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60份国内外藜麦材料子粒的品质性状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究藜麦子粒的品质性状,可以为藜麦育种、加工及消费提供参考。本研究对4份国内和56份国外藜麦材料子粒的品质性状进行了分析,结果表明60份藜麦材料子粒的千粒重、灰分、蛋白质、淀粉、脂肪、粗纤维、总黄酮和总多酚平均含量分别为4.23 g、2.28%、14.03%、57.71%、6.53%、2.46%、1.83 mg/g和1.49 mg/g。国内藜麦材料的灰分、蛋白质和总多酚平均含量较高,分别为3.47%、14.92%和1.78 mg/g;秘鲁藜麦材料的脂肪、粗纤维和总黄酮平均含量较高,分别为6.69%、2.66%和2.03 mg/g;美国藜麦材料的淀粉平均含量较高,为59.91%;玻利维亚藜麦材料的千粒重较高,为4.32 g;不同子粒颜色藜麦材料之间的品质存在差异,黑色藜麦材料的蛋白质含量较高,白色和红色藜麦材料的淀粉含量较高,红色和黑色藜麦材料的粗纤维、总黄酮和总多酚含量较高。  相似文献   

豌豆尖是我国的一种传统蔬菜,筛选适于豌豆尖用的菜用豌豆种质对豌豆栽培和育种具有重要意义。本研究以97份不同来源豌豆为研究材料,测定其豌豆尖中可溶性蛋白、维生素C、淀粉、纤维素、可溶性糖、含水量、叶绿素含量共7个主要品质性状,通过遗传多样性指数、频次分布、相关性、平均隶属函数和聚类,分析其遗传多样性,进行种质资源综合评价。研究结果表明,97份菜用豌豆种质的豌豆尖材料各品质性状的变异系数介于2.80%~38.64%之间,其中纤维素含量变异系数最大(38.64%);各性状遗传多样性指数介于2.02~2.94之间,其中可溶性糖遗传多样性指数最高。利用隶属函数法进行综合评价,平均隶属函数排名前5的种质分别为澳引3号、韩国甜脆豆、SWU-6、改良永盛珍宝和B-61。将各品质性状标准化后进行系统聚类,采用离差平方和法在欧氏遗传距离D=18.480处可以将97份菜用豌豆分为3个类群,第I类群包含35份种质,第II类群包含26份种质,第III类群包含36份种质。本研究97份豌豆嫩尖的7个品质性状均表现出广泛的遗传变异和丰富的遗传多样性,平均隶属函数值较高的5份豌豆种质分布在不同类群,研究结果可为豌豆嫩尖用品种选育和遗传研究提供参考。  相似文献   

对64份淮山种质资源品质性状进行了分析,结果表明:铁、氨基酸、总皂甙、锌含量的变异系数较大,分别为66.2%、59.9%、44.09%、42.77%;3种类型的淮山种质资源,其淀粉含量差异较大,褐苞薯蓣(23.52%)参薯(20.48%)薯蓣(12.93%);因子分析结果显示,淀粉和蛋白质含量累计贡献率达66.786%,可用这2个主成分较好地代替6个品质特性来评价与评判淮山品质;相关性分析表明,淀粉含量与总皂甙含量呈显著正相关,蛋白质含量与总皂甙含量呈极显著正相关,淀粉、蛋白质含量这2个主成分与总皂甙含量之间存在相互促进的效用;聚类分析表明,整个淮山资源可分为3大类,分别为高淀粉型、低淀粉型、高铁型。淮山种质资源品质性状分析,可为日后进行淮山种质资源的创新利用、新品种的选育提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

中国甘薯地方种质资源遗传多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
利用形态农艺性状标记对来自17个省份的176份中国甘薯地方种质资源进行遗传多样性分析,结果表明形态标记并未按照这些地方种质的来源地聚类,176份种质可以划分为5大类群,发现了复份保存的2对种质材料。对其中133份地方种质资源的品质特征进行比较和统计分析,筛选到高干物率、高淀粉种质11份,其中广东地方种质爆皮王的干物率和鲜薯淀粉含量最高,分别为34.87%和23.32%;鲜薯可溶性糖≥4.00%的材料11份,其中来自云南的腾冲本地种可溶性糖含量最高,为5.22%;筛选高蛋白材料2份。同时利用品质性状标记将133份地方种质划分为5大类群,第Ⅰ类群主要为干物率、淀粉含量和粗蛋白含量低,可溶性糖含量高的14份种质;第Ⅱ类群主要为可溶性糖含量较高、干物率和粗蛋白含量较低的28份种质;第Ⅲ类群由可溶性糖含量最高的腾冲本地种1份种质构成;第Ⅴ类群由干物率及鲜薯淀粉含量都很高的4份广东品种构成;剩余的86份种质组成第Ⅳ类群,各项表现不等。通过对我国甘薯地方种质资源遗传多样性的探索,为甘薯育种选配亲本提供参考,同时促进我国甘薯种质资源研究利用和种质创新。  相似文献   

绿豆主要营养品质近红外预测模型的构建与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用近红外法预测了中国绿豆主要营养品质蛋白质、淀粉和直链淀粉含量并比较绿豆粉和籽粒两种不同样品类型的差异。102份来自绿豆核心样品为试验材料,采用近红外分析系统扫描了绿豆籽粒和粉样品。光谱数据经预处理后,构建了最小二乘回归预测和交互验证模型并获得了最优校正统计参数。绿豆粉样品最大R2值和最小SECV值蛋白质含量为0.95和0.329,淀粉含量0.90和0.576,直链淀粉含量0.89和0.307;RPD值3.08至4.61。籽粒样品最大R2值和最小SECV值蛋白质含量为0.90和0.404,淀粉含量0.88和0.643,直链淀粉含量0.85和0.426;RPD值2.51至3.23。模型的稳健性采用外部验证法进行了评价。豆粉样品的平均差异1.0%~1.8%比籽粒样品略低。结果表明绿豆粉的三种组分的近红外预测方法具有快速和简单的特点,可应用于绿豆品质的测定。籽粒样品还具有无损种子结构,保持种子活力的特点,可在育种、种质资源创新等方面应用,但其准确度还有待进一步的改善。  相似文献   

西藏近缘野生大麦主要营养品质鉴定评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1022份西藏近缘野生大麦种质资源的主要营养品质性状进行了测定,了解了其籽粒的蛋白质、赖氨酸、总淀粉的含量状况,筛选出一批高蛋白质、高赖氨酸的优质资源,为我国大麦优质育种提供物质基础。  相似文献   

新收集大豆种质资源主要品质鉴定与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对"十五"期间新收集、保存入国家种质资源库的841份大豆种质资源的蛋白质、脂肪两个主要品质性状进行了鉴定评价.结果表明,蛋白质、脂肪含量均近似正态分布,最大频度分别出现在41.01%~ 42.00%含量范围和20.01%~21.00%含量范围.与以前收集、保存的种质资源相比,新收集种质资源的蛋白质含量呈下降趋势,而脂肪含量和蛋脂总量呈上升趋势.不同类型种质资源的品质性状比较结果表明,地方品种的蛋白质总体水平明显高于育种材料、引进种质和选育品种3种类型,引进种质的脂肪、蛋脂总量的总体水平明显高于其他3种类型.国内种质资源高蛋白质大豆占有率高于引进种质资源;引进种质资源高脂肪、高蛋白兼高油的大豆占有率高于国内种质资源.  相似文献   

小豆种质资源子粒淀粉和支链淀粉含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对小豆主产区的325份种质资源的子粒总淀粉和支链淀粉相对含量进行了鉴定评价.结果表明:小豆子粒中总淀粉含量为44.79%~67.44%,平均为57.06%;支链淀粉相对含量为62.61%~98.94%,平均为82.24%;品种间差异均达极显著.筛选出总淀粉高于62.64%和支链淀粉相对含量高于93.57%的种质资源各16份、直链淀粉相对含量高于29.14%的种质资源13份.  相似文献   

为建立近红外光谱技术测定荞麦蛋白质与淀粉含量的方法,本研究以217份荞麦样品为试验材料,采用最小二乘回归预测和交叉验证构建近红外预测模型。分析表明:前处理采用多元散射校正法(MSC),维数(Rank)分别为5和5,光谱区间6803.9~6094.2/cm所建立的荞麦蛋白质与淀粉含量模型的预测效果较好,其决定系数(R~2)分别为0.9481和0.9167,交叉验证均方根(RMSECV)分别为0.68和2.08,相对分析误差(RPD)分别为4.39和3.46,均大于3.0,外部验证相关系数均大于0.96。本试验所建立的蛋白质与淀粉含量近红外预测模型具有较高的准确度和稳健性,可用于荞麦品质的快速测定。  相似文献   

目的:应用近红外光谱(NIR)结合偏最小二乘法(PLS)建立小麦粉常规营养成分蛋白质、水分和脂肪的含量预测模型,并选择最佳模型。方法:收集117份小麦粉样品的近红外光谱,化学法测定蛋白质、水分和脂肪的含量,利用主成分分析(PCA)随机分组,81份样品用于构建模型、36份样品用作验证模型的预测能力。探讨波长范围和光谱预处理方法对所建模型预测能力的影响。结果:3个营养成分预测能力最好的模型分别是:对于蛋白质,预处理采用矢量归一化(SNV),波长选取7 505.9~5 446.2 cm-1和4 605.4~4 242.8 cm-1,预测模型的RPD值是7.02;对于水分,无预处理,波长选择全谱12 800~3 960 cm-1,模型的RPD值是6.83;对于脂肪,无预处理,波长在9 000~4 000 cm-1,模型的RPD值是5.06。结论:近红外光谱法可以实现对小麦粉常规营养成分的快速预测,通过选择波长范围和光谱预处理方法可以显著提高模型的预测能力。  相似文献   

随机挑选148份羽衣甘蓝种质资源和高世代材料,分析了成熟种子的含油量、蛋白质、硫苷和7种主要脂肪酸成分的表现特征及其相关性。结果表明:羽衣甘蓝成熟种子平均含油量为29.48%,平均蛋白质含量为45.13%,含油量和蛋白质总量为74.61%。硫苷含量的变幅最大,变异系数为31.72%。7种主要脂肪酸成分中,油酸和芥酸的含量较高,其次为亚油酸,棕榈酸和硬脂酸的含量较低。除硫苷含量和硬脂酸含量外,其余9个性状的表现均呈单峰正态分布。相关性分析表明,大多数性状间都具有显著或极显著的相关性,这与对甘蓝型、白菜型和芥菜型3种类型油菜的研究结果相一致。在羽衣甘蓝中存在一些优异的种质资源,通过筛选可以在油菜优质育种中加以利用。  相似文献   

食用豆类种质资源粗蛋白及粗淀粉含量的评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对"十五"期间收集、整理并存入国家种质库的1696份食用豆类种质资源的主要品质性状进行了鉴定评价.结果表明,9种食用豆类种质资源的粗蛋白、粗淀粉平均含量分别为24.93%、45.11%,不同食用豆类种质资源中各品质性状变异程度不同,其中菜豆和鹰嘴豆的粗蛋白和豇豆的粗淀粉含量变异最大.不同来源的食用豆类种质资源品质性状比较结果表明,国内绿豆种质资源粗蛋白含量明显优于国外种质资源.通过鉴定筛选出一批品质性状优良的食用豆类种质,并对使用的评价标准进行了讨论.  相似文献   

优良的甘蔗原料是生产高品质红糖的基础,筛选营养价值丰富的甘蔗种质资源,是选育红糖加工型甘蔗品种的基础。本研究以全国广泛种植、当前普遍用于红糖加工以及历史上较早应用于制作红糖等具有代表性的16份甘蔗种质为试验材料,通过分析蔗汁的蛋白质、总游离氨基酸、总多酚、蔗糖、还原糖、灰分、氯化物、胶体含量等营养、品质指标,采用因子分析、聚类分析、灰色多维综合评估等方法,建立了红糖加工型甘蔗种质资源评价与筛选方法,对16份甘蔗种质的营养价值综合评价得分进行排序。试验结果显示:不同参试甘蔗种质营养及品质指标间存在显著差异,选三、闽糖69-421、ROC22所含蛋白质、氨基酸的均值在所有材料中位居前列,灰分含量适中,可作为红糖加工型甘蔗种质进行应用;兼顾红糖生产需求和甘蔗营养成分含量,综合评价排序前5的种质依次为选三、闽糖69-421、云蔗05-51、ROC22和川糖61-408,是红糖加工型甘蔗种质的首选材料。  相似文献   

A linkage map of garden pea was constructed on the basis of 114 plants (F2 generation) derived from a cross combination Wt10245 x Wt11238. The map, consisting of 204 morphological, isozyme, AFLP, ISSR, STS, CAPS and RAPD markers, was used for interval mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling seed number, pod number, 1000-seed weight, 1000-yield, and seed protein content. Characterization of each QTL included identification of QTL position with reference to the flanking markers, estimation of the part of variance explained by this QTL, and determination of its gene action. The yield-related traits were measured in F2 plants and in F4 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). The interval mapping revealed two to six QTLs per trait, demonstrating linkage to seven pea chromosomes. A total of 37 detected QTLs accounted for 9.1-55.9% of the trait's phenotypic variation and showed different types of gene action. As many as eight and ten QTLs influencing the analysed traits were mapped in linkage groups III and V, respectively, indicating an important role of these regions of the pea genome in the control of yield and seed protein content.  相似文献   

Brassica napus L. is the leading European oilseed crop and has therefore a high economical importance. The objectives of our study were to examine (1) the patterns of phenotypic diversity in a species-wide B. napus germplasm set of 518 inbreds with respect to various seedling development, agronomic, and seed quality traits as well as (2) the interrelationship of the examined traits and their use in selection on correlated traits. The B. napus germplasm set was evaluated in greenhouse and field trials for several seedling development, agronomic, and seed quality traits. The traits were highly correlated within the individual trait categories and moderately correlated between the different trait categories. We observed differences in phenotypic diversity among the examined eight germplasm types. The reduction of phenotypic diversity was on average more pronounced for the seedling development traits than for the agronomic and seed quality traits, suggesting that plant breeders need to introgress new genetic variation with respect to the former.  相似文献   

Several classes of seed proteins limit the utilisation of plant proteins in human and farm animal diets, while plant foods have much to offer to the sustainable intensification of food/feed production and to human health. Reduction or removal of these proteins could greatly enhance seed protein quality and various strategies have been used to try to achieve this with limited success. We investigated whether seed protease inhibitor mutations could be exploited to enhance seed quality, availing of induced mutant and natural Pisum germplasm collections to identify mutants, whilst acquiring an understanding of the impact of mutations on activity. A mutant (TILLING) resource developed in Pisum sativum L. (pea) and a large germplasm collection representing Pisum diversity were investigated as sources of mutations that reduce or abolish the activity of the major protease inhibitor (Bowman-Birk) class of seed protein. Of three missense mutations, predicted to affect activity of the mature trypsin / chymotrypsin inhibitor TI1 protein, a C77Y substitution in the mature mutant inhibitor abolished inhibitor activity, consistent with an absolute requirement for the disulphide bond C77-C92 for function in the native inhibitor. Two further classes of mutation (S85F, E109K) resulted in less dramatic changes to isoform or overall inhibitory activity. The alternative strategy to reduce anti-nutrients, by targeted screening of Pisum germplasm, successfully identified a single accession (Pisum elatius) as a double null mutant for the two closely linked genes encoding the TI1 and TI2 seed protease inhibitors. The P. elatius mutant has extremely low seed protease inhibitory activity and introgression of the mutation into cultivated germplasm has been achieved. The study provides new insights into structure-function relationships for protease inhibitors which impact on pea seed quality. The induced and natural germplasm variants identified provide immediate potential for either halving or abolishing the corresponding inhibitory activity, along with associated molecular markers for breeding programmes. The potential for making large changes to plant protein profiles for improved and sustainable food production through diversity is illustrated. The strategy employed here to reduce anti-nutritional proteins in seeds may be extended to allergens and other seed proteins with negative nutritional effects. Additionally, the novel variants described for pea will assist future studies of the biological role and health-related properties of so-called anti-nutrients.  相似文献   

Three explorations were undertaken in South East Coastal zone of India covering parts of Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Orissa states to collect Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre germplasm during March–June 2007. A total of 123 accessions were collected and seed data recorded were analyzed for morphometric traits viz., seed length, seed width, seed thickness, 100‐seed weight and oil content. Variation in the collected germplasm was analyzed using anova , simple measures of variation and D2 statistics. Significant genetic variability between seed traits and oil content and association among the seed traits was recorded. Phenotypic variance was higher than genotypic variance for all the characters indicating dominant role of environment. High heritability (broad sense) for 100‐seed weight (97.6%) and oil content (86.7%) indicated the reliability of these characters as selection criteria for plus trees. Genetic gain was maximum for 100‐seed weight (62.6%) followed by oil content (30.5%). D2 analysis grouped the accessions into 12 clusters. Cluster XII and cluster IX were the most diverse based on the intercluster distance. Based on the observed diversity, Chittoor, Srikakulam and Adilabad districts of AP are most suitable for collecting diverse germplasm lines and also for in situ conservation.  相似文献   

Analysis of genetic effects on nutrient quality traits in indica rice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Nine cytoplasmic male-sterile lines and five restorer lines were used in an incomplete diallel cross to analyze seed effects, cytoplasmic effects, and maternal gene effects on nutrient quality traits of indica rice (Oryza sauva L.). The results indicated that nutrient quality traits were controlled by cytoplasmic and maternal effects as well as by seed direct effects. Maternal effects for lysine content (LC), lysine index (LI), and the ratio of lysine content to protein content (RLP) were more important than seed direct effects, while protein content (PC) and protein index (PI) were mainly affected by seed direct effects. Cytoplasmic effects accounted for 2.41–20.80% of the total genetic variation and were significant for all nutrient quality traits. Additive genetic effects were much more important than dominance effects for all of the traits studied, so that selection could be applied for these traits in early generations.  相似文献   

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