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怀柔山区灌丛群落优势种群生态位的研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文探索灌丛群落优势种群功能地位的定量研究方法。在综合反映各生态因子作用的群落梯度和海拔梯度上计测了灌丛主要优势种的生态位测度。运用Shannon-Wiener系数计测了20个灌丛主要优势种的生态位宽度;用相似百分率公式计测了各灌木种对,草本种对之间的生态位重叠。本研究表明了上述方法在灌丛生态研究中的良好适用性,以及对揭示优势种群在植物群落中功能地位,生态适应性及生态相似性等方面的有效性。  相似文献   

及时了解和定量分析荒漠区河岸带湿地月度时序变化趋势及对生态输水过程的响应, 对认识湿地生态修复过程, 改进生态输水策略, 维护湿地生态系统稳定具有重要意义。该文基于Landsat ETM+/TM/OLI和Sentinel 2形成的月尺度的密集长时序遥感数据, 分析2000-2018年塔里木河下游英苏-阿拉干之间的湿地时序变化特征, 并评估湿地变化对生态输水过程的响应。结果表明: 近19年来湿地面积持续增加, 其中2011-2013年和2017-2018年是面积快速增加的时段。不同的单、双通道输水方式和输水量大小解释了喀尔达依湿地与博孜库勒湿地在不同时段增长的快慢。对湿地面积与生态输水量、地下水埋深关系的分析表明, 累计生态输水量的持续增加是近20年来塔里木河下游河岸带湿地扩张的重要因素, 每年大于3.5亿m 3的双通道生态输水, 地下水埋深维持在-5.0- -3.5 m是湿地持续稳定增长的关键。  相似文献   

新疆塔里木河下游荒漠河岸(林)植被合理生态水位   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
 该文依据塔里木河下游地下水位多年监测资料, 将地下水位按不同埋深划分为0~2、2~4、4~6、6~8、8~10和>10 m 6个梯度, 并设置植 被调查样方进行连续监测, 以分析地下水位变化对植物物种多样性与种群生态位的影响。研究结果表明: 在地下水位2~4 m时, 物种多样性最高 , 其次为4~6 m, 再次为0~2 m; 当地下水位在6 m以下时, 物种多样性锐减, Hill多样性指数曲线变化趋势趋于平直化。荒漠河岸(林)植被主要 植物种群生态位随着地下水位的逐步下降而扩展, 并在地下水位4~6 m处达到最宽; 尔后, 生态位又显著变窄; 地下水位4~6 m时, 种群间生态 位重叠最不显著, 物种数较为丰富。因此, 该文分析得出结论: 塔里木河下游植被恢复的地下水位应确保达到6 m以上, 大部分地区地下水位应 维持在4~6 m, 而部分河道附近地区地下水位争取达到2~4 m。  相似文献   

AimsRevealing the spatial pattern of riparian vegetation in hyper-arid regions can improve our understanding on the water relations of riparian vegetation in the desert watershed ecosystem, and also can provide valuable scientific guidance for desertification control and water resources management of watershed of the arid region in northwestern China. This research objective is to show the spatial distribution and structures of typical riparian vegetation in hyper-arid desert watershed from regional and overall perspective.Methods Based on Landsat-8 OLI remote sensing images and a large number of field vegetation surveys, the supervised classification method was used to distinguish three main vegetation categories in the lower Tarim River basin: Tamarix thicket, Populus euphratica woodland, and Phragmites australis grassland. The leaf area index (LAI) of Tamarix thickets and Populus euphratica woodlands were inverted by using the remote-sensed LAI inversion empirical model that we developed.Important findings Supervised classification supporting abundant information of ground objects by remote sensing was an effective method to determine desert riparian vegetation categories in arid desert regions. The area was 336.4 km2 for the Populus euphratica woodlands and 405.3 km2 for the Tamarix thickets, respectively. The Tamarix thickets had a wider distribution range while the Populus euphratica woodlands grew near the river channel. The overall LAI of the riparian vegetation was low. The average LAI value was 0.253 for the Tamarix thickets and 0.252 for the Populus euphratica woodlands. The areas of vegetation with the LAI value of less than 0.5 accounted for 92.4% and 90.1% of the total area of the Tamarix thickets and the Populus euphratica woodlands, respectively. The statistic results showed that large spatial variability of the riparian vegetation LAI existed. The spatial variability of the Populus euphratica woodlands was larger than that of the Tamarix thickets. The LAI values of the riparian vegetation had a significant negative exponential relationship with the distances away from the river channel. The LAI values declined rapidly within the distance of 1 km from the river channel and they were generally lower than 0.1 when the distances beyond 1 km, which indicated that the riparian vegetation was mainly distributed within 1 km from both side of the river. This research indicated three basic characteristics of the spatial pattern in riparian vegetation from hyper-arid desert regions, including overall sparse spatial distribution, high spatial variability and negative exponential relationship between LAI and distance away from the river channel.  相似文献   

择伐强度对天然次生林乔木层6种优势种群生态位的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨择伐强度对天然次生林乔木优势树种生态位的影响,运用定量分析方法对不同强度择伐下6种乔木优势树种[马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、木荷(Schima superba)、虎皮楠(Daphnipyllum oldhamii)、米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)、甜槠(C. eyrei)、黄瑞木(Adinandra millettii)]的生态位宽度、生态位相似性比例和生态位重叠进行了测定。结果表明:择伐干扰下,优势种群的生态位宽度随择伐强度增大呈下降趋势;除黄瑞木外,其余5种优势树种的生态位宽度均大于0.5;生态位重叠值大于0.8的种对比例,也随择伐强度增大而下降。在皆伐干扰下,优势种群的生态位宽度均小于0.5,生态位重叠值大于0.8的种对比例仅占46.7%。这说明适度择伐(弱度和中度择伐)干扰,有利于保持优势种群在群落中的较大生态位宽度和较强生态适应性。因此,合理择伐有利于中亚热带天然次生林的保护和利用,择伐强度应以弱度或中度为宜。  相似文献   

塔里木河下游植物群落分布与衰退演替趋势分析   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
根据野外样方调查 ,以空间序列推断其时间序列 ,分析了塔里木河下游植物群落的结构与分布 ,并对植物群落的衰退演替及其组分种消长的动态变化进行了分析。分析结果表明 :随着塔里木河下游来水量的不断减少 ,沿河道分布的植被 ,其盖度、物种丰富度均呈递减趋势 ,且植物群落成梯度分布。随着地下水位的不断下降 ,不同物种对环境退变的忍受能力不同 ,退化的先后不同 ,退化顺序表现为浅根系的草本到深根系草本与部分灌木 ,最后衰退的是耐旱性较强的灌木与乔木。在植物群落的衰退演替过程中 ,塔里木河下游不同河段的两种植物群落 ,在优势种的更替、组分种的消长上表现出不同的衰退特征。  相似文献   

粤北天然林优势种群生态位研究   总被引:64,自引:7,他引:64  
基于粤北始兴县罗坝保护区内2个2500m^2样地的群落分层频度调查数据,以不同林层作为一维资源位状态,以个体多度为生态位计测的资源状态指标,对天然常绿林群落中的12个优势树种(栲树、马尾松、茶木、枫香、罗浮柿、杨梅、鹿角栲、黄瑞木、甜锥、山杜英、牛耳枫及鸭公树)进行了生态位的计测和分析。结果表明,大部分的耐荫树种具有较大的生态位宽度值;而阳性树种(如马尾松等)同表现为较小的生态位宽度值。其中马尾松和枫香的生态位宽度值为0,与这两个种在群落演替中的衰退地位相一致,各优势树种,无论是耐荫种类抑或是阳性种类,均表现出一定程度的对现有环境适应的相似性。群落1中相似性比例在0.5以上的占54.5%;也表现出一定程度的生态位重叠,群落1中重叠值大于0.2的占51.5%。结合经典的森林群落分层频度分析,则可以更准确地判定种群在群落中的地位和更新发展潜力;另一方面,把群落分层作为资源位,考虑不同的个体多度的分层中的分布情况,这些分析结果也从一个侧面反映树种对生境的要求情况,不同的群落由于其中树种组成结构不同,使树种生态位宽度值产生变化,从而影响树种之间的生态位相似比例和生态位重叠值。  相似文献   

Aims An understanding on the living communities of the state’s key protected wild plants and the ability in utilizing resources and occupying ecological spaces by different populations is essential to the protection and propagation of rare and endangered plant species. We use our findings to highlight the knowledge gaps in the conservation strategies for the endangered species.
Methods Field investigations were conducted during 2009-2011. Based on the survey data on 70 forest plots in the Bawangling protected area, the niche breadths and overlaps of 12 species listed as the state’s key protected plants were calculated and analyzed.
Important findings The 12 species, by their niche breadth values in descending order, include Aquilaria sinensis, Nephelium topengii, Camellia sinensis var. assamica, Alseodaphne hainanensis, Keteleeria hainanensis, Podocarpus imbricatus, Firmiana hainanensis, Parakmeria lotungensis, Cephalotaxus mannii, Michelia hedyosperma, Ixonanthes reticulata, Dacrydium pierrei. The niche breadth value of a species is closely related to its range of geographical distribution; both Dacrydium pierrei and Parakmeria lotungensis had a narrow niche breadth corresponding to their narrow ranges of altitudinal distribution. In general, the niche overlap value is higher between species with greater niche breadth; the highest niche overlap value of 0.872 was found between Camellia sinensis var. assamica and Keteleeria hainanensis. However, the niche overlap value between species with smaller niche breadth could also be high; e.g. the niche overlap value was relatively high (0.693) between two species with smaller niche breadth, Michelia hedyosperma and Firmiana hainanensis, indicating that niche overlap value is dependent upon the biological characteristics and requirements for environmental resources of the species of comparison. Some species with low niche breadth values (e.g. Michelia hedyosperma and Ixonanthes reticulata) were found to have smaller populations. Due to lack of suitable community and habitats, these plant species are in dire need of more attention and prioritization for conservation. In conclusion, for the better protection and propagation of these endangered plants in the future, we should combine knowledge of their biological characteristics with that of their living communities such as the montane rainforests, etc.  相似文献   

三种蒿草群落中若干植物种的生态位宽度与重叠分析   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用Levins和Pianka公式,在多维生态因子梯度上测定了海北地区高寒草甸三种蒿草群落中若干植物种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠。结果表明:三种蒿草群落中优势种群的生态位宽度都较大,其中小蒿草在土壤水势、光照强度和坡向等三维因子上的生态位宽度分别为0.918、0.896和0.910;矮蒿草和藏蒿草在土壤水势维上的生态位宽度分别是0.875和0.866;植物种如具有较大的生态位,则种间的生态位重叠  相似文献   

Aims Previous studies on the globally suitable areas for growing the medicinal plant Gastrodia elata is lacking. This study aims to predict the global areas for potential distribution of this plant based on multiple ecological niche models. Methods A total of 220 global distribution points of G. elata and 19 ecological variables were compiled and eight environmental variables were selected for the model training. Three ecological niche models, including BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, and MAXENT, were used to predict the global areas for potential distribution of G. elata. The resulting data of different models were analyzed and compared with two statistical criteria: the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and Kappa value. Important findings The predictions of the three models are basically identical, showing that the global areas for potential distribution of G. elata are predominantly in the range of 20° N to 50° N in Asia, mainly in China, South Korea and Japan. A small proportion of the suitable areas occur in India, Nepal and the European countries near Mediterranean. The most suitable areas distribute in provinces close to the Sichuan Basin and the central East China, the mid-eastern parts of South Korea such as Chungcheongbuk-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam- do, and the Kyushu region and the Shikoku region on Japan’s main island. Therefore, these three countries can be used as the main production areas of G. elata for its commercial development. The AUC average values of the three models are all above 0.9 and the Kappa average values all above 0.65, justifying their applications for predicting the potential areas of G. elata. Among them, the MAXENT model appears to perform the best, followed by DOMAIN and BIOCLIM.  相似文献   

神农架川金丝猴栖息地优势树种生态位及食源植物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
该文采用定量分析法, 研究了湖北神农架千家坪地区川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecus roxellana) 现生栖息地优势树种的生态位宽度、生态位重叠和生态位相似比例, 分析了优势树种生态位对神农架川金丝猴生存的影响。结果如下:1) 在64000m2的样方中, 木本植物255种, 隶属于44科105属, 其中乔木23科51属129种, 灌木22科49属113种, 木质藤本7科9属13种。优势科主要有蔷薇科、樟科、槭树科、忍冬科、壳斗科和四照花科等。2) 生态位宽度在栖息地森林群落乔木层中最高的为红桦 (Betula albo-sinensis) (5.261), 华山松 (Pinus armandii) (4.545) 、巴山冷杉 (Abiesfargesii) (4.289) 和糙皮桦 (Betula utilis) (3.256) 次之;灌木层中最高的为红晕杜鹃 (Rhododendron erubescens) (2.245), 多枝柳 (Salixpolyclona) (2.064) 、华中山楂 (Crataegus wilsonii) (1.508) 和陇东海棠 (Malus kansuensis) (1.453) 次之。3) 主要树种生态位宽度大于1的有30种, 占总数的11.67%, 其中21种是川金丝猴食源植物, 占神农架川金丝猴食源植物总数的10.40%;重要值排名前25位的树种中, 18种为食源植物, 占重要值总和的74.50%。4) 优势种的生态位重叠值在0.4以上的有7对种群;大部分种群的生态位相似性比值在0~0.3之间, 占全部种对的83.82%。结果表明, 神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物组成复杂, 优势种多为食源植物;优势种的生境高度相似、生态位多有重叠、种间竞争较为激烈, 将导致现有栖息地森林群落结构及植物组成发生变化, 食源植物短缺, 甚至栖息地面积缩减等现象, 这些都会影响川金丝猴的生存。因此, 加强保护神农架千家坪川金丝猴现生栖息地森林为川金丝猴创造适宜生存空间迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

为了了解伊犁河鱼类群落结构和多样性特征, 于2012—2014年连续3年对我国境内新疆伊犁河上、中和下游不同河段进行鱼类资源调查。获得27种鱼类样本, 隶属于6目9科23属。伊犁河中、上游河段主要以斯氏高原鳅、新疆裸重唇鱼、新疆高原鳅和伊犁裂腹鱼等土著鱼类为优势种, 下游河段的优势种主要有鲤、草鱼和鲫等外来种。伊犁河中、上游河段鱼类种类稀少, 大中型鱼类资源稀少, 鱼类群落多样性低。梯级水电站的开发、过度捕捞以及外来种入侵对伊犁河鱼类鱼类群落造成了很大的影响。  相似文献   

为查明长湖浮游植物优势种群落结构特征及季节演替规律,于2015年4月至2016年1月对长湖浮游植物群落结构及相关环境因子进行了调查,同时利用典范对应分析法(CCA)进行浮游植物优势种与环境因子的相关性分析。结果表明:本次调查共鉴定出浮游植物优势种共14种,其中扭曲小环藻(Cyclotella comta)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)和梭形裸藻(Euglena acus)是4个季节的共有优势种。生态位宽度(Niche width)变化范围为1.002—2.377,其中夏季小球藻最高,广生态位种类以富营养化水体常见指示种小球藻、扭曲小环藻、两栖颤藻(Oscillatoria amphibia)等种类为主。平均边缘指数(OMI)变化范围为0.25—3.71,其中小于1的物种共12种。耐受指数(TOI)变化范围为0.13—3.35,夏季两栖颤藻最高。生态位重叠值的变化范围为0.02—0.93,其中秋季扭曲小环藻和梭形裸藻的重叠值最高。选取7个环境因子与浮游植物优势种进行CCA分析发现:夏季微小平裂藻(Merismopedia tenuissima)、两栖颤藻、四尾栅藻、扭曲...  相似文献   

 乔木层优势种左右着森林生态系统的结构与功能, 以乔木层优势种为主体划分森林生态系统功能型, 可以对森林生态系统的功能、框架结构及类群分布有一个明确的认识。伏牛山国家级自然保护区是中国东部森林样带中的亚热带和暖温带的结合点, 具有南北气候过渡带的典型特征, 群落的优势种突出, 随着环境梯度(海拔)的变化, 乔木层优势种变化明显, 能较好地反映出植被与环境的动态关系。采用群落生态学的调查方法, 在伏牛山南北坡设置66个样地。根据调查结果, 通过计算重要值, 选取37个优势度相对较大的乔木树种进行种间联结及相关性分析, 以χ2检验为基础, 结合联结系数AC和共同出现百分率PC来测定乔木优势种间的联结性, 根据优势种间的联结性及其在海拔梯度上的变化异同来划分植物功能群。结果表明, 栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)、短柄枹(Q. glandulifera)、锐齿栎(Q. acutidentata)、华山松(Pinus armandi)依海拔升高分别具有最大的优势势性。以这4个优势种为主体将伏牛山自然保护区乔木层划分为4个植物功能型, 第一组功能型为: 栓皮栎、槲栎(Q. aliena)、山槐(Albizia kalkora)、茅栗(Castanea seguinii)(1 100 m以下); 第二组功能型为: 短柄枹、化香(Platycarya strobilacea)、黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)(1 100~1 400 m); 第三组功能型为: 锐齿栎、千金榆(Carpinus cordata)、漆树(Toxicodendron verniciflum)(1 400~1 800 m); 第四组功能型为: 华山松、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、六道木(Abelia biflora)、白桦(Betula platyphylla)、红桦(B. albo-sinensis)(1 800 m以上)。功能群间的形态特征有明显的区别, 如叶片的大小、形状等, 这些区别需要生理生态学的进一步研究。  相似文献   

我国冰核活性细菌的优势种类调查与研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
孙福在  韦建福  朱红 《生态学报》1996,16(6):618-622
1986 ̄1994年,从国内17个省、市、自治区的68种植物上分离到了250株冰核活性细菌,经鉴定分别属于3个属的17个种或致病变种。其中出现最多的是菠萝欧文氏菌,共133株,占总数的53.2%,其次是丁香假单胞菌群,共70株,占28%,其它种类的冰核活性细菌共47株,仅占18.8%。因此,我国冰核活性细菌的优势菌种是E.ananas,其次是P.syringae pvs。在低纬度的南方地区中E.a  相似文献   

陈效群  杨凯  陈丹林 《植物研究》1994,14(4):439-447
采用树高级种群分类,在一维和多维主导生态因子梯度上,提出了人工红松森林群落、人工落叶松森林群落,红松、落叶松种群生态位计算公计算结果表明,同林令最高树高级种群只出现在土壤含水率)25%、上壤有机质含量)6%的资源位上。  相似文献   

 测定云南西双版纳热带季节雨林和哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林优势种植物叶片及地表凋落物层的干重热值,分析并比较了两地群落类型热值的差异及其与地理条件的关系。植物叶片分为鲜叶和凋落叶,地表凋落物层分为新鲜凋落物层(L层)和腐叶层(F层)进行取样测量,所有样品在60℃烘干至恒重,样品热值采用Parr1261氧弹式热量计测量。结果表明:西双版纳的11种植物鲜叶和凋落叶干重热值的变化范围分别是14.595 3~19.863 9和14.046 7~19.884 0 kJ·g-1, L和F层的平均干重热值分别为17.419 6 和14.780 5 kJ·g-1;哀牢山的10种植物鲜叶和凋落叶干重热值的变化范围分别是17.805 1~21.525 3和17.893 4~21.436 7 kJ·g-1,L和F层的平均干重热值分别为19.208 4和17.494 7 kJ·g-1。两地植物鲜叶与凋落叶干重热值的大小顺序近似或一致,即植物鲜 叶干重热值越高,其凋落叶干重热值也越高;植物鲜叶与凋落叶干重热值的差值有正有负, 因物种而异;西双版纳凋落物L与F层之间的热值差值显著地大于哀牢山两层凋落物的热值差值,可能是由西双版纳凋落物的分解速率较快导致的;两地样品的平均干重热值的顺序为:鲜叶>凋落叶>L层>F层;将两地的相应样品对比发现,干重热值呈现为哀牢山>西双版纳,体现出高海拔>低海拔、高纬度>低纬度以及常绿阔叶林>热带季节雨林的特点。  相似文献   

稻田蜘蛛群落优势种群的重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究稻田蜘蛛群落优势种食虫沟瘤蛛Ummeliata insecticeps Boes.et Str.和拟水狼蛛Pirata subpiraticus(Boes.et Str.)种群的重建过程。食虫沟瘤蛛种群的重建过程基本上体现过程基本上体现了由近而远、由稀而密的规律;拟水狼蛛种群则只能观察琉由稀布密的现象。采取适当的措施保护种库,增加种库中食虫沟瘤蛛和拟水蛛的数量,将有助于稻田蜘蛛群落优势种群的重  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林优势树种树干呼吸特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 采用红外气体分析法(IRGA)原位监测了西双版纳热带季节雨林11种优势树种树干呼吸速率、1 cm深树干温度以及林内空气变化情况。研究发 现,11种优势树种的树干呼吸具有相同的季节规律,并且雨季均大于干季时的树干呼吸。树种间树干呼吸速率差异显著,在0. 823~2.727 μmol&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;s-1。树干1.3 m处所测南北方向树干呼吸无显著性差异。树干呼吸与树干温度显著相关(0.552<0.92),呈良好的自然指数回归关 系,Q10值为1.90~3.03。20 ℃时各树种的RT(总树干呼吸)速率为0.771~2.570μmol&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;s-1。  相似文献   

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