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为了研究毛白杨LEAFY同源基因PtLFY的表达调控规律,利用PCR技术从毛白杨基因组DNA中克隆出PtLFY基因上游一段1575 bp的序列。经PLACE、PlantCARE在线软件分析表明,该序列含有TATA-BOX、CAAT-BOX等启动子基本元件,另外,还包含干旱诱导的MYB结合位点、脱落酸(ABA)响应元件、光响应元件等其他一些调控序列。因此,PtLFY的表达可能受干旱、ABA、光照等因子的调控。利用FootPrinter在线软件对毛白杨等6个物种的LFY同源基因启动子进行比对,发现不同物种的启动子相对保守,但也存在差异,说明LFY基因在功能上具有相似性,但存在一定差异。在序列分析的基础上,构建由PtLFY启动子驱动GUS报告基因的植物表达载体,命名为PtLFYp1304。通过农杆菌介导的方法转化烟草,对该启动子进行瞬时表达研究,结果表明PtLFY启动子可以驱动GUS基因在烟草根、茎、叶和花器官中表达,但在根、茎、叶中仅微弱表达,表达强度明显低于CaMV35S启动子,而在花萼和雄蕊中表达强烈。  相似文献   

本研究以孢子植葫芦藓为试验材料,采用Tail-PCR与RT-PCR相结合的方法克隆得到葫芦藓LFY基因(FhLFY)的完整片段,该基因DNA全长为2 527bp,包含4个外显子和3个内含子序列,有1个1 050 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码349个氨基酸.通过Tail-PCR技术克隆得到905 bp的FhLFY基因启动子序列,利用PlantCARE启动子在线预测工具分析表明该序列含有CAT-box、CATT-box等启动子的特定结构,还包含低温响应元件、光响应元件等.通过采用荧光定量PCR方法对葫芦藓不同发育时期与不同组织的LFY基因的表达进行检测,发现LFY基因表达量在葫芦藓孢子体世代的孢子体中最高,推测LFY基因可能与孢子发育有关.在脱水胁迫条件处理下,葫芦藓LFY基因随处理时间的增加其表达量也随之增加,在3.5 h时表达量达到最高,且表达量差异最显著,推测LFY基因的表达受干旱因子的调控.本研究为LFY基因在苔藓植物中的表达模式分析以及苔藓植物在系统演化等方面的研究提供了基础资料,同时也为探索内含子的起源与进化提供了有价值的研究线索.  相似文献   

植物启动子的化学因素诱导元件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
启动子是位于结构基因5'端上游区域调控基因转录的一段DNA序列。已在植物启动子中鉴定出许多与诱导表达相关的顺式作用元件,这些元件对各种物理、化学刺激做出反应,调控基因表达。文章从化学因素诱导表达启动子入手,介绍植物表达启动子中激素、伤害、NaCl诱导顺式作用元件研究的进展。  相似文献   

月季品种‘绿萼’(Rosa chinensis‘Viridiflora’)是中国古老月季最宝贵资源之一,其花瓣、雄蕊及雌蕊均萼片化。本研究以花器官正常发育的月季品种‘月月粉’(R. chinensis‘Old Blush’)为对照,利用实时荧光定量PCR技术对RcAG基因在‘绿萼’花器官中的表达情况进行分析,阐明RcAG基因在‘绿萼’花器官发育中的作用。结果显示,RcAG基因在‘绿萼’中的表达明显下调。进一步克隆‘绿萼’和‘月月粉’的RcAG基因启动子,序列分析结果表明两个启动子均含有TATA、TATC-box和MBS等顺式作用元件,但在‘绿萼’RcAG基因启动子中发现了光响应元件MRE和昼夜节律调控元件Circadian,而光响应元件TCT-motif只在‘月月粉’RcAG基因启动子中被发现。同时,本研究采用重亚硫酸盐测序技术分析了‘绿萼’和‘月月粉’RcAG基因启动子甲基化的情况,发现‘绿萼’RcAG基因启动子区域中有4个CpG位点均发生甲基化,其甲基化程度远高于‘月月粉’。研究结果表明RcAG基因在‘绿萼’花器官中的下调表达可能与其启动子的顺式作用元件及甲基化修饰相关。  相似文献   

增强型绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein,EGFP)是一种优化的突变型GFP,DFL是从甘菊中分离出的LFY基因的同源序列。为了研究DFL基因的功能和表达模式,研究利用小片段克隆法将linker序列插入到EGFP基因5′端启始密码子前面,在pBI121载体的CaMV35S启动子的3′端后面插入一段多克隆位点,成功地构建了pBI-DFL-EGFP表达载体。通过设计特异引物,利用PCR技术扩增得了到拟南芥LFY基因的启动子序列,用粘性末端PCR技术将pBI-DFL-EGFP表达载体中CaMV35S启动子替换成LFY基因启动子,构建成了pLFY-DFL-EGFP表达载体。用含有pBI-DFL-EGFP和pLFY-DFL-EGFP质粒的农杆菌侵染洋葱表皮细胞,在荧光显微镜下分别用蓝光激发,均观测到了荧光。这一结果表明,融合蛋白DFL∷EGFP表达载体构建成功,同时还证明了通过PCR技术克隆到的LFY启动子序列具有启动子功能。  相似文献   

毛白杨PtSEP3-1基因启动子的克隆分析及其表达载体构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SEP(SEPALLATA)类基因属于花器官发育ABCDE模型中的E类基因,拟南芥中的研究表明该类基因可能具有控制花器官形态发育以及激活其它类型基因的功能,是一类花发育过程中的关键基因。因此,研究杨树SEP类基因启动子表达特性对于杨树的开花调控研究具有重要意义。本文根据毛白杨SEP3基因和毛果杨基因组序列设计引物,通过PCR获得了PtSEP3-1基因上游2000bp的序列。序列分析结果表明该序列具有启动子的基本元件TATA-box和CAAT-box,还包含大量光响应元件ACE、Box I和Box4等,此外还有脱落酸响应元件ABRE,赤霉素响应元件GARE-motif以及胁迫响应元件HSE、TC-richrepeats等。进一步构建了一个以PtSEP3-1启动子驱动GUS基因的植物表达载体pPtSEP3-1protest,为该启动子的功能鉴定奠定了基础。  相似文献   

SPL(SQUAMOSA promoter-binding protein-like)是植物特有的转录因子,研究表明其在参与发育阶段转变、花和果实发育等方面起着重要作用。利用PCR技术从白桦基因组DNA中扩增获得BpSPL2基因上游1 960 bp启动子序列,使用PLACE和Plant CARE在线软件分析序列,发现BpSPL2基因启动子序列中含有与开花、非生物胁迫及激素响应等相关的顺式作用元件,暗示其在植物的生长发育和胁迫应答中起重要作用。进而构建了BpSPL2基因启动子驱动GUS报告基因的植物表达载体,并利用农杆菌介导将其瞬时转化至白桦和拟南芥,通过GUS组织化学染色检测BpSPL2基因启动子的组织表达特性,结果表明BpSPL2基因启动子具有启动子活性,能够驱动GUS基因在白桦和拟南芥中表达;而其表达活性在白桦的叶片、芽及根部中较强,在拟南芥的花药、雌蕊和叶片较强,为进一步研究白桦BpSPL2基因的表达调控及其功能分析提供参考。  相似文献   

MOC1属于植物特有的GRAS家族蛋白基因,是调控植物腋芽形成发育的关键基因。启动子对基因转录效率起直接调控作用,其功能分析可以精确定位基因的表达部位、发育阶段和调控机制,克隆甘蔗腋芽形成发育关键基因ScMOC1的启动子序列,研究其功能对该基因表达调控机制具有重要意义。本研究以我国主栽甘蔗品种新台糖22号(ROC22)的基因组DNA为模板,通过基因组步移和巢式PCR技术克隆到ScMOC1起始密码子ATG上游1874 bp的启动子序列。PlantCARE在线分析预测表明,该序列包含多个真核生物启动子必需的核心元件TATA-box、CAAT-box以及与光响应、激素响应和分生组织表达等相关的顺式作用元件,推测ScMOC1启动子可通过激素诱导调控ScMOC1表达,且该启动子可能通过分生组织表达顺式调控元件CAT-box参与ScMOC1对甘蔗分蘖的调控。将获得的启动子序列替换pBI121质粒中的CaMV35S启动子驱动下游GUS基因表达进行活性分析,结果表明:本研究克隆的启动子片段能驱动GUS基因在甘蔗嫩叶中瞬时表达。5′缺失分析表明该启动子的基础启动子序列在起始密码子ATG上游350~500 bp之间。该结果为后续ScMOC1的调控机制研究奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

植物非生物胁迫诱导启动子顺式元件及转录因子研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顺式作用元件(cix-acting element)是与结构基因串联的特定DNA序列,是转录因子的结合位点,它们通过与转录因子结合调控基因转录的精确起始和转录效率,在植物基因表达调控过程中起着重要的作用.非生物胁迫诱导基因的表达受其上游启动子顺式作用元件及转录因子的调控,目前已发现了多种与非生物胁迫相关的顺势作用元件及转录因子,如DRE元件及DREB类转录因子、MYB元件及MYB类转录因子、GT-1元件及GT-1类转录因子等.顺式作用元件及转录因子的研究对研究植物非生物胁迫相关基因的表达调控具有重要意义,综述植物非生物胁迫诱导启动子功能元件及转录因子的研究进展.  相似文献   

陈晓童  吕可  刘涛  张荻 《西北植物学报》2021,41(8):1267-1278
在百子莲胚性细胞中筛选到对超低温保存复合逆境具有积极响应的保护类蛋白脱水素(ApY_2SK_2),为探明ApY_2SK_2基因在复合逆境中的应答模式,该研究采用染色体步移技术克隆并分析了ApY_2SK_2编码基因上游1 200 bp的启动子序列。结果表明:(1)序列分析显示,该启动子含有多个与逆境和激素诱导相关的顺式调控元件;实时荧光定量PCR结果表明,ApY_2SK_2基因的表达具有组织特异性,在百子莲的叶和果中表达量较高,且在多种胁迫处理与ABA激素诱导下,其表达量显著升高。(2)成功构建了5个ApY_2SK_2启动子不同缺失片段驱动GUS基因的融合表达载体,经农杆菌转化、抗性筛选和PCR检测鉴定,获得T_3代纯和转基因拟南芥株系。(3) GUS组织化学染色结果显示,GUS基因在拟南芥幼苗全株、成年苗的叶、花和成熟果实中表达活性较强,但在未成熟果实中无明显表达;烟草瞬时表达结果显示,与对照组相比,在脱水胁迫和ABA处理下的ApY_2SK_2启动子不同缺失片段驱动GUS基因表达具有显著差异。(4)转基因拟南芥GUS活性测定结果显示,ApY_2SK_2启动子MBS元件和ABRE元件可响应干旱与渗透胁迫信号;ApY_2SK_2启动子LTR元件参与低温响应;ApY_2SK_2启动子-1 199~-262 bp区域包含多个串联的ABRE顺式调控元件(-373~-211 bp)对响应ABA信号具有主要调控作用。该研究结果揭示了ApY_2SK_2启动子的组织特异性,且启动子上的关键顺式调控元件对不同的胁迫和激素信号响应具有决定性调控作用。  相似文献   

为研究拟南芥成花调控基因LFY,我们采用RT-PCR方法分离克隆了三种选择性剪接的片段,分别命名为LFY1239,LFY1263和LFY1275。序列分析表明LFY1263包含一个大小为1 263bp的开放阅读框,与之前报道的LFY基因片段大小相同,而LFY1239在第一外显子的3′端缺失了36bp,LFY1275在第一内含子的3′末端插入了12bp。对几种片段表达部位的分析显示,LFY1239只能在营养生长期的莲座叶中表达,而LFY1263和LFY1275在营养生长期和花期的花器官和莲座叶中都可以检测到,并且,LFY1263呈现出主导地位,LFY1275与LFY1263表达的比例表现为花器官高于莲座叶,该比例的变化可能预示着与成花调控有关。  相似文献   

A FLORICOULA/LEAFY (FLO/LFY) homolog CnFL gene was isolated from the flower bud of a short-day Chrysanthemum nankingense plant during the flowering induction period. The sequence of CnFL contained a 1236 bp open reading frame that encoded a putative protein of 412 amino acids, which shared 68.67% homology with FLO and 60.23% homology with LFY. The spatial expression patterns of CnFL were analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR in different tissues and the apical meristem during short-day flowering induction. The results indicated that CnFL was highly expressed in the flower buds while its expression was also detected in the stems, young leaves, and vegetative apical meristem. During the period of flowering induction, CnFL expression increased remarkably and reached its highest levels after 15 days of induction. The expression of CnFL in the apical shoot after short-day flowering induction indicates that CnFL regulation is controlled primarily by photoperiodicity.  相似文献   

S Lu  Z Li  J Zhang  S Yi  L Liu  M Bao  G Liu 《Plant cell reports》2012,31(10):1851-1865
The LEAFY/FLORICAULA (LFY/FLO) homologous genes are necessary for normal flower development in diverse angiosperm species. To understand the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying floral initiation and development in Platanaceae, an early divergent eudicot family consisting of large monoecious trees, we isolated a homolog of LFY/FLO, PlacLFY, and its promoter from London plane (Platanus acerifolia). PlacLFY is 1,419?bp in length, with an ORF of 1,122?bp encoding a predicted polypeptide of 374 amino acids and 5'/3'-UTR of 54 and 213?bp, respectively. The putative PlacLFY protein showed a high degree of identity (56-84?%) with LFY/FLO homologs from other species, including two highly conserved regions, the N and C domains, and a less conserved amino-terminal proline-rich region. Real-time PCR analysis showed that PlacLFY was expressed mainly in male inflorescences from May of the first year to March of next year, with the highest expression level in December, and in female inflorescences from June to April of next year. PlacLFY mRNA was also detected strongly in subpetiolar buds of December from 4-year-old and adult trees, and slightly in stem of young seedling and young leaf of adult plant. Additionally, we cloned 1,138?bp promoter sequence of PlacLFY and we drove GUS expression in transgenic tobacco by the chimerical pPlacLFY::GUS construction. Histological GUS staining analysis indicated that PlacLFY promoter can drive GUS gene expression in shoot apex, stem, young leaf and petiole, flower stalk, petal tip, and young/semi-mature fruits of transgenic tobacco, which is almost identical to the expression pattern of PlacLFY in London plane. The results revealed that the PlacLFY gene isolated from London plane is expressed not only in reproductive organ but also in vegetative organs. Moreover, this expression pattern is consistent with the expression pattern in tobacco of a GUS reporter gene under the control of the potential promoter region of PlacLFY.  相似文献   

Thaumatin II is an extremely sweet-tasting protein produced by fruits of the West African shrubThaumatococcus daniellii Benth, so it can be used in biotechnology to improve the tastes of various plant products. This study is concerned with the spatial and temporal aspects of expression of the 35S-pre-prothaumatin II chimeric gene in flower buds and fruits of transgenic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) line 225. The activity of the 35S promoter in organs of line 225 was compared with its activity in 2 other transgenic lines. The accumulation of recombinant thaumatin varied spatially in flower bud tissues of transgenic lines. We found that these differences in the spatial accumulation of transgenic protein concerned the ovary of female buds and the perianth of male buds. In contrast to flower parts, recombinant thaumatin was found in nearly all parts of the young fruit from the transgenic plants. The pre-prothaumatin II gene expression was detected at a very early developmental stage in male buds, and its pattern was rather conserved as the buds aged. The expression of the transgene was also detected in vascular tissues of examined organs but was undetectable in pollen grains, in agreement with the generally held view that the CaMV 35S promoter is virtually silent in pollen. Immunocytochemical analyses of sections of control organs revealed endogenous homolog(s) of thaumatin when using polyclonal antisera, but not when using monoclonal antibodies for recombinant thaumatin detection in transgenic cucumber.  相似文献   

Alternate bearing (AB) is the process in fruit trees by which cycles of heavy yield (ON crop) one year are followed by a light yield (OFF crop) the next. Heavy yield usually reduces flowering intensity the following year. Despite its agricultural importance, how the developing crop influences the following year''s return bloom and yield is not fully understood. It might be assumed that an ‘AB signal’ is generated in the fruit, or in another organ that senses fruit presence, and moves into the bud to determine its fate—flowering or vegetative growth. The bud then responds to fruit presence by altering regulatory and metabolic pathways. Determining these pathways, and when they are altered, might indicate the nature of this putative AB signal. We studied bud morphology, the expression of flowering control genes, and global gene expression in ON- and OFF-crop buds. In May, shortly after flowering and fruit set, OFF-crop buds were already significantly longer than ON-crop buds. The number of differentially expressed genes was higher in May than at the other tested time points. Processes differentially expressed between ON- and OFF-crop trees included key metabolic and regulatory pathways, such as photosynthesis and secondary metabolism. The expression of genes of trehalose metabolism and flavonoid metabolism was validated by nCounter technology, and the latter was confirmed by metabolomic analysis. Among genes induced in OFF-crop trees was one homologous to SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING-LIKE (SPL), which controls juvenile-to-adult and annual phase transitions, regulated by miR156. The expression pattern of SPL-like, miR156 and other flowering control genes suggested that fruit load affects bud fate, and therefore development and metabolism, a relatively long time before the flowering induction period. Results shed light on some of the metabolic and regulatory processes that are altered in ON and OFF buds.  相似文献   

以库尔勒香梨为试材,在大蕾期喷施不同浓度乙烯利,调查库尔勒香梨萼片脱落率,观测果实生长发育进程和落果情况,测定成熟期果实品质,并基于主成分分析法对乙烯利处理下的果实品质进行综合评价,以揭示乙烯利对库尔勒香梨果实生长发育进程和果实品质的影响,为筛选最优乙烯利浓度应用于提高库尔勒香梨果实品质提供理论依据和技术支持。结果表明:(1)2021年自然生长状态下(对照)库尔勒香梨萼片脱落时间为9 d,不同浓度乙烯利处理后脱落时间会缩短1~2 d,且随着处理浓度梯度的升高,萼片脱落时间和萼片脱落高峰提前。(2)库尔勒香梨果实生长发育期约为130 d,乙烯利处理下和自然状态下的果实生长发育均呈“S”型曲线的变化趋势;乙烯利处理明显加快了果实成熟的速度,果实在花后110 d左右已达到成熟标准,从而可以确定合理的采收时间,并以300 mg·L-1乙烯利处理下脱萼果和宿萼果的纵横径和单果重增长最大;乙烯利处理下库尔勒香梨在第二次果实膨大期间落果较多,在花后50 d和110 d左右出现落果高峰,并以200 mg·L-1乙烯利处理对库尔勒香梨果形指数和落果率的影响最明显。(3)300 mg·L-1乙烯利处理对库尔勒香梨果实品质影响最大,宿萼果纵、横径和单果重较对照分别显著增加5.02%、10.90%和11.40%,脱萼果鲜干比重、可溶性固形物含量、VC含量和可溶性糖含量比对照分别显著提高5.67%、12.03%、21.48%和10.22%,脱萼果硬度和可滴定酸含量比对照分别显著降低10.10%和19.75%。(4)主成分分析显示,各浓度乙烯利处理下库尔勒香梨综合品质得分从高到低依次为300 mg·L-1脱萼果、300 mg·L-1宿萼果、200 mg·L-1宿萼果、200 mg·L-1脱萼果、100 mg·L-1脱萼果、100 mg·L-1宿萼果、CK脱萼果和CK宿萼果。研究发现,大蕾期喷施乙烯利促进了库尔勒香梨萼片的脱落,明显加快了果实的生长发育进程,并可有效提高果实品质,且以300 mg·L-1乙烯利处理对库尔勒香梨果实品质改善效果最优。  相似文献   

Whereas most Brassicaceae produce flowers on an elongated inflorescence, a few lineages produce flowers directly from the vegetative rosette on elongated pedicels. Knowing the extent to which independent origins of rosette flowering involve the same developmental and genetic mechanisms could clarify the constraints acting on plant architectural evolution. Prior work in Idahoa, Ionopsidium, and Leavenworthia suggested that changes in the activity or expression of the flower meristem identity gene, LEAFY (LFY), played a role in all three origins of rosette flowering. Here we studied the developmental morphology of L. crassa and immunolocalization of LFY protein in Leavenworthia and Ionopsidium to further compare independent origins of rosette flowering. Leavenworthia crassa differs from Ionopsidium and Idahoa in producing ebracteate flowers. Flowers are, however, associated with "squamules," here interpreted as stipules of a cryptic bract. LFY was detected in L. crassa flower primordia but not in inflorescence meristems. In contrast, the rosette flowering Io. acaule accumulated LFY protein in the inflorescence meristem, whereas its inflorescence-flowering close relative, Io. prolongoi, did not. Thus, although different cases of rosette flowering likely entailed modifications of the same meristem identity program, distinct developmental genetic mechanisms appear to be involved in each case.  相似文献   

Grapevine sexual reproduction involves a seasonal separation between inflorescence primordia (flowering induction) and flower development. We hypothesized that a repression mechanism implicating epigenetic changes could play a role in the seasonal separation of these two developmental processes in grapevine. Therefore, the expression of five grapevine genes with homology to the Arabidopsis epigenetic repressor genes FERTILIZATION INDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM (FIE), EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2 (EMF2), CURLY LEAF (CLF), MULTICOPY SUPPRESSOR OF IRA 1 (MSI1) and SWINGER (SWN) was analyzed during the development of buds and vegetative and reproductive organs. During bud development, the putative grapevine epigenetic repressor genes VvCLF, VvEMF2, VvMSI1, VvSWN and VvFIE are mainly expressed in latent buds at the flowering induction period, but also detected during bud burst and inflorescence/flower development. The overlapping expression patterns of grapevine PcG-like genes in buds suggest that chromatin remodeling mechanisms could be operating during grapevine bud development for controlling processes such as seasonal flowering, dormancy and bud burst. Furthermore, the expression of grapevine PcG-like genes was also detected in fruits and vegetative organs, suggesting that epigenetic changes could be at the basis of the regulation of various proliferation–differentiation cell transitions that occur during grapevine development.  相似文献   

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