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DAZ家族新成员BOULE蛋白的结构与功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BOULE蛋白是2001年发现的DAZ家族的新成员,是人类精子发生过程中减数分裂的关键调控因子. BOULE基因表达的改变或BOULE蛋白的缺乏可引起减数分裂阻滞和精子生成障碍,从而导致无精子症并产生不育. BOULE蛋白的一级结构中含有DAZ家族的特征结构域,包括DAZ重复和RNA结合域(RBM),因此,将其列为继DAZ、DAZL之后DAZ家族的第3个成员.本文对BOULE的发现过程、结构和定位进行了总结回顾,并重点介绍了其在精子发生减数分裂中的作用及其作用机制.  相似文献   

生殖细胞的发生、增殖和分化是生命科学领域研究的重要课题之一. 生殖是所有动物赖以生存的基础,精子发生是完成繁殖所必须经历的过程,其最终目的是源源不断地产生单倍体精子.精子发生过程本身是一个复杂特殊的细胞增殖与分化过程,其中减数分裂是精子发生最重要的步骤,但关于减数分裂如何精确起始的分子机制仍知之甚少.已有报道发现,维甲酸(RA)调控Stra8可能是哺乳动物减数分裂起始的机制之一,Nanos2、Boule对RA-Stra8通路具有重要的调控作用. 本文对哺乳动物精子发生中减数分裂起始的相关研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

旨在探讨DAZ基因家族Dazl和Boule基因与犏牛雄性不育的关系.采用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测黄牛、牦牛和犏牛睾丸组织中DAZ基因家族Boule和Dazl基因mRNA表达并进行分析.结果表明,Boule和Dazl熔解曲线扩增产物呈现单特异峰,具有较高的灵敏度和特异性;标准曲线显示Ct值与重组质粒浓度间线性关系良好,相关系数均大于0.999;mRNA表达分析显示,3种牛中Dazl基因在犏牛睾丸组织中表达量最低,其中黄牛与牦牛、黄牛与犏牛差异显著(P<0.05),犏牛与牦牛差异不显著(P>0.05);Boule基因在3种牛睾丸组织中的表达量显示,黄牛与牦牛差异不显著(P>0.05),黄牛、牦牛与犏牛差异显著(P<0.05).结果提示,Dazl和Boule基因可作为研究犏牛雄性不育的候选基因.  相似文献   

绒山羊Scp3基因的克隆及睾丸中第一轮减数分裂的发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联会复合体蛋白3(synaptonemal complex protein 3, Scp3)是雄性生殖细胞减数分裂中联会复合体形成必需的组成部分,在哺乳动物生殖细胞减数分裂中具有重要功能。通过RT-PCR扩增和分子克隆的方法首次克隆到了绒山羊Scp3基因的编码区片段。测序结果表明,绒山羊与牛的Scp3基因编码序列同源率达到98%。根据测得的DNA序列,设计引物,用RT-PCR方法分析测定了青春前期绒山羊不同个体中睾丸组织的Scp3的转录表达。结果显示,雄性绒山羊青春前期睾丸发育存在个体差异,已分析的样品第一轮减数分裂发生的时间普遍为73天之后。这一结果为绒山羊的睾丸发育和精子发生过程的相关研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

精子发生过程中的相关基因   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在哺乳动物精子发生过程中, 原生殖细胞发育成为精原细胞, 再发育为精母细胞, 精母细胞经过两次减数分裂成为圆形精细胞, 这些圆形精细胞经过细胞变态形成精子。精子发生过程经历了复杂的细胞分化阶段, 这一阶段受许多因素的调控作用, 其中生精细胞内的基因调节起着决定作用。精子发生中的重要基因与一系列精子发生过程中阶段性的细胞事件密切相关, 例如减数分裂重组、联会丝复合物的形成、姊妹染色体的结合、减数分裂后精子的变态以及减数分裂周期中的关键点和必需因子等。生精细胞许多特异基因的阶段特异性表达, 参与了精子发生这一特殊的细胞分化过程。近年来随着基因克隆、表达和功能研究技术的发展和应用, 发现了许多与精子发生相关的基因, 而且有的被证明在精子发生过程中具有重要作用。文章较全面综述了这一研究领域的一些进展, 着重讨论了与精子发生相关的周期蛋白基因、原癌基因、无精子因子基因、细胞骨架基因、热休克基因、核蛋白转型基因、中心体蛋白基因和细胞凋亡相关基因等。  相似文献   

Meng YN  Meng LJ  Song YJ  Liu ML  Zhang XJ 《遗传》2011,33(1):9-16
近来研究发现小RNA(small RNAs)可作为转录后及翻译水平上基因表达调节的重要调节因子,利用小RNA来阐明调节精子发生的分子机制取得了显著进展。这些小RNA主要分为3类,即小干扰RNA(siRNA)、微小RNA(miRNA)以及与piwi蛋白相互作用的RNA(piRNA)。在减数分裂和精子发生过程中,小RNA具有多种生物学功能,如利用siRNA体外转染或体内注射来敲低特定基因从而研究该基因在精子发生过程中的作用;miRNA可能参与精子发生中有丝、减数及后减数分裂阶段的基因表达调节;piRNA主要参与调节雄性生殖细胞减数及后减数分裂的过程,在精子发生中起抑制反转录转座子(retrotransposons)的作用。文章对小RNAs合成、作用机制、功能及展望等最新进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

精子发生相关基因的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
哺乳类动物的精子发生历经有丝分裂、减数分裂和精子形成三个阶段,这一特殊的细胞分化过程受多种因素的调控,而生精细胞内基因水平的调节,在精子发生过程中起着决定性的作用.许多生精细胞特异性的基因或转录具有发育阶段特异性表达特征,参与精子发生过程中特异的细胞分化活动,如减数分裂、遗传物质重组、染色质的浓缩和发育后期的一系列形态变化.近年来随着基因克隆、表达及功能研究技术的发展与应用,发现了许多精子发生的相关基因,有的已被证明在精子发生中起重要作用.然而对这一过程中许多现象的关键基因还所知甚少,需要进行更加广泛深入的研究.本文旨在较全面地综述这一领域研究的最新进展,着重讨论了与精子发生有关的转录因子基因、细胞周期相关基因、原癌基因、细胞凋亡相关基因、核蛋白转型相关基因方面的研究,为从事该领域研究的工作者提供参考信息.  相似文献   

硝酸还原酶是氮素代谢的关键酶和限速酶,研究硝酸还原酶的功能对提高甜菜的产量具有重要作用。运用RACE法克隆出甜菜的硝酸还原酶基因,并利用生物信息学对甜菜NR进行主要结构分析和功能预测,并使其在拟南芥中表达,观察根对向重性应答过程中的弯曲情况。结果表〖JP2〗明,利用RACE法克隆得到甜菜NR cDNA全长为2 760 bp;甜菜NR为易溶、亲水性强的蛋白;二级结构预测结果显示,甜菜NR为混合型蛋白;甜菜NR含有钼辅因子、细胞色素b5、FAD及NADH结合域,具有跨膜区域,但不含有信号肽;利用拟南芥突变体观察到野生型比突变体的弯曲较快,暗示甜菜的NR基因可能通过调节NO积〖JP〗累参与植物向重性应答。  相似文献   

boule基因是屈指可数的高度保守、横跨后生动物的调控多个物种精子发生所不可或缺的基因.在果蝇中,boule基因突变体bol1可导致雄性不育,而boule基因的大片段缺失突变体boule40却表现了致死表型,提示boule可能在胚胎发育过程中也起到一定的作用.为了验证这一假设,首先,本团队利用RT-PCR检测了boule基因在不同组织中的表达情况,并构建了GFP敲入突变体检测Boule蛋白在不同组织中的分布,结果表明boule mRNA及Boule蛋白在发育过程及成蝇的头、胸、腹中均存在.其次,构建了boule基因完全缺失突变体,发现在不同发育阶段均有致死发生.为了探寻这种影响是来自boule基因产生的蛋白还是非编码RNA或是内含子产生的未发现的基因,本团队又构建了boule基因单碱基缺失的移码突变体,发现同样有致死现象.最后,全身性过表达Boule蛋白也可导致果蝇发育过程中的逐渐死亡.以上结果都说明,果蝇体细胞中的Boule蛋白在发育过程中起重要作用,并需要进行精确调控.这一睾丸以外的作用目前只在昆虫中发现.  相似文献   

为研究与精子发生相关的基因并探讨其功能 ,用差异显示法发现了 1个与精子发生相关的基因片段CG14 .将该基因片段克隆到表达载体pGEX 3X上 ,在大肠杆菌中表达了融合蛋白 .通过谷胱甘肽 Sepharose 4B亲和柱纯化该融合蛋白 .经Xa因子酶切后Western印迹方法证明 ,靶蛋白分子量约为 8kD ,与预期分子量相符 .用融合蛋白免疫家兔获得抗血清 .免疫印迹实验表明 ,血清中含有CG14蛋白的特异性抗体 ,为进一步研究CG14基因及其表达蛋白的功能打下基础  相似文献   

DAZ family proteins are found almost exclusively in germ cells in distant animal species. Deletion or mutations of their encoding genes usually severely impair either oogenesis or spermatogenesis or both. The family includes Boule (or Boll), Dazl (or Dazla) and DAZ genes. Boule and Dazl are situated on autosomes while DAZ, exclusive of higher primates, is located on the Y chromosome. Deletion of DAZ gene is the most common causes of infertility in humans. These genes, encoding for RNA binding proteins, contain a highly conserved RNA recognition motif and at least one DAZ repeat encoding for a 24 amino acids sequence able to bind other mRNA binding proteins. Basically, Daz family proteins function as adaptors for target mRNA transport and activators of their translation. In some invertebrate species, BOULE protein play a pivotal role in germline specification and a conserved regulatory role in meiosis. Depending on the species, DAZL is expressed in primordial germ cells (PGCs) and/or pre-meiotic and meiotic germ cells of both sexes. Daz is found in fetal gonocytes, spermatogonia and spermatocytes of adult testes. Here we discuss DAZ family genes in a phylogenic perspective, focusing on the common and distinct features of these genes, and their pivotal roles during gametogenesis evolved during evolution.  相似文献   

The human DAZ gene family is expressed in germ cells and consists of a cluster of nearly identical DAZ (deleted in azoospermia) genes on the Y chromosome and an autosomal homolog, DAZL (DAZ-like). Only the autosomal gene is found in mice. Y-chromosome deletions that encompass the DAZ genes are a common cause of spermatogenic failure in men, and autosomal homologs of DAZ are essential for testicular germ cell development in mice and DROSOPHILA: Previous studies have reported that mouse DAZL protein is strictly cytoplasmic and that human DAZ protein is restricted to postmeiotic cells. By contrast, we report here that human DAZ and human and mouse DAZL proteins are present in both the nuclei and cytoplasm of fetal gonocytes and in spermatogonial nuclei. The proteins relocate to the cytoplasm during male meiosis. Further observations using human tissues indicate that, unlike DAZ, human DAZL protein persists in spermatids and even spermatozoa. These results, combined with findings in diverse species, suggest that DAZ family proteins function in multiple cellular compartments at multiple points in male germ cell development. They may act during meiosis and much earlier, when spermatogonial stem cell populations are established.  相似文献   

Boule is a conserved gene in meiosis, which encodes RNA binding protein required for spermatocyte meiosis. Deletion of Boule was found to block meiosis in spermatogenesis, which contributes to infertility. Up to date, the expression and function of Boule in the goat testis are not known. The objectives of this study were to investigate the expression pattern of Boule in dairy goat testis and their function in male germline stem cells (mGSCs). The results first revealed that the expression level of Boule in adult testes was significantly higher than younger and immature goats, and azoospermia and male intersex testis. Over‐expression of Boule promoted the expression of meiosis‐related genes in dairy goat mGSCs. The expression of Stra8 was up‐regulated by over‐expression of Boule analyzed by Western blotting and Luciferase reporter assay. While, Cdc25a, the downstream regulator of Boule, was found not to affect the expression of Stra8, and our data illustrated that Cdc25a did not regulate meiosis via Stra8. The expression of Stra8 and Boule was up‐regulated by RA induction. Taken together, results suggest the Boule plays an important role in dairy goat spermatogenesis and that over‐expression of Boule may promote spermatogenesis and meiosis in dairy goat. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 294–302, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The DAZ (Deleted in AZoospermia) gene family was isolated from a region of the human Y chromosome long arm that is deleted in about 10% of infertile men with idiopathic azoospermia. DAZ and an autosomal DAZ-like gene, DAZL1, are expressed in germ cells only. They encode proteins with an RNA recognition motif and with either a single copy (in DAZL1) or multiple copies (in DAZ) of a DAZ repeat. A role for DAZL1 and DAZ in spermatogenesis is supported by their homology to a Drosophila male infertility protein Boule and by sterility of Dazl1 knock-out mice. The biological function of these proteins remains unknown. We found that DAZL1 and DAZ bound similarly to various RNA homopolymers in vitro. We also used an antibody against the human DAZL1 to determine the subcellular localization of DAZL1 in mouse testis. The sedimentation profiles of DAZL1 in sucrose gradients indicate that DAZL1 is associated with polyribosomes, and further capture of DAZL1 on oligo(dT) beads demonstrates that the association is mediated through the binding of DAZL1 to poly(A) RNA. Our results suggest that DAZL1 is involved in germ-cell specific regulation of mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Tsui S  Dai T  Roettger S  Schempp W  Salido EC  Yen PH 《Genomics》2000,65(3):266-273
The human DAZ (deleted in azoospermia) gene family on the Y chromosome and an autosomal DAZ-like gene, DAZL1, encode RNA-binding proteins that are expressed exclusively in germ cells. Their role in spermatogenesis is supported by their homology with a Drosophila male infertility gene boule and sterility of Daz11 knock-out mice. While all mammals contain a DAZL1 homologue on their autosomes, DAZ homologues are present only on the Y chromosomes of great apes and Old World monkeys. The DAZ and DAZL1 proteins differ in the copy numbers of a DAZ repeat and the C-terminal sequences. We studied the interaction of DAZ and DAZL1 with other proteins as an approach to investigate functional similarity between these two proteins. Using DAZ as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system, we isolated two DAZAP (DAZ-associated protein) genes. DAZAP1 encodes a novel RNA-binding protein that is expressed most abundantly in the testis, and DAZAP2 encodes a ubiquitously expressed protein with no recognizable functional motif. DAZAP1 and DAZAP2 bind similarly to both DAZ and DAZL1 through the DAZ repeats. The DAZAP genes were mapped to chromosomal regions 19p13.3 and 2q33-q34, respectively, where no genetic diseases affecting spermatogenesis are known to map.  相似文献   

Reproduction is required for the survival of all mammalian animals. Spermatogenesis is an essential and complex developmental process that ultimately results in production of haploid spermatozoa. Recent studies demonstrated that Boule and stimulated by retinoic acid 8 (Stra8) played important roles in initiation meiosis in male germ cells. miR‐34c is indispensable in the late steps of spermatogenesis; remarkably, the main function of miR‐34c is to reduce cell proliferation potentiality and promote cellular apoptosis. The objectives of this study were to investigate the expression patterns of Boule, Stra8, P53 and miR‐34c in dairy goat testis and their relationship in male germ line stem cells (mGSCs). The results first revealed the expression patterns of Boule, Stra8, P53 and miR‐34c in 30 dpp, 90 dpp and adult testes of dairy goats. The expression levels of Boule, Stra8, P53 and miR‐34c in adult dairy goat testes were significantly higher than that of 30 dpp. Overexpression of Boule and Stra8 promoted the expression of miR‐34c in dairy goat mGSCs. In our previous study, we showed that miR‐34c was P53 dependent in mGSCs. These results have shown that the up‐regulation of miR‐34c was not due to P53 protein activation but which might be caused by the up‐regulation of Boule and Stra8 promoting the advance of meiosis. In addition, we found retinoic acid would decrease the expression of P53 and miR‐34c, however, did not change the expression of c‐Myc greatly. It suggested that the function of driving differentiation of dairy goat mGSCs by retinoic acid might not be caused by P53. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The RNA-binding specificity of the mouse Dazl protein   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
DAZ is an RNA-binding protein encoded by a region on the Y chromosome implicated in infertility, and DAZ-like (Dazl) proteins are master regulators of germ line gene expression in all animals. In mice Dazl is only expressed in germ cells and is necessary for meiosis. A dual approach was taken to understand the RNA-binding specificity of the Dazl protein: (i) traditional SELEX and (ii) a novel tri-hybrid screen. Both approaches led to the same conclusion, namely that Dazl binds oligo(U) stretches interspersed by G or C residues. In a directed tri-hybrid assay the strongest interaction was with the consensus (GUn)n. This motif is found in the 5′ UTR of CDC25C whose homologue is thought to be the target of Boule, the Dazl homologue in flies. CDC25C 5′ UTR also interacted specifically with Dazl in vitro. The tri-hybrid screen retrieved UTRs of known genes that may be physiological substrates of Dazl.  相似文献   

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