with tall vegetation. Apart from the improvement in water quality and the restoration of natural habitats, restoration of wetland belts around lagoons will increase spatial heterogeneity and diversity of the landscape.  相似文献   

Measuring the success of wetland restoration efforts requires an assessment of the wetland plant community as it changes following restoration. But analyses of restored wetlands often include plant community data from only one time period. We studied the development of plant communities at 13 restored marshes in northern New York for 4 years, including 1 year prior to restoration and 3 years afterwards. Restored wetlands ranged in size from 0.23 to 1.70 ha. Four reference wetlands of similar basin morphology, soil type, and size (0.29–0.48 ha) that occurred naturally in the same area were studied as comparisons. Dike construction to restore hydrology disturbed the existing vegetation in some parts of the restored sites, and vegetation was monitored in both disturbed and undisturbed areas. Undisturbed areas within the restored sites, which were dominated by upland field grasses before restoration, developed wetland plant communities with lower wetland index values but comparable numbers of wetland plant species than the reference wetlands, and they lagged behind the reference sites in terms of total wetland plant cover. There were significantly more plant species valuable as food sources for wetland birds, and a significantly higher percent cover of these species, at the undisturbed areas of the restored sites than at the reference wetlands. Areas of the restored sites that were disturbed by dike construction, however, often developed dense, monospecific cattail stands. In general, the plant communities at restored sites became increasingly similar to those at the reference wetlands over time, but higher numbers of herbaceous plants developed at the restored sites, including food plants for waterfowl, rails, and songbirds. Differences in shrub cover will probably lessen as natural recolonization increases shrub cover at the restored sites. Natural recolonization appears to be an effective technique for restoring wetlands on abandoned agricultural fields with established plant cover, but it is less successful in areas where soil has been exposed by construction activity.  相似文献   

Many wetland-dependent birds are thought to be experiencing significant population declines, although population trend data for this suite of birds are rare and the causes of declines poorly understood. We used a 26-year dataset (1980–2005) of wetland bird abundance and distribution among 196 wetlands in northeastern Illinois (i.e., Chicago and its suburbs) to evaluate population trends and identify underlying ecological causes. We used aerial photography and GIS to quantify wetland habitat structure (i.e., the extent of emergent vegetation) and changes in surrounding land use. We then evaluated how changes in land use affected the structure of wetlands and ultimately wetland bird populations. Of the 12 species analyzed, seven experienced significant declines, three showed non-significant declines, and two experienced significant increases. Population declines could not be attributed to wetland loss because none of our wetlands were destroyed. Concurrent research at these wetlands also suggests that neither low adult survival nor poor reproductive success were responsible for the declines. Increased development within 2 km of wetlands, however, was associated with extreme changes in the structure of wetlands. Wetlands tended either to lose much of their vegetation and become open ponds, or become rank stands of dense vegetation. Both changes made wetlands less suitable for many wetland birds. While “no net loss” legislation may protect wetlands from being filled or drained, development near wetlands appears to be altering hydrology, resulting in habitat degradation and population declines of several wetland-dependent bird species.  相似文献   

With the loss of natural wetlands, artificial wetlands are becoming increasingly important as habitat for waterbirds. We investigated the relationships between waterbirds and various biophysical parameters on artificial wetlands in an Australian urban valley. The densities (birds per hectare) of several species were correlated (mostly positively) with wetland area, and correlations were observed between certain species and other physical and water chemistry variables. Waterbird community structure, based on both abundance (birds per wetland) and density data, was most consistently positively correlated with the relative amount of wetland perimeter that was vegetated, surface area, distance to nearest wetland, public accessibility and shoreline irregularity. We also compared the relative use of the two types of urban wetlands, namely urban lakes and stormwater treatment wetlands, and found for both abundance and density that the number of individuals and species did not vary significantly between wetland types but that significant differences were observed for particular species and feeding guilds, with no species or guild being more abundant or found in greater density on an urban lake than a stormwater treatment wetland. Designing wetlands to provide a diversity of habitat will benefit most species.  相似文献   

阜阳市重要湿地夏季鸟类多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了掌握阜阳市重要湿地的鸟类资源,2011年7月-2011年9月,采用样带法对阜阳市4个重点湿地的夏季鸟类资源进行了调查。调查共记录阜阳市重要湿地鸟类11目25科43种,雀形目鸟类种数最多,共19种,占全部种类数的44.1%。东洋界、古北界和两界广布种分别占繁殖鸟种数的39.5%、34.8%、25.6%;湿地水鸟21种,占全部鸟类的47.8%;湿地鸟类群落的优势种为家燕、烟腹毛脚燕和灰椋鸟。八里河省级湿地自然保护区鸟类种数最多(N=30),多样性指数最高(H=2.49);4个湿地之间鸟类相似性系数均较高。鸟类多样性指数、鸟类种都与湿地面积呈显著正相关(多样性r=0.985,P=0.015;鸟种r=0.974,P=0.026)。从鸟类多样性保护考虑,湿地保护区和湿地公园的建设和管理应向保持湿地面积、增加植被复杂性发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds can function as geographic bottlenecks; common dependence among migratory wetland bird species on these sites has major implications for wetland conservation. Although 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for up to 10 million waterfowl each spring. Our objectives were to determine local (within wetland and immediate watershed) and landscape-scale factors influencing wetland bird abundance and species richness during spring migration at RWB playas. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 1.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during spring migrations 2002–2004. We tested a priori hypotheses about whether local and landscape variables influenced overall species richness and abundance of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds. Wetland area had a positive influence on goose abundance in all years, whereas percent emergent vegetation and hunting pressure had negative influences. Models predicting dabbling duck abundance differed among years; however, individual wetland area and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km of the study wetland consistently had a positive influence on dabbling duck abundance. Percent emergent vegetation also was a positive predictor of dabbling duck abundance in all years, indicating that wetlands with intermediate (50%) vegetation coverage have the greatest dabbling duck abundance. Shorebird abundance was positively influenced by wetland area and number of wetlands within 10 km and negatively influenced by water depth. Wetland area, water depth, and area of wetlands within 10 km were all equally important in models predicting overall species richness. Total species richness was positively influenced by wetland area and negatively influenced by water depth and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km. Avian species richness also was greatest in wetlands with intermediate vegetation coverage. Restoring playa hydrology should promote intermediate percent cover of emergent vegetation, which will increase use by dabbling ducks and shorebirds, and decrease snow goose (Chen caerulescens) use of these wetlands. We observed a reduction in dabbling duck abundance on wetlands open to spring snow goose hunting and recommend further investigation of the effects of this conservation order on nontarget species. Our results indicate that wildlife managers at migration stopover areas should conserve wetlands in complexes to meet the continuing and future habitat requirements of migratory birds, especially dabbling ducks, during spring migration.  相似文献   

Biodiversity of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Constructed wetlands are often built for wastewater treatment to mitigate the adverse effects of organic pollution in streams and rivers caused by inputs of municipal wastewater. However, there has been little analysis of biodiversity and related factors influencing the ecosystem functioning of constructed wetlands. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biodiversity of two free-water-surface integrated constructed wetlands in subtropical Taiwan by analyzing the water quality, habitat characteristics, and biotic communities of algae, macrophytes, birds, fish, and aquatic macroinvertebrates in the treatment cells. Our results indicated that the two integrated constructed wetlands (Hsin-Hai II and Daniaopi Constructed Wetlands) achieved good performance in reducing the concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), and loadings of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from municipal sewage. In total, 58 bird species, 7 fish species, and 34 aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa were recorded in the two wetlands. The results of stepwise multiple regressions showed that the richness, abundance, and diversity of birds increased with wetland area. Fish richness and abundance respectively increased with wetland area and dissolved oxygen, while the diversity decreased with increases in TP concentrations. The richness and density of aquatic macroinvertebrates increased with the cover of aquatic macrophytes, while the diversity increased with wetland area. Ordination analyses indicated that variations in the community structures of birds, fishes, and aquatic macroinvertebrates were respectively best explained by water temperature, wetland area, and species richness of fish. Our results suggest that wetland area, cover of aquatic macrophytes, and water quality were the most important factors governing the diversity in the constructed wetlands, and that the factors influencing community structures varied among different taxonomic groups. In addition to improving water quality, this study implied that the biodiversity of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment can be enhanced through proper design and management.  相似文献   

鸟类的鸣唱具有吸引配偶和保卫领域的功能,多为雀形目雄性鸟类发出,在其婚配、繁殖中起重要作用。非雀形目鸟类缺乏内鸣肌,发出的声音较为单调。但杜鹃科(Cuculidae)等少数非雀形目鸟类,利用鸣叫来吸引异性和宣示领域,功能上类似雀形目鸟类的鸣唱。鸟类在繁殖期面临觅食等基本生理活动与求偶行为的时间权衡。而鸣唱是雄性鸟类在繁殖期耗能较多的求偶行为,鸣唱的活跃程度受到外界环境和鸟类自身习性的影响。通过研究鸟类鸣声的日节律,有助于了解鸟类对生活史策略的响应。本研究于2016年和2017年鸟类繁殖季在北京小龙门森林公园(40°00′N,115°26′E)进行。2016年和2017年在大鹰鹃(Hierococcyx sparverioides)活动区利用录音机(美国Wildlife Acoustics公司,型号SM4)分别录制了3 d和43 d的录音。通过Kaleidoscope Pro 4.0.3软件(美国Wildlife Acoustics公司),量化录音并提取反应大鹰鹃鸣声特征的参数,进而自动识别出录音中大鹰鹃的鸣声。在优化识别条件后,对大鹰鹃鸣声识别的正确率可以达到60.26%,探测率可以达到44.71%。发现大鹰鹃有两个鸣叫的高峰,一个在3:00时,另一个在19:00时。与同域分布的其他鸟类相比,大鹰鹃鸣声的高峰时段持续的时间更长,且具有夜间鸣叫的特点。结合大鹰鹃的生活史,我们对其鸣声日节律进行了讨论。  相似文献   

纪鹏  朱春阳  盛云燕 《生态学杂志》2017,28(10):3385-3392
2015年春、夏、秋季选择大庆市区5种不同形状特征的城市湿地及周边环境作为研究对象,利用小尺度定量测定的方法,分析城市湿地形状特征对周边环境温、湿效益的影响.结果表明: 不同形状特征的城市湿地均具有增湿降温效应.其中,夏季的增湿降温效应最强,春季其次,秋节最差.形状特征对湿地的降温增湿能力具有显著影响,不规则形状湿地>规则形状湿地(近圆形湿地、近矩形湿地)>长条形状湿地;增湿降温日变化受环境温度影响较大,即早晚弱、中午强,春、秋季增湿降温幅度最大的时段为12:00—14:00,夏季增湿降温幅度最大的时段为14:00—16:00.  相似文献   

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