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2016年3月24日在位于吉林省长春市的吉林农业大学校园内(43°48′36″N,125°24′04″E,海拔227m)拍摄到1只体型大小与山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis)相当的鸽形目鸟类(图1).其嘴细长、暗褐色,虹膜棕红色,脚趾紫红色.额、头顶青灰色,头侧、前颈粉红色,后颈羽毛黑色密布白色珍...  相似文献   

2007年9月26日,笔者在内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区(44°13′28″N,118°43′9″E)进行野生动物多样性调查时,于下午1500左右在沟谷杂木林中发现1只体长约13 cm的雀形目鸟类停歇于白桦树上,在距其约30 m的地方,通过望远镜观察发现:该鸟眼圈棕黄色,眼先和头侧褐色杂棕黄色,虹膜暗褐色;嘴黑色,颏、喉泛白色形成三角形;脚暗褐色;上体棕褐色,腰部沾棕,尾上覆羽和尾(红)棕色,下体棕白色,胸和两胁棕色.  相似文献   

<正>2016年11月5日,作者在云南省大理市鹤庆县草海湿地(26°36′13″N,100°11′27″E,海拔2 193 m)观察到一只秧鸡科(Rallidae)鸟类:体长约20 cm;嘴较短,基部红色,端部黄色;黑色过眼纹上下具两条醒目白色条纹;喉近白;颈侧及胸灰色;背部暗褐,羽缘色浅;尾短而尖,微上翘;尾下覆羽皮黄色。经查阅相关文献确定  相似文献   

<正>2016年9月12日在云南省大理白族自治州南涧县城郊(25°02′N,100°31′E,海拔1 370 m)发现1只体弱鸟类,后送至无量山国家级自然保护区南涧管理局,恢复体力后被放飞。该鸟暗褐色,多杂斑;头顶浅棕黄色,有黑色纵纹;初级飞羽基部白色,翼上覆羽具棕色边缘;中央尾羽延长,尾羽基部显白色,尾上覆羽斑驳;嘴灰色,嘴尖黑色;脚黑色,有蹼。经查阅有关文献(约翰·马敬能等2000,尹琏等2008,刘小如等2010)确认该鸟为  相似文献   

<正>2013年9月,在青海省大通县庙沟乡落叶松林内(36°54′N,101°38′E,海拔2 702 m)观察到一群额红色,嘴黄色短尖,翅羽尽黑,胸部粉红色,腰几乎为白色的雀形目鸟类。经鉴定为极北朱顶雀(Carduelis hornemanni)。2014年3月,在青海省海东市平安县沙沟人工小型林场(36°20′N,102°02′E,海拔2 980 m)观察到十几只头顶红色,眉纹黄白色,嘴短尖,胸腹部多黄白相间纵纹,翅上有白色横斑的雀形目鸟类。经鉴定为白腰朱顶  相似文献   

<正>2014年4月17日上午7:20时许,在攀枝花市西区格里坪镇竹林坡村(26°38′42.26″N,101°31′34.61″E,海拔1 991 m)的山坡农田边缘低矮灌丛中,观察并拍摄到一只伯劳(图1)。该鸟头顶黑灰色,到枕部转为灰色,前额、眼先、眼周和耳覆羽深黑色,形成粗而明显的贯眼纹。喉、胸及下体白色。肩、背为深栗色。尾羽黑色,但外侧尾羽为白色。飞羽为黑色,但具有褐色羽缘,且在大覆羽下方有一白色翅斑。确认为雄性栗背伯劳(Lanius  相似文献   

正2016年12月29日,在拉萨河沿岸的达孜县唐嘎乡湿地(29°50′12.68″N,91°33′31.74″E,海拔3 760 m)发现11只体型中等(体长约22~25 cm)的灰色椋鸟。其头黑,头侧具有白色纵纹,喙黄色,尖端黑色,跗跖和趾为暗橘黄色,腹部比背部灰色略浅,臀部偏白(图1)。经鉴定,该鸟为雀形目(Passeriforms)椋鸟科(Sturnidae)  相似文献   

刘强  雷宇  刘慧 《动物学杂志》2021,56(1):72-72
2019年9月5日,在贵州省贵阳市龙洞堡国际机场内(106°48′11″E,26°32′30″N,海拔1132 m,挂网高度1.5 m)网捕到1只鹬科(Scolopacidae)鸟类,但因挂网时间过长而死亡。其体重105 g、体长290 mm、嘴长37 mm、翅长190 mm、尾长72 mm、跗跖57 mm。依据其趾间基部具蹼、跗跖后侧具盾状鳞、嘴长且直、嘴长短于尾长和跗跖长、次级覆羽和尾上覆羽无白色,检索《中国鸟类系统检索》(郑作新2002),鉴定为流苏鹬(Calidris pugnax)。  相似文献   

正2016年1月6日,在西藏自治区乃东县泽当镇羌哉村(29°16′29.634″N,95°49′44.202″E,海拔3 557 m)观察到2只雁,该雁全身以灰褐色为主,尾下覆羽为白色,脚为橙黄色,喙黑色、喙端有黄斑,嘴甲和鼻孔间有白色斑点,两胁具灰褐色黄斑。经鉴定为豆雁(Anser fabalis)(约翰·马敬能等2000,Mark 2009,曲利明2014)。查阅相关文献(中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队1983,赵正阶2001,郑光美2011,刘迺发等2013),确认  相似文献   

<正>2013年9月至2014年6月,笔者在西藏昌都市八宿县、贡觉县、芒康县和昌都县先后观察并拍摄到白鹭(Egretta garzetta),为西藏首次发现。2013年9月29日,在八宿县然乌镇政府后方的湖边(29°30′17.28″N,96°45′25.44″E,海拔3 934 m),观察到2只白鹭成鸟,其体形纤瘦,全身羽毛白色,头部无羽冠,肩、背和前胸的蓑状羽也消失,呈冬羽特征;虹膜为黄色;眼先黄绿;嘴黑色,但嘴裂处及下嘴基部显淡黄色;胫与跗跖部黑色,趾黄绿色。2014年5月至6月,  相似文献   

The Beijing strain is one of the most successful genotypes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis worldwide and appears to be highly homogenous according to existing genotyping methods. To type Beijing strains reliably we developed a robust typing scheme using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and regions of difference (RDs) derived from whole-genome sequencing data of eight Beijing strains. SNP/RD typing of 259 M. tuberculosis isolates originating from 45 countries worldwide discriminated 27 clonal complexes within the Beijing genotype family. A total of 16 Beijing clonal complexes contained more than one isolate of known origin, of which two clonal complexes were strongly associated with South African origin. The remaining 14 clonal complexes encompassed isolates from different countries. Even highly resolved clonal complexes comprised isolates from distinct geographical sites. Our results suggest that Beijing strains spread globally on multiple occasions and that the tuberculosis epidemic caused by the Beijing genotype is at least partially driven by modern migration patterns. The SNPs and RDs presented in this study will facilitate future molecular epidemiological and phylogenetic studies on Beijing strains.  相似文献   

The Beijing genotype is a lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis that is distributed worldwide and responsible for large epidemics, associated with multidrug-resistance. However, its distribution in Africa is less understood due to the lack of data. Our aim was to investigate the prevalence and possible transmission of Beijing strains in Mozambique by a multivariate analysis of genotypic, geographic and demographic data. A total of 543 M. tuberculosis isolates from Mozambique were spoligotyped. Of these, 33 were of the Beijing lineage. The genetic relationship between the Beijing isolates were studied by identification of genomic deletions within some Regions of Difference (RD), Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetivie Unit – variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR). Beijing strains from South Africa, representing different sublineages were included as reference strains. The association between Beijing genotype, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) serology and baseline demographic data was investigated. HIV positive serostatus was significantly (p=0.023) more common in patients with Beijing strains than in patients with non-Beijing strains in a multivariable analysis adjusted for age, sex and province (14 (10.9%) of the 129 HIV positive patients had Beijing strains while 6/141 (4.3%) of HIV negative patients had Beijing strains). The majority of Beijing strains were found in the Southern region of Mozambique, particularly in Maputo City (17%). Only one Beijing strain was drug resistant (multi-drug resistant). By combined use of RD and spoligotyping, three genetic sublineages could be tentatively identified where a distinct group of four isolates had deletion of RD150, a signature of the “sublineage 7” recently emerging in South Africa. The same group was very similar to South African “sublineage 7” by RFLP and MIRU-VNTR, suggesting that this sublineage could have been recently introduced in Mozambique from South Africa, in association with HIV infection.  相似文献   

闻丞  宋晔  韩冬  孙霄  叶航 《动物学杂志》2013,48(6):851-851
报道了凤头鹰(Accipiter trivirgatus)和黑翅鸢(Elanus caeruleus)2个北京鸟类分布新记录。以上鸟类未见于《北京鸟类志》、《北京脊椎动物检索表》等文献记载。《中国鸟类分布与分类名录》上所列其分布区中也不包括北京。以上鸟类是北京地区近年来新记录到的猛禽。  相似文献   

北京市区域医疗联合体系建设问题探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决城乡和区域间医疗资源配置不均衡、不合理,基层医疗机构服务能力薄弱等问题,北京市2013年开展了区域医疗联合体系建设工作,虽然取得了一定的成绩,但从实践情况看来,政策实施的效果与预期还存在一定差距。以北京市区域医疗联合体系为研究对象,通过理论、实例相结合的方式,分析其在运行过程中出现的问题及造成这些问题的原因,为北京市区域医疗联合体系更好地发挥作用提供政策建议。  相似文献   

The Beijing/W family is the endemic lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in East Asia: it has disseminated worldwide. To elucidate its genetic diversity in Japan, phylogenetic reconstruction was performed using 403 M. tuberculosis Beijing family clinical isolates. Variable number of tandem repeats analysis revealed the strains from Japan to be dispersed mainly among five subgroups in a phylogenetic tree. Interestingly, the genotypes of the strains from China and Mongolia were restricted mainly to a single branch; they exhibited high clonality. IS 6110 insertion in the NTF region was also analyzed. The majority (78.6%) of Japanese isolates belonged to the ancient sublineage. The modern Beijing strains were observed to correspond to the branch containing the foreign strains, although the ancient Beijing strains were dispersed among the tree's other branches. Our results reflect the singular genetic diversity and the epidemiological pattern of Beijing M. tuberculosis in Japan.  相似文献   

It is unclear to what extent the host-responses elicited by Beijing versus non-Beijing strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) contribute to the predominance of modern Beijing strains in Taiwan and some other Asian countries. The purpose of this study was to compare the expression profiles of virulence-related genes in human monocyte-derived macrophages infected in vitro with Beijing (ancient and modern strains) and non-Beijing strains (EAI strains) of MTB that are epidemic in Taiwan. We found that modern Beijing strains induced lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, whereas EAI strains induced higher levels. Notably, the most prevalent modern Beijing sub-lineage, possessing intact RD150 and RD142 chromosomal regions, induced very low levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially interleukin-1β. Moreover, in an intracellular growth assay, the survival of the same modern Beijing strain in human monocyte-derived macrophages was significantly higher than that of an ancient Beijing strain and an EAI strain. Taken together, these results may explain why modern Beijing strains of MTB predominate in Taiwan.  相似文献   



Studies have shown that the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype is an emerging pathogen that is frequently associated with drug resistance. This suggests that drug resistant Beijing strains have a relatively high transmission fitness compared to other drug-resistant strains.

Methods and Findings

We studied the relative transmission fitness of the Beijing genotype in relation to anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in a population-based study of smear-positive tuberculosis patients prospectively recruited and studied over a 4-year period in rural Vietnam. Transmission fitness was analyzed by clustering of cases on basis of three DNA typing methods. Of 2531 included patients, 2207 (87%) were eligible for analysis of whom 936 (42%) were in a DNA fingerprint cluster. The clustering rate varied by genotype with 292/786 (37%) for the Beijing genotype, 527/802 (67%) for the East-African Indian (EAI) genotype, and 117/619 (19%) for other genotypes. Clustering was associated with the EAI compared to the Beijing genotype (adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) 3.4: 95% CI 2.8–4.4). Patients infected with streptomycin-resistant strains were less frequently clustered than patients infected with streptomycin-susceptible strains when these were of the EAI genotype (ORadj 0.6, 95% CI 0.4–0.9), while this pattern was reversed for strains of the Beijing genotype (ORadj 1.3, 95% CI 1.0–1.8, p for difference 0.002). The strong association between Beijing and MDR-TB (ORadj 7.2; 95% CI 4.2–12.3) existed only if streptomycin resistance was present.


Beijing genotype strains showed less overall transmissibility than EAI strains, but when comparisons were made within genotypes, Beijing strains showed increased transmission fitness when streptomycin-resistant, while the reverse was observed for EAI strains. The association between MDR-TB and Beijing genotype in this population was strongly dependent on resistance to streptomycin. Streptomycin resistance may provide Beijing strains with a fitness advantage over other genotypes and predispose to multidrug resistance in patients infected with Beijing strains.  相似文献   

北京松山自然保护区大型真菌调查初报   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
蔡怀頫  刘红霞  郭一妹  崔国发 《生态科学》2003,22(3):250-251,244
松山自然保护区是北京市的国家级保护区,具有暖温带北段典型的自然景观,保护对象为天然油松林和落叶阔叶林森林生态系统。此次报道了松山自然保护区部分地区大型真菌的初步调查结果,采用目前国内外普遍使用的Ainsworth(1973)的分类系统进行分类。采集到的这些大型真菌隶属于2个亚门,4目,16科,31种,其中食用、药用菌23种,木腐菌7种,外生菌根菌7种,有毒真菌6种。松山自然保护区内有丰富的物种多样性,动植物资源比较丰富,有益的食用菌、药用菌及菌根真菌种类相对较多,菌物资源的开发与利用潜力较大。  相似文献   

Strains of the Beijing/W genotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been responsible for large outbreaks of tuberculosis around the world, sometimes involving multi-drug resistance. It has been shown that more recently evolved Beijing sublineages are prone to cause outbreaks. Furthermore Beijing is the single predominant cluster in Sri Lanka. The present study identifies that recently evolved sublineages of Beijing strains are present in the study population. The majority of Beijing isolates (92.85%) were pan-susceptible. However, these findings may have important implications for the control and prevention of tuberculosis in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

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