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洞庭湖区东方田鼠种群动态及其危害预警   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
洞庭湖区东方田鼠以湖滩沼泽为最适栖息地.秋末洞庭湖水位回落,湖滩出露,东方田鼠从农田迁回到湖滩生活、繁殖,种群数量呈逐月上升趋势.春末夏初,洞庭湖水位上涨,湖滩被淹,东方田鼠被迫越过大堤迁入垸内农田.其种群动态由“水位影响东方田鼠的栖息地变换”主导.每年迁入农田的数量首先取决于东方田鼠在湖滩生活繁殖时期的长短,亦即枯水期的天数;其次3月降雨量对东方田鼠在湖滩上的繁殖有较大的影响.东方田鼠迁入垸内后,种群数量呈逐月下降趋势.在分析影响洞庭湖区东方田鼠种群数量动态的主要因子的基础上,提出了东方田鼠种群迁入垸内农田的迁入量预警模型.经过几年的实际预测,吻合情况良好.  相似文献   

环境演变及三峡工程对洞庭湖区东方田鼠种群影响的评估   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据历史资料,分析了洞庭湖洲滩演变与东方田鼠种群变动之间的关系。再根据三峡工程建成后下泄流量调度方案,分析了三峡工程对洞庭湖湖水位及洲滩环境的影响,进而评估三峡工程对东方田鼠种群波动的影响。结果表明,洲滩出露面积的不断增大和冬、春季洲滩连续出露天数的增加,使东方田鼠的栖息地扩大,并使其种群增长期延长,从而使其种群膨胀,三峡工程建成后初期,10-11月洲滩出露天数和出露面积将比建坝前同期有较大增长,建坝后中长期,洲滩出露天数和出露面积逐渐增大,东方田鼠种群亦将随之继续增长。因此,汛期洲滩被淹后将有更多的东方田鼠迁入到垸内,对农田的危害将进一步加重。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区东方田鼠迁移的研究   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:24  
郭聪  王勇 《兽类学报》1997,17(4):279-286
洞庭湖区东方田鼠以湖滩上的芦苇+荻或薹草沼泽为最适栖息地,枯水季节,多在其上生长、繁殖。汛期,随着湖水上涨,湖滩面积缩小,东方田鼠在拥挤的的压力下或直接被洪水所迫,越过防洪堤迁入垸内。东方田鼠在湖滩及农田间的迁移主要取决于湖水水位及种群密度,无固定的迁移时间。迁入垸内的东方田鼠主要分布于靠近防洪堤一带,其捕获率随着与防洪堤距离的增加而递减。个体较大的东方田鼠迁移距离较远。在迁移期,迁入垸内的东方田鼠的性比在不同的距离上无显著差异。湖水回落时,东方田鼠随湖滩出露而迁回沼泽草地。回迁时,个体较大的雄性首先回迁的比例较高。迁入垸内的东方田鼠,栖息在荒坡地的种群密度大于在农田中的种群密度;东方田鼠不在农田越冬,小部分可在岗地荒坡中越冬,但少有增殖。按迁移动因看,此种迁移乃洪水逼迫所至,而由逼迫外迁和自动回迁构成循环,保证了种群对湖区特殊环境的适应。  相似文献   

针对洞庭湖区实施的“退田还湖” 重大生态环境恢复工程,以原有“围湖”造的垸田和垸外湖滩为对照,对退田还湖区(含双退与单退两种形式)的啮齿动物群落于2003 ~ 2006 年进行定位观察。采用夹捕法进行采样,于每年的1 月、4 月、7 月、10 月进行。比较洞庭湖不同退田还湖类型区东方田鼠和黑线姬鼠种群的繁殖
指标参数。总体来看,调查期间东方田鼠和黑线姬鼠的繁殖指数要比上世纪80 ~90 年代报道的要高,这与前几年其种群处于年数量低谷有关,是东方田鼠和黑线姬鼠种群负反馈机制的体现。不同类型生境间的比较结果显示,单退垸与原有生境没有明显变化,而双退垸内黑线姬鼠和东方田鼠均有较显著的变化,主要表现在双退垸内夏季东方田鼠保持高的繁殖能力和黑线姬鼠的繁殖力锐减。由于双退垸的高程优势,鼠群在夏季汛期不会迁出垸内,仅迁移集中至较高区域,这种水位变化引导的害鼠种群迁移应该是造成繁殖变化的主要原因。由于黑线姬鼠不适应这种迁移以及集中后与东方田鼠的激烈竞争,迁移到高地后的黑线姬鼠几乎停止繁殖,繁殖指数仅为0.03 (I♀ = 0.05),明显低于当期其它生境。值得注意的是夏季滞留在双退垸内的东方田鼠,繁殖强度却不减,繁殖指数达1.54 (I♀ = 3.36),与春季湖滩种群的相当。说明没有经过长距离迁移的东方田鼠种群,在夏季仍会保持较高的繁殖强度,与夏季被迫远距离迁入农田的东方田鼠种群繁殖力急剧下降形成鲜明对比。由此可知,在初夏如果有适宜的栖息地(如双退垸的高台、原有堤岸等),东方田鼠仍能保持较强繁殖力。本文揭示了双退垸内水位变化引发种群迁移后东方田鼠和黑线姬鼠繁殖能力的这种迥异表现,具体深层次原因有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

为明确洞庭湖区东方田鼠Microtus fortis肥满度的时空特征及其与东方田鼠常用预警生态因子的关系,采用夹日法对洞庭湖7个调查区域不同生境的东方田鼠进行调查分析;收集洞庭湖区降水、温度、归一化植被指数(NDVI)等环境因子数据,分析不同性别东方田鼠肥满度与降水、温度、NDVI的关系。结果表明:1)不同性别东方田鼠肥满度时空特征较一致,春季和冬季不同生境雌雄东方田鼠的差异有高度统计学意义;在洲滩芦苇生境,雄雌东方田鼠在各季节间的差异有高度统计学意义;在洲滩苔草+芦苇+杨树生境,雄性肥满度各季节间的差异有统计学意义。2)雌性肥满度与季平均降水量呈显著正相关,雄性肥满度与季平均降水量无显著的相关关系。3)雌性和雄性的肥满度与季平均温度均无显著的相关关系。4)雌性肥满度与农田生境的NDVI呈显著正相关,雄性肥满度与农田生境的NDVI无显著的相关关系;雌性和雄性的肥满度与洲滩生境的NDVI均无显著的相关关系。研究认为,洞庭湖东方田鼠肥满度可以在一定程度上反映其对环境压力的反应,雌性对不利环境较雄性更加敏感,但在特定情况下,栖息地、食物可获得性等通过影响雌性东方田鼠肥满度,进一步影响东方田鼠种群增长。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区东方田鼠繁殖特性研究   总被引:44,自引:10,他引:34  
武正军  陈安国 《兽类学报》1996,16(2):142-150
1992年1月~1994年12月,作者在东洞庭湖区岳阳县麻塘区调查,3年捕获并剖检东方田鼠1392只,其中雌鼠599只,雌性比♀/(♂+♀)=43.0%。该鼠全年繁殖,盛夏5~7月怀孕率较低,冬季12~2月怀孕率比同域其它鼠种显著偏高。3年合计总怀孕率为29.2%.平均胎仔数(x±SE)为5.13±0.12只,平均窝仔数4.60±0.27只,雌鼠和雄鼠的繁殖强度随年龄增长而递增。室内饲养的东方田鼠妊娠期约20天,窝仔数4.33±0.33只,雌鼠50~60天成熟,雄鼠稍迟。枯水期(11月~翌年4月)东方田鼠主要栖息于湖洲草地,汛期(5~10月)主要栖息于过垸内稻田。在不同栖息地其繁殖力差别较大,湖洲的繁殖强度最高,稻田区次之,岗地最低,反映它在各栖息地生态适合度不同。文中还对全国4个亚种的繁殖参数作了比较。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区夏季温光条件及被迫迁移对东方田鼠繁殖的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在野外 ,从先年的秋初至当年春末被迫迁移前 ,东方田鼠在湖滩上能保持较高的繁殖能力 ;在夏季 ,不论栖息在农田还是岗地 ,都是东方田鼠的繁殖低谷。夏季 (6~ 8月 )在实验室自然温光条件下与人工控制较低温度条件下同时进行观察 ,结果表明 ,前种条件下东方田鼠的繁殖能力明显低于人工降低温度缩短光照条件下的繁殖力 ,此变动趋势与野外观察到的繁殖力季节动态一致 ,可以说明夏季温光条件不利于东方田鼠的繁殖。另一方面 ,东方田鼠的繁殖能力最低的 6月并非全年最热的月份 ,这是因为东方田鼠的被动迁移对体力的消耗加剧了夏季温光对繁殖的影响程度。因此 ,认为洪水引起的东方田鼠被迫迁移和夏季的温光条件共同影响了东方田鼠的繁殖。洞庭湖区东方田鼠主要在冬春季繁殖 ,而分布在高纬度地区的田鼠类动物和分布在高纬度地区的东方田鼠在夏季繁殖 ,在月份上虽不同 ,但其繁殖盛期的气温则相近 ,其实是田鼠类动物喜寒惧热特性的反映 ,乃是对当地的生态环境的适应。  相似文献   

郭聪  张美文 《兽类学报》1999,19(4):298-307
在野外,从先年的秋初至当年春末被迫迁移前,东方田鼠在湖滩上能保持较高的繁殖能力;在夏季,不论栖息在农田还是岗地,都是东方田鼠的繁殖低谷。夏季(6~8月)在实验室自然温光条件下与人工控制较低温度条件下同时进行观察,结果表明,前种条件下东方田鼠的繁殖能力明显低于人工降低温度缩短光照条件下的繁殖力,此变动真挚势与野外观察到的繁殖力季节动态一致,可以说明夏季温光条件不利于东方田鼠的繁殖。另一方面,东方田鼠  相似文献   

三峡工程和退田还湖对洞庭湖区东方田鼠种群的潜在影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洞庭湖东方田鼠种群的暴发成灾与洲滩演替关系密切.湖泊泥沙淤积导致湖滩面积增加,大面积的湖滩为东方田鼠种群增长提供了重要基础;而围湖造田、为根除血吸虫病而围湖灭螺以及滥捕天敌是湖区东方田鼠20世纪70年代开始形成严重危害的直接原因.近些年实施的三峡工程和退田还湖会对洞庭湖环境产生深远的影响.三峡水库蓄水后对长江中下游水量的调节将导致洞庭湖中低位洲滩出露面积的增大,退田还湖的实施亦将直接增加湖滩面积,这都将会扩大东方田鼠潜在的栖息地,会使东方田鼠种群进一步增长.因此必须高度关注东方田鼠未来种群的数量变化趋势.  相似文献   

洞庭湖区东方田鼠种群暴发期间的行为特征观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年6月下旬洞庭湖区东方田鼠(Microtus fortis calamorum)再度暴发,作者观察到其种群暴发期间的迁移、栖息与取食行为具有典型的"逃难"与临时"集群"特征,大多数东方田鼠在迁移过程中死亡,迁到大堤的鼠聚集在大石下、木头下、矮灌木和草丛等较隐蔽场所,一个月后扩散到农田和荒地中,多扩散到杂草茂盛的荒地内。迁移过程中不仅取食农作物,而且取食老树皮等,农作物损失严重。了解其在迁移期间的行为特征,可为了解东方田鼠的生活史适应特性和防控东方田鼠危害提供依据。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区黑线姬鼠食性调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2009年4月至2011年6月,在洞庭湖区湖滩、滨湖农田、防洪堤坝3种生境中捕捉黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)223只,观察胃内容物,分析了洞庭湖区黑线姬鼠的食性。结果表明:洞庭湖区3种生境中黑线姬鼠的食物组成都以植物种子为主,总计达(66.55±2.37)%,其次为植物茎、叶,其比例为(19.01±2.13)%,植物根所占比例为(8.27±1.05)%,动物性食物为(6.05±0.97)%。但黑线姬鼠的食物组成会随着不同生境、季节而有一定的变化。种子资源相对较少的季节和生境,相应的黑线姬鼠的食物组成中的种子所占比例就会较低。同一生境中,幼年鼠和亚成年鼠的食物组成与成年鼠、老年鼠区别较大,孕期雌鼠与同季节、同生境的非孕期雌鼠相比也有较大差异。说明尽管黑线姬鼠以取食植物种子为主,但其食性会随着生境可获得资源的不同而有所调整。  相似文献   

Year-round local movements of adult Japanese fluvial sculpin.Cottus pollux (large egg type), were investigated by a capture-mark-and-recapture method from July 1989 to July 1990 in the upper reaches of the Inabe River, central Japan. In the pre-breeding (July to January) and post-breeding seasons (June to July), the mean distance of movements in males and females was less than 20 m, and there was no apparent tendency to move into a particular channel-unit habitat, suggesting residential tendency in both sexes. In the breeding season (February to May), males tended to move into the raceways where most of the spawning nests were found, but females did not do likewise, indicating a sexual difference in movements in that season. Such sexual difference in movements was also confirmed by the records of individuals captured and recaptured more than three times: six (42.9%) of 14 males moved into the raceways in the breeding season, whereas only one (7.1%) of 14 females did so in that season. The reason behind this sexual difference in movements observed in the breeding season is discussed from the viewpoint of the patterns of spatial distribution between sexes during the pre-breeding and breeding seasons.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship among re‐mating, site fidelity and breeding performance in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor using 16 y of data on reproductive biology in a population breeding in nest boxes near Ithaca, New York. Of 217 pairs for which both members survived the non‐breeding season, 76% mated with a new partner and 24% reunited with their previous mate. Pairs did not increase their breeding success by breeding together for more than one breeding season. Males produced fewer fledglings after breeding with a new partner, but females neither increased nor decreased their success when breeding with a new mate. Females who bred with a new partner were younger than females that reunited with their previous mates, and they were more likely to move to a different nest box. Males that bred with a new mate were of similar age to males that reunited, and they did not move more often. The probability of breeding with a new partner was better predicted by female age than by previous breeding success, suggesting that re‐mating was not strongly affected by past breeding performance. Because younger females change breeding sites more frequently than do older females and females that mated with a new partner were younger than females that reunited with their previous mates, we suggest that the tendency of tree swallows to change partners between years is a by‐product of lower site fidelity of younger females rather than a strategy for increasing breeding success.  相似文献   

The plasticity of the sex roles in the blenniid fish Petroscirtes breviceps , a nest brooder with exclusive paternal care, was studied throughout an 8 month breeding season. Males performed most courtships early and late in the breeding season, whereas females performed most in the middle of the season. These results indicated that the sex of individuals initiating courtship changed seasonally, with courtship role reversal in the middle of the season. Intrasexual aggression in both sexes occurred much more frequently in mid-season than in the early and late seasons. Males frequently fought when available nest sites were limited, regardless of the presence of females, suggesting that males competed for nests in order to qualify to mate (resource competition). In contrast, courting females fought only in mid-season, when females' relative success in entering nests decreased, indicating that females competed for limited mating opportunities (mating competition). The reversed courtship roles and female mating competition in mid-season suggested that the sex roles in P. breviceps changed seasonally from the conventional roles to reversed roles and back again during one breeding season. This study provides the first empirical evidence of multiple changes in the sex roles of animals within a breeding season.  相似文献   

Interference competition over shared resources is expected to be intensive in harsh environments between phylogenetically and morphologically similar species. We document interspecific dominance and nest habitat selection by two pika-burrow nesting Montifringilla species, white-rumped snowfinches M. taczanowskii (WRS), and rufous-necked snowfinches M. ruficollis (RNS), which commonly inhabit alpine meadows in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. Relative to the critical point (<0.60) for coexistence, high overlaps (0.68–0.86) between the two species in egg-laying date, nest site distribution and nesting burrow attributes suggested strong interspecific competition over these niches. This is also predicted by the ratios of inter-species body mass (1.4) and linear dimensions (1.1–1.2) below the minimum value (2.0 and 1.3) for stable coexistence of closely related species. Larger-sized WRS was behaviorally dominant over pikas and over small-sized RNS. Being dominant, WRS established nesting territories in areas with moderately steep slopes from which they required most of the food resources during the breeding season; in contrast, RNS exhibited no territoriality and had to nest at margins between WRS’s territories and fed at dispersed sites. For the same reason, WRS mainly used active, and RNS used inactive, pika burrows. The asymmetric competition over nesting habitats could contribute to the relatively high nesting success and breeding density of the superior species. We argue that there is a spectrum in interspecific competition strength, from stable coexistence to complete exclusion along a gradient of increased environmental harshness, and the guild of the two snowfinch species is at a mediate position of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Nest site choice, and its influence on mating and breeding success were studied in a population of individually marked pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) for 7 years. Some nest boxes were used more frequently than expected from random choice of nest site. Flycatchers bred more successfully in such attractive boxes, irrespective of whether the brood was attended by the male or not. Arriving males and females settled at boxes in descending order of attractiveness. Boxes accepted by females were more attractive than alternative boxes advertised simultaneously by males. Secondary nest boxes of polygynous males tended to be more attractive than boxes at which monogamous males displayed, without success, for secondary mates. Returning males with local breeding experience started to sing at nest boxes earlier in spring than first season males, settled at more attractive boxes, and mated polygynously more often. The results indicate that male mating success should be closely dependent on the male's ability to monopolize attractive nest sites.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), and prolactin were measured in samples collected from free-living song sparrows, Melospiza melodia. In males, plasma levels of T were elevated early in the season when territories were established and when females laid the first clutch of eggs. Thereafter, T levels declined and remained low throughout the remainder of the breeding cycle. However, if the first brood was lost to a predator, or by experimental removal of the nest, plasma levels of T increased as renesting, to replace the clutch, occurred. Circulating levels of prolactin in males began to rise during the egg-laying stage of the first brood, reached a maximum toward the end of the incubation stage, remained elevated until breeding was terminated, and then declined throughout the moulting stage to basal values in October. Prolactin levels remained high throughout the breeding season irrespective of whether a brood was raised successfully or whether the nest was lost and renesting occurred. In females, plasma levels of E2 were elevated prior to the egg-laying stage for each brood as is typical of multiple-brooded species. However, prolactin titers rose dramatically during egg-laying for the first clutch (slightly higher than in males) and were maximal by onset of incubation. Only females of this species incubate, although males do feed young. As in males, plasma prolactin in females remained high between broods and during experimentally induced renesting, and then declined to basal by the end of the moult stage in October. These data suggest that there are no differences in the temporal patterns of prolactin concentrations in blood between multiple-brooding and renesting. In a separate experiment, captive male song sparrows were transferred from a short day to artificial long days (18L 6D) and a control group was maintained on 9L 15D. In the long-day group, prolactin levels rose abruptly over the first 20 days, as the testes developed, and remained high well into postnuptial moult after the gonads had regressed. Prolactin remained basal in the control group. These data suggest that the temporal pattern of circulating prolactin levels throughout the breeding season is regulated at least partly by changing photoperiod. However, nonphotoperiodic factors are also important since photoperiodically induced increases in prolactin are significantly less than those seen in free-living individuals. These differences may be related to parental behavior.  相似文献   

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